File: System\Net\Http\Headers\HttpHeaders.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Net.Http\src\System.Net.Http.csproj (System.Net.Http)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Net.Http.Headers
    /// <summary>
    /// Key/value pairs of headers. The value is either a raw <see cref="string"/> or a <see cref="HttpHeaders.HeaderStoreItemInfo"/>.
    /// We're using a custom type instead of <see cref="KeyValuePair{TKey, TValue}"/> because we need ref access to fields.
    /// </summary>
    internal struct HeaderEntry
        public HeaderDescriptor Key;
        public object Value;
        public HeaderEntry(HeaderDescriptor key, object value)
            Key = key;
            Value = value;
    public abstract class HttpHeaders : IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<string>>>
        // This type is used to store a collection of headers in 'headerStore':
        // - A header can have multiple values.
        // - A header can have an associated parser which is able to parse the raw string value into a strongly typed object.
        // - If a header has an associated parser and the provided raw value can't be parsed, the value is considered
        //   invalid. Invalid values are stored if added using TryAddWithoutValidation(). If the value was added using Add(),
        //   Add() will throw FormatException.
        // - Since parsing header values is expensive and users usually only care about a few headers, header values are
        //   lazily initialized.
        // Given the properties above, a header value can have three states:
        // - 'raw': The header value was added using TryAddWithoutValidation() and it wasn't parsed yet.
        // - 'parsed': The header value was successfully parsed. It was either added using Add() where the value was parsed
        //   immediately, or if added using TryAddWithoutValidation() a user already accessed a property/method triggering the
        //   value to be parsed.
        // - 'invalid': The header value was parsed, but parsing failed because the value is invalid. Storing invalid values
        //   allows users to still retrieve the value (by calling GetValues()), but it will not be exposed as strongly typed
        //   object. E.g. the client receives a response with the following header: 'Via: 1.1 proxy, invalid'
        //   - HttpHeaders.GetValues() will return "1.1 proxy", "invalid"
        //   - HttpResponseHeaders.Via collection will only contain one ViaHeaderValue object with value "1.1 proxy"
        /// <summary>Either a <see cref="HeaderEntry"/> array or a Dictionary&lt;<see cref="HeaderDescriptor"/>, <see cref="object"/>&gt; </summary>
        private object? _headerStore;
        private int _count;
        private readonly HttpHeaderType _allowedHeaderTypes;
        private readonly HttpHeaderType _treatAsCustomHeaderTypes;
        protected HttpHeaders()
            : this(HttpHeaderType.All, HttpHeaderType.None)
        internal HttpHeaders(HttpHeaderType allowedHeaderTypes, HttpHeaderType treatAsCustomHeaderTypes)
            // Should be no overlap
            Debug.Assert((allowedHeaderTypes & treatAsCustomHeaderTypes) == 0);
            _allowedHeaderTypes = allowedHeaderTypes & ~HttpHeaderType.NonTrailing;
            _treatAsCustomHeaderTypes = treatAsCustomHeaderTypes & ~HttpHeaderType.NonTrailing;
        /// <summary>Gets a view of the contents of this headers collection that does not parse nor validate the data upon access.</summary>
        public HttpHeadersNonValidated NonValidated => new HttpHeadersNonValidated(this);
        public void Add(string name, string? value) => Add(GetHeaderDescriptor(name), value);
        internal void Add(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, string? value)
            // We don't use GetOrCreateHeaderInfo() here, since this would create a new header in the store. If parsing
            // the value then throws, we would have to remove the header from the store again. So just get a
            // HeaderStoreItemInfo object and try to parse the value. If it works, we'll add the header.
            PrepareHeaderInfoForAdd(descriptor, out HeaderStoreItemInfo info, out bool addToStore);
            ParseAndAddValue(descriptor, info, value);
            // If we get here, then the value could be parsed correctly. If we created a new HeaderStoreItemInfo, add
            // it to the store if we added at least one value.
            if (addToStore && (info.ParsedAndInvalidValues != null))
                AddEntryToStore(new HeaderEntry(descriptor, info));
        public void Add(string name, IEnumerable<string?> values) => Add(GetHeaderDescriptor(name), values);
        internal void Add(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, IEnumerable<string?> values)
            PrepareHeaderInfoForAdd(descriptor, out HeaderStoreItemInfo info, out bool addToStore);
                // Note that if the first couple of values are valid followed by an invalid value, the valid values
                // will be added to the store before the exception for the invalid value is thrown.
                foreach (string? value in values)
                    ParseAndAddValue(descriptor, info, value);
                // Even if one of the values was invalid, make sure we add the header for the valid ones. We need to be
                // consistent here: If values get added to an _existing_ header, then all values until the invalid one
                // get added. Same here: If multiple values get added to a _new_ header, make sure the header gets added
                // with the valid values.
                // However, if all values for a _new_ header were invalid, then don't add the header.
                if (addToStore && (info.ParsedAndInvalidValues != null))
                    AddEntryToStore(new HeaderEntry(descriptor, info));
        public bool TryAddWithoutValidation(string name, string? value) =>
            TryGetHeaderDescriptor(name, out HeaderDescriptor descriptor) &&
            TryAddWithoutValidation(descriptor, value);
        internal bool TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, string? value)
            // Normalize null values to be empty values, which are allowed. If the user adds multiple
            // null/empty values, all of them are added to the collection. This will result in delimiter-only
            // values, e.g. adding two null-strings (or empty, or whitespace-only) results in "My-Header: ,".
            value ??= string.Empty;
            ref object? storeValueRef = ref GetValueRefOrAddDefault(descriptor);
            object? currentValue = storeValueRef;
            if (currentValue is null)
                storeValueRef = value;
                if (currentValue is not HeaderStoreItemInfo info)
                    // The header store contained a single raw string value, so promote it
                    // to being a HeaderStoreItemInfo and add to it.
                    Debug.Assert(currentValue is string);
                    storeValueRef = info = new HeaderStoreItemInfo() { RawValue = currentValue };
                AddRawValue(info, value);
            return true;
        public bool TryAddWithoutValidation(string name, IEnumerable<string?> values) =>
            TryGetHeaderDescriptor(name, out HeaderDescriptor descriptor) &&
            TryAddWithoutValidation(descriptor, values);
        internal bool TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, IEnumerable<string?> values)
            if (values is IList<string?> valuesList)
                int count = valuesList.Count;
                if (count > 0)
                    // The store value is either a string (a single unparsed value) or a HeaderStoreItemInfo.
                    // The RawValue on HeaderStoreItemInfo can likewise be either a single string or a List<string>.
                    ref object? storeValueRef = ref GetValueRefOrAddDefault(descriptor);
                    object? storeValue = storeValueRef;
                    // If the storeValue was already set or we're adding more than 1 value,
                    // we'll have to store the values in a List<string> on HeaderStoreItemInfo.
                    if (storeValue is not null || count > 1)
                        if (storeValue is not HeaderStoreItemInfo info)
                            storeValueRef = info = new HeaderStoreItemInfo { RawValue = storeValue };
                        object? rawValue = info.RawValue;
                        if (rawValue is not List<string> rawValues)
                            info.RawValue = rawValues = new List<string>();
                            if (rawValue != null)
                                rawValues.EnsureCapacity(count + 1);
                        rawValues.EnsureCapacity(rawValues.Count + count);
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            rawValues.Add(valuesList[i] ?? string.Empty);
                        // We're adding a single value to a new header entry. We can store the unparsed value as-is.
                        storeValueRef = valuesList[0] ?? string.Empty;
                foreach (string? value in values)
                    TryAddWithoutValidation(descriptor, value ?? string.Empty);
            return true;
        public IEnumerable<string> GetValues(string name) => GetValues(GetHeaderDescriptor(name));
        internal IEnumerable<string> GetValues(HeaderDescriptor descriptor)
            if (TryGetValues(descriptor, out IEnumerable<string>? values))
                return values;
            throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.net_http_headers_not_found);
        public bool TryGetValues(string name, [NotNullWhen(true)] out IEnumerable<string>? values)
            if (TryGetHeaderDescriptor(name, out HeaderDescriptor descriptor))
                return TryGetValues(descriptor, out values);
            values = null;
            return false;
        internal bool TryGetValues(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, [NotNullWhen(true)] out IEnumerable<string>? values)
            if (TryGetAndParseHeaderInfo(descriptor, out HeaderStoreItemInfo? info))
                values = GetStoreValuesAsStringArray(descriptor, info);
                return true;
            values = null;
            return false;
        public bool Contains(string name) => Contains(GetHeaderDescriptor(name));
        public override string ToString()
            // Return all headers as string similar to:
            // HeaderName1: Value1, Value2
            // HeaderName2: Value1
            // ...
            var vsb = new ValueStringBuilder(stackalloc char[512]);
            foreach (HeaderEntry entry in GetEntries())
                vsb.Append(": ");
                GetStoreValuesAsStringOrStringArray(entry.Key, entry.Value, out string? singleValue, out string[]? multiValue);
                Debug.Assert(singleValue is not null ^ multiValue is not null);
                if (singleValue is not null)
                    // Note that if we get multiple values for a header that doesn't support multiple values, we'll
                    // just separate the values using a comma (default separator).
                    string separator = entry.Key.Separator;
                    Debug.Assert(multiValue is not null && multiValue.Length > 0);
                    for (int i = 1; i < multiValue.Length; i++)
            return vsb.ToString();
        internal string GetHeaderString(HeaderDescriptor descriptor)
            if (TryGetHeaderValue(descriptor, out object? info))
                GetStoreValuesAsStringOrStringArray(descriptor, info, out string? singleValue, out string[]? multiValue);
                Debug.Assert(singleValue is not null ^ multiValue is not null);
                if (singleValue is not null)
                    return singleValue;
                // Note that if we get multiple values for a header that doesn't support multiple values, we'll
                // just separate the values using a comma (default separator).
                return string.Join(descriptor.Separator, multiValue!);
            return string.Empty;
        #region IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<string>>> Members
        public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<string>>> GetEnumerator() => _count == 0 ?
                ((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<string>>>)Array.Empty<KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<string>>>()).GetEnumerator() :
        private IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<string>>> GetEnumeratorCore()
            Debug.Assert(_headerStore is not null);
            HeaderEntry[]? entries = GetEntriesArray();
            Debug.Assert(_count != 0 && entries is not null, "Caller should have validated the collection is not empty");
            for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++)
                HeaderEntry entry = entries[i];
                if (entry.Value is not HeaderStoreItemInfo info)
                    // To retain consistent semantics, we need to upgrade a raw string to a HeaderStoreItemInfo
                    // during enumeration so that we can parse the raw value in order to a) return
                    // the correct set of parsed values, and b) update the instance for subsequent enumerations
                    // to reflect that parsing.
                    ref object storeValueRef = ref EntriesAreLiveView
                        ? ref entries[i].Value
                        : ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrNullRef((Dictionary<HeaderDescriptor, object>)_headerStore, entry.Key);
                    info = ReplaceWithHeaderStoreItemInfo(ref storeValueRef, entry.Value);
                // Make sure we parse all raw values before returning the result. Note that this has to be
                // done before we calculate the array length (next line): A raw value may contain a list of
                // values.
                ParseRawHeaderValues(entry.Key, info);
                string[] values = GetStoreValuesAsStringArray(entry.Key, info);
                yield return new KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<string>>(entry.Key.Name, values);
        #region IEnumerable Members
        Collections.IEnumerator Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();
        internal void AddParsedValue(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, object value)
            Debug.Assert(value != null);
            Debug.Assert(descriptor.Parser != null, "Can't add parsed value if there is no parser available.");
            HeaderStoreItemInfo info = GetOrCreateHeaderInfo(descriptor);
            // If the current header has only one value, we can't add another value. The strongly typed property
            // must not call AddParsedValue(), but SetParsedValue(). E.g. for headers like 'Date', 'Host'.
            Debug.Assert(descriptor.Parser.SupportsMultipleValues, $"Header '{descriptor.Name}' doesn't support multiple values");
            AddParsedValue(info, value);
        internal void SetParsedValue(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, object value)
            Debug.Assert(value != null);
            Debug.Assert(descriptor.Parser != null, "Can't add parsed value if there is no parser available.");
            // This method will first clear all values. This is used e.g. when setting the 'Date' or 'Host' header.
            // i.e. headers not supporting collections.
            HeaderStoreItemInfo info = GetOrCreateHeaderInfo(descriptor);
            info.ParsedAndInvalidValues = null;
            info.RawValue = null;
            AddParsedValue(info, value);
        internal void SetOrRemoveParsedValue(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, object? value)
            if (value == null)
                SetParsedValue(descriptor, value);
        public bool Remove(string name) => Remove(GetHeaderDescriptor(name));
        internal bool RemoveParsedValue(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, object value)
            Debug.Assert(value != null);
            // If we have a value for this header, then verify if we have a single value. If so, compare that
            // value with 'item'. If we have a list of values, then remove 'item' from the list.
            if (TryGetAndParseHeaderInfo(descriptor, out HeaderStoreItemInfo? info))
                Debug.Assert(descriptor.Parser != null, "Can't add parsed value if there is no parser available.");
                    "This method should not be used for single-value headers. Use Remove(string) instead.");
                // If there is no entry, just return.
                var parsedValue = info.ParsedAndInvalidValues;
                if (parsedValue == null)
                    return false;
                bool result = false;
                IEqualityComparer? comparer = descriptor.Parser.Comparer;
                List<object>? parsedValues = parsedValue as List<object>;
                if (parsedValues == null)
                    if (parsedValue is not InvalidValue)
                        Debug.Assert(parsedValue.GetType() == value.GetType(),
                            "Stored value does not have the same type as 'value'.");
                        if (AreEqual(value, parsedValue, comparer))
                            info.ParsedAndInvalidValues = null;
                            result = true;
                    foreach (object item in parsedValues)
                        if (item is not InvalidValue)
                            Debug.Assert(item.GetType() == value.GetType(),
                                "One of the stored values does not have the same type as 'value'.");
                            if (AreEqual(value, item, comparer))
                                // Remove 'item' rather than 'value', since the 'comparer' may consider two values
                                // equal even though the default obj.Equals() may not (e.g. if 'comparer' does
                                // case-insensitive comparison for strings, but string.Equals() is case-sensitive).
                                result = parsedValues.Remove(item);
                    // If we removed the last item in a list, remove the list.
                    if (parsedValues.Count == 0)
                        info.ParsedAndInvalidValues = null;
                // If there is no value for the header left, remove the header.
                if (info.IsEmpty)
                    bool headerRemoved = Remove(descriptor);
                    Debug.Assert(headerRemoved, $"Existing header '{descriptor.Name}' couldn't be removed.");
                return result;
            return false;
        internal bool ContainsParsedValue(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, object value)
            Debug.Assert(value != null);
            // If we have a value for this header, then verify if we have a single value. If so, compare that
            // value with 'item'. If we have a list of values, then compare each item in the list with 'item'.
            if (TryGetAndParseHeaderInfo(descriptor, out HeaderStoreItemInfo? info))
                Debug.Assert(descriptor.Parser != null, "Can't add parsed value if there is no parser available.");
                    "This method should not be used for single-value headers. Use equality comparer instead.");
                // If there is no entry, just return.
                var parsedValue = info.ParsedAndInvalidValues;
                if (parsedValue == null)
                    return false;
                List<object>? parsedValues = parsedValue as List<object>;
                IEqualityComparer? comparer = descriptor.Parser.Comparer;
                if (parsedValues == null)
                    if (parsedValue is not InvalidValue)
                        Debug.Assert(parsedValue.GetType() == value.GetType(),
                            "Stored value does not have the same type as 'value'.");
                        return AreEqual(value, parsedValue, comparer);
                    foreach (object item in parsedValues)
                        if (item is not InvalidValue)
                            Debug.Assert(item.GetType() == value.GetType(),
                                "One of the stored values does not have the same type as 'value'.");
                            if (AreEqual(value, item, comparer))
                                return true;
                    return false;
            return false;
        internal virtual void AddHeaders(HttpHeaders sourceHeaders)
            Debug.Assert(sourceHeaders != null);
            Debug.Assert(GetType() == sourceHeaders.GetType(), "Can only copy headers from an instance of the same type.");
            // Only add header values if they're not already set on the message. Note that we don't merge
            // collections: If both the default headers and the message have set some values for a certain
            // header, then we don't try to merge the values.
            if (_count == 0 && sourceHeaders._headerStore is HeaderEntry[] sourceEntries)
                // If the target collection is empty, we don't have to search for existing values
                _count = sourceHeaders._count;
                if (_headerStore is not HeaderEntry[] entries || entries.Length < _count)
                    entries = new HeaderEntry[sourceEntries.Length];
                    _headerStore = entries;
                for (int i = 0; i < _count && i < sourceEntries.Length; i++)
                    HeaderEntry entry = sourceEntries[i];
                    if (entry.Value is HeaderStoreItemInfo info)
                        entry.Value = CloneHeaderInfo(entry.Key, info);
                    entries[i] = entry;
                foreach (HeaderEntry entry in sourceHeaders.GetEntries())
                    ref object? storeValueRef = ref GetValueRefOrAddDefault(entry.Key);
                    if (storeValueRef is null)
                        object sourceValue = entry.Value;
                        if (sourceValue is HeaderStoreItemInfo info)
                            storeValueRef = CloneHeaderInfo(entry.Key, info);
                            Debug.Assert(sourceValue is string);
                            storeValueRef = sourceValue;
        private static HeaderStoreItemInfo CloneHeaderInfo(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, HeaderStoreItemInfo sourceInfo)
            lock (sourceInfo)
                var destinationInfo = new HeaderStoreItemInfo
                    // Always copy raw values
                    RawValue = CloneStringHeaderInfoValues(sourceInfo.RawValue)
                if (descriptor.Parser == null)
                    destinationInfo.ParsedAndInvalidValues = CloneStringHeaderInfoValues(sourceInfo.ParsedAndInvalidValues);
                    // We have a parser, so we also have to clone invalid values and parsed values.
                    if (sourceInfo.ParsedAndInvalidValues != null)
                        List<object>? sourceValues = sourceInfo.ParsedAndInvalidValues as List<object>;
                        if (sourceValues == null)
                            CloneAndAddValue(destinationInfo, sourceInfo.ParsedAndInvalidValues);
                            foreach (object item in sourceValues)
                                CloneAndAddValue(destinationInfo, item);
                return destinationInfo;
        private static void CloneAndAddValue(HeaderStoreItemInfo destinationInfo, object source)
            // We only have one value. Clone it and assign it to the store.
            if (source is ICloneable cloneableValue)
                Debug.Assert(source is not InvalidValue);
                AddParsedValue(destinationInfo, cloneableValue.Clone());
                // If it doesn't implement ICloneable, it's a value type or an immutable type like String/Uri.
                AddParsedValue(destinationInfo, source);
        [return: NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(source))]
        private static object? CloneStringHeaderInfoValues(object? source)
            if (source == null)
                return null;
            List<object>? sourceValues = source as List<object>;
            if (sourceValues == null)
                // If we just have one value, return the reference to the string (strings are immutable so it's OK
                // to use the reference).
                return source;
                // If we have a list of strings, create a new list and copy all strings to the new list.
                return new List<object>(sourceValues);
        private HeaderStoreItemInfo GetOrCreateHeaderInfo(HeaderDescriptor descriptor)
            if (TryGetAndParseHeaderInfo(descriptor, out HeaderStoreItemInfo? info))
                return info;
                return CreateAndAddHeaderToStore(descriptor);
        private HeaderStoreItemInfo CreateAndAddHeaderToStore(HeaderDescriptor descriptor)
            // If we don't have the header in the store yet, add it now.
            HeaderStoreItemInfo result = new HeaderStoreItemInfo();
            // If the descriptor header type is in _treatAsCustomHeaderTypes, it must be converted to a custom header before calling this method
            Debug.Assert((descriptor.HeaderType & _treatAsCustomHeaderTypes) == 0);
            AddEntryToStore(new HeaderEntry(descriptor, result));
            return result;
        internal bool TryGetHeaderValue(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
            ref object storeValueRef = ref GetValueRefOrNullRef(descriptor);
            if (Unsafe.IsNullRef(ref storeValueRef))
                value = null;
                return false;
                value = storeValueRef;
                return true;
        private bool TryGetAndParseHeaderInfo(HeaderDescriptor key, [NotNullWhen(true)] out HeaderStoreItemInfo? info)
            ref object storeValueRef = ref GetValueRefOrNullRef(key);
            if (!Unsafe.IsNullRef(ref storeValueRef))
                object value = storeValueRef;
                info = value is HeaderStoreItemInfo hsi
                    ? hsi
                    : ReplaceWithHeaderStoreItemInfo(ref storeValueRef, value);
                ParseRawHeaderValues(key, info);
                return true;
            info = null;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces <paramref name="storeValueRef"/> with a new <see cref="HeaderStoreItemInfo"/>,
        /// or returns the existing <see cref="HeaderStoreItemInfo"/> if a different thread beat us to it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This helper should be used any time we're upgrading a storage slot from an unparsed string to a HeaderStoreItemInfo *while reading*.
        /// Concurrent writes to the header collection are UB, so we don't need to worry about race conditions when doing the replacement there.
        /// </remarks>
        private static HeaderStoreItemInfo ReplaceWithHeaderStoreItemInfo(ref object storeValueRef, object value)
            Debug.Assert(value is string);
            var info = new HeaderStoreItemInfo() { RawValue = value };
            object previousValue = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref storeValueRef, info, value);
            if (ReferenceEquals(previousValue, value))
                return info;
            // Rare race condition: Another thread replaced the value with a HeaderStoreItemInfo.
            return (HeaderStoreItemInfo)previousValue;
        private static void ParseRawHeaderValues(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, HeaderStoreItemInfo info)
            // Unlike TryGetHeaderInfo() this method tries to parse all non-validated header values (if any)
            // before returning to the caller.
            lock (info)
                if (info.RawValue != null)
                    if (info.RawValue is List<string> rawValues)
                        foreach (string rawValue in rawValues)
                            ParseSingleRawHeaderValue(info, descriptor, rawValue);
                        string? rawValue = info.RawValue as string;
                        Debug.Assert(rawValue is not null);
                        ParseSingleRawHeaderValue(info, descriptor, rawValue);
                    // At this point all values are either in info.ParsedValue, info.InvalidValue. Reset RawValue.
                    Debug.Assert(info.ParsedAndInvalidValues is not null);
                    info.RawValue = null;
        private static void ParseSingleRawHeaderValue(HeaderStoreItemInfo info, HeaderDescriptor descriptor, string rawValue)
            if (descriptor.Parser == null)
                if (HttpRuleParser.ContainsNewLine(rawValue))
                    if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) NetEventSource.Error(null, SR.Format(SR.net_http_log_headers_no_newlines, descriptor.Name, rawValue));
                    AddInvalidValue(info, rawValue);
                    AddParsedValue(info, rawValue);
                if (!TryParseAndAddRawHeaderValue(descriptor, info, rawValue, true))
                    if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) NetEventSource.Log.HeadersInvalidValue(descriptor.Name, rawValue);
        // See Add(name, string)
        internal bool TryParseAndAddValue(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, string? value)
            // We don't use GetOrCreateHeaderInfo() here, since this would create a new header in the store. If parsing
            // the value then throws, we would have to remove the header from the store again. So just get a
            // HeaderStoreItemInfo object and try to parse the value. If it works, we'll add the header.
            HeaderStoreItemInfo info;
            bool addToStore;
            PrepareHeaderInfoForAdd(descriptor, out info, out addToStore);
            bool result = TryParseAndAddRawHeaderValue(descriptor, info, value, false);
            if (result && addToStore && (info.ParsedAndInvalidValues != null))
                // If we get here, then the value could be parsed correctly. If we created a new HeaderStoreItemInfo, add
                // it to the store if we added at least one value.
                AddEntryToStore(new HeaderEntry(descriptor, info));
            return result;
        // See ParseAndAddValue
        private static bool TryParseAndAddRawHeaderValue(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, HeaderStoreItemInfo info, string? value, bool addWhenInvalid)
            Debug.Assert(info != null);
            Debug.Assert(descriptor.Parser != null);
            // Values are added as 'invalid' if we either can't parse the value OR if we already have a value
            // and the current header doesn't support multiple values: e.g. trying to add a date/time value
            // to the 'Date' header if we already have a date/time value will result in the second value being
            // added to the 'invalid' header values.
            if (!info.CanAddParsedValue(descriptor.Parser))
                if (addWhenInvalid)
                    AddInvalidValue(info, value ?? string.Empty);
                return false;
            int index = 0;
            if (descriptor.Parser.TryParseValue(value, info.ParsedAndInvalidValues, ref index, out object? parsedValue))
                // The raw string only represented one value (which was successfully parsed). Add the value and return.
                if ((value == null) || (index == value.Length))
                    if (parsedValue != null)
                        AddParsedValue(info, parsedValue);
                    else if (addWhenInvalid && info.ParsedAndInvalidValues is null)
                        AddInvalidValue(info, value ?? string.Empty);
                    return true;
                Debug.Assert(index < value.Length, "Parser must return an index value within the string length.");
                // If we successfully parsed a value, but there are more left to read, store the results in a temp
                // list. Only when all values are parsed successfully write the list to the store.
                List<object> parsedValues = new List<object>();
                if (parsedValue != null)
                while (index < value.Length)
                    if (descriptor.Parser.TryParseValue(value, info.ParsedAndInvalidValues, ref index, out parsedValue))
                        if (parsedValue != null)
                        if (addWhenInvalid)
                            AddInvalidValue(info, value);
                        return false;
                // All values were parsed correctly. Copy results to the store.
                foreach (object item in parsedValues)
                    AddParsedValue(info, item);
                if (parsedValues.Count == 0 && addWhenInvalid && info.ParsedAndInvalidValues is null)
                    AddInvalidValue(info, value);
                return true;
            Debug.Assert(value != null);
            if (addWhenInvalid)
                AddInvalidValue(info, value ?? string.Empty);
            return false;
        private static void AddParsedValue(HeaderStoreItemInfo info, object value)
            Debug.Assert(!(value is List<object>),
                "Header value types must not derive from List<object> since this type is used internally to store " +
                "lists of values. So we would not be able to distinguish between a single value and a list of values.");
            AddValueToStoreValue<object>(value, ref info.ParsedAndInvalidValues);
        private static void AddInvalidValue(HeaderStoreItemInfo info, string value)
            AddValueToStoreValue<object>(new InvalidValue(value), ref info.ParsedAndInvalidValues);
        private static void AddRawValue(HeaderStoreItemInfo info, string value)
            AddValueToStoreValue<string>(value, ref info.RawValue);
        private static void AddValueToStoreValue<T>(T value, ref object? currentStoreValue) where T : class
            // If there is no value set yet, then add current item as value (we don't create a list
            // if not required). If 'info.Value' is already assigned then make sure 'info.Value' is a
            // List<T> and append 'item' to the list.
            if (currentStoreValue == null)
                currentStoreValue = value;
                List<T>? storeValues = currentStoreValue as List<T>;
                if (storeValues == null)
                    storeValues = new List<T>(2);
                    Debug.Assert(currentStoreValue is T);
                    currentStoreValue = storeValues;
                Debug.Assert(value is T);
        internal object? GetSingleParsedValue(HeaderDescriptor descriptor)
            if (!TryGetAndParseHeaderInfo(descriptor, out HeaderStoreItemInfo? info))
                return null;
            return info.GetSingleParsedValue();
        internal object? GetParsedAndInvalidValues(HeaderDescriptor descriptor)
            if (!TryGetAndParseHeaderInfo(descriptor, out HeaderStoreItemInfo? info))
                return null;
            return info.ParsedAndInvalidValues;
        internal virtual bool IsAllowedHeaderName(HeaderDescriptor descriptor) => true;
        private void PrepareHeaderInfoForAdd(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, out HeaderStoreItemInfo info, out bool addToStore)
            if (!IsAllowedHeaderName(descriptor))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.net_http_headers_not_allowed_header_name, descriptor.Name));
            addToStore = false;
            if (!TryGetAndParseHeaderInfo(descriptor, out info!))
                info = new HeaderStoreItemInfo();
                addToStore = true;
        private static void ParseAndAddValue(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, HeaderStoreItemInfo info, string? value)
            Debug.Assert(info != null);
            if (descriptor.Parser == null)
                // If we don't have a parser for the header, we consider the value valid if it doesn't contains
                // newline characters. We add the values as "parsed value". Note that we allow empty values.
                AddParsedValue(info, value ?? string.Empty);
            // If the header only supports 1 value, we can add the current value only if there is no
            // value already set.
            if (!info.CanAddParsedValue(descriptor.Parser))
                throw new FormatException(SR.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, SR.net_http_headers_single_value_header, descriptor.Name));
            int index = 0;
            object parsedValue = descriptor.Parser.ParseValue(value, info.ParsedAndInvalidValues, ref index);
            // The raw string only represented one value (which was successfully parsed). Add the value and return.
            // If value is null we still have to first call ParseValue() to allow the parser to decide whether null is
            // a valid value. If it is (i.e. no exception thrown), we set the parsed value (if any) and return.
            if ((value == null) || (index == value.Length))
                // If the returned value is null, then it means the header accepts empty values. i.e. we don't throw
                // but we don't add 'null' to the store either.
                if (parsedValue != null)
                    AddParsedValue(info, parsedValue);
            Debug.Assert(index < value.Length, "Parser must return an index value within the string length.");
            // If we successfully parsed a value, but there are more left to read, store the results in a temp
            // list. Only when all values are parsed successfully write the list to the store.
            List<object> parsedValues = new List<object>();
            if (parsedValue != null)
            while (index < value.Length)
                parsedValue = descriptor.Parser.ParseValue(value, info.ParsedAndInvalidValues, ref index);
                if (parsedValue != null)
            // All values were parsed correctly. Copy results to the store.
            foreach (object item in parsedValues)
                AddParsedValue(info, item);
        private HeaderDescriptor GetHeaderDescriptor(string name)
            if (!HeaderDescriptor.TryGet(name, out HeaderDescriptor descriptor))
                throw new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.net_http_headers_invalid_header_name, name));
            if ((descriptor.HeaderType & _allowedHeaderTypes) != 0)
                return descriptor;
            else if ((descriptor.HeaderType & _treatAsCustomHeaderTypes) != 0)
                return descriptor.AsCustomHeader();
            throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.net_http_headers_not_allowed_header_name, name));
        internal bool TryGetHeaderDescriptor(string name, out HeaderDescriptor descriptor)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                descriptor = default;
                return false;
            if (HeaderDescriptor.TryGet(name, out descriptor))
                HttpHeaderType headerType = descriptor.HeaderType;
                if ((headerType & _allowedHeaderTypes) != 0)
                    return true;
                if ((headerType & _treatAsCustomHeaderTypes) != 0)
                    descriptor = descriptor.AsCustomHeader();
                    return true;
            return false;
        internal static void CheckContainsNewLine(string? value)
            if (value == null)
            if (HttpRuleParser.ContainsNewLine(value))
                throw new FormatException(SR.net_http_headers_no_newlines);
        internal static string[] GetStoreValuesAsStringArray(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, HeaderStoreItemInfo info)
            GetStoreValuesAsStringOrStringArray(descriptor, info, out string? singleValue, out string[]? multiValue);
            Debug.Assert(singleValue is not null ^ multiValue is not null);
            return multiValue ?? new[] { singleValue! };
        internal static void GetStoreValuesAsStringOrStringArray(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, object sourceValues, out string? singleValue, out string[]? multiValue)
            HeaderStoreItemInfo? info = sourceValues as HeaderStoreItemInfo;
            if (info is null)
                Debug.Assert(sourceValues is string);
                singleValue = (string)sourceValues;
                multiValue = null;
            lock (info)
                int length = GetValueCount(info);
                scoped Span<string?> values;
                singleValue = null;
                if (length == 1)
                    multiValue = null;
                    values = new Span<string?>(ref singleValue);
                    Debug.Assert(length > 1, "The header should have been removed when it became empty");
                    values = (multiValue = new string[length])!;
                int currentIndex = 0;
                ReadStoreValues<object?>(values, info.ParsedAndInvalidValues, descriptor.Parser, ref currentIndex);
                ReadStoreValues<string?>(values, info.RawValue, null, ref currentIndex);
                Debug.Assert(currentIndex == length);
        internal static int GetStoreValuesIntoStringArray(HeaderDescriptor descriptor, object sourceValues, [NotNull] ref string[]? values)
            values ??= Array.Empty<string>();
            HeaderStoreItemInfo? info = sourceValues as HeaderStoreItemInfo;
            if (info is null)
                Debug.Assert(sourceValues is string);
                if (values.Length == 0)
                    values = new string[1];
                values[0] = (string)sourceValues;
                return 1;
            lock (info)
                int length = GetValueCount(info);
                Debug.Assert(length > 0);
                if (values.Length < length)
                    values = new string[length];
                int currentIndex = 0;
                ReadStoreValues<object?>(values!, info.ParsedAndInvalidValues, descriptor.Parser, ref currentIndex);
                ReadStoreValues<string?>(values!, info.RawValue, null, ref currentIndex);
                Debug.Assert(currentIndex == length);
                return length;
        private static int GetValueCount(HeaderStoreItemInfo info)
            Debug.Assert(info != null);
            return Count<object>(info.ParsedAndInvalidValues) + Count<string>(info.RawValue);
            static int Count<T>(object? valueStore) =>
                valueStore is null ? 0 :
                valueStore is List<T> list ? list.Count :
        private static void ReadStoreValues<T>(Span<string?> values, object? storeValue, HttpHeaderParser? parser, ref int currentIndex)
            if (storeValue != null)
                List<T>? storeValues = storeValue as List<T>;
                if (storeValues == null)
                    values[currentIndex] = parser == null || storeValue is InvalidValue ? storeValue.ToString() : parser.ToString(storeValue);
                    foreach (object? item in storeValues)
                        Debug.Assert(item != null);
                        values[currentIndex] = parser == null || item is InvalidValue ? item.ToString() : parser.ToString(item);
        private static bool AreEqual(object value, object? storeValue, IEqualityComparer? comparer)
            Debug.Assert(value != null);
            if (comparer != null)
                return comparer.Equals(value, storeValue);
            // We don't have a comparer, so use the Equals() method.
            return value.Equals(storeValue);
        internal sealed class InvalidValue
            private readonly string _value;
            public InvalidValue(string value)
                Debug.Assert(value is not null);
                _value = value;
            public override string ToString() => _value;
        internal sealed class HeaderStoreItemInfo
            internal HeaderStoreItemInfo() { }
            internal object? RawValue;
            internal object? ParsedAndInvalidValues;
            public bool CanAddParsedValue(HttpHeaderParser parser)
                Debug.Assert(parser != null, "There should be no reason to call CanAddValue if there is no parser for the current header.");
                // If the header only supports one value, and we have already a value set, then we can't add
                // another value. E.g. the 'Date' header only supports one value. We can't add multiple timestamps
                // to 'Date'.
                // So if this is a known header, ask the parser if it supports multiple values and check whether
                // we already have a (valid or invalid) value.
                // Note that we ignore the rawValue by purpose: E.g. we are parsing 2 raw values for a header only
                // supporting 1 value. When the first value gets parsed, CanAddValue returns true and we add the
                // parsed value to ParsedValue. When the second value is parsed, CanAddValue returns false, because
                // we have already a parsed value.
                return parser.SupportsMultipleValues || ParsedAndInvalidValues is null;
            public void AssertContainsNoInvalidValues()
                if (ParsedAndInvalidValues is not null)
                    if (ParsedAndInvalidValues is List<object> list)
                        foreach (object item in list)
                            Debug.Assert(item is not InvalidValue);
                        Debug.Assert(ParsedAndInvalidValues is not InvalidValue);
            public object? GetSingleParsedValue()
                if (ParsedAndInvalidValues is not null)
                    if (ParsedAndInvalidValues is List<object> list)
                        foreach (object item in list)
                            if (item is not InvalidValue)
                                return item;
                        if (ParsedAndInvalidValues is not InvalidValue)
                            return ParsedAndInvalidValues;
                return null;
            private static void AssertContainsSingleParsedValue(List<object> list)
                int count = 0;
                foreach (object item in list)
                    if (item is not InvalidValue)
                Debug.Assert(count == 1, "Only a single parsed value should be stored for this parser");
            public bool IsEmpty => RawValue == null && ParsedAndInvalidValues == null;
        #region Low-level implementation details that work with _headerStore directly
        private const int InitialCapacity = 4;
        internal const int ArrayThreshold = 64; // Above this threshold, header ordering will not be preserved
        internal HeaderEntry[]? GetEntriesArray()
            object? store = _headerStore;
            if (store is null)
                return null;
            else if (store is HeaderEntry[] entries)
                return entries;
                return GetEntriesFromDictionary();
            HeaderEntry[] GetEntriesFromDictionary()
                var dictionary = (Dictionary<HeaderDescriptor, object>)_headerStore!;
                var entries = new HeaderEntry[dictionary.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<HeaderDescriptor, object> entry in dictionary)
                    entries[i++] = new HeaderEntry
                        Key = entry.Key,
                        Value = entry.Value
                return entries;
        internal ReadOnlySpan<HeaderEntry> GetEntries()
            return new ReadOnlySpan<HeaderEntry>(GetEntriesArray(), 0, _count);
        internal int Count => _count;
        private bool EntriesAreLiveView => _headerStore is HeaderEntry[];
        private ref object GetValueRefOrNullRef(HeaderDescriptor key)
            ref object valueRef = ref Unsafe.NullRef<object>();
            object? store = _headerStore;
            if (store is HeaderEntry[] entries)
                for (int i = 0; i < _count && i < entries.Length; i++)
                    if (key.Equals(entries[i].Key))
                        valueRef = ref entries[i].Value;
            else if (store is not null)
                valueRef = ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrNullRef(Unsafe.As<Dictionary<HeaderDescriptor, object>>(store), key);
            return ref valueRef;
        private ref object? GetValueRefOrAddDefault(HeaderDescriptor key)
            object? store = _headerStore;
            if (store is HeaderEntry[] entries)
                for (int i = 0; i < _count && i < entries.Length; i++)
                    if (key.Equals(entries[i].Key))
                        return ref entries[i].Value!;
                int count = _count;
                if ((uint)count < (uint)entries.Length)
                    entries[count].Key = key;
                    return ref entries[count].Value!;
                return ref GrowEntriesAndAddDefault(key);
            else if (store is null)
                entries = new HeaderEntry[InitialCapacity];
                _headerStore = entries;
                ref HeaderEntry firstEntry = ref MemoryMarshal.GetArrayDataReference(entries);
                firstEntry.Key = key;
                return ref firstEntry.Value!;
                return ref DictionaryGetValueRefOrAddDefault(key);
            ref object? GrowEntriesAndAddDefault(HeaderDescriptor key)
                var entries = (HeaderEntry[])_headerStore!;
                if (entries.Length == ArrayThreshold)
                    return ref ConvertToDictionaryAndAddDefault(key);
                    Array.Resize(ref entries, entries.Length << 1);
                    _headerStore = entries;
                    ref HeaderEntry firstNewEntry = ref entries[entries.Length >> 1];
                    firstNewEntry.Key = key;
                    return ref firstNewEntry.Value!;
            ref object? ConvertToDictionaryAndAddDefault(HeaderDescriptor key)
                var entries = (HeaderEntry[])_headerStore!;
                var dictionary = new Dictionary<HeaderDescriptor, object>(ArrayThreshold);
                _headerStore = dictionary;
                foreach (HeaderEntry entry in entries)
                    dictionary.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                Debug.Assert(dictionary.Count == _count - 1);
                return ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrAddDefault(dictionary, key, out _);
            ref object? DictionaryGetValueRefOrAddDefault(HeaderDescriptor key)
                var dictionary = (Dictionary<HeaderDescriptor, object>)_headerStore!;
                ref object? value = ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrAddDefault(dictionary, key, out _);
                if (value is null)
                return ref value;
        private void AddEntryToStore(HeaderEntry entry)
            if (_headerStore is HeaderEntry[] entries)
                int count = _count;
                if ((uint)count < (uint)entries.Length)
                    entries[count] = entry;
            GetValueRefOrAddDefault(entry.Key) = entry.Value;
        internal bool Contains(HeaderDescriptor key)
            return !Unsafe.IsNullRef(ref GetValueRefOrNullRef(key));
        public void Clear()
            if (_headerStore is HeaderEntry[] entries)
                Array.Clear(entries, 0, _count);
                _headerStore = null;
            _count = 0;
        internal bool Remove(HeaderDescriptor key)
            bool removed = false;
            object? store = _headerStore;
            if (store is HeaderEntry[] entries)
                for (int i = 0; i < _count && i < entries.Length; i++)
                    if (key.Equals(entries[i].Key))
                        while (i + 1 < _count && (uint)(i + 1) < (uint)entries.Length)
                            entries[i] = entries[i + 1];
                        entries[i] = default;
                        removed = true;
            else if (store is not null)
                removed = Unsafe.As<Dictionary<HeaderDescriptor, object>>(store).Remove(key);
            if (removed)
            return removed;
        #endregion // _headerStore implementation