// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
[ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability(ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability.MenuStrip | ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability.ToolStrip | ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability.ContextMenuStrip)]
public partial class ToolStripTextBox : ToolStripControlHost
internal static readonly object s_eventTextBoxTextAlignChanged = new();
internal static readonly object s_eventAcceptsTabChanged = new();
internal static readonly object s_eventBorderStyleChanged = new();
internal static readonly object s_eventHideSelectionChanged = new();
internal static readonly object s_eventReadOnlyChanged = new();
internal static readonly object s_eventMultilineChanged = new();
internal static readonly object s_eventModifiedChanged = new();
private Padding _defaultMargin;
private Padding _defaultDropDownMargin;
public ToolStripTextBox()
: base(CreateControlInstance())
ToolStripTextBoxControl textBox = (ToolStripTextBoxControl)Control;
textBox.Owner = this;
const int LogicalDefaultMargin = 1;
int defaultMargin = ScaleHelper.ScaleToInitialSystemDpi(LogicalDefaultMargin);
_defaultMargin = new(defaultMargin, 0, defaultMargin, 0);
_defaultDropDownMargin = new(defaultMargin);
public ToolStripTextBox(string? name)
: this()
Name = name;
public ToolStripTextBox(Control c)
: base(c)
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.ToolStripMustSupplyItsOwnTextBox);
public override Image? BackgroundImage
get => base.BackgroundImage;
set => base.BackgroundImage = value;
public override ImageLayout BackgroundImageLayout
get => base.BackgroundImageLayout;
set => base.BackgroundImageLayout = value;
/// <summary>
/// Deriving classes can override this to configure a default size for their control.
/// This is more efficient than setting the size in the control's constructor.
/// </summary>
protected internal override Padding DefaultMargin => IsOnDropDown ? _defaultDropDownMargin : _defaultMargin;
protected override Size DefaultSize => new Size(100, 22);
public TextBox TextBox => (TextBox)Control;
private static ToolStripTextBoxControl CreateControlInstance() => new()
BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D,
AutoSize = true
public override Size GetPreferredSize(Size constrainingSize)
// don't call TextBox.GPS because it will grow and shrink as the text changes.
Rectangle bounds = CommonProperties.GetSpecifiedBounds(TextBox);
return new Size(bounds.Width, TextBox.PreferredHeight);
private void HandleAcceptsTabChanged(object? sender, EventArgs e) => OnAcceptsTabChanged(e);
private void HandleBorderStyleChanged(object? sender, EventArgs e) => OnBorderStyleChanged(e);
private void HandleHideSelectionChanged(object? sender, EventArgs e) => OnHideSelectionChanged(e);
private void HandleModifiedChanged(object? sender, EventArgs e) => OnModifiedChanged(e);
private void HandleMultilineChanged(object? sender, EventArgs e) => OnMultilineChanged(e);
private void HandleReadOnlyChanged(object? sender, EventArgs e) => OnReadOnlyChanged(e);
private void HandleTextBoxTextAlignChanged(object? sender, EventArgs e) => RaiseEvent(s_eventTextBoxTextAlignChanged, e);
protected virtual void OnAcceptsTabChanged(EventArgs e) => RaiseEvent(s_eventAcceptsTabChanged, e);
protected virtual void OnBorderStyleChanged(EventArgs e) => RaiseEvent(s_eventBorderStyleChanged, e);
protected virtual void OnHideSelectionChanged(EventArgs e) => RaiseEvent(s_eventHideSelectionChanged, e);
protected virtual void OnModifiedChanged(EventArgs e) => RaiseEvent(s_eventModifiedChanged, e);
protected virtual void OnMultilineChanged(EventArgs e) => RaiseEvent(s_eventMultilineChanged, e);
protected virtual void OnReadOnlyChanged(EventArgs e) => RaiseEvent(s_eventReadOnlyChanged, e);
protected override void OnSubscribeControlEvents(Control? control)
if (control is TextBox textBox)
// Please keep this alphabetized and in sync with Unsubscribe.
textBox.AcceptsTabChanged += HandleAcceptsTabChanged;
textBox.BorderStyleChanged += HandleBorderStyleChanged;
textBox.HideSelectionChanged += HandleHideSelectionChanged;
textBox.ModifiedChanged += HandleModifiedChanged;
textBox.MultilineChanged += HandleMultilineChanged;
textBox.ReadOnlyChanged += HandleReadOnlyChanged;
textBox.TextAlignChanged += HandleTextBoxTextAlignChanged;
protected override void OnUnsubscribeControlEvents(Control? control)
if (control is TextBox textBox)
// Please keep this alphabetized and in sync with Subscribe.
textBox.AcceptsTabChanged -= HandleAcceptsTabChanged;
textBox.BorderStyleChanged -= HandleBorderStyleChanged;
textBox.HideSelectionChanged -= HandleHideSelectionChanged;
textBox.ModifiedChanged -= HandleModifiedChanged;
textBox.MultilineChanged -= HandleMultilineChanged;
textBox.ReadOnlyChanged -= HandleReadOnlyChanged;
textBox.TextAlignChanged -= HandleTextBoxTextAlignChanged;
internal override bool ShouldSerializeFont()
return Font != ToolStripManager.DefaultFont;
#region WrappedProperties
public bool AcceptsTab
get { return TextBox.AcceptsTab; }
set { TextBox.AcceptsTab = value; }
public bool AcceptsReturn
get { return TextBox.AcceptsReturn; }
set { TextBox.AcceptsReturn = value; }
[Editor($"System.Windows.Forms.Design.ListControlStringCollectionEditor, {Assemblies.SystemDesign}", typeof(UITypeEditor))]
public AutoCompleteStringCollection AutoCompleteCustomSource
get { return TextBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource; }
set { TextBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = value; }
public AutoCompleteMode AutoCompleteMode
get { return TextBox.AutoCompleteMode; }
set { TextBox.AutoCompleteMode = value; }
public AutoCompleteSource AutoCompleteSource
get { return TextBox.AutoCompleteSource; }
set { TextBox.AutoCompleteSource = value; }
public BorderStyle BorderStyle
get => TextBox.BorderStyle;
set => TextBox.BorderStyle = value;
public bool CanUndo
get { return TextBox.CanUndo; }
public CharacterCasing CharacterCasing
get { return TextBox.CharacterCasing; }
set { TextBox.CharacterCasing = value; }
public bool HideSelection
get { return TextBox.HideSelection; }
set { TextBox.HideSelection = value; }
[Editor($"System.Windows.Forms.Design.StringArrayEditor, {Assemblies.SystemDesign}", typeof(UITypeEditor))]
public string[] Lines
get { return TextBox.Lines; }
set { TextBox.Lines = value; }
public int MaxLength
get { return TextBox.MaxLength; }
set { TextBox.MaxLength = value; }
public bool Modified
get { return TextBox.Modified; }
set { TextBox.Modified = value; }
public bool Multiline
get { return TextBox.Multiline; }
set { TextBox.Multiline = value; }
public bool ReadOnly
get { return TextBox.ReadOnly; }
set { TextBox.ReadOnly = value; }
public string SelectedText
get { return TextBox.SelectedText; }
set { TextBox.SelectedText = value; }
public int SelectionLength
get { return TextBox.SelectionLength; }
set { TextBox.SelectionLength = value; }
public int SelectionStart
get { return TextBox.SelectionStart; }
set { TextBox.SelectionStart = value; }
public bool ShortcutsEnabled
get { return TextBox.ShortcutsEnabled; }
set { TextBox.ShortcutsEnabled = value; }
public int TextLength
get { return TextBox.TextLength; }
public HorizontalAlignment TextBoxTextAlign
get { return TextBox.TextAlign; }
set { TextBox.TextAlign = value; }
public bool WordWrap
get { return TextBox.WordWrap; }
set { TextBox.WordWrap = value; }
#endregion WrappedProperties
#region WrappedEvents
public event EventHandler? AcceptsTabChanged
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventAcceptsTabChanged, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventAcceptsTabChanged, value);
public event EventHandler? BorderStyleChanged
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventBorderStyleChanged, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventBorderStyleChanged, value);
public event EventHandler? HideSelectionChanged
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventHideSelectionChanged, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventHideSelectionChanged, value);
public event EventHandler? ModifiedChanged
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventModifiedChanged, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventModifiedChanged, value);
public event EventHandler? MultilineChanged
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventMultilineChanged, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventMultilineChanged, value);
public event EventHandler? ReadOnlyChanged
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventReadOnlyChanged, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventReadOnlyChanged, value);
public event EventHandler? TextBoxTextAlignChanged
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventTextBoxTextAlignChanged, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventTextBoxTextAlignChanged, value);
#endregion WrappedEvents
#region WrappedMethods
public void AppendText(string? text) { TextBox.AppendText(text); }
public void Clear() { TextBox.Clear(); }
public void ClearUndo() { TextBox.ClearUndo(); }
public void Copy() { TextBox.Copy(); }
public void Cut() { TextBox.Cut(); }
public void DeselectAll() { TextBox.DeselectAll(); }
public char GetCharFromPosition(Point pt) { return TextBox.GetCharFromPosition(pt); }
public int GetCharIndexFromPosition(Point pt) { return TextBox.GetCharIndexFromPosition(pt); }
public int GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(int lineNumber) { return TextBox.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(lineNumber); }
public int GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine() { return TextBox.GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine(); }
public int GetLineFromCharIndex(int index) { return TextBox.GetLineFromCharIndex(index); }
public Point GetPositionFromCharIndex(int index) { return TextBox.GetPositionFromCharIndex(index); }
public void Paste() { TextBox.Paste(); }
public void ScrollToCaret() { TextBox.ScrollToCaret(); }
public void Select(int start, int length) { TextBox.Select(start, length); }
public void SelectAll() { TextBox.SelectAll(); }
public void Undo() { TextBox.Undo(); }