File: System\Windows\Forms\Layout\LayoutTransaction.cs
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Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
// Frequently when you need to do a PreformLayout, you also need to invalidate the
// PreferredSizeCache (you are laying out because you know that the action has changed
// the PreferredSize of the control and/or its container). LayoutTransaction wraps both
// of these operations into one, plus adds a check for null to make our code more
// concise.
// Usage1: (When we are not calling to other code which may cause a layout:)
//  LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(ParentInternal, this, PropertyNames.Bounds);
// Usage2: (When we need to wrap code which may cause additional layouts:)
//  using(new LayoutTransaction(ParentInternal, this, PropertyNames.Bounds)) {
//      OnBoundsChanged();
//  }
// The second usage spins off 12b for garbage collection, but I did some profiling and
// it didn't seem significant (we were spinning off more from LayoutEventArgs.)
internal sealed class LayoutTransaction : IDisposable
    private readonly Control? _controlToLayout;
    private readonly bool _resumeLayout;
    private readonly int _layoutSuspendCount;
    public LayoutTransaction(Control? controlToLayout, IArrangedElement controlCausingLayout, string? property)
        : this(controlToLayout, controlCausingLayout, property, true)
    public LayoutTransaction(Control? controlToLayout, IArrangedElement controlCausingLayout, string? property, bool resumeLayout)
        _controlToLayout = controlToLayout;
        _resumeLayout = resumeLayout;
        if (_controlToLayout is not null)
            _layoutSuspendCount = _controlToLayout.LayoutSuspendCount;
            // Same effect as calling performLayout on Dispose but then we would have to keep
            // controlCausingLayout and property around as state.
            if (resumeLayout)
                _controlToLayout.PerformLayout(new LayoutEventArgs(controlCausingLayout, property));
    public void Dispose()
        Debug.Assert(_controlToLayout is null || _controlToLayout.LayoutSuspendCount == _layoutSuspendCount, "Suspend/Resume layout mismatch!");
    // This overload should be used when a property has changed that affects preferred size,
    // but you only want to layout if a certain condition exists (say you want to layout your
    // parent because your preferred size has changed).
    public static IDisposable CreateTransactionIf(bool condition, Control? controlToLayout, IArrangedElement elementCausingLayout, string? property)
        if (condition)
            return new LayoutTransaction(controlToLayout, elementCausingLayout, property);
            return default(NullLayoutTransaction);
    public static void DoLayout(IArrangedElement? elementToLayout, IArrangedElement? elementCausingLayout, string? property)
        if (elementCausingLayout is not null)
            if (elementToLayout is not null)
                elementToLayout.PerformLayout(elementCausingLayout, property);
        Debug.Assert(elementCausingLayout is not null, "LayoutTransaction.DoLayout - elementCausingLayout is null, no layout performed - did you mix up your parameters?");
    // This overload should be used when a property has changed that affects preferred size,
    // but you only want to layout if a certain condition exists (say you want to layout your
    // parent because your preferred size has changed).
    public static void DoLayoutIf(bool condition, IArrangedElement? elementToLayout, IArrangedElement? elementCausingLayout, string? property)
        if (!condition)
            if (elementCausingLayout is not null)
            DoLayout(elementToLayout, elementCausingLayout, property);