File: System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ListView\ListViewItem.IKeyboardToolTip.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
public partial class ListViewItem : IKeyboardToolTip
    private bool AllowsToolTips => _listView?.ShowItemToolTips ?? false;
    bool IKeyboardToolTip.AllowsChildrenToShowToolTips() => AllowsToolTips;
    bool IKeyboardToolTip.AllowsToolTip() => true;
    bool IKeyboardToolTip.CanShowToolTipsNow() => AllowsToolTips;
    string IKeyboardToolTip.GetCaptionForTool(ToolTip toolTip) => ToolTipText;
    Rectangle IKeyboardToolTip.GetNativeScreenRectangle() => GetNativeRectangle(Index);
    IList<Rectangle> IKeyboardToolTip.GetNeighboringToolsRectangles()
        List<Rectangle> neighboringRectangles = [];
        if (_listView is null)
            return neighboringRectangles;
        switch (_listView.View)
            case View.SmallIcon:
            case View.LargeIcon:
                foreach (SearchDirectionHint searchDirectionHint in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SearchDirectionHint)))
                    ListViewItem? neighboringItem = FindNearestItem(searchDirectionHint);
                    if (neighboringItem is not null)
            case View.Details:
                if (Index > 0)
                    neighboringRectangles.Add(_listView.Items[Index - 1].AccessibilityObject.Bounds);
                if (Index < _listView.Items.Count - 1)
                    neighboringRectangles.Add(_listView.Items[Index + 1].AccessibilityObject.Bounds);
        return neighboringRectangles;
    IWin32Window? IKeyboardToolTip.GetOwnerWindow() => _listView;
    bool IKeyboardToolTip.HasRtlModeEnabled() => _listView?.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes;
    bool IKeyboardToolTip.IsBeingTabbedTo() => Control.AreCommonNavigationalKeysDown();
    bool IKeyboardToolTip.IsHoveredWithMouse() => _listView?.AccessibilityObject.Bounds.Contains(Control.MousePosition) ?? false;
    void IKeyboardToolTip.OnHooked(ToolTip toolTip) => OnKeyboardToolTipHook(toolTip);
    void IKeyboardToolTip.OnUnhooked(ToolTip toolTip) => OnKeyboardToolTipUnhook(toolTip);
    bool IKeyboardToolTip.ShowsOwnToolTip() => AllowsToolTips;
    internal virtual void OnKeyboardToolTipHook(ToolTip toolTip) { }
    internal virtual void OnKeyboardToolTipUnhook(ToolTip toolTip) { }
    private Rectangle GetNativeRectangle(int index)
        if (_listView is null)
            return Rectangle.Empty;
        ListViewItem item = _listView.Items[index];
        if (item.Group is not null && item.Group.CollapsedState == ListViewGroupCollapsedState.Collapsed)
            return Rectangle.Empty;
        Rectangle itemBounds = _listView.GetItemRect(index, ItemBoundsPortion.Label);
        Rectangle listviewBounds = _listView.AccessibilityObject.Bounds;
        Point point = new(listviewBounds.X + itemBounds.X, listviewBounds.Y + itemBounds.Y);
        return _listView.View switch
            View.Details or View.List => GetDetailsListRectangle(point, item, itemBounds),
            View.Tile => GetTileRectangle(point, item, itemBounds),
            _ => new Rectangle(point, new Size(itemBounds.Width, itemBounds.Height)),
    private static Rectangle GetDetailsListRectangle(Point point, ListViewItem item, Rectangle itemBounds)
        // The GetItemRect(index, ItemBoundsPortion.Label) method returns the width of the cell,
        // not the text for "Details" and "List" views. As result, if the text is smaller than the cell,
        // we return the width of the text. If the text is larger than the cell, we return the width of the cell
        return new Rectangle(
            new Size(Math.Min(TextRenderer.MeasureText(item.Text, item.Font).Width, itemBounds.Width),
    private Rectangle GetTileRectangle(Point point, ListViewItem item, Rectangle itemBounds)
        // The GetItemRect(index, ItemBoundsPortion.Label) method returns the incorrect width of the item for "Tile" view.
        // When returning the rectangle, we take into account the width of the texts of the item and its sub-item,
        // because the first sub-item is also displayed in the list
        int textWidth = TextRenderer.MeasureText(item.Text, item.Font).Width;
        if (SubItems.Count > 1)
            ListViewSubItem subItem = SubItems[1];
            textWidth = Math.Max(TextRenderer.MeasureText(subItem.Text, subItem.Font).Width, textWidth);
        return new Rectangle(point, new Size(Math.Min(textWidth, itemBounds.Width), itemBounds.Height));