// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using Windows.Win32.UI.Accessibility;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
/// <summary>
/// Implements an item of a <see cref="Forms.ListView"/>.
/// </summary>
[Serializable] // This type is participating in resx serialization scenarios.
public partial class ListViewItem : ICloneable, ISerializable
private const int MaxSubItems = 4096;
private static readonly BitVector32.Section s_stateSelectedSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(1);
private static readonly BitVector32.Section s_stateImageMaskSet = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, s_stateSelectedSection);
private static readonly BitVector32.Section s_stateWholeRowOneStyleSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, s_stateImageMaskSet);
private static readonly BitVector32.Section s_savedStateImageIndexSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(15, s_stateWholeRowOneStyleSection);
private static readonly BitVector32.Section s_subItemCountSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(MaxSubItems, s_savedStateImageIndexSection);
private int _indentCount;
private Point _position = new(-1, -1);
internal ListView? _listView;
internal ListViewGroup? _group;
private string? _groupName;
private ListViewSubItemCollection? _listViewSubItemCollection;
private List<ListViewSubItem> _subItems = [];
// we stash the last index we got as a seed to GetDisplayIndex.
private int _lastIndex = -1;
// An ID unique relative to a given list view that comctl uses to identify items.
internal int _id = -1;
private BitVector32 _state;
private ListViewItemImageIndexer? _imageIndexer;
private string _toolTipText = string.Empty;
private object? _userData;
private AccessibleObject? _accessibilityObject;
private View _accessibilityObjectView;
public ListViewItem()
StateSelected = false;
UseItemStyleForSubItems = true;
SavedStateImageIndex = -1;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a ListViewItem object from an Stream.
/// </summary>
protected ListViewItem(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
: this()
Deserialize(info, context);
public ListViewItem(string? text)
: this(text, ImageList.Indexer.DefaultIndex)
public ListViewItem(string? text, int imageIndex)
: this()
ImageIndexer.Index = imageIndex;
Text = text;
public ListViewItem(string[]? items)
: this(items, ImageList.Indexer.DefaultIndex)
public ListViewItem(string[]? items, int imageIndex)
: this()
ImageIndexer.Index = imageIndex;
if (items is not null && items.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
_subItems.Add(new ListViewSubItem(this, items[i]));
SubItemCount = items.Length;
public ListViewItem(string[]? items, int imageIndex, Color foreColor, Color backColor, Font? font)
: this(items, imageIndex)
ForeColor = foreColor;
BackColor = backColor;
Font = font;
public ListViewItem(ListViewSubItem[] subItems, int imageIndex)
: this()
ImageIndexer.Index = imageIndex;
SubItemCount = subItems.Length;
// Update the owner of these subitems
for (int i = 0; i < subItems.Length; i++)
ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(subItems[i], nameof(subItems));
subItems[i]._owner = this;
public ListViewItem(ListViewGroup? group)
: this()
Group = group;
public ListViewItem(string? text, ListViewGroup? group)
: this(text)
Group = group;
public ListViewItem(string? text, int imageIndex, ListViewGroup? group)
: this(text, imageIndex)
Group = group;
public ListViewItem(string[]? items, ListViewGroup? group)
: this(items)
Group = group;
public ListViewItem(string[]? items, int imageIndex, ListViewGroup? group)
: this(items, imageIndex)
Group = group;
public ListViewItem(string[]? items, int imageIndex, Color foreColor, Color backColor, Font? font, ListViewGroup? group)
: this(items, imageIndex, foreColor, backColor, font)
Group = group;
public ListViewItem(ListViewSubItem[] subItems, int imageIndex, ListViewGroup? group)
: this(subItems, imageIndex)
Group = group;
public ListViewItem(string? text, string? imageKey)
: this()
ImageIndexer.Key = imageKey;
Text = text;
public ListViewItem(string[]? items, string? imageKey)
: this()
ImageIndexer.Key = imageKey;
if (items is not null && items.Length > 0)
_subItems = new List<ListViewSubItem>(items.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
_subItems.Add(new ListViewSubItem(this, items[i]));
SubItemCount = items.Length;
public ListViewItem(string[]? items, string? imageKey, Color foreColor, Color backColor, Font? font)
: this(items, imageKey)
ForeColor = foreColor;
BackColor = backColor;
Font = font;
public ListViewItem(ListViewSubItem[] subItems, string? imageKey)
: this()
ImageIndexer.Key = imageKey;
SubItemCount = subItems.Length;
// Update the owner of these subitems
for (int i = 0; i < subItems.Length; i++)
ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(subItems[i], nameof(subItems));
subItems[i]._owner = this;
public ListViewItem(string? text, string? imageKey, ListViewGroup? group)
: this(text, imageKey)
Group = group;
public ListViewItem(string[]? items, string? imageKey, ListViewGroup? group)
: this(items, imageKey)
Group = group;
public ListViewItem(string[]? items, string? imageKey, Color foreColor, Color backColor, Font? font, ListViewGroup? group)
: this(items, imageKey, foreColor, backColor, font)
Group = group;
public ListViewItem(ListViewSubItem[] subItems, string? imageKey, ListViewGroup? group)
: this(subItems, imageKey)
Group = group;
internal virtual AccessibleObject AccessibilityObject
ListView owningListView = _listView ?? Group?.ListView
?? throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ListViewItemAccessibilityObjectRequiresListView);
if (_accessibilityObject is null || owningListView.View != _accessibilityObjectView)
_accessibilityObjectView = owningListView.View;
_accessibilityObject = _accessibilityObjectView switch
View.Details => new ListViewItemDetailsAccessibleObject(this),
View.LargeIcon => new ListViewItemLargeIconAccessibleObject(this),
View.List => new ListViewItemListAccessibleObject(this),
View.SmallIcon => new ListViewItemSmallIconAccessibleObject(this),
View.Tile => new ListViewItemTileAccessibleObject(this),
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException()
return _accessibilityObject;
private bool IsAccessibilityObjectCreated => _accessibilityObject is not null;
/// <summary>
/// The font that this item will be displayed in. If its value is null, it will be displayed
/// using the global font for the ListView control that hosts it.
/// </summary>
public Color BackColor
if (SubItemCount == 0)
if (_listView is not null)
return _listView.BackColor;
return SystemColors.Window;
return _subItems[0].BackColor;
set => SubItems[0].BackColor = value;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the ListViewItem's bounding rectangle, including subitems. The bounding rectangle is empty if
/// the ListViewItem has not been added to a ListView control.
/// </summary>
public Rectangle Bounds
if (_listView is not null)
return _listView.GetItemRect(Index);
return default;
public bool Checked
get => StateImageIndex > 0;
if (Checked != value)
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
StateImageIndex = value ? 1 : 0;
// the setter for StateImageIndex calls ItemChecked handler
// thus need to verify validity of the listView again
if (_listView is not null && !_listView.UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior)
if (!_listView.CheckBoxes)
_listView.UpdateSavedCheckedItems(this, value);
SavedStateImageIndex = value ? 1 : 0;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the focus state of the ListViewItem.
/// </summary>
public bool Focused
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
return _listView.GetItemState(Index, LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS.LVIS_FOCUSED) != 0;
return false;
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
if (_listView.IsAccessibilityObjectCreated)
public Font Font
if (SubItemCount == 0)
if (_listView is not null)
return _listView.Font;
return Control.DefaultFont;
return _subItems[0].Font;
set => SubItems[0].Font = value;
public Color ForeColor
if (SubItemCount == 0)
if (_listView is not null)
return _listView.ForeColor;
return SystemColors.WindowText;
return _subItems[0].ForeColor;
SubItems[0].ForeColor = value;
public ListViewGroup? Group
get => _group;
if (_group != value)
if (value is not null)
Debug.Assert(_group == value, "BUG: group member variable wasn't updated!");
// If the user specifically sets the group then don't use the groupName again.
_groupName = null;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the ListViewItem's currently set image index
/// </summary>
[Editor($"System.Windows.Forms.Design.ImageIndexEditor, {Assemblies.SystemDesign}", typeof(UITypeEditor))]
public int ImageIndex
return ImageList is null || ImageIndexer.Index < ImageList.Images.Count
? ImageIndexer.Index
: ImageList.Images.Count - 1;
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfLessThan(value, ImageList.Indexer.DefaultIndex);
ImageIndexer.Index = value;
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
_listView.SetItemImage(itemIndex: Index, imageIndex: ImageIndexer.ActualIndex);
internal ListViewItemImageIndexer ImageIndexer => _imageIndexer ??= new ListViewItemImageIndexer(this);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the ListViewItem's currently set image index
/// </summary>
[Editor($"System.Windows.Forms.Design.ImageIndexEditor, {Assemblies.SystemDesign}", typeof(UITypeEditor))]
public string ImageKey
get => ImageIndexer.Key;
ImageIndexer.Key = value;
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
_listView.SetItemImage(Index, ImageIndexer.ActualIndex);
public ImageList? ImageList
if (_listView is not null)
switch (_listView.View)
case View.LargeIcon:
case View.Tile:
return _listView.LargeImageList;
case View.SmallIcon:
case View.Details:
case View.List:
return _listView.SmallImageList;
return null;
public int IndentCount
get => _indentCount;
if (value < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(IndentCount), SR.ListViewIndentCountCantBeNegative);
if (value != _indentCount)
_indentCount = value;
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
_listView.SetItemIndentCount(Index, _indentCount);
/// <summary>
/// Returns ListViewItem's current index in the listview, or -1 if it has not been added to a ListView control.
/// </summary>
public int Index
if (_listView is not null)
// if the list is virtual, the ComCtrl control does not keep any information
// about any list view items, so we use our cache instead.
if (!_listView.VirtualMode)
_lastIndex = _listView.GetDisplayIndex(this, _lastIndex);
return _lastIndex;
return -1;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the ListView control that holds this ListViewItem. May be null if no
/// control has been assigned yet.
/// </summary>
public ListView? ListView => _listView;
/// <summary>
/// Name associated with this ListViewItem
/// </summary>
public string Name
if (SubItemCount == 0)
return string.Empty;
return _subItems[0].Name;
set => SubItems[0].Name = value;
public Point Position
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
_position = _listView.GetItemPosition(Index);
return _position;
if (!value.Equals(_position))
_position = value;
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
if (!_listView.VirtualMode)
_listView.SetItemPosition(Index, _position.X, _position.Y);
internal LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS RawStateImageIndex => (LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS)((SavedStateImageIndex + 1) << 12);
/// <summary>
/// Accessor for our state bit vector.
/// </summary>
private int SavedStateImageIndex
// State goes from zero to 15, but we need a negative
// number, so we store + 1.
return _state[s_savedStateImageIndexSection] - 1;
// flag whether we've set a value.
_state[s_stateImageMaskSet] = (value == ImageList.Indexer.DefaultIndex ? 0 : 1);
// push in the actual value
_state[s_savedStateImageIndexSection] = value + 1;
/// <summary>
/// Treats the ListViewItem as a row of strings, and returns an array of those strings
/// </summary>
public bool Selected
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
return _listView.GetItemState(Index, LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS.LVIS_SELECTED) != 0;
return StateSelected;
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
// update comctl32's selection information.
StateSelected = value;
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
// Set the selected state on the list view item only if the list view's Handle is already created.
_listView.CacheSelectedStateForItem(this, value);
[Editor($"System.Windows.Forms.Design.ImageIndexEditor, {Assemblies.SystemDesign}", typeof(UITypeEditor))]
public int StateImageIndex
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
return (((int)state >> 12) - 1); // index is 1-based
return SavedStateImageIndex;
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfLessThan(value, ImageList.Indexer.DefaultIndex);
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThan(value, 14);
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
_state[s_stateImageMaskSet] = (value == ImageList.Indexer.DefaultIndex ? 0 : 1);
LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS state = (LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS)((value + 1) << 12); // index is 1-based
SavedStateImageIndex = value;
internal bool StateImageSet => (_state[s_stateImageMaskSet] != 0);
/// <summary>
/// Accessor for our state bit vector.
/// </summary>
internal bool StateSelected
get => _state[s_stateSelectedSection] == 1;
set => _state[s_stateSelectedSection] = value ? 1 : 0;
/// <summary>
/// Accessor for our state bit vector.
/// </summary>
private int SubItemCount // Do NOT rename (binary serialization).
get => _state[s_subItemCountSection];
set => _state[s_subItemCountSection] = value;
[Editor($"System.Windows.Forms.Design.ListViewSubItemCollectionEditor, {Assemblies.SystemDesign}", typeof(UITypeEditor))]
public ListViewSubItemCollection SubItems
if (SubItemCount == 0)
_subItems = [new ListViewSubItem(this, string.Empty)];
SubItemCount = 1;
return _listViewSubItemCollection ??= new ListViewSubItemCollection(this);
public object? Tag
get => _userData;
set => _userData = value;
/// <summary>
/// Text associated with this ListViewItem
/// </summary>
public string Text
if (SubItemCount == 0)
return string.Empty;
return _subItems[0].Text;
set => SubItems[0].Text = value;
/// <summary>
/// Tool tip text associated with this ListViewItem
/// </summary>
public string ToolTipText
get => _toolTipText;
value ??= string.Empty;
if (!WindowsFormsUtils.SafeCompareStrings(_toolTipText, value, ignoreCase: false))
_toolTipText = value;
// tell the list view about this change
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not the font and coloring for the ListViewItem will be used for all of its subitems.
/// If true, the ListViewItem style will be used when drawing the subitems.
/// If false, the ListViewItem and its subitems will be drawn in their own individual styles
/// if any have been set.
/// </summary>
public bool UseItemStyleForSubItems
get => _state[s_stateWholeRowOneStyleSection] == 1;
set => _state[s_stateWholeRowOneStyleSection] = value ? 1 : 0;
/// <summary>
/// Initiate editing of the item's label. Only effective if LabelEdit property is true.
/// </summary>
public void BeginEdit()
if (Index >= 0)
ListView lv = ListView!;
if (!lv.LabelEdit)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ListViewBeginEditFailed);
if (!lv.Focused)
PInvokeCore.SendMessage(lv, PInvoke.LVM_EDITLABELW, (WPARAM)Index);
public virtual object Clone()
ListViewSubItem[] clonedSubItems = new ListViewSubItem[SubItems.Count];
for (int index = 0; index < SubItems.Count; ++index)
ListViewSubItem subItem = SubItems[index];
clonedSubItems[index] = new ListViewSubItem(
owner: null,
Tag = subItem.Tag
Type clonedType = GetType();
ListViewItem newItem;
if (clonedType == typeof(ListViewItem))
newItem = new ListViewItem(clonedSubItems, ImageIndexer.Index);
newItem = (ListViewItem)Activator.CreateInstance(clonedType)!;
foreach (ListViewSubItem subItem in clonedSubItems)
newItem.ImageIndexer.Index = ImageIndexer.Index;
newItem.SubItemCount = SubItemCount;
newItem.Checked = Checked;
newItem.UseItemStyleForSubItems = UseItemStyleForSubItems;
newItem.Tag = Tag;
// Only copy over the ImageKey if we're using it.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageIndexer.Key))
newItem.ImageIndexer.Key = ImageIndexer.Key;
newItem._indentCount = _indentCount;
newItem.StateImageIndex = StateImageIndex;
newItem._toolTipText = _toolTipText;
newItem.BackColor = BackColor;
newItem.ForeColor = ForeColor;
newItem.Font = Font;
newItem.Text = Text;
newItem.Group = Group;
return newItem;
/// <summary>
/// Ensure that the item is visible, scrolling the view as necessary.
/// </summary>
public virtual void EnsureVisible()
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
public ListViewItem? FindNearestItem(SearchDirectionHint searchDirection)
Rectangle r = Bounds;
int xCenter = r.Left + (r.Right - r.Left) / 2;
int yCenter = r.Top + (r.Bottom - r.Top) / 2;
return ListView?.FindNearestItem(searchDirection, xCenter, yCenter);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a specific portion of the ListViewItem's bounding rectangle.
/// The rectangle returned is empty if the ListViewItem has not been added to a ListView control.
/// </summary>
public Rectangle GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion portion)
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
return _listView.GetItemRect(Index, portion);
return default;
public ListViewSubItem? GetSubItemAt(int x, int y)
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated && _listView.View == View.Details)
_listView.GetSubItemAt(x, y, out int iItem, out int iSubItem);
if (iItem == Index && iSubItem != -1 && iSubItem < SubItems.Count)
return SubItems[iSubItem];
return null;
return null;
internal void Host(ListView parent, int id, int index)
// Don't let the name "host" fool you -- Handle is not necessarily created
Debug.Assert(_listView is null || !_listView.VirtualMode, "ListViewItem::Host can't be used w/ a virtual item");
Debug.Assert(parent is null || !parent.VirtualMode, "ListViewItem::Host can't be used w/ a virtual list");
_id = id;
_listView = parent;
// If the index is valid, then the handle has been created.
if (index != -1)
KeyboardToolTipStateMachine.Instance.Hook(this, _listView!.KeyboardToolTip);
internal void ReleaseUiaProvider()
if (!IsAccessibilityObjectCreated)
if (OsVersion.IsWindows8OrGreater())
if (_accessibilityObject is ListViewItemBaseAccessibleObject itemAccessibleObject)
PInvoke.UiaDisconnectProvider(_accessibilityObject, skipOSCheck: true);
_accessibilityObject = null;
/// <summary>
/// This is used to map list view items w/ their respective groups in localized forms.
/// </summary>
internal void UpdateGroupFromName()
Debug.Assert(_listView is not null, "This method is used only when items are parented in a list view");
Debug.Assert(!_listView.VirtualMode, "we need to update the group only when the user specifies the list view items in localizable forms");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_groupName))
Group = _listView.Groups[_groupName];
// Use the group name only once.
_groupName = null;
internal void UpdateStateToListView(int index)
LVITEMW item = default;
UpdateStateToListView(index, ref item, updateOwner: true);
/// <summary>
/// Called when we have just pushed this item into a list view and we need
/// to configure the list view's state for the item. Use a valid index
/// if you can, or use -1 if you can't.
/// </summary>
internal void UpdateStateToListView(int index, ref LVITEMW lvItem, bool updateOwner)
Debug.Assert(_listView!.IsHandleCreated, "Should only invoke UpdateStateToListView when handle is created.");
if (index == -1)
index = Index;
_lastIndex = index;
// Update Item state in one shot
if (StateSelected)
if (SavedStateImageIndex > ImageList.Indexer.DefaultIndex)
itemState |= (LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS)((SavedStateImageIndex + 1) << 12);
lvItem.iItem = index;
lvItem.stateMask |= stateMask;
lvItem.state |= itemState;
if (_listView.GroupsEnabled)
lvItem.iGroupId = _listView.GetNativeGroupId(this);
nint result = PInvokeCore.SendMessage(_listView, PInvoke.LVM_ISGROUPVIEWENABLED);
Debug.Assert(!updateOwner || result != 0, "Groups not enabled");
result = PInvokeCore.SendMessage(_listView, PInvoke.LVM_HASGROUP, (WPARAM)lvItem.iGroupId);
Debug.Assert(!updateOwner || result != 0, $"Doesn't contain group id: {lvItem.iGroupId}");
if (updateOwner)
PInvokeCore.SendMessage(_listView, PInvoke.LVM_SETITEMW, 0, ref lvItem);
internal void UpdateStateFromListView(int displayIndex, bool checkSelection)
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated && displayIndex != -1)
// Get information from comctl control
LVITEMW lvItem = new()
if (checkSelection)
// we want to get all the information, including the state image mask
if (lvItem.stateMask == 0)
// perf optimization: no work to do.
lvItem.iItem = displayIndex;
PInvokeCore.SendMessage(_listView, PInvoke.LVM_GETITEMW, 0, ref lvItem);
// Update this class' information
if (checkSelection)
StateSelected = (lvItem.state & LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS.LVIS_SELECTED) != 0;
SavedStateImageIndex = ((int)(lvItem.state & LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS.LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) >> 12) - 1;
_group = null;
foreach (ListViewGroup lvg in ListView!.Groups)
if (lvg.ID == lvItem.iGroupId)
_group = lvg;
internal void UnHost(bool checkSelection) => UnHost(Index, checkSelection);
internal void UnHost(int displayIndex, bool checkSelection)
UpdateStateFromListView(displayIndex, checkSelection);
if (_listView is not null)
if ((_listView.Site is null || !_listView.Site.DesignMode) && _group is not null)
KeyboardToolTipStateMachine.Instance.Unhook(this, _listView.KeyboardToolTip);
// Make sure you do these last, as the first several lines depends on this information
_id = -1;
_listView = null;
public virtual void Remove() => _listView?.Items.Remove(this);
protected virtual void Deserialize(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
bool foundSubItems = false;
string? imageKey = null;
int imageIndex = ImageList.Indexer.DefaultIndex;
foreach (SerializationEntry entry in info)
if (entry.Name == nameof(Text))
Text = info.GetString(nameof(Text));
else if (entry.Name == nameof(ImageIndex))
imageIndex = info.GetInt32(nameof(ImageIndex));
else if (entry.Name == nameof(ImageKey))
imageKey = info.GetString(nameof(ImageKey));
else if (entry.Name == nameof(SubItemCount))
SubItemCount = info.GetInt32(nameof(SubItemCount));
if (SubItemCount > 0)
foundSubItems = true;
else if (entry.Name == nameof(BackColor))
BackColor = (Color)info.GetValue(nameof(BackColor), typeof(Color))!;
else if (entry.Name == nameof(Checked))
Checked = info.GetBoolean(nameof(Checked));
else if (entry.Name == nameof(Font))
Font = (Font)info.GetValue(nameof(Font), typeof(Font))!;
else if (entry.Name == nameof(ForeColor))
ForeColor = (Color)info.GetValue(nameof(ForeColor), typeof(Color))!;
else if (entry.Name == nameof(UseItemStyleForSubItems))
UseItemStyleForSubItems = info.GetBoolean(nameof(UseItemStyleForSubItems));
else if (entry.Name == nameof(Group))
ListViewGroup group = (ListViewGroup)info.GetValue(nameof(Group), typeof(ListViewGroup))!;
_groupName = group.Name;
// let image key take precedence
if (imageKey is not null)
ImageKey = imageKey;
else if (imageIndex != ImageList.Indexer.DefaultIndex)
ImageIndex = imageIndex;
if (foundSubItems)
for (int i = 1; i < SubItemCount; i++)
ListViewSubItem newItem = (ListViewSubItem)info.GetValue($"SubItem{i}", typeof(ListViewSubItem))!;
newItem._owner = this;
/// <summary>
/// Saves this ListViewItem object to the given data stream.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Serialize(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
info.AddValue(nameof(Text), Text);
info.AddValue(nameof(ImageIndex), ImageIndexer.Index);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageIndexer.Key))
info.AddValue(nameof(ImageKey), ImageIndexer.Key);
if (SubItemCount > 1)
info.AddValue(nameof(SubItemCount), SubItemCount);
for (int i = 1; i < SubItemCount; i++)
info.AddValue($"SubItem{i}", _subItems[i], typeof(ListViewSubItem));
info.AddValue(nameof(BackColor), BackColor);
info.AddValue(nameof(Checked), Checked);
info.AddValue(nameof(Font), Font);
info.AddValue(nameof(ForeColor), ForeColor);
info.AddValue(nameof(UseItemStyleForSubItems), UseItemStyleForSubItems);
if (Group is not null)
info.AddValue(nameof(Group), Group);
// we need this function to set the index when the list view is in virtual mode.
// the index of the list view item is used in ListView::set_TopItem property
internal void SetItemIndex(ListView listView, int index)
Debug.Assert(listView is not null && listView.VirtualMode, "ListViewItem::SetItemIndex should be used only when the list is virtual");
Debug.Assert(index > -1, "can't set the index on a virtual list view item to -1");
_listView = listView;
_lastIndex = index;
internal static bool ShouldSerializeText() => false;
private bool ShouldSerializePosition() => !_position.Equals(new Point(-1, -1));
public override string ToString() => $"ListViewItem: {{{Text}}}";
internal void InvalidateListView()
// The ListItem's state (or a SubItem's state) has changed, so invalidate the ListView control
if (_listView is not null && _listView.IsHandleCreated)
internal void UpdateSubItems(int index) => UpdateSubItems(index, SubItemCount);
internal void UpdateSubItems(int index, int oldCount)
if (_listView is null || !_listView.IsHandleCreated)
int subItemCount = SubItemCount;
int itemIndex = Index;
if (index != -1)
// Update the specified subitem text.
_listView.SetItemText(itemIndex, index, _subItems[index].Text);
// Update all subitems text.
for (int i = 0; i < subItemCount; i++)
_listView.SetItemText(itemIndex, i, _subItems[i].Text);
// Clear subitems beyond the current count.
for (int i = subItemCount; i < oldCount; i++)
_listView.SetItemText(itemIndex, i, string.Empty);
void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) => Serialize(info, context);