File: System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripPanelRow.HorizontalRowManager.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
public partial class ToolStripPanelRow
    private class HorizontalRowManager : ToolStripPanelRowManager
        public HorizontalRowManager(ToolStripPanelRow owner) : base(owner)
            FlowLayoutSettings.WrapContents = false;
            FlowLayoutSettings.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight;
        public override Rectangle DisplayRectangle
                Rectangle displayRect = ((IArrangedElement)Row).DisplayRectangle;
                if (ToolStripPanel is not null)
                    Rectangle raftingDisplayRectangle = ToolStripPanel.DisplayRectangle;
                    if ((!ToolStripPanel.Visible || LayoutUtils.IsZeroWidthOrHeight(raftingDisplayRectangle)) && (ToolStripPanel.ParentInternal is not null))
                        // if were layed out before we're visible we have the wrong display rectangle, so we need to calculate it.
                        displayRect.Width = ToolStripPanel.ParentInternal.DisplayRectangle.Width - (ToolStripPanel.Margin.Horizontal + ToolStripPanel.Padding.Horizontal) - Row.Margin.Horizontal;
                        displayRect.Width = raftingDisplayRectangle.Width - Row.Margin.Horizontal;
                return displayRect;
        public override Rectangle DragBounds
                Rectangle dragBounds = Row.Bounds;
                int index = ToolStripPanel.RowsInternal.IndexOf(Row);
                if (index > 0)
                    Rectangle previousRowBounds = ToolStripPanel.RowsInternal[index - 1].Bounds;
                    int y = previousRowBounds.Y + previousRowBounds.Height - (previousRowBounds.Height >> 2);
                    dragBounds.Height += dragBounds.Y - y;
                    dragBounds.Y = y;
                if (index < ToolStripPanel.RowsInternal.Count - 1)
                    Rectangle nextRowBounds = ToolStripPanel.RowsInternal[index + 1].Bounds;
                    dragBounds.Height += (nextRowBounds.Height >> 2) + Row.Margin.Bottom + ToolStripPanel.RowsInternal[index + 1].Margin.Top;
                dragBounds.Width += Row.Margin.Horizontal + ToolStripPanel.Padding.Horizontal + 5;
                dragBounds.X -= Row.Margin.Left + ToolStripPanel.Padding.Left + 4;
                return dragBounds;
        /// <summary>
        ///  returns true if there is enough space to "raft" the control
        ///  ow returns false
        /// </summary>
        public override bool CanMove(ToolStrip toolStripToDrag)
            if (base.CanMove(toolStripToDrag))
                Size totalSize = Size.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < Row.ControlsInternal.Count; i++)
                    totalSize += Row.GetMinimumSize((ToolStrip)Row.ControlsInternal[i]);
                totalSize += Row.GetMinimumSize(toolStripToDrag);
                return totalSize.Width < DisplayRectangle.Width;
            return false;
        protected internal override int FreeSpaceFromRow(int spaceToFree)
            int requiredSpace = spaceToFree;
            // take a look at the last guy. if his right edge exceeds
            // the new bounds, then we should go ahead and push him into view.
            if (spaceToFree > 0)
                // we should shrink the last guy and then move him.
                ToolStripPanelCell? lastCellOnRow = GetNextVisibleCell(Row.Cells.Count - 1, forward: false);
                if (lastCellOnRow is null)
                    return 0;
                Padding cellMargin = lastCellOnRow.Margin;
                // only check margin.left as we are only concerned with getting right edge of
                // the toolstrip into view. (space after the fact doesn't count).
                if (cellMargin.Left >= spaceToFree)
                    cellMargin.Left -= spaceToFree;
                    cellMargin.Right = 0;
                    spaceToFree = 0;
                    spaceToFree -= lastCellOnRow.Margin.Left;
                    cellMargin.Left = 0;
                    cellMargin.Right = 0;
                lastCellOnRow.Margin = cellMargin;
                // Start moving the toolstrips before this guy.
                spaceToFree -= MoveLeft(Row.Cells.Count - 1, spaceToFree);
            return requiredSpace - Math.Max(0, spaceToFree);
        public override void MoveControl(ToolStrip movingControl, Point clientStartLocation, Point clientEndLocation)
            if (Row.Locked)
            if (DragBounds.Contains(clientEndLocation))
                int index = Row.ControlsInternal.IndexOf(movingControl);
                int deltaX = clientEndLocation.X - clientStartLocation.X;
                if (deltaX < 0)
                    // moving to the left
                    MoveLeft(index, deltaX * -1);
                    MoveRight(index, deltaX);
                base.MoveControl(movingControl, clientStartLocation, clientEndLocation);
        private int MoveLeft(int index, int spaceToFree)
            int freedSpace = 0;
                if (spaceToFree == 0 || index < 0)
                    return 0;
                // remove all margins starting from the index.
                for (int i = index; i >= 0; i--)
                    ToolStripPanelCell? cell = (ToolStripPanelCell)Row.Cells[i];
                    if (!cell.Visible && !cell.ControlInDesignMode)
                    int requiredSpace = spaceToFree - freedSpace;
                    Padding cellMargin = cell.Margin;
                    if (cellMargin.Horizontal >= requiredSpace)
                        freedSpace += requiredSpace;
                        cellMargin.Left -= requiredSpace;
                        cellMargin.Right = 0;
                        cell.Margin = cellMargin;
                        freedSpace += cell.Margin.Horizontal;
                        cellMargin.Left = 0;
                        cellMargin.Right = 0;
                        cell.Margin = cellMargin;
                    if (freedSpace >= spaceToFree)
                        // add the space we freed to the next guy.
                        if (index + 1 < Row.Cells.Count)
                            cell = GetNextVisibleCell(index + 1, /*forward*/true);
                            if (cell is not null)
                                cellMargin = cell.Margin;
                                cellMargin.Left += spaceToFree;
                                cell.Margin = cellMargin;
                        return spaceToFree;
            return freedSpace;
        private int MoveRight(int index, int spaceToFree)
            int freedSpace = 0;
                if (spaceToFree == 0 || index < 0 || index >= Row.ControlsInternal.Count)
                    return 0;
                ToolStripPanelCell? cell;
                Padding cellMargin;
                // remove all margins after this point in the index.
                for (int i = index + 1; i < Row.Cells.Count; i++)
                    cell = (ToolStripPanelCell)Row.Cells[i];
                    if (!cell.Visible && !cell.ControlInDesignMode)
                    int requiredSpace = spaceToFree - freedSpace;
                    cellMargin = cell.Margin;
                    if (cellMargin.Horizontal >= requiredSpace)
                        freedSpace += requiredSpace;
                        cellMargin.Left -= requiredSpace;
                        cellMargin.Right = 0;
                        cell.Margin = cellMargin;
                        freedSpace += cell.Margin.Horizontal;
                        cellMargin.Left = 0;
                        cellMargin.Right = 0;
                        cell.Margin = cellMargin;
                // add in the space at the end of the row.
                if (Row.Cells.Count > 0 && (spaceToFree > freedSpace))
                    ToolStripPanelCell? lastCell = GetNextVisibleCell(Row.Cells.Count - 1, forward: false);
                    if (lastCell is not null)
                        freedSpace += DisplayRectangle.Right - lastCell.Bounds.Right;
                        freedSpace += DisplayRectangle.Width;
                // set the margin of the control that's moving.
                if (spaceToFree <= freedSpace)
                    // add the space we freed to the first guy.
                    cell = GetNextVisibleCell(index, forward: true);
                    cell ??= Row.Cells[index] as ToolStripPanelCell;
                    Debug.Assert(cell is not null, "Don't expect cell to be null here, what's going on?");
                    if (cell is not null)
                        cellMargin = cell.Margin;
                        cellMargin.Left += spaceToFree;
                        cell.Margin = cellMargin;
                    return spaceToFree;
                // Now start shrinking.
                for (int i = index + 1; i < Row.Cells.Count; i++)
                    cell = (ToolStripPanelCell)Row.Cells[i];
                    if (!cell.Visible && !cell.ControlInDesignMode)
                    int requiredSpace = spaceToFree - freedSpace;
                    if (spaceToFree >= freedSpace)
                        return spaceToFree;
                if (Row.Cells.Count == 1)
                    cell = GetNextVisibleCell(index, forward: true);
                    if (cell is not null)
                        cellMargin = cell.Margin;
                        cellMargin.Left += freedSpace;
                        cell.Margin = cellMargin;
            return freedSpace;
        public override void LeaveRow(ToolStrip toolStripToDrag)
            // this code is here to properly add space to the next control when the
            // toolStripToDrag has been removed from the row.
            int index = Row.ControlsInternal.IndexOf(toolStripToDrag);
            if (index >= 0)
                if (index < Row.ControlsInternal.Count - 1 /*not the last one in the row*/)
                    ToolStripPanelCell cell = (ToolStripPanelCell)Row.Cells[index];
                    if (cell.Visible)
                        int spaceOccupiedByCell = cell.Margin.Horizontal + cell.Bounds.Width;
                        // add the space occupied by the cell to the next one.
                        ToolStripPanelCell? nextCell = GetNextVisibleCell(index + 1, forward: true);
                        if (nextCell is not null)
                            Padding nextCellMargin = nextCell.Margin;
                            nextCellMargin.Left += spaceOccupiedByCell;
                            nextCell.Margin = nextCellMargin;
                // remove the control from the row.
        protected internal override void OnControlAdded(Control control, int index)
        protected internal override void OnControlRemoved(Control control, int index)
        public override void JoinRow(ToolStrip toolStripToDrag, Point locationToDrag)
            int index;
            if (!Row.ControlsInternal.Contains(toolStripToDrag))
                    if (Row.ControlsInternal.Count > 0)
                        // walk through the columns and determine which column you want to insert into.
                        for (index = 0; index < Row.Cells.Count; index++)
                            ToolStripPanelCell cell = (ToolStripPanelCell)Row.Cells[index];
                            if (!cell.Visible && !cell.ControlInDesignMode)
                            // [:   ]  [: x  ]
                            if (Row.Cells[index].Bounds.Contains(locationToDrag))
                            // take into account the following scenarios
                            //  [:   ]  x [:   ]
                            // x [:  ]    [:   ]
                            if (Row.Cells[index].Bounds.X >= locationToDrag.X)
                        // Plop the new control in the midst of the row in question.
                        if (index < Row.ControlsInternal.Count)
                            Row.ControlsInternal.Insert(index, toolStripToDrag);
                        // since layout is suspended the control may not be set to its preferred size yet
                        int controlToDragWidth = (toolStripToDrag.AutoSize) ? toolStripToDrag.PreferredSize.Width : toolStripToDrag.Width;
                        // now make it look like it belongs in the row.
                        // PUSH the controls after it to the right
                        int requiredSpace = controlToDragWidth;
                        if (index == 0)
                            // make sure we account for the left side
                            requiredSpace += locationToDrag.X;
                        int freedSpace = 0;
                        if (index < Row.ControlsInternal.Count - 1)
                            ToolStripPanelCell nextCell = (ToolStripPanelCell)Row.Cells[index + 1];
                            Padding nextCellMargin = nextCell.Margin;
                            // if we've already got the empty space
                            // (available to us via the margin) use that.
                            if (nextCellMargin.Left > requiredSpace)
                                nextCellMargin.Left -= requiredSpace;
                                nextCell.Margin = nextCellMargin;
                                freedSpace = requiredSpace;
                                // otherwise we've got to
                                // push all controls after this point to the right
                                // this dumps the extra stuff into the margin of index+1
                                freedSpace = MoveRight(index + 1, requiredSpace - freedSpace);
                                // refetch the margin for "index+1" and remove the freed space
                                // from it - we want to actually put this to use on the control
                                // before this one - we're making room for the control at
                                // position "index"
                                if (freedSpace > 0)
                                    nextCellMargin = nextCell.Margin;
                                    nextCellMargin.Left = Math.Max(0, nextCellMargin.Left - freedSpace);
                                    nextCell.Margin = nextCellMargin;
                            // we're adding to the end.
                            ToolStripPanelCell? nextCell = GetNextVisibleCell(Row.Cells.Count - 2, forward: false);
                            ToolStripPanelCell? lastCell = GetNextVisibleCell(Row.Cells.Count - 1, forward: false);
                            // count the stuff at the end of the row as freed space
                            if (nextCell is not null && lastCell is not null)
                                Padding lastCellMargin = lastCell.Margin;
                                lastCellMargin.Left = Math.Max(0, locationToDrag.X - nextCell.Bounds.Right);
                                lastCell.Margin = lastCellMargin;
                                freedSpace = requiredSpace;
                        // If we still need more space, then...
                        // PUSH the controls before it to the left
                        if (freedSpace < requiredSpace && index > 0)
                            freedSpace = MoveLeft(index - 1, requiredSpace - freedSpace);
                        if (index == 0)
                            // if the index is zero and there were controls in the row
                            // we need to take care of pushing over the new cell.
                            if (freedSpace - controlToDragWidth > 0)
                                ToolStripPanelCell newCell = (ToolStripPanelCell)Row.Cells[index];
                                Padding newCellMargin = newCell.Margin;
                                newCellMargin.Left = freedSpace - controlToDragWidth;
                                newCell.Margin = newCellMargin;
                        // we're adding to the beginning.
                        ISupportToolStripPanel ctg = toolStripToDrag;
                        Debug.Assert(ctg.ToolStripPanelRow == Row, "we should now be in the new panel row.");
                        if (Row.Cells.Count > 0 || toolStripToDrag.IsInDesignMode)
                            // we're adding to the beginning.
                            ToolStripPanelCell? cell = GetNextVisibleCell(Row.Cells.Count - 1, forward: false);
                            if (cell is null && toolStripToDrag.IsInDesignMode)
                                cell = (ToolStripPanelCell)Row.Cells[Row.Cells.Count - 1];
                            if (cell is not null)
                                Padding cellMargin = cell.Margin;
                                cellMargin.Left = Math.Max(0, locationToDrag.X - Row.Margin.Left);
                                cell.Margin = cellMargin;
        protected internal override void OnBoundsChanged(Rectangle oldBounds, Rectangle newBounds)
            base.OnBoundsChanged(oldBounds, newBounds);