File: Extensions\JsonNodeSchemaExtensions.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\OpenApi\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Text.Json.Schema;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization.Metadata;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiExplorer;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Constraints;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Models;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi;
/// <summary>
/// Provides a set of extension methods for modifying the opaque JSON Schema type
/// that is provided by the underlying schema generator in System.Text.Json.
/// </summary>
internal static class JsonNodeSchemaExtensions
    private static readonly Dictionary<Type, OpenApiSchema> _simpleTypeToOpenApiSchema = new()
        [typeof(bool)] = new() { Type = "boolean" },
        [typeof(byte)] = new() { Type = "string", Format = "byte" },
        [typeof(int)] = new() { Type = "integer", Format = "int32" },
        [typeof(uint)] = new() { Type = "integer", Format = "uint32" },
        [typeof(long)] = new() { Type = "integer", Format = "int64" },
        [typeof(ulong)] = new() { Type = "integer", Format = "uint64" },
        [typeof(short)] = new() { Type = "integer", Format = "int16" },
        [typeof(ushort)] = new() { Type = "integer", Format = "uint16" },
        [typeof(float)] = new() { Type = "number", Format = "float" },
        [typeof(double)] = new() { Type = "number", Format = "double" },
        [typeof(decimal)] = new() { Type = "number", Format = "double" },
        [typeof(DateTime)] = new() { Type = "string", Format = "date-time" },
        [typeof(DateTimeOffset)] = new() { Type = "string", Format = "date-time" },
        [typeof(Guid)] = new() { Type = "string", Format = "uuid" },
        [typeof(char)] = new() { Type = "string" },
        [typeof(Uri)] = new() { Type = "string", Format = "uri" },
        [typeof(string)] = new() { Type = "string" },
        [typeof(TimeOnly)] = new() { Type = "string", Format = "time" },
        [typeof(DateOnly)] = new() { Type = "string", Format = "date" },
    /// <summary>
    /// Maps the given validation attributes to the target schema.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// OpenApi schema v3 supports the validation vocabulary supported by JSON Schema. Because the underlying
    /// schema generator does not handle validation attributes to the validation vocabulary, we apply that mapping here.
    /// Note that this method targets <see cref="JsonNode"/> and not <see cref="OpenApiSchema"/> because it is
    /// designed to be invoked via the `OnGenerated` callback provided by the underlying schema generator
    /// so that attributes can be mapped to the properties associated with inputs and outputs to a given request.
    /// This implementation only supports mapping validation attributes that have an associated keyword in the
    /// validation vocabulary.
    /// Validation attributes are applied in a last-wins-order. For example, the following set of attributes:
    /// [Range(1, 10), Min(5)]
    /// will result in the schema having a minimum value of 5 and a maximum value of 10. This rule applies even
    /// though the model binding layer in MVC applies all validation attributes on an argument. The following
    /// set of attributes:
    /// [Base64String]
    /// [Url]
    /// public string Url { get; }
    /// will result in the schema having a type of "string" and a format of "uri" even though the model binding
    /// layer will validate the string against *both* constraints.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="schema">The <see cref="JsonNode"/> produced by the underlying schema generator.</param>
    /// <param name="validationAttributes">A list of the validation attributes to apply.</param>
    internal static void ApplyValidationAttributes(this JsonNode schema, IEnumerable<Attribute> validationAttributes)
        foreach (var attribute in validationAttributes)
            if (attribute is Base64StringAttribute)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword] = "string";
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.FormatKeyword] = "byte";
            else if (attribute is RangeAttribute rangeAttribute)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MinimumKeyword] = decimal.Parse(rangeAttribute.Minimum.ToString()!, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MaximumKeyword] = decimal.Parse(rangeAttribute.Maximum.ToString()!, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            else if (attribute is RegularExpressionAttribute regularExpressionAttribute)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.PatternKeyword] = regularExpressionAttribute.Pattern;
            else if (attribute is MaxLengthAttribute maxLengthAttribute)
                var targetKey = schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword]?.GetValue<string>() == "array" ? OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MaxItemsKeyword : OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MaxLengthKeyword;
                schema[targetKey] = maxLengthAttribute.Length;
            else if (attribute is MinLengthAttribute minLengthAttribute)
                var targetKey = schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword]?.GetValue<string>() == "array" ? OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MinItemsKeyword : OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MinLengthKeyword;
                schema[targetKey] = minLengthAttribute.Length;
            else if (attribute is LengthAttribute lengthAttribute)
                var targetKeySuffix = schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword]?.GetValue<string>() == "array" ? "Items" : "Length";
                schema[$"min{targetKeySuffix}"] = lengthAttribute.MinimumLength;
                schema[$"max{targetKeySuffix}"] = lengthAttribute.MaximumLength;
            else if (attribute is UrlAttribute)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword] = "string";
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.FormatKeyword] = "uri";
            else if (attribute is StringLengthAttribute stringLengthAttribute)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MinLengthKeyword] = stringLengthAttribute.MinimumLength;
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MaxLengthKeyword] = stringLengthAttribute.MaximumLength;
    /// <summary>
    /// Populate the default value into the current schema.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="schema">The <see cref="JsonNode"/> produced by the underlying schema generator.</param>
    /// <param name="defaultValue">An object representing the <see cref="object"/> associated with the default value.</param>
    /// <param name="jsonTypeInfo">The <see cref="JsonTypeInfo"/> associated with the target type.</param>
    internal static void ApplyDefaultValue(this JsonNode schema, object? defaultValue, JsonTypeInfo? jsonTypeInfo)
        if (jsonTypeInfo is null)
        if (defaultValue is null)
            schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.DefaultKeyword] = null;
            schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.DefaultKeyword] = JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode(defaultValue, jsonTypeInfo);
    /// <summary>
    /// Applies the primitive types and formats to the schema based on the type.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// OpenAPI v3 requires support for the format keyword in generated types. Because the
    /// underlying schema generator does not support this, we need to manually apply the
    /// supported formats to the schemas associated with the generated type.
    /// Whereas JsonSchema represents nullable types via `type: ["string", "null"]`, OpenAPI
    /// v3 exposes a nullable property on the schema. This method will set the nullable property
    /// based on whether the underlying schema generator returned an array type containing "null" to
    /// represent a nullable type or if the type was denoted as nullable from our lookup cache.
    /// Note that this method targets <see cref="JsonNode"/> and not <see cref="OpenApiSchema"/> because
    /// it is is designed to be invoked via the `OnGenerated` callback in the underlying schema generator as
    /// opposed to after the generated schemas have been mapped to OpenAPI schemas.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="schema">The <see cref="JsonNode"/> produced by the underlying schema generator.</param>
    /// <param name="context">The <see cref="JsonSchemaExporterContext"/> associated with the <see paramref="schema"/>.</param>
    internal static void ApplyPrimitiveTypesAndFormats(this JsonNode schema, JsonSchemaExporterContext context)
        var type = context.TypeInfo.Type;
        var underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type);
        if (_simpleTypeToOpenApiSchema.TryGetValue(underlyingType ?? type, out var openApiSchema))
            schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.NullableKeyword] = openApiSchema.Nullable || (schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword] is JsonArray schemaType && schemaType.GetValues<string>().Contains("null"));
            schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword] = openApiSchema.Type;
            schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.FormatKeyword] = openApiSchema.Format;
            schema[OpenApiConstants.SchemaId] = context.TypeInfo.GetSchemaReferenceId();
            schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.NullableKeyword] = underlyingType != null;
            // Clear out patterns that the underlying JSON schema generator uses to represent
            // validations for DateTime, DateTimeOffset, and integers.
            schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.PatternKeyword] = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Applies route constraints to the target schema.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="schema">The <see cref="JsonNode"/> produced by the underlying schema generator.</param>
    /// <param name="constraints">The list of <see cref="IRouteConstraint"/>s associated with the route parameter.</param>
    internal static void ApplyRouteConstraints(this JsonNode schema, IEnumerable<IRouteConstraint> constraints)
        // Apply constraints in reverse order because when it comes to the routing
        // layer the first constraint that is violated causes routing to short circuit.
        foreach (var constraint in constraints.Reverse())
            if (constraint is MinRouteConstraint minRouteConstraint)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MinimumKeyword] = minRouteConstraint.Min;
            else if (constraint is MaxRouteConstraint maxRouteConstraint)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MaximumKeyword] = maxRouteConstraint.Max;
            else if (constraint is MinLengthRouteConstraint minLengthRouteConstraint)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MinLengthKeyword] = minLengthRouteConstraint.MinLength;
            else if (constraint is MaxLengthRouteConstraint maxLengthRouteConstraint)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MaxLengthKeyword] = maxLengthRouteConstraint.MaxLength;
            else if (constraint is RangeRouteConstraint rangeRouteConstraint)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MinimumKeyword] = rangeRouteConstraint.Min;
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MaximumKeyword] = rangeRouteConstraint.Max;
            else if (constraint is RegexRouteConstraint regexRouteConstraint)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword] = "string";
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.FormatKeyword] = null;
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.PatternKeyword] = regexRouteConstraint.Constraint.ToString();
            else if (constraint is LengthRouteConstraint lengthRouteConstraint)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MinLengthKeyword] = lengthRouteConstraint.MinLength;
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.MaxLengthKeyword] = lengthRouteConstraint.MaxLength;
            else if (constraint is FloatRouteConstraint or DecimalRouteConstraint or DoubleRouteConstraint)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword] = "number";
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.FormatKeyword] = constraint is FloatRouteConstraint ? "float" : "double";
            else if (constraint is LongRouteConstraint or IntRouteConstraint)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword] = "integer";
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.FormatKeyword] = constraint is LongRouteConstraint ? "int64" : "int32";
            else if (constraint is GuidRouteConstraint or StringRouteConstraint)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword] = "string";
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.FormatKeyword] = constraint is GuidRouteConstraint ? "uuid" : null;
            else if (constraint is BoolRouteConstraint)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword] = "boolean";
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.FormatKeyword] = null;
            else if (constraint is AlphaRouteConstraint)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword] = "string";
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.FormatKeyword] = null;
            else if (constraint is DateTimeRouteConstraint)
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword] = "string";
                schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.FormatKeyword] = "date-time";
    /// <summary>
    /// Applies parameter-specific customizations to the target schema.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="schema">The <see cref="JsonNode"/> produced by the underlying schema generator.</param>
    /// <param name="parameterDescription">The <see cref="ApiParameterDescription"/> associated with the <see paramref="schema"/>.</param>
    /// <param name="jsonTypeInfo">The <see cref="JsonTypeInfo"/> associated with the <see paramref="schema"/>.</param>
    internal static void ApplyParameterInfo(this JsonNode schema, ApiParameterDescription parameterDescription, JsonTypeInfo? jsonTypeInfo)
        // This is special handling for parameters that are not bound from the body but represented in a complex type.
        // For example:
        // public class MyArgs
        // {
        //     [Required]
        //     [Range(1, 10)]
        //     [FromQuery]
        //     public string Name { get; set; }
        // }
        // public IActionResult(MyArgs myArgs) { }
        // In this case, the `ApiParameterDescription` object that we received will represent the `Name` property
        // based on our model binding heuristics. In that case, to access the validation attributes that the
        // model binder will respect we will need to get the property from the container type and map the
        // attributes on it to the schema.
        if (parameterDescription.ModelMetadata is { PropertyName: { }, ContainerType: { }, HasValidators: true, ValidatorMetadata: { } validations })
            var attributes = validations.OfType<ValidationAttribute>();
        if (parameterDescription.ParameterDescriptor is IParameterInfoParameterDescriptor { ParameterInfo: { } parameterInfo })
            if (parameterInfo.HasDefaultValue)
                schema.ApplyDefaultValue(parameterInfo.DefaultValue, jsonTypeInfo);
            else if (parameterInfo.GetCustomAttributes<DefaultValueAttribute>().LastOrDefault() is { } defaultValueAttribute)
                schema.ApplyDefaultValue(defaultValueAttribute.Value, jsonTypeInfo);
            if (parameterInfo.GetCustomAttributes().OfType<ValidationAttribute>() is { } validationAttributes)
        // Route constraints are only defined on parameters that are sourced from the path. Since
        // they are encoded in the route template, and not in the type information based to the underlying
        // schema generator we have to handle them separately here.
        if (parameterDescription.RouteInfo?.Constraints is { } constraints)
    /// <summary>
    /// Applies the polymorphism options to the target schema following OpenAPI v3's conventions.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="schema">The <see cref="JsonNode"/> produced by the underlying schema generator.</param>
    /// <param name="context">The <see cref="JsonSchemaExporterContext"/> associated with the current type.</param>
    internal static void ApplyPolymorphismOptions(this JsonNode schema, JsonSchemaExporterContext context)
        // The `context.Path.Length == 0` check is used to ensure that we only apply the polymorphism options
        // to the top-level schema and not to any nested schemas that are generated.
        if (context.TypeInfo.PolymorphismOptions is { } polymorphismOptions && context.Path.Length == 0)
            var mappings = new JsonObject();
            foreach (var derivedType in polymorphismOptions.DerivedTypes)
                if (derivedType.TypeDiscriminator is { } discriminator)
                    var jsonDerivedType = context.TypeInfo.Options.GetTypeInfo(derivedType.DerivedType);
                    // Discriminator mappings are only supported in OpenAPI v3+ so we can safely assume that
                    // the generated reference mappings will support the OpenAPI v3 schema reference format
                    // that we hardcode here. We could use `OpenApiReference` to construct the reference and
                    // serialize it but we use a hardcoded string here to avoid allocating a new object and
                    // working around Microsoft.OpenApi's serialization libraries.
                    mappings[$"{discriminator}"] = $"#/components/schemas/{context.TypeInfo.GetSchemaReferenceId()}{jsonDerivedType.GetSchemaReferenceId()}";
            schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.DiscriminatorKeyword] = polymorphismOptions.TypeDiscriminatorPropertyName;
            schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.DiscriminatorMappingKeyword] = mappings;
    /// <summary>
    /// Set the x-schema-id property on the schema to the identifier associated with the type.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="schema">The <see cref="JsonNode"/> produced by the underlying schema generator.</param>
    /// <param name="context">The <see cref="JsonSchemaExporterContext"/> associated with the current type.</param>
    internal static void ApplySchemaReferenceId(this JsonNode schema, JsonSchemaExporterContext context)
        if (context.TypeInfo.GetSchemaReferenceId() is { } schemaReferenceId)
            schema[OpenApiConstants.SchemaId] = schemaReferenceId;
    /// <summary>
    /// Support applying nullability status for reference types provided as a parameter.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="schema">The <see cref="JsonNode"/> produced by the underlying schema generator.</param>
    /// <param name="parameterInfo">The <see cref="ParameterInfo" /> associated with the schema.</param>
    internal static void ApplyNullabilityContextInfo(this JsonNode schema, ParameterInfo parameterInfo)
        if (parameterInfo.ParameterType.IsValueType)
        var nullabilityInfoContext = new NullabilityInfoContext();
        var nullabilityInfo = nullabilityInfoContext.Create(parameterInfo);
        if (nullabilityInfo.WriteState == NullabilityState.Nullable)
            schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.NullableKeyword] = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Support applying nullability status for reference types provided as a property or field.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="schema">The <see cref="JsonNode"/> produced by the underlying schema generator.</param>
    /// <param name="propertyInfo">The <see cref="JsonPropertyInfo" /> associated with the schema.</param>
    internal static void ApplyNullabilityContextInfo(this JsonNode schema, JsonPropertyInfo propertyInfo)
        // Avoid setting explicit nullability annotations for `object` types so they continue to match on the catch
        // all schema (no type, no format, no constraints).
        if (propertyInfo.PropertyType != typeof(object) && (propertyInfo.IsGetNullable || propertyInfo.IsSetNullable))
            schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.NullableKeyword] = true;