// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
/// <summary>
/// TabPage implements a single page of a tab control. It is essentially a Panel with TabItem
/// properties.
/// </summary>
[Designer($"System.Windows.Forms.Design.TabPageDesigner, {Assemblies.SystemDesign}")]
public partial class TabPage : Panel
private ImageList.Indexer? _imageIndexer;
private string _toolTipText = string.Empty;
private bool _enterFired;
private bool _leaveFired;
private bool _useVisualStyleBackColor;
private List<ToolTip>? _associatedToolTips;
private ToolTip? _externalToolTip;
private readonly ToolTip _internalToolTip = new();
private TabAccessibleObject? _tabAccessibilityObject;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs an empty TabPage.
/// </summary>
public TabPage() : base()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.CacheText, true);
#pragma warning disable WFO5001 // Type is for evaluation purposes only and is subject to change or removal in future updates. Suppress this diagnostic to proceed.
SetStyle(ControlStyles.ApplyThemingImplicitly, true);
#pragma warning restore WFO5001
Text = null;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a TabPage with text for the tab.
/// </summary>
public TabPage(string? text) : this()
Text = text;
internal override bool AllowsKeyboardToolTip()
=> ParentInternal is TabControl tabControl && tabControl.ShowToolTips;
/// <summary>
/// Allows the control to optionally shrink when AutoSize is true.
/// </summary>
public override AutoSizeMode AutoSizeMode
get => AutoSizeMode.GrowOnly;
/// <summary>
/// Hide AutoSize: it doesn't make sense for this control
/// </summary>
public override bool AutoSize
get => base.AutoSize;
set => base.AutoSize = value;
public new event EventHandler? AutoSizeChanged
add => base.AutoSizeChanged += value;
remove => base.AutoSizeChanged -= value;
/// <summary>
/// The background color of this control. This is an ambient property and will always return
/// a non-null value.
/// </summary>
public override Color BackColor
Color color = base.BackColor;
#pragma warning disable WFO5001 // Type is for evaluation purposes only and is subject to change or removal in future updates. Suppress this diagnostic to proceed.
if (color != DefaultBackColor)
return color;
else if (!Application.IsDarkModeEnabled
&& Application.RenderWithVisualStyles
&& UseVisualStyleBackColor
&& (ParentInternal is TabControl parent && parent.Appearance == TabAppearance.Normal))
return Color.Transparent;
#pragma warning restore WFO5001
return color;
if (DesignMode)
if (value != Color.Empty)
PropertyDescriptor? pd = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(this)[nameof(UseVisualStyleBackColor)];
pd?.SetValue(this, false);
UseVisualStyleBackColor = false;
base.BackColor = value;
protected override AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance()
=> new TabPageAccessibleObject(this);
/// <summary>
/// Constructs the new instance of the Controls collection objects.
/// </summary>
protected override ControlCollection CreateControlsInstance() => new TabPageControlCollection(this);
private protected override string? GetCaptionForTool(ToolTip toolTip)
// Return the internal toolTip text if it is set
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_toolTipText))
return _toolTipText;
// Return the external toolTip text for this page
return toolTip.GetCaptionForTool(this);
private protected override IList<Rectangle> GetNeighboringToolsRectangles()
List<Rectangle> neighbors = [];
if (ParentInternal is not TabControl tabControl)
return neighbors;
int currentIndex = tabControl.TabPages.IndexOf(this);
if (currentIndex == -1)
return neighbors;
// Get the previous tab rectangle
if (currentIndex > 0)
neighbors.Add(tabControl.RectangleToScreen(tabControl.GetTabRect(currentIndex - 1)));
// Get the next tab rectangle
if (currentIndex < tabControl.TabCount - 1)
neighbors.Add(tabControl.RectangleToScreen(tabControl.GetTabRect(currentIndex + 1)));
return neighbors;
private protected override bool IsHoveredWithMouse()
if (ParentInternal is not TabControl tabControl)
return false;
// Check if any tab contains the mouse
for (int i = 0; i < tabControl.TabCount; i++)
if (tabControl.RectangleToScreen(tabControl.GetTabRect(i)).Contains(MousePosition))
return true;
// Check if the selected page contains the mouse
TabPage? selectedTab = tabControl.SelectedTab;
if (selectedTab is not null)
return selectedTab.AccessibilityObject.Bounds.Contains(MousePosition);
return false;
internal ImageList.Indexer ImageIndexer => _imageIndexer ??= new ImageList.Indexer();
/// <summary>
/// Returns the imageIndex for the TabPage. This should point to an image
/// in the TabControl's associated imageList that will appear on the tab, or be -1.
/// </summary>
[Editor($"System.Windows.Forms.Design.ImageIndexEditor, {Assemblies.SystemDesign}", typeof(UITypeEditor))]
public int ImageIndex
get => ImageIndexer.Index;
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfLessThan(value, -1);
if (ParentInternal is TabControl parent)
ImageIndexer.ImageList = parent.ImageList;
ImageIndexer.Index = value;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the imageIndex for the TabPage. This should point to an image in the TabControl's
/// associated imageList that will appear on the tab, or be -1.
/// </summary>
[Editor($"System.Windows.Forms.Design.ImageIndexEditor, {Assemblies.SystemDesign}", typeof(UITypeEditor))]
public string ImageKey
get => ImageIndexer.Key;
ImageIndexer.Key = value;
if (ParentInternal is TabControl parent)
ImageIndexer.ImageList = parent.ImageList;
public override AnchorStyles Anchor
get => base.Anchor;
set => base.Anchor = value;
public override DockStyle Dock
get => base.Dock;
set => base.Dock = value;
public new event EventHandler? DockChanged
add => base.DockChanged += value;
remove => base.DockChanged -= value;
public new bool Enabled
get => base.Enabled;
set => base.Enabled = value;
public new event EventHandler? EnabledChanged
add => base.EnabledChanged += value;
remove => base.EnabledChanged -= value;
public bool UseVisualStyleBackColor
get => _useVisualStyleBackColor;
if (_useVisualStyleBackColor == value)
_useVisualStyleBackColor = value;
/// <summary>
/// Make the Location property non-browsable for the tab pages.
/// </summary>
public new Point Location
get => base.Location;
set => base.Location = value;
public new event EventHandler? LocationChanged
add => base.LocationChanged += value;
remove => base.LocationChanged -= value;
[DefaultValue(typeof(Size), "0, 0")]
public override Size MaximumSize
get => base.MaximumSize;
set => base.MaximumSize = value;
public override Size MinimumSize
get => base.MinimumSize;
set => base.MinimumSize = value;
public new Size PreferredSize => base.PreferredSize;
public new int TabIndex
get => base.TabIndex;
set => base.TabIndex = value;
/// <summary>
/// This property is required by certain controls (TabPage) to render its transparency using
/// theming API. We don't want all controls (that are have transparent BackColor) to use
/// theming API to render its background because it has large performance cost.
/// </summary>
internal override bool RenderTransparencyWithVisualStyles => true;
internal override bool SupportsUiaProviders => true;
internal TabAccessibleObject TabAccessibilityObject => _tabAccessibilityObject ??= new TabAccessibleObject(this);
public new event EventHandler? TabIndexChanged
add => base.TabIndexChanged += value;
remove => base.TabIndexChanged -= value;
public new bool TabStop
get => base.TabStop;
set => base.TabStop = value;
public new event EventHandler? TabStopChanged
add => base.TabStopChanged += value;
remove => base.TabStopChanged -= value;
public override string Text
get => base.Text;
base.Text = value;
public new event EventHandler? TextChanged
add => base.TextChanged += value;
remove => base.TextChanged -= value;
/// <summary>
/// The toolTipText for the tab, that will appear when the mouse hovers over the tab and the
/// TabControl's showToolTips property is true.
/// </summary>
public string ToolTipText
get => _toolTipText;
value ??= string.Empty;
if (value == _toolTipText)
_toolTipText = value;
if (_externalToolTip is null && _associatedToolTips is null)
_internalToolTip.SetToolTip(this, value);
public new bool Visible
get => base.Visible;
set => base.Visible = value;
public new event EventHandler? VisibleChanged
add => base.VisibleChanged += value;
remove => base.VisibleChanged -= value;
/// <summary>
/// Assigns a new parent control. Sends out the appropriate property change notifications for
/// properties that are affected by the change of parent.
/// </summary>
internal override void AssignParent(Control? value)
if (value is not null and not TabControl)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(SR.TabControlTabPageNotOnTabControl, value.GetType().FullName));
/// <summary>
/// Given a component, this retrieves the tab page that it's parented to, or null if it's not
/// parented to any tab page.
/// </summary>
public static TabPage? GetTabPageOfComponent(object? comp)
Control? c = comp as Control;
if (c is null)
return null;
while (c is not null and not TabPage)
c = c.ParentInternal;
return (TabPage?)c;
internal Rectangle GetPageRectangle() => base.GetToolNativeScreenRectangle();
internal override Rectangle GetToolNativeScreenRectangle()
// Check SelectedIndex of the parental TabControl instead of SelectedTab
// because it is used in GetTabRect next.
// So check this to make sure that the value is correct
// to avoid ArgumentOutOfRangeException in GetTabRect.
if (ParentInternal is TabControl tabControl && tabControl.SelectedIndex >= 0)
Rectangle rect = tabControl.GetTabRect(tabControl.SelectedIndex);
return tabControl.RectangleToScreen(rect);
return Rectangle.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// This is an internal method called by the TabControl to fire the Leave event when TabControl leave occurs.
/// </summary>
internal void FireLeave(EventArgs e)
_leaveFired = true;
/// <summary>
/// This is an internal method called by the TabControl to fire the Enter event when TabControl leave occurs.
/// </summary>
internal void FireEnter(EventArgs e)
_enterFired = true;
/// <summary>
/// Actually goes and fires the OnEnter event. Inheriting controls should use this to know
/// when the event is fired [this is preferable to adding an event handler on yourself for
/// this event]. They should, however, remember to call base.OnEnter(e); to ensure the event
/// i still fired to external listeners
/// This listener is overridden so that we can fire SAME ENTER and LEAVE events on the TabPage.
/// TabPage should fire enter when the focus is on the TabPage and not when the control
/// within the TabPage gets Focused.
/// </summary>
protected internal override void OnEnter(EventArgs e)
if (ParentInternal is TabControl)
if (_enterFired)
_enterFired = false;
/// <summary>
/// Actually goes and fires the OnLeave event. Inheriting controls should use this to know
/// when the event is fired [this is preferable to adding an event handler on yourself for
/// this event]. They should, however, remember to call base.OnLeave(e); to ensure the event
/// is still fired to external listeners
/// This listener is overridden so that we can fire same enter and leave events on the TabPage.
/// TabPage should fire enter when the focus is on the TabPage and not when the control within
/// the TabPage gets Focused.
/// Similarly the Leave should fire when the TabControl (and hence the TabPage) loses focus.
/// </summary>
protected internal override void OnLeave(EventArgs e)
if (ParentInternal is TabControl)
if (_leaveFired)
_leaveFired = false;
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
// Utilize the TabRenderer new to Whidbey to draw the tab pages so that the panels are
// drawn using the correct visual styles when the application supports using visual
// styles.
// Utilize the UseVisualStyleBackColor property to determine whether or not the themed
// background should be utilized.
if (Application.RenderWithVisualStyles
&& UseVisualStyleBackColor
&& (ParentInternal is TabControl parent && parent.Appearance == TabAppearance.Normal))
#pragma warning disable WFO5001 // Type is for evaluation purposes only and is subject to change or removal in future updates. Suppress this diagnostic to proceed.
Color bkColor = (UseVisualStyleBackColor && !Application.IsDarkModeEnabled)
? Color.Transparent
: BackColor;
#pragma warning restore WFO5001
Rectangle inflateRect = LayoutUtils.InflateRect(DisplayRectangle, Padding);
// To ensure that the TabPage draws correctly (the border will get clipped and
// and gradient fill will match correctly with the TabControl). Unfortunately,
// there is no good way to determine the padding used on the TabPage.
Rectangle rectWithBorder = new(
inflateRect.X - 4,
inflateRect.Y - 2,
inflateRect.Width + 8,
inflateRect.Height + 6);
TabRenderer.DrawTabPage(e, rectWithBorder);
// TabRenderer does not support painting the background image on the panel, so
// draw it ourselves.
if (BackgroundImage is not null)
internal override void ReleaseUiaProvider(HWND handle)
_tabAccessibilityObject = null;
internal override void RemoveToolTip(ToolTip toolTip)
// If a user used one ToolTIp instance to set a toolTip text before.
if (_associatedToolTips is null)
Debug.Assert(_externalToolTip == toolTip, "RemoveToolTip should remove a toolTip that was set.");
_externalToolTip = null;
_internalToolTip.SetToolTip(this, ToolTipText);
if (_associatedToolTips.Contains(toolTip))
Debug.Fail("RemoveToolTip should remove a toolTip that was set.");
// If there is only one associated toolTip set it as _externalToolTip
// and remove the List collection to improve performance.
if (_associatedToolTips.Count == 1)
_externalToolTip = _associatedToolTips[0];
_associatedToolTips = null;
/// <summary>
/// Usually users create one ToolTip instance and set toolTip texts for several controls using this instance.
/// This method will store the link to this ToolTip instance in _externalToolTip
/// to use it as a base for a keyboard toolTip instead _internalToolTip instance.
/// That is strange and unexpected but a user can set several toolTip instances for this TabPage,
/// in this case, we have to check all associated toolTips.
/// Because of that, create a new List collection to do that.
/// </summary>
internal override void SetToolTip(ToolTip toolTip)
// "_externalToolTip == toolTip" condition means a user just set a new text using a ToolTip instance
// that was already set for this TabPage.
if (toolTip is null || _externalToolTip == toolTip)
// If a user sets toolTip text using a ToolTip instance first time.
// In this case, use external ToolTip instance to show keyboard toolTip instead internal one.
if (_externalToolTip is null)
_externalToolTip = toolTip;
// If a user sets a toolTip text for this TabPage using one more ToolTip instance.
// Use the List collection to track all associated toolTips.
// In this case, the keyboard toolTip will show the text of the latest toolTip instance that was set.
if (_associatedToolTips is null)
_associatedToolTips = [_externalToolTip, toolTip];
if (!_associatedToolTips.Contains(toolTip))
/// <summary>
/// Overrides main setting of our bounds so that we can control our size and that of our
/// TabPages.
/// </summary>
protected override void SetBoundsCore(int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified)
Control? parent = ParentInternal;
if (parent is TabControl && parent.IsHandleCreated)
Rectangle r = parent.DisplayRectangle;
// LayoutEngines send BoundsSpecified.None so they can know they are the ones causing the size change
// in the subsequent InitLayout. We need to be careful preserve a None.
base.SetBoundsCore(r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, specified == BoundsSpecified.None ? BoundsSpecified.None : BoundsSpecified.All);
base.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified);
/// <summary>
/// Determines if the Location property needs to be persisted.
/// </summary>
private bool ShouldSerializeLocation() => Left != 0 || Top != 0;
/// <summary>
/// The text property is what is returned for the TabPages default printing.
/// </summary>
public override string ToString() => $"TabPage: {{{Text}}}";
internal void UpdateParent()
if (ParentInternal is TabControl parent)