System\Windows\Forms\Control.cs (125)
246private Control? _parent;
247private WeakReference<Control>? _reflectParent;
301/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Control"/> class.
384/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Control"/> class.
391/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Control"/> class.
398/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Control"/> class.
400public Control(Control? parent, string? text) : this()
407/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Control"/> class.
409public Control(Control? parent, string? text, int left, int top, int width, int height) : this(parent, text)
781Control? parent = ParentInternal;
949Control? parent = ParentInternal;
1397if (container.ParentInternal is not Control parent
1620Control? control = ParentInternal;
2166Control topMost = TopMostParent;
2232Control? parent = ParentInternal;
2294Control control;
2301Control marshalingControl = FindMarshalingControl();
2345private static ISite? GetSitedParentSite(Control control)
2613public Control? Parent
2619internal virtual Control? ParentInternal
2691private Control? ReflectParent
2693get => _reflectParent?.TryGetTarget(out Control? parent) ?? false ? parent : null;
2698Control? existing = ReflectParent;
3144for (Control? control = this; control is not null; control = control.ParentInternal)
3188public Control? TopLevelControl => TopLevelControlInternal;
3190internal Control? TopLevelControlInternal
3194Control? control = this;
3204internal Control TopMostParent
3208Control control = this;
4144internal virtual void AssignParent(Control? value)
4283Control marshaler = FindMarshalingControl();
4337for (Control? ctl = this; ctl is not null; ctl = ctl._parent)
4352internal static void CheckParentingCycle(Control? bottom, Control? toFind)
4355Control? lastParent = null;
4357for (Control? ctl = bottom; ctl is not null; ctl = ctl.ParentInternal)
4390private void ChildGotFocus(Control child)
4403public bool Contains([NotNullWhen(true)] Control? ctl)
4582Control[] controlSnapshot = new Control[children.Count];
4585foreach (Control control in controlSnapshot)
4680/// Disposes of the resources (other than memory) used by the <see cref="Control"/>.
4742Control child = children[i];
4965Control marshaler = FindMarshalingControl();
5011Control? current = this;
5026private Control FindMarshalingControl()
5030Control? c = this;
5034Control? p = c.ParentInternal;
5135public static Control? FromChildHandle(IntPtr handle)
5140Control? control = FromHandle(hwnd);
5154/// it with the first parent <see cref="Control"/> if possible.
5162public static Control? FromHandle(IntPtr handle)
5211public Control? GetChildAtPoint(Point pt, GetChildAtPointSkip skipValue)
5222Control? control = FromChildHandle(hwnd);
5235public Control? GetChildAtPoint(Point pt) => GetChildAtPoint(pt, GetChildAtPointSkip.None);
5243Control? c = IsContainerControl ? ParentInternal : this;
5253private static bool IsFocusManagingContainerControl(Control ctl)
5352Control? control = this;
5383Control? ctl = FromHandle(hWndChild);
5405internal Control[] GetChildControlsInTabOrder(bool handleCreatedOnly)
5409foreach (Control c in Controls)
5419Control[] controls = new Control[holders.Count];
5428internal virtual Control? GetFirstChildControlInTabOrder(bool forward)
5435Control? found = null;
5511public Control? GetNextControl(Control? ctl, bool forward)
5522Control? found = ctl.GetFirstChildControlInTabOrder(forward: true);
5533Control? found = null;
5534Control? p = ctl._parent;
5596Control? found = null;
5597Control? parent = ctl._parent ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(
5617Control sibling = siblings[c];
5677Control? found = ctl.GetFirstChildControlInTabOrder(forward: false);
5694/// Return <see cref="Handle"/> if <paramref name="window"/> is a <see cref="Control"/>.
5700if (window is Control control)
5972Control marshaler = FindMarshalingControl();
6166protected void InvokePaint(Control c, PaintEventArgs e)
6171protected void InvokePaintBackground(Control c, PaintEventArgs e)
6182/// Returns <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="descendant"/> is a descendant of this <see cref="Control"/>.
6184internal bool IsDescendant(Control? descendant)
6186Control? control = descendant;
6328private static bool IsScaledByParent(Control control)
6330Control? parentControl = control.Parent;
6386private object MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, object?[]? args, bool synchronous)
6559protected void InvokeOnClick(Control? toInvoke, EventArgs e)
6689internal virtual void OnChildLayoutResuming(Control child, bool performLayout)
6994Control? parent = ParentInternal;
7170Control child = children[i];
7555protected void InvokeGotFocus(Control? toInvoke, EventArgs e)
7716protected void InvokeLostFocus(Control? toInvoke, EventArgs e)
8046/// This is called in the <see cref="Control"/> constructor before calculating the initial <see cref="Size"/>.
8188Control? parent = ParentInternal;
8318for (Control? c = ParentInternal; c is not null; c = c.ParentInternal)
8356public void PerformLayout(Control? affectedControl, string? affectedProperty)
8472foreach (Control c in Controls)
8605/// on the <see cref="Control"/> referenced by the <paramref name="msg"/> <see cref="Message.HWnd"/>. It
8620internal static PreProcessControlState PreProcessControlMessageInternal(Control? target, ref Message message)
8767Control child = Controls[i];
8970Control? topMostParent = null;
9166Control?[]? controlSnapshot = null;
9179controlSnapshot = new Control[children.Count];
9182Control childControl = children[i];
9241Control? childControl = controlSnapshot[i];
9447Control child = children[i];
9564internal virtual void Scale(SizeF includedFactor, SizeF excludedFactor, Control requestingControl, bool causedByFontChanged = false)
9600internal void ScaleChildControls(SizeF includedFactor, SizeF excludedFactor, Control requestingControl, bool causedByFontChanged = false)
9609Control child = children[i];
9868public bool SelectNextControl(Control? ctl, bool forward, bool tabStopOnly, bool nested, bool wrap)
9870Control? nextSelectableControl = GetNextSelectableControl(ctl, forward, tabStopOnly, nested, wrap);
9882private Control? GetNextSelectableControl(Control? ctl, bool forward, bool tabStopOnly, bool nested, bool wrap)
9890Control? start = ctl;
9941((Control)c).SelectNextControl(this, true, true, true, true);
10433internal static AutoValidate GetAutoValidateForControl(Control control)
10834private void UpdateChildControlIndex(Control control)
10841if (this is TabControl || GetType() == typeof(Control))
10851Control? previousControl = FromHandle(hWnd);
10910private void UpdateChildZOrder(Control control)
10920Control child = Controls[i];
11095internal void WmContextMenu(ref Message m, Control sourceControl)
11135Control? control = FromHandle(m.LParamInternal);
12748Control? controlParent = ParentInternal;
12765void AddIfCreated(Control? control)
12824internal virtual ToolInfoWrapper<Control> GetToolInfoWrapper(TOOLTIP_FLAGS flags, string? caption, ToolTip tooltip)
System\Windows\Forms\ErrorProvider\ErrorProvider.cs (18)
17[ProvideProperty("IconPadding", typeof(Control))]
18[ProvideProperty("IconAlignment", typeof(Control))]
19[ProvideProperty("Error", typeof(Control))]
25private readonly Dictionary<Control, ControlItem> _items = [];
26private readonly Dictionary<Control, ErrorWindow> _windows = [];
428if (errBindings[j].Control is Control control)
473Dictionary<Control, string> controlError = new(bindingsCount);
478if (errBindings[j].Control is not Control control)
506foreach (KeyValuePair<Control, string> entry in controlError)
677return extendee is Control and not Form;
711private ControlItem EnsureControlItem(Control control)
727internal ErrorWindow EnsureErrorWindow(Control parent)
745public string GetError(Control control) => EnsureControlItem(control).Error;
754public ErrorIconAlignment GetIconAlignment(Control control) => EnsureControlItem(control).IconAlignment;
763public int GetIconPadding(Control control) => EnsureControlItem(control).IconPadding;
781public void SetError(Control control, string? value)
805public void SetIconAlignment(Control control, ErrorIconAlignment value)
813public void SetIconPadding(Control control, int padding)
System\Windows\Forms\Help\Help.cs (10)
22public static void ShowHelp(Control? parent, string? url)
30public static void ShowHelp(Control? parent, string? url, HelpNavigator navigator)
38public static void ShowHelp(Control? parent, string? url, string? keyword)
53public static void ShowHelp(Control? parent, string? url, HelpNavigator command, object? parameter)
69public static void ShowHelpIndex(Control? parent, string? url)
77public static unsafe void ShowPopup(Control? parent, string caption, Point location)
102private static unsafe void ShowHTML10Help(Control? parent, string? url, HelpNavigator command, object? param)
137HandleRef<HWND> handle = parent is not null ? (new(parent)) : Control.GetHandleRef(PInvoke.GetActiveWindow());
194private static void ShowHTMLFile(Control? parent, string? url, HelpNavigator command, object? param)
214HandleRef<HWND> handle = parent is not null ? new(parent) : Control.GetHandleRef(PInvoke.GetActiveWindow());
System\Windows\Forms\Help\HelpProvider.cs (24)
12[ProvideProperty("HelpString", typeof(Control))]
13[ProvideProperty("HelpKeyword", typeof(Control))]
14[ProvideProperty("HelpNavigator", typeof(Control))]
15[ProvideProperty("ShowHelp", typeof(Control))]
20private readonly Dictionary<Control, string?> _helpStrings = [];
21private readonly Dictionary<Control, bool> _showHelp = [];
22private readonly List<Control> _boundControls = [];
23private readonly Dictionary<Control, string?> _keywords = [];
24private readonly Dictionary<Control, HelpNavigator> _navigators = [];
55public virtual bool CanExtend(object? target) => target is Control;
63public virtual string? GetHelpKeyword(Control ctl)
75public virtual HelpNavigator GetHelpNavigator(Control ctl)
87public virtual string? GetHelpString(Control ctl)
98public virtual bool GetShowHelp(Control ctl)
109if (sender is not Control ctl)
123if (Control.MouseButtons != MouseButtons.None && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpString))
159if (sender is not Control ctl)
172public virtual void SetHelpString(Control ctl, string? helpString)
188public virtual void SetHelpKeyword(Control ctl, string? keyword)
204public virtual void SetHelpNavigator(Control ctl, HelpNavigator navigator)
218public virtual void SetShowHelp(Control ctl, bool value)
229internal bool ShouldSerializeShowHelp(Control ctl)
239public virtual void ResetShowHelp(Control ctl)
249private void UpdateEventBinding(Control ctl)
System\Windows\Forms\Layout\Containers\SplitContainer.cs (11)
64private Control? _nextActiveControl;
1537Control? group = this;
1803Control? parent = ParentInternal;
1825private bool SelectNextControlInContainer(Control? ctl, bool forward, bool tabStopOnly,
1906Control? parent = ParentInternal;
1928private bool SelectNextControlInPanel(Control? ctl, bool forward, bool tabStopOnly,
1995private static void SelectNextActiveControl(Control ctl, bool forward, bool tabStopOnly, bool nested, bool wrap)
2026foreach (Control control in sc.Controls)
2031foreach (Control child in control.Controls)
2288internal override void AfterControlRemoved(Control control, Control oldParent)
System\Windows\Forms\Panels\TableLayoutPanel\TableLayoutPanel.cs (19)
11[ProvideProperty("ColumnSpan", typeof(Control))]
12[ProvideProperty("RowSpan", typeof(Control))]
13[ProvideProperty("Row", typeof(Control))]
14[ProvideProperty("Column", typeof(Control))]
15[ProvideProperty("CellPosition", typeof(Control))]
177obj is Control control && control.Parent == this;
183public int GetColumnSpan(Control control) =>
186public void SetColumnSpan(Control control, int value)
197public int GetRowSpan(Control control) => _tableLayoutSettings.GetRowSpan(control);
199public void SetRowSpan(Control control, int value)
212public int GetRow(Control control) => _tableLayoutSettings.GetRow(control);
215public void SetRow(Control control, int row)
227public TableLayoutPanelCellPosition GetCellPosition(Control control) =>
231public void SetCellPosition(Control control, TableLayoutPanelCellPosition position) =>
240public int GetColumn(Control control) => _tableLayoutSettings.GetColumn(control);
243public void SetColumn(Control control, int column)
252public Control? GetControlFromPosition(int column, int row) =>
253(Control?)_tableLayoutSettings.GetControlFromPosition(column, row);
255public TableLayoutPanelCellPosition GetPositionFromControl(Control? control) =>
System\Windows\Forms\ToolTip\ToolTip.cs (73)
13[ProvideProperty(nameof(ToolTip), typeof(Control))]
36private readonly Dictionary<Control, TipInfo> _tools = [];
41private Control? _topLevelControl;
50private readonly Dictionary<HWND, Control> _owners = [];
69private readonly HashSet<Control> _created = [];
149internal string? GetCaptionForTool(Control tool)
305if (window is Control control &&
475private Control? TopLevelControl
484Control? currentTopLevel = null;
485Control[] controls = [.. _tools.Keys];
488var control = controls[i];
617private void AnnounceText(Control? tool, string text)
636Control control = (Control)sender!;
645Control control = (Control)sender!;
676public bool CanExtend(object target) => target is Control;
793Control[] controls = [.. _tools.Keys];
794foreach (Control control in controls)
802Control[] controls = [.. _tools.Keys];
803foreach (Control control in controls)
815private void SetToolInfo(Control control, string? caption)
843private void CreateRegion(Control control)
869if (sender is not Control control)
897private void DestroyRegion(Control control)
913new ToolInfoWrapper<Control>(control).SendMessage(this, PInvoke.TTM_DELTOOLW);
972private unsafe ToolInfoWrapper<Control> GetTOOLINFO(Control control, string? caption)
1002return new(Control.GetSafeHandle(window), flags);
1012public string? GetToolTip(Control? control)
1030Control? current = TopLevelControl;
1039Control? currentControl = Control.FromHandle(hwndControl);
1073current = Control.FromHandle(found);
1076current = Control.FromChildHandle(found);
1093Control? control = Control.FromHandle(hwnd);
1147Control[] controls = [.. _tools.Keys];
1148foreach (Control control in controls)
1205public void SetToolTip(Control control, string? caption)
1214private void SetToolTipInternal(Control control, TipInfo info)
1247ToolInfoWrapper<Control> toolInfo = GetTOOLINFO(control, info!.Caption);
1266private void SetToolTipToControl(Control associatedControl)
1309if (window is Control associatedControl)
1409PInvokeCore.GetWindowRect(Control.GetSafeHandle(window), out var r);
1429PInvokeCore.GetWindowRect(Control.GetSafeHandle(window), out var r);
1447PInvokeCore.GetWindowRect(Control.GetSafeHandle(window), out var r);
1465PInvokeCore.GetWindowRect(Control.GetSafeHandle(window), out var r);
1502if ((tool is Control toolAsControl && _tools.TryGetValue(toolAsControl, out TipInfo? tipInfo)) ||
1503(ownerWindow is Control ownerWindowAsControl && _tools.TryGetValue(ownerWindowAsControl, out tipInfo)))
1532ToolInfoWrapper<HandleRef<HWND>> info = new(Control.GetSafeHandle(ownerWindow));
1729if (win is Control control && control.IsDisposed)
1737ToolInfoWrapper<HandleRef<HWND>> info = new(Control.GetSafeHandle(win));
1745if (win is not Control tool)
1783Control[] controls = [.. _owners.Values];
1792Control? tool = window as Control;
1795ToolInfoWrapper<Control> toolInfo = new(tool);
1830if (window is Control windowAsControl)
1961ToolInfoWrapper<Control> toolInfo = default;
1970private Control? GetCurrentToolWindow()
1973return _owners.TryGetValue(hwnd, out Control? control) ? control : Control.FromHandle(hwnd);
1982if (window is not Control windowAsControl || !_tools.TryGetValue(windowAsControl, out TipInfo? tipInfo))
2007PInvokeCore.GetWindowRect(Control.GetSafeHandle(window), out var r);
2043Control? toolControl = window as Control;
2157if (window is Control windowAsControl && !_tools.TryGetValue(windowAsControl, out tipInfo))
2231if (window is not Control control || !_tools.TryGetValue(control, out TipInfo? tipInfo))
2337font = Control.DefaultFont;
2340Control? control = window as Control ?? Control.FromHandle(window.Handle);