File: Otlp\Model\OtlpHelpers.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Aspire.Dashboard\Aspire.Dashboard.csproj (Aspire.Dashboard)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Configuration;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Otlp.Storage;
using Google.Protobuf;
using Google.Protobuf.Collections;
using OpenTelemetry.Proto.Common.V1;
using OpenTelemetry.Proto.Resource.V1;
namespace Aspire.Dashboard.Otlp.Model;
public static class OtlpHelpers
    // Reduce size of JSON data by not indenting. Dashboard UI supports formatting JSON values when they're displayed.
    private static readonly JsonSerializerOptions s_jsonSerializerOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions
        WriteIndented = false
    public static ApplicationKey GetApplicationKey(this Resource resource)
        string? serviceName = null;
        string? serviceInstanceId = null;
        string? processExecutableName = null;
        for (var i = 0; i < resource.Attributes.Count; i++)
            var attribute = resource.Attributes[i];
            if (attribute.Key == OtlpApplication.SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID)
                serviceInstanceId = attribute.Value.GetString();
            if (attribute.Key == OtlpApplication.SERVICE_NAME)
                serviceName = attribute.Value.GetString();
            if (attribute.Key == OtlpApplication.PROCESS_EXECUTABLE_NAME)
                processExecutableName = attribute.Value.GetString();
        // Fallback to unknown_service if service name isn't specified.
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceName))
            serviceName = "unknown_service";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(processExecutableName))
                serviceName += ":" + processExecutableName;
        // is recommended but not required.
        return new ApplicationKey(serviceName, serviceInstanceId ?? serviceName);
    public static string ToShortenedId(string id) => TruncateString(id, maxLength: 7);
    public static string ToHexString(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> bytes)
        if (bytes.Length == 0)
            return string.Empty;
        // This produces lowercase hex string from the bytes. It's used instead of Convert.ToHexString()
        // because we want to display lowercase hex string in the UI for values such as traceid and spanid.
        return string.Create(bytes.Length * 2, bytes, static (chars, bytes) =>
            var data = bytes.Span;
            for (var pos = 0; pos < data.Length; pos++)
                ToCharsBuffer(data[pos], chars, pos * 2);
    public static string TruncateString(string value, int maxLength)
        return value.Length > maxLength ? value[..maxLength] : value;
    public static string ToHexString(this ByteString bytes)
        return ToHexString(bytes.Memory);
    public static string GetString(this AnyValue value) =>
        value.ValueCase switch
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.StringValue => value.StringValue,
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.IntValue => value.IntValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.DoubleValue => value.DoubleValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.BoolValue => value.BoolValue ? "true" : "false",
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.BytesValue => value.BytesValue.ToHexString(),
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.ArrayValue => ConvertAnyValue(value)!.ToJsonString(s_jsonSerializerOptions),
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.KvlistValue => ConvertAnyValue(value)!.ToJsonString(s_jsonSerializerOptions),
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.None => string.Empty,
            _ => value.ToString(),
    private static JsonNode? ConvertAnyValue(AnyValue value)
        // Recursively convert AnyValue types to JsonNode types to produce more idiomatic JSON.
        // Recursing over incoming values is safe because Protobuf serializer imposes a safe limit on recursive messages.
        return value.ValueCase switch
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.StringValue => JsonValue.Create(value.StringValue),
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.IntValue => JsonValue.Create(value.IntValue),
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.DoubleValue => JsonValue.Create(value.DoubleValue),
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.BoolValue => JsonValue.Create(value.BoolValue),
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.BytesValue => JsonValue.Create(value.BytesValue.ToHexString()),
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.ArrayValue => ConvertArray(value.ArrayValue),
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.KvlistValue => ConvertKeyValues(value.KvlistValue),
            AnyValue.ValueOneofCase.None => null,
            _ => throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected AnyValue type: {value.ValueCase}"),
        static JsonArray ConvertArray(ArrayValue value)
            var a = new JsonArray();
            foreach (var item in value.Values)
            return a;
        static JsonObject ConvertKeyValues(KeyValueList value)
            var o = new JsonObject();
            foreach (var item in value.Values)
                o[item.Key] = ConvertAnyValue(item.Value);
            return o;
    // From
    // Modified slightly to always produce lowercase output.
    private static void ToCharsBuffer(byte value, Span<char> buffer, int startingIndex = 0)
        var difference = ((value & 0xF0U) << 4) + (value & 0x0FU) - 0x8989U;
        var packedResult = (((uint)-(int)difference & 0x7070U) >> 4) + difference + 0xB9B9U | 0x2020U;
        buffer[startingIndex + 1] = (char)(packedResult & 0xFF);
        buffer[startingIndex] = (char)(packedResult >> 8);
    public static DateTime UnixNanoSecondsToDateTime(ulong unixTimeNanoseconds)
        var ticks = NanosecondsToTicks(unixTimeNanoseconds);
        return DateTime.UnixEpoch.AddTicks(ticks);
    private static long NanosecondsToTicks(ulong nanoseconds)
        return (long)(nanoseconds / TimeSpan.NanosecondsPerTick);
    public static KeyValuePair<string, string>[] ToKeyValuePairs(this RepeatedField<KeyValue> attributes, TelemetryLimitOptions options)
        if (attributes.Count == 0)
            return Array.Empty<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
        var values = new KeyValuePair<string, string>[Math.Min(attributes.Count, options.MaxAttributeCount)];
        CopyKeyValues(attributes, values, index: 0, options);
        return values;
    public static KeyValuePair<string, string>[] ToKeyValuePairs(this RepeatedField<KeyValue> attributes, TelemetryLimitOptions options, Func<KeyValue, bool> filter)
        if (attributes.Count == 0)
            return Array.Empty<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
        var readLimit = Math.Min(attributes.Count, options.MaxAttributeCount);
        var values = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>(readLimit);
        for (var i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++)
            var attribute = attributes[i];
            if (!filter(attribute))
            var value = TruncateString(attribute.Value.GetString(), options.MaxAttributeLength);
            values.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(attribute.Key, value));
            if (values.Count >= readLimit)
        return values.ToArray();
    public static void CopyKeyValuePairs(RepeatedField<KeyValue> attributes, KeyValuePair<string, string>[] parentAttributes, TelemetryLimitOptions options, out int copyCount, [NotNull] ref KeyValuePair<string, string>[]? copiedAttributes)
        copyCount = Math.Min(parentAttributes.Length + attributes.Count, options.MaxAttributeCount);
        if (copiedAttributes is null || copiedAttributes.Length < copyCount)
            copiedAttributes = new KeyValuePair<string, string>[copyCount];
        CopyKeyValues(attributes, copiedAttributes, parentAttributes.Length, options);
    private static void CopyKeyValues(RepeatedField<KeyValue> attributes, KeyValuePair<string, string>[] copiedAttributes, int index, TelemetryLimitOptions options)
        var copyCount = Math.Min(attributes.Count + index, options.MaxAttributeCount);
        for (var i = 0; i < copyCount - index; i++)
            var attribute = attributes[i];
            var value = TruncateString(attribute.Value.GetString(), options.MaxAttributeLength);
            copiedAttributes[i + index] = new KeyValuePair<string, string>(attribute.Key, value);
    public static string? GetValue(this KeyValuePair<string, string>[] values, string name)
        for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
            if (values[i].Key == name)
                return values[i].Value;
        return null;
    public static string? GetPeerAddress(this KeyValuePair<string, string>[] values)
        var address = GetValue(values, OtlpSpan.PeerServiceAttributeKey);
        if (address != null)
            return address;
        // OTEL HTTP 1.7.0 doesn't return peer.service. Fallback to server.address and server.port.
        if (GetValue(values, OtlpSpan.ServerAddressAttributeKey) is { } server)
            if (GetValue(values, OtlpSpan.ServerPortAttributeKey) is { } serverPort)
                server += ":" + serverPort;
            return server;
        // Fallback to older names of and net.peer.port.
        if (GetValue(values, OtlpSpan.NetPeerNameAttributeKey) is { } peer)
            if (GetValue(values, OtlpSpan.NetPeerPortAttributeKey) is { } peerPort)
                peer += ":" + peerPort;
            return peer;
        return null;
    public static bool HasKey(this KeyValuePair<string, string>[] values, string name)
        for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
            if (values[i].Key == name)
                return true;
        return false;
    public static string ConcatProperties(this KeyValuePair<string, string>[] properties)
        StringBuilder sb = new();
        var first = true;
        foreach (var kv in properties)
            if (!first)
                sb.Append(", ");
            first = false;
            sb.Append(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{kv.Key}: ");
            sb.Append(string.IsNullOrEmpty(kv.Value) ? "\'\'" : kv.Value);
        return sb.ToString();
    public static PagedResult<T> GetItems<T>(IEnumerable<T> results, int startIndex, int? count)
        return GetItems<T, T>(results, startIndex, count, null);
    public static PagedResult<TResult> GetItems<TSource, TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource> results, int startIndex, int? count, Func<TSource, TResult>? select)
        var query = results.Skip(startIndex);
        if (count != null)
            query = query.Take(count.Value);
        List<TResult> items;
        if (select != null)
            items = query.Select(select).ToList();
            items = query.Cast<TResult>().ToList();
        var totalItemCount = results.Count();
        return new PagedResult<TResult>
            Items = items,
            TotalItemCount = totalItemCount