// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Azure.Core;
using Microsoft.SymbolStore;
using Polly.Retry;
using Polly;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Internal.SymbolHelper;
/// <summary>
/// This class implements the symbol request processes described in https://www.osgwiki.com/wiki/Symbols_Publishing_Pipeline_to_SymWeb_and_MSDL
/// Generally publishing workflows will just call RegisterAndPublishRequest
/// - If the request doesn't exist in the symbolrequest service, it will get registered and symbols will be published with the expected TTL and to the internal/public servers as requested.
/// - If the request is registered, the method will update the servers it's published to and the TTL.
/// - If the request is registered and is available in all target servers, only the TTL will be updated.
/// </summary>
public static class SymbolPromotionHelper
private static readonly HttpClient s_client = new();
private static readonly JsonSerializerOptions s_options = new() { PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true };
public static readonly ResiliencePropertyKey<ITracer> s_loggerKey = new("logger");
private static readonly ResiliencePipeline s_retryPipeline = new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
.AddRetry(new RetryStrategyOptions
ShouldHandle = static args =>
if (args.Outcome.Exception is null) { return ValueTask.FromResult(false); }
if (args.Outcome.Exception is HttpRequestException httpException)
bool isRetryable = (httpException.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized && args.AttemptNumber == 0) // In case the token was grabbed from cache and died shortly. Retry only once in this case.
|| httpException.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout
|| httpException.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests
|| httpException.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadGateway
|| httpException.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable
|| httpException.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout;
return ValueTask.FromResult(isRetryable);
return ValueTask.FromResult(false);
Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
MaxRetryAttempts = 3,
BackoffType = DelayBackoffType.Exponential,
UseJitter = true,
MaxDelay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
OnRetry = args =>
_ = args.Context.Properties.TryGetValue(s_loggerKey, out ITracer? logger);
if (args.Outcome.Exception is HttpRequestException httpException)
logger?.Information("Try {0} failed with '{1}', delaying {2}", args.AttemptNumber + 1, httpException.Message, args.RetryDelay);
logger?.Information("Try {0} failed, delaying {1}", args.AttemptNumber, args.RetryDelay);
return default;
public static async Task<bool> RegisterAndPublishRequest(ITracer logger, TokenCredential credential, Environment env,
string symbolRequestProject, string requestName, uint symbolExpirationInDays, Visibility visibility, CancellationToken ct = default)
SymbolRequestHelpers.ValidateRequestName(requestName, logger);
if (!Enum.IsDefined(visibility))
logger.Error("Invalid visibility requested {0}", visibility);
return false;
(string? requestRegistrationEndpoint, string? requestSpecificEndpoint, string? tokenResource) = GetEnvironmentResources(logger, env, symbolRequestProject, requestName);
if (tokenResource is null || requestSpecificEndpoint is null || requestRegistrationEndpoint is null)
return false;
// This does mean an extra request. But this is common for cases where there's promotion of a build into different channels if we decide to optimize for
// already published requests.
SymbolRequestStatus? registration = await CheckRequestRegistration(logger, credential, env, symbolRequestProject, requestName, ct);
if (registration is null)
DateTime expirationDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(symbolExpirationInDays);
JsonObject registrationPayload = new()
["requestName"] = requestName,
["expirationTime"] = expirationDate
logger.WriteLine("Requesting request '{0}' registration to '{1}' with expiration {2}", requestName, requestRegistrationEndpoint, expirationDate);
if (!await SendPostRequestWithRetries(requestRegistrationEndpoint, registrationPayload))
return false;
else if (RegistrationIsRequestedInTargetServers(registration, visibility))
logger.WriteLine("Registration published to all servers already. Requesting expiration in {0} days.", symbolExpirationInDays);
// if we are in all target servers, then we need to patch the servers with the new TTL which is not a post request. Call the appropriate logic.
return await UpdateRequestExpiration(logger, credential, env, symbolRequestProject, requestName, symbolExpirationInDays, ct);
// We get here if we had to register, or if we are not in all target servers. Post the request as usual.
JsonObject visibilityPayload = new()
["publishToInternalServer"] = (visibility >= Visibility.Internal),
["publishToPublicServer"] = (visibility >= Visibility.Public)
logger.WriteLine("Requesting '{0}' to be visible in as follows: '{1}'", requestName, visibilityPayload);
if (!await SendPostRequestWithRetries(requestSpecificEndpoint, visibilityPayload))
return false;
logger.WriteLine("Successfully added request to all requested symbol servers.");
return true;
async Task<bool> SendPostRequestWithRetries(string url, JsonObject payload)
ResilienceContext context = ResilienceContextPool.Shared.Get(ct);
context.Properties.Set(s_loggerKey, logger);
await s_retryPipeline.ExecuteAsync(async _ =>
using HttpRequestMessage registerRequest = new(HttpMethod.Post, url)
Headers =
Authorization = await GetSymbolRequestAuthHeader(credential, tokenResource, ct),
Content = new StringContent(payload.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
using HttpResponseMessage regResponse = await s_client.SendAsync(registerRequest, ct);
}, context);
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error("Request failed: {0}", ex);
if (ex is HttpRequestException httpEx && httpEx.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
logger.Warning("This request returned BadRequest. Make sure the request '{0}' exists in the temporary server and is finalized.", requestName);
return false;
return true;
static bool RegistrationIsRequestedInTargetServers(SymbolRequestStatus registration, Visibility visibility) =>
((visibility >= Visibility.Public) == registration.PublishToPublicServer)
&& ((visibility >= Visibility.Internal) == registration.PublishToInternalServer);
public static async Task<SymbolRequestStatus?> CheckRequestRegistration(ITracer logger, TokenCredential credential,
Environment env, string symbolRequestProject, string requestName, CancellationToken ct = default)
(_, string? requestSpecificEndpoint, string? tokenResource) = GetEnvironmentResources(logger, env, symbolRequestProject, requestName);
if (tokenResource is null || requestSpecificEndpoint is null)
logger.Error("Can't get token resource/registration url for env {0} and project {1}", env, symbolRequestProject);
return default;
logger.WriteLine("Requesting status of '{0}' from {1}", requestName, requestSpecificEndpoint);
ResilienceContext context = ResilienceContextPool.Shared.Get(ct);
return await s_retryPipeline.ExecuteAsync(async _ =>
using HttpRequestMessage statusRequest = new(HttpMethod.Get, requestSpecificEndpoint)
Headers =
Authorization = await GetSymbolRequestAuthHeader(credential, tokenResource, ct),
Accept = { new("application/json") }
using HttpResponseMessage statusResponse = await s_client.SendAsync(statusRequest, ct);
if (statusResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
logger.WriteLine("Request '{0}' hasn't been registered", requestName);
return null;
Stream result = await statusResponse.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(ct);
return await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<SymbolRequestStatus>(result, s_options, cancellationToken: ct);
}, context);
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error("Unable to get status of request: {0}", ex);
return null;
private async static Task<AuthenticationHeaderValue> GetSymbolRequestAuthHeader(TokenCredential credential, string tokenResource, CancellationToken ct)
AccessToken token = await credential.GetTokenAsync(new TokenRequestContext([tokenResource]), ct);
return new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token.Token);
public static async Task<bool> UpdateRequestExpiration(ITracer logger, TokenCredential credential,
Environment env, string symbolRequestProject, string requestName, uint symbolExpirationInDays, CancellationToken ct = default)
SymbolRequestHelpers.ValidateRequestName(requestName, logger);
(_, string? requestSpecificEndpoint, string? tokenResource) = GetEnvironmentResources(logger, env, symbolRequestProject, requestName);
if (tokenResource is null || requestSpecificEndpoint is null)
logger.Error("Can't get token resource/urls for env {0} and project {1}", env, symbolRequestProject);
return default;
DateTime expirationDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(symbolExpirationInDays);
JsonObject extensionPayload = new()
["expirationTime"] = expirationDate
logger.WriteLine("Requesting '{0}' to expire at '{1}'", requestName, expirationDate);
ResilienceContext context = ResilienceContextPool.Shared.Get(ct);
return await s_retryPipeline.ExecuteAsync(async _ =>
using HttpRequestMessage statusRequest = new(HttpMethod.Patch, requestSpecificEndpoint)
Headers =
Authorization = await GetSymbolRequestAuthHeader(credential, tokenResource, ct),
Content = new StringContent(extensionPayload.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
using HttpResponseMessage statusResponse = await s_client.SendAsync(statusRequest, ct);
return true;
}, context);
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error("Unable to extend request lifetime: {0}", ex);
return false;
private static (string? RequestRegistrationEndpoint, string? RequestSpecificEndpoint, string? TokenResource) GetEnvironmentResources(ITracer logger, Environment env, string project, string requestName)
string? tokenResource = env switch
Environment.PPE => "api://2748228d-54c2-4c34-a8ed-c4ae31661b39/.default",
Environment.Prod => "api://30471ccf-0966-45b9-a979-065dbedb24c1/.default",
_ => default
if (tokenResource is null)
logger.Error("Can't get token resource for env {0}", env);
return default;
string? requestRegistrationEndpoint = env switch
Environment.PPE => $"https://symbolrequestppe.trafficmanager.net/projects/{project}/requests",
Environment.Prod => $"https://symbolrequestprod.trafficmanager.net/projects/{project}/requests",
_ => default
if (requestRegistrationEndpoint is null)
logger.Error("Can't get registration endpoint for env {0}", env);
return default;
SymbolRequestHelpers.ValidateRequestName(requestName, logger);
string requestSpecificEndpoint = $"{requestRegistrationEndpoint}/{requestName}";
return (requestRegistrationEndpoint, requestSpecificEndpoint, tokenResource);
public enum Environment
public enum Visibility
public enum Status
NotRequested = 0,
public enum Result
Pending = 0,
public sealed record class SymbolRequestStatus(
string? RequestName,
DateTime? ExpirationTime,
bool PublishToInternalServer,
Status PublishToInternalServerStatus,
Result PublishToInternalServerResult,
string? PublishToInternalServerFailureMessage,
bool PublishToPublicServer,
Status PublishToPublicServerStatus,
Result PublishToPublicServerResult,
string? PublishToPublicServerFailureMessage,
string[]? FilesPublishedAsPrivateSymbolsToPublicServer,
string[]? FilesBlockedFromPublicServer);