File: System\Windows\Forms\Application.ModalApplicationContext.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
public sealed partial class Application
    internal static readonly Type s_typeOfModalApplicationContext = typeof(ModalApplicationContext);
    private class ModalApplicationContext : ApplicationContext
        private ThreadContext? _parentWindowContext;
        private delegate void ThreadWindowCallback(ThreadContext context, bool onlyWinForms);
        public ModalApplicationContext(Form modalForm) : base(modalForm)
        public void DisableThreadWindows(bool disable, bool onlyWinForms)
            Control? parentControl = null;
            // Get ahold of the parent HWND -- if it's a different thread we need to do the disable
            // over there too. Note we only do this if we're parented by a Windows Forms parent.
            if (MainForm is not null && MainForm.IsHandleCreated)
                // Get ahold of the parenting control
                HWND parentHandle = (HWND)PInvokeCore.GetWindowLong(MainForm, WINDOW_LONG_PTR_INDEX.GWL_HWNDPARENT);
                parentControl = Control.FromHandle(parentHandle);
                _parentWindowContext = parentControl is not null && parentControl.InvokeRequired
                    ? GetContextForHandle(parentControl)
                    : null;
            // If we got a thread context, that means our parent is in a different thread, make the call on that thread.
            if (_parentWindowContext is not null)
                // In case we've already torn down, ask the context for this.
                parentControl ??= _parentWindowContext.ApplicationContext!.MainForm;
                    disable ? new ThreadWindowCallback(DisableThreadWindowsCallback) : new ThreadWindowCallback(EnableThreadWindowsCallback),
                    [_parentWindowContext, onlyWinForms]);
        private void DisableThreadWindowsCallback(ThreadContext context, bool onlyWinForms)
            => context.DisableWindowsForModalLoop(onlyWinForms, this);
        private void EnableThreadWindowsCallback(ThreadContext context, bool onlyWinForms)
            => context.EnableWindowsForModalLoop(onlyWinForms, this);
        protected override void ExitThreadCore()
            // do nothing... modal dialogs exit by setting dialog result