// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Net.Http
internal sealed class CreditManager
private readonly IHttpTrace _owner;
private readonly string _name;
private int _current;
private bool _disposed;
/// <summary>Circular singly-linked list of active waiters.</summary>
/// <remarks>If null, the list is empty. If non-null, this is the tail. If the list has one item, its Next is itself.</remarks>
private CreditWaiter? _waitersTail;
public CreditManager(IHttpTrace owner, string name, int initialCredit)
Debug.Assert(owner != null);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) owner.Trace($"{name}. {nameof(initialCredit)}={initialCredit}");
_owner = owner;
_name = name;
_current = initialCredit;
public bool IsCreditAvailable => Volatile.Read(ref _current) > 0;
private object SyncObject
// Generally locking on "this" is considered poor form, but this type is internal,
// and it's unnecessary overhead to allocate another object just for this purpose.
get => this;
public bool TryRequestCreditNoWait(int amount)
lock (SyncObject)
return TryRequestCreditNoLock(amount) > 0;
public ValueTask<int> RequestCreditAsync(int amount, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
lock (SyncObject)
// If we can satisfy the request with credit already available, do so synchronously.
int granted = TryRequestCreditNoLock(amount);
if (granted > 0)
return new ValueTask<int>(granted);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) _owner.Trace($"{_name}. requested={amount}, no credit available.");
// Otherwise, create a new waiter.
var waiter = new CreditWaiter(cancellationToken);
waiter.Amount = amount;
// Add the waiter at the tail of the queue.
if (_waitersTail is null)
_waitersTail = waiter.Next = waiter;
waiter.Next = _waitersTail.Next;
_waitersTail.Next = waiter;
_waitersTail = waiter;
// And return a ValueTask<int> for it.
return waiter.AsValueTask();
public void AdjustCredit(int amount)
// Note credit can be adjusted *downward* as well.
// This can cause the current credit to become negative.
lock (SyncObject)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) _owner.Trace($"{_name}. {nameof(amount)}={amount}, current={_current}");
if (_disposed)
Debug.Assert(_current <= 0 || _waitersTail is null, "Shouldn't have waiters when credit is available");
_current = checked(_current + amount);
while (_current > 0 && _waitersTail != null)
// Get the waiter from the head of the queue.
CreditWaiter? waiter = _waitersTail.Next;
Debug.Assert(waiter != null);
int granted = Math.Min(waiter.Amount, _current);
// Remove the waiter from the list.
if (waiter.Next == waiter)
Debug.Assert(_waitersTail == waiter);
_waitersTail = null;
_waitersTail.Next = waiter.Next;
waiter.Next = null;
// Ensure that we grant credit only if the task has not been canceled.
if (waiter.TrySetResult(granted))
_current -= granted;
public void Dispose()
lock (SyncObject)
if (_disposed)
_disposed = true;
CreditWaiter? waiter = _waitersTail;
if (waiter != null)
CreditWaiter? next = waiter!.Next;
waiter.Next = null;
waiter = next;
while (waiter != _waitersTail);
_waitersTail = null;
private int TryRequestCreditNoLock(int amount)
Debug.Assert(Monitor.IsEntered(SyncObject), "Shouldn't be called outside lock.");
ObjectDisposedException.ThrowIf(_disposed, this);
if (_current > 0)
Debug.Assert(_waitersTail is null, "Shouldn't have waiters when credit is available");
int granted = Math.Min(amount, _current);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) _owner.Trace($"{_name}. requested={amount}, current={_current}, granted={granted}");
_current -= granted;
return granted;
return 0;