File: System\Windows\Forms\Design\ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService.cs
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Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms.Design\src\System.Windows.Forms.Design.csproj (System.Windows.Forms.Design)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
#nullable disable
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design;
internal class ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService
    private ISelectionService _selectionService;
    private IComponentChangeService _componentChangeService;
    private IServiceProvider _provider;
    private IMenuCommandService _menuCommandService;
    private readonly IDesignerHost _designerHost;
    // primary selection during shift operation is the LAST selected item which is different
    // from selSvc.PrimarySelection, hence cache it
    private object _shiftPrimary;
    private bool _shiftPressed;
    // our cache of currently selected DesignerToolStripControl Host....
    private object _currentSelection;
    // is the templateNode in InSitu Mode?
    private bool _templateNodeActive;
    private ToolStripTemplateNode _activeTemplateNode;
    // is the TemplateNode ContextMenu open. When the TemplateNode AddItems ContextMenu is
    // opened we want to Disable all the Commands... And we enable them when the contextMenu closes...
    // But if the menu closes by "enter Key" we get OnKeyDefault and hence go into InSitu Edit Mode..
    // to avoid this we have a new flag to IGNORE the first OnKeyDefault.
    private bool _templateNodeContextMenuOpen;
    // old commands
    private List<MenuCommand> _oldCommands;
    // our commands
    private List<MenuCommand> _newCommands;
    // need to add this separately since the VbDATA guys return us their paste command when the DataSource is copy pasted.
    private MenuCommand _oldCommandPaste;
    private MenuCommand _newCommandPaste;
    private bool _commandsAdded;
    private bool _copyInProgress;
    private bool _cutOrDeleteInProgress;
    private bool _contextMenuShownByKeyBoard; // We should know when the contextMenu is shown by KeyBoard shortcut.
    private object _ownerItemAfterCut; // This value is set only of the ToolStripMenuItem is cut and now we need to reopen the dropDown which was closed in the previous CUT operation.
    /// <summary>
    ///  This creates a service for handling the keyboard navigation at design time.
    /// </summary>
    public ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        _provider = serviceProvider;
        _selectionService = (ISelectionService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ISelectionService));
        Debug.Assert(_selectionService is not null, "ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService relies on the selection service, which is unavailable.");
        if (_selectionService is not null)
            _selectionService.SelectionChanging += OnSelectionChanging;
            _selectionService.SelectionChanged += OnSelectionChanged;
        _designerHost = (IDesignerHost)_provider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));
        Debug.Assert(_designerHost is not null, "ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService relies on the selection service, which is unavailable.");
        _componentChangeService = (IComponentChangeService)_designerHost.GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService));
        Debug.Assert(_componentChangeService is not null, "ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService relies on the componentChange service, which is unavailable.");
        if (_componentChangeService is not null)
            _componentChangeService.ComponentRemoved += OnComponentRemoved;
    // Currently active TemplateNode
    internal ToolStripTemplateNode ActiveTemplateNode
        get => _activeTemplateNode;
            _activeTemplateNode = value;
    // This property is set on the controlDesigner and used in the ToolStripItemDesigner.
    // There is no way of knowing whether the ContextMenu is show via-keyBoard or Click and
    // we need to know this since we check if the Bounds are within the toolStripItem while showing the ContextMenu.
    internal bool ContextMenuShownByKeyBoard
        get => _contextMenuShownByKeyBoard;
        set => _contextMenuShownByKeyBoard = value;
    // When Copy (Through Control + Drag) this boolean is set to true.
    // Problem is that during copy the DesignerUtils creates new components and
    // as a result the ToolStripMenuItemDesigner and ToolStripDesigners get the "ComponentAdding/ComponentAdded" events
    // where they try to parent the components. We don't need to "parent" in case of control + drag.
    internal bool CopyInProgress
        get => _copyInProgress;
            if (value != CopyInProgress)
                _copyInProgress = value;
    // We need to listen to MenuCommands.Delete since we are going to change the selection here instead
    // of OnComponentRemoved The OnComponentRemoved gets called through various different places like Partial Reload,
    // Full Reload and Undo-Redo transactions Changing the selection in "OnComponentRemoved"
    // thus is expensive in terms of flicker and code that gets run causing PERF hit.
    internal bool CutOrDeleteInProgress
        get => _cutOrDeleteInProgress;
            if (value != _cutOrDeleteInProgress)
                _cutOrDeleteInProgress = value;
    /// <summary>
    ///  Retrieves the selection service, which this service uses while selecting the toolStrip Item.
    /// </summary>
    private IDesignerHost Host
        get => _designerHost;
    /// <summary>
    ///  Retrieves the menu editor service, which we cache for speed.
    /// </summary>
    private IMenuCommandService MenuService
            if (_menuCommandService is null)
                if (_provider is not null)
                    _menuCommandService = (IMenuCommandService)_provider.GetService(typeof(IMenuCommandService));
            return _menuCommandService;
    // When the TemplateNode gets selected ... we don't set in the SelectionService.SelectedComponents
    // since we want to blank out the propertygrid ... so we keep the selected cache here.
    internal object SelectedDesignerControl
        get => _currentSelection;
            if (value != SelectedDesignerControl)
                if (SelectedDesignerControl is DesignerToolStripControlHost prevDesignerNode)
                _currentSelection = value;
                if (_currentSelection is not null)
                    if (_currentSelection is DesignerToolStripControlHost curDesignerNode)
                        if (curDesignerNode.AccessibilityObject is ToolStripItem.ToolStripItemAccessibleObject acc)
                            acc.AddState(AccessibleStates.Selected | AccessibleStates.Focused);
                            ToolStrip owner = curDesignerNode.GetCurrentParent();
                            int focusIndex = 0;
                            if (owner is not null)
                                focusIndex = owner.Items.IndexOf(curDesignerNode);
                                focusIndex + 1);
                                focusIndex + 1);
    internal object OwnerItemAfterCut
        get => _ownerItemAfterCut;
        set => _ownerItemAfterCut = value;
    // When shift key is pressed we need to know where to start from .. this object keeps a track of that item.
    internal object ShiftPrimaryItem
        get => _shiftPrimary;
        set => _shiftPrimary = value;
    /// <summary>
    ///  Retrieves the selection service, which this service uses while selecting the toolStrip Item.
    /// </summary>
    private ISelectionService SelectionService
        get => _selectionService;
    // When the ToolStripTemplateNode becomes active, the ToolStripKeyBoardHandlingService shouldn't process any MenuCommands...
    internal bool TemplateNodeActive
        get => _templateNodeActive;
            _templateNodeActive = value;
            // Disable all our Commands when TemplateNode is Active. Remove the new Commands
            if (_newCommands is not null)
                foreach (MenuCommand newCommand in _newCommands)
                    newCommand.Enabled = !_templateNodeActive;
    // boolean which returns if the TemplateNode contextMenu is open.
    internal bool TemplateNodeContextMenuOpen
        get => _templateNodeContextMenuOpen;
            _templateNodeContextMenuOpen = value;
            // Disable all our Commands when templateNodeContextMenuOpen. Remove the new Commands
            if (_newCommands is not null)
                foreach (MenuCommand newCommand in _newCommands)
                    newCommand.Enabled = !_templateNodeActive;
    // Adds our commands to the MenuCommandService.
    public void AddCommands()
        IMenuCommandService mcs = MenuService;
        if (mcs is not null & !_commandsAdded)
            // Demand Create the oldCommands
            if (_oldCommands is null)
            // Remove the Old Commands
            foreach (MenuCommand oldCommand in _oldCommands)
                if (oldCommand is not null)
            // DemandCreate the new Commands.
            if (_newCommands is null)
            // Add our Commands
            foreach (MenuCommand newCommand in _newCommands)
                if (newCommand is not null && mcs.FindCommand(newCommand.CommandID) is null)
            _commandsAdded = true;
    // private function to get Next toolStripItem based on direction.
    private static ToolStripItem GetNextItem(ToolStrip parent, ToolStripItem startItem, ArrowDirection direction)
        if (parent.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes && (direction == ArrowDirection.Left || direction == ArrowDirection.Right))
            if (direction == ArrowDirection.Right)
                direction = ArrowDirection.Left;
            else if (direction == ArrowDirection.Left)
                direction = ArrowDirection.Right;
        return parent.GetNextItem(startItem, direction);
    /// <summary>
    ///  This is the private helper function which gets the next control in the TabOrder..
    /// </summary>
    private static Control GetNextControlInTab(Control basectl, Control ctl, bool forward)
        if (forward)
            while (ctl != basectl)
                int targetIndex = ctl.TabIndex;
                bool hitCtl = false;
                Control found = null;
                Control p = ctl.Parent;
                // Cycle through the controls in z-order looking for the one with the next highest tab index.
                // Because there can be dups, we have to start with the existing tab index and remember
                // to exclude the current control.
                int parentControlCount = 0;
                Control.ControlCollection parentControls = p.Controls;
                if (parentControls is not null)
                    parentControlCount = parentControls.Count;
                for (int c = 0; c < parentControlCount; c++)
                    // The logic for this is a bit lengthy, so I have broken it into separate clauses: We are not interested in ourself.
                    if (parentControls[c] != ctl)
                        // We are interested in controls with >= tab indexes to ctl.
                        // We must include those controls with equal indexes to account for duplicate indexes.
                        if (parentControls[c].TabIndex >= targetIndex)
                            // Check to see if this control replaces the "best match" we've already found.
                            if (found is null || found.TabIndex > parentControls[c].TabIndex)
                                // Finally, check to make sure that if this tab index is the same as ctl,
                                // that we've already encountered ctl in the z-order.
                                // If it isn't the same, than we're more than happy with it.
                                if ((parentControls[c].Site is not null && parentControls[c].TabIndex != targetIndex) || hitCtl)
                                    found = parentControls[c];
                        // We track when we have encountered "ctl". We never want to select ctl again, but we want
                        // to know when we've seen it in case we find another control with the same tab index.
                        hitCtl = true;
                if (found is not null)
                    return found;
                ctl = ctl.Parent;
            if (ctl != basectl)
                int targetIndex = ctl.TabIndex;
                bool hitCtl = false;
                Control found = null;
                Control p = ctl.Parent;
                // Cycle through the controls in reverse z-order looking for the next lowest tab index.
                // We must start with the same tab index as ctl, because there can be dups.
                int parentControlCount = 0;
                Control.ControlCollection parentControls = p.Controls;
                if (parentControls is not null)
                    parentControlCount = parentControls.Count;
                for (int c = parentControlCount - 1; c >= 0; c--)
                    // The logic for this is a bit lengthy, so I have broken it into separate clauses: We are not interested in ourself.
                    if (parentControls[c] != ctl)
                        // We are interested in controls with <= tab indexes to ctl.
                        // We must include those controls with equal indexes to account for duplicate indexes.
                        if (parentControls[c].TabIndex <= targetIndex)
                            // Check to see if this control replaces the "best match" we've already found.
                            if (found is null || found.TabIndex < parentControls[c].TabIndex)
                                // Finally, check to make sure that if this tab index is the same as ctl,
                                // that we've already encountered ctl in the z-order.
                                // If it isn't the same, than we're more than happy with it.
                                if (parentControls[c].TabIndex != targetIndex || hitCtl)
                                    found = parentControls[c];
                        // We track when we have encountered "ctl". We never want to select ctl again, but we want
                        // to know when we've seen it in case we find another control with the same tab index.
                        hitCtl = true;
                // If we were unable to find a control we should return the control's parent. However, if that parent is us, return NULL.
                if (found is not null)
                    ctl = found;
                    return p == basectl ? null : p;
        return ctl == basectl ? null : ctl;
    // this will invoke the OLD command from our command handler.
    private void InvokeOldCommand(object sender)
        MenuCommand command = sender as MenuCommand;
        foreach (MenuCommand oldCommand in _oldCommands)
            if (oldCommand is not null && oldCommand.CommandID == command.CommandID)
    private void OnComponentRemoved(object sender, ComponentEventArgs e)
        bool toolStripPresent = false;
        ComponentCollection comps = _designerHost.Container.Components;
        foreach (IComponent comp in comps)
            if (comp is ToolStrip)
                toolStripPresent = true;
        if (!toolStripPresent)
            ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService keyboardHandlingService = (ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService)_provider.GetService(typeof(ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService));
            if (keyboardHandlingService is not null)
                // since we are going away .. restore the old commands.
                // clean up.
    public bool OnContextMenu(int x, int y)
        if (TemplateNodeActive)
            return true;
        // commandsAdded means that either toolstrip, toolStripItem or templatenode is selected.
        if (_commandsAdded && x == -1 && y == -1)
            ContextMenuShownByKeyBoard = true;
            Point p = Cursor.Position;
            x = p.X;
            y = p.Y;
        // This has to be done since ToolStripTemplateNode is unsited component that supports its own contextMenu.
        // When the Selection is null, templateNode can be selected.
        // So this block of code here checks if ToolStripKeyBoardHandlingService is present if so,
        // tries to check if the templatenode is selected if so, then gets the templateNode and shows the ContextMenu.
        if (SelectionService.PrimarySelection is not Component)
            if (SelectedDesignerControl is DesignerToolStripControlHost controlHost)
                if (controlHost.Control is ToolStripTemplateNode.TransparentToolStrip tool)
                    ToolStripTemplateNode node = tool.TemplateNode;
                    if (node is not null)
                        node.ShowContextMenu(new Point(x, y));
                        return true;
        return false;
    // Handler for Copy Command
    private void OnCommandCopy(object sender, EventArgs e)
        bool cutCommand = false;
            // If the Command is CUT and the new Selection is DesignerToolStripControlHost then select it and open its parentDropDown.
            if (sender is MenuCommand com && com.CommandID == StandardCommands.Cut)
                cutCommand = true;
                CutOrDeleteInProgress = true;
            // INVOKE THE OldCommand
            // END
            if (cutCommand)
                if (OwnerItemAfterCut is ToolStripDropDownItem parentItem)
                    ToolStripDropDown dropDown = parentItem.DropDown;
                    if (Host.GetDesigner(dropDown) is ToolStripDropDownDesigner dropDownDesigner)
                        SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { dropDownDesigner.Component }, SelectionTypes.Replace);
                    else if (parentItem is not null && !(parentItem.DropDown.Visible))
                        if (Host.GetDesigner(parentItem) is ToolStripMenuItemDesigner designer)
                            if (SelectedDesignerControl is DesignerToolStripControlHost curDesignerNode)
            // this is done So that the Data Behavior doesn't mess up with the copy command during addition of the ToolStrip..
            IMenuCommandService mcs = MenuService;
            if (mcs is not null)
                if (_newCommandPaste is null)
                    _oldCommandPaste = mcs.FindCommand(StandardCommands.Paste);
                    if (_oldCommandPaste is not null)
                    _newCommandPaste = new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandPaste), StandardCommands.Paste);
                    if (_newCommandPaste is not null && mcs.FindCommand(_newCommandPaste.CommandID) is null)
            cutCommand = false;
            CutOrDeleteInProgress = false;
    private void OnCommandDelete(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CutOrDeleteInProgress = true;
            // INVOKE THE OldCommand
            // END
            CutOrDeleteInProgress = false;
    // Handler for Paste Command
    private void OnCommandPaste(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // IF TemplateNode is Active DO NOT Support Paste. This is what MainMenu did
        // We used to incorrectly paste the item to the parent's collection;
        // so in order to make a simple fix I am being consistent with MainMenu.
        if (TemplateNodeActive)
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        IDesignerHost host = Host;
        if (selSvc is not null && host is not null)
            if (selSvc.PrimarySelection is not IComponent comp)
                comp = (IComponent)SelectedDesignerControl;
            ToolStripItem item = comp as ToolStripItem;
            ToolStrip parent = null;
            // Case 1: If SelectedObj is ToolStripItem select all items in its immediate parent.
            if (item is not null)
                parent = item.GetCurrentParent();
            // INVOKE THE OldCommand
            if (parent is not null)
                // Since the Glyphs don't get correct bounds as the ToolStrip Layout is suspended .. force Glyph Updates.
                BehaviorService behaviorService = (BehaviorService)_provider.GetService(typeof(BehaviorService));
                // For ContextMenuStrip; since its not a control .. we don't get called on GetGlyphs directly
                // through the BehaviorService So we need this internal call to push the glyphs on the SelectionManager
                if (host.GetDesigner(item) is ToolStripItemDesigner)
                    ToolStripDropDown dropDown = ToolStripItemDesigner.GetFirstDropDown(item);
                    if (dropDown is not null && !dropDown.IsAutoGenerated)
                        if (host.GetDesigner(dropDown) is ToolStripDropDownDesigner dropDownDesigner)
                // For Items on DropDown .. we have to manage Glyphs...
                if (parent is ToolStripDropDown parentDropDown && parentDropDown.Visible)
                    if (parentDropDown.OwnerItem is ToolStripDropDownItem ownerItem)
                        if (host.GetDesigner(ownerItem) is ToolStripMenuItemDesigner itemDesigner)
                // Get the Selection and ShowDropDown only on ToolStripDropDownItems to show dropDowns after paste operation.
                if (selSvc.PrimarySelection is ToolStripDropDownItem dropDownItem && dropDownItem.DropDown.Visible)
                    // Hide the DropDown
                    if (host.GetDesigner(dropDownItem) is ToolStripMenuItemDesigner selectedItemDesigner)
                        selectedItemDesigner.InitializeBodyGlyphsForItems(false, dropDownItem);
                        selectedItemDesigner.InitializeBodyGlyphsForItems(true, dropDownItem);
    // Handler for Home Command
    private void OnCommandHome(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        if (selSvc is not null)
            if (selSvc.PrimarySelection is not ToolStripItem item)
                item = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
            // Process Keys only if we are a ToolStripItem and the TemplateNode is not in InSitu Mode.
            if (item is not null)
                // only select the last item only if there is an Item added in addition to the TemplateNode...
                ToolStrip parent = item.GetCurrentParent();
                int count = parent.Items.Count;
                if (count >= 3) // 3 //3 for the total number of items .. two ToolStripItems + 1 TemplateNode.
                    bool shiftPressed = (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) > 0;
                    if (shiftPressed)
                        // Select all the items between current "item" till the Last item
                        int startIndexOfSelection = 0;
                        int endIndexOfSelection = Math.Max(0, parent.Items.IndexOf(item));
                        int countofItemsSelected = (endIndexOfSelection - startIndexOfSelection) + 1;
                        object[] totalObjects = new object[countofItemsSelected];
                        int j = 0;
                        for (int i = startIndexOfSelection; i <= endIndexOfSelection; i++)
                            totalObjects[j++] = parent.Items[i];
                        selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(totalObjects, SelectionTypes.Replace);
    // Handler for End Command
    private void OnCommandEnd(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        if (selSvc is not null)
            if (selSvc.PrimarySelection is not ToolStripItem item)
                item = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
            // Process Keys only if we are a ToolStripItem and the TemplateNode is not in InSitu Mode.
            if (item is not null)
                // only select the last item only if there is an Item added in addition to the TemplateNode...
                ToolStrip parent = item.GetCurrentParent();
                int count = parent.Items.Count;
                if (count >= 3)  // 3 //3 for the total number of items .. two ToolStripItems + 1 TemplateNode.
                    bool shiftPressed = (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) > 0;
                    if (shiftPressed)
                        // Select all the items between current "item" till the Last item
                        int startIndexOfSelection = parent.Items.IndexOf(item);
                        int endIndexOfSelection = Math.Max(startIndexOfSelection, count - 2);
                        int countofItemsSelected = (endIndexOfSelection - startIndexOfSelection) + 1;
                        object[] totalObjects = new object[countofItemsSelected];
                        int j = 0;
                        for (int i = startIndexOfSelection; i <= endIndexOfSelection; i++)
                            totalObjects[j++] = parent.Items[i];
                        selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(totalObjects, SelectionTypes.Replace);
                        SetSelection(parent.Items[count - 2]);
    // Handler for SelectALL Command
    private void OnCommandSelectAll(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        if (selSvc is not null)
            object selectedObj = selSvc.PrimarySelection;
            // Case 1: If SelectedObj is ToolStripItem select all items in its immediate parent.
            if (selectedObj is ToolStripItem)
                ToolStripItem selectedItem = selectedObj as ToolStripItem;
                ToolStrip parent = selectedItem.GetCurrentParent();
                if (parent is ToolStripOverflow)
                    parent = selectedItem.Owner;
                BehaviorService behaviorService = (BehaviorService)_provider.GetService(typeof(BehaviorService));
            // Case 2: if SelectedObj is ToolStrip ... then select all the item contained in it.
            if (selectedObj is ToolStrip)
                ToolStrip parent = selectedObj as ToolStrip;
            // Case 3: if selectedOj is ToolStripPanel ... select the ToolStrips within the ToolStripPanel...
            if (selectedObj is ToolStripPanel)
                ToolStripPanel parentToolStripPanel = selectedObj as ToolStripPanel;
                selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(parentToolStripPanel.Controls, SelectionTypes.Replace);
    // this will get called for "Chrome Panel" command. We have to show the ItemList if The TemplateNode is selected.
    private void OnKeyShowDesignerActions(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        if (selSvc is not null)
            if (selSvc.PrimarySelection is null)
                if (SelectedDesignerControl is DesignerToolStripControlHost controlHost)
                    if (controlHost.Control is ToolStripTemplateNode.TransparentToolStrip tool)
                        ToolStripTemplateNode node = tool.TemplateNode;
                        if (node is not null)
        // INVOKE THE OldCommand
        // END
    // Command handler for enter key.
    private void OnKeyDefault(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Return if the contextMenu was open during this KeyDefault...
        if (_templateNodeContextMenuOpen)
            _templateNodeContextMenuOpen = false;
        // Return key. Handle it like a double-click on the primary selection
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        IDesignerHost host = Host;
        if (selSvc is not null)
            if (selSvc.PrimarySelection is not IComponent pri)
                if (SelectedDesignerControl is DesignerToolStripControlHost typeHereNode)
                    if (host is not null)
                        if (typeHereNode.IsOnDropDown && !typeHereNode.IsOnOverflow)
                            ToolStripDropDownItem ownerItem = (ToolStripDropDownItem)((ToolStripDropDown)(typeHereNode.Owner)).OwnerItem;
                            if (host.GetDesigner(ownerItem) is ToolStripMenuItemDesigner itemDesigner)
                                if (!itemDesigner.IsEditorActive)
                                    if (ActiveTemplateNode is not null)
                                        ActiveTemplateNode._ignoreFirstKeyUp = true;
                            if (host.GetDesigner(typeHereNode.Owner) is ToolStripDesigner tooldesigner)
                                if (ActiveTemplateNode is not null)
                                    ActiveTemplateNode._ignoreFirstKeyUp = true;
                if (host is not null)
                    IDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner(pri);
                    if (designer is ToolStripMenuItemDesigner tooldesigner)
                        if (tooldesigner.IsEditorActive)
                            if (ActiveTemplateNode is not null)
                                ActiveTemplateNode._ignoreFirstKeyUp = true;
                    else if (designer is not null)
                        // INVOKE THE OldCommand
    /// <summary>
    ///  This is a function which gets called when the item goes into InSitu Edit mode.
    /// </summary>
    private void OnKeyEdit(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // This method allows the ToolStrip Template Node into the EditMode.
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        IDesignerHost host = Host;
        if (selSvc is not null)
            if (selSvc.PrimarySelection is not IComponent comp)
                comp = (IComponent)SelectedDesignerControl;
            if (comp is ToolStripItem)
                if (host is not null)
                    CommandID cmd = ((MenuCommand)sender).CommandID;
                    if (cmd.Equals(MenuCommands.EditLabel))
                        if (comp is ToolStripMenuItem)
                            if (host.GetDesigner(comp) is ToolStripMenuItemDesigner designer)
                                if (!designer.IsEditorActive)
                        if (comp is DesignerToolStripControlHost)
                            DesignerToolStripControlHost typeHereNode = comp as DesignerToolStripControlHost;
                            if (typeHereNode.IsOnDropDown)
                                ToolStripDropDownItem ownerItem = (ToolStripDropDownItem)((ToolStripDropDown)(typeHereNode.Owner)).OwnerItem;
                                if (host.GetDesigner(ownerItem) is ToolStripMenuItemDesigner itemDesigner)
                                    if (!itemDesigner.IsEditorActive)
                                if (host.GetDesigner(typeHereNode.Owner) is ToolStripDesigner tooldesigner)
    /// <summary>
    ///  This is a function which gets called when the arrow keys are used at design time on ToolStrips.
    /// </summary>
    private void OnKeyMove(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Arrow keys. Begin a drag if the selection isn't locked.
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        if (selSvc is not null)
            MenuCommand cmd = (MenuCommand)sender;
            _shiftPressed = cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeWidthIncrease)
                || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeWidthDecrease)
                || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeHeightDecrease)
                || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeHeightIncrease);
            // check for ContextMenu..
            if (selSvc.PrimarySelection is ContextMenuStrip)
                if (cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyMoveDown))
            if (selSvc.PrimarySelection is not ToolStripItem item)
                item = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
            // Process Keys only if we are a ToolStripItem and the TemplateNode is not in InSitu Mode.
            if (item is not null)
                if (cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyMoveRight) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyNudgeRight) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeWidthIncrease))
                    if (!ProcessRightLeft(true))
                if (cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyMoveLeft) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyNudgeLeft) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeWidthDecrease))
                    if (!ProcessRightLeft(false))
                if (cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyMoveDown) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyNudgeDown) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeHeightIncrease))
                if (cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyMoveUp) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyNudgeUp) || cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySizeHeightDecrease))
                // INVOKE THE OldCommand
    /// <summary>
    ///  This is a function which gets called when Cancel is pressed when we are on ToolStripItem.
    /// </summary>
    private void OnKeyCancel(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        if (selSvc is not null)
            if (selSvc.PrimarySelection is not ToolStripItem item)
                item = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
            // Process Keys only if we are a ToolStripItem and the TemplateNode is not in InSitu Mode.
            if (item is not null)
                MenuCommand cmd = (MenuCommand)sender;
                bool reverse = (cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeyReverseCancel));
                // Check if the ToolStripDropDown (which is designable) is currently selected. If so this should select the "RootComponent"
                if (selSvc.PrimarySelection is ToolStripDropDown dropDown && dropDown.Site is not null)
                    selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { Host.RootComponent }, SelectionTypes.Replace);
                    // INVOKE THE OldCommand
    /// <summary>
    ///  This function allows the CommandSet to select the right item when the Tab and Arrow keys are used.
    /// </summary>
    private void OnKeySelect(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MenuCommand cmd = (MenuCommand)sender;
        bool reverse = cmd.CommandID.Equals(MenuCommands.KeySelectPrevious);
    /// <summary>
    ///  Called when the current selection changes. Here we determine what commands can and can't be enabled.
    /// </summary>
    private void OnSelectionChanging(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (SelectionService.PrimarySelection is not Component primarySelection)
            primarySelection = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
        ToolStrip tool = primarySelection as ToolStrip;
        if (tool is not null)
            InheritanceAttribute ia = (InheritanceAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(tool)[typeof(InheritanceAttribute)];
            if (ia is not null && (ia.InheritanceLevel == InheritanceLevel.Inherited || ia.InheritanceLevel == InheritanceLevel.InheritedReadOnly))
        if (tool is null && !(primarySelection is ToolStripItem))
            // Reset the cached item...
            SelectedDesignerControl = null;
    /// <summary>
    ///  Called when the current selection changes. Here we determine what commands can and can't be enabled.
    /// </summary>
    private void OnSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (SelectionService.PrimarySelection is not Component primarySelection)
            primarySelection = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
        ToolStrip tool = primarySelection as ToolStrip;
        if (tool is not null)
            InheritanceAttribute ia = (InheritanceAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(tool)[typeof(InheritanceAttribute)];
            if (ia is not null && (ia.InheritanceLevel == InheritanceLevel.Inherited || ia.InheritanceLevel == InheritanceLevel.InheritedReadOnly))
        if (tool is not null || primarySelection is ToolStripItem)
            // Remove the Panel if any
            BehaviorService behaviorService = (BehaviorService)_provider.GetService(typeof(BehaviorService));
            if (behaviorService is not null)
                DesignerActionUI designerUI = behaviorService.DesignerActionUI;
    // helper function to select the next item.
    public void ProcessKeySelect(bool reverse)
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        if (selSvc is not null)
            if (selSvc.PrimarySelection is not ToolStripItem item)
                item = SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
            // Process Keys only if we are a ToolStripItem and the TemplateNode is not in InSitu Mode.
            if (item is not null)
                if (!ProcessRightLeft(!reverse))
            else if (item is null && selSvc.PrimarySelection is ToolStrip)
    /// <summary>
    ///  This is the private helper function which is used to select the toolStripItem in the 'right' direction.
    /// </summary>
    private bool ProcessRightLeft(bool right)
        Control ctl;
        object targetSelection = null;
        object currentSelection;
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        IDesignerHost host = Host;
        if (selSvc is null || host is null || !(host.RootComponent is Control))
            return false;
        currentSelection = selSvc.PrimarySelection;
        if (_shiftPressed && ShiftPrimaryItem is not null)
            currentSelection = ShiftPrimaryItem;
        currentSelection ??= SelectedDesignerControl;
        ctl = currentSelection as Control;
        if (targetSelection is null && ctl is null)
            ToolStripItem toolStripItem = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem;
            if (_shiftPressed && ShiftPrimaryItem is not null)
                toolStripItem = ShiftPrimaryItem as ToolStripItem;
            toolStripItem ??= SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
            if (toolStripItem is DesignerToolStripControlHost && toolStripItem.GetCurrentParent() is ToolStripDropDown parent)
                if (parent is not null)
                    if (right)
                        // no where to go .. since we are on DesignerToolStripControlHost for DropDown.
                        targetSelection = parent is ToolStripOverflow
                            ? GetNextItem(parent, toolStripItem, ArrowDirection.Left)
                            : (object)parent.OwnerItem;
                if (targetSelection is not null)
                    return true;
                ToolStripItem item = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem;
                if (_shiftPressed && ShiftPrimaryItem is not null)
                    item = ShiftPrimaryItem as ToolStripDropDownItem;
                item ??= SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripDropDownItem;
                if (item is not null && item.IsOnDropDown)
                    bool menusCascadeRight = SystemInformation.RightAlignedMenus;
                    if ((menusCascadeRight && right) || (!menusCascadeRight && right))
                        if (item is ToolStripDropDownItem dropDownItem)
                            targetSelection = GetNextItem(dropDownItem.DropDown, null, ArrowDirection.Right);
                            if (targetSelection is not null)
                                // Open the DropDown after the Selection is Completed.
                                if (!(dropDownItem.DropDown.Visible))
                                    if (host.GetDesigner(dropDownItem) is ToolStripMenuItemDesigner designer)
                                return true;
                    if (!right && !menusCascadeRight)
                        ToolStripItem owner = ((ToolStripDropDown)item.Owner).OwnerItem;
                        if (!owner.IsOnDropDown)
                            ToolStrip mainTool = owner.GetCurrentParent();
                            targetSelection = GetNextItem(mainTool, owner, ArrowDirection.Left);
                            targetSelection = owner;
                        if (targetSelection is not null)
                            return true;
        return false;
    /// <summary>
    ///  This is the private helper function which is used to select the toolStripItem in the 'down' direction.
    /// </summary>
    public void ProcessUpDown(bool down)
        Control ctl;
        object targetSelection = null;
        object currentSelection;
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        IDesignerHost host = Host;
        if (selSvc is null || host is null || !(host.RootComponent is Control))
        currentSelection = selSvc.PrimarySelection;
        if (_shiftPressed && ShiftPrimaryItem is not null)
            currentSelection = ShiftPrimaryItem;
        // Check for ContextMenuStrip first...
        if (currentSelection is ContextMenuStrip contextMenu)
            if (down)
                targetSelection = GetNextItem(contextMenu, null, ArrowDirection.Down);
        currentSelection ??= SelectedDesignerControl;
        ctl = currentSelection as Control;
        if (targetSelection is null && ctl is null)
            ToolStripItem item = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem;
            if (_shiftPressed && ShiftPrimaryItem is not null)
                item = ShiftPrimaryItem as ToolStripItem;
            item ??= SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
            ToolStripDropDown parentToMoveOn = null;
            if (item is not null)
                if (item is DesignerToolStripControlHost)
                    // so now if Down Arrow is pressed .. open the dropDown....
                    if (down)
                        if (SelectedDesignerControl is DesignerToolStripControlHost controlHost)
                            if (controlHost.Control is ToolStripTemplateNode.TransparentToolStrip tool)
                                ToolStripTemplateNode node = tool.TemplateNode;
                                if (node is not null)
                        parentToMoveOn = item.GetCurrentParent() as ToolStripDropDown;
                    ToolStripDropDownItem dropDownItem = item as ToolStripDropDownItem;
                    if (dropDownItem is not null && !dropDownItem.IsOnDropDown)
                        parentToMoveOn = dropDownItem.DropDown;
                        item = null;
                    else if (dropDownItem is not null)
                        parentToMoveOn = ((dropDownItem.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow) ? dropDownItem.Owner.OverflowButton.DropDown : dropDownItem.Owner) as ToolStripDropDown;
                        item = dropDownItem;
                    if (dropDownItem is null)
                        parentToMoveOn = item.GetCurrentParent() as ToolStripDropDown;
                if (parentToMoveOn is not null) // This will be null for NON dropDownItems...
                    if (down)
                        targetSelection = GetNextItem(parentToMoveOn, item, ArrowDirection.Down);
                        // lets check the index to know if we have wrapped around... only on NON ContextMenuStrip, ToolStripDropDown (added from toolbox)
                        if (parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem is not null) // this can be null for overflow....
                            if (!(parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem.IsOnDropDown) && (parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem.Owner is not null && parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem.Owner.Site is not null))
                                if (targetSelection is ToolStripItem newSelection)
                                    // We are wrapping around on the FirstDropDown select OwnerItem...
                                    if (parentToMoveOn.Items.IndexOf(newSelection) != -1 && parentToMoveOn.Items.IndexOf(newSelection) <= parentToMoveOn.Items.IndexOf(item))
                                        targetSelection = parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem;
                        if (_shiftPressed && SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(targetSelection))
                            SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { ShiftPrimaryItem, targetSelection }, SelectionTypes.Remove);
                        // We don't want to WRAP around for items on toolStrip Overflow, if the currentSelection is the
                        // topMost item on the Overflow, but select the one on the PARENT toolStrip.
                        if (parentToMoveOn is ToolStripOverflow)
                            ToolStripItem firstItem = GetNextItem(parentToMoveOn, null, ArrowDirection.Down);
                            if (item == firstItem)
                                if (item.Owner is ToolStrip owner)
                                    targetSelection = GetNextItem(owner, parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem, ArrowDirection.Left);
                                targetSelection = GetNextItem(parentToMoveOn, item, ArrowDirection.Up);
                            targetSelection = GetNextItem(parentToMoveOn, item, ArrowDirection.Up);
                        // lets check the index to know if we have wrapped around...
                        if (parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem is not null) // this can be null for overflow....
                            if (!(parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem.IsOnDropDown) && (parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem.Owner is not null && parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem.Owner.Site is not null))
                                if (targetSelection is ToolStripItem newSelection && item is not null)
                                    // We are wrapping around on the FirstDropDown select OwnerItem...
                                    if (parentToMoveOn.Items.IndexOf(newSelection) != -1 && parentToMoveOn.Items.IndexOf(newSelection) >= parentToMoveOn.Items.IndexOf(item))
                                        targetSelection = parentToMoveOn.OwnerItem;
                        if (_shiftPressed && SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(targetSelection))
                            SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { ShiftPrimaryItem, targetSelection }, SelectionTypes.Remove);
                    if (targetSelection is not null && targetSelection != item)
    // caches the old commands from the menuCommand service.
    private void PopulateOldCommands()
        _oldCommands ??= [];
        IMenuCommandService mcs = MenuService;
        if (mcs is not null)
    // populates a list of our custom commands to be added to menu command service.
    private void PopulateNewCommands()
        _newCommands ??= [];
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeySelect), MenuCommands.KeySelectNext));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeySelect), MenuCommands.KeySelectPrevious));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyDefault), MenuCommands.KeyDefaultAction));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyEdit), MenuCommands.EditLabel));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyMoveUp));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyMoveDown));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyMoveLeft));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyMoveRight));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyNudgeUp));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyNudgeDown));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyNudgeLeft));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeyNudgeRight));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeySizeWidthIncrease));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeySizeHeightIncrease));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeySizeWidthDecrease));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyMove), MenuCommands.KeySizeHeightDecrease));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyCancel), MenuCommands.KeyCancel));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyCancel), MenuCommands.KeyReverseCancel));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandCopy), StandardCommands.Copy));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandSelectAll), StandardCommands.SelectAll));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandHome), MenuCommands.KeyHome));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandEnd), MenuCommands.KeyEnd));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandHome), MenuCommands.KeyShiftHome));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandEnd), MenuCommands.KeyShiftEnd));
        // Command for opening the DropDown for templatenode.
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyShowDesignerActions), MenuCommands.KeyInvokeSmartTag));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandCopy), StandardCommands.Cut));
        _newCommands.Add(new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnCommandDelete), StandardCommands.Delete));
    // restores the old commands back into the menu command service.
    public void RestoreCommands()
        IMenuCommandService mcs = MenuService;
        if (mcs is not null & _commandsAdded)
            // Remove the new Commands
            if (_newCommands is not null)
                foreach (MenuCommand newCommand in _newCommands)
            // Add old Commands
            if (_oldCommands is not null)
                foreach (MenuCommand oldCommand in _oldCommands)
                    if (oldCommand is not null && mcs.FindCommand(oldCommand.CommandID) is null)
            if (_newCommandPaste is not null)
                _newCommandPaste = null;
            if (_oldCommandPaste is not null && mcs.FindCommand(_oldCommandPaste.CommandID) is null)
                _oldCommandPaste = null;
            _commandsAdded = false;
    internal void ResetActiveTemplateNodeSelectionState()
        if (SelectedDesignerControl is not null)
            if (SelectedDesignerControl is DesignerToolStripControlHost curDesignerNode)
    /// <summary>
    ///  Disposes of this object, removing all commands from the menu service.
    /// </summary>
    public void RemoveCommands()
        IMenuCommandService mcs = MenuService;
        if (mcs is not null && _commandsAdded)
            // Remove our Commands...
            if (_newCommands is not null)
                foreach (MenuCommand newCommand in _newCommands)
        if (_newCommandPaste is not null)
            _newCommandPaste = null;
        if (_oldCommandPaste is not null)
            _oldCommandPaste = null;
        if (_newCommands is not null)
            _newCommands = null;
        if (_oldCommands is not null)
            _oldCommands = null;
        if (_selectionService is not null)
            _selectionService.SelectionChanging -= OnSelectionChanging;
            _selectionService.SelectionChanged -= OnSelectionChanged;
            _selectionService = null;
        if (_componentChangeService is not null)
            _componentChangeService.ComponentRemoved -= OnComponentRemoved;
            _componentChangeService = null;
        _currentSelection = null;
        _shiftPrimary = null;
        _provider = null;
        _menuCommandService = null;
        _activeTemplateNode = null;
    /// <summary>
    ///  This function allows the service to select the parent for the selected Item.
    /// </summary>
    private void RotateParent(bool backwards)
        Control current = null;
        object next = null;
        ToolStripItem toolStripItem = null;
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        IDesignerHost host = Host;
        if (selSvc is null || host is null || !(host.RootComponent is Control))
        IContainer container = host.Container;
        if (selSvc.PrimarySelection is not Control component)
            component = SelectedDesignerControl as Control;
        if (component is not null)
            current = component;
            toolStripItem = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem;
            toolStripItem ??= SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
            if (toolStripItem is null)
                current = (Control)host.RootComponent;
        if (backwards)
            if (current is not null)
                next = current.Controls.Count > 0 ? current.Controls[0] : (object)current;
            else if (toolStripItem is not null)
                next = toolStripItem.Owner.Controls[0];
            if (current is not null)
                next = current.Parent;
                if (!(next is Control nextControl) || nextControl.Site is null || nextControl.Site.Container != container)
                    next = current;
            else if (toolStripItem is not null)
                if (toolStripItem.IsOnDropDown && toolStripItem.Placement != ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow)
                    next = ((ToolStripDropDown)toolStripItem.Owner).OwnerItem;
                else if (toolStripItem.IsOnDropDown && toolStripItem.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow)
                    ToolStrip owner = toolStripItem.Owner;
                    next = toolStripItem.Owner;
                    next = toolStripItem.Owner;
        if (next is DesignerToolStripControlHost)
            SelectedDesignerControl = next;
            selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(null, SelectionTypes.Replace);
            SelectedDesignerControl = null;
            selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { next }, SelectionTypes.Replace);
    /// <summary>
    ///  This function allows the service to rotate the TabSelection when TAB key is pressed.
    /// </summary>
    // Okay to suppress because of complex code path
    public void RotateTab(bool backwards)
        Control ctl;
        Control baseCtl;
        object targetSelection = null;
        object currentSelection;
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        IDesignerHost host = Host;
        if (selSvc is null || host is null || !(host.RootComponent is Control))
        IContainer container = host.Container;
        baseCtl = (Control)host.RootComponent;
        // We must handle two cases of logic here. We are responsible for handling selection within ourself,
        // and also for components on the tray. For our own tabbing around, we want to go by tab-order.
        // When we get to the end of the form, however, we go by selection order into the tray.
        // And, when we're at the end of the tray we start back at the form. We must reverse this logic to go backwards.
        currentSelection = selSvc.PrimarySelection;
        if (_shiftPressed && ShiftPrimaryItem is not null)
            currentSelection = ShiftPrimaryItem;
        if (currentSelection is null)
            currentSelection = SelectedDesignerControl;
            // If we are on templateNode and tabbing ahead ... the select the next Control on the parent ...
            if (currentSelection is not null)
                if (currentSelection is DesignerToolStripControlHost templateNodeItem && (!templateNodeItem.IsOnDropDown || (templateNodeItem.IsOnDropDown && templateNodeItem.IsOnOverflow)))
                    ctl = templateNodeItem.Owner;
                    if ((ctl.RightToLeft != RightToLeft.Yes && !backwards) || (ctl.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes && backwards))
                        targetSelection = GetNextControlInTab(baseCtl, ctl, !backwards);
                        if (targetSelection is null)
                            ComponentTray tray = (ComponentTray)_provider.GetService(typeof(ComponentTray));
                            if (tray is not null)
                                targetSelection = tray.GetNextComponent((IComponent)currentSelection, !backwards);
                                if (targetSelection is not null)
                                    ControlDesigner controlDesigner = host.GetDesigner((IComponent)targetSelection) as ControlDesigner;
                                    // In Whidbey controls like ToolStrips have componentTray presence,
                                    // so don't select them again through component tray since here we
                                    // select only Components. Hence only components that have ComponentDesigners
                                    // should be selected via the ComponentTray.
                                    while (controlDesigner is not null)
                                        // if the targetSelection from the Tray is a control .. try the next one.
                                        targetSelection = tray.GetNextComponent((IComponent)targetSelection, !backwards);
                                        controlDesigner = targetSelection is not null ? host.GetDesigner((IComponent)targetSelection) as ControlDesigner : null;
                            targetSelection ??= baseCtl;
        ctl = currentSelection as Control;
        // Added New Code for ToolStrip Tabbing..
        if (targetSelection is null && ctl is ToolStrip wb)
            ToolStripItemCollection collection = wb.Items;
            if (collection is not null)
                targetSelection = !backwards ? collection[0] : (object)collection[wb.Items.Count - 1];
        // ctl is NOT A CONTROL ... so its Component. Try this for ToolStripItem.
        if (targetSelection is null && ctl is null)
            ToolStripItem item = selSvc.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem;
            if (_shiftPressed && ShiftPrimaryItem is not null)
                item = ShiftPrimaryItem as ToolStripItem;
            item ??= SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
            if (item is not null && item.IsOnDropDown && item.Placement != ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow)
                // You come here only for DesignerToolStripControlHost on the DropDown ...
                Debug.WriteLineIf(item is DesignerToolStripControlHost, " Why are we here for non DesignerMenuItem??");
                if (item is DesignerToolStripControlHost designerItem)
                    ToolStripItem parentItem = ((ToolStripDropDown)designerItem.Owner).OwnerItem;
                    ToolStripDropDown dropDown = ToolStripItemDesigner.GetFirstDropDown((ToolStripDropDownItem)parentItem);
                    item = dropDown is not null ? dropDown.OwnerItem : parentItem;
            if (item is not null and not DesignerToolStripControlHost)
                ToolStrip parent = item.GetCurrentParent();
                if (parent is not null)
                    if (backwards)
                        // We are item on ToolStripOverflow...
                        if (parent is ToolStripOverflow)
                            ToolStripItem firstItem = GetNextItem(parent, null, ArrowDirection.Down);
                            if (item == firstItem)
                                if (item.Owner is ToolStrip owner)
                                    targetSelection = GetNextItem(owner, ((ToolStripDropDown)parent).OwnerItem, ArrowDirection.Left);
                                targetSelection = GetNextItem(parent, item, ArrowDirection.Left);
                        // check if this is the first item .. if so move out of ToolStrip...
                        else if (item == parent.Items[0] && parent.RightToLeft != RightToLeft.Yes)
                            // If Shift Pressed ... stop at 1st Item..
                            if (_shiftPressed)
                            targetSelection = GetNextControlInTab(baseCtl, parent, !backwards);
                            if (targetSelection is null)
                                ComponentTray tray = (ComponentTray)_provider.GetService(typeof(ComponentTray));
                                if (tray is not null)
                                    targetSelection = tray.GetNextComponent((IComponent)currentSelection, !backwards);
                                    if (targetSelection is not null)
                                        ControlDesigner controlDesigner = host.GetDesigner((IComponent)targetSelection) as ControlDesigner;
                                        // In Whidbey controls like ToolStrips have componentTray presence,
                                        // So don't select them again through component tray since here we
                                        // select only Components. Hence only components that have ComponentDesigners
                                        // should be selected via the ComponentTray.
                                        while (controlDesigner is not null)
                                            // if the targetSelection from the Tray is a control .. try the next one.
                                            targetSelection = tray.GetNextComponent((IComponent)targetSelection, !backwards);
                                            controlDesigner = targetSelection is not null ? host.GetDesigner((IComponent)targetSelection) as ControlDesigner : null;
                                targetSelection ??= baseCtl;
                            targetSelection = GetNextItem(parent, item, ArrowDirection.Left);
                            if (_shiftPressed && SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(targetSelection))
                                SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { ShiftPrimaryItem, targetSelection }, SelectionTypes.Remove);
                        // We are item on ToolStripOverflow...
                        if (parent is ToolStripOverflow)
                            targetSelection = GetNextItem(parent, item, ArrowDirection.Down);
                        else if (item == parent.Items[0] && parent.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                            // If Shift Pressed ... stop at 1st Item..
                            if (_shiftPressed)
                            targetSelection = GetNextControlInTab(baseCtl, parent, !backwards);
                            // this is the First control in TabOrder... Select the Form..
                            targetSelection ??= baseCtl;
                            targetSelection = GetNextItem(parent, item, ArrowDirection.Right);
                            if (_shiftPressed && SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(targetSelection))
                                SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { ShiftPrimaryItem, targetSelection }, SelectionTypes.Remove);
            // This is a DesignerToolStripControlHost on the Main ToolStrip.
            else if (item is not null)
                ToolStrip parent = item.GetCurrentParent();
                if (parent is not null)
                    // flip the semantics of backwards...
                    if (parent.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                        backwards = !backwards;
                    if (backwards)
                        ToolStripItemCollection collection = parent.Items;
                        targetSelection = collection.Count >= 2 ? collection[collection.Count - 2] : GetNextControlInTab(baseCtl, parent, !backwards);
                        ToolStripItemCollection collection = parent.Items;
                        targetSelection = collection[0];
        if (targetSelection is null && ctl is not null && (baseCtl.Contains(ctl) || baseCtl == currentSelection))
            // Our current selection is a control. Select the next control in the z-order.
            while ((ctl = GetNextControlInTab(baseCtl, ctl, !backwards)) is not null)
                if (ctl.Site is not null && ctl.Site.Container == container && !(ctl is ToolStripPanel))
            targetSelection = ctl;
        if (targetSelection is null)
            ComponentTray tray = (ComponentTray)_provider.GetService(typeof(ComponentTray));
            if (tray is not null)
                targetSelection = tray.GetNextComponent((IComponent)currentSelection, !backwards);
            if (targetSelection is null || targetSelection == currentSelection)
                targetSelection = baseCtl;
        // Special Casing since moving to TemplateNode to TemplateNode is moving from null selection to null selection.
        if (targetSelection is DesignerToolStripControlHost && currentSelection is DesignerToolStripControlHost)
            SelectedDesignerControl = targetSelection;
            selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { targetSelection }, SelectionTypes.Replace);
            selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(null, SelectionTypes.Replace);
    // Select components.
    private void SelectItems(ToolStrip parent)
        object[] totalObjects = new object[parent.Items.Count - 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < parent.Items.Count - 1; i++)
            if (parent.Items[i] is DesignerToolStripControlHost)
            totalObjects[i] = parent.Items[i];
        SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(totalObjects, SelectionTypes.Replace);
    // Helper function called by all handlers to select the target Selection.
    private void SetSelection(object targetSelection)
        ISelectionService selSvc = SelectionService;
        if (selSvc is not null)
            // Cache original selection
            ICollection originalSelComps = selSvc.GetSelectedComponents();
            // Add the TemplateNode to the Selection if it is currently Selected as the GetSelectedComponents won't do it for us.
            ArrayList origSel = new(originalSelComps);
            if (origSel.Count == 0)
                if (SelectedDesignerControl is not null)
            if (targetSelection is DesignerToolStripControlHost)
                if (!_shiftPressed)
                    SelectedDesignerControl = targetSelection;
                    selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(null, SelectionTypes.Replace);
                if (targetSelection is ToolStripOverflowButton overFlowButton)
                    SelectedDesignerControl = null;
                    object newSelection = GetNextItem(overFlowButton.DropDown, null, ArrowDirection.Down);
                    if (!_shiftPressed)
                        ShiftPrimaryItem = null;
                        selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { newSelection }, SelectionTypes.Replace);
                        selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { newSelection });
                        ShiftPrimaryItem = targetSelection;
                    SelectedDesignerControl = null;
                    if (!_shiftPressed)
                        ShiftPrimaryItem = null;
                        selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { targetSelection }, SelectionTypes.Replace);
                        selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { targetSelection });
                        ShiftPrimaryItem = targetSelection;
            // Invalidate old & new selection.
            ToolStripDesignerUtils.InvalidateSelection(origSel, targetSelection as ToolStripItem, _provider, _shiftPressed);
        // reset the shiftPressed since we end selection
        _shiftPressed = false;