File: System\Windows\Forms\UnsupportedTypesTests.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\test\unit\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.Tests.csproj (System.Windows.Forms.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using UnsupportedTypes;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Tests;
// Test for
public class UnsupportedTypesTests
#pragma warning disable WFDEV006, CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
    public static TheoryData<Action> UnsupportedControlsConstructors =>
        () => new ContextMenu(),
        () => new ContextMenu(menuItems: null!),
        () => new DataGrid(),
        () => new DataGridBoolColumn(),
        () => new DataGridBoolColumn(prop: null!),
        () => new DataGridBoolColumn(prop: null!, isDefault: true),
        () => new DataGridCell(r:1, c: 2),
        () => new DataGridPreferredColumnWidthTypeConverter(),
        () => new DataGridTableStyle(),
        () => new DataGridTableStyle(isDefaultTableStyle: true),
        () => new DataGridTableStyle(listManager: null!),
        () => new DataGridTextBox(),
        () => new DataGridTextBoxColumn(),
        () => new DataGridTextBoxColumn(prop: null!),
        () => new DataGridTextBoxColumn(prop: null!, format: "format"),
        () => new DataGridTextBoxColumn(prop: null!, format: "format", isDefault: true),
        () => new DataGridTextBoxColumn(prop : null!, isDefault: false),
        () => new TestDataGridColumnStyle(),
        () => new TestDataGridColumnStyle(prop: null!),
        () => GridTablesFactory.CreateGridTables(gridTable: null!, dataSource: null!, dataMember: "data member", bindingManager: null!),
        () => new Menu.MenuItemCollection(owner: null!),
        () => new MainMenu(),
        () => new MainMenu(container: null!),
        () => new MainMenu(items: null!),
        () => new MenuItem(),
        () => new MenuItem(text: "text"),
        () => new MenuItem(text: "text", onClick: null!),
        () => new MenuItem(text: "text", onClick: null!, Shortcut.Alt0),
        () => new MenuItem(text: "text", items: null!),
        () => new MenuItem(MenuMerge.Add, mergeOrder: 1, Shortcut.Alt0, text: "text", onClick: null!, onPopup: null!, onSelect: null, items: null!),
        () => new StatusBar(),
        () => new StatusBar.StatusBarPanelCollection(owner: null!),
        () => new StatusBarPanel(),
        () => new StatusBarPanelClickEventArgs(statusBarPanel: null!, MouseButtons.Left, clicks: 1, x: 1, y: 1),
        () => new ToolBar(),
        () => new ToolBarButton(),
        () => new ToolBarButton(text: "text"),
        () => new ToolBar.ToolBarButtonCollection(owner: null!),
        () => new ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs(button: null!)
    public void UnsupportedControl_Constructor_Throws(Action action) =>
    public void CompModSwitches_Throw() =>
        ((Func<bool>)(() => TestDataGridColumnStyle.Call_DGEditColumnEditing())).Should().Throw<PlatformNotSupportedException>();
    public void DataGridTableStyle_static_IsDefault() =>
    public void DataGrid_HitTestInfo_Nowhere_static_IsDefault() =>
    public void StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs_Constructor_Throws()
        using Control control = new();
        using Graphics graphics = control.CreateGraphics();
        Rectangle rectangle = new(1, 2, 3, 4);
        ((Action)(() => new StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs(graphics, font: null!, rectangle, itemId: 0, DrawItemState.Checked, panel: null!)))
        ((Action)(() => new StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs(graphics, font: null!, rectangle, itemId: 0, DrawItemState.Checked, panel: null!, foreColor: Color.Red, backColor: Color.Black)))
    public void Control_ContextMenu()
        using Control control = new();
        control.ContextMenu = null;
    public void Control_ContextMenuChanged()
        using ControlWithContextMenu control = new();
        int contextMenuChangedCount = 0;
        control.ContextMenuChanged += Control_ContextMenuChanged1;
        control.ContextMenuChanged -= Control_ContextMenuChanged1;
        void Control_ContextMenuChanged1(object? sender, EventArgs e) => contextMenuChangedCount++;
    public void Form_Menu()
        using Form form = new();
        form.Menu = null;
    public void Form_MergedMenu()
        using Form form = new();
    public void CreateMenus_Throws()
        using Button button = new();
        using CreateFrameworkTypes createFrameworkTypes = new();
        ((Action)(() => createFrameworkTypes.CreateMenus(button))).Should().Throw<PlatformNotSupportedException>();
    public void CreateMainMenu_Throws()
        using Form form = new();
        ((Action)(() => form.Menu = CreateFrameworkTypes.CreateMainMenu())).Should().Throw<PlatformNotSupportedException>();
    public void CreateDataGrid_Throws()
        using Form form = new();
        using CreateFrameworkTypes createFrameworkTypes = new();
        ((Action)(() => createFrameworkTypes.CreateDataGrid(form))).Should().Throw<PlatformNotSupportedException>();
    public void AddCustomDataTableStyle_Throws()
        using Form form = new();
        using CreateFrameworkTypes createFrameworkTypes = new();
        ((Action)(() => createFrameworkTypes.AddCustomDataTableStyle(form))).Should().Throw<PlatformNotSupportedException>();
    public void AccessHitTestInfo_DoesNotThrowMissingField() =>
        ((Action)(() => CreateFrameworkTypes.DataGrid_MouseUp(null, null))).Should().Throw<NullReferenceException>();
    public void CreateToolBar_Throws()
        using Form form = new();
        using CreateFrameworkTypes createFrameworkTypes = new();
        ((Action)(() => createFrameworkTypes.CreateToolBar(form))).Should().Throw<PlatformNotSupportedException>();
    public void CreateStatusBar_Throws()
        using Form form = new();
        using CreateFrameworkTypes createFrameworkTypes = new();
        ((Action)(() => createFrameworkTypes.CreateStatusBar(form))).Should().Throw<PlatformNotSupportedException>();
    public void InteropWithUnsupportedEnums()
    internal class ControlWithContextMenu : Control
        public int OnContextMenuChangedCount;
        public new void OnContextMenuChanged(EventArgs e)
    internal class TestDataGridColumnStyle : DataGridColumnStyle
        public TestDataGridColumnStyle() : base() { }
        public TestDataGridColumnStyle(PropertyDescriptor prop) : base(prop) { }
        public static void Create_DataGridColumnHeaderAccessibleObject() => _ = new DataGridColumnHeaderAccessibleObject();
        public static void Create_DataGridColumnHeaderAccessibleObject1() => _ = new DataGridColumnHeaderAccessibleObject(owner: null!);
        public static void CreateCompModSwitches() => _ = new CompModSwitches();
        public static bool Call_DGEditColumnEditing() => CompModSwitches.DGEditColumnEditing.TraceError;
        protected internal override void Abort(int rowNum) => throw new NotImplementedException();
        protected internal override bool Commit(CurrencyManager dataSource, int rowNum) => throw new NotImplementedException();
        protected internal override void Edit(CurrencyManager source, int rowNum, Rectangle bounds, bool readOnly, string displayText, bool cellIsVisible) => throw new NotImplementedException();
        protected internal override int GetMinimumHeight() => throw new NotImplementedException();
        protected internal override int GetPreferredHeight(Graphics g, object value) => throw new NotImplementedException();
        protected internal override Size GetPreferredSize(Graphics g, object value) => throw new NotImplementedException();
        protected internal override void Paint(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, CurrencyManager source, int rowNum, bool alignToRight) => throw new NotImplementedException();
        protected internal override void Paint(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, CurrencyManager source, int rowNum) => throw new NotImplementedException();