// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Design;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design;
public sealed partial class DockEditor
/// <summary>
/// User interface for the DockEditor.
/// </summary>
private sealed class DockUI : SelectionPanelBase
private static int s_initialSystemDpi = -1;
private readonly ContainerPlaceholder _container;
private readonly RadioButton _fill;
private readonly RadioButton _left;
private readonly RadioButton[] _leftRightOrder;
private readonly RadioButton _none;
private readonly RadioButton _right;
private readonly RadioButton[] _tabOrder;
private readonly RadioButton _top;
private readonly RadioButton _bottom;
private readonly RadioButton[] _upDownOrder;
public DockUI()
if (s_initialSystemDpi == -1)
s_initialSystemDpi = ScaleHelper.InitialSystemDpi;
_container = new()
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right,
Dock = DockStyle.Fill
_none = new SelectionPanelRadioButton()
Dock = DockStyle.Bottom,
Name = "_none",
Text = DockStyle.None.ToString(),
TabIndex = 0,
TabStop = true,
Appearance = Appearance.Button,
AccessibleName = SR.DockEditorNoneAccName
_right = new SelectionPanelRadioButton()
Dock = DockStyle.Right,
TabIndex = 4,
TabStop = true,
Name = "_right",
// Needs at least one character so focus rect will show.
Text = " ",
Appearance = Appearance.Button,
AccessibleName = SR.DockEditorRightAccName
_left = new SelectionPanelRadioButton()
Dock = DockStyle.Left,
TabIndex = 2,
TabStop = true,
Name = "_left",
Text = " ",
Appearance = Appearance.Button,
AccessibleName = SR.DockEditorLeftAccName
_top = new SelectionPanelRadioButton()
Dock = DockStyle.Top,
TabIndex = 1,
TabStop = true,
Name = "_top",
Text = " ",
Appearance = Appearance.Button,
AccessibleName = SR.DockEditorTopAccName
_bottom = new SelectionPanelRadioButton()
Dock = DockStyle.Bottom,
TabIndex = 5,
TabStop = true,
Name = "_bottom",
Text = " ",
Appearance = Appearance.Button,
AccessibleName = SR.DockEditorBottomAccName
_fill = new SelectionPanelRadioButton()
Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
TabIndex = 3,
TabStop = true,
Name = "_fill",
Text = " ",
Appearance = Appearance.Button,
AccessibleName = SR.DockEditorFillAccName
_upDownOrder = [_top, _fill, _bottom, _none];
_leftRightOrder = [_left, _fill, _right];
_tabOrder = [_top, _left, _fill, _right, _bottom, _none];
private DockStyle DockStyle
if (CheckedControl == _fill)
return DockStyle.Fill;
else if (CheckedControl == _left)
return DockStyle.Left;
else if (CheckedControl == _right)
return DockStyle.Right;
else if (CheckedControl == _top)
return DockStyle.Top;
else if (CheckedControl == _bottom)
return DockStyle.Bottom;
return DockStyle.None;
switch (value)
case DockStyle.None:
CheckedControl = _none;
case DockStyle.Fill:
CheckedControl = _fill;
case DockStyle.Left:
CheckedControl = _left;
case DockStyle.Right:
CheckedControl = _right;
case DockStyle.Top:
CheckedControl = _top;
case DockStyle.Bottom:
CheckedControl = _bottom;
protected override ControlCollection SelectionOptions => _container.Controls;
private void InitializeComponent(int dpi)
const int LogicalNoneHeight = 24;
const int LogicalNoneWidth = 90;
const int LogicalControlWidth = 94;
const int LogicalControlHeight = 116;
const int LogicalContainerOffset = 2;
const int LogicalContainerSize = 90;
const int LogicalButtonSize = 20;
ScaleHelper.ScaleToDpi(LogicalControlWidth, dpi),
ScaleHelper.ScaleToDpi(LogicalControlHeight, dpi));
BackColor = SystemColors.Control;
ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
AccessibleName = SR.DockEditorAccName;
_none.Size = ScaleHelper.ScaleToDpi(new Size(LogicalNoneWidth, LogicalNoneHeight), dpi);
int scaledOffset = ScaleHelper.ScaleToDpi(LogicalContainerOffset, dpi);
_container.Location = new Point(scaledOffset, scaledOffset);
_container.Size = ScaleHelper.ScaleToDpi(new Size(LogicalContainerSize, LogicalContainerSize), dpi);
Size scaledButtonSize = ScaleHelper.ScaleToDpi(new Size(LogicalButtonSize, LogicalButtonSize), dpi);
_right.Size = scaledButtonSize;
_left.Size = scaledButtonSize;
_top.Size = scaledButtonSize;
_bottom.Size = scaledButtonSize;
_fill.Size = scaledButtonSize;
protected override RadioButton ProcessDownKey(RadioButton checkedControl)
=> ProcessUpDown(checkedControl, upDirection: false);
protected override RadioButton ProcessLeftKey(RadioButton checkedControl)
=> ProcessLeftRight(checkedControl, leftDirection: true);
private RadioButton ProcessLeftRight(RadioButton checkedControl, bool leftDirection)
int maxI = _leftRightOrder.Length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= maxI; i++)
if (_leftRightOrder[i] == checkedControl)
return leftDirection
? _leftRightOrder[Math.Max(i - 1, 0)]
: _leftRightOrder[Math.Min(i + 1, maxI)];
return checkedControl;
protected override RadioButton ProcessRightKey(RadioButton checkedControl) => ProcessLeftRight(checkedControl, false);
protected override RadioButton ProcessTabKey(Keys keyData)
for (int i = 0; i < _tabOrder.Length; i++)
if (_tabOrder[i] == CheckedControl)
i += (keyData & Keys.Shift) == 0 ? 1 : -1;
i = i < 0 ? i + _tabOrder.Length : i % _tabOrder.Length;
return _tabOrder[i];
return CheckedControl;
protected override RadioButton ProcessUpKey(RadioButton checkedControl) => ProcessUpDown(checkedControl, true);
private RadioButton ProcessUpDown(RadioButton checkedControl, bool upDirection)
// If we're going up or down from one of the 'sides', act like we're doing
// it from the center
if (checkedControl == _left || checkedControl == _right)
checkedControl = _fill;
int maxI = _upDownOrder.Length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= maxI; i++)
if (_upDownOrder[i] == checkedControl)
return upDirection
? _upDownOrder[Math.Max(i - 1, 0)]
: _upDownOrder[Math.Min(i + 1, maxI)];
return checkedControl;
protected override void SetInitialCheckedControl() =>
DockStyle = Value is DockStyle dockStyle ? dockStyle : DockStyle.None;
protected override void UpdateValue() => Value = DockStyle;
private class ContainerPlaceholder : Control
public ContainerPlaceholder()
BackColor = SystemColors.Control;
TabStop = false;
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
Rectangle rc = ClientRectangle;
ControlPaint.DrawButton(e.Graphics, rc, ButtonState.Pushed);