// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
/// <summary>
/// Displays an image that can be a graphic from a bitmap, icon, or metafile, as well as from
/// an enhanced metafile, JPEG, or GIF files.
/// </summary>
[Designer($"System.Windows.Forms.Design.PictureBoxDesigner, {Assemblies.SystemDesign}")]
public partial class PictureBox : Control, ISupportInitialize
private static readonly bool s_useWebRequest =
!AppContext.TryGetSwitch("System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox.UseWebRequest", out bool useWebRequest)
|| useWebRequest;
private static readonly HttpClient s_httpClient = !AppContextSwitches.ServicePointManagerCheckCrl ? new() :
new(new HttpClientHandler { CheckCertificateRevocationList = true });
/// <summary>
/// The type of border this control will have.
/// </summary>
private BorderStyle _borderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
/// <summary>
/// The image being displayed.
/// </summary>
private Image? _image;
/// <summary>
/// Controls how the image is placed within our bounds, or how we are sized to fit said image.
/// </summary>
private PictureBoxSizeMode _sizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Normal;
private Size _savedSize;
private bool _currentlyAnimating;
// Instance members for asynchronous behavior
private AsyncOperation? _currentAsyncLoadOperation;
private FileStream? _fileStream;
private string? _imageLocation;
private Image? _initialImage;
private Image? _errorImage;
private int _contentLength;
private int _totalBytesRead;
private MemoryStream? _tempDownloadStream;
private const int ReadBlockSize = 4096;
private byte[]? _readBuffer;
private ImageInstallationType _imageInstallationType;
private SendOrPostCallback? _loadCompletedDelegate;
private SendOrPostCallback? _loadProgressDelegate;
private bool _handleValid;
private readonly Lock _internalSyncObject = new();
// These default images will be demand loaded.
private Image? _defaultInitialImage;
private Image? _defaultErrorImage;
private static Image? t_defaultInitialImageForThread;
private static Image? t_defaultErrorImageForThread;
private static readonly object s_loadCompletedKey = new();
private static readonly object s_loadProgressChangedKey = new();
private const int AsyncOperationInProgressState = 0x00000001;
private const int CancellationPendingState = 0x00000002;
private const int UseDefaultInitialImageState = 0x00000004;
private const int UseDefaultErrorImageState = 0x00000008;
private const int WaitOnLoadState = 0x00000010;
private const int NeedToLoadImageLocationState = 0x00000020;
private const int InInitializationState = 0x00000040;
// PERF: take all the bools and put them into a state variable
private BitVector32 _pictureBoxState; // see PICTUREBOXSTATE_ constants above
/// <summary>
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.drawing.image.fromstream#System_Drawing_Image_FromStream_System_IO_Stream_
/// if we load an image from a stream, we must keep the stream open for the lifetime of the Image
/// </summary>
private StreamReader? _localImageStreamReader;
private Stream? _uriImageStream;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new picture with all default properties and no Image. The default PictureBox.SizeMode
/// will be PictureBoxSizeMode.NORMAL.
/// </summary>
public PictureBox()
// this class overrides GetPreferredSizeCore, let Control automatically cache the result
SetExtendedState(ExtendedStates.UserPreferredSizeCache, true);
_pictureBoxState = new BitVector32(UseDefaultErrorImageState | UseDefaultInitialImageState);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque | ControlStyles.Selectable, false);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
#pragma warning disable WFO5001 // Type is for evaluation purposes only and is subject to change or removal in future updates. Suppress this diagnostic to proceed.
SetStyle(ControlStyles.ApplyThemingImplicitly, true);
#pragma warning restore WFO5001
TabStop = false;
_savedSize = Size;
public override bool AllowDrop
get => base.AllowDrop;
set => base.AllowDrop = value;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates the border style for the control.
/// </summary>
public BorderStyle BorderStyle
get => _borderStyle;
if (_borderStyle != value)
_borderStyle = value;
/// <summary>
/// Try to build a URI, but if that fails, that means it's a relative path, and we treat it as
/// relative to the working directory (which is what GetFullPath uses).
/// </summary>
private static Uri CalculateUri(string path)
return new Uri(path);
catch (UriFormatException)
// It's a relative pathname, get its full path as a file.
path = Path.GetFullPath(path);
return new Uri(path);
public void CancelAsync()
_pictureBoxState[CancellationPendingState] = true;
public new bool CausesValidation
get => base.CausesValidation;
set => base.CausesValidation = value;
public new event EventHandler? CausesValidationChanged
add => base.CausesValidationChanged += value;
remove => base.CausesValidationChanged -= value;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the parameters needed to create the handle.
/// </summary>
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
switch (_borderStyle)
case BorderStyle.Fixed3D:
case BorderStyle.FixedSingle:
cp.Style |= (int)WINDOW_STYLE.WS_BORDER;
return cp;
protected override ImeMode DefaultImeMode => ImeMode.Disable;
/// <summary>
/// Deriving classes can override this to configure a default size for their control.
/// This is more efficient than setting the size in the control's constructor.
/// </summary>
protected override Size DefaultSize => new(100, 50);
public Image? ErrorImage
// Strange pictureBoxState[PICTUREBOXSTATE_useDefaultErrorImage] approach used
// here to avoid statically loading the default bitmaps from resources at
// runtime when they're never used.
if (_errorImage is null && _pictureBoxState[UseDefaultErrorImageState])
if (_defaultErrorImage is null)
// Can't share images across threads.
t_defaultErrorImageForThread ??= ScaleHelper.GetIconResourceAsDefaultSizeBitmap(typeof(PictureBox), "ImageInError");
_defaultErrorImage = t_defaultErrorImageForThread;
_errorImage = _defaultErrorImage;
return _errorImage;
if (ErrorImage != value)
_pictureBoxState[UseDefaultErrorImageState] = false;
_errorImage = value;
public override Color ForeColor
get => base.ForeColor;
set => base.ForeColor = value;
public new event EventHandler? ForeColorChanged
add => base.ForeColorChanged += value;
remove => base.ForeColorChanged -= value;
public override Font Font
get => base.Font;
set => base.Font = value;
public new event EventHandler? FontChanged
add => base.FontChanged += value;
remove => base.FontChanged -= value;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the Image that the <see cref="PictureBox"/> is currently displaying.
/// </summary>
public Image? Image
get => _image;
set => InstallNewImage(value, ImageInstallationType.DirectlySpecified);
// The area occupied by the image
public string? ImageLocation
get => _imageLocation;
// Reload even if value hasn't changed, since Image itself may have changed.
_imageLocation = value;
_pictureBoxState[NeedToLoadImageLocationState] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_imageLocation);
// Reset main image if it hasn't been directly specified.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_imageLocation) && _imageInstallationType != ImageInstallationType.DirectlySpecified)
InstallNewImage(null, ImageInstallationType.DirectlySpecified);
if (WaitOnLoad && !_pictureBoxState[InInitializationState] && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_imageLocation))
// Load immediately, so any error will occur synchronously
private Rectangle ImageRectangle => ImageRectangleFromSizeMode(_sizeMode);
private Rectangle ImageRectangleFromSizeMode(PictureBoxSizeMode mode)
Rectangle result = LayoutUtils.DeflateRect(ClientRectangle, Padding);
if (_image is not null)
switch (mode)
case PictureBoxSizeMode.Normal:
case PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize:
// Use image's size rather than client size.
result.Size = _image.Size;
case PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage:
// Do nothing, was initialized to the available dimensions.
case PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage:
// Center within the available space.
result.X += (result.Width - _image.Width) / 2;
result.Y += (result.Height - _image.Height) / 2;
result.Size = _image.Size;
case PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom:
Size imageSize = _image.Size;
float ratio = Math.Min(ClientRectangle.Width / (float)imageSize.Width, ClientRectangle.Height / (float)imageSize.Height);
result.Width = (int)(imageSize.Width * ratio);
result.Height = (int)(imageSize.Height * ratio);
result.X = (ClientRectangle.Width - result.Width) / 2;
result.Y = (ClientRectangle.Height - result.Height) / 2;
Debug.Fail($"Unsupported PictureBoxSizeMode value: {mode}");
return result;
public Image? InitialImage
// Strange pictureBoxState[PICTUREBOXSTATE_useDefaultInitialImage] approach
// used here to avoid statically loading the default bitmaps from resources at
// runtime when they're never used.
if (_initialImage is null && _pictureBoxState[UseDefaultInitialImageState])
if (_defaultInitialImage is null)
// Can't share images across threads.
t_defaultInitialImageForThread ??= ScaleHelper.GetIconResourceAsDefaultSizeBitmap(typeof(PictureBox), "PictureBox.Loading");
_defaultInitialImage = t_defaultInitialImageForThread;
_initialImage = _defaultInitialImage;
return _initialImage;
if (InitialImage != value)
_pictureBoxState[UseDefaultInitialImageState] = false;
_initialImage = value;
private void InstallNewImage(Image? value, ImageInstallationType installationType)
_image = value;
LayoutTransaction.DoLayoutIf(AutoSize, this, this, PropertyNames.Image);
if (installationType != ImageInstallationType.ErrorOrInitial)
_imageInstallationType = installationType;
public new ImeMode ImeMode
get => base.ImeMode;
set => base.ImeMode = value;
public new event EventHandler? ImeModeChanged
add => base.ImeModeChanged += value;
remove => base.ImeModeChanged -= value;
/// <summary>
/// Synchronous load
/// </summary>
public void Load()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_imageLocation))
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.PictureBoxNoImageLocation);
// If the load and install fails, pictureBoxState[PICTUREBOXSTATE_needToLoadImageLocation] will be
// false to prevent subsequent attempts.
_pictureBoxState[NeedToLoadImageLocationState] = false;
Uri uri = CalculateUri(_imageLocation);
if (uri.IsFile)
_localImageStreamReader = new StreamReader(uri.LocalPath);
Image img = Image.FromStream(_localImageStreamReader.BaseStream);
InstallNewImage(img, ImageInstallationType.FromUrl);
else if (UseWebRequest())
// Run async operation synchronously to avoid blocking UI thread and potential deadlocks.
Task.Run(async () =>
_uriImageStream = await s_httpClient.GetStreamAsync(uri).ConfigureAwait(false);
Image img = Image.FromStream(_uriImageStream);
InstallNewImage(img, ImageInstallationType.FromUrl);
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.PictureBoxRemoteLocationNotSupported);
if (!DesignMode)
// In design mode, just replace with Error bitmap.
InstallNewImage(ErrorImage, ImageInstallationType.ErrorOrInitial);
public void Load(string url)
ImageLocation = url;
public void LoadAsync()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_imageLocation))
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.PictureBoxNoImageLocation);
if (_pictureBoxState[AsyncOperationInProgressState])
// We shouldn't throw here: just return.
_pictureBoxState[AsyncOperationInProgressState] = true;
if ((Image is null || (_imageInstallationType == ImageInstallationType.ErrorOrInitial)) && InitialImage is not null)
InstallNewImage(InitialImage, ImageInstallationType.ErrorOrInitial);
_currentAsyncLoadOperation = AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation(null);
if (_loadCompletedDelegate is null)
_loadCompletedDelegate = new SendOrPostCallback(LoadCompletedDelegate);
_loadProgressDelegate = new SendOrPostCallback(LoadProgressDelegate);
_readBuffer = new byte[ReadBlockSize];
_pictureBoxState[NeedToLoadImageLocationState] = false;
_pictureBoxState[CancellationPendingState] = false;
_contentLength = -1;
_tempDownloadStream = new MemoryStream();
if (UseWebRequest())
var uri = CalculateUri(_imageLocation);
if (uri.IsFile)
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.PictureBoxRemoteLocationNotSupported);
private void LoadFromFileAsync()
_fileStream = File.OpenRead(_imageLocation!);
_contentLength = (int)_fileStream.Length;
_totalBytesRead = 0;
new AsyncCallback(ReadCallBack),
catch (Exception error)
PostCompleted(error, cancelled: false);
private void StartLoadViaWebRequest()
#pragma warning disable SYSLIB0014 // Type or member is obsolete
WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(CalculateUri(_imageLocation!));
#pragma warning restore SYSLIB0014
Task.Run(() =>
// Invoke BeginGetResponse on a threadpool thread, as it has unpredictable latency
req.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(GetResponseCallback), req);
private void PostCompleted(Exception? error, bool cancelled)
AsyncOperation? temp = _currentAsyncLoadOperation;
_currentAsyncLoadOperation = null;
temp?.PostOperationCompleted(_loadCompletedDelegate!, new AsyncCompletedEventArgs(error, cancelled, null));
private void LoadCompletedDelegate(object? arg)
AsyncCompletedEventArgs e = (AsyncCompletedEventArgs)arg!;
Image? img = ErrorImage;
ImageInstallationType installType = ImageInstallationType.ErrorOrInitial;
if (!e.Cancelled && e.Error is null)
// successful completion
img = Image.FromStream(_tempDownloadStream!);
installType = ImageInstallationType.FromUrl;
catch (Exception error)
e = new AsyncCompletedEventArgs(error, false, null);
// If cancelled, don't change the image
if (!e.Cancelled)
InstallNewImage(img, installType);
_fileStream = null;
_tempDownloadStream = null;
_pictureBoxState[CancellationPendingState] = false;
_pictureBoxState[AsyncOperationInProgressState] = false;
private void LoadProgressDelegate(object? arg) => OnLoadProgressChanged((ProgressChangedEventArgs)arg!);
private void GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult result)
if (_pictureBoxState[CancellationPendingState])
PostCompleted(error: null, cancelled: true);
WebRequest req = (WebRequest)result.AsyncState!;
WebResponse webResponse = req.EndGetResponse(result);
_contentLength = (int)webResponse.ContentLength;
_totalBytesRead = 0;
Stream responseStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();
// Continue on with asynchronous reading.
new AsyncCallback(ReadCallBack),
catch (Exception error)
// Since this is on a non-UI thread, we catch any exceptions and
// pass them back as data to the UI-thread.
PostCompleted(error, cancelled: false);
private void ReadCallBack(IAsyncResult result)
if (_pictureBoxState[CancellationPendingState])
PostCompleted(error: null, cancelled: true);
Stream responseStream = (Stream)result.AsyncState!;
int bytesRead = responseStream.EndRead(result);
if (bytesRead > 0)
_totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
_tempDownloadStream!.Write(_readBuffer!, 0, bytesRead);
new AsyncCallback(ReadCallBack),
// Report progress thus far, but only if we know total length.
if (_contentLength != -1)
int progress = (int)(100 * (_totalBytesRead / ((float)_contentLength)));
new ProgressChangedEventArgs(progress, null));
_tempDownloadStream!.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
new ProgressChangedEventArgs(100, null));
PostCompleted(error: null, cancelled: false);
// Do this so any exception that Close() throws will be
// dealt with ok.
Stream rs = responseStream;
responseStream = null!;
catch (Exception error)
// Since this is on a non-UI thread, we catch any exceptions and
// pass them back as data to the UI-thread.
PostCompleted(error, cancelled: false);
public void LoadAsync(string url)
ImageLocation = url;
public event AsyncCompletedEventHandler? LoadCompleted
add => Events.AddHandler(s_loadCompletedKey, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_loadCompletedKey, value);
public event ProgressChangedEventHandler? LoadProgressChanged
add => Events.AddHandler(s_loadProgressChangedKey, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_loadProgressChangedKey, value);
private void ResetInitialImage()
_pictureBoxState[UseDefaultInitialImageState] = true;
_initialImage = _defaultInitialImage;
private void ResetErrorImage()
_pictureBoxState[UseDefaultErrorImageState] = true;
_errorImage = _defaultErrorImage;
private void ResetImage()
InstallNewImage(null, ImageInstallationType.DirectlySpecified);
public override RightToLeft RightToLeft
get => base.RightToLeft;
set => base.RightToLeft = value;
public new event EventHandler? RightToLeftChanged
add => base.RightToLeftChanged += value;
remove => base.RightToLeftChanged -= value;
/// <summary>
/// Be sure not to re-serialized initial image if it's the default.
/// </summary>
private bool ShouldSerializeInitialImage() => !_pictureBoxState[UseDefaultInitialImageState];
/// <summary>
/// Be sure not to re-serialized error image if it's the default.
/// </summary>
private bool ShouldSerializeErrorImage() => !_pictureBoxState[UseDefaultErrorImageState];
/// <summary>
/// Be sure not to serialize image if it wasn't directly specified
/// through the Image property (e.g., if it's a download, or an initial
/// or error image)
/// </summary>
private bool ShouldSerializeImage() =>
(_imageInstallationType == ImageInstallationType.DirectlySpecified) && (Image is not null);
/// <summary>
/// Indicates how the image is displayed.
/// </summary>
public PictureBoxSizeMode SizeMode
get => _sizeMode;
if (_sizeMode != value)
if (value == PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize)
AutoSize = true;
SetStyle(ControlStyles.FixedHeight | ControlStyles.FixedWidth, true);
if (value != PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize)
AutoSize = false;
SetStyle(ControlStyles.FixedHeight | ControlStyles.FixedWidth, false);
_savedSize = Size;
_sizeMode = value;
private static readonly object s_sizeModeChangedEvent = new();
public event EventHandler? SizeModeChanged
add => Events.AddHandler(s_sizeModeChangedEvent, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_sizeModeChangedEvent, value);
internal override bool SupportsUiaProviders => true;
public new bool TabStop
get => base.TabStop;
set => base.TabStop = value;
public new event EventHandler? TabStopChanged
add => base.TabStopChanged += value;
remove => base.TabStopChanged -= value;
public new int TabIndex
get => base.TabIndex;
set => base.TabIndex = value;
public new event EventHandler? TabIndexChanged
add => base.TabIndexChanged += value;
remove => base.TabIndexChanged -= value;
public override string Text
get => base.Text;
set => base.Text = value;
public new event EventHandler? TextChanged
add => base.TextChanged += value;
remove => base.TextChanged -= value;
public new event EventHandler? Enter
add => base.Enter += value;
remove => base.Enter -= value;
public new event KeyEventHandler? KeyUp
add => base.KeyUp += value;
remove => base.KeyUp -= value;
public new event KeyEventHandler? KeyDown
add => base.KeyDown += value;
remove => base.KeyDown -= value;
public new event KeyPressEventHandler? KeyPress
add => base.KeyPress += value;
remove => base.KeyPress -= value;
public new event EventHandler? Leave
add => base.Leave += value;
remove => base.Leave -= value;
/// <summary>
/// If the PictureBox has the SizeMode property set to AutoSize, this makes sure that the
/// picturebox is large enough to hold the image.
/// </summary>
private void AdjustSize()
if (_sizeMode == PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize)
Size = PreferredSize;
Size = _savedSize;
private void Animate() => Animate(animate: !DesignMode && Visible && Enabled && ParentInternal is not null);
private void StopAnimate() => Animate(animate: false);
private void Animate(bool animate)
if (animate != _currentlyAnimating)
if (animate)
if (_image is not null)
ImageAnimator.Animate(_image, OnFrameChanged);
_currentlyAnimating = animate;
if (_image is not null)
ImageAnimator.StopAnimate(_image, OnFrameChanged);
_currentlyAnimating = animate;
protected override AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance()
=> new PictureBoxAccessibleObject(this);
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
private void DisposeImageStream()
if (_localImageStreamReader is not null)
_localImageStreamReader = null;
if (_uriImageStream is not null)
_localImageStreamReader = null;
/// <summary>
/// Overriding this method allows us to get the caching and clamping the proposedSize/output to
/// MinimumSize / MaximumSize from GetPreferredSize for free.
/// </summary>
internal override Size GetPreferredSizeCore(Size proposedSize)
if (_image is null)
return CommonProperties.GetSpecifiedBounds(this).Size;
Size bordersAndPadding = SizeFromClientSize(Size.Empty) + Padding.Size;
return _image.Size + bordersAndPadding;
protected override void OnEnabledChanged(EventArgs e)
private void OnFrameChanged(object? o, EventArgs e)
if (Disposing || IsDisposed)
// Handle should be created, before calling the BeginInvoke.
if (InvokeRequired && IsHandleCreated)
lock (_internalSyncObject)
if (_handleValid)
BeginInvoke(new EventHandler(OnFrameChanged), o, e);
protected override void OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs e)
lock (_internalSyncObject)
_handleValid = false;
protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
lock (_internalSyncObject)
_handleValid = true;
protected virtual void OnLoadCompleted(AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) =>
((AsyncCompletedEventHandler?)(Events[s_loadCompletedKey]))?.Invoke(this, e);
protected virtual void OnLoadProgressChanged(ProgressChangedEventArgs e) =>
((ProgressChangedEventHandler?)(Events[s_loadProgressChangedKey]))?.Invoke(this, e);
/// <summary>
/// Overridden onPaint to make sure that the image is painted correctly.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
if (_pictureBoxState[NeedToLoadImageLocationState])
if (WaitOnLoad)
catch (Exception ex) when (!ex.IsCriticalException())
_image = ErrorImage;
if (_image is not null && pe is not null)
// Error and initial image are drawn centered, non-stretched.
Rectangle drawingRect = _imageInstallationType == ImageInstallationType.ErrorOrInitial
? ImageRectangleFromSizeMode(PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage)
: ImageRectangle;
pe.Graphics.DrawImage(_image, drawingRect);
// Windows draws the border for us (see CreateParams)
protected override void OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs e)
protected override void OnParentChanged(EventArgs e)
/// <summary>
/// OnResize override to invalidate entire control in Stetch mode
/// </summary>
protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e)
if (_sizeMode == PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom
|| _sizeMode == PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
|| _sizeMode == PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage
|| BackgroundImage is not null)
_savedSize = Size;
protected virtual void OnSizeModeChanged(EventArgs e)
if (Events[s_sizeModeChangedEvent] is EventHandler eh)
eh(this, e);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a string representation for this control.
/// </summary>
public override string ToString()
string s = base.ToString();
return $"{s}, SizeMode: {_sizeMode:G}";
public bool WaitOnLoad
get => _pictureBoxState[WaitOnLoadState];
set => _pictureBoxState[WaitOnLoadState] = value;
void ISupportInitialize.BeginInit()
_pictureBoxState[InInitializationState] = true;
void ISupportInitialize.EndInit()
if (!_pictureBoxState[InInitializationState])
// Need to do this in EndInit since there's no guarantee of the
// order in which ImageLocation and WaitOnLoad will be set.
if (ImageLocation is not null && ImageLocation.Length != 0 && WaitOnLoad)
// Load when initialization completes, so any error will occur synchronously
_pictureBoxState[InInitializationState] = false;
// The Linker is also capable of replacing the value of this method when the application is being trimmed.
private static bool UseWebRequest() => s_useWebRequest;