File: System\Windows\Input\Stylus\Pointer\PointerFlickEngine.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationCore\PresentationCore.csproj (PresentationCore)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using MS.Win32.Pointer;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Interop;
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore;                        // SecurityHelper
using MS.Utility;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Input.StylusPlugIns;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using SR = MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR;
namespace System.Windows.Input.StylusPointer
    /// <summary>
    /// Provides access and data from the Windows Interaction Context engine.
    /// This gives WPF access to gestures and other features based off WM_POINTER data.
    /// This code is copied from Wisptis code in RS2
    /// </summary>
    internal class PointerFlickEngine
        #region Constants
        // Note that the minimum time has implications on app compat. There is a window
        // between the minimum flick time (150 ms) and the WM_QUERYSYSTEMGESTURESTATUS
        // timeout (300ms), so decreasing this threshhold makes it worse
        private const double ThresholdTime = 150.0;
        private const double ThresholdLength = 100.0;
        private const double RelaxedFlickMinimumLength = 400.0;
        private const double RelaxedFlickMaximumLengthRatio = 1.1;
        private const double RelaxedFlickMinimumVelocity = 8.0;
        private const double RelaxedFlickMaximumTime = 300.0;
        private const double RelaxedFlickMaximumStationaryTime = 45.0;
        private const double RelaxedFlickMaxStationaryDispX = 150.0;
        private const double RelaxedFlickMaxStationaryDispY = 150.0;
        private const double PreciseFlickMinimumLength = 800.0;
        private const double PreciseFlickMaximumLengthRatio = 1.01;
        private const double PreciseFlickMinimumVelocity = 19;
        private const double PreciseFlickMaximumTime = 200.0;
        private const double PreciseFlickMaximumStationaryTime = 45.0;
        private const double PreciseFlickMaxStationaryDispX = 0;
        private const double PreciseFlickMaxStationaryDispY = 0;
        #region Helper Structs/Classes
        internal class FlickResult
            internal Point PhysicalStart { get; set; }    // The starting point in physical coordinates (100ths of mm)
            internal Point TabletStart { get; set; }      // The starting point in tablet coordinates
            internal int PhysicalLength { get; set; }  // The length in physical coordinates (100ths of mm)
            internal int TabletLength { get; set; }  // The length in tablet coordinates
            internal int DirectionDeg { get; set; }         // The direction in degrees (digitizer coordinates)
            internal bool CanBeFlick { get; set; }        // Is it a flick or not
            internal bool IsLengthOk { get; set; }          // Is the stroke length enough to be a flick
            internal bool IsSpeedOk { get; set; }           // Is the speed enough to be a flick
            internal bool IsCurvatureOk { get; set; }       // Is the curvature of the stroke low enough to be a flick
            internal bool IsLiftOk { get; set; }           // Is the lift of the stroke quick enough to be a flick
        private class FlickRecognitionData
            internal Point PhysicalPoint { get; set; }
            internal double Time { get; set; }               // The time at which the point was received
            internal double Displacement { get; set; }       // The displacement from the previous point
            internal double Velocity { get; set; }           // The velocity between the previous and this point
            internal Point TabletPoint { get; set; }             // The x,y tablet coordinates
        #region Enumerations
        private enum FlickState
        #region Member Variables
        private bool _collectingData;
        private bool _analyzingData;
        private bool _lastPhysicalPointValid;
        private bool _movedEnoughFromPenDown;
        private bool _canDetectFlick;
        private bool _allowPressFlicks;
        private bool _previousFlickDataValid;
        private Point _flickStartPhysical;
        private Point _flickStartTablet;
        private Point _lastPhysicalPoint;
        private PointerStylusDevice _stylusDevice = null;
        private double _distance;
        private double _flickDirectionRadians;
        private double _flickPathDistance;
        private double _flickLength;
        private double _flickTimeLowVelocity;
        private double _flickMaximumStationaryTime;
        private double _flickMaximumLengthRatio;
        private double _flickMinimumLength;
        private double _flickMinimumVelocity;
        private double _flickMaximumStationaryDisplacementX;
        private double _flickMaximumStationaryDisplacementY;
        private double _tolerance;
        private FlickRecognitionData _previousFlickData;
        private Rect _drag;
        #region Timing
        // The tick count between packets
        private double _timePeriod;
        private double _timePeriodAlpha;
        private int _previousTickCount;
        private double _elapsedTime;
        private double _flickTime;
        private double _flickMaximumTime;
        #region Properties
        internal FlickResult Result { get; private set; } = new FlickResult();
        #region Constructor/Initialization
        internal PointerFlickEngine(PointerStylusDevice stylusDevice)
            _stylusDevice = stylusDevice;
            _timePeriod = 8;
            _timePeriodAlpha = .001;
            _collectingData = false;
            _analyzingData = false;
            _previousFlickDataValid = false;
            _allowPressFlicks = true;
        internal void Reset()
            _collectingData = false;
            _analyzingData = false;
            _movedEnoughFromPenDown = !_allowPressFlicks;
            _canDetectFlick = true;
            _lastPhysicalPointValid = false;
            _distance = 0;
            _drag = new Rect();
            _flickStartPhysical = new Point();
            _flickStartTablet = new Point();
            _elapsedTime = 0;
            _flickLength = 0;
            _flickDirectionRadians = 0;
            _flickPathDistance = 0;
            _flickTime = 0;
            _flickTimeLowVelocity = 0;
            _previousFlickDataValid = false;
        internal void ResetResult()
            Result.CanBeFlick = true;
            Result.IsLengthOk = false;
            Result.IsSpeedOk = false;
            Result.IsCurvatureOk = false;
            Result.IsLiftOk = false;
            Result.DirectionDeg = 0;
            Result.PhysicalLength = 0;
            Result.TabletLength = 0;
            Result.PhysicalStart = new Point();
            Result.TabletStart = new Point();
        #region Message Processing API
        internal void Update(RawStylusInputReport rsir, bool initial = false)
            // Do not process non-Pen input
            if (_stylusDevice.TabletDevice.Type != TabletDeviceType.Stylus)
            switch (rsir.Actions)
                case RawStylusActions.Down:
                        // Always reset on a down.  Pens have one contact point so any down must be
                        // a new pointer and requires fresh tracking.
                        // From this point on we can use inputs from manipulation tracked against the 
                        // current pointer id in order to tell if we need to update flick information.
                        _collectingData = true;
                        ProcessPacket(rsir, true);
                        if (_analyzingData)
                            Analyze(decide: false);
                case RawStylusActions.Up:
                        if (_canDetectFlick)
                            ProcessPacket(rsir, false);
                            if (_analyzingData)
                                Analyze(decide: true);
                                // Set Flick Result To Can't Be Flick
                        _collectingData = false;
                        _analyzingData = false;
                case RawStylusActions.Move:
                        if (_canDetectFlick)
                            ProcessPacket(rsir, initial);
                            if (_analyzingData)
                                Analyze(decide: false);
        #region Data Processing/Analysis
        private void UpdateTimePeriod(int tickCount, bool initial)
            if (!_collectingData)
            if (!initial)
                double timeDelta = (double)(tickCount - _previousTickCount);
                if (timeDelta >= 0.0 && timeDelta <= 1000.0)
                    _timePeriod = (1.0 - _timePeriodAlpha) * _timePeriod + _timePeriodAlpha * timeDelta;
            _previousTickCount = tickCount;
        private void ProcessPacket(RawStylusInputReport rsir, bool initial)
            UpdateTimePeriod(rsir.Timestamp, initial);
            if (!_collectingData)
            Point tabletPoint = rsir.GetLastTabletPoint();
            // Get the device coordinates in HiMetric
            Point physPoint = GetPhysicalCoordinates(tabletPoint);
            if (initial)
                _flickStartPhysical = physPoint;
                _flickStartTablet = tabletPoint;
                _elapsedTime = 0;
                _elapsedTime += _timePeriod;
            if (!_movedEnoughFromPenDown)
                if (_lastPhysicalPointValid)
                    double dist = Distance(_lastPhysicalPoint, physPoint);
                    _distance += dist;
                    // If at any time a fair distance is moved from packet to packet
                    // or the entire distance traveled thus far is greater than the side
                    // of m_rcdrag, we say the pen has moved enough and start the flick
                    // detection
                    if ((dist > PreciseFlickMinimumVelocity) || (dist >= _flickMaximumStationaryDisplacementX))
                        _movedEnoughFromPenDown = true;
                if (!_movedEnoughFromPenDown)
                    // If the pen has left the m_rcDrag rect or if adequate time
                    // has elapsed, start the flick detection
                    if (!_drag.Contains(physPoint) || (_elapsedTime > 3000))
                        _movedEnoughFromPenDown = true;
                _lastPhysicalPoint = physPoint;
                _lastPhysicalPointValid = true;
            if (_movedEnoughFromPenDown && !_analyzingData)
            if (_analyzingData)
                AddPoint(physPoint, tabletPoint);
        private void Analyze(bool decide)
            Result.CanBeFlick = true;
            Result.IsLengthOk = true;
            Result.IsSpeedOk = true;
            Result.IsCurvatureOk = true;
            Result.IsLiftOk = true;
            Result.DirectionDeg = Convert.ToInt32(RadiansToDegrees(_flickDirectionRadians));
            Result.PhysicalStart = _flickStartPhysical;
            Result.TabletStart = _flickStartTablet;
            Result.PhysicalLength = Convert.ToInt32(.5 + Distance(Result.PhysicalStart, _previousFlickData.PhysicalPoint));
            Result.TabletLength = Convert.ToInt32(.5 + Distance(Result.TabletStart, _previousFlickData.TabletPoint));
            double flickPathDifference = _flickPathDistance - _flickLength;
            double flickLengthRatio = 1.0;
            if (_flickLength > 0)
                flickLengthRatio = _flickPathDistance / _flickLength;
            if (_flickTimeLowVelocity > _flickMaximumStationaryTime)
                Result.CanBeFlick = false;
                Result.IsLiftOk = false;
            if (_flickTime > _flickMaximumTime)
                Result.CanBeFlick = false;
                Result.IsSpeedOk = false;
            if ((flickLengthRatio > _flickMaximumLengthRatio && _flickLength > 500 && flickPathDifference > 200) || flickPathDifference > 300)
                Result.CanBeFlick = false;
                Result.IsCurvatureOk = false;
            if (_flickLength < _flickMinimumLength && decide)
                Result.CanBeFlick = false;
                Result.IsLengthOk = false;
            if (!Result.CanBeFlick || decide)
                _collectingData = false;
                _analyzingData = false;
        private void AddPoint(Point physicalPoint, Point tabletPoint)
            FlickRecognitionData newData = new FlickRecognitionData()
                PhysicalPoint = physicalPoint,
                TabletPoint = tabletPoint,
                Time = 0,
                Displacement = 0,
                Velocity = 0,
            if (_previousFlickDataValid)
                newData.Time = _previousFlickData.Time + _timePeriod;
                newData.Displacement = Distance(physicalPoint, _previousFlickData.PhysicalPoint);
                newData.Velocity = newData.Displacement / _timePeriod;
                _flickPathDistance = Distance(physicalPoint, _flickStartPhysical);
            _flickLength = Distance(physicalPoint, _flickStartPhysical);
            _flickDirectionRadians = Math.Atan2(newData.PhysicalPoint.Y - _flickStartPhysical.Y, newData.PhysicalPoint.X - _flickStartPhysical.X);
            _flickPathDistance += newData.Displacement;
            _flickTime += _timePeriod;
            _flickTimeLowVelocity += (newData.Velocity < _flickMinimumVelocity) ? _timePeriod : 0;
            _previousFlickDataValid = true;
            _previousFlickData = newData;
        #region Utility
        private void CheckWithThreshold(Point physicalPoint)
            _analyzingData = Distance(physicalPoint, _flickStartPhysical) > ThresholdLength
                || _elapsedTime > ThresholdTime;
        private void SetStableRect()
            if (_collectingData)
                _drag = new Rect(_flickStartPhysical, new Size(_flickMaximumStationaryDisplacementX, _flickMaximumStationaryDisplacementY));
        private double RadiansToDegrees(double radians)
            return ((180 * radians / Math.PI) + 360) % 360;
        /// <summary>
        /// Distance formula between two points
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p1">The first point</param>
        /// <param name="p2">The second point</param>
        /// <returns>The distance between the points</returns>
        private double Distance(Point p1, Point p2)
            return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((p1.X - p2.X), 2) + Math.Pow((p1.Y - p2.Y), 2));
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a tablet point (from the stylus point definition of X and Y).
        /// To a pure device point in HiMetric units.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tabletPoint">The point to convert</param>
        /// <returns>A physical device point in HiMetric units</returns>
        Point GetPhysicalCoordinates(Point tabletPoint)
            // DeviceRect is a HiMetric unit RECT reported directly from WM_POINTER
            double deviceSizeX = _stylusDevice.PointerTabletDevice.DeviceInfo.DeviceRect.right - _stylusDevice.PointerTabletDevice.DeviceInfo.DeviceRect.left;
            double deviceSizeY = - _stylusDevice.PointerTabletDevice.DeviceInfo.DeviceRect.bottom;
            // The TabletSize is determined by the X and Y tablet Max/Min as reported from WM_POINTER
            double tabletSizeX = _stylusDevice.PointerTabletDevice.DeviceInfo.SizeInfo.TabletSize.Width;
            double tabletSizeY = _stylusDevice.PointerTabletDevice.DeviceInfo.SizeInfo.TabletSize.Height;
            return new Point(((tabletPoint.X * deviceSizeX) / tabletSizeX), ((tabletPoint.Y * deviceSizeY) / tabletSizeY));
        private bool SetTolerance(double tolerance)
            bool result = tolerance > 0 && tolerance < 1;
            if (result)
                // Use a linear fit between the Relaxed and Precise settings for each value
                _flickMinimumLength = tolerance * PreciseFlickMinimumLength + (1.0 - tolerance) * RelaxedFlickMinimumLength;
                _flickMaximumLengthRatio = tolerance * PreciseFlickMaximumLengthRatio + (1.0 - tolerance) * RelaxedFlickMaximumLengthRatio;
                _flickMinimumVelocity = tolerance * PreciseFlickMinimumVelocity + (1.0 - tolerance) * RelaxedFlickMinimumVelocity;
                _flickMaximumTime = tolerance * PreciseFlickMaximumTime + (1.0 - tolerance) * RelaxedFlickMaximumTime;
                _flickMaximumStationaryTime = tolerance * PreciseFlickMaximumStationaryTime + (1.0 - tolerance) * RelaxedFlickMaximumStationaryTime;
                _flickMaximumStationaryDisplacementX = tolerance * PreciseFlickMaxStationaryDispX + (1.0 - tolerance) * RelaxedFlickMaxStationaryDispX;
                _flickMaximumStationaryDisplacementY = tolerance * PreciseFlickMaxStationaryDispY + (1.0 - tolerance) * RelaxedFlickMaxStationaryDispY;
                // Cache Tolerance
                _tolerance = tolerance;
            return result;