81 instantiations of JsonObject
Aspire.Dashboard (1)
Otlp\Model\OtlpHelpers.cs (1)
138var o = new JsonObject();
Aspire.Dashboard.Tests (9)
Integration\OtlpGrpcServiceTests.cs (6)
163var configJson = new JsonObject 165["Dashboard"] = new JsonObject 167["Otlp"] = new JsonObject 205configJson = new JsonObject 207["Dashboard"] = new JsonObject 209["Otlp"] = new JsonObject
Integration\StartupTests.cs (3)
509var configJson = new JsonObject 511["Logging"] = new JsonObject 513["LogLevel"] = new JsonObject
Aspire.Hosting (3)
Devcontainers\DevcontainerSettingsWriter.cs (2)
42portsAttributes = new JsonObject(); 55portAttributes = new JsonObject();
src\Shared\SecretsStore.cs (1)
52var contents = new JsonObject();
Aspire.Hosting.Azure (3)
Provisioning\JsonExtensions.cs (1)
18node = new JsonObject();
Provisioning\Provisioners\BicepProvisioner.cs (2)
221var parameters = new JsonObject(); 495parameters[parameter.Key] = new JsonObject()
Aspire.Hosting.Azure.Tests (12)
AzureBicepProvisionerTests.cs (11)
23var parameters = new JsonObject(); 54.WithParameter("jsonObj", new JsonObject { ["key"] = "value" }) 59var parameters = new JsonObject(); 82.WithParameter("jsonObj", new JsonObject { ["key"] = "value" }); 88.WithParameter("jsonObj", new JsonObject { ["key"] = "value" }); 90var parameters0 = new JsonObject(); 94var parameters1 = new JsonObject(); 145.WithParameter("jsonObj", new JsonObject { ["key"] = "value" }); 147var parameters0 = new JsonObject(); 151var parameters1 = new JsonObject(); 175var parameters0 = new JsonObject();
AzureBicepResourceTests.cs (1)
187.WithParameter("param3", new JsonObject() { ["value"] = "nested" })
ConfigurationSchemaGenerator (11)
ConfigSchemaEmitter.cs (11)
44var root = new JsonObject(); 62var categoryNode = new JsonObject(); 67parent["definitions"] = new JsonObject 69["logLevel"] = new JsonObject 140pathSegmentNode = new JsonObject(); 246propertiesNode = new JsonObject(); 286var propertyNode = new JsonObject(); 319var containerNode = new JsonObject(); 632new JsonObject 637new JsonObject 640["items"] = new JsonObject
dotnet-user-jwts (5)
Helpers\JwtAuthenticationSchemeSettings.cs (4)
22var settingsObject = new JsonObject 38authentication.Add(SchemesKey, new JsonObject 46config[AuthenticationKey] = new JsonObject 48[SchemesKey] = new JsonObject
Helpers\SigningKeysHandler.cs (1)
75secrets ??= new JsonObject();
Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi (11)
Extensions\JsonNodeSchemaExtensions.cs (1)
373var mappings = new JsonObject();
Services\Schemas\OpenApiSchemaService.cs (5)
66schema = new JsonObject 75schema = new JsonObject 78[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.ItemsKeyword] = new JsonObject 91schema = new JsonObject(); 105return new JsonObject { [OpenApiSchemaKeywords.RefKeyword] = context.TypeInfo.GetSchemaReferenceId() };
Services\Schemas\OpenApiSchemaStore.cs (5)
21[new OpenApiSchemaKey(typeof(IFormFile), null)] = new JsonObject 27[new OpenApiSchemaKey(typeof(IFormFileCollection), null)] = new JsonObject 30["items"] = new JsonObject 38[new OpenApiSchemaKey(typeof(Stream), null)] = new JsonObject 44[new OpenApiSchemaKey(typeof(PipeReader), null)] = new JsonObject
Microsoft.DotNet.Internal.SymbolHelper (3)
SymbolPromotionHelper.cs (3)
103JsonObject registrationPayload = new() 123JsonObject visibilityPayload = new() 252JsonObject extensionPayload = new()
MSBuild (10)
JsonOutputFormatter.cs (9)
21private readonly JsonNode _topLevelNode = new JsonObject(); 37JsonNode propertiesNode = new JsonObject(); 55JsonNode itemsNode = new JsonObject(); 61JsonObject jsonItem = new(); 91JsonObject itemsNode = new(); 97JsonObject jsonItem = new(); 132JsonObject targetResultsNode = new(); 136JsonObject targetResults = new(); 141JsonObject jsonItem = new();
XMake.cs (1)
4639var jsonNode = new JsonObject();
Stress.ApiService (1)
Program.cs (1)
210var jsonWithUrl = new JsonObject
System.Text.Json (9)
System\Text\Json\Nodes\JsonObject.cs (4)
64JsonValueKind.Object => new JsonObject(element, options), 90? new JsonObject(jsonElement.Value.Clone(), Options) 91: new JsonObject(Options); 94var jObject = new JsonObject(Options)
System\Text\Json\Schema\JsonSchema.cs (2)
158var objSchema = new JsonObject(); 192var properties = new JsonObject();
System\Text\Json\Serialization\Converters\Node\JsonNodeConverter.cs (1)
70node = new JsonObject(element, options);
System\Text\Json\Serialization\Converters\Node\JsonObjectConverter.cs (2)
15jsonTypeInfo.CreateObjectForExtensionDataProperty = () => new JsonObject(options.GetNodeOptions()); 65JsonObject jObject = new JsonObject(jElement, options);
TestProject.AppHost (3)
TestProgram.cs (3)
146var root = new JsonObject(); 149var projectJson = new JsonObject(); 163var endpointJsonObject = new JsonObject
181 references to JsonObject
Aspire.Dashboard (2)
Otlp\Model\OtlpHelpers.cs (2)
136static JsonObject ConvertKeyValues(KeyValueList value) 138var o = new JsonObject();
Aspire.Dashboard.Tests (2)
Integration\OtlpGrpcServiceTests.cs (1)
163var configJson = new JsonObject
Integration\StartupTests.cs (1)
509var configJson = new JsonObject
Aspire.Hosting (9)
Dashboard\DashboardLifecycleHook.cs (1)
438public JsonObject? State { get; set; }
Devcontainers\DevcontainerSettingsWriter.cs (7)
37var settings = (JsonObject)JsonObject.Parse(settingsContent)!; 39JsonObject? portsAttributes; 47portsAttributes = (JsonObject)portsAttributesNode!; 52JsonObject? portAttributes; 60portAttributes = (JsonObject)portAttributeNode!;
src\Shared\SecretsStore.cs (1)
52var contents = new JsonObject();
Aspire.Hosting.Azure (12)
Provisioning\Provisioners\AzureProvisioner.cs (5)
192private static async Task<JsonObject> GetUserSecretsAsync(string? userSecretsPath, CancellationToken cancellationToken) 217var userSecretsLazy = new Lazy<Task<JsonObject>>(() => GetUserSecretsAsync(userSecretsPath, cancellationToken)); 239var userSecrets = await userSecretsLazy.Value.ConfigureAwait(false); 360private async Task<ProvisioningContext> GetProvisioningContextAsync(Lazy<Task<JsonObject>> userSecretsLazy, CancellationToken cancellationToken) 427var userSecrets = await userSecretsLazy.Value.ConfigureAwait(false);
Provisioning\Provisioners\AzureResourceProvisionerOfT.cs (2)
27JsonObject userSecrets) 37public JsonObject UserSecrets => userSecrets;
Provisioning\Provisioners\BicepProvisioner.cs (5)
221var parameters = new JsonObject(); 278var outputObj = outputs?.ToObjectFromJson<JsonObject>(); 423internal static string GetChecksum(AzureBicepResource resource, JsonObject parameters) 447var parameters = JsonNode.Parse(jsonString)?.AsObject(); 481internal static async Task SetParametersAsync(JsonObject parameters, AzureBicepResource resource, bool skipDynamicValues = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Aspire.Hosting.Azure.Tests (7)
AzureBicepProvisionerTests.cs (7)
23var parameters = new JsonObject(); 59var parameters = new JsonObject(); 90var parameters0 = new JsonObject(); 94var parameters1 = new JsonObject(); 147var parameters0 = new JsonObject(); 151var parameters1 = new JsonObject(); 175var parameters0 = new JsonObject();
Aspire.Hosting.Redis.Tests (1)
RedisFunctionalTests.cs (1)
670var jo = JsonObject.Parse(content);
ConfigurationSchemaGenerator (23)
ConfigSchemaEmitter.cs (23)
44var root = new JsonObject(); 51private void GenerateLogCategories(JsonObject parent) 59var propertiesNode = new JsonObject(s_ignoreCaseNodeOptions); 62var categoryNode = new JsonObject(); 76private void GenerateGraph(JsonObject rootNode) 101private bool GeneratePathSegment(JsonObject currentNode, TypeSpec type, Queue<string> pathSegments) 123if (currentNode[propertiesName] is not JsonObject propertiesNode) 132if (propertiesNode[pathSegment] is not JsonObject pathSegmentNode) 182private bool GenerateType(JsonObject currentNode, TypeSpec type) 226private bool GenerateObject(JsonObject currentNode, ObjectSpec objectSpec) 244if (currentNode["properties"] is not JsonObject propertiesNode) 275private bool GenerateProperty(JsonObject currentNode, PropertySpec property, IPropertySymbol? propertySymbol) 286var propertyNode = new JsonObject(); 306private bool GenerateCollection(JsonObject currentNode, CollectionSpec collection, string typeName, string containerName) 319var containerNode = new JsonObject(); 334private static void RestoreBackup(JsonNode? backupNode, string name, JsonObject parentNode) 434private static void GenerateDescriptionFromDocComment(JsonObject propertyNode, string docComment) 490private void GenerateDescriptionForType(JsonObject currentNode, TypeSpec type) 587private void GenerateParsableFromString(JsonObject propertyNode, ParsableFromStringSpec parsable) 678private bool IsExcluded(JsonObject currentNode, PropertySpec property) 718private static void ReplaceNodeWithKeyCasingChange(JsonObject jsonObject, string key, JsonNode value) 744case JsonObject obj: 748obj.Parent is JsonObject && obj.GetPropertyName() == "properties" ?
dotnet-user-jwts (11)
Helpers\JwtAuthenticationSchemeSettings.cs (9)
19var config = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonObject>(reader, JwtSerializerOptions.Default); 22var settingsObject = new JsonObject 28if (config[AuthenticationKey] is JsonObject authentication) 30if (authentication[SchemesKey] is JsonObject schemes) 67var config = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonObject>(reader, JwtSerializerOptions.Default); 70if (config[AuthenticationKey] is JsonObject authentication && 71authentication[SchemesKey] is JsonObject schemes)
Helpers\SigningKeysHandler.cs (2)
65JsonObject secrets = null; 71secrets = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonObject>(secretsFileStream, JwtSerializerOptions.Default);
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.Tools.Tests (15)
UserJwtsTests.cs (15)
112var appSettings = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonObject>(File.ReadAllText(appsettings)); 115appSettings = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonObject>(File.ReadAllText(appsettings)); 247var secretsJson = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<JsonObject>(openStream); 466var secretsJson = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<JsonObject>(openStream); 494var secretsJson = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<JsonObject>(openStream); 533var secretsJson = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<JsonObject>(openStream); 555var secretsJson = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<JsonObject>(openStream); 577var secretsJson = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<JsonObject>(openStream);
Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi (2)
Extensions\JsonNodeSchemaExtensions.cs (1)
373var mappings = new JsonObject();
Services\Schemas\OpenApiSchemaStore.cs (1)
60/// <returns>A <see cref="JsonObject" /> representing the JSON schema associated with the key.</returns>
Microsoft.Build.BuildCheck.UnitTests (3)
EndToEndTests.cs (3)
153private readonly record struct EmbedResourceTestOutput(String LogOutput, JsonObject DepsJsonResources); 180JsonNode? depsJson = JsonObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(depsFiles[0])); 184var resources = depsJson!["targets"]?.AsObject().First().Value?[$"{referencedProjectName}/1.0.0"]?["resources"]?.AsObject();
Microsoft.DotNet.Internal.SymbolHelper (4)
SymbolPromotionHelper.cs (4)
103JsonObject registrationPayload = new() 123JsonObject visibilityPayload = new() 138async Task<bool> SendPostRequestWithRetries(string url, JsonObject payload) 252JsonObject extensionPayload = new()
Microsoft.ML.AutoML (1)
SweepableEstimator\Converter\SweepableEstimatorConverter.cs (1)
29var jObject = JsonObject.Parse("{}");
Microsoft.ML.AutoML.SourceGenerator (1)
SearchSpaceGenerator.cs (1)
93else if (searchSpaceNode is JsonObject searchSpaceObject && searchSpaceObject.ContainsKey("min"))
Microsoft.ML.GenAI.Mistral (2)
Mistral_7B_0_3ChatTemplateBuilder.cs (1)
125arguments = JsonObject.Parse(tc.FunctionArguments),
MistralCausalLMAgent.cs (1)
140public JsonObject? Arguments { get; set; }
MSBuild (7)
JsonOutputFormatter.cs (6)
61JsonObject jsonItem = new(); 91JsonObject itemsNode = new(); 97JsonObject jsonItem = new(); 132JsonObject targetResultsNode = new(); 136JsonObject targetResults = new(); 141JsonObject jsonItem = new();
XMake.cs (1)
4639var jsonNode = new JsonObject();
System.Text.Json (76)
System\Text\Json\Nodes\JsonArray.cs (2)
102case JsonObject: 396if (Value is JsonObject jsonObject)
System\Text\Json\Nodes\JsonNode.cs (17)
74/// Casts to the derived <see cref="JsonObject"/> type. 77/// A <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 80/// The node is not a <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 82public JsonObject AsObject() 84JsonObject? jObject = this as JsonObject; 88ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_NodeWrongType(nameof(JsonObject)); 118/// A parent can either be a <see cref="JsonObject"/> or a <see cref="JsonArray"/>. 208/// The current <see cref="JsonNode"/> is not a <see cref="JsonArray"/> or <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 218ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_NodeWrongType(nameof(JsonArray), nameof(JsonObject)); 223ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_NodeWrongType(nameof(JsonArray), nameof(JsonObject)); 234/// The current <see cref="JsonNode"/> is not a <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 267/// The current parent is not a <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 271JsonObject? parentObject = _parent as JsonObject; 275ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_NodeParentWrongType(nameof(JsonObject)); 333case JsonObject jsonObject:
System\Text\Json\Nodes\JsonNodeOptions.cs (1)
12/// Specifies whether property names on <see cref="JsonObject"/> are case insensitive.
System\Text\Json\Nodes\JsonObject.cs (12)
14/// It's safe to perform multiple concurrent read operations on a <see cref="JsonObject"/>, 26/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JsonObject"/> class that is empty. 32/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JsonObject"/> class that contains the specified <paramref name="properties"/>. 51/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JsonObject"/> class that contains properties from the specified <see cref="JsonElement"/>. 54/// The new instance of the <see cref="JsonObject"/> class that contains properties from the specified <see cref="JsonElement"/>. 58/// <returns>A <see cref="JsonObject"/>.</returns> 59public static JsonObject? Create(JsonElement element, JsonNodeOptions? options = null) 94var jObject = new JsonObject(Options) 179case JsonObject jsonObject: 304private readonly JsonObject _node; 306public DebugView(JsonObject node) 357if (Value is JsonObject jsonObject)
System\Text\Json\Nodes\JsonObject.IDictionary.cs (25)
16/// Adds an element with the provided property name and value to the <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 24/// An element with the same property name already exists in the <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 38/// Adds the specified property to the <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 41/// The KeyValuePair structure representing the property name and value to add to the <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 44/// An element with the same property name already exists in the <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 52/// Removes all elements from the <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 73/// Determines whether the <see cref="JsonObject"/> contains an element with the specified property name. 75/// <param name="propertyName">The property name to locate in the <see cref="JsonObject"/>.</param> 77/// <see langword="true"/> if the <see cref="JsonObject"/> contains an element with the specified property name; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>. 93/// Gets the number of elements contained in <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 98/// Removes the element with the specified property name from the <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 124/// Determines whether the <see cref="JsonObject"/> contains a specific property name and <see cref="JsonNode"/> reference. 126/// <param name="item">The element to locate in the <see cref="JsonObject"/>.</param> 128/// <see langword="true"/> if the <see cref="JsonObject"/> contains an element with the property name; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>. 134/// Copies the elements of the <see cref="JsonObject"/> to an array of type KeyValuePair starting at the specified array index. 137/// The one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the elements copied from <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 154/// Returns an enumerator that iterates through the <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 157/// An enumerator that iterates through the <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 162/// Removes a key and value from the <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 165/// The KeyValuePair structure representing the property name and value to remove from the <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 173/// Gets a collection containing the property names in the <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 178/// Gets a collection containing the property values in the <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 191/// <see langword="true"/> if the <see cref="JsonObject"/> contains an element with the specified property name; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>. 212/// Returns an enumerator that iterates through the <see cref="JsonObject"/>. 215/// An enumerator that iterates through the <see cref="JsonObject"/>.
System\Text\Json\Nodes\JsonObject.IList.cs (1)
71/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">An element with the same key already exists in the <see cref="JsonObject"/>.</exception>
System\Text\Json\Schema\JsonSchema.cs (2)
158var objSchema = new JsonObject(); 192var properties = new JsonObject();
System\Text\Json\Serialization\Attributes\JsonExtensionDataAttribute.cs (1)
7/// When placed on a property or field of type <see cref="System.Text.Json.Nodes.JsonObject"/> or
System\Text\Json\Serialization\Converters\Node\JsonNodeConverterFactory.cs (1)
19if (typeof(JsonObject) == typeToConvert)
System\Text\Json\Serialization\Converters\Node\JsonObjectConverter.cs (8)
11internal sealed class JsonObjectConverter : JsonConverter<JsonObject?> 28Debug.Assert(obj is JsonObject); 29JsonObject jObject = (JsonObject)obj; 37public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, JsonObject? value, JsonSerializerOptions options) 48public override JsonObject? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) 62public static JsonObject ReadObject(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, JsonNodeOptions? options) 65JsonObject jObject = new JsonObject(jElement, options);
System\Text\Json\Serialization\JsonConverterOfT.cs (1)
461Debug.Assert(Type == typeof(Nodes.JsonObject));
System\Text\Json\Serialization\JsonSerializer.Read.HandleMetadata.cs (1)
422if (jsonNode is JsonObject jsonObject)
System\Text\Json\Serialization\Metadata\JsonMetadataServices.Converters.cs (3)
150/// Returns a <see cref="JsonConverter{T}"/> instance that converts <see cref="JsonObject"/> values. 153public static JsonConverter<JsonObject?> JsonObjectConverter => s_jsonObjectConverter ??= new JsonObjectConverter(); 154private static JsonConverter<JsonObject?>? s_jsonObjectConverter;
System\Text\Json\Serialization\Metadata\JsonPropertyInfo.cs (1)
878Debug.Assert(propValue is Nodes.JsonObject);
TestProject.AppHost (3)
TestProgram.cs (3)
146var root = new JsonObject(); 149var projectJson = new JsonObject(); 163var endpointJsonObject = new JsonObject