2 overrides of NeedsTicksWhenActive
PresentationCore (2)
System\Windows\Media\Animation\AnimationClock.cs (1)
59internal override bool NeedsTicksWhenActive
System\Windows\Media\mediaclock.cs (1)
168internal override bool NeedsTicksWhenActive
3 writes to NeedsTicksWhenActive
PresentationCore (3)
System\Windows\Media\Animation\Clock.cs (3)
3834NeedsTicksWhenActive = false; 3838NeedsTicksWhenActive = true; 3855NeedsTicksWhenActive = true; // Use this as a hint for NeedsTicksWhenActive
3 references to NeedsTicksWhenActive
PresentationCore (3)
System\Windows\Media\Animation\Clock.cs (3)
2154if (_currentClockState == ClockState.Active && parentSpeed != 0 && !NeedsTicksWhenActive) 2308if (parentSpeed != 0 && _currentClockState == ClockState.Active && NeedsTicksWhenActive) 3853if (!NeedsTicksWhenActive) // We may need to update the tree to know that we need ticks