// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers.Binary;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Net.Http.HPack;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Channels;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Net.Http
internal sealed partial class Http2Connection : HttpConnectionBase
// Equivalent to the bytes returned from HPackEncoder.EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithoutIndexingNewNameToAllocatedArray(":protocol")
private static ReadOnlySpan<byte> ProtocolLiteralHeaderBytes => [0x0, 0x9, 0x3a, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6c];
private static readonly TaskCompletionSourceWithCancellation<bool> s_settingsReceivedSingleton = CreateSuccessfullyCompletedTcs();
private TaskCompletionSourceWithCancellation<bool>? _initialSettingsReceived;
private readonly Stream _stream;
// NOTE: These are mutable structs; do not make these readonly.
// ProcessIncomingFramesAsync and ProcessOutgoingFramesAsync are responsible for disposing/returning their respective buffers.
private ArrayBuffer _incomingBuffer;
private ArrayBuffer _outgoingBuffer;
/// <summary>Reusable array used to get the values for each header being written to the wire.</summary>
private static string[]? t_headerValues;
private readonly HPackDecoder _hpackDecoder;
private readonly Dictionary<int, Http2Stream> _httpStreams;
private readonly CreditManager _connectionWindow;
private RttEstimator _rttEstimator;
private int _nextStream;
private bool _receivedSettingsAck;
private int _initialServerStreamWindowSize;
private int _pendingWindowUpdate;
private uint _maxConcurrentStreams;
private uint _streamsInUse;
private TaskCompletionSource<bool>? _availableStreamsWaiter;
private readonly Channel<WriteQueueEntry> _writeChannel;
private bool _lastPendingWriterShouldFlush;
// https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9113.html#section-6.5.2-2.12.1
private uint _maxHeaderListSize = uint.MaxValue; // Defaults to infinite
// This flag indicates that the connection is shutting down and cannot accept new requests, because of one of the following conditions:
// (1) We received a GOAWAY frame from the server
// (2) We have exhaustead StreamIds (i.e. _nextStream == MaxStreamId)
// (3) A connection-level error occurred, in which case _abortException below is set.
// (4) The connection is being disposed.
// Requests currently in flight will continue to be processed.
// When all requests have completed, the connection will be torn down.
private bool _shutdown;
// If this is set, the connection is aborting due to an IO failure (IOException) or a protocol violation (Http2ProtocolException).
// _shutdown above is true, and requests in flight have been (or are being) failed.
private Exception? _abortException;
private Http2ProtocolErrorCode? _goAwayErrorCode;
private const int MaxStreamId = int.MaxValue;
// Temporary workaround for request burst handling on connection start.
private const int InitialMaxConcurrentStreams = 100;
private static ReadOnlySpan<byte> Http2ConnectionPreface => "PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n"u8;
// In debug builds, start with a very small buffer to induce buffer growing logic.
private const int InitialConnectionBufferSize = FrameHeader.Size;
// Rent enough space to receive a full data frame in one read call.
private const int InitialConnectionBufferSize = FrameHeader.Size + FrameHeader.MaxPayloadLength;
// The default initial window size for streams and connections according to the RFC:
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7540#section-5.2.1
// Unlike HttpHandlerDefaults.DefaultInitialHttp2StreamWindowSize, this value should never be changed.
internal const int DefaultInitialWindowSize = 65535;
// We don't really care about limiting control flow at the connection level.
// We limit it per stream, and the user controls how many streams are created.
// So set the connection window size to a large value.
private const int ConnectionWindowSize = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
// We hold off on sending WINDOW_UPDATE until we hit the minimum threshold.
// This value is somewhat arbitrary; the intent is to ensure it is much smaller than
// the window size itself, or we risk stalling the server because it runs out of window space.
// If we want to further reduce the frequency of WINDOW_UPDATEs, it's probably better to
// increase the window size (and thus increase the threshold proportionally)
// rather than just increase the threshold.
private const int ConnectionWindowUpdateRatio = 8;
private const int ConnectionWindowThreshold = ConnectionWindowSize / ConnectionWindowUpdateRatio;
// When buffering outgoing writes, we will automatically buffer up to this number of bytes.
// Single writes that are larger than the buffer can cause the buffer to expand beyond
// this value, so this is not a hard maximum size.
private const int UnflushedOutgoingBufferSize = 32 * 1024;
// Channel options for creating _writeChannel
private static readonly UnboundedChannelOptions s_channelOptions = new UnboundedChannelOptions() { SingleReader = true };
internal enum KeepAliveState
private readonly long _keepAlivePingDelay;
private readonly long _keepAlivePingTimeout;
private readonly HttpKeepAlivePingPolicy _keepAlivePingPolicy;
private long _keepAlivePingPayload;
private long _nextPingRequestTimestamp;
private long _keepAlivePingTimeoutTimestamp;
private volatile KeepAliveState _keepAliveState;
public Http2Connection(HttpConnectionPool pool, Stream stream, Activity? connectionSetupActivity, IPEndPoint? remoteEndPoint)
: base(pool, connectionSetupActivity, remoteEndPoint)
_stream = stream;
_incomingBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(initialSize: 0, usePool: true);
_outgoingBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(initialSize: 0, usePool: true);
_hpackDecoder = new HPackDecoder(maxHeadersLength: pool.Settings.MaxResponseHeadersByteLength);
_httpStreams = new Dictionary<int, Http2Stream>();
_connectionWindow = new CreditManager(this, nameof(_connectionWindow), DefaultInitialWindowSize);
_rttEstimator = RttEstimator.Create();
_writeChannel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<WriteQueueEntry>(s_channelOptions);
_nextStream = 1;
_initialServerStreamWindowSize = DefaultInitialWindowSize;
_maxConcurrentStreams = InitialMaxConcurrentStreams;
_streamsInUse = 0;
_pendingWindowUpdate = 0;
_keepAlivePingDelay = TimeSpanToMs(_pool.Settings._keepAlivePingDelay);
_keepAlivePingTimeout = TimeSpanToMs(_pool.Settings._keepAlivePingTimeout);
_nextPingRequestTimestamp = Environment.TickCount64 + _keepAlivePingDelay;
_keepAlivePingPolicy = _pool.Settings._keepAlivePingPolicy;
uint maxHeaderListSize = _pool._lastSeenHttp2MaxHeaderListSize;
if (maxHeaderListSize > 0)
// Previous connections to the same host advertised a limit.
// Use this as an initial value before we receive the SETTINGS frame.
_maxHeaderListSize = maxHeaderListSize;
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) TraceConnection(_stream);
static long TimeSpanToMs(TimeSpan value)
double milliseconds = value.TotalMilliseconds;
return (long)(milliseconds > int.MaxValue ? int.MaxValue : milliseconds);
~Http2Connection() => Dispose();
private object SyncObject => _httpStreams;
internal TaskCompletionSourceWithCancellation<bool> InitialSettingsReceived =>
_initialSettingsReceived ??
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _initialSettingsReceived, new(), null) ??
internal bool IsConnectEnabled { get; private set; }
public async ValueTask SetupAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
int requiredSpace = Http2ConnectionPreface.Length +
FrameHeader.Size + (2 * FrameHeader.SettingLength) +
FrameHeader.Size + FrameHeader.WindowUpdateLength;
// Send connection preface
// Send SETTINGS frame. Disable push promise & set initial window size.
FrameHeader.WriteTo(_outgoingBuffer.AvailableSpan, 2 * FrameHeader.SettingLength, FrameType.Settings, FrameFlags.None, streamId: 0);
BinaryPrimitives.WriteUInt16BigEndian(_outgoingBuffer.AvailableSpan, (ushort)SettingId.EnablePush);
BinaryPrimitives.WriteUInt32BigEndian(_outgoingBuffer.AvailableSpan, 0);
BinaryPrimitives.WriteUInt16BigEndian(_outgoingBuffer.AvailableSpan, (ushort)SettingId.InitialWindowSize);
BinaryPrimitives.WriteUInt32BigEndian(_outgoingBuffer.AvailableSpan, (uint)_pool.Settings._initialHttp2StreamWindowSize);
// The connection-level window size can not be initialized by SETTINGS frames:
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7540#section-6.9.2
// Send an initial connection-level WINDOW_UPDATE to setup the desired ConnectionWindowSize:
uint windowUpdateAmount = ConnectionWindowSize - DefaultInitialWindowSize;
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"Initial connection-level WINDOW_UPDATE, windowUpdateAmount={windowUpdateAmount}");
FrameHeader.WriteTo(_outgoingBuffer.AvailableSpan, FrameHeader.WindowUpdateLength, FrameType.WindowUpdate, FrameFlags.None, streamId: 0);
BinaryPrimitives.WriteUInt32BigEndian(_outgoingBuffer.AvailableSpan, windowUpdateAmount);
Debug.Assert(requiredSpace == _outgoingBuffer.ActiveLength);
// Processing the incoming frames before sending the client preface and SETTINGS is necessary when using a NamedPipe as a transport.
// If the preface and SETTINGS coming from the server are not read first the below WriteAsync and the ProcessIncomingFramesAsync fall into a deadlock.
// Avoid capturing the initial request's ExecutionContext for the entire lifetime of the new connection.
using (ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow())
_ = ProcessIncomingFramesAsync();
await _stream.WriteAsync(_outgoingBuffer.ActiveMemory, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception e)
// ProcessIncomingFramesAsync and ProcessOutgoingFramesAsync are responsible for disposing/returning their respective buffers.
// SetupAsync is the exception as it's responsible for starting the ProcessOutgoingFramesAsync loop.
// As we're about to throw and ProcessOutgoingFramesAsync will never be called, we must return the buffer here.
if (e is OperationCanceledException oce && oce.CancellationToken == cancellationToken)
// Note, AddHttp2ConnectionAsync handles this OCE separately so don't wrap it.
// TODO: Review this case!
throw new IOException(SR.net_http_http2_connection_not_established, e);
// Avoid capturing the initial request's ExecutionContext for the entire lifetime of the new connection.
using (ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow())
_ = ProcessOutgoingFramesAsync();
private void Shutdown()
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(_shutdown)}={_shutdown}, {nameof(_abortException)}={_abortException}");
if (!_shutdown)
// InvalidateHttp2Connection may call back into Shutdown,
// so we set the flag early to prevent executing FinalTeardown twice.
_shutdown = true;
if (_streamsInUse == 0)
public bool TryReserveStream()
lock (SyncObject)
if (_shutdown)
return false;
if (_streamsInUse < _maxConcurrentStreams)
return true;
return false;
// Can be called by the HttpConnectionPool after TryReserveStream if the stream doesn't end up being used.
// Otherwise, will be called when the request is complete and stream is closed.
public void ReleaseStream()
lock (SyncObject)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(_streamsInUse)}={_streamsInUse}");
Debug.Assert(_availableStreamsWaiter is null || _streamsInUse >= _maxConcurrentStreams);
Debug.Assert(_streamsInUse >= _httpStreams.Count);
if (_streamsInUse < _maxConcurrentStreams)
if (_streamsInUse == 0)
if (_shutdown)
// Returns true to indicate at least one stream is available
// Returns false to indicate that the connection is shutting down and cannot be used anymore
public Task<bool> WaitForAvailableStreamsAsync()
lock (SyncObject)
Debug.Assert(_availableStreamsWaiter is null, "As used currently, shouldn't already have a waiter");
if (_shutdown)
return Task.FromResult(false);
if (_streamsInUse < _maxConcurrentStreams)
return Task.FromResult(true);
// Need to wait for streams to become available.
_availableStreamsWaiter = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
return _availableStreamsWaiter.Task;
private void SignalAvailableStreamsWaiter(bool result)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(result)}={result}, {nameof(_availableStreamsWaiter)}?={_availableStreamsWaiter is not null}");
if (_availableStreamsWaiter is not null)
Debug.Assert(_shutdown != result);
_availableStreamsWaiter = null;
private async Task FlushOutgoingBytesAsync()
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(_outgoingBuffer.ActiveLength)}={_outgoingBuffer.ActiveLength}");
if (_outgoingBuffer.ActiveLength > 0)
await _stream.WriteAsync(_outgoingBuffer.ActiveMemory).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception e)
_lastPendingWriterShouldFlush = false;
private async ValueTask<FrameHeader> ReadFrameAsync(bool initialFrame = false)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(initialFrame)}={initialFrame}");
// Ensure we've read enough data for the frame header.
if (_incomingBuffer.ActiveLength < FrameHeader.Size)
// Issue a zero-byte read to avoid potentially pinning the buffer while waiting for more data.
await _stream.ReadAsync(Memory<byte>.Empty).ConfigureAwait(false);
int bytesRead = await _stream.ReadAsync(_incomingBuffer.AvailableMemory).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (bytesRead == 0)
if (_goAwayErrorCode is not null)
ThrowProtocolError(_goAwayErrorCode.Value, SR.net_http_http2_connection_close);
else if (_incomingBuffer.ActiveLength == 0)
while (_incomingBuffer.ActiveLength < FrameHeader.Size);
// Parse the frame header from our read buffer and validate it.
FrameHeader frameHeader = FrameHeader.ReadFrom(_incomingBuffer.ActiveSpan);
if (frameHeader.PayloadLength > FrameHeader.MaxPayloadLength)
if (initialFrame && NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
string response = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(_incomingBuffer.ActiveSpan.Slice(0, Math.Min(20, _incomingBuffer.ActiveLength)));
Trace($"HTTP/2 handshake failed. Server returned {response}");
ThrowProtocolError(initialFrame ? Http2ProtocolErrorCode.ProtocolError : Http2ProtocolErrorCode.FrameSizeError);
// Ensure we've read the frame contents into our buffer.
if (_incomingBuffer.ActiveLength < frameHeader.PayloadLength)
_incomingBuffer.EnsureAvailableSpace(frameHeader.PayloadLength - _incomingBuffer.ActiveLength);
// Issue a zero-byte read to avoid potentially pinning the buffer while waiting for more data.
await _stream.ReadAsync(Memory<byte>.Empty).ConfigureAwait(false);
int bytesRead = await _stream.ReadAsync(_incomingBuffer.AvailableMemory).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (bytesRead == 0) ThrowPrematureEOF(frameHeader.PayloadLength);
while (_incomingBuffer.ActiveLength < frameHeader.PayloadLength);
// Return the read frame header.
return frameHeader;
void ThrowPrematureEOF(int requiredBytes) =>
throw new HttpIOException(HttpRequestError.ResponseEnded, SR.Format(SR.net_http_invalid_response_premature_eof_bytecount, requiredBytes - _incomingBuffer.ActiveLength));
void ThrowMissingFrame() =>
throw new HttpIOException(HttpRequestError.ResponseEnded, SR.net_http_invalid_response_missing_frame);
private async Task ProcessIncomingFramesAsync()
FrameHeader frameHeader;
// Read the initial settings frame.
frameHeader = await ReadFrameAsync(initialFrame: true).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (frameHeader.Type != FrameType.Settings || frameHeader.AckFlag)
if (frameHeader.Type == FrameType.GoAway)
var (_, errorCode) = ReadGoAwayFrame(frameHeader);
ThrowProtocolError(errorCode, SR.net_http_http2_connection_close);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"Frame 0: {frameHeader}.");
// Process the initial SETTINGS frame. This will send an ACK.
ProcessSettingsFrame(frameHeader, initialFrame: true);
catch (HttpProtocolException e)
catch (Exception e)
InitialSettingsReceived.TrySetException(new HttpIOException(HttpRequestError.InvalidResponse, SR.net_http_http2_connection_not_established, e));
throw new HttpIOException(HttpRequestError.InvalidResponse, SR.net_http_http2_connection_not_established, e);
// Keep processing frames as they arrive.
for (long frameNum = 1; ; frameNum++)
// We could just call ReadFrameAsync here, but we add this code
// to avoid another state machine allocation in the relatively common case where we
// currently don't have enough data buffered and issuing a read for the frame header
// completes asynchronously, but that read ends up also reading enough data to fulfill
// the entire frame's needs (not just the header).
if (_incomingBuffer.ActiveLength < FrameHeader.Size)
// Issue a zero-byte read to avoid potentially pinning the buffer while waiting for more data.
ValueTask<int> zeroByteReadTask = _stream.ReadAsync(Memory<byte>.Empty);
if (!zeroByteReadTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully && _incomingBuffer.ActiveLength == 0)
// No data is available yet. Return the receive buffer back to the pool while we wait.
await zeroByteReadTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
// While we only need FrameHeader.Size bytes to complete this read, it's better if we rent more
// to avoid multiple ReadAsync calls and resizes once we start copying the content.
int bytesRead = await _stream.ReadAsync(_incomingBuffer.AvailableMemory).ConfigureAwait(false);
Debug.Assert(bytesRead >= 0);
if (bytesRead == 0)
// ReadFrameAsync below will detect that the frame is incomplete and throw the appropriate error.
while (_incomingBuffer.ActiveLength < FrameHeader.Size);
// Read the frame.
frameHeader = await ReadFrameAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"Frame {frameNum}: {frameHeader}.");
// Process the frame.
switch (frameHeader.Type)
case FrameType.Headers:
await ProcessHeadersFrame(frameHeader).ConfigureAwait(false);
case FrameType.Data:
case FrameType.Settings:
case FrameType.Priority:
case FrameType.Ping:
case FrameType.WindowUpdate:
case FrameType.RstStream:
case FrameType.GoAway:
case FrameType.AltSvc:
case FrameType.PushPromise: // Should not happen, since we disable this in our initial SETTINGS
case FrameType.Continuation: // Should only be received while processing headers in ProcessHeadersFrame
catch (Exception e)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(ProcessIncomingFramesAsync)}: {e.Message}");
// Note, this will return null for a streamId that's no longer in use.
// Callers must check for this and send a RST_STREAM or ignore as appropriate.
// If the streamId is invalid or the stream is idle, calling this function
// will result in a connection level error.
private Http2Stream? GetStream(int streamId)
if (streamId <= 0 || streamId >= _nextStream)
lock (SyncObject)
if (!_httpStreams.TryGetValue(streamId, out Http2Stream? http2Stream))
return null;
return http2Stream;
private async ValueTask ProcessHeadersFrame(FrameHeader frameHeader)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{frameHeader}");
Debug.Assert(frameHeader.Type == FrameType.Headers);
bool endStream = frameHeader.EndStreamFlag;
int streamId = frameHeader.StreamId;
Http2Stream? http2Stream = GetStream(streamId);
IHttpStreamHeadersHandler headersHandler;
if (http2Stream != null)
_rttEstimator.OnDataOrHeadersReceived(this, sendWindowUpdateBeforePing: true);
headersHandler = http2Stream;
// http2Stream will be null if this is a closed stream. We will still process the headers,
// to ensure the header decoding state is up-to-date, but we will discard the decoded headers.
headersHandler = NopHeadersHandler.Instance;
GetFrameData(_incomingBuffer.ActiveSpan.Slice(0, frameHeader.PayloadLength), frameHeader.PaddedFlag, frameHeader.PriorityFlag),
while (!frameHeader.EndHeadersFlag)
frameHeader = await ReadFrameAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
if (frameHeader.Type != FrameType.Continuation ||
frameHeader.StreamId != streamId)
_incomingBuffer.ActiveSpan.Slice(0, frameHeader.PayloadLength),
/// <summary>Nop implementation of <see cref="IHttpStreamHeadersHandler"/> used by <see cref="ProcessHeadersFrame"/>.</summary>
private sealed class NopHeadersHandler : IHttpStreamHeadersHandler
public static readonly NopHeadersHandler Instance = new NopHeadersHandler();
void IHttpStreamHeadersHandler.OnHeader(ReadOnlySpan<byte> name, ReadOnlySpan<byte> value) { }
void IHttpStreamHeadersHandler.OnHeadersComplete(bool endStream) { }
void IHttpStreamHeadersHandler.OnStaticIndexedHeader(int index) { }
void IHttpStreamHeadersHandler.OnStaticIndexedHeader(int index, ReadOnlySpan<byte> value) { }
void IHttpStreamHeadersHandler.OnDynamicIndexedHeader(int? index, ReadOnlySpan<byte> name, ReadOnlySpan<byte> value) { }
private static ReadOnlySpan<byte> GetFrameData(ReadOnlySpan<byte> frameData, bool hasPad, bool hasPriority)
if (hasPad)
if (frameData.Length == 0)
int padLength = frameData[0];
frameData = frameData.Slice(1);
if (frameData.Length < padLength)
frameData = frameData.Slice(0, frameData.Length - padLength);
if (hasPriority)
if (frameData.Length < FrameHeader.PriorityInfoLength)
// We ignore priority info.
frameData = frameData.Slice(FrameHeader.PriorityInfoLength);
return frameData;
/// <summary>
/// Parses an ALTSVC frame, defined by RFC 7838 Section 4.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The RFC states that any parse errors should result in ignoring the frame.
/// </remarks>
private void ProcessAltSvcFrame(FrameHeader frameHeader)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{frameHeader}");
Debug.Assert(frameHeader.Type == FrameType.AltSvc);
ReadOnlySpan<byte> span = _incomingBuffer.ActiveSpan.Slice(0, frameHeader.PayloadLength);
if (BinaryPrimitives.TryReadUInt16BigEndian(span, out ushort originLength))
span = span.Slice(2);
// Check that this ALTSVC frame is valid for our pool's origin. ALTSVC frames can come in one of two ways:
// - On stream 0, the origin will be specified. HTTP/2 can service multiple origins per connection, and so the server can report origins other than what our pool is using.
// - Otherwise, the origin is implicitly defined by the request stream and must be of length 0.
if ((frameHeader.StreamId != 0 && originLength == 0) || (frameHeader.StreamId == 0 && span.Length >= originLength && span.Slice(0, originLength).SequenceEqual(_pool.Http2AltSvcOriginUri)))
span = span.Slice(originLength);
// The span now contains a string with the same format as Alt-Svc headers.
string altSvcHeaderValue = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(span);
_pool.HandleAltSvc(new[] { altSvcHeaderValue }, null);
private void ProcessDataFrame(FrameHeader frameHeader)
Debug.Assert(frameHeader.Type == FrameType.Data);
Http2Stream? http2Stream = GetStream(frameHeader.StreamId);
// Note, http2Stream will be null if this is a closed stream.
// Just ignore the frame in this case.
ReadOnlySpan<byte> frameData = GetFrameData(_incomingBuffer.ActiveSpan.Slice(0, frameHeader.PayloadLength), hasPad: frameHeader.PaddedFlag, hasPriority: false);
bool endStream = frameHeader.EndStreamFlag;
if (frameData.Length > 0 || endStream)
http2Stream?.OnResponseData(frameData, endStream);
if (frameData.Length > 0)
bool windowUpdateSent = ExtendWindow(frameData.Length);
if (http2Stream is not null && !endStream)
_rttEstimator.OnDataOrHeadersReceived(this, sendWindowUpdateBeforePing: !windowUpdateSent);
private void ProcessSettingsFrame(FrameHeader frameHeader, bool initialFrame = false)
Debug.Assert(frameHeader.Type == FrameType.Settings);
if (frameHeader.StreamId != 0)
if (frameHeader.AckFlag)
if (frameHeader.PayloadLength != 0)
if (_receivedSettingsAck)
// We only send SETTINGS once initially, so we don't need to do anything in response to the ACK.
// Just remember that we received one and we won't be expecting any more.
_receivedSettingsAck = true;
if ((frameHeader.PayloadLength % 6) != 0)
// Parse settings and process the ones we care about.
ReadOnlySpan<byte> settings = _incomingBuffer.ActiveSpan.Slice(0, frameHeader.PayloadLength);
bool maxConcurrentStreamsReceived = false;
while (settings.Length > 0)
Debug.Assert((settings.Length % 6) == 0);
ushort settingId = BinaryPrimitives.ReadUInt16BigEndian(settings);
settings = settings.Slice(2);
uint settingValue = BinaryPrimitives.ReadUInt32BigEndian(settings);
settings = settings.Slice(4);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"Applying setting {(SettingId)settingId}={settingValue}");
switch ((SettingId)settingId)
case SettingId.MaxConcurrentStreams:
maxConcurrentStreamsReceived = true;
case SettingId.InitialWindowSize:
if (settingValue > 0x7FFFFFFF)
case SettingId.MaxFrameSize:
if (settingValue < 16384 || settingValue > 16777215)
// We don't actually store this value; we always send frames of the minimum size (16K).
case SettingId.EnableConnect:
if (settingValue == 1)
IsConnectEnabled = true;
else if (settingValue == 0 && IsConnectEnabled)
// Accroding to RFC: a sender MUST NOT send a SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL parameter
// with the value of 0 after previously sending a value of 1.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8441#section-3
case SettingId.MaxHeaderListSize:
_maxHeaderListSize = settingValue;
_pool._lastSeenHttp2MaxHeaderListSize = _maxHeaderListSize;
// All others are ignored because we don't care about them.
// Note, per RFC, unknown settings IDs should be ignored.
if (initialFrame)
if (!maxConcurrentStreamsReceived)
// Set to 'infinite' because MaxConcurrentStreams was not set on the initial SETTINGS frame.
if (_initialSettingsReceived is null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _initialSettingsReceived, s_settingsReceivedSingleton, null);
// Set result in case if CompareExchange lost the race
// Send acknowledgement
// Don't wait for completion, which could happen asynchronously.
private void ChangeMaxConcurrentStreams(uint newValue)
lock (SyncObject)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(newValue)}={newValue}, {nameof(_streamsInUse)}={_streamsInUse}, {nameof(_availableStreamsWaiter)}?={_availableStreamsWaiter is not null}");
Debug.Assert(_availableStreamsWaiter is null || _streamsInUse >= _maxConcurrentStreams);
_maxConcurrentStreams = newValue;
if (_streamsInUse < _maxConcurrentStreams)
private void ChangeInitialWindowSize(int newSize)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(newSize)}={newSize}");
Debug.Assert(newSize >= 0);
lock (SyncObject)
int delta = newSize - _initialServerStreamWindowSize;
_initialServerStreamWindowSize = newSize;
// Adjust existing streams
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Http2Stream> kvp in _httpStreams)
private void ProcessPriorityFrame(FrameHeader frameHeader)
Debug.Assert(frameHeader.Type == FrameType.Priority);
if (frameHeader.StreamId == 0 || frameHeader.PayloadLength != FrameHeader.PriorityInfoLength)
// Ignore priority info.
private void ProcessPingFrame(FrameHeader frameHeader)
Debug.Assert(frameHeader.Type == FrameType.Ping);
if (frameHeader.StreamId != 0)
if (frameHeader.PayloadLength != FrameHeader.PingLength)
// We don't wait for SendPingAckAsync to complete before discarding
// the incoming buffer, so we need to take a copy of the data. Read
// it as a big-endian integer here to avoid allocating an array.
Debug.Assert(sizeof(long) == FrameHeader.PingLength);
ReadOnlySpan<byte> pingContent = _incomingBuffer.ActiveSpan.Slice(0, FrameHeader.PingLength);
long pingContentLong = BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt64BigEndian(pingContent);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"Received PING frame, content:{pingContentLong} ack: {frameHeader.AckFlag}");
if (frameHeader.AckFlag)
LogExceptions(SendPingAsync(pingContentLong, isAck: true));
private void ProcessWindowUpdateFrame(FrameHeader frameHeader)
Debug.Assert(frameHeader.Type == FrameType.WindowUpdate);
if (frameHeader.PayloadLength != FrameHeader.WindowUpdateLength)
int amount = BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt32BigEndian(_incomingBuffer.ActiveSpan) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{frameHeader}. {nameof(amount)}={amount}");
Debug.Assert(amount >= 0);
if (amount == 0)
if (frameHeader.StreamId == 0)
Http2Stream? http2Stream = GetStream(frameHeader.StreamId);
if (http2Stream == null)
// Ignore invalid stream ID, as per RFC
private void ProcessRstStreamFrame(FrameHeader frameHeader)
Debug.Assert(frameHeader.Type == FrameType.RstStream);
if (frameHeader.PayloadLength != FrameHeader.RstStreamLength)
if (frameHeader.StreamId == 0)
Http2Stream? http2Stream = GetStream(frameHeader.StreamId);
if (http2Stream == null)
// Ignore invalid stream ID, as per RFC
var protocolError = (Http2ProtocolErrorCode)BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt32BigEndian(_incomingBuffer.ActiveSpan);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace(frameHeader.StreamId, $"{nameof(protocolError)}={protocolError}");
bool canRetry = protocolError == Http2ProtocolErrorCode.RefusedStream;
http2Stream.OnReset(HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp2StreamException(protocolError), resetStreamErrorCode: protocolError, canRetry: canRetry);
private void ProcessGoAwayFrame(FrameHeader frameHeader)
var (lastStreamId, errorCode) = ReadGoAwayFrame(frameHeader);
Debug.Assert(lastStreamId >= 0);
Exception resetException = HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp2ConnectionException(errorCode, SR.net_http_http2_connection_close);
_goAwayErrorCode = errorCode;
// There is no point sending more PING frames for RTT estimation:
List<Http2Stream> streamsToAbort = new List<Http2Stream>();
lock (SyncObject)
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Http2Stream> kvp in _httpStreams)
int streamId = kvp.Key;
Debug.Assert(streamId == kvp.Value.StreamId);
if (streamId > lastStreamId)
// Avoid calling OnReset under the lock, as it may cause the Http2Stream to call back in to RemoveStream
foreach (Http2Stream s in streamsToAbort)
s.OnReset(resetException, canRetry: true);
private (int lastStreamId, Http2ProtocolErrorCode errorCode) ReadGoAwayFrame(FrameHeader frameHeader)
Debug.Assert(frameHeader.Type == FrameType.GoAway);
if (frameHeader.PayloadLength < FrameHeader.GoAwayMinLength)
if (frameHeader.StreamId != 0)
int lastStreamId = (int)(BinaryPrimitives.ReadUInt32BigEndian(_incomingBuffer.ActiveSpan) & 0x7FFFFFFF);
Http2ProtocolErrorCode errorCode = (Http2ProtocolErrorCode)BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt32BigEndian(_incomingBuffer.ActiveSpan.Slice(sizeof(int)));
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace(frameHeader.StreamId, $"{nameof(lastStreamId)}={lastStreamId}, {nameof(errorCode)}={errorCode}");
return (lastStreamId, errorCode);
internal Task FlushAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
PerformWriteAsync(0, 0, static (_, __) => true, cancellationToken);
private abstract class WriteQueueEntry : TaskCompletionSource
private readonly CancellationTokenRegistration _cancellationRegistration;
public WriteQueueEntry(int writeBytes, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
: base(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously)
WriteBytes = writeBytes;
_cancellationRegistration = cancellationToken.UnsafeRegister(static (s, cancellationToken) =>
bool canceled = ((WriteQueueEntry)s!).TrySetCanceled(cancellationToken);
Debug.Assert(canceled, "Callback should have been unregistered if the operation was completing successfully.");
}, this);
public int WriteBytes { get; }
public bool TryDisableCancellation()
return !Task.IsCanceled;
public abstract bool InvokeWriteAction(Memory<byte> writeBuffer);
private sealed class WriteQueueEntry<T> : WriteQueueEntry
private readonly T _state;
private readonly Func<T, Memory<byte>, bool> _writeAction;
public WriteQueueEntry(int writeBytes, T state, Func<T, Memory<byte>, bool> writeAction, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
: base(writeBytes, cancellationToken)
_state = state;
_writeAction = writeAction;
public override bool InvokeWriteAction(Memory<byte> writeBuffer)
return _writeAction(_state, writeBuffer);
private Task PerformWriteAsync<T>(int writeBytes, T state, Func<T, Memory<byte>, bool> writeAction, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
WriteQueueEntry writeEntry = new WriteQueueEntry<T>(writeBytes, state, writeAction, cancellationToken);
if (!_writeChannel.Writer.TryWrite(writeEntry))
if (_abortException is not null)
return Task.FromException(GetRequestAbortedException(_abortException));
// We must be trying to send something asynchronously (like RST_STREAM or a PING or a SETTINGS ACK) and it has raced with the connection tear down.
// As such, it should not matter that we were not able to actually send the frame.
// But just in case, throw ObjectDisposedException. Asynchronous callers will ignore the failure.
Debug.Assert(_shutdown && _streamsInUse == 0);
return Task.FromException(new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(Http2Connection)));
return writeEntry.Task;
private async Task ProcessOutgoingFramesAsync()
while (await _writeChannel.Reader.WaitToReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
while (_writeChannel.Reader.TryRead(out WriteQueueEntry? writeEntry))
if (_abortException is not null)
if (writeEntry.TryDisableCancellation())
int writeBytes = writeEntry.WriteBytes;
// If the buffer has already grown to 32k, does not have room for the next request,
// and is non-empty, flush the current contents to the wire.
int totalBufferLength = _outgoingBuffer.Capacity;
if (totalBufferLength >= UnflushedOutgoingBufferSize)
int activeBufferLength = _outgoingBuffer.ActiveLength;
if (writeBytes >= totalBufferLength - activeBufferLength)
await FlushOutgoingBytesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
// We are ready to process the write, so disable write cancellation now.
if (writeEntry.TryDisableCancellation())
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(writeBytes)}={writeBytes}");
// Invoke the callback with the supplied state and the target write buffer.
bool flush = writeEntry.InvokeWriteAction(_outgoingBuffer.AvailableMemorySliced(writeBytes));
_lastPendingWriterShouldFlush |= flush;
catch (Exception e)
// Nothing left in the queue to process.
// Flush the write buffer if we need to.
if (_lastPendingWriterShouldFlush)
await FlushOutgoingBytesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
if (_outgoingBuffer.ActiveLength == 0)
catch (Exception e)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"Unexpected exception in {nameof(ProcessOutgoingFramesAsync)}: {e}");
Debug.Fail($"Unexpected exception in {nameof(ProcessOutgoingFramesAsync)}: {e}");
private Task SendSettingsAckAsync() =>
PerformWriteAsync(FrameHeader.Size, this, static (thisRef, writeBuffer) =>
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) thisRef.Trace("Started writing.");
FrameHeader.WriteTo(writeBuffer.Span, 0, FrameType.Settings, FrameFlags.Ack, streamId: 0);
return true;
/// <param name="pingContent">The 8-byte ping content to send, read as a big-endian integer.</param>
/// <param name="isAck">Determine whether the frame is ping or ping ack.</param>
private Task SendPingAsync(long pingContent, bool isAck = false) =>
PerformWriteAsync(FrameHeader.Size + FrameHeader.PingLength, (thisRef: this, pingContent, isAck), static (state, writeBuffer) =>
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) state.thisRef.Trace($"Started writing. {nameof(pingContent)}={state.pingContent}");
Debug.Assert(sizeof(long) == FrameHeader.PingLength);
Span<byte> span = writeBuffer.Span;
FrameHeader.WriteTo(span, FrameHeader.PingLength, FrameType.Ping, state.isAck ? FrameFlags.Ack : FrameFlags.None, streamId: 0);
BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt64BigEndian(span.Slice(FrameHeader.Size), state.pingContent);
return true;
private Task SendRstStreamAsync(int streamId, Http2ProtocolErrorCode errorCode) =>
PerformWriteAsync(FrameHeader.Size + FrameHeader.RstStreamLength, (thisRef: this, streamId, errorCode), static (s, writeBuffer) =>
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) s.thisRef.Trace(s.streamId, $"Started writing. {nameof(s.errorCode)}={s.errorCode}");
Span<byte> span = writeBuffer.Span;
FrameHeader.WriteTo(span, FrameHeader.RstStreamLength, FrameType.RstStream, FrameFlags.None, s.streamId);
BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt32BigEndian(span.Slice(FrameHeader.Size), (int)s.errorCode);
return true;
internal void HeartBeat()
if (_shutdown)
catch (Exception e)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(HeartBeat)}: {e.Message}");
private static (ReadOnlyMemory<byte> first, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> rest) SplitBuffer(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> buffer, int maxSize) =>
buffer.Length > maxSize ?
(buffer.Slice(0, maxSize), buffer.Slice(maxSize)) :
(buffer, Memory<byte>.Empty);
private void WriteIndexedHeader(int index, ref ArrayBuffer headerBuffer)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(index)}={index}");
int bytesWritten;
while (!HPackEncoder.EncodeIndexedHeaderField(index, headerBuffer.AvailableSpan, out bytesWritten))
private void WriteIndexedHeader(int index, string value, ref ArrayBuffer headerBuffer)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(index)}={index}, {nameof(value)}={value}");
int bytesWritten;
while (!HPackEncoder.EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithoutIndexing(index, value, valueEncoding: null, headerBuffer.AvailableSpan, out bytesWritten))
private void WriteLiteralHeader(string name, ReadOnlySpan<string> values, Encoding? valueEncoding, ref ArrayBuffer headerBuffer)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(name)}={name}, {nameof(values)}={string.Join(", ", values.ToArray())}");
int bytesWritten;
while (!HPackEncoder.EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithoutIndexingNewName(name, values, HttpHeaderParser.DefaultSeparatorBytes, valueEncoding, headerBuffer.AvailableSpan, out bytesWritten))
private void WriteLiteralHeaderValues(ReadOnlySpan<string> values, byte[]? separator, Encoding? valueEncoding, ref ArrayBuffer headerBuffer)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(values)}={string.Join(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(separator ?? []), values.ToArray())}");
int bytesWritten;
while (!HPackEncoder.EncodeStringLiterals(values, separator, valueEncoding, headerBuffer.AvailableSpan, out bytesWritten))
private void WriteLiteralHeaderValue(string value, Encoding? valueEncoding, ref ArrayBuffer headerBuffer)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(value)}={value}");
int bytesWritten;
while (!HPackEncoder.EncodeStringLiteral(value, valueEncoding, headerBuffer.AvailableSpan, out bytesWritten))
private void WriteBytes(ReadOnlySpan<byte> bytes, ref ArrayBuffer headerBuffer)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(bytes.Length)}={bytes.Length}");
private int WriteHeaderCollection(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpHeaders headers, ref ArrayBuffer headerBuffer)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace("");
HeaderEncodingSelector<HttpRequestMessage>? encodingSelector = _pool.Settings._requestHeaderEncodingSelector;
ref string[]? tmpHeaderValuesArray = ref t_headerValues;
ReadOnlySpan<HeaderEntry> entries = headers.GetEntries();
int headerListSize = entries.Length * HeaderField.RfcOverhead;
foreach (HeaderEntry header in entries)
int headerValuesCount = HttpHeaders.GetStoreValuesIntoStringArray(header.Key, header.Value, ref tmpHeaderValuesArray);
Debug.Assert(headerValuesCount > 0, "No values for header??");
ReadOnlySpan<string> headerValues = tmpHeaderValuesArray.AsSpan(0, headerValuesCount);
Encoding? valueEncoding = encodingSelector?.Invoke(header.Key.Name, request);
KnownHeader? knownHeader = header.Key.KnownHeader;
if (knownHeader != null)
// The Host header is not sent for HTTP2 because we send the ":authority" pseudo-header instead
// (see pseudo-header handling below in WriteHeaders).
// The Connection, Upgrade and ProxyConnection headers are also not supported in HTTP2.
if (knownHeader != KnownHeaders.Host && knownHeader != KnownHeaders.Connection && knownHeader != KnownHeaders.Upgrade && knownHeader != KnownHeaders.ProxyConnection)
// The length of the encoded name may be shorter than the actual name.
// Ensure that headerListSize is always >= of the actual size.
headerListSize += knownHeader.Name.Length;
if (knownHeader == KnownHeaders.TE)
// HTTP/2 allows only 'trailers' TE header. rfc7540
foreach (string value in headerValues)
if (string.Equals(value, "trailers", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
WriteBytes(knownHeader.Http2EncodedName, ref headerBuffer);
WriteLiteralHeaderValue(value, valueEncoding, ref headerBuffer);
// Extended connect requests will use the response content stream for bidirectional communication.
// We will ignore any content set for such requests in Http2Stream.SendRequestBodyAsync, as it has no defined semantics.
// Drop the Content-Length header as well in the unlikely case it was set.
if (knownHeader == KnownHeaders.ContentLength && request.IsExtendedConnectRequest)
// For all other known headers, send them via their pre-encoded name and the associated value.
WriteBytes(knownHeader.Http2EncodedName, ref headerBuffer);
byte[]? separator = headerValues.Length > 1 ? header.Key.SeparatorBytes : null;
WriteLiteralHeaderValues(headerValues, separator, valueEncoding, ref headerBuffer);
// The header is not known: fall back to just encoding the header name and value(s).
WriteLiteralHeader(header.Key.Name, headerValues, valueEncoding, ref headerBuffer);
return headerListSize;
private void WriteHeaders(HttpRequestMessage request, ref ArrayBuffer headerBuffer)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace("");
WriteBytes(request.Method.Http2EncodedBytes, ref headerBuffer);
WriteIndexedHeader(_pool.IsSecure ? H2StaticTable.SchemeHttps : H2StaticTable.SchemeHttp, ref headerBuffer);
if (request.HasHeaders && request.Headers.Host is string host)
WriteIndexedHeader(H2StaticTable.Authority, host, ref headerBuffer);
WriteBytes(_pool._http2EncodedAuthorityHostHeader, ref headerBuffer);
Debug.Assert(request.RequestUri != null);
string pathAndQuery = request.RequestUri.PathAndQuery;
if (pathAndQuery == "/")
WriteIndexedHeader(H2StaticTable.PathSlash, ref headerBuffer);
WriteIndexedHeader(H2StaticTable.PathSlash, pathAndQuery, ref headerBuffer);
int headerListSize = 3 * HeaderField.RfcOverhead; // Method, Authority, Path
if (request.HasHeaders)
// HTTP2 does not support Transfer-Encoding: chunked, so disable this on the request.
if (request.Headers.TransferEncodingChunked == true)
request.Headers.TransferEncodingChunked = false;
if (request.Headers.Protocol is string protocol)
WriteBytes(ProtocolLiteralHeaderBytes, ref headerBuffer);
Encoding? protocolEncoding = _pool.Settings._requestHeaderEncodingSelector?.Invoke(":protocol", request);
WriteLiteralHeaderValue(protocol, protocolEncoding, ref headerBuffer);
headerListSize += HeaderField.RfcOverhead;
headerListSize += WriteHeaderCollection(request, request.Headers, ref headerBuffer);
// Determine cookies to send.
if (_pool.Settings._useCookies)
string cookiesFromContainer = _pool.Settings._cookieContainer!.GetCookieHeader(request.RequestUri);
if (cookiesFromContainer != string.Empty)
WriteBytes(KnownHeaders.Cookie.Http2EncodedName, ref headerBuffer);
Encoding? cookieEncoding = _pool.Settings._requestHeaderEncodingSelector?.Invoke(KnownHeaders.Cookie.Name, request);
WriteLiteralHeaderValue(cookiesFromContainer, cookieEncoding, ref headerBuffer);
headerListSize += HttpKnownHeaderNames.Cookie.Length + HeaderField.RfcOverhead;
if (request.Content == null)
// Write out Content-Length: 0 header to indicate no body,
// unless this is a method that never has a body.
if (request.Method.MustHaveRequestBody)
WriteBytes(KnownHeaders.ContentLength.Http2EncodedName, ref headerBuffer);
WriteLiteralHeaderValue("0", valueEncoding: null, ref headerBuffer);
headerListSize += HttpKnownHeaderNames.ContentLength.Length + HeaderField.RfcOverhead;
headerListSize += WriteHeaderCollection(request, request.Content.Headers, ref headerBuffer);
// The headerListSize is an approximation of the total header length.
// This is acceptable as long as the value is always >= the actual length.
// We must avoid ever sending more than the server allowed.
// This approach must be revisited if we ever support the dynamic table or compression when sending requests.
headerListSize += headerBuffer.ActiveLength;
uint maxHeaderListSize = _maxHeaderListSize;
if ((uint)headerListSize > maxHeaderListSize)
throw new HttpRequestException(SR.Format(SR.net_http_request_headers_exceeded_length, maxHeaderListSize));
private void AddStream(Http2Stream http2Stream)
lock (SyncObject)
if (_nextStream == MaxStreamId)
// We have exhausted StreamIds. Shut down the connection.
if (_abortException is not null)
throw GetRequestAbortedException(_abortException);
if (_shutdown)
// The connection has shut down. Throw a retryable exception so that this request will be handled on another connection.
if (_streamsInUse > _maxConcurrentStreams)
// The server must have sent a downward adjustment to SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, so our previous stream reservation is no longer valid.
// We might want a better exception message here, but in general the user shouldn't see this anyway since it will be retried.
if (_httpStreams.Count == 0)
// Now that we're holding the lock, configure the stream. The lock must be held while
// assigning the stream ID to ensure only one stream gets an ID, and it must be held
// across setting the initial window size (available credit) and storing the stream into
// collection such that window size updates are able to atomically affect all known streams.
http2Stream.Initialize(_nextStream, _initialServerStreamWindowSize);
// Client-initiated streams are always odd-numbered, so increase by 2.
_nextStream += 2;
_httpStreams.Add(http2Stream.StreamId, http2Stream);
private async ValueTask<Http2Stream> SendHeadersAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool mustFlush)
ArrayBuffer headerBuffer = default;
if (HttpTelemetry.Log.IsEnabled()) HttpTelemetry.Log.RequestHeadersStart(Id);
// Serialize headers to a temporary buffer, and do as much work to prepare to send the headers as we can
// before taking the write lock.
headerBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(InitialConnectionBufferSize, usePool: true);
WriteHeaders(request, ref headerBuffer);
ReadOnlyMemory<byte> headerBytes = headerBuffer.ActiveMemory;
Debug.Assert(headerBytes.Length > 0);
// Calculate the total number of bytes we're going to use (content + headers).
int frameCount = ((headerBytes.Length - 1) / FrameHeader.MaxPayloadLength) + 1;
int totalSize = headerBytes.Length + (frameCount * FrameHeader.Size);
// Construct and initialize the new Http2Stream instance. It's stream ID must be set below
// before the instance is used and stored into the dictionary. However, we construct it here
// so as to avoid the allocation and initialization expense while holding multiple locks.
var http2Stream = new Http2Stream(request, this);
// Start the write. This serializes access to write to the connection, and ensures that HEADERS
// and CONTINUATION frames stay together, as they must do. We use the lock as well to ensure new
// streams are created and started in order.
await PerformWriteAsync(totalSize, (thisRef: this, http2Stream, headerBytes, endStream: (request.Content == null && !request.IsExtendedConnectRequest), mustFlush), static (s, writeBuffer) =>
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) s.thisRef.Trace(s.http2Stream.StreamId, $"Started writing. Total header bytes={s.headerBytes.Length}");
Span<byte> span = writeBuffer.Span;
// Copy the HEADERS frame.
ReadOnlyMemory<byte> current, remaining;
(current, remaining) = SplitBuffer(s.headerBytes, FrameHeader.MaxPayloadLength);
FrameFlags flags = (remaining.Length == 0 ? FrameFlags.EndHeaders : FrameFlags.None);
flags |= (s.endStream ? FrameFlags.EndStream : FrameFlags.None);
FrameHeader.WriteTo(span, current.Length, FrameType.Headers, flags, s.http2Stream.StreamId);
span = span.Slice(FrameHeader.Size);
span = span.Slice(current.Length);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) s.thisRef.Trace(s.http2Stream.StreamId, $"Wrote HEADERS frame. Length={current.Length}, flags={flags}");
// Copy CONTINUATION frames, if any.
while (remaining.Length > 0)
(current, remaining) = SplitBuffer(remaining, FrameHeader.MaxPayloadLength);
flags = remaining.Length == 0 ? FrameFlags.EndHeaders : FrameFlags.None;
FrameHeader.WriteTo(span, current.Length, FrameType.Continuation, flags, s.http2Stream.StreamId);
span = span.Slice(FrameHeader.Size);
span = span.Slice(current.Length);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) s.thisRef.Trace(s.http2Stream.StreamId, $"Wrote CONTINUATION frame. Length={current.Length}, flags={flags}");
Debug.Assert(span.Length == 0);
return s.mustFlush || s.endStream;
}, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (HttpTelemetry.Log.IsEnabled()) HttpTelemetry.Log.RequestHeadersStop();
return http2Stream;
private async Task SendStreamDataAsync(int streamId, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> buffer, bool finalFlush, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
ReadOnlyMemory<byte> remaining = buffer;
while (remaining.Length > 0)
// Once credit had been granted, we want to actually consume those bytes.
int frameSize = Math.Min(remaining.Length, FrameHeader.MaxPayloadLength);
frameSize = await _connectionWindow.RequestCreditAsync(frameSize, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
ReadOnlyMemory<byte> current;
(current, remaining) = SplitBuffer(remaining, frameSize);
bool flush = false;
if (finalFlush && remaining.Length == 0)
flush = true;
// Force a flush if we are out of credit, because we don't know that we will be sending more data any time soon
if (!_connectionWindow.IsCreditAvailable)
flush = true;
await PerformWriteAsync(FrameHeader.Size + current.Length, (thisRef: this, streamId, current, flush), static (s, writeBuffer) =>
// Invoked while holding the lock:
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) s.thisRef.Trace(s.streamId, $"Started writing. {nameof(writeBuffer.Length)}={writeBuffer.Length}");
FrameHeader.WriteTo(writeBuffer.Span, s.current.Length, FrameType.Data, FrameFlags.None, s.streamId);
return s.flush;
}, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Invoked if waiting for the lock is canceled (in that case, we need to return the credit that we have acquired and don't plan to use):
private Task SendEndStreamAsync(int streamId) =>
PerformWriteAsync(FrameHeader.Size, (thisRef: this, streamId), static (s, writeBuffer) =>
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) s.thisRef.Trace(s.streamId, "Started writing.");
FrameHeader.WriteTo(writeBuffer.Span, 0, FrameType.Data, FrameFlags.EndStream, s.streamId);
return true; // finished sending request body, so flush soon (but ok to wait for pending packets)
private Task SendWindowUpdateAsync(int streamId, int amount)
// We update both the connection-level and stream-level windows at the same time
Debug.Assert(amount > 0);
return PerformWriteAsync(FrameHeader.Size + FrameHeader.WindowUpdateLength, (thisRef: this, streamId, amount), static (s, writeBuffer) =>
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) s.thisRef.Trace(s.streamId, $"Started writing. {nameof(s.amount)}={s.amount}");
Span<byte> span = writeBuffer.Span;
FrameHeader.WriteTo(span, FrameHeader.WindowUpdateLength, FrameType.WindowUpdate, FrameFlags.None, s.streamId);
BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt32BigEndian(span.Slice(FrameHeader.Size), s.amount);
return true;
private bool ExtendWindow(int amount)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(amount)}={amount}");
Debug.Assert(amount > 0);
Debug.Assert(_pendingWindowUpdate < ConnectionWindowThreshold);
_pendingWindowUpdate += amount;
if (_pendingWindowUpdate < ConnectionWindowThreshold)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(_pendingWindowUpdate)} {_pendingWindowUpdate} < {ConnectionWindowThreshold}.");
return false;
int windowUpdateSize = _pendingWindowUpdate;
_pendingWindowUpdate = 0;
LogExceptions(SendWindowUpdateAsync(0, windowUpdateSize));
return true;
private bool ForceSendConnectionWindowUpdate()
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(_pendingWindowUpdate)}={_pendingWindowUpdate}");
if (_pendingWindowUpdate == 0) return false;
LogExceptions(SendWindowUpdateAsync(0, _pendingWindowUpdate));
_pendingWindowUpdate = 0;
return true;
/// <summary>Abort all streams and cause further processing to fail.</summary>
/// <param name="abortException">Exception causing Abort to be called.</param>
private void Abort(Exception abortException)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"{nameof(abortException)}=={abortException}");
// The connection has failed, e.g. failed IO or a connection-level protocol error.
List<Http2Stream> streamsToAbort = new List<Http2Stream>();
lock (SyncObject)
if (_abortException is not null)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"Abort called while already aborting. {nameof(abortException)}={abortException}");
_abortException = abortException;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Http2Stream> kvp in _httpStreams)
int streamId = kvp.Key;
Debug.Assert(streamId == kvp.Value.StreamId);
// Avoid calling OnReset under the lock, as it may cause the Http2Stream to call back in to RemoveStream
foreach (Http2Stream s in streamsToAbort)
private void FinalTeardown()
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace("");
Debug.Assert(_streamsInUse == 0);
bool completed = _writeChannel.Writer.TryComplete();
Debug.Assert(completed, "FinalTeardown was called twice");
// We're not disposing the _incomingBuffer and _outgoingBuffer here as they may still be in use by
// ProcessIncomingFramesAsync and ProcessOutgoingFramesAsync respectively, and those methods are
// responsible for returning the buffers.
public override void Dispose()
lock (SyncObject)
private enum FrameType : byte
Data = 0,
Headers = 1,
Priority = 2,
RstStream = 3,
Settings = 4,
PushPromise = 5,
Ping = 6,
GoAway = 7,
WindowUpdate = 8,
Continuation = 9,
AltSvc = 10,
Last = 10
private readonly struct FrameHeader
public readonly int PayloadLength;
public readonly FrameType Type;
public readonly FrameFlags Flags;
public readonly int StreamId;
public const int Size = 9;
public const int MaxPayloadLength = 16384;
public const int SettingLength = 6; // per setting (total SETTINGS length must be a multiple of this)
public const int PriorityInfoLength = 5; // for both PRIORITY frame and priority info within HEADERS
public const int PingLength = 8;
public const int WindowUpdateLength = 4;
public const int RstStreamLength = 4;
public const int GoAwayMinLength = 8;
public FrameHeader(int payloadLength, FrameType type, FrameFlags flags, int streamId)
Debug.Assert(streamId >= 0);
PayloadLength = payloadLength;
Type = type;
Flags = flags;
StreamId = streamId;
public bool PaddedFlag => (Flags & FrameFlags.Padded) != 0;
public bool AckFlag => (Flags & FrameFlags.Ack) != 0;
public bool EndHeadersFlag => (Flags & FrameFlags.EndHeaders) != 0;
public bool EndStreamFlag => (Flags & FrameFlags.EndStream) != 0;
public bool PriorityFlag => (Flags & FrameFlags.Priority) != 0;
public static FrameHeader ReadFrom(ReadOnlySpan<byte> buffer)
Debug.Assert(buffer.Length >= Size);
FrameFlags flags = (FrameFlags)buffer[4]; // do first to avoid some bounds checks
int payloadLength = (buffer[0] << 16) | (buffer[1] << 8) | buffer[2];
FrameType type = (FrameType)buffer[3];
int streamId = (int)(BinaryPrimitives.ReadUInt32BigEndian(buffer.Slice(5)) & 0x7FFFFFFF);
return new FrameHeader(payloadLength, type, flags, streamId);
public static void WriteTo(Span<byte> destination, int payloadLength, FrameType type, FrameFlags flags, int streamId)
Debug.Assert(destination.Length >= Size);
Debug.Assert(type <= FrameType.Last);
Debug.Assert((flags & FrameFlags.ValidBits) == flags);
Debug.Assert((uint)payloadLength <= MaxPayloadLength);
// This ordering helps eliminate bounds checks.
BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt32BigEndian(destination.Slice(5), streamId);
destination[4] = (byte)flags;
destination[0] = (byte)((payloadLength & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
destination[1] = (byte)((payloadLength & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
destination[2] = (byte)(payloadLength & 0x000000FF);
destination[3] = (byte)type;
public override string ToString() => $"StreamId={StreamId}; Type={Type}; Flags={Flags}; PayloadLength={PayloadLength}"; // Description for diagnostic purposes
private enum FrameFlags : byte
None = 0,
// Some frame types define bits differently. Define them all here for simplicity.
EndStream = 0b00000001,
Ack = 0b00000001,
EndHeaders = 0b00000100,
Padded = 0b00001000,
Priority = 0b00100000,
ValidBits = 0b00101101
private enum SettingId : ushort
HeaderTableSize = 0x1,
EnablePush = 0x2,
MaxConcurrentStreams = 0x3,
InitialWindowSize = 0x4,
MaxFrameSize = 0x5,
MaxHeaderListSize = 0x6,
EnableConnect = 0x8
private static TaskCompletionSourceWithCancellation<bool> CreateSuccessfullyCompletedTcs()
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSourceWithCancellation<bool>();
return tcs;
// Note that this is safe to be called concurrently by multiple threads.
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, bool async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"Sending request: {request}");
if (ConnectionSetupActivity is not null) ConnectionSetupDistributedTracing.AddConnectionLinkToRequestActivity(ConnectionSetupActivity);
// Send request headers
bool shouldExpectContinue = (request.Content != null && request.HasHeaders && request.Headers.ExpectContinue == true);
Http2Stream http2Stream = await SendHeadersAsync(request, cancellationToken, mustFlush: shouldExpectContinue || request.IsExtendedConnectRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);
bool duplex = request.Content != null && request.Content.AllowDuplex;
// If we have duplex content, then don't propagate the cancellation to the request body task.
// If cancellation occurs before we receive the response headers, then we will cancel the request body anyway.
CancellationToken requestBodyCancellationToken = duplex ? CancellationToken.None : cancellationToken;
// Start sending request body, if any.
Task requestBodyTask = http2Stream.SendRequestBodyAsync(requestBodyCancellationToken);
// Start receiving the response headers.
Task responseHeadersTask = http2Stream.ReadResponseHeadersAsync(cancellationToken);
// Wait for either task to complete. The best and most common case is when the request body completes
// before the response headers, in which case we can fully process the sending of the request and then
// fully process the sending of the response. WhenAny is not free, so we do a fast-path check to see
// if the request body completed synchronously, only progressing to do the WhenAny if it didn't. Then
// if the WhenAny completes and either the WhenAny indicated that the request body completed or
// both tasks completed, we can proceed to handle the request body as if it completed first. We also
// check whether the request content even allows for duplex communication; if it doesn't (none of
// our built-in content types do), then we can just proceed to wait for the request body content to
// complete before worrying about response headers completing.
if (requestBodyTask.IsCompleted ||
duplex == false ||
await Task.WhenAny(requestBodyTask, responseHeadersTask).ConfigureAwait(false) == requestBodyTask ||
requestBodyTask.IsCompleted ||
// The sending of the request body completed before receiving all of the request headers (or we're
// ok waiting for the request body even if it hasn't completed, e.g. because we're not doing duplex).
// This is the common and desirable case.
await requestBodyTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception e)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"Sending request content failed: {e}");
LogExceptions(responseHeadersTask); // Observe exception (if any) on responseHeadersTask.
// We received the response headers but the request body hasn't yet finished; this most commonly happens
// when the protocol is being used to enable duplex communication. If the connection is aborted or if we
// get RST or GOAWAY from server, exception will be stored in stream._abortException and propagated up
// to caller if possible while processing response, but make sure that we log any exceptions from this task
// completing asynchronously).
// Wait for the response headers to complete if they haven't already, propagating any exceptions.
await responseHeadersTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
return http2Stream.GetAndClearResponse();
catch (HttpIOException e)
throw new HttpRequestException(e.HttpRequestError, e.Message, e);
catch (Exception e) when (e is IOException || e is ObjectDisposedException || e is InvalidOperationException)
throw new HttpRequestException(HttpRequestError.Unknown, SR.net_http_client_execution_error, e);
private void RemoveStream(Http2Stream http2Stream)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace(http2Stream.StreamId, "");
lock (SyncObject)
if (!_httpStreams.Remove(http2Stream.StreamId))
Debug.Fail($"Stream {http2Stream.StreamId} not found in dictionary during RemoveStream???");
if (_httpStreams.Count == 0)
private void RefreshPingTimestamp()
_nextPingRequestTimestamp = Environment.TickCount64 + _keepAlivePingDelay;
private void ProcessPingAck(long payload)
// RttEstimator is using negative values in PING payloads.
// _keepAlivePingPayload is always non-negative.
if (payload < 0) // RTT ping
_rttEstimator.OnPingAckReceived(payload, this);
else // Keepalive ping
if (_keepAliveState != KeepAliveState.PingSent)
if (Interlocked.Read(ref _keepAlivePingPayload) != payload)
_keepAliveState = KeepAliveState.None;
private void VerifyKeepAlive()
if (_keepAlivePingPolicy == HttpKeepAlivePingPolicy.WithActiveRequests)
lock (SyncObject)
if (_streamsInUse == 0)
long now = Environment.TickCount64;
switch (_keepAliveState)
case KeepAliveState.None:
// Check whether keep alive delay has passed since last frame received
if (now > _nextPingRequestTimestamp)
// Set the status directly to ping sent and set the timestamp
_keepAliveState = KeepAliveState.PingSent;
_keepAlivePingTimeoutTimestamp = now + _keepAlivePingTimeout;
long pingPayload = Interlocked.Increment(ref _keepAlivePingPayload);
case KeepAliveState.PingSent:
if (now > _keepAlivePingTimeoutTimestamp)
ThrowProtocolError(Http2ProtocolErrorCode.ProtocolError, SR.net_ping_request_timed_out);
Debug.Fail($"Unexpected keep alive state ({_keepAliveState})");
public sealed override string ToString() => $"{nameof(Http2Connection)}({_pool})"; // Description for diagnostic purposes
public override void Trace(string message, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null) =>
Trace(0, message, memberName);
internal void Trace(int streamId, string message, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null) =>
_pool?.GetHashCode() ?? 0, // pool ID
GetHashCode(), // connection ID
streamId, // stream ID
memberName, // method name
message); // message
private static void ThrowRetry(string message, Exception? innerException = null) =>
throw new HttpRequestException((innerException as HttpIOException)?.HttpRequestError ?? HttpRequestError.Unknown, message, innerException, RequestRetryType.RetryOnConnectionFailure);
private static Exception GetRequestAbortedException(Exception? innerException = null) =>
innerException as HttpIOException ?? new IOException(SR.net_http_request_aborted, innerException);
private static void ThrowRequestAborted(Exception? innerException = null) =>
throw GetRequestAbortedException(innerException);
private static void ThrowProtocolError() =>
private static void ThrowProtocolError(Http2ProtocolErrorCode errorCode, string? message = null) =>
throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp2ConnectionException(errorCode, message);