// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Net.Http
internal sealed partial class Http2Connection
// Maintains a dynamically-sized stream receive window, and sends WINDOW_UPDATE frames to the server.
private struct Http2StreamWindowManager
private static double WindowScaleThresholdMultiplier => GlobalHttpSettings.SocketsHttpHandler.Http2StreamWindowScaleThresholdMultiplier;
private static int MaxStreamWindowSize => GlobalHttpSettings.SocketsHttpHandler.MaxHttp2StreamWindowSize;
private static bool WindowScalingEnabled => !GlobalHttpSettings.SocketsHttpHandler.DisableDynamicHttp2WindowSizing;
private int _deliveredBytes;
private int _streamWindowSize;
private long _lastWindowUpdate;
public Http2StreamWindowManager(Http2Connection connection, Http2Stream stream)
HttpConnectionSettings settings = connection._pool.Settings;
_streamWindowSize = settings._initialHttp2StreamWindowSize;
_deliveredBytes = 0;
_lastWindowUpdate = default;
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) stream.Trace($"[FlowControl] InitialClientStreamWindowSize: {StreamWindowSize}, StreamWindowThreshold: {StreamWindowThreshold}, WindowScaleThresholdMultiplier: {WindowScaleThresholdMultiplier}");
// We hold off on sending WINDOW_UPDATE until we hit the minimum threshold.
// This value is somewhat arbitrary; the intent is to ensure it is much smaller than
// the window size itself, or we risk stalling the server because it runs out of window space.
public const int StreamWindowUpdateRatio = 8;
internal int StreamWindowThreshold => _streamWindowSize / StreamWindowUpdateRatio;
internal int StreamWindowSize => _streamWindowSize;
public void Start()
_lastWindowUpdate = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
public void AdjustWindow(int bytesConsumed, Http2Stream stream)
Debug.Assert(_lastWindowUpdate != default); // Make sure Start() has been invoked, otherwise we should not be receiving DATA.
Debug.Assert(bytesConsumed > 0);
Debug.Assert(_deliveredBytes < StreamWindowThreshold);
if (!stream.ExpectResponseData)
// We are not expecting any more data (because we've either completed or aborted).
// So no need to send any more WINDOW_UPDATEs.
if (WindowScalingEnabled)
AdjustWindowDynamic(bytesConsumed, stream);
AjdustWindowStatic(bytesConsumed, stream);
private void AjdustWindowStatic(int bytesConsumed, Http2Stream stream)
_deliveredBytes += bytesConsumed;
if (_deliveredBytes < StreamWindowThreshold)
int windowUpdateIncrement = _deliveredBytes;
_deliveredBytes = 0;
Http2Connection connection = stream.Connection;
Task sendWindowUpdateTask = connection.SendWindowUpdateAsync(stream.StreamId, windowUpdateIncrement);
private void AdjustWindowDynamic(int bytesConsumed, Http2Stream stream)
_deliveredBytes += bytesConsumed;
if (_deliveredBytes < StreamWindowThreshold)
int windowUpdateIncrement = _deliveredBytes;
long currentTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
Http2Connection connection = stream.Connection;
TimeSpan rtt = connection._rttEstimator.MinRtt;
if (rtt > TimeSpan.Zero && _streamWindowSize < MaxStreamWindowSize)
TimeSpan dt = Stopwatch.GetElapsedTime(_lastWindowUpdate, currentTime);
// We are detecting bursts in the amount of data consumed within a single 'dt' window update period.
// The value "_deliveredBytes / dt" correlates with the bandwidth of the connection.
// We need to extend the window, if the bandwidth-delay product grows over the current window size.
// To enable empirical fine tuning, we apply a configurable multiplier (_windowScaleThresholdMultiplier) to the window size, which defaults to 1.0
// The condition to extend the window is:
// (_deliveredBytes / dt) * rtt > _streamWindowSize * _windowScaleThresholdMultiplier
// Which is reordered into the form below, to avoid the division:
if (_deliveredBytes * (double)rtt.Ticks > _streamWindowSize * dt.Ticks * WindowScaleThresholdMultiplier)
int extendedWindowSize = Math.Min(MaxStreamWindowSize, _streamWindowSize * 2);
windowUpdateIncrement += extendedWindowSize - _streamWindowSize;
_streamWindowSize = extendedWindowSize;
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) stream.Trace($"[FlowControl] Updated Stream Window. StreamWindowSize: {StreamWindowSize}, StreamWindowThreshold: {StreamWindowThreshold}");
Debug.Assert(_streamWindowSize <= MaxStreamWindowSize);
if (_streamWindowSize == MaxStreamWindowSize)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) stream.Trace($"[FlowControl] StreamWindowSize reached the configured maximum of {MaxStreamWindowSize}.");
_deliveredBytes = 0;
Task sendWindowUpdateTask = connection.SendWindowUpdateAsync(stream.StreamId, windowUpdateIncrement);
_lastWindowUpdate = currentTime;
// Estimates Round Trip Time between the client and the server by sending PING frames, and measuring the time interval until a PING ACK is received.
// Assuming that the network characteristics of the connection wouldn't change much within its lifetime, we are maintaining a running minimum value.
// The more PINGs we send, the more accurate is the estimation of MinRtt, however we should be careful not to send too many of them,
// to avoid triggering the server's PING flood protection which may result in an unexpected GOAWAY.
// Several strategies have been implemented to conform with real life servers.
// 1. With most servers we are fine to send PINGs as long as we are reading their data, a rule formalized by a gRPC spec:
// https://github.com/grpc/proposal/blob/master/A8-client-side-keepalive.md
// According to this rule, we are OK to send a PING whenever we receive DATA or HEADERS, since the servers conforming to this doc
// will reset their unsolicited ping counter whenever they *send* DATA or HEADERS.
// 2. Some servers allow receiving only a limited amount of PINGs within a given timeframe.
// To deal with this, we send an initial burst of 'InitialBurstCount' (=4) PINGs, to get a relatively good estimation fast. Afterwards,
// we send PINGs each 'PingIntervalInSeconds' second, to maintain our estimation without triggering these servers.
// 3. Some servers in Google's backends reset their unsolicited ping counter when they *receive* DATA, HEADERS, or WINDOW_UPDATE.
// To deal with this, we need to make sure to send a connection WINDOW_UPDATE before sending a PING. The initial burst is an exception
// to this rule, since the mentioned server can tolerate 4 PINGs without receiving a WINDOW_UPDATE.
// Threading:
// OnInitialSettingsSent() is called during initialization, all other methods are triggered by HttpConnection.ProcessIncomingFramesAsync(),
// therefore the assumption is that the invocation of RttEstimator's methods is sequential, and there is no race beetween them.
// Http2StreamWindowManager is reading MinRtt from another concurrent thread, therefore its value has to be changed atomically.
private struct RttEstimator
private enum State
private const double PingIntervalInSeconds = 2;
private const int InitialBurstCount = 4;
private static readonly long PingIntervalInTicks = (long)(PingIntervalInSeconds * Stopwatch.Frequency);
private State _state;
private long _pingSentTimestamp;
private long _pingCounter;
private int _initialBurst;
private long _minRtt;
public TimeSpan MinRtt => new TimeSpan(_minRtt);
public static RttEstimator Create()
RttEstimator e = default;
e._state = GlobalHttpSettings.SocketsHttpHandler.DisableDynamicHttp2WindowSizing ? State.Disabled : State.Init;
e._initialBurst = InitialBurstCount;
return e;
internal void OnInitialSettingsSent()
if (_state == State.Disabled) return;
_pingSentTimestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
internal void OnInitialSettingsAckReceived(Http2Connection connection)
if (_state == State.Disabled) return;
_state = State.Waiting;
internal void OnDataOrHeadersReceived(Http2Connection connection, bool sendWindowUpdateBeforePing)
if (_state != State.Waiting) return;
long now = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
bool initial = _initialBurst > 0;
if (initial || now - _pingSentTimestamp > PingIntervalInTicks)
if (initial) _initialBurst--;
// When sendWindowUpdateBeforePing is true, try to send a WINDOW_UPDATE to make Google backends happy.
// Unless we are doing the initial burst, do not send PING if we were not able to send the WINDOW_UPDATE.
// See point 3. in the comments above the class definition for more info.
if (sendWindowUpdateBeforePing && !connection.ForceSendConnectionWindowUpdate() && !initial)
// Send a PING
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) connection.Trace($"[FlowControl] Sending RTT PING with payload {_pingCounter}");
connection.LogExceptions(connection.SendPingAsync(_pingCounter, isAck: false));
_pingSentTimestamp = now;
_state = State.PingSent;
internal void OnPingAckReceived(long payload, Http2Connection connection)
if (_state != State.PingSent && _state != State.TerminatingMayReceivePingAck)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) connection.Trace($"[FlowControl] Unexpected PING ACK in state {_state}");
if (_state == State.TerminatingMayReceivePingAck)
_state = State.Disabled;
// RTT PINGs always carry negative payload, positive values indicate a response to KeepAlive PING.
Debug.Assert(payload < 0);
if (_pingCounter != payload)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) connection.Trace($"[FlowControl] Unexpected RTT PING ACK payload {payload}, should be {_pingCounter}.");
_state = State.Waiting;
internal void OnGoAwayReceived()
if (_state == State.PingSent)
// We may still receive a PING ACK, but we should not send anymore PING:
_state = State.TerminatingMayReceivePingAck;
_state = State.Disabled;
private void RefreshRtt(Http2Connection connection)
long prevRtt = _minRtt == 0 ? long.MaxValue : _minRtt;
TimeSpan currentRtt = Stopwatch.GetElapsedTime(_pingSentTimestamp);
long minRtt = Math.Min(prevRtt, currentRtt.Ticks);
Interlocked.Exchange(ref _minRtt, minRtt); // MinRtt is being queried from another thread
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) connection.Trace($"[FlowControl] Updated MinRtt: {MinRtt.TotalMilliseconds} ms");