File: System\Windows\Media\Animation\ClockGroup.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationCore\PresentationCore.csproj (PresentationCore)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SR = MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR;
namespace System.Windows.Media.Animation
    /// <summary>
    /// The Clock instance type that will be created based on TimelineGroup
    /// objects.
    /// </summary>
    public class ClockGroup : Clock
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new empty ClockGroup to be used in a Clock tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timelineGroup">The TimelineGroup used to define the new
        /// ClockGroup.</param>
        protected internal ClockGroup(TimelineGroup timelineGroup)
            : base(timelineGroup)
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the TimelineGroup object that holds the description controlling the
        /// behavior of this clock.
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>
        /// The TimelineGroup object that holds the description controlling the
        /// behavior of this clock.
        /// </value>
        public new TimelineGroup Timeline
                return (TimelineGroup)base.Timeline;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a collection containing the children of this clock.
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>
        /// A collection containing the children of this clock.
        /// </value>
        public ClockCollection Children
//                 VerifyAccess();
                return new ClockCollection(this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Unchecked internal access to the child collection of this Clock.
        /// </summary>
        internal List<Clock> InternalChildren
                return _children;
        /// <summary>
        /// Uncheck internal access to the root children
        /// </summary>
        internal List<WeakReference> InternalRootChildren
                return _rootChildren;
        internal override void BuildClockSubTreeFromTimeline(
            Timeline timeline,
            bool hasControllableRoot)
            // This is not currently necessary
            // Only TimelineGroup has children
            TimelineGroup timelineGroup = timeline as TimelineGroup;
            // Only a TimelineGroup should have allocated a ClockGroup.
            Debug.Assert(timelineGroup != null);
            // Create a clock for each of the children of the timeline
            TimelineCollection timelineChildren = timelineGroup.Children;
            if (timelineChildren != null && timelineChildren.Count > 0)
                Clock childClock;
                // Create a collection for the children of the clock
                _children = new List<Clock>();
                // Create clocks for the children
                for (int index = 0; index < timelineChildren.Count; index++)
                    childClock = AllocateClock(timelineChildren[index], hasControllableRoot);
                    childClock._parent = this;  // We connect the child to the subtree before calling BuildClockSubtreeFromTimeline
                    childClock.BuildClockSubTreeFromTimeline(timelineChildren[index], hasControllableRoot);
                    childClock._childIndex = index;
                // If we have SlipBehavior, check if we have any childen with which to slip.
                if (_timeline is ParallelTimeline &&
                    ((ParallelTimeline)_timeline).SlipBehavior == SlipBehavior.Slip)
                    // Verify that we only use SlipBehavior in supported scenarios
                    if (!IsRoot ||
                       (_timeline.RepeatBehavior.HasDuration) ||
                       (_timeline.AutoReverse == true) ||
                       (_timeline.AccelerationRatio > 0) ||
                       (_timeline.DecelerationRatio > 0))
                        throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Timing_SlipBehavior_SlipOnlyOnSimpleTimelines);
                    for (int index = 0; index < _children.Count; index++)
                        Clock child = _children[index];
                        if (child.CanSlip)
                            Duration duration = child.ResolvedDuration;
                            // A sync clock with duration of zero or no begin time has no effect, so do skip it
                            if ((!duration.HasTimeSpan || duration.TimeSpan > TimeSpan.Zero)
                                && child._timeline.BeginTime.HasValue)
                                _syncData = new SyncData(child);
                                child._syncData = null;  // The child will no longer self-sync
                            break;  // We only want the first child with CanSlip
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the first child of this timeline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>
        /// The first child of this timeline if the collection is not empty;
        /// otherwise, null.
        /// </value>
        internal override Clock FirstChild
                // ROOT Debug.Assert(!IsTimeManager);
                Clock firstChild = null;
                List<Clock> children = _children;
                if (children != null)
                    firstChild = children[0];
                return firstChild;
        // This is only to be called on the TimeManager clock. Go through our
        // top level clocks and find the clock with the highest desired framerate.
        // DFR has to be > 0, so starting the accumulator at 0 is fine.
        internal int GetMaxDesiredFrameRate()
            int desiredFrameRate = 0;
            // Ask all top-level clock their desired framerate
            WeakRefEnumerator<Clock> enumerator = new WeakRefEnumerator<Clock>(_rootChildren);
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                Clock currentClock = enumerator.Current;
                if (currentClock != null && currentClock.CurrentState == ClockState.Active)
                    int? currentDesiredFrameRate = currentClock.DesiredFrameRate;
                    if (currentDesiredFrameRate.HasValue)
                        desiredFrameRate = Math.Max(desiredFrameRate, currentDesiredFrameRate.Value);
            return desiredFrameRate;
        // Called on the root
        internal void ComputeTreeState()
            // Revive all children
            WeakRefEnumerator<Clock> enumerator = new WeakRefEnumerator<Clock>(_rootChildren);
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                PrefixSubtreeEnumerator prefixEnumerator = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(enumerator.Current, true);
                while (prefixEnumerator.MoveNext())
                    Clock current = prefixEnumerator.Current;
                    // Only traverse the "ripe" subset of the Timing tree
                    if (CurrentGlobalTime >= current.InternalNextTickNeededTime)
                        current.ComputeLocalState();       // Compute the state of the node
                        current.ClipNextTickByParent();    // Perform NextTick clipping, stage 1
                        // Make a note to visit for stage 2, only for ClockGroups and Roots
                        current.NeedsPostfixTraversal = (current is ClockGroup) || (current.IsRoot);
            // To perform a postfix walk culled by NeedsPostfixTraversal flag, we use a local recursive method
            // Note that since we called for this operation, it is probably already needed by the root clock
        internal void ComputeTreeStateRoot()
            TimeSpan? previousTickNeededTime = InternalNextTickNeededTime;
            InternalNextTickNeededTime = null;  // Reset the root's next tick needed time
            WeakRefEnumerator<Clock> enumerator = new WeakRefEnumerator<Clock>(_rootChildren);
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                Clock current = enumerator.Current;
                if (current.NeedsPostfixTraversal)
                    if (current is ClockGroup)
                    current.ApplyDesiredFrameRateToNextTick();  // Apply the effects of DFR on each root as needed
                    current.NeedsPostfixTraversal = false;  // Reset the flag
                if(!InternalNextTickNeededTime.HasValue ||
                    (enumerator.Current.InternalNextTickNeededTime.HasValue &&
                     enumerator.Current.InternalNextTickNeededTime < InternalNextTickNeededTime))
                    InternalNextTickNeededTime = enumerator.Current.InternalNextTickNeededTime;
            if (InternalNextTickNeededTime.HasValue &&
                (!previousTickNeededTime.HasValue || previousTickNeededTime > InternalNextTickNeededTime))
        // Recursive postfix walk, culled by NeedsPostfixTraversal flags (hence cannot use PostfixSubtreeEnumerator)
        private void ComputeTreeStatePostfix()
            if (_children != null)
                for (int c = 0; c < _children.Count; c++)
                    if (_children[c].NeedsPostfixTraversal)  // Traverse deeper if this is part of the visited tree subset
                        ClockGroup group = _children[c] as ClockGroup;
                        Debug.Assert(group != null);  // We should only have this flag set for ClockGroups
        // Perform Stage 2 of clipping next tick time: clip by children
        // Derived class does the actual clipping
        private void ClipNextTickByChildren()
            Debug.Assert(_children != null);
            for (int c = 0; c < _children.Count; c++)
                // Clip by child's NTNT if needed
                if (!InternalNextTickNeededTime.HasValue ||
                    (_children[c].InternalNextTickNeededTime.HasValue && _children[c].InternalNextTickNeededTime < InternalNextTickNeededTime))
                    InternalNextTickNeededTime = _children[c].InternalNextTickNeededTime;
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the current duration from a specific clock
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A Duration quantity representing the current iteration's estimated duration.
        /// </returns>
        internal override Duration CurrentDuration
                Duration manualDuration = _timeline.Duration;  // Check if a duration is specified by the user
                if (manualDuration != Duration.Automatic)
                    return manualDuration;
                Duration currentDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
                // The container ends when all of its children have ended at least
                // one of their active periods.
                if (_children != null)
                    bool hasChildWithUnresolvedDuration = false;
                    bool bufferingSlipNode = (_syncData != null    // This variable makes sure that our slip node completes as needed
                                             && _syncData.IsInSyncPeriod
                                             && !_syncData.SyncClockHasReachedEffectiveDuration);
                    for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < _children.Count; childIndex++)
                        Clock current = _children[childIndex];
                        Duration childEndOfActivePeriod = current.EndOfActivePeriod;
                        if (childEndOfActivePeriod == Duration.Forever)
                            // If we have even one child with a duration of forever
                            // our resolved duration will also be forever. It doesn't
                            // matter if other _children have unresolved durations.
                            return Duration.Forever;
                        else if (childEndOfActivePeriod == Duration.Automatic)
                            hasChildWithUnresolvedDuration = true;
                            // Make sure that until Media completes, it is not treated as expired
                            if (bufferingSlipNode && _syncData.SyncClock == this)
                                childEndOfActivePeriod += TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50);  // This compensation is roughly one frame of video
                                bufferingSlipNode = false;
                            if (childEndOfActivePeriod > currentDuration)
                                currentDuration = childEndOfActivePeriod;
                    // We've iterated through all our _children. We know that at this
                    // point none of them have a duration of Forever or we would have
                    // returned already. If any of them still have unresolved 
                    // durations then our duration is also still unresolved and we
                    // will return automatic. Otherwise, we'll fall out of the 'if'
                    // block and return the currentDuration as our final resolved 
                    // duration.
                    if (hasChildWithUnresolvedDuration)
                        return Duration.Automatic;
                return currentDuration;
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks this Clock as the root of a timing tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeManager">
        /// The TimeManager that controls this timing tree.
        /// </param>
        internal void MakeRoot(TimeManager timeManager)
            Debug.Assert(!IsTimeManager, "Cannot associate a root with multiple timing trees");
            Debug.Assert(this._timeManager == null, "Cannot use a timeline already in the timing tree as a root");
            Debug.Assert(timeManager.TimeManagerClock == this, "Cannot associate more than one root per timing tree");
            Debug.Assert(this._parent == null && _children == null, "Cannot use a timeline connected to other timelines as a root");
            IsTimeManager = true;
            _rootChildren = new List<WeakReference>();
            _timeManager = timeManager;
            _depth = 0;
            // currently no one queries the root clock's properties.  Consider removing this code.
            InternalCurrentIteration = 1;
            InternalCurrentProgress = 0;
            InternalCurrentGlobalSpeed = 1;
            InternalCurrentClockState = ClockState.Active;
        // Upon a discontinuous interactive operation (begin/seek/stop), this resets children with SyncData
        // (e.g. media) to track this change, specifically:
        //  1) Realign their begin times evenly with the parent, discounting past slippage that may have occured
        //  2) Reset their state, in case they leave their "sync" period.
        internal override void ResetNodesWithSlip()
            if (_children != null)
                for (int c = 0; c < _children.Count; c++)
                    Clock child = _children[c];
                    if (child._syncData != null)
                        child._beginTime = child._timeline.BeginTime;  // Realign the clock
                        child._syncData.IsInSyncPeriod = false;
                        child._syncData.UpdateClockBeginTime();  // Apply effects of realigning
        /// <summary>
        /// Activates this root clock.
        /// </summary>
        internal void RootActivate()
            Debug.Assert(IsTimeManager, "Invalid call to RootActivate for a non-root Clock");
            Debug.Assert(_timeManager != null);  // RootActivate should be called by our own TimeManager
            // Reset the state of the timing tree
            TimeIntervalCollection currentIntervals = TimeIntervalCollection.CreatePoint(_timeManager.InternalCurrentGlobalTime);
            _timeManager.InternalCurrentIntervals = currentIntervals;
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes dead weak references from the child list of the root clock.
        /// </summary>
        internal void RootCleanChildren()
            Debug.Assert(IsTimeManager, "Invalid call to RootCleanChildren for a non-root Clock");
            WeakRefEnumerator<Clock> enumerator = new WeakRefEnumerator<Clock>(_rootChildren);
            // Simply enumerating the children with the weak reference
            // enumerator is sufficient to clean up the list. Therefore, the
            // body of the loop can remain empty
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
            // When the loop terminates naturally the enumerator will clean
            // up the list of any dead references. Therefore, by the time we
            // get here we are done.
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns true if any children are left, false if none are left
        /// </returns>
        internal bool RootHasChildren
                Debug.Assert(IsTimeManager, "Invalid call to RootHasChildren for a non-root Clock");
                return (_rootChildren.Count > 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deactivates and disables this root clock.
        /// </summary>
        internal void RootDisable()
            Debug.Assert(IsTimeManager, "Invalid call to RootDeactivate for a non-root Clock");
            // Reset the state of the timing tree
            WeakRefEnumerator<Clock> enumerator = new WeakRefEnumerator<Clock>(_rootChildren);
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                PrefixSubtreeEnumerator subtree = new PrefixSubtreeEnumerator(enumerator.Current, true);
                while (subtree.MoveNext())
                    if (subtree.Current.InternalCurrentClockState != ClockState.Stopped)
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if our descendants have resolved their duration, and resets the HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration
        /// flag from true to false once that happens.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns true when this node or one of its descendants have unresolved duration.</returns>
        internal override void UpdateDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration()
            // If the flag was already unset, or our own node doesn't know its duration yet, the flag will not change now.
            if (!HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration ||  !HasResolvedDuration)
            if (_children != null)
                for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < _children.Count; childIndex++)
                    if (_children[childIndex].HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration)
                        return;  // If any child has unresolved descendants, we cannot unset our flag yet
            // If we finished the loop, then every child subtree has fully resolved its duration during this method call.
            HasDescendantsWithUnresolvedDuration = false;
        internal override void ClearCurrentIntervalsToNull()
        internal override void AddNullPointToCurrentIntervals()
        internal override void ComputeCurrentIntervals(TimeIntervalCollection parentIntervalCollection,
                                                       TimeSpan beginTime, TimeSpan? endTime,
                                                       Duration fillDuration, Duration period,
                                                       double appliedSpeedRatio, double accelRatio, double decelRatio,
                                                       bool isAutoReversed)
            parentIntervalCollection.ProjectOntoPeriodicFunction(ref _currentIntervals,
                                                                 beginTime, endTime,
                                                                 fillDuration, period, appliedSpeedRatio,
                                                                 accelRatio, decelRatio, isAutoReversed);
        internal override void ComputeCurrentFillInterval(TimeIntervalCollection parentIntervalCollection,
                                                          TimeSpan beginTime, TimeSpan endTime, Duration period,
                                                          double appliedSpeedRatio, double accelRatio, double decelRatio,
                                                          bool isAutoReversed)
            parentIntervalCollection.ProjectPostFillZone(ref _currentIntervals,
                                                         beginTime, endTime,
                                                         period, appliedSpeedRatio,
                                                         accelRatio, decelRatio, isAutoReversed);
        internal TimeIntervalCollection CurrentIntervals
                return _currentIntervals;
        private List<Clock> _children;
        private List<WeakReference> _rootChildren;
        private TimeIntervalCollection _currentIntervals;