// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO.Pipelines;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Text.Json.Schema;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization.Metadata;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Json;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiExplorer;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Models;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi;
/// <summary>
/// Supports managing elements that belong in the "components" section of
/// an OpenAPI document. In particular, this is the API that is used to
/// interact with the JSON schemas that are managed by a given OpenAPI document.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class OpenApiSchemaService(
[ServiceKey] string documentName,
IOptions<JsonOptions> jsonOptions,
IOptionsMonitor<OpenApiOptions> optionsMonitor)
private readonly OpenApiJsonSchemaContext _jsonSchemaContext = new(new(jsonOptions.Value.SerializerOptions));
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _jsonSerializerOptions = new(jsonOptions.Value.SerializerOptions)
// In order to properly handle the `RequiredAttribute` on type properties, add a modifier to support
// setting `JsonPropertyInfo.IsRequired` based on the presence of the `RequiredAttribute`.
TypeInfoResolver = jsonOptions.Value.SerializerOptions.TypeInfoResolver?.WithAddedModifier(jsonTypeInfo =>
if (jsonTypeInfo.Kind != JsonTypeInfoKind.Object)
foreach (var propertyInfo in jsonTypeInfo.Properties)
var hasRequiredAttribute = propertyInfo.AttributeProvider?
.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: false)
.Any(attr => attr is RequiredAttribute);
propertyInfo.IsRequired |= hasRequiredAttribute ?? false;
private readonly JsonSchemaExporterOptions _configuration = new()
TreatNullObliviousAsNonNullable = true,
TransformSchemaNode = (context, schema) =>
var type = context.TypeInfo.Type;
// Fix up schemas generated for IFormFile, IFormFileCollection, Stream, and PipeReader
// that appear as properties within complex types.
if (type == typeof(IFormFile) || type == typeof(Stream) || type == typeof(PipeReader))
schema = new JsonObject
[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword] = "string",
[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.FormatKeyword] = "binary",
[OpenApiConstants.SchemaId] = "IFormFile"
else if (type == typeof(IFormFileCollection))
schema = new JsonObject
[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword] = "array",
[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.ItemsKeyword] = new JsonObject
[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.TypeKeyword] = "string",
[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.FormatKeyword] = "binary",
[OpenApiConstants.SchemaId] = "IFormFile"
// STJ uses `true` in place of an empty object to represent a schema that matches
// anything (like the `object` type) or types with user-defined converters. We override
// this default behavior here to match the format expected in OpenAPI v3.
if (schema.GetValueKind() == JsonValueKind.True)
schema = new JsonObject();
var createSchemaReferenceId = optionsMonitor.Get(documentName).CreateSchemaReferenceId;
schema.ApplyPrimitiveTypesAndFormats(context, createSchemaReferenceId);
schema.ApplySchemaReferenceId(context, createSchemaReferenceId);
schema.MapPolymorphismOptionsToDiscriminator(context, createSchemaReferenceId);
if (context.PropertyInfo is { } jsonPropertyInfo)
// Short-circuit STJ's handling of nested properties, which uses a reference to the
// properties type schema with a schema that uses a document level reference.
// For example, if the property is a `public NestedTyped Nested { get; set; }` property,
// "nested": "#/properties/nested" becomes "nested": "#/components/schemas/NestedType"
if (jsonPropertyInfo.PropertyType == jsonPropertyInfo.DeclaringType)
return new JsonObject { [OpenApiSchemaKeywords.RefKeyword] = createSchemaReferenceId(context.TypeInfo) };
if (context.PropertyInfo is { AttributeProvider: { } attributeProvider })
if (attributeProvider.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: false).OfType<ValidationAttribute>() is { } validationAttributes)
if (attributeProvider.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: false).OfType<DefaultValueAttribute>().LastOrDefault() is DefaultValueAttribute defaultValueAttribute)
schema.ApplyDefaultValue(defaultValueAttribute.Value, context.TypeInfo);
if (attributeProvider.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: false).OfType<DescriptionAttribute>().LastOrDefault() is DescriptionAttribute descriptionAttribute)
schema[OpenApiSchemaKeywords.DescriptionKeyword] = descriptionAttribute.Description;
return schema;
internal async Task<OpenApiSchema> GetOrCreateSchemaAsync(OpenApiDocument document, Type type, IServiceProvider scopedServiceProvider, IOpenApiSchemaTransformer[] schemaTransformers, ApiParameterDescription? parameterDescription = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var key = parameterDescription?.ParameterDescriptor is IParameterInfoParameterDescriptor parameterInfoDescription
&& parameterDescription.ModelMetadata.PropertyName is null
? new OpenApiSchemaKey(type, parameterInfoDescription.ParameterInfo) : new OpenApiSchemaKey(type, null);
var schemaAsJsonObject = CreateSchema(key);
if (parameterDescription is not null)
schemaAsJsonObject.ApplyParameterInfo(parameterDescription, _jsonSerializerOptions.GetTypeInfo(type));
// Use _jsonSchemaContext constructed from _jsonSerializerOptions to respect shared config set by end-user,
// particularly in the case of maxDepth.
var deserializedSchema = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(schemaAsJsonObject, _jsonSchemaContext.OpenApiJsonSchema);
Debug.Assert(deserializedSchema != null, "The schema should have been deserialized successfully and materialize a non-null value.");
var schema = deserializedSchema.Schema;
await ApplySchemaTransformersAsync(schema, type, scopedServiceProvider, schemaTransformers, parameterDescription, cancellationToken);
return ResolveReferenceForSchema(document, schema);
internal static OpenApiSchema ResolveReferenceForSchema(OpenApiDocument document, OpenApiSchema schema, string? baseSchemaId = null)
if (schema.Annotations is not null &&
schema.Annotations.TryGetValue(OpenApiConstants.SchemaId, out var resolvedBaseSchemaId))
if (schema.AnyOf is { Count: > 0 })
for (var i = 0; i < schema.AnyOf.Count; i++)
schema.AnyOf[i] = ResolveReferenceForSchema(document, schema.AnyOf[i], resolvedBaseSchemaId?.ToString());
if (schema.Properties is not null)
foreach (var property in schema.Properties)
schema.Properties[property.Key] = ResolveReferenceForSchema(document, property.Value);
if (schema.AllOf is { Count: > 0 })
for (var i = 0; i < schema.AllOf.Count; i++)
schema.AllOf[i] = ResolveReferenceForSchema(document, schema.AllOf[i]);
if (schema.OneOf is { Count: > 0 })
for (var i = 0; i < schema.OneOf.Count; i++)
schema.OneOf[i] = ResolveReferenceForSchema(document, schema.OneOf[i]);
if (schema.AdditionalProperties is not null)
schema.AdditionalProperties = ResolveReferenceForSchema(document, schema.AdditionalProperties);
if (schema.Items is not null)
schema.Items = ResolveReferenceForSchema(document, schema.Items);
if (schema.Not is not null)
schema.Not = ResolveReferenceForSchema(document, schema.Not);
// Handle schemas where the references have been inlined by the JsonSchemaExporter. In this case,
// the `#` ID is generated by the exporter since it has no base document to baseline against. In this
// case we we want to replace the reference ID with the schema ID that was generated by the
// `CreateSchemaReferenceId` method in the OpenApiSchemaService.
if (schema.Reference is { Type: ReferenceType.Schema, Id: "#" } &&
schema.Annotations is not null &&
schema.Annotations.TryGetValue(OpenApiConstants.SchemaId, out var schemaId) &&
schemaId is string schemaIdString)
return document.AddOpenApiSchemaByReference(schemaIdString, schema);
// If we're resolving schemas for a top-level schema being referenced in the `components.schema` property
// we don't want to replace the top-level inline schema with a reference to itself. We want to replace
// inline schemas to reference schemas for all schemas referenced in the top-level schema though (such as
// `allOf`, `oneOf`, `anyOf`, `items`, `properties`, etc.) which is why `isTopLevel` is only set once.
if (schema.Reference is null &&
schema.Annotations is not null &&
schema.Annotations.TryGetValue(OpenApiConstants.SchemaId, out var referenceId) &&
referenceId is string referenceIdString)
var targetReferenceId = baseSchemaId is not null
? $"{baseSchemaId}{referenceIdString}"
: referenceIdString;
if (targetReferenceId is not null)
schema = document.AddOpenApiSchemaByReference(targetReferenceId, schema);
return schema;
internal async Task ApplySchemaTransformersAsync(OpenApiSchema schema, Type type, IServiceProvider scopedServiceProvider, IOpenApiSchemaTransformer[] schemaTransformers, ApiParameterDescription? parameterDescription = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
if (schemaTransformers.Length == 0)
var jsonTypeInfo = _jsonSerializerOptions.GetTypeInfo(type);
var context = new OpenApiSchemaTransformerContext
DocumentName = documentName,
JsonTypeInfo = jsonTypeInfo,
JsonPropertyInfo = null,
ParameterDescription = parameterDescription,
ApplicationServices = scopedServiceProvider
for (var i = 0; i < schemaTransformers.Length; i++)
// Reset context object to base state before running each transformer.
var transformer = schemaTransformers[i];
await InnerApplySchemaTransformersAsync(schema, jsonTypeInfo, null, context, transformer, cancellationToken);
private async Task InnerApplySchemaTransformersAsync(OpenApiSchema schema,
JsonTypeInfo jsonTypeInfo,
JsonPropertyInfo? jsonPropertyInfo,
OpenApiSchemaTransformerContext context,
IOpenApiSchemaTransformer transformer,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
context.UpdateJsonTypeInfo(jsonTypeInfo, jsonPropertyInfo);
await transformer.TransformAsync(schema, context, cancellationToken);
// Only apply transformers on polymorphic schemas where we can resolve the derived
// types associated with the base type.
if (schema.AnyOf is { Count: > 0 } && jsonTypeInfo.PolymorphismOptions is not null)
var anyOfIndex = 0;
foreach (var derivedType in jsonTypeInfo.PolymorphismOptions.DerivedTypes)
var derivedJsonTypeInfo = _jsonSerializerOptions.GetTypeInfo(derivedType.DerivedType);
if (schema.AnyOf.Count <= anyOfIndex)
await InnerApplySchemaTransformersAsync(schema.AnyOf[anyOfIndex], derivedJsonTypeInfo, null, context, transformer, cancellationToken);
if (schema.Items is not null)
var elementTypeInfo = _jsonSerializerOptions.GetTypeInfo(jsonTypeInfo.ElementType!);
await InnerApplySchemaTransformersAsync(schema.Items, elementTypeInfo, null, context, transformer, cancellationToken);
if (schema.Properties is { Count: > 0 })
foreach (var propertyInfo in jsonTypeInfo.Properties)
if (schema.Properties.TryGetValue(propertyInfo.Name, out var propertySchema))
await InnerApplySchemaTransformersAsync(propertySchema, _jsonSerializerOptions.GetTypeInfo(propertyInfo.PropertyType), propertyInfo, context, transformer, cancellationToken);
if (schema is { AdditionalPropertiesAllowed: true, AdditionalProperties: not null } &&
jsonTypeInfo.ElementType is not null)
var elementTypeInfo = _jsonSerializerOptions.GetTypeInfo(jsonTypeInfo.ElementType);
await InnerApplySchemaTransformersAsync(schema.AdditionalProperties, elementTypeInfo, null, context, transformer, cancellationToken);
private JsonNode CreateSchema(OpenApiSchemaKey key)
=> JsonSchemaExporter.GetJsonSchemaAsNode(_jsonSerializerOptions, key.Type, _configuration);