// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#define TRACE
#endif // DEBUG
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Threading;
namespace System.Windows.Media.Animation
/// <summary>
/// Maintains run-time timing state for timed objects.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// A Clock object maintains the run-time state for a timed object
/// according to the description specified in a Timeline object. It also
/// provides methods for timing control, such as event scheduling and
/// VCR-like functionality. Clock objects are arranged in trees
/// that match the structure of the Timeline objects they are created from.
/// </remarks>
public class Clock : DispatcherObject
// Constructors
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Clock object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="timeline">
/// The Timeline to use as a template.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// The returned Clock doesn't have any children.
/// </remarks>
protected internal Clock(Timeline timeline)
lock (_debugLockObject)
_debugIdentity = ++_nextIdentity;
WeakReference weakRef = new WeakReference(this);
_objectTable[_debugIdentity] = weakRef;
#endif // DEBUG
Debug.Assert(timeline != null);
// Store a frozen copy of the timeline
_timeline = (Timeline)timeline.GetCurrentValueAsFrozen();
// GetCurrentValueAsFrozen will make a clone of the Timeline if it's
// not frozen and will return the Timeline if it is frozen.
// The clone will never have event handlers, while the
// frozen original may. This means we need to copy
// the event handlers from the original timeline onto the clock
// to be consistent.
// Copy the event handlers from the original timeline into the clock
_eventHandlersStore = timeline.InternalEventHandlersStore;
// FXCop fix. Do not call overridables in constructors
// UpdateNeedsTicksWhenActive();
// Set the NeedsTicksWhenActive only if we have someone listening
// to an event.
SetFlag(ClockFlags.NeedsTicksWhenActive, _eventHandlersStore != null);
// Cache values that won't change as the clock ticks
// Non-root clocks have an unchanging begin time specified by their timelines.
// A root clock will update _beginTime as necessary.
_beginTime = _timeline.BeginTime;
// Cache duration, getting Timeline.Duration and recalculating duration
// each Tick was eating perf, resolve the duration if possible.
_resolvedDuration = _timeline.Duration;
if (_resolvedDuration == Duration.Automatic)
// Forever is the default for an automatic duration. We can't
// try to resolve the duration yet because the tree
// may not be fully built, in which case ClockGroups won't
// have their children yet.
_resolvedDuration = Duration.Forever;
HasResolvedDuration = true;
_currentDuration = _resolvedDuration;
// Cache speed ratio, for roots this value may be updated if the interactive
// speed ratio changes, but for non-roots this value will remain constant
// throughout the lifetime of the clock.
_appliedSpeedRatio = _timeline.SpeedRatio;
// Initialize current state
_currentClockState = ClockState.Stopped;
if (_beginTime.HasValue)
// We need a tick to bring our state up to date
_nextTickNeededTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
// All other data members initialized to zero by default
#endregion // Constructors
// Public Properties
#region Public Properties
internal bool CanGrow
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.CanGrow);
internal bool CanSlip
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.CanSlip);
/// <summary>
/// Returns an ClockController which can be used to perform interactive
/// operations on this Clock. If interactive operations are not allowed,
/// this property returns null; this is the case for Clocks that
/// aren't children of the root Clock.
/// </summary>
public ClockController Controller
// Unless our parent is the root clock and we're controllable,
// return null
if (IsRoot && HasControllableRoot)
return new ClockController(this);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// The current repeat iteration. The first period has a value of one.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the clock is not active, the value of this property is only valid if
/// the fill attribute specifies that the timing attributes should be
/// extended. Otherwise, the property returns -1.
/// </remarks>
public Int32? CurrentIteration
// VerifyAccess();
return _currentIteration;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current rate at which time is progressing in the clock,
/// compared to the real-world wall clock. If the clock is stopped,
/// this method returns null.
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
public double? CurrentGlobalSpeed
// VerifyAccess();
return _currentGlobalSpeed;
/// <summary>
/// The current progress of time for this clock.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the clock is active, the progress is always a value between 0 and 1,
/// inclusive. Otherwise, the progress depends on the value of the
/// <see cref="System.Windows.Media.Animation.Timeline.FillBehavior"/> attribute.
/// If the clock is inactive and the fill attribute is not in effect, this
/// property returns null.
/// </remarks>
public double? CurrentProgress
// VerifyAccess();
return _currentProgress;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether the Clock’s current time is inside the Active period
/// (meaning properties may change frame to frame), inside the Fill period, or Stopped.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// You can tell whether you’re in FillBegin or FillEnd by the value of CurrentProgress
/// (0 for FillBegin, 1 for FillEnd).
/// </remarks>
public ClockState CurrentState
// VerifyAccess();
return _currentClockState;
/// <summary>
/// The current position of the clock, relative to the starting time. Setting
/// this property to a new value has the effect of seeking the clock to a
/// new point in time. Both forward and backward seeks are allowed. Setting this
/// property has no effect if the clock is not active. However, seeking while the
/// clock is paused works as expected.
/// </summary>
public TimeSpan? CurrentTime
// VerifyAccess();
return _currentTime;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public bool HasControllableRoot
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.HasControllableRoot);
/// <summary>
/// True if the timeline is currently paused, false otherwise.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This property returns true either if this timeline has been paused, or if an
/// ancestor of this timeline has been paused.
/// </remarks>
public bool IsPaused
// VerifyAccess();
return IsInteractivelyPaused;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the natural duration of this Clock, which is defined
/// by the Timeline from which it is created.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Duration NaturalDuration
return _timeline.GetNaturalDuration(this);
/// <summary>
/// The Clock that sets the parent time for this Clock.
/// </summary>
public Clock Parent
// VerifyAccess();
// If our parent is the root clock, force a return value of null
if (IsRoot)
return null;
return _parent;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Timeline object that holds the description controlling the
/// behavior of this clock.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The Timeline object that holds the description controlling the
/// behavior of this clock.
/// </value>
public Timeline Timeline
// VerifyAccess();
return _timeline;
#endregion // Public Properties
// Public Events
#region Public Events
/// <summary>
/// Raised by the timeline when it has completed.
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler Completed
AddEventHandler(Timeline.CompletedKey, value);
RemoveEventHandler(Timeline.CompletedKey, value);
/// <summary>
/// Raised by the Clock whenever its current speed changes.
/// This event mirrors the CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidated event on Timeline
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidated
// VerifyAccess();
AddEventHandler(Timeline.CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidatedKey, value);
// VerifyAccess();
RemoveEventHandler(Timeline.CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidatedKey, value);
/// <summary>
/// Raised by the Clock whenever its current state changes.
/// This event mirrors the CurrentStateInvalidated event on Timeline
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler CurrentStateInvalidated
// VerifyAccess();
AddEventHandler(Timeline.CurrentStateInvalidatedKey, value);
// VerifyAccess();
RemoveEventHandler(Timeline.CurrentStateInvalidatedKey, value);
/// <summary>
/// Raised by the Clock whenever its current time changes.
/// This event mirrors the CurrentTimeInvalidated event on Timeline
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler CurrentTimeInvalidated
// VerifyAccess();
AddEventHandler(Timeline.CurrentTimeInvalidatedKey, value);
// VerifyAccess();
RemoveEventHandler(Timeline.CurrentTimeInvalidatedKey, value);
/// <summary>
/// Raised by the timeline when its removal has been requested by the user.
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler RemoveRequested
AddEventHandler(Timeline.RemoveRequestedKey, value);
RemoveEventHandler(Timeline.RemoveRequestedKey, value);
#endregion // Public Events
// Protected Methods
#region Protected Methods
/// <summary>
/// Notify a clock that we've moved in a discontinuous way
/// </summary>
protected virtual void DiscontinuousTimeMovement()
// Base class does nothing
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the Clock has its own external source for time, which may
/// require synchronization with the timing system. Media is one example of this.
/// </summary>
protected virtual bool GetCanSlip()
return false;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
protected virtual TimeSpan GetCurrentTimeCore()
return _currentTime ?? TimeSpan.Zero;
/// <summary>
/// Notify a clock that we've changed the speed
/// </summary>
protected virtual void SpeedChanged()
// Base class does nothing
/// <summary>
/// Notify a clock that we've stopped
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Stopped()
// Base class does nothing
#endregion // Protected Methods
// Protected Properties
#region Protected Properties
/// <summary>
/// The current global time in TimeSpan units, established by the time manager.
/// </summary>
protected TimeSpan CurrentGlobalTime
if (_timeManager == null)
return TimeSpan.Zero;
else if (IsTimeManager)
return _timeManager.InternalCurrentGlobalTime;
Clock current = this;
while (!current.IsRoot) // Traverse up the tree to the root node
current = current._parent;
if (current.HasDesiredFrameRate)
return current._rootData.CurrentAdjustedGlobalTime;
return _timeManager.InternalCurrentGlobalTime;
#endregion // Protected Properties
// Internal Methods
#region Internal Methods
internal virtual void AddNullPointToCurrentIntervals()
internal static Clock AllocateClock(
Timeline timeline,
bool hasControllableRoot)
Clock clock = timeline.AllocateClock();
// Assert that we weren't given an existing clock
ClockGroup clockGroup = clock as ClockGroup;
if ( clock._parent != null
|| ( clockGroup != null
&& clockGroup.InternalChildren != null ))
// The derived class is trying to fool us -- we require a new,
// fresh, unassociated clock here
throw new InvalidOperationException(
clock.SetFlag(ClockFlags.HasControllableRoot, hasControllableRoot);
return clock;
internal virtual void BuildClockSubTreeFromTimeline(
Timeline timeline,
bool hasControllableRoot)
SetFlag(ClockFlags.CanSlip, GetCanSlip()); // Set the CanSlip flag
// Here we preview the clock's own slip-ability, hence ClockGroups should return false
// at this stage, because their children are not yet added by the time of this call.
if (CanSlip && (IsRoot || _timeline.BeginTime.HasValue))
// A sync clock with duration of zero or no begin time has no effect, so do skip it
if (!_resolvedDuration.HasTimeSpan || _resolvedDuration.TimeSpan > TimeSpan.Zero)
// Verify that we only use SlipBehavior in supported scenarios
if ((_timeline.AutoReverse == true) ||
(_timeline.AccelerationRatio > 0) ||
(_timeline.DecelerationRatio > 0))
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Timing_CanSlipOnlyOnSimpleTimelines);
_syncData = new SyncData(this); // CanSlip clocks keep themselves synced
HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration = !HasResolvedDuration; // Keep track of when our duration is resolved
Clock current = _parent; // Traverse up the parent chain and verify that no unsupported behavior is specified
while (current != null)
Debug.Assert(!current.IsTimeManager); // We should not yet be connected to the TimeManager
if (current._timeline.AutoReverse || current._timeline.AccelerationRatio > 0
|| current._timeline.DecelerationRatio > 0)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException(SR.Timing_SlipBehavior_SyncOnlyWithSimpleParents);
current.SetFlag(ClockFlags.CanGrow, true); // Propagate the slippage tracking up the tree
if (!HasResolvedDuration) // Let the parents know that we have not yet unresolved duration
current.HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration = true;
current._currentIterationBeginTime = current._beginTime;
current = current._parent;
internal static Clock BuildClockTreeFromTimeline(
Timeline rootTimeline,
bool hasControllableRoot)
Clock rootClock = AllocateClock(rootTimeline, hasControllableRoot);
// Set this flag so that the subsequent method can rely on it.
rootClock.IsRoot = true;
rootClock._rootData = new RootData(); // Create a RootData to hold root specific information.
// The root clock was given a reference to a frozen copy of the
// timing tree. We pass this copy down BuildClockSubTreeFromTimeline
// so that each child clock will use that tree rather
// than create a new one.
rootClock.BuildClockSubTreeFromTimeline(rootClock.Timeline, hasControllableRoot);
return rootClock;
internal virtual void ClearCurrentIntervalsToNull()
// Perform Stage 1 of clipping next tick time: clip by parent
internal void ClipNextTickByParent()
// Clip by parent's NTNT if needed. We don't want to clip
// if the parent is the TimeManager's root clock.
if (!IsTimeManager && !_parent.IsTimeManager &&
(!InternalNextTickNeededTime.HasValue ||
(_parent.InternalNextTickNeededTime.HasValue && _parent.InternalNextTickNeededTime.Value < InternalNextTickNeededTime.Value)))
InternalNextTickNeededTime = _parent.InternalNextTickNeededTime;
internal virtual void ComputeCurrentIntervals(TimeIntervalCollection parentIntervalCollection,
TimeSpan beginTime, TimeSpan? endTime,
Duration fillDuration, Duration period,
double appliedSpeedRatio, double accelRatio, double decelRatio,
bool isAutoReversed)
internal virtual void ComputeCurrentFillInterval(TimeIntervalCollection parentIntervalCollection,
TimeSpan beginTime, TimeSpan endTime, Duration period,
double appliedSpeedRatio, double accelRatio, double decelRatio,
bool isAutoReversed)
internal void ComputeLocalState()
// Cache previous state values
ClockState lastClockState = _currentClockState;
TimeSpan? lastCurrentTime = _currentTime;
double? lastCurrentGlobalSpeed = _currentGlobalSpeed;
double? lastCurrentProgress = _currentProgress;
Int32? lastCurrentIteration = _currentIteration;
// Reset the PauseStateChangedDuringTick for this tick
PauseStateChangedDuringTick = false;
ComputeLocalStateHelper(true, false); // Perform the local state calculations with early bail out
if (lastClockState != _currentClockState)
// It can happen that we change state without detecting it when
// a parent is auto-reversing and we are ticking exactly at the
// reverse point, so raise the events.
if (_currentGlobalSpeed != lastCurrentGlobalSpeed)
if (HasDiscontinuousTimeMovementOccured)
HasDiscontinuousTimeMovementOccured = false;
/// <summary>
/// Return the current duration from a specific clock
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// A Duration quantity representing the current iteration's estimated duration.
/// </returns>
internal virtual Duration CurrentDuration
get { return Duration.Automatic; }
/// <summary>
/// Internal helper. Schedules an interactive begin at the next tick.
/// An interactive begin is literally a seek to 0. It is completely distinct
/// from the BeginTime specified on a timeline, which is managed by
/// _pendingBeginOffset
/// </summary>
internal void InternalBegin()
/// <summary>
/// Internal helper for moving to new API. Gets the speed multiplier for the Clock's speed.
/// </summary>
internal double InternalGetSpeedRatio()
return _rootData.InteractiveSpeedRatio;
/// <summary>
/// Internal helper for moving to new API. Pauses the timeline for this timeline and its children.
/// </summary>
internal void InternalPause()
// VerifyAccess();
// INVARIANT: we enforce 4 possible valid states:
// 1) !Paused (running)
// 2) !Paused, Pause pending
// 3) Paused
// 4) Paused, Resume pending
Debug.Assert(!(IsInteractivelyPaused && PendingInteractivePause));
Debug.Assert(!(!IsInteractivelyPaused && PendingInteractiveResume));
if (PendingInteractiveResume) // Cancel existing resume request if made
PendingInteractiveResume = false;
else if (!IsInteractivelyPaused)
// If we don't have a pending resume AND we aren't paused already, schedule a pause
// This is an ELSE clause because if we had a Resume pending, we MUST already be paused
PendingInteractivePause = true;
/// <summary>
/// Schedules a Remove operation to happen at the next tick.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method schedules the Clock and its subtree to be stopped and the RemoveRequested
/// event to be fired on the subtree at the next tick.
/// </remarks>
internal void InternalRemove()
PendingInteractiveRemove = true;
/// <summary>
/// Internal helper for moving to new API. Allows a timeline's timeline to progress again after a call to Pause.
/// </summary>
internal void InternalResume()
// VerifyAccess();
// INVARIANT: we enforce 4 possible valid states:
// 1) !Paused (running)
// 2) !Paused, Pause pending
// 3) Paused
// 4) Paused, sd Resume pending
Debug.Assert( !(IsInteractivelyPaused && PendingInteractivePause));
Debug.Assert( !(!IsInteractivelyPaused && PendingInteractiveResume));
if (PendingInteractivePause) // Cancel existing pause request if made
PendingInteractivePause = false;
else if (IsInteractivelyPaused)
// If we don't have a pending pause AND we are currently paused, schedule a resume
// This is an ELSE clause because if we had a Pause pending, we MUST already be unpaused
PendingInteractiveResume = true;
/// <summary>
/// Internal helper for moving to new API. Seeks a timeline's timeline to a new position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="destination">
/// The destination to seek to, relative to the clock's BeginTime. If this is past the
/// active period execute the FillBehavior.
/// </param>
internal void InternalSeek(TimeSpan destination)
// VerifyAccess();
IsInteractivelyStopped = false;
PendingInteractiveStop = false; // Cancel preceding stop;
ResetNodesWithSlip(); // Reset sync tracking
_rootData.PendingSeekDestination = destination;
RootBeginPending = false; // cancel a previous begin call
/// <summary>
/// The only things that can change for this are the begin time of this
/// timeline
/// </summary>
/// <param name="destination">
/// The destination to seek to, relative to the clock's BeginTime. If this is past the
/// active perioed execute the FillBehavior.
/// </param>
internal void InternalSeekAlignedToLastTick(TimeSpan destination)
// This is a no-op with a null TimeManager or when all durations have not yet been resolved
if (_timeManager == null || HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration)
// Adjust _beginTime such that our current time equals the Seek position
// that was requested
_beginTime = CurrentGlobalTime - DivideTimeSpan(destination, _appliedSpeedRatio);
if (CanGrow)
_currentIteration = null; // This node is not visited by ResetSlipOnSubtree
_currentIterationBeginTime = _beginTime;
IsInteractivelyStopped = false; // We have unset disabled status
PendingInteractiveStop = false;
RootBeginPending = false; // Cancel a pending begin
ResetNodesWithSlip(); // Reset sync tracking
_timeManager.InternalCurrentIntervals = TimeIntervalCollection.Empty;
PrefixSubtreeEnumerator subtree = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(this, true);
while (subtree.MoveNext())
// We are processing a Seek immediately. We don't need a TIC yet
// since we are not computing events, and we don't want to
// process pending stuff either.
subtree.Current.ComputeLocalStateHelper(false, true); // Compute the state of the node
if (HasDiscontinuousTimeMovementOccured)
HasDiscontinuousTimeMovementOccured = false;
subtree.Current.ClipNextTickByParent(); // Perform NextTick clipping, stage 1
// Make a note to visit for stage 2, only for ClockGroups
subtree.Current.NeedsPostfixTraversal = (subtree.Current is ClockGroup);
_parent.ComputeTreeStateRoot(); // Re-clip the next tick estimates by children
// Fire the events indicating that we've invalidated this whole subtree
while (subtree.MoveNext())
// CurrentTimeInvalidated should be fired first to give AnimationStorage a chance
// to update the value. We directly set the flags, then fire RaiseAccumulatedEvents
// to avoid involving the TimeManager for this local subtree operation.
subtree.Current.CurrentTimeInvalidatedEventRaised = true;
subtree.Current.CurrentStateInvalidatedEventRaised = true;
subtree.Current.CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidatedEventRaised = true;
/// <summary>
/// Internal helper for moving to new API. Sets a speed multiplier for the Clock's speed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ratio">
/// The ratio by which to multiply the Clock's speed.
/// </param>
internal void InternalSetSpeedRatio(double ratio)
_rootData.PendingSpeedRatio = ratio;
/// <summary>
/// Internal helper. Schedules an end for some specified time in the future.
/// </summary>
internal void InternalSkipToFill()
TimeSpan? effectiveDuration;
effectiveDuration = ComputeEffectiveDuration();
// Throw an exception if the active period extends forever.
if (effectiveDuration == null)
// Can't seek to the end if the simple duration is not resolved
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Timing_SkipToFillDestinationIndefinite);
// Offset to the end; override preceding seek requests
IsInteractivelyStopped = false;
PendingInteractiveStop = false;
ResetNodesWithSlip(); // Reset sync tracking
RootBeginPending = false;
_rootData.PendingSeekDestination = effectiveDuration.Value; // Seek to the end time
/// <summary>
/// Internal helper for moving to new API. Removes a timeline from its active or fill period.
/// Timeline can be restarted with an interactive Begin call.
/// </summary>
internal void InternalStop()
PendingInteractiveStop = true;
// Cancel all non-persistent interactive requests
_rootData.PendingSeekDestination = null;
RootBeginPending = false;
ResetNodesWithSlip(); // Reset sync tracking
/// <summary>
/// Raises the events that occured since the last tick and reset their state.
/// </summary>
internal void RaiseAccumulatedEvents()
try // We are calling user-defined delegates, if they throw we must ensure that we leave the Clock in a valid state
// CurrentTimeInvalidated should fire first. This is because AnimationStorage hooks itself
// up to this event in order to invalidate whichever DependencyProperty this clock may be
// animating. User code in any of these callbacks may query the value of that DP - if they
// do so before AnimationStorage has a chance to invalidate they will get the wrong value.
if (CurrentTimeInvalidatedEventRaised)
if (CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidatedEventRaised)
// Tell the Clocks that they have changed Speed
if (CurrentStateInvalidatedEventRaised)
// Since the state has been invalidated this means that
// we've got a discontinuous time movemement. Tell the clock
if (!CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidatedEventRaised)
if (CompletedEventRaised)
if (RemoveRequestedEventRaised)
finally // Reset the flags to make the state consistent, even if the user has thrown
CurrentTimeInvalidatedEventRaised = false;
CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidatedEventRaised = false;
CurrentStateInvalidatedEventRaised = false;
CompletedEventRaised = false;
RemoveRequestedEventRaised = false;
IsInEventQueue = false;
/// <summary>
/// Raises the Completed event.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// We only need to raise this event once per tick. If we've already
/// raised it in this tick, do nothing.
/// </remarks>
internal void RaiseCompleted()
CompletedEventRaised = true;
if (!IsInEventQueue)
IsInEventQueue = true;
/// <summary>
/// Raises the CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidated event.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// We only need to raise this event once per tick. If we've already
/// raised it in this tick, do nothing.
/// </remarks>
internal void RaiseCurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidated()
// ROOT Debug.Assert(!IsTimeManager);
CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidatedEventRaised = true;
if (!IsInEventQueue)
IsInEventQueue = true;
/// <summary>
/// Raises the CurrentStateInvalidated event.
/// </summary>
internal void RaiseCurrentStateInvalidated()
if (_currentClockState == ClockState.Stopped) // If our state changed to stopped
CurrentStateInvalidatedEventRaised = true;
if (!IsInEventQueue)
IsInEventQueue = true;
/// <summary>
/// Raises the CurrentTimeInvalidated event. This enqueues the event for later dispatch
/// if we are in a tick operation.
/// </summary>
internal void RaiseCurrentTimeInvalidated()
CurrentTimeInvalidatedEventRaised = true;
if (!IsInEventQueue)
IsInEventQueue = true;
/// <summary>
/// Raises the RemoveRequested event.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// We only need to raise this event once per tick. If we've already
/// raised it in this tick, do nothing.
/// </remarks>
internal void RaiseRemoveRequested()
RemoveRequestedEventRaised = true;
if (!IsInEventQueue)
IsInEventQueue = true;
// Reset all currently cached state
internal void ResetCachedStateToStopped()
_currentGlobalSpeed = null;
_currentIteration = null;
IsBackwardsProgressingGlobal = false;
_currentProgress = null;
_currentTime = null;
_currentClockState = ClockState.Stopped;
// Reset IsInSyncPeriod for this node and all children if any (ClockGroup handles this).
// We do this whenever a discontinuous interactive action (seek/begin/stop) is performed.
internal virtual void ResetNodesWithSlip()
if (_syncData != null)
_syncData.IsInSyncPeriod = false; // Reset sync tracking
/// <summary>
/// Check if our descendants have resolved their duration, and resets the HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration
/// flag from true to false once that happens.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns true when this node or one of its descendants have unresolved duration.</returns>
internal virtual void UpdateDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration()
if (HasResolvedDuration)
HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration = false;
#endregion // Internal Methods
// Internal Properties
#region Internal Properties
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the depth of this timeline in the timing tree. If the timeline does not have
/// a parent, its depth value is zero.
/// </summary>
internal int Depth
// ROOT Debug.Assert(!IsTimeManager);
return _depth;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the last time this timeline will become non-active if it is not
/// clipped by the parent container first. Null represents infinity.
/// </summary>
internal Duration EndOfActivePeriod
if (!HasResolvedDuration)
return Duration.Automatic;
// Computed expiration time with respect to repeat behavior and natural duration;
TimeSpan? expirationTime;
ComputeExpirationTime(out expirationTime);
// We should start to use a Duration value for expirationTime which
// will make this logic a lot easier.
// We can also remove the check for HasResolvedDuration at the top of the
// method if we can make expirationTime be Duration.Automatic where appropriate.
if (expirationTime.HasValue)
return expirationTime.Value;
return Duration.Forever;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the first child of this timeline.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// Since a Clock doesn't have children we will always return null
/// </value>
internal virtual Clock FirstChild
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Internal unverified access to the CurrentState
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Only ClockGroup should set the value
/// </remarks>
internal ClockState InternalCurrentClockState
return _currentClockState;
_currentClockState = value;
/// <summary>
/// Internal unverified access to the CurrentGlobalSpeed
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Only ClockGroup should set the value
/// </remarks>
internal double? InternalCurrentGlobalSpeed
return _currentGlobalSpeed;
_currentGlobalSpeed = value;
/// <summary>
/// Internal unverified access to the CurrentIteration
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Only ClockGroup should set the value
/// </remarks>
internal Int32? InternalCurrentIteration
return _currentIteration;
_currentIteration = value;
/// <summary>
/// Internal unverified access to the CurrentProgress
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Only ClockGroup should set the value
/// </remarks>
internal double? InternalCurrentProgress
return _currentProgress;
_currentProgress = value;
/// <summary>
/// The next GlobalTime that this clock may need a tick
/// </summary>
internal TimeSpan? InternalNextTickNeededTime
return _nextTickNeededTime;
_nextTickNeededTime = value;
/// <summary>
/// Unchecked internal access to the parent of this Clock.
/// </summary>
internal ClockGroup InternalParent
return _parent;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current Duration for internal callers. This property will
/// never return Duration.Automatic. If the _resolvedDuration of the Clock
/// has not yet been resolved, this property will return Duration.Forever.
/// Therefore, it's possible that the value of this property will change
/// one time during the Clock's lifetime. It's not predictable when that
/// change will occur, it's up to the custom Clock author.
/// </summary>
internal Duration ResolvedDuration
Debug.Assert(_resolvedDuration != Duration.Automatic, "_resolvedDuration should never be set to Automatic.");
return _resolvedDuration;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the right sibling of this timeline.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The right sibling of this timeline if it's not the last in its parent's
/// collection; otherwise, null.
/// </value>
internal Clock NextSibling
Debug.Assert(_parent != null && !_parent.IsTimeManager);
List<Clock> parentChildren = _parent.InternalChildren;
if (_childIndex == parentChildren.Count - 1)
return null;
return parentChildren[_childIndex + 1];
/// <summary>
/// Gets a cached weak reference to this clock.
/// </summary>
internal WeakReference WeakReference
WeakReference reference = _weakReference;
if (reference == null)
reference = new WeakReference(this);
_weakReference = reference;
return reference;
/// <summary>
/// Get the desired framerate of this clock
/// </summary>
internal int? DesiredFrameRate
int? returnValue = null;
if (HasDesiredFrameRate)
returnValue = _rootData.DesiredFrameRate;
return returnValue;
// Internal access to some of the flags
#region Internal Flag Accessors
internal bool CompletedEventRaised
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.CompletedEventRaised);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.CompletedEventRaised, value);
internal bool CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidatedEventRaised
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidatedEventRaised);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidatedEventRaised, value);
internal bool CurrentStateInvalidatedEventRaised
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.CurrentStateInvalidatedEventRaised);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.CurrentStateInvalidatedEventRaised, value);
internal bool CurrentTimeInvalidatedEventRaised
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.CurrentTimeInvalidatedEventRaised);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.CurrentTimeInvalidatedEventRaised, value);
private bool HasDesiredFrameRate
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.HasDesiredFrameRate);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.HasDesiredFrameRate, value);
internal bool HasResolvedDuration
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.HasResolvedDuration);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.HasResolvedDuration, value);
internal bool IsBackwardsProgressingGlobal
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.IsBackwardsProgressingGlobal);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.IsBackwardsProgressingGlobal, value);
internal bool IsInEventQueue
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.IsInEventQueue);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.IsInEventQueue, value);
/// <summary>
/// Unchecked internal access to the paused state of the clock.
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
internal bool IsInteractivelyPaused
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.IsInteractivelyPaused);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.IsInteractivelyPaused, value);
internal bool IsInteractivelyStopped
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.IsInteractivelyStopped);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.IsInteractivelyStopped, value);
internal bool IsRoot
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.IsRoot);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.IsRoot, value);
internal bool IsTimeManager
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.IsTimeManager);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.IsTimeManager, value);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the Clock traversed during the first tick pass.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
internal bool NeedsPostfixTraversal
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.NeedsPostfixTraversal);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.NeedsPostfixTraversal, value);
internal virtual bool NeedsTicksWhenActive
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.NeedsTicksWhenActive);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.NeedsTicksWhenActive, value);
internal bool PauseStateChangedDuringTick
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.PauseStateChangedDuringTick);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.PauseStateChangedDuringTick, value);
internal bool PendingInteractivePause
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.PendingInteractivePause);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.PendingInteractivePause, value);
internal bool PendingInteractiveRemove
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.PendingInteractiveRemove);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.PendingInteractiveRemove, value);
internal bool PendingInteractiveResume
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.PendingInteractiveResume);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.PendingInteractiveResume, value);
internal bool PendingInteractiveStop
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.PendingInteractiveStop);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.PendingInteractiveStop, value);
internal bool RemoveRequestedEventRaised
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.RemoveRequestedEventRaised);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.RemoveRequestedEventRaised, value);
private bool HasDiscontinuousTimeMovementOccured
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.HasDiscontinuousTimeMovementOccured);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.HasDiscontinuousTimeMovementOccured, value);
internal bool HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration, value);
private bool HasSeekOccuredAfterLastTick
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.HasSeekOccuredAfterLastTick);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.HasSeekOccuredAfterLastTick, value);
#endregion // Internal Flag Accessors
#endregion // Internal Properties
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
// Local State Computation Helpers
#region Local State Computation Helpers
// Seek, Begin and Pause are internally implemented by adjusting the begin time.
// For example, when paused, each tick moves the begin time forward so that
// overall the clock hasn't moved.
// Note that _beginTime is an offset from the parent's begin. Since
// these are root clocks, the parent is the TimeManager, and we
// must add in the CurrentGlobalTime
private void AdjustBeginTime()
Debug.Assert(IsRoot); // root clocks only; non-roots have constant begin time
Debug.Assert(_rootData != null);
// Process the effects of Seek, Begin, and Pause; delay request if not all durations are resolved in this subtree.
if (_rootData.PendingSeekDestination.HasValue && !HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration)
Debug.Assert(!RootBeginPending); // we can have either a begin or a seek, not both
// Adjust the begin time such that our current time equals PendingSeekDestination
_beginTime = CurrentGlobalTime - DivideTimeSpan(_rootData.PendingSeekDestination.Value, _appliedSpeedRatio);
if (CanGrow) // One of our descendants has set this flag on us
_currentIterationBeginTime = _beginTime; // We relied on a combination of _currentIterationBeginTime and _currentIteration for our state
_currentIteration = null; // Therefore, we should reset both to reset our position
_rootData.PendingSeekDestination = null;
// We have seeked, so raise all events signifying that no assumptions can be made about our state
PrefixSubtreeEnumerator subtree = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(this, true);
while (subtree.MoveNext())
else if (RootBeginPending)
// RootBeginPending is set when a root is parented to a tree (in AddToRoot()).
// It allows us to interpret Timeline.BeginTime as an offset from the current
// time and thus schedule a begin in the future.
_beginTime = CurrentGlobalTime + _timeline.BeginTime;
if (CanGrow) // One of our descendants has set this flag on us
_currentIterationBeginTime = _beginTime; // We should be just starting our first iteration now
RootBeginPending = false;
else if ((IsInteractivelyPaused || _rootData.InteractiveSpeedRatio == 0) &&
(_syncData == null || !_syncData.IsInSyncPeriod))
// We were paused at the last tick, so move _beginTime by the delta from last tick to this one
// Only perform this iff we are *continuously* moving, e.g. if we haven't seeked between ticks.
// SYNC NOTE: If we are syncing, then the sync code should be the one to make this adjustment
// by using the Media's current time (which should already be paused).
if (_beginTime.HasValue)
// Adjust for the speed of this timelineClock
_beginTime += _timeManager.LastTickDelta;
if (_currentIterationBeginTime.HasValue) // One of our descendants has set this flag on us
_currentIterationBeginTime += _timeManager.LastTickDelta;
// Adjust for changes to the speed ratio
if (_rootData.PendingSpeedRatio.HasValue)
double pendingSpeedRatio = _rootData.PendingSpeedRatio.Value * _timeline.SpeedRatio;
// If the calculated speed ratio is 0, we reset it to 1. I believe this is
// because we don't want to support pausing by setting speed ratio. Instead
// they should call pause.
if (pendingSpeedRatio == 0)
pendingSpeedRatio = 1;
// Below code uses the above assumption that beginTime has a value
TimeSpan previewParentTime = CurrentGlobalTime;
if (_currentIterationBeginTime.HasValue)
// Adjusting SpeedRatio is not a discontiuous event, we don't want to reset slip after doing this
_currentIterationBeginTime = previewParentTime - MultiplyTimeSpan(previewParentTime - _currentIterationBeginTime.Value,
_appliedSpeedRatio / pendingSpeedRatio);
_beginTime = previewParentTime - MultiplyTimeSpan(previewParentTime - _beginTime.Value,
_appliedSpeedRatio / pendingSpeedRatio);
// _appliedSpeedRatio represents the speed ratio we're actually using
// for this Clock.
_appliedSpeedRatio = pendingSpeedRatio;
// _rootData.InteractiveSpeedRatio represents the actual user set interactive
// speed ratio value even though we may override it if it's 0.
_rootData.InteractiveSpeedRatio = _rootData.PendingSpeedRatio.Value;
// Clear out the new pending speed ratio since we've finished applying it.
_rootData.PendingSpeedRatio = null;
// Apply the effects of having DFR set on a root clock
internal void ApplyDesiredFrameRateToGlobalTime()
if (HasDesiredFrameRate)
_rootData.LastAdjustedGlobalTime = _rootData.CurrentAdjustedGlobalTime;
_rootData.CurrentAdjustedGlobalTime = GetCurrentDesiredFrameTime(_timeManager.InternalCurrentGlobalTime);
// Apply the effects of having DFR set on a root clock
internal void ApplyDesiredFrameRateToNextTick()
if (HasDesiredFrameRate && InternalNextTickNeededTime.HasValue)
// If we have a desired frame rate, it should greater than
// zero (the default for the field.)
Debug.Assert(_rootData.DesiredFrameRate > 0);
// We "round" our next tick needed time up to the next frame
TimeSpan nextDesiredTick = InternalNextTickNeededTime == TimeSpan.Zero ? _rootData.CurrentAdjustedGlobalTime
: InternalNextTickNeededTime.Value;
InternalNextTickNeededTime = GetNextDesiredFrameTime(nextDesiredTick);
// Determines the current iteration and uncorrected linear time accounting for _timeline.AutoReverse
// At the end of this function call, the following state attributes are initialized:
// CurrentIteration
private bool ComputeCurrentIteration(TimeSpan parentTime, double parentSpeed,
TimeSpan? expirationTime,
out TimeSpan localProgress)
Debug.Assert(_parent._currentClockState != ClockState.Stopped);
Debug.Assert(_currentClockState != ClockState.Stopped);
Debug.Assert(_currentDuration != Duration.Automatic, "_currentDuration should never be Automatic.");
Debug.Assert(parentTime >= _beginTime.Value); // We are active or in postfill
RepeatBehavior repeatBehavior = _timeline.RepeatBehavior;
// Apply speed and offset, convert down to TimeSpan
TimeSpan beginTimeForOffsetComputation = _currentIterationBeginTime ?? _beginTime.Value;
TimeSpan offsetFromBegin = MultiplyTimeSpan(parentTime - beginTimeForOffsetComputation, _appliedSpeedRatio);
// This may be set redundantly in one case, but simplifies code
IsBackwardsProgressingGlobal = _parent.IsBackwardsProgressingGlobal;
if (_currentDuration.HasTimeSpan) // For finite duration, use modulo arithmetic to compute current iteration
if (_currentDuration.TimeSpan == TimeSpan.Zero) // We must be post-filling if we have gotten here
Debug.Assert(_currentClockState != ClockState.Active);
// Assign localProgress to avoid compiler error
localProgress = TimeSpan.Zero;
// CurrentTime will always be zero.
_currentTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
Double currentProgress;
if (repeatBehavior.HasCount)
Double repeatCount = repeatBehavior.Count;
if (repeatCount <= 1.0)
currentProgress = repeatCount;
_currentIteration = 1;
Double wholePart = (Double)((Int32)repeatCount);
if (repeatCount == wholePart)
currentProgress = 1.0;
_currentIteration = (Int32)repeatCount;
currentProgress = repeatCount - wholePart;
_currentIteration = (Int32)(repeatCount + 1.0d);
// RepeatBehavior.HasTimeSpan cases:
// I guess we could repeat a 0 Duration inside of a 0 or
// greater TimeSpan an infinite number of times. But that's
// not really helpful to the user.
// RepeatBehavior.Forever cases:
// The situation here is that we have done an infinite amount
// of work in zero time, so exact answers are hard to determine:
// The "correct" current iteration may be Double.PositiveInfinity,
// however returning this just makes our API too tricky to work with.
// There is no "correct" current progress.
// In both cases we'll say we repeated one whole iteration exactly
// once to make things easy for the user.
_currentIteration = 1;
currentProgress = 1.0;
// Adjust progress for AutoReverse.
if (_timeline.AutoReverse)
if (currentProgress == 1.0)
currentProgress = 0.0;
else if (currentProgress < 0.5)
currentProgress *= 2.0;
currentProgress = 1.0 - ((currentProgress - 0.5) * 2.0);
_currentProgress = currentProgress;
return true;
else // CurrentDuration.TimeSpan != TimeSpan.Zero
if (_currentClockState == ClockState.Filling && repeatBehavior.HasCount && !_currentIterationBeginTime.HasValue)
// This block definitely needs a long comment.
// Basically, roundoff errors in the computation of offsetFromBegin
// can cause us to calculate localProgress incorrectly.
// Normally this doesn't matter, since we'll be off by a
// miniscule amount. However, if we have a Filling Clock that
// is exactly on a boundary, offsetFromBegin % duration should be 0.
// We check for this special case below. If we have any rounding
// errors in this situation, the modulus will not be 0 and we'll
// Fill at the wrong place (for example, we may think the Clock
// is Filling at the very beginning of its second iteration when
// it should be Filling at the very end of its first).
// The precision error is due to dividing, then multiplying by,
// appliedSpeedRatio when computing offsetFromBegin(to see this trace
// back the computation of parentTime, expirationTime, and
// effectiveDuration). The specific codepath that does
// this is only executed when we have a Filling clock with
// RepeatBehavior.HasCount. In this special case we can avoid
// the precision error by calculating offsetFromBegin directly.
TimeSpan optimizedOffsetFromBegin;
double scalingFactor = repeatBehavior.Count;
if (_timeline.AutoReverse)
scalingFactor *= 2;
optimizedOffsetFromBegin = MultiplyTimeSpan(_resolvedDuration.TimeSpan, scalingFactor);
Debug_VerifyOffsetFromBegin(offsetFromBegin.Ticks, optimizedOffsetFromBegin.Ticks);
offsetFromBegin = optimizedOffsetFromBegin;
int newIteration;
if (_currentIterationBeginTime.HasValue)
ComputeCurrentIterationWithGrow(parentTime, expirationTime, out localProgress, out newIteration);
else // Regular scenario -- no Grow behavior
localProgress = TimeSpan.FromTicks(offsetFromBegin.Ticks % _currentDuration.TimeSpan.Ticks);
newIteration = (int)(offsetFromBegin.Ticks / _resolvedDuration.TimeSpan.Ticks); // Iteration count starting from 0
// Iteration boundary cases depend on which direction the parent progresses and if we are Filling
if ((localProgress == TimeSpan.Zero)
&& (newIteration > 0)
// Detect a boundary case past the first zero (begin point)
&& (_currentClockState == ClockState.Filling || _parent.IsBackwardsProgressingGlobal))
// Special post-fill case:
// We hit 0 progress because of wraparound in modulo arithmetic. However, for post-fill we don't
// want to wrap around to zero; we compensate for that here. The only legal way to hit zero
// post-fill is at the ends of autoreversed segments, which are handled by logic further below.
// Note that parentTime is clamped to expirationTime in post-fill situations, so even if the
// actual parentTime is larger, it would still get clamped and then potentially wrapped to 0.
// We are at 100% progress of previous iteration, instead of 0% progress of next one
// Back up to previous iteration
localProgress = _currentDuration.TimeSpan;
// Invert the localProgress for odd (AutoReversed) paths
if (_timeline.AutoReverse)
if ((newIteration & 1) == 1) // We are on a reversing segment
if (localProgress == TimeSpan.Zero)
// We're exactly at an AutoReverse inflection point. Any active children
// of this clock will be filling for this point only. The next tick
// time needs to be 0 so that they can go back to active; filling clocks
// aren't ordinarily ticked.
InternalNextTickNeededTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
localProgress = _currentDuration.TimeSpan - localProgress;
IsBackwardsProgressingGlobal = !IsBackwardsProgressingGlobal;
parentSpeed = -parentSpeed; // Negate parent speed here for tick logic, since we negated localProgress
newIteration = newIteration / 2; // Definition of iteration with AutoReverse is a front and back segment, divide by 2
_currentIteration = 1 + newIteration; // Officially, iterations are numbered from 1
// This is where we predict tick logic for approaching an iteration boundary
// We only need to do this if NTWA == false because otherwise, we already have NTNT = zero
if (_currentClockState == ClockState.Active && parentSpeed != 0 && !NeedsTicksWhenActive)
TimeSpan timeUntilNextBoundary;
if (localProgress == TimeSpan.Zero) // We are currently exactly at a boundary
timeUntilNextBoundary = DivideTimeSpan(_currentDuration.TimeSpan, Math.Abs(parentSpeed));
else if (parentSpeed > 0) // We are approaching the next iteration boundary (end or decel zone)
TimeSpan decelBegin = MultiplyTimeSpan(_currentDuration.TimeSpan, 1.0 - _timeline.DecelerationRatio);
timeUntilNextBoundary = DivideTimeSpan(decelBegin - localProgress, parentSpeed);
else // parentSpeed < 0, we are approaching the previous iteration boundary
TimeSpan accelEnd = MultiplyTimeSpan(_currentDuration.TimeSpan, _timeline.AccelerationRatio);
timeUntilNextBoundary = DivideTimeSpan(accelEnd - localProgress, parentSpeed);
TimeSpan proposedNextTickTime = CurrentGlobalTime + timeUntilNextBoundary;
if (!InternalNextTickNeededTime.HasValue || proposedNextTickTime < InternalNextTickNeededTime.Value)
InternalNextTickNeededTime = proposedNextTickTime;
else // CurrentDuration is Forever
Debug.Assert(_currentDuration == Duration.Forever, "_currentDuration has an invalid enum value.");
Debug.Assert(_currentClockState == ClockState.Active
|| (_currentClockState == ClockState.Filling
&& expirationTime.HasValue
&& parentTime >= expirationTime));
localProgress = offsetFromBegin;
_currentIteration = 1; // We have infinite duration, so iteration is 1
return false; // We aren't done computing state yet
// This should only be called for nodes which have RepeatBehavior and have ancestors which can slip;
// It gets called after we move from our current iteration to a new one
private void ComputeCurrentIterationWithGrow(TimeSpan parentTime, TimeSpan? expirationTime,
out TimeSpan localProgress, out int newIteration)
Debug.Assert(this is ClockGroup, "ComputeCurrentIterationWithGrow should only run on ClockGroups.");
Debug.Assert(CanGrow, "ComputeCurrentIterationWithGrow should only run on clocks with CanGrow.");
Debug.Assert(_currentIterationBeginTime.HasValue, "ComputeCurrentIterationWithGrow should only be called when _currentIterationBeginTime has a value.");
Debug.Assert(_resolvedDuration.HasTimeSpan, "ComputeCurrentIterationWithGrow should only be called when _resolvedDuration has a value."); // We must have a computed duration
Debug.Assert(_currentDuration.HasTimeSpan, "ComputeCurrentIterationWithGrow should only be called when _currentDuration has a value.");
TimeSpan offsetFromBegin = MultiplyTimeSpan(parentTime - _currentIterationBeginTime.Value, _appliedSpeedRatio);
int iterationIncrement;
if (offsetFromBegin < _currentDuration.TimeSpan) // We fall within the same iteration as during last tick
localProgress = offsetFromBegin;
iterationIncrement = 0;
else // offsetFromBegin is larger than _currentDuration, so we have moved at least one iteration up
// This iteration variable is actually 0-based, but if we got into this IF block, we are past 0th iteration
long offsetOnLaterIterations = (offsetFromBegin - _currentDuration.TimeSpan).Ticks;
localProgress = TimeSpan.FromTicks(offsetOnLaterIterations % _resolvedDuration.TimeSpan.Ticks);
iterationIncrement = 1 + (int)(offsetOnLaterIterations / _resolvedDuration.TimeSpan.Ticks);
// Now, adjust to a new current iteration:
// Use the current and resolved values of Duration to compute the beginTime for the latest iteration
// We know that we at least have passed the current iteration, so add _currentIteration;
// If we also passed subsequent iterations, then assume they have perfect durations (_resolvedDuration) each.
_currentIterationBeginTime += _currentDuration.TimeSpan + MultiplyTimeSpan(_resolvedDuration.TimeSpan, iterationIncrement - 1);
// If we hit the Filling state, we could fall exactly on the iteration finish boundary.
// In this case, step backwards one iteration so that we are one iteration away from the finish
if (_currentClockState == ClockState.Filling && expirationTime.HasValue && _currentIterationBeginTime >= expirationTime)
if (iterationIncrement > 1) // We last added a resolvedDuration, subtract it back out
_currentIterationBeginTime -= _resolvedDuration.TimeSpan;
else // iterationIncrement == 1, we only added a currentDuration, subtract it back out
_currentIterationBeginTime -= _currentDuration.TimeSpan;
else // We have not encountered a false finish due to entering Fill state
// Reset all children's slip time here; NOTE that this will change our effective duration,
// but this will not become important until the next tick, when it will be recomputed anyway.
newIteration = _currentIteration.HasValue ? iterationIncrement + (_currentIteration.Value - 1)
: iterationIncrement;
/// <summary>
/// Determine if we are active, filling, or off
/// parentTime is clamped if it is inside the postfill zone
/// We have to handle reversed parent differently because we have closed-open intervals in global time
/// </summary>
/// <param name="expirationTime">Our computed expiration time, null if infinite.</param>
/// <param name="parentTime">Our parent time.</param>
/// <param name="parentSpeed">Our parent speed.</param>
/// <param name="isInTick">Whether we are called from within a tick.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool ComputeCurrentState(TimeSpan? expirationTime, ref TimeSpan parentTime, double parentSpeed, bool isInTick)
Debug.Assert(_parent._currentClockState != ClockState.Stopped);
FillBehavior fillBehavior = _timeline.FillBehavior;
if (parentTime < _beginTime) // Including special backward progressing case
return true; // Nothing more to compute here
else if ( expirationTime.HasValue
&& parentTime >= expirationTime) // We are in postfill zone
if (fillBehavior == FillBehavior.HoldEnd)
#if IMPLEMENTED // Uncomment when we enable new FillBehaviors
|| fillBehavior == FillBehavior.HoldBeginAndEnd)
parentTime = expirationTime.Value; // Clamp parent time to expiration time
// We still don't know our current time or progress at this point
return true; // We are off, nothing more to compute
else // Else we are inside the active interval and thus active
_currentClockState = ClockState.Active;
// This is where we short-circuit Next Tick Needed logic while we are active
if (parentSpeed != 0 && _currentClockState == ClockState.Active && NeedsTicksWhenActive)
InternalNextTickNeededTime = TimeSpan.Zero; // We need ticks immediately
return false; // There is more state to compute
// If we reach this function, we are active
private bool ComputeCurrentSpeed(double localSpeed)
Debug.Assert(_parent._currentClockState != ClockState.Stopped);
Debug.Assert(_currentClockState == ClockState.Active); // Must be active at this point
if (IsInteractivelyPaused)
_currentGlobalSpeed = 0;
localSpeed *= _appliedSpeedRatio;
if (IsBackwardsProgressingGlobal) // Negate speed if we are on a backwards arc of an autoreversing timeline
localSpeed = -localSpeed;
// Get global speed by multiplying by parent global speed
_currentGlobalSpeed = localSpeed * _parent._currentGlobalSpeed;
return false; // There may be more state to compute yet
// Determines the time and local speed with accel+decel
// At the end of this function call, the following state attributes are initialized:
// CurrentProgress
// CurrentTime
private bool ComputeCurrentTime(TimeSpan localProgress, out double localSpeed)
Debug.Assert(_parent._currentClockState != ClockState.Stopped);
Debug.Assert(_currentClockState != ClockState.Stopped);
Debug.Assert(_currentDuration != Duration.Automatic, "_currentDuration should never be Automatic.");
if (_currentDuration.HasTimeSpan) // Finite duration, need to apply accel/decel
Debug.Assert(_currentDuration.TimeSpan > TimeSpan.Zero, "ComputeCurrentTime was entered with _currentDuration <= 0");
double userAcceleration = _timeline.AccelerationRatio;
double userDeceleration = _timeline.DecelerationRatio;
double transitionTime = userAcceleration + userDeceleration;
// The following assert is enforced when the Acceleration or Deceleration are set.
Debug.Assert(transitionTime <= 1, "The values of the accel and decel attributes incorrectly add to more than 1.0");
Debug.Assert(transitionTime >= 0, "The values of the accel and decel attributes incorrectly add to less than 0.0");
double durationInTicks = (double)_currentDuration.TimeSpan.Ticks;
double t = ((double)localProgress.Ticks) / durationInTicks; // For tracking progress
if (transitionTime == 0) // Case of no accel/decel
localSpeed = 1;
_currentTime = localProgress;
double maxRate = 2 / (2 - transitionTime);
if (t < userAcceleration)
// Acceleration phase
localSpeed = maxRate * t / userAcceleration;
t = maxRate * t * t / (2 * userAcceleration);
// Animations with Deceleration cause the Timing system to
// keep ticking while idle. Only reset NextTickNeededTime when we are
// Active. When we (or our parent) is Filling, there is no non-linear
// unpredictability to our behavior that requires us to reset NextTickNeededTime.
if (_currentClockState == ClockState.Active
&& _parent._currentClockState == ClockState.Active)
// We are in a non-linear segment, cannot linearly predict anything
InternalNextTickNeededTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
else if (t <= (1 - userDeceleration))
// Run-rate phase
localSpeed = maxRate;
t = maxRate * (t - userAcceleration / 2);
// Deceleration phase
double tc = 1 - t; // t's complement from 1
localSpeed = maxRate * tc / userDeceleration;
t = 1 - maxRate * tc * tc / (2 * userDeceleration);
// Animations with Deceleration cause the Timing system to
// keep ticking while idle. Only reset NextTickNeededTime when we are
// Active. When we (or our parent) is Filling, there is no non-linear
// unpredictability to our behavior that requires us to reset NextTickNeededTime.
if (_currentClockState == ClockState.Active
&& _parent._currentClockState == ClockState.Active)
// We are in a non-linear segment, cannot linearly predict anything
InternalNextTickNeededTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
_currentTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)((t * durationInTicks) + 0.5));
_currentProgress = t;
else // CurrentDuration is Forever
Debug.Assert(_currentDuration == Duration.Forever, "_currentDuration has an invalid enum value.");
_currentTime = localProgress;
_currentProgress = 0;
localSpeed = 1;
return (_currentClockState != ClockState.Active); // Proceed to calculate global speed if we are active
// Compute the duration
private void ResolveDuration()
if (!HasResolvedDuration)
Duration duration = NaturalDuration;
if (duration != Duration.Automatic)
_resolvedDuration = duration;
_currentDuration = duration; // If CurrentDuration is different, we update it later in this method
HasResolvedDuration = true;
Debug.Assert(_resolvedDuration == Duration.Forever, "_resolvedDuration should be Forever when NaturalDuration is Automatic.");
if (CanGrow)
_currentDuration = CurrentDuration;
if (_currentDuration == Duration.Automatic)
_currentDuration = Duration.Forever; // We treat Automatic as unresolved current duration
// We have descendants (such as Media) which don't know their duration yet. Note that this won't prevent us
// from resolving our own Duration when it is explicitly set on the ParallelTimeline; therefore, we keep
// a separate flag for the entire subtree.
if (HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration)
UpdateDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration(); // See if this is still the case
// This returns the effective duration of a clock. The effective duration is basically the
// length of the clock's active period, taking into account speed ratio, repeat, and autoreverse.
// Null is used to represent an infinite effective duration.
private TimeSpan? ComputeEffectiveDuration()
Debug.Assert(!IsInteractivelyStopped || IsRoot);
Debug.Assert(_resolvedDuration != Duration.Automatic, "_resolvedDuration should never be Automatic.");
Debug.Assert(_currentDuration != Duration.Automatic, "_currentDuration should never be Automatic.");
TimeSpan? effectiveDuration;
RepeatBehavior repeatBehavior = _timeline.RepeatBehavior;
if (_currentDuration.HasTimeSpan && _currentDuration.TimeSpan == TimeSpan.Zero)
// Zero-duration case ignores any repeat behavior
effectiveDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
else if (repeatBehavior.HasCount)
if (repeatBehavior.Count == 0) // This clause avoids multiplying an infinite duration by zero
effectiveDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
else if (_currentDuration == Duration.Forever)
effectiveDuration = null; // We use Null to represent infinite duration
else if (!CanGrow) // Case of finite duration
Debug.Assert(_currentDuration.HasTimeSpan, "_currentDuration is invalid, neither Forever nor a TimeSpan.");
Debug.Assert(_currentDuration == _resolvedDuration, "For clocks which cannot grow, _currentDuration must equal _resolvedDuration.");
double scalingFactor = repeatBehavior.Count / _appliedSpeedRatio;
if (_timeline.AutoReverse)
scalingFactor *= 2;
effectiveDuration = MultiplyTimeSpan(_currentDuration.TimeSpan, scalingFactor);
else // Finite duration, CanGrow: _currentDuration may be different from _resolvedDuration
Debug.Assert(_resolvedDuration.HasTimeSpan, "_resolvedDuration is invalid, neither Forever nor a TimeSpan.");
Debug.Assert(_currentDuration.HasTimeSpan, "_currentDuration is invalid, neither Forever nor a TimeSpan.");
TimeSpan previousIterationDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
double presentAndFutureIterations = repeatBehavior.Count;
double presentAndFutureDuration; // Note: this variable is not scaled by speedRatio, we scale it further down:
// If we have growth, we have to take prior iterations into account as a FIXED time span
if (CanGrow && _currentIterationBeginTime.HasValue && _currentIteration.HasValue)
Debug.Assert(_beginTime.HasValue); // _currentIterationBeginTime.HasValue implies _beginTime.HasValue
presentAndFutureIterations -= (_currentIteration.Value - 1);
previousIterationDuration = _currentIterationBeginTime.Value - _beginTime.Value;
if (presentAndFutureIterations <= 1) // This means we are on our last iteration
presentAndFutureDuration = ((double)_currentDuration.TimeSpan.Ticks) * presentAndFutureIterations;
else // presentAndFutureIterations > 1, we are not at the last iteration, so count _currentDuration a full one time
presentAndFutureDuration = ((double)_currentDuration.TimeSpan.Ticks) // Current iteration; below is the future iteration length
+ ((double)_resolvedDuration.TimeSpan.Ticks) * (presentAndFutureIterations - 1);
if (_timeline.AutoReverse)
presentAndFutureDuration *= 2; // Double the remaining duration with AutoReverse
effectiveDuration = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)(presentAndFutureDuration / _appliedSpeedRatio + 0.5)) + previousIterationDuration;
else if (repeatBehavior.HasDuration)
effectiveDuration = repeatBehavior.Duration;
else // Repeat behavior is Forever
Debug.Assert(repeatBehavior == RepeatBehavior.Forever); // Only other valid enum value
effectiveDuration = null;
return effectiveDuration;
// Run new eventing logic on root nodes
// Note that Completed events are fired from a different place (currently, ComputeCurrentState)
private void ComputeEvents(TimeSpan? expirationTime,
TimeIntervalCollection parentIntervalCollection)
// We clear CurrentIntervals here in case that we don't reinitialize it in the method.
// Unless there is something to project, we assume the null state
if (_beginTime.HasValue
// If we changed to a paused state during this tick then we still
// changed state and the events should be computed.
// If we were paused and we resumed during this tick, even though
// we are now active, no progress has been made during this tick.
&& !(IsInteractivelyPaused ^ PauseStateChangedDuringTick))
Duration postFillDuration; // This is Zero when we have no fill zone
if (expirationTime.HasValue)
postFillDuration = Duration.Forever;
postFillDuration = TimeSpan.Zero; // There is no reachable postfill zone because the active period is infinite
// consider caching this condition
// We check whether our active period exists before using it to compute intervals
if (!expirationTime.HasValue // If activePeriod extends forever,
|| expirationTime >= _beginTime) // OR if activePeriod extends to or beyond _beginTime,
// Check for CurrentTimeInvalidated
TimeIntervalCollection activePeriod;
if (expirationTime.HasValue)
if (expirationTime == _beginTime)
activePeriod = TimeIntervalCollection.Empty;
activePeriod = TimeIntervalCollection.CreateClosedOpenInterval(_beginTime.Value, expirationTime.Value);
else // expirationTime is infinity
activePeriod = TimeIntervalCollection.CreateInfiniteClosedInterval(_beginTime.Value);
// If we have an intersection between parent domain times and the interval over which we
// change, our time was invalidated
if (parentIntervalCollection.Intersects(activePeriod))
else if (postFillDuration != TimeSpan.Zero && // Our active period is finite and we have fill behavior
_timeline.FillBehavior == FillBehavior.HoldEnd) // Check for state changing between Filling and Stopped
// It is important to launch this method at the end of ComputeEvents, because it checks
// whether the StateInvalidated event had been raised earlier in this method.
if (PendingInteractiveRemove)
RaiseCompletedForRoot(true); // At this time, we also want to raise the Completed event;
// this code always runs during a tick.
PendingInteractiveRemove = false;
// Find end time that is defined by our repeat behavior. Null is used to represent
// an infinite expiration time.
private bool ComputeExpirationTime(out TimeSpan? expirationTime)
Debug.Assert(!IsInteractivelyStopped || IsRoot);
TimeSpan? effectiveDuration;
// removable when layout caching is implemented
if (!_beginTime.HasValue)
Debug.Assert(!_currentIterationBeginTime.HasValue, "_currentIterationBeginTime should not have a value when _beginTime has no value.");
expirationTime = null;
return true;
effectiveDuration = ComputeEffectiveDuration();
if (effectiveDuration.HasValue)
expirationTime = _beginTime + effectiveDuration;
// Precaution against slipping at the last frame of media: don't permit the clock to finish this tick yet
if (_syncData != null && _syncData.IsInSyncPeriod && !_syncData.SyncClockHasReachedEffectiveDuration)
expirationTime += TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50); // This compensation is roughly one frame of video
expirationTime = null; // infinite expiration time
return false; // More state to compute
// Compute values for root children that reflect interactivity
// We may modify SpeedRatio if the interactive SpeedRatio was changed
private bool ComputeInteractiveValues()
bool exitEarly = false;
// Check for a pending stop first. This allows us to exit early.
if (PendingInteractiveStop)
PendingInteractiveStop = false;
IsInteractivelyStopped = true;
// If we are disabled, no other interactive state is kept
_beginTime = null;
_currentIterationBeginTime = null;
if (CanGrow)
// Process the state for the whole subtree; the events will later
// be replaced with invalidation-style events
PrefixSubtreeEnumerator subtree = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(this, true);
// revise this code for perf -- we may get by without the traversal.
while (subtree.MoveNext())
Clock current = subtree.Current;
if (current._currentClockState != ClockState.Stopped)
if (IsInteractivelyStopped)
// If we are disabled, no other interactive state is kept
Debug.Assert(_beginTime == null);
Debug.Assert(_currentClockState == ClockState.Stopped);
InternalNextTickNeededTime = null;
// Can't return here: still need to process pending pause and resume
// which can be set independent of the current state of the clock.
exitEarly = true;
// Clocks that are currently paused or have a pending seek, begin, or change to the
// speed ratio need to adjust their begin time.
// If we were about to pause or resume, set flags accordingly.
// This must be done after adjusting the begin time so that we don't
// appear to pause one tick early.
if (PendingInteractivePause)
Debug.Assert(!IsInteractivelyPaused); // Enforce invariant: cannot be pausePending when already paused
Debug.Assert(!PendingInteractiveResume); // Enforce invariant: cannot be both pause and resumePending
PendingInteractivePause = false;
// Update paused state for the entire subtree
PrefixSubtreeEnumerator subtree = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(this, true);
while (subtree.MoveNext())
subtree.Current.IsInteractivelyPaused = true;
subtree.Current.PauseStateChangedDuringTick = true;
if (PendingInteractiveResume)
// We will no longer have to do paused begin time adjustment
PendingInteractiveResume = false;
// During pause, our speed was zero. Unless we are filling, invalidate the speed.
if (_currentClockState != ClockState.Filling)
// Update paused state for the entire subtree
PrefixSubtreeEnumerator subtree = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(this, true);
while (subtree.MoveNext())
subtree.Current.IsInteractivelyPaused = false;
subtree.Current.PauseStateChangedDuringTick = true;
return exitEarly;
private void ComputeIntervalsWithHoldEnd(
TimeIntervalCollection parentIntervalCollection,
TimeSpan? endOfActivePeriod)
TimeIntervalCollection fillPeriod = TimeIntervalCollection.CreateInfiniteClosedInterval(endOfActivePeriod.Value);
if (parentIntervalCollection.Intersects(fillPeriod)) // We enter or leave Fill period
TimeSpan relativeBeginTime = _currentIterationBeginTime ?? _beginTime.Value;
relativeBeginTime, endOfActivePeriod.Value,
_currentDuration, _appliedSpeedRatio,
if (parentIntervalCollection.IntersectsInverseOf(fillPeriod)) // ... and we don't intersect the Active period, so we must go in or out of the Stopped period.
AddNullPointToCurrentIntervals(); // Count the stopped state by projecting the null point.
private void ComputeIntervalsWithParentIntersection(
TimeIntervalCollection parentIntervalCollection,
TimeIntervalCollection activePeriod,
TimeSpan? endOfActivePeriod,
Duration postFillDuration)
// Make sure that our periodic function is aligned to the boundary of the current iteration, regardless of prior slip
TimeSpan relativeBeginTime = _currentIterationBeginTime ?? _beginTime.Value;
// Check for state changing between Active and the union of (Filling, Stopped)
if (parentIntervalCollection.IntersectsInverseOf(activePeriod))
else if (parentIntervalCollection.IntersectsPeriodicCollection(
relativeBeginTime, _currentDuration, _appliedSpeedRatio,
// Else we were always inside the active period, check for non-linear speed invalidations
// Else our speed has not changed, but our iteration may have been invalidated
else if (parentIntervalCollection.IntersectsMultiplePeriods(
relativeBeginTime, _currentDuration, _appliedSpeedRatio))
HasDiscontinuousTimeMovementOccured = true;
if (_syncData != null)
_syncData.SyncClockDiscontinuousEvent = true; // Notify the syncing node of discontinuity
// Compute our output intervals
relativeBeginTime, endOfActivePeriod,
postFillDuration, _currentDuration, _appliedSpeedRatio,
/// <remarks>
/// GillesK: performTickOperations means that we process the pending events
/// </remarks>
private void ComputeLocalStateHelper(bool performTickOperations, bool seekedAlignedToLastTick)
TimeSpan? parentTime; // Computed parent-local time
TimeSpan? expirationTime; // Computed expiration time with respect to repeat behavior and resolved duration;
TimeSpan localProgress; // Computed time inside simple duration
TimeSpan parentTimeValue;
double? parentSpeed; // Parent's CurrentGlobalSpeed
TimeIntervalCollection parentIntervalCollection;
double localSpeed;
bool returnDelayed = false; // workaround for integrating new eventing logic
// In this function, 'true' return values allow us to exit early
// We first compute parent parameters; with SlipBehavior, we may modify our parentIntervalCollection
if (ComputeParentParameters(out parentTime, out parentSpeed,
out parentIntervalCollection, seekedAlignedToLastTick))
returnDelayed = true;
// Now take potential SlipBehavior into account:
if (_syncData != null && _syncData.IsInSyncPeriod && _parent.CurrentState != ClockState.Stopped) // We are already in a slip zone
Debug.Assert(parentTime.HasValue); // If parent isn't stopped, it must have valid time and speed
// consider this behavior when performTickOperations==false, e.g. on SkipToFill
ComputeSyncSlip(ref parentIntervalCollection, parentTime.Value, parentSpeed.Value);
// We only calculate the Interactive values when we are processing the pending events
if (performTickOperations && IsRoot)
// Special case for root-children, which may have interactivity
if (ComputeInteractiveValues())
returnDelayed = true;
// Check whether we are entering a sync period. This includes cases when we have
// ticked before the beginning, then past the end of a sync period; we still have to
// move back to the exact beginning of the tick period. We handle cases where
// we seek (HasSeekOccuredAfterLastTick) in a special way, by not synchronizing with the beginning.
// Also, if the parent has been paused prior to this tick, we cannot enter the sync zone, so skip the call.
if (_syncData != null && !_syncData.IsInSyncPeriod && _parent.CurrentState != ClockState.Stopped &&
(!parentIntervalCollection.IsEmptyOfRealPoints || HasSeekOccuredAfterLastTick))
Debug.Assert(parentTime.HasValue); // Cannot be true unless parent is stopped
// We use the parent's TIC as a way of determining its earliest non-null time
ComputeSyncEnter(ref parentIntervalCollection, parentTime.Value);
if (ComputeExpirationTime(out expirationTime))
returnDelayed = true;
// Run the eventing logic here
if (performTickOperations)
ComputeEvents(expirationTime, parentIntervalCollection);
if (returnDelayed) // If we delayed returning until now, proceed to do so
parentTimeValue = parentTime.Value;
// Determines the next time we need to tick
if (ComputeNextTickNeededTime(expirationTime, parentTimeValue, parentSpeed.Value))
// Determines if we are active, filling, or off
if (ComputeCurrentState(expirationTime, ref parentTimeValue, parentSpeed.Value, performTickOperations))
// Determines the current iteration
if (ComputeCurrentIteration(parentTimeValue, parentSpeed.Value,
expirationTime, out localProgress))
// Determines the current time and local speed with accel+decel
if (ComputeCurrentTime(localProgress, out localSpeed))
// Determines the current speed
if (ComputeCurrentSpeed(localSpeed))
// Determine the next needed tick time for approaching a StateInvalidated boundary
// Note that ComputeCurrentIteration and ComputeCurrentState also modify the
// NextTickNeededTime and consequently must run after this method.
private bool ComputeNextTickNeededTime(TimeSpan? expirationTime,
TimeSpan parentTime, double parentSpeed)
Debug.Assert(_parent._currentClockState != ClockState.Stopped);
if (parentSpeed == 0)
// we may be able to optimize paused timelines further
InternalNextTickNeededTime = IsInteractivelyPaused ? TimeSpan.Zero : (TimeSpan?)null;
double invertedParentSpeed = 1.0 / parentSpeed;
TimeSpan? timeUntilNextBoundary = null;
// Calculate the time in ms until begin or expiration time.
// They are positive if we're heading towards one of these periods, negative if heading away.
// This takes into account reversing clocks (so a clock heading back to begin will have
// a positive timeUntilBegin).
// timeUntilNextBoundary will be the first of these three boundaries that we hit.
// Negative values are obviously ignored.
TimeSpan timeUntilBegin = MultiplyTimeSpan(_beginTime.Value - parentTime, invertedParentSpeed);
// If the time until a boundary is 0 (i.e. we've ticked exactly on a boundary)
// we'll ask for another tick immediately.
// This is only relevant for reversing clocks, which, when on a boundary, are defined
// to have the 'previous' state, not the 'next' state. Thus they need one more
// tick for the state change to happen.
if (timeUntilBegin >= TimeSpan.Zero)
timeUntilNextBoundary = timeUntilBegin;
if (expirationTime.HasValue)
TimeSpan timeUntilExpiration = MultiplyTimeSpan(expirationTime.Value - parentTime, invertedParentSpeed);
if (timeUntilExpiration >= TimeSpan.Zero &&
(!timeUntilNextBoundary.HasValue || timeUntilExpiration < timeUntilNextBoundary.Value))
timeUntilNextBoundary = timeUntilExpiration;
// Set the next tick needed time depending on whether we're
// headed towards a boundary.
if (timeUntilNextBoundary.HasValue)
// We are moving towards some ClockState boundary either begin or expiration
InternalNextTickNeededTime = CurrentGlobalTime + timeUntilNextBoundary;
// We are not moving towards any boundary points
InternalNextTickNeededTime = null;
return false;
// Compute the parent's time; by the time we reach this method, we know that we
// have a non-root parent.
private bool ComputeParentParameters(out TimeSpan? parentTime, out double? parentSpeed,
out TimeIntervalCollection parentIntervalCollection,
bool seekedAlignedToLastTick)
Debug.Assert(!IsInteractivelyStopped || IsRoot);
if (IsRoot) // We are a root child, use time manager time
Debug.Assert(_rootData != null, "A root Clock must have the _rootData structure initialized.");
HasSeekOccuredAfterLastTick = seekedAlignedToLastTick || (_rootData.PendingSeekDestination != null); // We may have a seek request pending
// We don't have a TimeManager that is on, so we are off, nothing more to compute
if (_timeManager == null || _timeManager.InternalIsStopped)
parentTime = null; // Assign parentTime to avoid compiler error
parentSpeed = null;
InternalNextTickNeededTime = TimeSpan.Zero; // When TimeManager wakes up, we will need an update
parentIntervalCollection = TimeIntervalCollection.Empty;
return true;
else // We have a valid global time;
parentSpeed = 1.0; // TimeManager defines the rate at which time moves, e.g. it moves at 1X speed
parentIntervalCollection = _timeManager.InternalCurrentIntervals;
if (HasDesiredFrameRate)
// Change the parent's interval collection to include all time intervals since the last time
// we ticked this root node. Due to DFR, we may have skipped a number of "important" ticks.
parentTime = _rootData.CurrentAdjustedGlobalTime;
if (!parentIntervalCollection.IsEmptyOfRealPoints)
parentIntervalCollection = parentIntervalCollection.SetBeginningOfConnectedInterval(
parentTime = _timeManager.InternalCurrentGlobalTime;
return false;
else // We are a deeper node
HasSeekOccuredAfterLastTick = seekedAlignedToLastTick || _parent.HasSeekOccuredAfterLastTick; // We may have a seek request pending
parentTime = _parent._currentTime; // This is Null if parent is off; we still init the 'out' parameter
parentSpeed = _parent._currentGlobalSpeed;
parentIntervalCollection = _parent.CurrentIntervals;
// Find the parent's current time
if (_parent._currentClockState != ClockState.Stopped) // We have a parent that is active or filling
return false;
else // Else parent is off, so we are off, nothing more to compute
// Before setting our state to Stopped make sure that we
// fire the proper event if we change state.
if (_currentClockState != ClockState.Stopped)
InternalNextTickNeededTime = null;
return true;
// Abbreviations for variables expressing time units:
// PT: Parent time (e.g. our begin time is expressed in parent time coordinates)
// LT: Local time (e.g. our duration is expressed in local time coordinates)
// ST: Sync time -- this is the same as local time iff (_syncData.SyncClock == this) e.g. we are the sync clock,
// otherwise it is our child's time coordinates (this happens when we are a container with SlipBehavior.Slip).
// SPT: The sync clock's parent's time coordinates. When this IS the sync clock, this is our parent coordinates.
// otherwise, it is our local coordinates.
private void ComputeSyncEnter(ref TimeIntervalCollection parentIntervalCollection,
TimeSpan currentParentTimePT)
Debug.Assert(_parent != null);
Debug.Assert(_parent.CurrentState != ClockState.Stopped);
// Parent is not stopped, so its TIC cannot be empty
Debug.Assert(HasSeekOccuredAfterLastTick ||
(!parentIntervalCollection.IsEmptyOfRealPoints && parentIntervalCollection.FirstNodeTime <= currentParentTimePT));
// SyncData points to our child if we have SlipBehavior, for CanSlip nodes it points to the node itself
Debug.Assert(_syncData.SyncClock == this || _syncData.SyncClock._parent == this);
Debug.Assert(CanSlip || _timeline is ParallelTimeline && ((ParallelTimeline)_timeline).SlipBehavior == SlipBehavior.Slip);
Debug.Assert(_syncData != null);
// Verify our limitations on slip functionality, but don't throw here for perf
Debug.Assert(_timeline.AutoReverse == false);
Debug.Assert(_timeline.AccelerationRatio == 0);
Debug.Assert(_timeline.DecelerationRatio == 0);
// With these limitations, we can easily preview our CurrentTime:
if (_beginTime.HasValue && currentParentTimePT >= _beginTime.Value)
TimeSpan relativeBeginTimePT = _currentIterationBeginTime ?? _beginTime.Value;
TimeSpan previewCurrentOffsetPT = currentParentTimePT - relativeBeginTimePT; // This is our time offset (not yet scaled by speed)
TimeSpan previewCurrentTimeLT = MultiplyTimeSpan(previewCurrentOffsetPT, _appliedSpeedRatio); // This is what our time would be
// We can only enter sync period if we are past the syncClock's begin time
if (_syncData.SyncClock == this || previewCurrentTimeLT >= _syncData.SyncClockBeginTime)
// We have two very different scenarios: seek and non-seek enter
if (HasSeekOccuredAfterLastTick) // We have seeked, see if we fell into a sync period
// If we haven't returned yet, we are not past the end of the sync period on the child
// Also, we are not Stopped prior to BeginTime.
TimeSpan? expirationTimePT;
ComputeExpirationTime(out expirationTimePT);
// This is to verify we did not seek past our active period duration
if (!expirationTimePT.HasValue || currentParentTimePT < expirationTimePT.Value)
TimeSpan ourSyncTimeST = (_syncData.SyncClock == this) ?
previewCurrentTimeLT :
MultiplyTimeSpan(previewCurrentTimeLT - _syncData.SyncClockBeginTime,
TimeSpan? syncClockEffectiveDurationST = _syncData.SyncClockEffectiveDuration;
if (_syncData.SyncClock == this ||
!syncClockEffectiveDurationST.HasValue || ourSyncTimeST < syncClockEffectiveDurationST)
// If the sync child has a specified duration
Duration syncClockDuration = _syncData.SyncClockResolvedDuration;
if (syncClockDuration.HasTimeSpan)
_syncData.PreviousSyncClockTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(ourSyncTimeST.Ticks % syncClockDuration.TimeSpan.Ticks);
_syncData.PreviousRepeatTime = ourSyncTimeST - _syncData.PreviousSyncClockTime;
else if (syncClockDuration == Duration.Forever)
_syncData.PreviousSyncClockTime = ourSyncTimeST;
_syncData.PreviousRepeatTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
Debug.Assert(syncClockDuration == Duration.Automatic);
// If we seek into an Automatic syncChild's duration, we may overseek it, so throw an exception
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Timing_SeekDestinationAmbiguousDueToSlip);
// This is the heart of the HasSeekOccuredAfterLastTick codepath; we don't adjust our
// time, but note to do so for the succeeding ticks.
_syncData.IsInSyncPeriod = true;
else // Non-seek, regular case
TimeSpan? previousSyncParentTimeSPT = (_syncData.SyncClock == this) ?
parentIntervalCollection.FirstNodeTime :
if (!previousSyncParentTimeSPT.HasValue
|| _syncData.SyncClockDiscontinuousEvent
|| previousSyncParentTimeSPT.Value <= _syncData.SyncClockBeginTime)
// Not seeking this tick, different criteria for entering sync period.
// We don't care if we overshot the beginTime, because we will seek backwards
// to match the child's beginTime exactly.
// NOTE: _currentTime is actually our time at last tick, since it wasn't yet updated.
// First, adjust our beginTime so that we match the syncClock's begin, accounting for SpeedRatio
TimeSpan timeIntoSyncPeriodPT = previewCurrentOffsetPT;
if (_syncData.SyncClock != this) // SyncClock is our child; account for SyncClock starting later than us
timeIntoSyncPeriodPT -= DivideTimeSpan(_syncData.SyncClockBeginTime, _appliedSpeedRatio);
// Offset our position to sync with media begin
if (_currentIterationBeginTime.HasValue)
_currentIterationBeginTime += timeIntoSyncPeriodPT;
_beginTime += timeIntoSyncPeriodPT;
UpdateSyncBeginTime(); // This ensures that our _cutoffTime is correctly applied
// Now, update the parent TIC to compensate for our slip
parentIntervalCollection = parentIntervalCollection.SlipBeginningOfConnectedInterval(timeIntoSyncPeriodPT);
_syncData.IsInSyncPeriod = true;
_syncData.PreviousSyncClockTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
_syncData.PreviousRepeatTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
_syncData.SyncClockDiscontinuousEvent = false;
// Abbreviations for variables expressing time units:
// PT: Parent time (e.g. our begin time is expressed in parent time coordinates)
// LT: Local time (e.g. our duration is expressed in local time coordinates)
// ST: Sync time -- this is the same as local time iff (_syncData.SyncClock == this) e.g. we are the sync clock,
// otherwise it is our child's time coordinates (this happens when we are a container with SlipBehavior.Slip).
// SPT: The sync clock's parent's time coordinates. When this IS the sync clock, this is our parent coordinates.
// otherwise, it is our local coordinates.
private void ComputeSyncSlip(ref TimeIntervalCollection parentIntervalCollection,
TimeSpan currentParentTimePT, double currentParentSpeed)
Debug.Assert(_parent != null);
Debug.Assert(_syncData != null);
// SyncData points to our child if we have SlipBehavior, for CanSlip nodes it points to the node itself
Debug.Assert(_syncData.SyncClock == this || _syncData.SyncClock._parent == this);
// The overriding assumption for slip limitations is that the parent's intervals are
// "connected", e.g. not broken into multiple intervals. This is always true for roots.
Debug.Assert(!parentIntervalCollection.IsEmpty); // The parent isn't Stopped, so it must have a TIC
// From now on, we assume that the parent's TIC begins from the parent's CurrentTime at
// at the previous tick. Ensure that the parent is moving forward.
Debug.Assert(parentIntervalCollection.IsEmptyOfRealPoints || parentIntervalCollection.FirstNodeTime <= currentParentTimePT);
Debug.Assert(currentParentSpeed >= 0);
// We now extract this information from the TIC. If we are paused, we have an empty TIC and assume parent time has not changed.
TimeSpan previousParentTimePT = parentIntervalCollection.IsEmptyOfRealPoints ? currentParentTimePT
: parentIntervalCollection.FirstNodeTime;
TimeSpan parentElapsedTimePT = currentParentTimePT - previousParentTimePT;
// Our elapsed time is assumed to be a simple linear scale of the parent's time,
// as long as we are inside of the sync period.
TimeSpan ourProjectedElapsedTimeLT = MultiplyTimeSpan(parentElapsedTimePT, _appliedSpeedRatio);
TimeSpan syncTimeST = _syncData.SyncClock.GetCurrentTimeCore();
TimeSpan syncElapsedTimeST = syncTimeST - _syncData.PreviousSyncClockTime; // Elapsed from last tick
if (syncElapsedTimeST > TimeSpan.Zero) // Only store the last value if it is greater than
// the old value. Note we can use either >= or > here.
// Check whether sync has reached the end of our effective duration
TimeSpan? effectiveDurationST = _syncData.SyncClockEffectiveDuration;
Duration syncDuration = _syncData.SyncClockResolvedDuration;
if (effectiveDurationST.HasValue &&
(_syncData.PreviousRepeatTime + syncTimeST >= effectiveDurationST.Value))
_syncData.IsInSyncPeriod = false; // This is the last time we need to sync
_syncData.PreviousRepeatTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
_syncData.SyncClockDiscontinuousEvent = false; // Make sure we don't reenter the sync period
// Else check if we should wrap the simple duration due to repeats, and set previous times accordingly
else if (syncDuration.HasTimeSpan && syncTimeST >= syncDuration.TimeSpan)
// If we have a single repetition, then we would be done here;
// However, we may just have reached the end of an iteration on repeating media;
// In this case, we still sync this particular moment, but we should reset the
// previous sync clock time to zero, and increment the PreviousRepeatTime.
// This tick, media should pick up a corresponding DiscontinuousMovement caused
// by a repeat, and reset itself to zero as well.
_syncData.PreviousSyncClockTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
_syncData.PreviousRepeatTime += syncDuration.TimeSpan;
else // Don't need to wrap around
_syncData.PreviousSyncClockTime = syncTimeST;
else // If the sync timeline went backwards, pretend it just didn't move.
syncElapsedTimeST = TimeSpan.Zero;
// Convert elapsed time to local coordinates, not necessarily same as sync clock coordinates
TimeSpan syncElapsedTimeLT = (_syncData.SyncClock == this)
? syncElapsedTimeST
: DivideTimeSpan(syncElapsedTimeST, _syncData.SyncClockSpeedRatio);
// This is the actual slip formula: how much is the slipping clock lagging behind?
TimeSpan parentTimeSlipPT = parentElapsedTimePT - DivideTimeSpan(syncElapsedTimeLT, _appliedSpeedRatio);
// NOTE: The above line does the same as this:
// parentTimeSlip = syncSlip / _appliedSpeedRatio
// ...but it maintains greater accuracy and prevents a bug where parentTimeSlip ends up 1 tick greater
// that it should be, thus becoming larger than parentElapsedTimePT and causing us to suddenly fall out
// of our sync period.
// Unless the media is exactly perfect, we will have non-zero slip time; we assume that it isn't
// perfect, and always adjust our time accordingly.
if (_currentIterationBeginTime.HasValue)
_currentIterationBeginTime += parentTimeSlipPT;
_beginTime += parentTimeSlipPT;
parentIntervalCollection = parentIntervalCollection.SlipBeginningOfConnectedInterval(parentTimeSlipPT);
private void ResetSlipOnSubtree()
// Reset all children's slip time here; NOTE that this will change our effective duration,
// but this should not become important until the next tick, when it will be recomputed anyway.
PrefixSubtreeEnumerator subtree = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(this, false); // No iteration at this node
while (subtree.MoveNext())
Clock current = subtree.Current;
Debug.Assert(!current.IsRoot, "Root nodes never should reset their Slip amounts with ResetSlipOnSubtree(), even when seeking.");
if (current._syncData != null)
current._syncData.IsInSyncPeriod = false;
current._syncData.SyncClockDiscontinuousEvent = true;
if (current.CanSlip)
current._beginTime = current._timeline.BeginTime; // _beginTime could have slipped with media nodes
current._currentIteration = null;
current.HasDiscontinuousTimeMovementOccured = true;
else if (current.CanGrow) // If it's a repeating container with slippable descendants...
current._currentIterationBeginTime = current._beginTime; // ...reset its current iteration as well
current._currentDuration = current._resolvedDuration; // Revert currentDuration back to default size
else // Otherwise we know not to traverse any further
#endregion // Local State Computation Helpers
#region Event Helpers
/// <summary>
/// Adds a delegate to the list of event handlers on this object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">
/// A unique identifier for the event handler. Since Clock events
/// mirror Timeline events the callers of this method will pass in
/// keys from Timeline
/// </param>
/// <param name="handler">The delegate to add</param>
private void AddEventHandler(EventPrivateKey key, Delegate handler)
if (_eventHandlersStore == null)
_eventHandlersStore = new EventHandlersStore();
_eventHandlersStore.Add(key, handler);
/// <summary>
/// Immediately fire the Loaded Event
/// </summary>
private void FireCompletedEvent()
/// <summary>
/// Immediately fire the GlobalSpeedInvalidated Event
/// </summary>
private void FireCurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidatedEvent()
/// <summary>
/// Immediately fire the State Invalidated Event
/// </summary>
private void FireCurrentStateInvalidatedEvent()
/// <summary>
/// Immediately fire the CurrentTimeInvalidated Event
/// </summary>
private void FireCurrentTimeInvalidatedEvent()
/// <summary>
/// Fires the given event
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">The unique key representing the event to fire</param>
private void FireEvent(EventPrivateKey key)
if (_eventHandlersStore != null)
EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)_eventHandlersStore.Get(key);
if (handler != null)
handler(this, null);
/// <summary>
/// Immediately fire the RemoveRequested Event
/// </summary>
private void FireRemoveRequestedEvent()
// Find the last closest time that falls on the boundary of the Desired Frame Rate
private TimeSpan GetCurrentDesiredFrameTime(TimeSpan time)
return GetDesiredFrameTime(time, +0);
// Find the closest time that falls on the boundary of the Desired Frame Rate, advancing [frameOffset] frames forward
private TimeSpan GetDesiredFrameTime(TimeSpan time, int frameOffset)
Debug.Assert(_rootData.DesiredFrameRate > 0);
Int64 desiredFrameRate = _rootData.DesiredFrameRate;
Int64 desiredFrameNumber = (time.Ticks * desiredFrameRate) / s_TimeSpanTicksPerSecond + frameOffset;
Int64 desiredFrameTick = (desiredFrameNumber * s_TimeSpanTicksPerSecond) / desiredFrameRate;
return TimeSpan.FromTicks(desiredFrameTick);
// Find the next closest time that falls on the boundary of the Desired Frame Rate
private TimeSpan GetNextDesiredFrameTime(TimeSpan time)
return GetDesiredFrameTime(time, +1);
/// <summary>
/// Removes a delegate from the list of event handlers on this object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">
/// A unique identifier for the event handler. Since Clock events
/// mirror Timeline events the callers of this method will pass in
/// keys from Timeline
/// </param>
/// <param name="handler">The delegate to remove</param>
private void RemoveEventHandler(EventPrivateKey key, Delegate handler)
if (_eventHandlersStore != null)
_eventHandlersStore.Remove(key, handler);
if (_eventHandlersStore.Count == 0)
_eventHandlersStore = null;
#endregion // Event Helpers
/// <summary>
/// Adds this clock to the time manager.
/// </summary>
private void AddToTimeManager()
Debug.Assert(_parent == null);
Debug.Assert(_timeManager == null);
TimeManager timeManager = MediaContext.From(Dispatcher).TimeManager;
if (timeManager == null)
// The time manager has not been created or has been released
// This occurs when we are shutting down. Simply return.
_parent = timeManager.TimeManagerClock;
Int32? desiredFrameRate = Timeline.GetDesiredFrameRate(_timeline);
if (desiredFrameRate.HasValue)
HasDesiredFrameRate = true;
_rootData.DesiredFrameRate = desiredFrameRate.Value;
// Store this clock in the root clock's child collection
// Create a finalizer object that will clean up after we are gone
_subtreeFinalizer = new SubtreeFinalizer(_timeManager);
// Fix up depth values
PrefixSubtreeEnumerator subtree = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(this, true);
while (subtree.MoveNext())
Clock current = subtree.Current;
current._depth = current._parent._depth + 1;
// Perform any necessary updates
if (IsInTimingTree)
// Mark the tree as dirty
TimeIntervalCollection currentIntervals = TimeIntervalCollection.CreatePoint(_timeManager.InternalCurrentGlobalTime);
_timeManager.InternalCurrentIntervals = currentIntervals;
// Recompute the local state at this subtree
// Since _beginTime for a root clock takes the current time into account,
// it needs to be set during a tick. The call to ComputeLocalState
// here isn't on a tick boundary, so we don't want to begin the clock yet.
_beginTime = null;
_currentIterationBeginTime = null;
while (subtree.MoveNext())
subtree.Current.ComputeLocalState(); // Compute the state of the node
subtree.Current.ClipNextTickByParent(); // Perform NextTick clipping, stage 1
// Make a note to visit for stage 2, only for ClockGroups
subtree.Current.NeedsPostfixTraversal = (subtree.Current is ClockGroup);
_parent.ComputeTreeStateRoot(); // Re-clip the next tick estimates by children
// Adding is an implicit begin, so do that here. This is done after
// ComputeLocalState so that the begin will be picked up on the
// next tick. Note that if _timeline.BeginTime == null we won't
// start the clock.
if (_timeline.BeginTime != null)
RootBeginPending = true;
NotifyNewEarliestFutureActivity(); // Make sure we get ticks
/// <summary>
/// Helper for more elegant code dividing a TimeSpan by a double
/// </summary>
private TimeSpan DivideTimeSpan(TimeSpan timeSpan, double factor)
Debug.Assert(factor != 0); // Divide by zero
return TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)(((double)timeSpan.Ticks) / factor + 0.5));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the value of a flag specified by the ClockFlags enum
/// </summary>
private bool GetFlag(ClockFlags flagMask)
return (_flags & flagMask) == flagMask;
/// <summary>
/// Helper for more elegant code multiplying a TimeSpan by a double
/// </summary>
private static TimeSpan MultiplyTimeSpan(TimeSpan timeSpan, double factor)
return TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)(factor * (double)timeSpan.Ticks + 0.5));
private void NotifyNewEarliestFutureActivity()
PrefixSubtreeEnumerator subtree = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(this, true); // First reset the children
while (subtree.MoveNext())
subtree.Current.InternalNextTickNeededTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
Clock current = _parent; // Propagate the fact that we will need an update sooner up the chain
while (current != null && current.InternalNextTickNeededTime != TimeSpan.Zero)
current.InternalNextTickNeededTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
if (current.IsTimeManager) // We went all the way up to the root node, notify TimeManager
current = current._parent;
// If we get here from within a Tick, this will force MediaContext to perform another subsequent Tick
// on the TimeManager. This will apply the requested interactive operations, so their results will
// immediately become visible.
// State that must remain *constant* outside of the active period
private void ResetCachedStateToFilling()
_currentGlobalSpeed = 0;
IsBackwardsProgressingGlobal = false;
_currentClockState = ClockState.Filling;
/// <summary>
/// Calls RaiseCompleted on this subtree when called on a root.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isInTick">Whether we are in a tick.</param>
private void RaiseCompletedForRoot(bool isInTick)
// Only perform this operation from root nodes. Also, to avoid constantly calling Completed after passing
// expirationTime, check that the state is invalidated, so we only raise the event as we are finishing.
if (IsRoot && (CurrentStateInvalidatedEventRaised || !isInTick))
// If we are a root node, notify the entire subtree
PrefixSubtreeEnumerator subtree = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(this, true);
while (subtree.MoveNext())
private void RaiseRemoveRequestedForRoot()
Debug.Assert(IsRoot); // This should only be called on root-child clocks
// If we are a root node, notify the entire subtree
PrefixSubtreeEnumerator subtree = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(this, true);
while (subtree.MoveNext())
/// <summary>
/// Sets a specified flag with the given value
/// </summary>
private void SetFlag(ClockFlags flagMask, bool value)
if (value)
_flags |= flagMask;
_flags &= ~(flagMask);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the time manager for the subtree rooted at this timeline.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="timeManager">
/// The new time manager.
/// </param>
private void SetTimeManager(TimeManager timeManager)
// Optimize the no-op case away
if (this._timeManager != timeManager)
// Set the new time manager for the whole subtree
PrefixSubtreeEnumerator subtree = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(this, true);
while (subtree.MoveNext())
subtree.Current._timeManager = timeManager;
if (timeManager != null)
// If we are joining a new time manager, issue any deferred calls
while (subtree.MoveNext())
Clock current = subtree.Current;
// this is here in case we need to do any TimeManager-related initialization
private void UpdateNeedsTicksWhenActive()
// Currently we'll set NeedsTicksWhenActive to true
// if any of the three events are set on this clock.
// We should only need to set this when
// CurrentTimeInvalidated is set.
if (_eventHandlersStore == null)
NeedsTicksWhenActive = false;
NeedsTicksWhenActive = true;
// This wrapper is invoked anytime we invalidate the _beginTime
private void UpdateSyncBeginTime()
private void VerifyNeedsTicksWhenActive()
if (!NeedsTicksWhenActive) // We may need to update the tree to know that we need ticks
NeedsTicksWhenActive = true; // Use this as a hint for NeedsTicksWhenActive
#endregion // Private Methods
// Private Properties
#region Private Properties
/// <summary>
/// True if we are in a running timing tree, false otherwise.
/// </summary>
private bool IsInTimingTree
return (_timeManager != null) && (_timeManager.State != TimeState.Stopped);
/// <summary>
/// This isn't an Interactive method: InternalBegin does
/// not make use of this flag. It is set in AddToRoot() to
/// notify a root clock that it must begin at the next tick.
/// Until this is set_beginTime for a root clock will be null;
/// AdjustBeginTime() sets _beginTime properly.
/// </summary>
private bool RootBeginPending
return GetFlag(ClockFlags.RootBeginPending);
SetFlag(ClockFlags.RootBeginPending, value);
#endregion // Private Properties
// Nested Types
#region Nested Types
private enum ClockFlags : uint
IsTimeManager = 1 << 0,
IsRoot = 1 << 1,
IsBackwardsProgressingGlobal = 1 << 2,
IsInteractivelyPaused = 1 << 3,
IsInteractivelyStopped = 1 << 4,
PendingInteractivePause = 1 << 5,
PendingInteractiveResume = 1 << 6,
PendingInteractiveStop = 1 << 7,
PendingInteractiveRemove = 1 << 8,
CanGrow = 1 << 9,
CanSlip = 1 << 10,
CurrentStateInvalidatedEventRaised = 1 << 11,
CurrentTimeInvalidatedEventRaised = 1 << 12,
CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidatedEventRaised = 1 << 13,
CompletedEventRaised = 1 << 14,
RemoveRequestedEventRaised = 1 << 15,
IsInEventQueue = 1 << 16,
NeedsTicksWhenActive = 1 << 17,
NeedsPostfixTraversal = 1 << 18,
PauseStateChangedDuringTick = 1 << 19,
RootBeginPending = 1 << 20,
HasControllableRoot = 1 << 21,
HasResolvedDuration = 1 << 22,
HasDesiredFrameRate = 1 << 23,
HasDiscontinuousTimeMovementOccured = 1 << 24,
HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration = 1 << 25,
HasSeekOccuredAfterLastTick = 1 << 26,
/// <summary>
/// The result of a ResolveTimes method call.
/// </summary>
private enum ResolveCode
/// <summary>
/// Nothing changed in resolving new times.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Resolved times are different than before.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The children of this timeline need a full reset time resolution. This flag
/// indicates that a partial resolution needs to be prunned at the current
/// timeline in favor of a full resolution for its children.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Implements a finalizer for a clock subtree.
/// </summary>
private class SubtreeFinalizer
/// <summary>
/// Creates a finalizer for a clock subtree.
/// </summary>
internal SubtreeFinalizer(TimeManager timeManager)
_timeManager = timeManager;
/// <summary>
/// Finalizes a clock subtree.
/// </summary>
private TimeManager _timeManager;
/// <summary>
/// Holds sync-related data when it is applicable
/// </summary>
internal class SyncData
internal SyncData(Clock syncClock)
Debug.Assert(syncClock != null);
Debug.Assert(syncClock.IsRoot || syncClock._timeline.BeginTime.HasValue); // Only roots may later validate their _beginTime
_syncClock = syncClock;
UpdateClockBeginTime(); // This will update the remaining dependencies
// This method should be invoked anytime we invalidate the SyncClock's _beginTime only
internal void UpdateClockBeginTime()
// Do we really need to cache the beginTime and appledSpeedRatio here?
_syncClockBeginTime = _syncClock._beginTime;
_syncClockSpeedRatio = _syncClock._appliedSpeedRatio;
_syncClockResolvedDuration = SyncClockResolvedDuration; // This is to detect media finding its true duration
internal Clock SyncClock
get { return _syncClock; }
internal Duration SyncClockResolvedDuration
// Duration can only change its value while it is Automatic
if (!_syncClockResolvedDuration.HasTimeSpan)
_syncClockEffectiveDuration = _syncClock.ComputeEffectiveDuration(); // null == infinity
_syncClockResolvedDuration = _syncClock._resolvedDuration;
return _syncClockResolvedDuration;
internal bool SyncClockHasReachedEffectiveDuration
if (_syncClockEffectiveDuration.HasValue) // If the sync clock has a finite duration
return (_previousRepeatTime + _syncClock.GetCurrentTimeCore() >= _syncClockEffectiveDuration.Value);
return false;
// NOTE: This value is in SyncNode coordinates, not its parent's coordinates
internal TimeSpan? SyncClockEffectiveDuration
get { return _syncClockEffectiveDuration; }
internal double SyncClockSpeedRatio
get { return _syncClockSpeedRatio; }
internal bool IsInSyncPeriod
get { return _isInSyncPeriod; }
set { _isInSyncPeriod = value; }
internal bool SyncClockDiscontinuousEvent
get { return _syncClockDiscontinuousEvent; }
set { _syncClockDiscontinuousEvent = value; }
internal TimeSpan PreviousSyncClockTime
get { return _previousSyncClockTime; }
set { _previousSyncClockTime = value; }
internal TimeSpan PreviousRepeatTime
get { return _previousRepeatTime; }
set { _previousRepeatTime = value; }
internal TimeSpan SyncClockBeginTime
Debug.Assert(_syncClockBeginTime.HasValue); // This should never be queried on a root without beginTime
return _syncClockBeginTime.Value;
private Clock _syncClock;
private double _syncClockSpeedRatio;
private bool _isInSyncPeriod, _syncClockDiscontinuousEvent;
private Duration _syncClockResolvedDuration = Duration.Automatic; // Duration -- *local* coordinates
private TimeSpan? _syncClockEffectiveDuration; // This reflects RepeatBehavior (local coordinates)
private TimeSpan? _syncClockBeginTime;
private TimeSpan _previousSyncClockTime;
private TimeSpan _previousRepeatTime; // How many complete iterations we already have done
/// <summary>
/// Holds data specific to root clocks.
/// </summary>
internal class RootData
internal RootData()
internal TimeSpan CurrentAdjustedGlobalTime
get { return _currentAdjustedGlobalTime; }
set { _currentAdjustedGlobalTime = value; }
internal Int32 DesiredFrameRate
get { return _desiredFrameRate; }
set { _desiredFrameRate = value; }
internal Double InteractiveSpeedRatio
get { return _interactiveSpeedRatio; }
set { _interactiveSpeedRatio = value; }
internal TimeSpan LastAdjustedGlobalTime
get { return _lastAdjustedGlobalTime; }
set { _lastAdjustedGlobalTime = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The time to which we want to seek this timeline at the next tick
/// </summary>
internal TimeSpan? PendingSeekDestination
get { return _pendingSeekDestination; }
set { _pendingSeekDestination = value; }
internal Double? PendingSpeedRatio
get { return _pendingSpeedRatio; }
set { _pendingSpeedRatio = value; }
private Int32 _desiredFrameRate;
private double _interactiveSpeedRatio = 1.0;
private double? _pendingSpeedRatio;
private TimeSpan _currentAdjustedGlobalTime;
private TimeSpan _lastAdjustedGlobalTime;
private TimeSpan? _pendingSeekDestination;
#endregion // Nested Types
// Debugging Instrumentation
#region Debugging instrumentation
/// <summary>
/// Debug-only method to verify that the recomputed input time
/// is close to the original. See ComputeCurrentIteration
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inputTime">original input time</param>
/// <param name="optimizedInputTime">input time without rounding errors</param>
private void Debug_VerifyOffsetFromBegin(long inputTime, long optimizedInputTime)
long error = (long)Math.Max(_appliedSpeedRatio, 1.0);
// Assert the computed inputTime is very close to the original.
// _appliedSpeedRatio is the upper bound of the error (in Ticks) caused by the
// calculation of inputTime. The reason is that we truncate (floor) during the
// computation of EffectiveDuration, losing up to 0.99999.... off the number.
// The computation of inputTime multiplies the truncated value by _appliedSpeedRatio,
// so _appliedSpeedRatio is guaranteed to be close to but higher than the actual error.
Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(optimizedInputTime - inputTime) <= error,
"This optimized inputTime does not match the original - did the calculation of inputTime change?");
/// <summary>
/// Dumps the description of the subtree rooted at this clock.
/// </summary>
internal void Dump()
System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder
Capacity = 1024
builder.Append("Clocks rooted at Clock ");
builder.Append("Flags LastBegin LastEnd NextBegin NextEnd Name\n");
if (IsTimeManager)
BuildInfoRecursive(builder, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Dumps the description of all clocks in the known clock table.
/// </summary>
internal static void DumpAll()
System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
int clockCount = 0;
builder.Capacity = 1024;
builder.Append("Clocks in the GC heap\n");
builder.Append("Flags LastBegin LastEnd NextBegin NextEnd Name\n");
lock (_debugLockObject)
if (_objectTable.Count > 0)
// Output the clocks sorted by ID
int[] idTable = new int[_objectTable.Count];
_objectTable.Keys.CopyTo(idTable, 0);
for (int index = 0; index < idTable.Length; index++)
WeakReference weakRef = (WeakReference)_objectTable[idTable[index]];
Clock clock = (Clock)weakRef.Target;
if (clock != null)
clock.BuildInfo(builder, 0, true);
if (clockCount == 0)
builder.Append("There are no Clocks in the GC heap.\n");
/// <summary>
/// Dumps the description of the subtree rooted at this clock.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="builder">
/// A StringBuilder that accumulates the description text.
/// </param>
/// <param name="depth">
/// The depth of recursion for this clock.
/// </param>
// Normally a virtual method would be implemented for the dervied class
// to handle the children property, but the asmmeta would be different
// since this is only availabe in a debug build. For this reason we're
// handling the children in the base class.
internal void BuildInfoRecursive(System.Text.StringBuilder builder, int depth)
// Add the info for this clock
BuildInfo(builder, depth, false);
// Recurse into the children
ClockGroup thisGroup = this as ClockGroup;
if (thisGroup != null)
List<Clock> children = thisGroup.InternalChildren;
if (children != null)
for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < children.Count; childIndex++)
children[childIndex].BuildInfoRecursive(builder, depth);
/// <summary>
/// Dumps the description of the subtree rooted at this root clock.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="builder">
/// A StringBuilder that accumulates the description text.
/// </param>
internal void RootBuildInfoRecursive(System.Text.StringBuilder builder)
// Add the info for this clock
BuildInfo(builder, 0, false);
// Recurse into the children. Don't use the enumerator because
// that would remove dead references, which would be an undesirable
// side-effect for a debug output method.
List<WeakReference> children = ((ClockGroup) this).InternalRootChildren;
for (int index = 0; index < children.Count; index++)
Clock child = (Clock)children[index].Target;
child?.BuildInfoRecursive(builder, 1);
/// <summary>
/// Dumps the description of this clock.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="builder">
/// A StringBuilder that accumulates the description text.
/// </param>
/// <param name="depth">
/// The depth of recursion for this clock.
/// </param>
/// <param name="includeParentID">
/// True to dump the ID of the parent clock, false otherwise.
/// </param>
internal void BuildInfo(System.Text.StringBuilder builder, int depth, bool includeParentID)
builder.Append(' ');
builder.Append(' ');
_timeline.BuildInfo(builder, 0, false);
/// <summary>
/// Finds a previously registered object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// The ID of the object to look for
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The object if found, null otherwise.
/// </returns>
internal static Clock Find(int id)
Clock clock = null;
lock (_debugLockObject)
object handleReference = _objectTable[id];
if (handleReference != null)
WeakReference weakRef = (WeakReference)handleReference;
clock = (Clock)weakRef.Target;
if (clock == null)
// Object has been destroyed, so remove the weakRef.
return clock;
/// <summary>
/// Cleans up the known timeline clocks table by removing dead weak
/// references.
/// </summary>
internal static void CleanKnownClocksTable()
lock (_debugLockObject)
Hashtable removeTable = new Hashtable();
// Identify dead references
foreach (DictionaryEntry e in _objectTable)
WeakReference weakRef = (WeakReference) e.Value;
if (weakRef.Target == null)
removeTable[e.Key] = weakRef;
// Remove dead references
foreach (DictionaryEntry e in removeTable)
#endif // DEBUG
#endregion // Debugging instrumentation
// Data
#region Data
private ClockFlags _flags;
private int? _currentIteration; // Precalculated current iteration
private double? _currentProgress; // Precalculated current progress value
private double? _currentGlobalSpeed; // Precalculated current global speed value
private TimeSpan? _currentTime; // Precalculated current global time
private ClockState _currentClockState; // Precalculated current clock state
private RootData _rootData = null; // Keeps track of root-related data for DesiredFrameRate
internal SyncData _syncData = null; // Keeps track of sync-related data for SlipBehavior
// Stores the clock's begin time as an offset from the clock's
// parent's begin time (i.e. a begin time of 2 sec means begin
// 2 seconds afer the parent starts). For non-root clocks this
// is always the same as its timeline's begin time.
// For root clocks, the begin time is adjusted in response to seeks,
// pauses, etc (see AdjustBeginTime())
// This must be null when the clock is stopped.
internal TimeSpan? _beginTime;
// This is only used for repeating timelines which have CanSlip children/descendants;
// In this case, we use this variable instead of _beginTime to compute the current state
// of the clock (in conjunction with _currentIteration, so we know how many we have
// already completed.) This makes us agnostic to slip/growth in our past iterations.
private TimeSpan? _currentIterationBeginTime;
// How soon this Clock needs another tick
internal TimeSpan? _nextTickNeededTime = null;
private WeakReference _weakReference;
private SubtreeFinalizer _subtreeFinalizer;
private EventHandlersStore _eventHandlersStore;
/// <summary>
/// Cache Duration for perf reasons and also to accommodate one time
/// only resolution of natural duration.
/// If Timeline.Duration is Duration.Automatic, we will at first treat
/// this as Duration.Forever, but will periodically ask what the resolved
/// duration is. Once we receive an answer, that will be the duration
/// used from then on, and we won't ask again.
/// Otherwise, this will be set to Timeline.Duration when the Clock is
/// created and won't change.
/// </summary>
internal Duration _resolvedDuration;
/// <summary>
/// This is a cached estimated duration of the current iteration of this clock.
/// For clocks which return false to CanGrow, this should always equal the
/// _resolvedDuration. However, for clocks with CanGrow, this may change from
/// tick to tick. Based on how far we are in the present iteration, and how
/// on track our slipping children are, we make estimates of when we will finish
/// the iteration, which are reflected by our estimated _currentDuration.
/// </summary>
internal Duration _currentDuration;
/// <summary>
/// For a root, this is the Timeline's speed ratio multiplied by the
/// interactive speed ratio. It's updated whenever the interactive speed
/// ratio is updated. If the interactive speed ratio is 0, we'll use the
/// Timeline's speed ratio, that is, treat interactive speed ratio as 1.
/// This is why this is "applied" speed ratio.
/// For a non-root, this is just a cache for the Timeline's speed ratio.
/// </summary>
private Double _appliedSpeedRatio;
#region Linking data
internal Timeline _timeline;
internal TimeManager _timeManager;
internal ClockGroup _parent; // Parents can only be ClockGroups since
// they're the only ones having children
internal int _childIndex;
internal int _depth;
static Int64 s_TimeSpanTicksPerSecond = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1).Ticks;
#endregion // Linking data
#region Debug data
internal int _debugIdentity;
internal static int _nextIdentity;
internal static Hashtable _objectTable = new Hashtable();
internal static object _debugLockObject = new object();
#endif // DEBUG
#endregion // Debug data
#endregion // Data