// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design.Tests;
public class ControlDesignerDesignerControlCollectionTests : IDisposable
private readonly Control _control;
private readonly ControlDesigner.DesignerControlCollection _collection;
public ControlDesignerDesignerControlCollectionTests()
_control = new();
_collection = new(_control);
public void Dispose()
public void Constructor_ShouldThrowArgumentNullException_WhenControlIsNull()
Action action = () => new ControlDesigner.DesignerControlCollection(null!);
public void SyncRoot_ShouldReturnSelf()
public void IsSynchronized_ShouldReturnFalse()
public void IsFixedSize_ShouldReturnFalse()
public void IsReadOnly_ShouldMatchControlIsReadOnly()
public void Add_ShouldAddControlToCollection()
using Control control = new();
public void AddRange_ShouldAddMultipleControlsToCollection()
using Control control1 = new();
using Control control2 = new();
Control[] controls = [control1, control2];
public void Contains_ShouldReturnTrueIfControlExists()
using Control control = new();
public void Equals_ShouldReturnTrueWhenCollectionsAreEqual()
var other = _control.Controls;
public void GetEnumerator_ShouldReturnCorrectEnumerator()
public void GetHashCode_ShouldMatchControlHashCode()
public void IndexOf_ShouldReturnCorrectIndex()
using Control control = new();
public void Insert_ShouldInsertControlAtCorrectIndex()
using Control control = new();
using Control anotherControl = new();
_collection.SetChildIndex(control, 0);
public void Remove_ShouldRemoveControlFromCollection()
using Control control = new();
public void RemoveAt_ShouldRemoveControlAtSpecifiedIndex()
using Control control = new();
public void GetChildIndex_ShouldReturnCorrectIndex()
using Control control = new();
_collection.GetChildIndex(control, throwException: false).Should().Be(_control.Controls.GetChildIndex(control, throwException: false));
public void SetChildIndex_ShouldSetCorrectIndex()
using Control control = new();
_collection.SetChildIndex(control, 0);
public void Clear_ShouldRemoveAllControlsFromCollection()
using Control control = new();
control.Site = new MockSite(control, designMode: true);
private class MockSite : ISite, IDisposable
public IComponent Component { get; }
public IContainer Container { get; init; } = new Container();
public bool DesignMode { get; }
public string? Name { get; set; }
public MockSite(IComponent component, bool designMode)
Component = component;
DesignMode = designMode;
public object? GetService(Type serviceType) => null;
public void Dispose() => Container?.Dispose();