// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Drawing;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior;
/// <summary>
/// The SelectionBehavior is pushed onto the BehaviorStack in response to a positively hit tested SelectionGlyph.
/// The SelectionBehavior performs two main tasks:
/// 1) forward messages to the related ControlDesigner
/// 2) calls upon the SelectionManager to push a potential DragBehavior.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class SelectionManager : IDisposable
// ptr back to our BehaviorService
private BehaviorService _behaviorService;
private IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
// used for quick look up of designers related to components
private readonly Dictionary<IComponent, ControlDesigner> _componentToDesigner;
private readonly Control _rootComponent;
private ISelectionService _selectionService;
private IDesignerHost _designerHost;
// used to only repaint the changing part of the selection
private Rectangle[]? _previousSelectionBounds;
// used to check if the primary selection changed
private object? _previousPrimarySelection;
private Rectangle[]? _currentSelectionBounds;
private int _curCompIndex;
// the "container" for all things related to the designer action (SmartTags) UI
// we don't want the OnSelectionChanged to be recursively called.
private DesignerActionUI? _designerActionUI;
private bool _selectionChanging;
/// <summary>
/// Here we query for necessary services and cache them for performance reasons.
/// We also hook to <see cref="Component" /> Added/Removed/Changed notifications so we can keep in sync when the designers'
/// components change. Also, we create our custom <see cref="Adorner" /> and add it to the <see cref="BehaviorService" />.
/// </summary>
public SelectionManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, BehaviorService behaviorService)
_previousSelectionBounds = null;
_previousPrimarySelection = null;
_behaviorService = behaviorService;
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
_selectionService = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ISelectionService>();
_designerHost = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IDesignerHost>();
// sync the BehaviorService's BeginDrag event
behaviorService.BeginDrag += OnBeginDrag;
// sync the BehaviorService's Synchronize event
behaviorService.Synchronize += OnSynchronize;
_selectionService.SelectionChanged += OnSelectionChanged;
_rootComponent = (Control)_designerHost.RootComponent;
// create and add both of our adorners,
// one for selection, one for bodies
SelectionGlyphAdorner = new Adorner();
BodyGlyphAdorner = new Adorner();
// Adding this will cause the adorner to get set up with the BehaviorService.
_componentToDesigner = [];
if (_serviceProvider.TryGetService(out IComponentChangeService? cs))
cs.ComponentAdded += OnComponentAdded;
cs.ComponentRemoved += OnComponentRemoved;
cs.ComponentChanged += OnComponentChanged;
_designerHost.TransactionClosed += OnTransactionClosed;
// DesignerActionUI
DesignerOptionService? options = _designerHost.GetService<DesignerOptionService>();
PropertyDescriptor? p = options?.Options.Properties["UseSmartTags"];
if (p is not null && p.TryGetValue(component: null, out bool b) && b)
_designerActionUI = new DesignerActionUI(serviceProvider, SelectionGlyphAdorner);
behaviorService.DesignerActionUI = _designerActionUI;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Adorner that contains all the BodyGlyphs for the current selection state.
/// </summary>
internal Adorner BodyGlyphAdorner { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// There are certain cases like Adding Item to ToolStrips through InSitu Editor, where there is
/// ParentTransaction that has to be cancelled depending upon the user action When this parent transaction is
/// cancelled, there may be no reason to REFRESH the selectionManager which actually clears all the glyphs and
/// readds them This REFRESH causes a lot of flicker and can be avoided by setting this property to false.
/// Since this property is checked in the TransactionClosed, the SelectionManager won't REFRESH and hence
/// just eat up the refresh thus avoiding unnecessary flicker.
/// </summary>
internal bool NeedRefresh { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Adorner that contains all the selection glyphs for the current selection state.
/// </summary>
internal Adorner SelectionGlyphAdorner { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// This method fist calls the recursive AddControlGlyphs() method. When finished, we add the final glyph(s)
/// to the root comp.
/// </summary>
private void AddAllControlGlyphs(Control parent, List<IComponent> selComps, object? primarySelection)
foreach (Control control in parent.Controls)
AddAllControlGlyphs(control, selComps, primarySelection);
GlyphSelectionType selType = GlyphSelectionType.NotSelected;
if (selComps.Contains(parent))
selType = parent.Equals(primarySelection)
? GlyphSelectionType.SelectedPrimary
: GlyphSelectionType.Selected;
AddControlGlyphs(parent, selType);
/// <summary>
/// Recursive method that goes through and adds all the glyphs of every child to our global Adorner.
/// </summary>
private void AddControlGlyphs(Control control, GlyphSelectionType selType)
Debug.Assert(_currentSelectionBounds is not null);
bool hasSelection = selType is GlyphSelectionType.SelectedPrimary or GlyphSelectionType.Selected;
if (_componentToDesigner.TryGetValue(control, out ControlDesigner? controlDesigner))
ControlBodyGlyph bodyGlyph = controlDesigner.GetControlGlyphInternal(selType);
if (bodyGlyph is not null)
if (hasSelection)
ref Rectangle currentSelectionBounds = ref _currentSelectionBounds[_curCompIndex];
currentSelectionBounds = currentSelectionBounds == Rectangle.Empty
? bodyGlyph.Bounds
: Rectangle.Union(currentSelectionBounds, bodyGlyph.Bounds);
GlyphCollection glyphs = controlDesigner.GetGlyphs(selType);
if (glyphs is not null)
if (hasSelection)
foreach (Glyph glyph in glyphs)
_currentSelectionBounds[_curCompIndex] = Rectangle.Union(_currentSelectionBounds[_curCompIndex], glyph.Bounds);
if (hasSelection)
/// <summary>
/// Unhook all of our event notifications, clear our adorner and remove it from the Beh.Svc.
/// </summary>
// We don't need to Dispose rootComponent.
public void Dispose()
if (_designerHost is not null)
_designerHost.TransactionClosed -= OnTransactionClosed;
_designerHost = null!;
if (_serviceProvider is not null)
if (_serviceProvider.TryGetService(out IComponentChangeService? cs))
cs.ComponentAdded -= OnComponentAdded;
cs.ComponentChanged -= OnComponentChanged;
cs.ComponentRemoved -= OnComponentRemoved;
if (_selectionService is not null)
_selectionService.SelectionChanged -= OnSelectionChanged;
_selectionService = null!;
_serviceProvider = null!;
if (_behaviorService is not null)
_behaviorService.BeginDrag -= OnBeginDrag;
_behaviorService.Synchronize -= OnSynchronize;
_behaviorService = null!;
if (SelectionGlyphAdorner is not null)
SelectionGlyphAdorner = null!;
if (BodyGlyphAdorner is not null)
BodyGlyphAdorner = null!;
if (_designerActionUI is not null)
_designerActionUI = null;
/// <summary>
/// Refreshes all selection Glyphs.
/// </summary>
public void Refresh()
NeedRefresh = false;
OnSelectionChanged(sender: this, e: null);
/// <summary>
/// When a component is added, we get the designer and add it to our hash table for quick lookup.
/// </summary>
private void OnComponentAdded(object? source, ComponentEventArgs ce)
IComponent component = ce.Component!;
IDesigner? designer = _designerHost.GetDesigner(component);
if (designer is ControlDesigner controlDesigner)
_componentToDesigner.Add(component, controlDesigner);
/// <summary>
/// Before a drag, remove all glyphs that are involved in the drag operation and any that don't allow drops.
/// </summary>
private void OnBeginDrag(object? source, BehaviorDragDropEventArgs e)
List<IComponent> dragComps = [..e.DragComponents.Cast<IComponent>()];
List<Glyph> glyphsToRemove = [];
foreach (ControlBodyGlyph g in BodyGlyphAdorner.Glyphs)
if (g.RelatedComponent is Control control && (dragComps.Contains(g.RelatedComponent) || !control.AllowDrop))
foreach (Glyph g in glyphsToRemove)
// Called by the DropSourceBehavior when dragging into a new host
internal void OnBeginDrag(BehaviorDragDropEventArgs e)
OnBeginDrag(source: null, e);
/// <summary>
/// When a component is changed - we need to refresh the selection.
/// </summary>
private void OnComponentChanged(object? source, ComponentChangedEventArgs ce)
if (_selectionService.GetComponentSelected(ce.Component!))
if (!_designerHost.InTransaction)
NeedRefresh = true;
/// <summary>
/// When a component is removed - we remove the key and value from our hash table.
/// </summary>
private void OnComponentRemoved(object? source, ComponentEventArgs ce)
// remove the associated DesignerActionPanel
/// <summary>
/// Computes the region representing the difference between the old selection and the new selection.
/// </summary>
private Region DetermineRegionToRefresh(object? primarySelection, Rectangle[] previousSelectionBounds, Rectangle[] currentSelectionBounds)
Region toRefresh = new(Rectangle.Empty);
Rectangle[] larger;
Rectangle[] smaller;
if (currentSelectionBounds.Length >= previousSelectionBounds.Length)
larger = currentSelectionBounds;
smaller = previousSelectionBounds;
larger = previousSelectionBounds;
smaller = currentSelectionBounds;
// we need to make sure all of the rectangles in the smaller array are
// accounted for. Any that don't intersect a rectangle in the larger
// array need to be included in the region to repaint.
bool[] intersected = new bool[smaller.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < smaller.Length; i++)
intersected[i] = false;
// determine which rectangles in the larger array need to be
// included in the region to invalidate by intersecting
// with rectangles in the smaller array.
foreach (Rectangle large in larger)
bool largeIntersected = false;
for (int s = 0; s < smaller.Length; s++)
if (large.IntersectsWith(smaller[s]))
Rectangle small = smaller[s];
largeIntersected = true;
if (large != small)
intersected[s] = true;
if (!largeIntersected)
// now add any rectangles from the smaller array that weren't accounted for
for (int k = 0; k < intersected.Length; k++)
if (!intersected[k])
using Graphics g = _behaviorService.AdornerWindowGraphics;
// If all that changed was the primary selection, then the refresh region was empty,
// but we do need to update the 2 controls.
if (toRefresh.IsEmpty(g) && primarySelection is not null && !primarySelection.Equals(_previousPrimarySelection))
for (int i = 0; i < currentSelectionBounds.Length; i++)
return toRefresh;
/// <summary>
/// Event handler for the behaviorService's Synchronize event
/// </summary>
private void OnSynchronize(object? sender, EventArgs e)
/// <summary>
/// On every SelectionChanged Event, we remove all glyphs, get the newly selected components,
/// and re-add all glyphs back to the Adorner.
/// </summary>
private void OnSelectionChanged(object? sender, EventArgs? e)
// Note: selectionChanging would guard against a re-entrant code...
// Since we don't want to be in messed up state when adding new Glyphs.
if (!_selectionChanging)
_selectionChanging = true;
List<IComponent> selComps = [.._selectionService.GetSelectedComponents().Cast<IComponent>()];
object? primarySelection = _selectionService.PrimarySelection;
// add all control glyphs to all controls on rootComp
_curCompIndex = 0;
_currentSelectionBounds = new Rectangle[selComps.Count];
AddAllControlGlyphs(_rootComponent, selComps, primarySelection);
if (_previousSelectionBounds is not null)
Region toUpdate = DetermineRegionToRefresh(primarySelection, _previousSelectionBounds, _currentSelectionBounds);
using Graphics g = _behaviorService.AdornerWindowGraphics;
if (!toUpdate.IsEmpty(g))
// There was no previous selection, so just invalidate
// the current selection
if (_currentSelectionBounds.Length > 0)
Rectangle toUpdate = _currentSelectionBounds[0];
for (int i = 1; i < _currentSelectionBounds.Length; i++)
toUpdate = Rectangle.Union(toUpdate, _currentSelectionBounds[i]);
if (toUpdate != Rectangle.Empty)
_previousPrimarySelection = primarySelection;
_previousSelectionBounds = _currentSelectionBounds.Length > 0 ? [.. _currentSelectionBounds] : null;
_selectionChanging = false;
/// <summary>
/// When a transaction that involves one of our components closes, refresh to reflect any changes.
/// </summary>
private void OnTransactionClosed(object? sender, DesignerTransactionCloseEventArgs e)
if (e.LastTransaction && NeedRefresh)