// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Encodings.Web;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.DotnetRuntime.Extensions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder.SourceGeneration;
namespace ConfigurationSchemaGenerator;
internal sealed partial class ConfigSchemaEmitter(SchemaGenerationSpec spec, Compilation compilation)
internal const string RootPathPrefix = "--empty--";
private static readonly string[] s_lineBreaks = ["\r\n", "\r", "\n"];
private static readonly JsonNodeOptions s_ignoreCaseNodeOptions = new() { PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true };
private static readonly JsonSerializerOptions s_serializerOptions = new()
WriteIndented = true,
// ensure the properties are ordered correctly
Converters = { SchemaOrderJsonNodeConverter.Instance },
// prevent known escaped characters from being \uxxxx encoded
Encoder = JavaScriptEncoder.UnsafeRelaxedJsonEscaping
private readonly TypeIndex _typeIndex = new TypeIndex(spec.AllTypes);
private readonly Compilation _compilation = compilation;
private readonly Stack<TypeSpec> _visitedTypes = new();
private readonly string[] _exclusionPaths = CreateExclusionPaths(spec.ExclusionPaths);
private static partial Regex BlankLinesInDocComment();
public string GenerateSchema()
var root = new JsonObject();
return JsonSerializer.Serialize(root, s_serializerOptions);
private void GenerateLogCategories(JsonObject parent)
var categories = spec.LogCategories;
if (categories is null)
var propertiesNode = new JsonObject(s_ignoreCaseNodeOptions);
for (var i = 0; i < categories.Count; i++)
var categoryNode = new JsonObject();
categoryNode["$ref"] = "#/definitions/logLevelThreshold";
ReplaceNodeWithKeyCasingChange(propertiesNode, categories[i], categoryNode);
parent["definitions"] = new JsonObject
["logLevel"] = new JsonObject
["properties"] = propertiesNode
private void GenerateGraph(JsonObject rootNode)
if (spec.ConfigurationTypes.Count > 0)
if (spec.ConfigurationTypes.Count != spec.ConfigurationPaths?.Count)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Ensure Types and ConfigurationPaths are the same length.");
for (var i = 0; i < spec.ConfigurationPaths.Count; i++)
var type = spec.ConfigurationTypes[i];
var path = spec.ConfigurationPaths[i];
var pathSegments = new Queue<string>();
foreach (var segment in path.Split(':').Where(segment => !segment.StartsWith(RootPathPrefix)))
GeneratePathSegment(rootNode, type, pathSegments);
private bool GeneratePathSegment(JsonObject currentNode, TypeSpec type, Queue<string> pathSegments)
if (pathSegments.Count == 0)
return GenerateType(currentNode, type);
var pathSegment = pathSegments.Dequeue();
var isAsterisk = pathSegment == "*";
var propertiesName = isAsterisk ? "additionalProperties" : "properties";
// While descending into the node tree, a container node is created or an existing one is reused, which is then passed to the subtree generator.
// Each generator is responsible for reverting to the original state of its children and return false, in case there's nothing to generate.
// The parent generator then removes the container node or restores it from a backup.
// This strategy ensures that generators don't affect the existing tree (potentially overwriting data) when they produce no output.
// For example, the generator here adds "type: object". But when generating the subtree results in no objects, that change needs to be reverted,
// so that an existing "type: string" is preserved. Or the schema remains empty if it was before.
var backupTypeNode = currentNode["type"];
currentNode["type"] = "object";
var ownsProperties = false;
if (currentNode[propertiesName] is not JsonObject propertiesNode)
propertiesNode = new JsonObject(s_ignoreCaseNodeOptions);
currentNode[propertiesName] = propertiesNode;
ownsProperties = true;
var ownsPathSegment = false;
string? backupCasingOfPathSegmentName = null;
if (propertiesNode[pathSegment] is not JsonObject pathSegmentNode)
if (isAsterisk)
pathSegmentNode = propertiesNode;
pathSegmentNode = new JsonObject();
ReplaceNodeWithKeyCasingChange(propertiesNode, pathSegment, pathSegmentNode);
ownsPathSegment = true;
backupCasingOfPathSegmentName = propertiesNode[pathSegment].GetPropertyName();
if (backupCasingOfPathSegmentName != pathSegment)
ReplaceNodeWithKeyCasingChange(propertiesNode, pathSegment, pathSegmentNode);
backupCasingOfPathSegmentName = null;
var hasGenerated = GeneratePathSegment(pathSegmentNode, type, pathSegments);
if (!hasGenerated)
RestoreBackup(backupTypeNode, "type", currentNode);
if (ownsProperties)
else if (ownsPathSegment)
else if (backupCasingOfPathSegmentName != null)
var existingValue = propertiesNode[pathSegment];
ReplaceNodeWithKeyCasingChange(propertiesNode, backupCasingOfPathSegmentName, existingValue);
return hasGenerated;
private bool GenerateType(JsonObject currentNode, TypeSpec type)
bool hasGenerated;
if (type is ParsableFromStringSpec parsable)
GenerateParsableFromString(currentNode, parsable);
hasGenerated = true;
else if (type is NullableSpec nullable)
var effectiveType = _typeIndex.GetTypeSpec(nullable.EffectiveTypeRef);
hasGenerated = GenerateType(currentNode, effectiveType);
else if (type is ObjectSpec objectSpec)
hasGenerated = GenerateObject(currentNode, objectSpec);
else if (type is DictionarySpec dictionary)
hasGenerated = GenerateCollection(currentNode, dictionary, "object", "additionalProperties");
else if (type is CollectionSpec collection)
hasGenerated = GenerateCollection(currentNode, collection, "array", "items");
else if (type is UnsupportedTypeSpec)
// skip unsupported types
hasGenerated = false;
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown type {type}");
if (hasGenerated)
GenerateDescriptionForType(currentNode, type);
return hasGenerated;
private bool GenerateObject(JsonObject currentNode, ObjectSpec objectSpec)
if (_visitedTypes.Contains(objectSpec))
// Infinite recursion: keep all parent nodes, but suppress IntelliSense from here by not setting any type.
return true;
var hasGenerated = false;
var properties = objectSpec.Properties;
if (properties?.Count > 0)
var backupTypeNode = currentNode["type"];
currentNode["type"] = "object";
var ownsProperties = false;
if (currentNode["properties"] is not JsonObject propertiesNode)
propertiesNode = new JsonObject();
currentNode["properties"] = propertiesNode;
ownsProperties = true;
foreach (var property in properties)
if (_typeIndex.ShouldBindTo(property) && !IsExcluded(propertiesNode, property))
var propertySymbol = GetPropertySymbol(objectSpec, property);
hasGenerated |= GenerateProperty(propertiesNode, property, propertySymbol);
if (!hasGenerated)
RestoreBackup(backupTypeNode, "type", currentNode);
if (ownsProperties)
return hasGenerated;
private bool GenerateProperty(JsonObject currentNode, PropertySpec property, IPropertySymbol? propertySymbol)
var propertyType = _typeIndex.GetTypeSpec(property.TypeRef);
if (ShouldSkipProperty(property, propertyType, propertySymbol))
return false;
var backupPropertyNode = currentNode[property.ConfigurationKeyName];
var propertyNode = new JsonObject();
ReplaceNodeWithKeyCasingChange(currentNode, property.ConfigurationKeyName, propertyNode);
var hasGenerated = GenerateType(propertyNode, propertyType);
if (hasGenerated)
var docComment = GetDocComment(propertySymbol);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(docComment))
GenerateDescriptionFromDocComment(propertyNode, docComment);
RestoreBackup(backupPropertyNode, property.ConfigurationKeyName, currentNode);
return hasGenerated;
private bool GenerateCollection(JsonObject currentNode, CollectionSpec collection, string typeName, string containerName)
if (collection.TypeRef.Equals(collection.ElementTypeRef) || _visitedTypes.Contains(collection))
// Infinite recursion: keep all parent nodes, but suppress IntelliSense from here by not setting any type.
return true;
var backupTypeNode = currentNode["type"];
var backupContainerNode = currentNode[containerName];
currentNode["type"] = typeName;
var containerNode = new JsonObject();
currentNode[containerName] = containerNode;
var elementType = _typeIndex.GetTypeSpec(collection.ElementTypeRef);
var hasGenerated = GenerateType(containerNode, elementType);
if (!hasGenerated)
RestoreBackup(backupTypeNode, "type", currentNode);
RestoreBackup(backupContainerNode, containerName, currentNode);
return hasGenerated;
private static void RestoreBackup(JsonNode? backupNode, string name, JsonObject parentNode)
if (backupNode == null)
ReplaceNodeWithKeyCasingChange(parentNode, name, backupNode);
private string? GetDocComment(ISymbol? symbol)
if (symbol != null)
// Support using <inheritdoc /> in code and external assemblies.
// Because roslyn provides no public API to expand inherited doc-comments (see https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/313),
// use the internal Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions.ISymbolExtensions.GetDocumentationComment method.
// This method behaves a bit odd though: If there's no doc-comment on a member, it internally assumes that the member contains "<doc><inheritdoc/></doc>"
// (which is completely invalid) and feeds that to itself. As a consequence, the method may return something wrapped in <doc>, instead of the expected
// <member> element.
object[] args = [symbol, _compilation, /*preferredCulture:*/ null, /*expandIncludes:*/ true, /*expandInheritdoc:*/ true, default(CancellationToken)];
var docComment = s_getDocumentationCommentMethodInfo.Invoke(null, args);
var xml = s_getFullXmlFragmentMethodInfo.Invoke(docComment, null) as string;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml) && xml != "<doc />")
return XElement.Parse(xml).ToString(SaveOptions.None);
return null;
private static readonly MethodInfo s_getDocumentationCommentMethodInfo =
Type.GetType("Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions.ISymbolExtensions, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces")!
.GetMethod("GetDocumentationComment", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, [typeof(ISymbol), typeof(Compilation), typeof(CultureInfo), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(CancellationToken)])!;
private static readonly MethodInfo s_getFullXmlFragmentMethodInfo =
Type.GetType("Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Utilities.DocumentationComment, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces")!
.GetMethod("get_FullXmlFragment", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)!;
private IPropertySymbol? GetPropertySymbol(TypeSpec type, PropertySpec property)
IPropertySymbol? propertySymbol = null;
var typeSymbol = _compilation.GetBestTypeByMetadataName(type.FullName) as ITypeSymbol;
while (propertySymbol is null && typeSymbol is not null)
propertySymbol = typeSymbol.GetMembers(property.Name).FirstOrDefault() as IPropertySymbol;
typeSymbol = typeSymbol.BaseType;
return propertySymbol;
private static bool ShouldSkipProperty(PropertySpec property, TypeSpec propertyType, IPropertySymbol? propertySymbol)
if (propertyType is UnsupportedTypeSpec)
return true;
if (property.IsStatic && !property.CanSet)
return true;
// skip simple properties that can't be set
// TODO: this should allow for init properties set through the constructor. Need to figure out the correct rule here.
if (propertyType is not ComplexTypeSpec &&
return true;
// skip [Obsolete] or [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
var attributes = propertySymbol?.GetAttributes();
if (attributes is not null)
foreach (var attribute in attributes)
if (attribute.AttributeClass?.ToDisplayString() == "System.ObsoleteAttribute")
return true;
else if (attribute.AttributeClass?.ToDisplayString() == "System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute" &&
attribute.ConstructorArguments.Length == 1 &&
attribute.ConstructorArguments[0].Value is int value &&
value == 1) // EditorBrowsableState.Never
return true;
return false;
private static void GenerateDescriptionFromDocComment(JsonObject propertyNode, string docComment)
var doc = XDocument.Parse(docComment);
var memberRoot = doc.Element("member") ?? doc.Element("doc");
var summary = memberRoot?.Element("summary");
if (summary is not null)
var description = FormatDescription(summary);
if (description.Length > 0)
propertyNode["description"] = description;
var propertyNodeType = propertyNode["type"];
if (propertyNodeType?.GetValueKind() == JsonValueKind.String && propertyNodeType.GetValue<string>() == "boolean")
var value = memberRoot?.Element("value")?.ToString();
if (value?.Contains("default value is", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true)
var containsTrue = value.Contains("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
var containsFalse = value.Contains("false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (containsTrue && !containsFalse)
propertyNode["default"] = true;
else if (!containsTrue && containsFalse)
propertyNode["default"] = false;
internal static string FormatDescription(XElement element)
// Because line breaks have no semantic meaning in XML text, we replace them with spaces.
// But we'd like to preserve blank lines for readability, so we substitute them with <br/> placeholders upfront.
// At the end, we convert all <br/> placeholders back to regular line breaks (accounting for inserted spaces around them).
// When <para> is used, it needs to be surrounded by line breaks, so we replace <para>text</para> with <br/>text<br/>.
// But when <para>one</para><para>two</para> is used, we now have two line breaks between them instead of one.
// So at the end, duplicate blank lines (\n\n\n\n) are reduced to a single blank line (\n\n).
var text = string.Join(string.Empty, element.Nodes().Select(GetNodeText));
var lines = text.Split(s_lineBreaks, StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries | StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
return string.Join(' ', lines)
.Replace(" <br/> ", "\n")
.Replace(" <br/>", "\n")
.Replace("<br/> ", "\n")
.Replace("<br/>", "\n")
.Replace("\n\n\n\n", "\n\n")
private void GenerateDescriptionForType(JsonObject currentNode, TypeSpec type)
var typeSymbol = _compilation.GetBestTypeByMetadataName(type.FullName);
if (typeSymbol is not null)
var docComment = GetDocComment(typeSymbol);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(docComment))
GenerateDescriptionFromDocComment(currentNode, docComment);
private static string GetNodeText(XNode node)
return node switch
XText text => ConvertBlankLines(text.Value),
XElement element => GetElementText(element),
_ => string.Empty
private static string ConvertBlankLines(string value)
var builder = new StringBuilder();
var index = 0;
foreach (var match in BlankLinesInDocComment().EnumerateMatches(value))
if (match.Index > index)
builder.Append(value, index, match.Index - index);
index = match.Index + match.Length;
var remaining = value.Length - index;
if (remaining > 0)
builder.Append(value, index, remaining);
return builder.ToString();
private static string GetElementText(XElement element)
if (element.Name == "para" || element.Name == "p")
var innerText = string.Join(string.Empty, element.Nodes().Select(GetNodeText));
return $"<br/><br/>{innerText}<br/><br/>";
if (element.Name == "br")
return "<br/>";
if (element.HasAttributes && !element.Nodes().Any())
// just get the first attribute value
// ex. <see cref="System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bool)"/>
// ex. <see langword="true"/>
var attributeValue = element.FirstAttribute!.Value;
// format the attribute value if it is an "ID string" representing a type or member
// by stripping the prefix.
// See https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/xmldoc/#id-strings
return attributeValue switch
var s when
s.StartsWith("T:", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
s.StartsWith("P:", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
s.StartsWith("M:", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
s.StartsWith("F:", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
s.StartsWith("N:", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
s.StartsWith("E:", StringComparison.Ordinal) => $"'{s.AsSpan(2)}'",
_ => attributeValue
return element.Value;
const string NegativeOption = @"-?";
const string DaysAlone = @"\d{1,7}";
const string DaysPrefixOption = @$"({DaysAlone}[\.:])?";
const string MinutesOrSeconds = @"[0-5]?\d";
const string HourMinute = @$"([01]?\d|2[0-3]):{MinutesOrSeconds}";
const string HourMinuteSecond = HourMinute + $":{MinutesOrSeconds}";
const string SecondsFractionOption = @"(\.\d{1,7})?";
internal const string TimeSpanRegex = $"^{NegativeOption}({DaysAlone}|({DaysPrefixOption}({HourMinute}|{HourMinuteSecond}){SecondsFractionOption}))$";
private void GenerateParsableFromString(JsonObject propertyNode, ParsableFromStringSpec parsable)
if (parsable.DisplayString == "TimeSpan")
propertyNode["type"] = "string";
propertyNode["pattern"] = TimeSpanRegex;
else if (parsable.StringParsableTypeKind == StringParsableTypeKind.Enum)
var enumNode = new JsonArray();
var enumTypeSpec = _typeIndex.GetTypeSpec(parsable.TypeRef);
if (_compilation.GetBestTypeByMetadataName(enumTypeSpec.FullName) is { } enumType)
foreach (var member in enumType.MemberNames)
if (member != WellKnownMemberNames.InstanceConstructorName && member != WellKnownMemberNames.EnumBackingFieldName)
propertyNode["enum"] = enumNode;
else if (parsable.StringParsableTypeKind == StringParsableTypeKind.Uri)
propertyNode["type"] = "string";
propertyNode["format"] = "uri";
else if (parsable.DisplayString == "float" ||
parsable.DisplayString == "double" ||
parsable.DisplayString == "decimal" ||
parsable.DisplayString == "Half")
propertyNode["type"] = new JsonArray { "number", "string" };
else if (parsable.DisplayString == "Guid")
propertyNode["type"] = "string";
propertyNode["format"] = "uuid";
else if (parsable.DisplayString == "byte[]")
// ConfigurationBinder supports base64-encoded string
propertyNode["oneOf"] = new JsonArray
new JsonObject
["type"] = "string",
["pattern"] = "^[-A-Za-z0-9+/]*={0,3}$"
new JsonObject
["type"] = "array",
["items"] = new JsonObject
["type"] = "integer"
propertyNode["type"] = GetParsableTypeName(parsable);
private static string GetParsableTypeName(ParsableFromStringSpec parsable) => parsable.DisplayString switch
"bool" => "boolean",
"byte" => "integer",
"sbyte" => "integer",
"char" => "integer",
"short" => "integer",
"ushort" => "integer",
"int" => "integer",
"uint" => "integer",
"long" => "integer",
"ulong" => "integer",
"Int128" => "integer",
"UInt128" => "integer",
"string" => "string",
"Version" => "string",
"DateTime" => "string",
"DateTimeOffset" => "string",
"DateOnly" => "string",
"TimeOnly" => "string",
"object" => "object",
"CultureInfo" => "string",
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown parsable type {parsable.DisplayString}")
private bool IsExcluded(JsonObject currentNode, PropertySpec property)
if (_exclusionPaths.Length > 0)
var currentPath = currentNode.GetPath()
.Replace(".properties", "")
.Replace(".items", "")
.Replace(".additionalProperties", "");
foreach (var excludedPath in _exclusionPaths)
if (excludedPath.StartsWith(currentPath) && excludedPath.EndsWith(property.ConfigurationKeyName))
var fullPath = $"{currentPath}.{property.ConfigurationKeyName}";
if (excludedPath == fullPath)
return true;
return false;
private static string[] CreateExclusionPaths(List<string>? exclusionPaths)
if (exclusionPaths is null)
return [];
var result = new string[exclusionPaths.Count];
for (var i = 0; i < exclusionPaths.Count; i++)
result[i] = $"$.{exclusionPaths[i].Replace(':', '.')}";
return result;
private static void ReplaceNodeWithKeyCasingChange(JsonObject jsonObject, string key, JsonNode value)
// In System.Text.Json v9, the casing of the new key is not adapted. See https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/108790.
// So instead, remove the existing node and insert a new one with the updated key.
var index = jsonObject.IndexOf(key);
if (index != -1)
jsonObject.Insert(index, key, value);
jsonObject[key] = value;
private sealed class SchemaOrderJsonNodeConverter : JsonConverter<JsonNode>
public static SchemaOrderJsonNodeConverter Instance { get; } = new SchemaOrderJsonNodeConverter();
public override bool CanConvert(Type typeToConvert) => typeof(JsonNode).IsAssignableFrom(typeToConvert) && typeToConvert != typeof(JsonValue);
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, JsonNode? value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
switch (value)
case JsonObject obj:
// ensure the children of a "properties" node are written in alphabetical order
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, JsonNode>> properties =
obj.Parent is JsonObject && obj.GetPropertyName() == "properties" ?
obj.OrderBy(p => p.Key, StringComparer.Ordinal) :
foreach (var pair in properties)
Write(writer, pair.Value, options);
case JsonArray array:
foreach (var item in array)
Write(writer, item, options);
case null:
default: // JsonValue
value.WriteTo(writer, options);
public override JsonNode? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
throw new NotSupportedException();