// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Drawing;
using Microsoft.Win32;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
public static partial class ToolStripManager
// WARNING: ThreadStatic initialization happens only on the first thread at class CTOR time.
// use InitializeThread mechanism to initialize ThreadStatic members
private static WeakRefCollection<ToolStrip>? t_activeToolStrips;
private static WeakRefCollection<ToolStripPanel>? t_activeToolStripPanels;
private static bool t_initialized;
private static Font? s_defaultFont;
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, Font> s_defaultFontCache = new();
// WARNING: When subscribing to static event handlers - make sure you unhook from them
// otherwise you can leak USER objects on process shutdown.
// Consider: use WeakRefCollection
private static Delegate?[]? t_staticEventHandlers;
private const int StaticEventDefaultRendererChanged = 0;
private const int StaticEventCount = 1;
private static readonly Lock s_internalSyncObject = new();
private static void InitializeThread()
if (!t_initialized)
t_initialized = true;
t_currentRendererType = s_professionalRendererType;
static ToolStripManager()
SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanging += OnUserPreferenceChanging;
internal static Font DefaultFont
if (AppContextSwitches.ApplyParentFontToMenus)
return Control.DefaultFont;
Font? sysFont;
// We need to cache the default fonts for the different DPIs.
if (ScaleHelper.IsThreadPerMonitorV2Aware)
int dpi = CurrentDpi;
if (!s_defaultFontCache.TryGetValue(dpi, out Font? retFont))
// Default to menu font
sysFont = SystemInformation.GetMenuFontForDpi(dpi);
// Ensure font is in pixels so it displays properly in the property grid at design time.
if (sysFont.Unit != GraphicsUnit.Point)
retFont = ControlPaint.FontInPoints(sysFont);
retFont = sysFont;
s_defaultFontCache[dpi] = retFont;
return retFont;
// Threadsafe local reference
Font? retFont = s_defaultFont;
if (retFont is null)
lock (s_internalSyncObject)
// Double check the defaultFont after the lock.
retFont = s_defaultFont;
if (retFont is null)
// Default to menu font
sysFont = SystemFonts.MenuFont;
// ...or to control font if menu font unavailable
sysFont ??= Control.DefaultFont;
// Ensure font is in pixels so it displays properly in the property grid at design time.
if (sysFont.Unit != GraphicsUnit.Point)
s_defaultFont = ControlPaint.FontInPoints(sysFont);
retFont = s_defaultFont;
s_defaultFont = sysFont;
retFont = s_defaultFont;
return retFont;
return retFont;
internal static int CurrentDpi { get; set; } = ScaleHelper.InitialSystemDpi;
internal static WeakRefCollection<ToolStrip> ToolStrips
=> t_activeToolStrips ??= [];
/// <summary>Static events only!!!</summary>
private static void AddEventHandler(int key, Delegate? value)
lock (s_internalSyncObject)
t_staticEventHandlers ??= new Delegate[StaticEventCount];
t_staticEventHandlers[key] = Delegate.Combine(t_staticEventHandlers[key], value);
/// <summary>
/// Find a toolstrip in the weak ref ArrayList, return null if nothing was found
/// </summary>
public static ToolStrip? FindToolStrip(string toolStripName)
foreach (ToolStrip toolStrip in ToolStrips)
if (string.Equals(toolStrip.Name, toolStripName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
return toolStrip;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Find a toolstrip in the weak ref ArrayList, return null if nothing was found
/// </summary>
internal static ToolStrip? FindToolStrip(Form owningForm, string toolStripName)
ToolStrip? result = null;
foreach (ToolStrip toolStrip in ToolStrips)
if (string.Equals(toolStrip.Name, toolStripName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
result = toolStrip;
if (result.FindForm() == owningForm)
return result;
private static bool CanChangeSelection(ToolStrip start, ToolStrip toolStrip)
if (toolStrip is null)
Debug.Fail("passed in bogus toolstrip, why?");
return false;
bool canChange = !toolStrip.TabStop &&
toolStrip.Enabled &&
toolStrip.Visible &&
!toolStrip.IsDisposed &&
!toolStrip.Disposing &&
!toolStrip.IsDropDown &&
IsOnSameWindow(start, toolStrip);
if (canChange)
foreach (ToolStripItem item in toolStrip.Items)
if (item.CanSelect)
return true;
return false;
private static bool ChangeSelection(ToolStrip start, ToolStrip toolStrip)
if (toolStrip is null || start is null)
Debug.Assert(toolStrip is not null, "passed in bogus toolstrip, why?");
Debug.Assert(start is not null, "passed in bogus start, why?");
return false;
if (start == toolStrip)
return false;
if (ModalMenuFilter.InMenuMode)
if (ModalMenuFilter.GetActiveToolStrip() == start)
// Copy over the hwnd that we want to restore focus to on ESC
toolStrip.SelectNextToolStripItem(start: null, toolStrip.RightToLeft != RightToLeft.Yes);
return true;
private static Delegate? GetEventHandler(int key)
lock (s_internalSyncObject)
if (t_staticEventHandlers is null)
return null;
return t_staticEventHandlers[key];
private static bool IsOnSameWindow(Control control1, Control control2)
=> PInvoke.GetAncestor(control1, GET_ANCESTOR_FLAGS.GA_ROOT) == PInvoke.GetAncestor(control2, GET_ANCESTOR_FLAGS.GA_ROOT);
internal static bool IsThreadUsingToolStrips()
=> t_activeToolStrips is not null && t_activeToolStrips.Count > 0;
private static void OnUserPreferenceChanging(object sender, UserPreferenceChangingEventArgs e)
// Using changing here so that the cache will be cleared by the time the ToolStrip
// hooks onto the changed event.
// SPI_SETNONCLIENTMETRICS is put up in WM_SETTINGCHANGE if the Menu font changes.
// this corresponds to UserPreferenceCategory.Window.
if (e.Category != UserPreferenceCategory.Window)
if (ScaleHelper.IsThreadPerMonitorV2Aware)
lock (s_internalSyncObject)
s_defaultFont = null;
internal static void NotifyMenuModeChange(bool invalidateText, bool activationChange)
// If we've toggled the ShowUnderlines value, we'll need to invalidate
foreach (ToolStrip toolStrip in ToolStrips)
if (invalidateText)
if (activationChange)
toolStrip.KeyboardActive = false;
private static void RemoveEventHandler(int key, Delegate? value)
lock (s_internalSyncObject)
if (t_staticEventHandlers is not null)
t_staticEventHandlers[key] = Delegate.Remove(t_staticEventHandlers[key], value);
/// <summary>
/// This is a special version of SelectNextControl which looks for ToolStrips
/// that are TabStop = false in TabOrder. This is used from Control+Tab
/// handling to swap focus between ToolStrips.
/// </summary>
internal static bool SelectNextToolStrip(ToolStrip start, bool forward)
if (start is null || start.ParentInternal is null)
Debug.Assert(start is not null, "why is null passed here?");
return false;
ToolStrip? wrappedControl = null;
ToolStrip? nextControl = null;
int startTabIndex = start.TabIndex;
int index = ToolStrips.IndexOf(start);
int totalCount = ToolStrips.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < totalCount; i++)
index = (forward) ? (index + 1) % totalCount
: (index + totalCount - 1) % totalCount;
if (ToolStrips[index] is not ToolStrip toolStrip ||
toolStrip == start)
int nextControlTabIndex = toolStrip.TabIndex;
// since CanChangeSelection can iterate through all the items in a toolstrip,
// defer the checking until we think we've got a viable TabIndex candidate.
// this brings it to O(n+m) instead of O(n*m) where n is # toolstrips & m is avg number
// items/toolstrip
if (forward)
if (nextControlTabIndex >= startTabIndex && CanChangeSelection(start, toolStrip))
if (nextControl is null)
nextControl = toolStrip;
else if (toolStrip.TabIndex < nextControl.TabIndex)
// We want to pick a larger index, but one that's
// closest to the start tab index.
nextControl = toolStrip;
else if (((wrappedControl is null) || (toolStrip.TabIndex < wrappedControl.TabIndex))
&& CanChangeSelection(start, toolStrip))
// We've found a candidate for wrapping (the one with the smallest tab index in the collection)
wrappedControl = toolStrip;
if (nextControlTabIndex <= startTabIndex && CanChangeSelection(start, toolStrip))
if (nextControl is null)
nextControl = toolStrip;
else if (toolStrip.TabIndex > nextControl.TabIndex)
// We want to pick a smaller index, but one that's
// closest to the start tab index.
nextControl = toolStrip;
else if (((wrappedControl is null) || (toolStrip.TabIndex > wrappedControl.TabIndex))
&& CanChangeSelection(start, toolStrip))
// We've found a candidate for wrapping (the one with the largest tab index in the collection)
wrappedControl = toolStrip;
if (nextControl is not null && Math.Abs(nextControl.TabIndex - startTabIndex) <= 1)
// If we've found a valid candidate and it's within 1
// then bail, we've found something close enough.
if (nextControl is not null)
return ChangeSelection(start, nextControl);
else if (wrappedControl is not null)
return ChangeSelection(start, wrappedControl);
return false;
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// This is thread static because we want separate instances for each thread.
/// We don't want to guarantee thread safety and don't want to have to take
/// locks in painting code.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
private static ToolStripRenderer? t_defaultRenderer;
// types cached for perf.
internal static Type s_systemRendererType = typeof(ToolStripSystemRenderer);
internal static Type s_professionalRendererType = typeof(ToolStripProfessionalRenderer);
private static bool s_visualStylesEnabledIfPossible = true;
private static Type? t_currentRendererType;
private static Type CurrentRendererType
return t_currentRendererType!;
set => t_currentRendererType = value;
private static Type s_defaultRendererType => s_professionalRendererType;
/// <summary>
/// The default renderer for the thread. When ToolStrip.RenderMode is set
/// to manager - this is the property used.
/// </summary>
public static ToolStripRenderer Renderer
t_defaultRenderer ??= CreateRenderer(RenderMode);
return t_defaultRenderer;
if (t_defaultRenderer != value)
CurrentRendererType = (value is null) ? s_defaultRendererType : value.GetType();
t_defaultRenderer = value;
((EventHandler?)GetEventHandler(StaticEventDefaultRendererChanged))?.Invoke(null, EventArgs.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// Occurs when toolstripmanager.Renderer property has changed
/// Warning: When subscribing to static event handlers - make sure you unhook from them
/// otherwise you can leak user objects on process shutdown.
/// </summary>
public static event EventHandler? RendererChanged
add => AddEventHandler(StaticEventDefaultRendererChanged, value);
remove => RemoveEventHandler(StaticEventDefaultRendererChanged, value);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the default toolstrip RenderMode for the thread
/// </summary>
public static ToolStripManagerRenderMode RenderMode
Type currentType = CurrentRendererType;
if (t_defaultRenderer is not null && !t_defaultRenderer.IsAutoGenerated)
return ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Custom;
// check the type of the currently set renderer.
// types are cached as this may be called frequently.
if (currentType == s_professionalRendererType)
return ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Professional;
if (currentType == s_systemRendererType)
return ToolStripManagerRenderMode.System;
return ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Custom;
switch (value)
case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.System:
case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Professional:
Renderer = CreateRenderer(value);
case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Custom:
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.ToolStripRenderModeUseRendererPropertyInstead);
/// <summary>
/// An additional layering of control. This lets you pick whether your toolbars
/// should use visual style information (theming) to render itself.
/// potentially you could want a themed app but an unthemed toolstrip.
/// </summary>
public static bool VisualStylesEnabled
get => s_visualStylesEnabledIfPossible && Application.RenderWithVisualStyles;
bool oldVis = VisualStylesEnabled;
s_visualStylesEnabledIfPossible = value;
if (oldVis != VisualStylesEnabled)
((EventHandler?)GetEventHandler(StaticEventDefaultRendererChanged))?.Invoke(null, EventArgs.Empty);
internal static ToolStripRenderer CreateRenderer(ToolStripManagerRenderMode renderMode)
switch (renderMode)
case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.System:
return new ToolStripSystemRenderer(isDefault: true);
case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Professional:
#pragma warning disable WFO5001 // Type is for evaluation purposes only and is subject to change or removal in future updates. Suppress this diagnostic to proceed.
if (Application.IsDarkModeEnabled)
return new ToolStripProfessionalRenderer(new DarkProfessionalColors());
#pragma warning restore WFO5001
return new ToolStripProfessionalRenderer(isDefault: true);
case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Custom:
return new ToolStripSystemRenderer(isDefault: true);
internal static ToolStripRenderer CreateRenderer(ToolStripRenderMode renderMode)
return renderMode switch
ToolStripRenderMode.System => new ToolStripSystemRenderer(isDefault: true),
ToolStripRenderMode.Professional => new ToolStripProfessionalRenderer(isDefault: true),
_ => new ToolStripSystemRenderer(isDefault: true),
internal static WeakRefCollection<ToolStripPanel> ToolStripPanels
=> t_activeToolStripPanels ??= [];
internal static ToolStripPanel? ToolStripPanelFromPoint(Control draggedControl, Point screenLocation)
if (t_activeToolStripPanels is not null)
ISupportToolStripPanel draggedItem = (ISupportToolStripPanel)draggedControl;
bool rootWindowCheck = draggedItem.IsCurrentlyDragging;
foreach (ToolStripPanel toolStripPanel in t_activeToolStripPanels)
if (toolStripPanel.IsHandleCreated && toolStripPanel.Visible &&
// Ensure that we can't drag off one window to another.
if (rootWindowCheck)
if (IsOnSameWindow(draggedControl, toolStripPanel))
return toolStripPanel;
return toolStripPanel;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Loads settings for the given Form using the form type's fullname as settings key.
/// </summary>
public static void LoadSettings(Form targetForm)
LoadSettings(targetForm, targetForm.GetType().FullName!);
/// <summary>
/// Loads settings for the given Form with the given settings key.
/// </summary>
public static void LoadSettings(Form targetForm, string key)
ToolStripSettingsManager settingsManager = new(targetForm, key);
/// <summary>
/// Saves settings for the given form using the form type's fullname as settings key.
/// </summary>
public static void SaveSettings(Form sourceForm)
SaveSettings(sourceForm, sourceForm.GetType().FullName!);
/// <summary>
/// Saves settings for the given form with the given settings key.
/// </summary>
public static void SaveSettings(Form sourceForm, string key)
ToolStripSettingsManager settingsManager = new(sourceForm, key);
internal static bool ShowMenuFocusCues
=> DisplayInformation.MenuAccessKeysUnderlined || ModalMenuFilter.Instance.ShowUnderlines;
/// <summary>
/// Determines if the key combination is valid for a shortcut.
/// Must have a modifier key + a regular key.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsValidShortcut(Keys shortcut)
// Should have a key and one or more modifiers.
Keys keyCode = shortcut & Keys.KeyCode;
Keys modifiers = shortcut & Keys.Modifiers;
if (shortcut == Keys.None)
return false;
else if (keyCode is Keys.Delete or Keys.Insert)
return true;
else if ((int)keyCode is >= ((int)Keys.F1) and <= ((int)Keys.F24))
// Function keys by themselves are valid
return true;
else if ((keyCode != Keys.None) && (modifiers != Keys.None))
switch (keyCode)
case Keys.Menu:
case Keys.ControlKey:
case Keys.ShiftKey:
// Shift, control and alt aren't valid on their own.
return false;
if (modifiers == Keys.Shift)
// Shift + somekey isn't a valid modifier either
return false;
return true;
// Has to have a valid keycode and valid modifier.
return false;
internal static bool IsMenuKey(Keys keyData)
=> (keyData & Keys.KeyCode) is Keys.Menu or Keys.F10;
public static bool IsShortcutDefined(Keys shortcut)
foreach (ToolStrip toolStrip in ToolStrips)
if (toolStrip.Shortcuts.ContainsKey(shortcut))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// This function is called for toplevel controls to process shortcuts.
/// This function should be called from the topmost container control only.
/// </summary>
internal static bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message m, Keys keyData)
if (IsValidShortcut(keyData))
// If we're at the toplevel, check the toolstrips for matching shortcuts.
// Win32 menus are handled in Form.ProcessCmdKey, but we can't guarantee that
// toolstrips will be hosted in a form. ToolStrips have a hash of shortcuts
// per container, so this should hopefully be a quick search.
return ProcessShortcut(ref m, keyData);
if (m.Msg == (int)PInvokeCore.WM_SYSKEYDOWN)
ModalMenuFilter.ProcessMenuKeyDown(ref m);
return false;
/// <summary>
/// We're halfway to an accelerator table system here.
/// Each toolstrip maintains a hash of the current shortcuts its using.
/// this way the search only takes O(number of toolstrips in the thread)
/// ToolStripMenuItem pushes itself into this table as the owner is set or the shortcut changes.
/// </summary>
internal static bool ProcessShortcut(ref Message m, Keys shortcut)
if (!IsThreadUsingToolStrips())
return false;
Control? activeControl = Control.FromChildHandle(m.HWnd);
Control? activeControlInChain = activeControl;
if (activeControlInChain is null || !IsValidShortcut(shortcut))
return false;
// Start from the focused control and work your way up the parent chain
// Check the context menu strip first.
if (activeControlInChain.ContextMenuStrip is not null
&& activeControlInChain.ContextMenuStrip.Shortcuts.TryGetValue(shortcut, out ToolStripMenuItem? item)
&& item.ProcessCmdKey(ref m, shortcut))
return true;
activeControlInChain = activeControlInChain.ParentInternal;
while (activeControlInChain is not null);
if (activeControlInChain is not null)
// The keystroke may apply to one of our parents, a WM_CONTEXTMENU message bubbles up to the parent control.
activeControl = activeControlInChain;
bool retVal = false;
// Now search the toolstrips
foreach (ToolStrip toolStrip in ToolStrips)
bool isAssociatedContextMenu = false;
bool isDoublyAssignedContextMenuStrip = false;
if ((activeControl is not null && toolStrip == activeControl.ContextMenuStrip)
|| !toolStrip.Shortcuts.ContainsKey(shortcut))
if (toolStrip.IsDropDown)
// We don't want to process someone else's context menu (e.g. button1 and button2 have context menus)
// button2's context menu should not be processed if button1 is the one we're processing.
ToolStripDropDown dropDown = (ToolStripDropDown)toolStrip;
// If a context menu is re-used between the main menu and the
// and some other control's context menu, we should go ahead and evaluate it.
if (dropDown.GetFirstDropDown() is ContextMenuStrip topLevelContextMenu)
isDoublyAssignedContextMenuStrip = topLevelContextMenu.IsAssignedToDropDownItem;
if (!isDoublyAssignedContextMenuStrip)
if (topLevelContextMenu != activeControl!.ContextMenuStrip)
// The toplevel context menu is NOT the same as the active control's context menu.
isAssociatedContextMenu = true;
// else it's not a child of a context menu
bool rootWindowsMatch = false;
if (!isAssociatedContextMenu)
// Make sure that were processing shortcuts for the correct window.
// since the shortcut lookup is faster than this check we've postponed this to the last
// possible moment.
ToolStrip? topMostToolStrip = toolStrip.GetToplevelOwnerToolStrip();
if (topMostToolStrip is not null && activeControl is not null)
HWND rootWindowOfToolStrip = PInvoke.GetAncestor(topMostToolStrip, GET_ANCESTOR_FLAGS.GA_ROOT);
HWND rootWindowOfControl = PInvoke.GetAncestor(activeControl, GET_ANCESTOR_FLAGS.GA_ROOT);
rootWindowsMatch = rootWindowOfToolStrip == rootWindowOfControl;
if (rootWindowsMatch)
// Double check this is not an MDIContainer type situation...
if (Control.FromHandle(rootWindowOfControl) is Form mainForm && mainForm.IsMdiContainer)
Form? toolStripForm = topMostToolStrip.FindForm();
if (toolStripForm != mainForm && toolStripForm is not null)
// We should only process shortcuts of the ActiveMDIChild or the Main Form.
rootWindowsMatch = toolStripForm == mainForm.ActiveMdiChildInternal;
if (isAssociatedContextMenu || rootWindowsMatch || isDoublyAssignedContextMenuStrip)
if (toolStrip.Shortcuts.TryGetValue(shortcut, out ToolStripMenuItem? item)
&& item.ProcessCmdKey(ref m, shortcut))
retVal = true;
return retVal;
/// <summary>
/// This function handles when Alt is pressed.
/// If it finds a menustrip to select, it returns true,
/// If it doesn't it returns false.
/// If it finds a win32 menu is already associated with the control it bails, returning false.
/// </summary>
internal static bool ProcessMenuKey(ref Message m)
if (!IsThreadUsingToolStrips())
return false;
Keys keyData = (Keys)(nint)m.LParamInternal;
// Search for our menu to work with
Control? intendedControl = Control.FromHandle(m.HWnd);
Control? toplevelControl = null;
MenuStrip? menuStripToActivate = null;
if (intendedControl is not null)
// Search for a menustrip to select.
toplevelControl = intendedControl.TopLevelControlInternal;
if (toplevelControl is not null)
HMENU hMenu = PInvoke.GetMenu(toplevelControl);
if (hMenu == HMENU.Null)
// Only activate the menu if there's no win32 menu. Win32 menus trump menustrips.
menuStripToActivate = GetMainMenuStrip(toplevelControl);
// The data that comes into the LParam is the ASCII code, not the VK_* code.
// we need to compare against char instead.
if ((char)keyData == ' ')
// Don't process system menu
ModalMenuFilter.MenuKeyToggle = false;
else if ((char)keyData == '-')
// Deal with MDI system menu
if (toplevelControl is Form mdiChild && mdiChild.IsMdiChild)
if (mdiChild.WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized)
ModalMenuFilter.MenuKeyToggle = false;
// This is the same as Control.ModifierKeys - but we save two p/invokes.
if (PInvoke.GetKeyState((int)Keys.ShiftKey) < 0 && (keyData == Keys.None))
// If it's Shift+F10 and we're already InMenuMode, then we
// need to cancel this message, otherwise we'll enter the native modal menu loop.
return ModalMenuFilter.InMenuMode;
if (menuStripToActivate is not null && !ModalMenuFilter.MenuKeyToggle)
// If we've alt-tabbed away don't snap/restore focus.
HWND topmostParentOfMenu = PInvoke.GetAncestor(menuStripToActivate, GET_ANCESTOR_FLAGS.GA_ROOT);
HWND foregroundWindow = PInvokeCore.GetForegroundWindow();
if (topmostParentOfMenu == foregroundWindow)
return menuStripToActivate.OnMenuKey();
else if (menuStripToActivate is not null)
ModalMenuFilter.MenuKeyToggle = false;
return true;
return false;
internal static MenuStrip? GetMainMenuStrip(Control control)
if (control is null)
Debug.Fail("why are we passing null to GetMainMenuStrip?");
return null;
// Look for a particular main menu strip to be set.
Form? mainForm = control.FindForm();
if (mainForm is not null && mainForm.MainMenuStrip is not null)
return mainForm.MainMenuStrip;
// If not found go through the entire collection.
return GetFirstMenuStripRecursive(control.Controls);
private static MenuStrip? GetFirstMenuStripRecursive(Control.ControlCollection controlsToLookIn)
// Perform breadth first search - as it's likely people will want controls belonging
// to the same parent close to each other.
for (int i = 0; i < controlsToLookIn.Count; i++)
if (controlsToLookIn[i] is null)
if (controlsToLookIn[i] is MenuStrip menuStrip)
return menuStrip;
// Recursive search for controls in child collections.
for (int i = 0; i < controlsToLookIn.Count; i++)
if (controlsToLookIn[i] is null)
if ((controlsToLookIn[i].Controls is not null) && controlsToLookIn[i].Controls.Count > 0)
// If it has a valid child collection, append those results to our collection
MenuStrip? menuStrip = GetFirstMenuStripRecursive(controlsToLookIn[i].Controls);
if (menuStrip is not null)
return menuStrip;
catch (Exception e) when (!e.IsCriticalException())
return null;
private static ToolStripItem? FindMatch(ToolStripItem source, ToolStripItemCollection destinationItems)
// Based on MergeAction:
// Append, return the last sibling
ToolStripItem? result = null;
if (source is not null)
for (int i = 0; i < destinationItems.Count; i++)
ToolStripItem candidateItem = destinationItems[i];
// Using SafeCompareKeys so we use the same heuristics as keyed collections.
if (WindowsFormsUtils.SafeCompareStrings(source.Text, candidateItem.Text, true))
// We found it
result = candidateItem;
if (result is null && source.MergeIndex > -1 && source.MergeIndex < destinationItems.Count)
result = destinationItems[source.MergeIndex];
return result;
internal static List<ToolStrip> FindMergeableToolStrips(ContainerControl? container)
List<ToolStrip> result = [];
if (container is not null)
foreach (ToolStrip toolStrip in ToolStrips)
if (toolStrip.AllowMerge && container == toolStrip.FindForm())
// Sort them from more specific to less specific
result.Sort(new ToolStripCustomIComparer());
return result;
private static bool IsSpecialMDIStrip(ToolStrip toolStrip)
=> toolStrip is MdiControlStrip or MdiWindowListStrip;
/// <summary>
/// Merge two toolstrips
/// </summary>
public static bool Merge(ToolStrip sourceToolStrip, ToolStrip targetToolStrip)
if (targetToolStrip == sourceToolStrip)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.ToolStripMergeImpossibleIdentical);
// We only do this if the source and target toolstrips are the same
bool canMerge = IsSpecialMDIStrip(sourceToolStrip);
canMerge = canMerge
|| (sourceToolStrip.AllowMerge
&& targetToolStrip.AllowMerge
&& (sourceToolStrip.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(targetToolStrip.GetType())
|| targetToolStrip.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(sourceToolStrip.GetType())));
MergeHistory? mergeHistory = null;
if (canMerge)
mergeHistory = new MergeHistory(sourceToolStrip);
int originalCount = sourceToolStrip.Items.Count;
if (originalCount > 0)
int lastCount = originalCount;
// 2. do the actual merging logic
for (int i = 0, itemToLookAt = 0; i < originalCount; i++)
ToolStripItem item = sourceToolStrip.Items[itemToLookAt];
MergeRecursive(item, targetToolStrip.Items, mergeHistory.MergeHistoryItemsStack);
int numberOfItemsMerged = lastCount - sourceToolStrip.Items.Count;
itemToLookAt = (numberOfItemsMerged > 0) ? itemToLookAt : itemToLookAt + 1;
lastCount = sourceToolStrip.Items.Count;
if (mergeHistory.MergeHistoryItemsStack.Count > 0)
// Only push this on the stack if we actually did something
return mergeHistory is not null && mergeHistory.MergeHistoryItemsStack.Count > 0;
private static void MergeRecursive(ToolStripItem source, ToolStripItemCollection destinationItems, Stack<MergeHistoryItem> history)
MergeHistoryItem maction;
switch (source.MergeAction)
case MergeAction.MatchOnly:
case MergeAction.Replace:
case MergeAction.Remove:
ToolStripItem? item = FindMatch(source, destinationItems);
if (item is not null)
switch (source.MergeAction)
case MergeAction.MatchOnly:
if (item is ToolStripDropDownItem tsddownDest && source is ToolStripDropDownItem tsddownSrc && tsddownSrc.DropDownItems.Count != 0)
int originalCount = tsddownSrc.DropDownItems.Count;
if (originalCount > 0)
int lastCount = originalCount;
// The act of walking through this collection removes items from
// the dropdown.
for (int i = 0, itemToLookAt = 0; i < originalCount; i++)
MergeRecursive(tsddownSrc.DropDownItems[itemToLookAt], tsddownDest.DropDownItems, history);
int numberOfItemsMerged = lastCount - tsddownSrc.DropDownItems.Count;
itemToLookAt = (numberOfItemsMerged > 0) ? itemToLookAt : itemToLookAt + 1;
lastCount = tsddownSrc.DropDownItems.Count;
case MergeAction.Replace:
case MergeAction.Remove:
maction = new MergeHistoryItem(MergeAction.Insert)
TargetItem = item
int indexOfDestinationItem = destinationItems.IndexOf(item);
maction.Index = indexOfDestinationItem;
maction.IndexCollection = destinationItems;
maction.TargetItem = item;
if (source.MergeAction == MergeAction.Replace)
maction = new MergeHistoryItem(MergeAction.Remove)
PreviousIndexCollection = source.Owner!.Items
maction.PreviousIndex = maction.PreviousIndexCollection.IndexOf(source);
maction.TargetItem = source;
destinationItems.Insert(indexOfDestinationItem, source);
maction.Index = indexOfDestinationItem;
maction.IndexCollection = destinationItems;
case MergeAction.Insert:
if (source.MergeIndex > -1)
maction = new MergeHistoryItem(MergeAction.Remove)
PreviousIndexCollection = source.Owner!.Items
maction.PreviousIndex = maction.PreviousIndexCollection.IndexOf(source);
maction.TargetItem = source;
int insertIndex = Math.Min(destinationItems.Count, source.MergeIndex);
destinationItems.Insert(insertIndex, source);
maction.IndexCollection = destinationItems;
maction.Index = insertIndex;
case MergeAction.Append:
maction = new MergeHistoryItem(MergeAction.Remove)
PreviousIndexCollection = source.Owner!.Items
maction.PreviousIndex = maction.PreviousIndexCollection.IndexOf(source);
maction.TargetItem = source;
int index = destinationItems.Add(source);
maction.Index = index;
maction.IndexCollection = destinationItems;
/// <summary>
/// Merge two toolstrips
/// </summary>
public static bool Merge(ToolStrip sourceToolStrip, string targetName)
ToolStrip? target = FindToolStrip(targetName);
return target is not null && Merge(sourceToolStrip, target);
/// <remarks>
/// <para>Doesn't do a null check on source - if it's null we unmerge everything</para>
/// </remarks>
internal static bool RevertMergeInternal(ToolStrip targetToolStrip, ToolStrip? sourceToolStrip, bool revertMDIControls)
bool result = false;
if (targetToolStrip == sourceToolStrip)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.ToolStripMergeImpossibleIdentical);
bool foundToolStrip = false;
if (sourceToolStrip is not null)
// We have a specific toolstrip to pull out.
// Make sure the sourceToolStrip is even merged into the targetToolStrip
foreach (MergeHistory history in targetToolStrip.MergeHistoryStack)
foundToolStrip = (history.MergedToolStrip == sourceToolStrip);
if (foundToolStrip)
// Performance: if we don't have the toolstrip in our merge history, bail.
if (!foundToolStrip)
return false;
Stack<ToolStrip> reApply = new();
foundToolStrip = false;
while (targetToolStrip.MergeHistoryStack.Count > 0 && !foundToolStrip)
// We unmerge something.
result = true;
MergeHistory history = targetToolStrip.MergeHistoryStack.Pop();
if (history.MergedToolStrip == sourceToolStrip)
foundToolStrip = true;
else if (!revertMDIControls && sourceToolStrip is null)
// Calling ToolStripManager.RevertMerge should not pull out MDIControlStrip && MDIWindowListStrip.
if (IsSpecialMDIStrip(history.MergedToolStrip))
while (history.MergeHistoryItemsStack.Count > 0)
MergeHistoryItem historyItem = history.MergeHistoryItemsStack.Pop();
switch (historyItem.MergeAction)
case MergeAction.Remove:
// Put it back
historyItem.PreviousIndexCollection!.Insert(Math.Min(historyItem.PreviousIndex, historyItem.PreviousIndexCollection.Count), historyItem.TargetItem!);
case MergeAction.Insert:
historyItem.IndexCollection!.Insert(Math.Min(historyItem.Index, historyItem.IndexCollection.Count), historyItem.TargetItem!);
// No need to put it back, inserting it in a new collection, moved it at the correct location
// Re-apply the merges of the toolstrips we had to unmerge first.
while (reApply.Count > 0)
ToolStrip mergeAgain = reApply.Pop();
Merge(mergeAgain, targetToolStrip);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Unmerge two toolstrips
/// </summary>
public static bool RevertMerge(ToolStrip targetToolStrip)
=> RevertMergeInternal(targetToolStrip, sourceToolStrip: null, revertMDIControls: false);
/// <summary>
/// Unmerge two toolstrips
/// </summary>
public static bool RevertMerge(ToolStrip targetToolStrip, ToolStrip sourceToolStrip)
=> RevertMergeInternal(targetToolStrip, sourceToolStrip.OrThrowIfNull(nameof(sourceToolStrip)), revertMDIControls: false);
/// <summary>
/// Unmerge two toolstrips
/// </summary>
public static bool RevertMerge(string targetName)
=> FindToolStrip(targetName) is ToolStrip target && RevertMerge(target);