// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
#if NET
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization.Metadata;
using Microsoft.Shared.Diagnostics;
#pragma warning disable LA0002 // Use 'Microsoft.Shared.Text.NumericExtensions.ToInvariantString' for improved performance
#pragma warning disable S107 // Methods should not have too many parameters
#pragma warning disable S1121 // Assignments should not be made from within sub-expressions
namespace System.Text.Json.Schema;
/// <summary>
/// Maps .NET types to JSON schema objects using contract metadata from <see cref="JsonTypeInfo"/> instances.
/// </summary>
internal static partial class JsonSchemaExporter
// Polyfill implementation of JsonSchemaExporter for System.Text.Json version 8.0.0.
// Uses private reflection to access metadata not available with the older APIs of STJ.
private const string RequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage =
"Uses private reflection on System.Text.Json components to access converter metadata. " +
"If running Native AOT ensure that the 'IlcTrimMetadata' property has been disabled.";
/// <summary>
/// Generates a JSON schema corresponding to the contract metadata of the specified type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="options">The options instance from which to resolve the contract metadata.</param>
/// <param name="type">The root type for which to generate the JSON schema.</param>
/// <param name="exporterOptions">The exporterOptions object controlling the schema generation.</param>
/// <returns>A new <see cref="JsonNode"/> instance defining the JSON schema for <paramref name="type"/>.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">One of the specified parameters is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
/// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">The <paramref name="options"/> parameter contains unsupported exporterOptions.</exception>
public static JsonNode GetJsonSchemaAsNode(this JsonSerializerOptions options, Type type, JsonSchemaExporterOptions? exporterOptions = null)
_ = Throw.IfNull(options);
_ = Throw.IfNull(type);
exporterOptions ??= JsonSchemaExporterOptions.Default;
JsonTypeInfo typeInfo = options.GetTypeInfo(type);
return MapRootTypeJsonSchema(typeInfo, exporterOptions);
/// <summary>
/// Generates a JSON schema corresponding to the specified contract metadata.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeInfo">The contract metadata for which to generate the schema.</param>
/// <param name="exporterOptions">The exporterOptions object controlling the schema generation.</param>
/// <returns>A new <see cref="JsonNode"/> instance defining the JSON schema for <paramref name="typeInfo"/>.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">One of the specified parameters is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
/// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">The <paramref name="typeInfo"/> parameter contains unsupported exporterOptions.</exception>
public static JsonNode GetJsonSchemaAsNode(this JsonTypeInfo typeInfo, JsonSchemaExporterOptions? exporterOptions = null)
_ = Throw.IfNull(typeInfo);
exporterOptions ??= JsonSchemaExporterOptions.Default;
return MapRootTypeJsonSchema(typeInfo, exporterOptions);
private static JsonNode MapRootTypeJsonSchema(JsonTypeInfo typeInfo, JsonSchemaExporterOptions exporterOptions)
GenerationState state = new(exporterOptions, typeInfo.Options);
JsonSchema schema = MapJsonSchemaCore(ref state, typeInfo);
return schema.ToJsonNode(exporterOptions);
private static JsonSchema MapJsonSchemaCore(
ref GenerationState state,
JsonTypeInfo typeInfo,
Type? parentType = null,
JsonPropertyInfo? propertyInfo = null,
ICustomAttributeProvider? propertyAttributeProvider = null,
ParameterInfo? parameterInfo = null,
bool isNonNullableType = false,
JsonConverter? customConverter = null,
JsonNumberHandling? customNumberHandling = null,
JsonTypeInfo? parentPolymorphicTypeInfo = null,
bool parentPolymorphicTypeContainsTypesWithoutDiscriminator = false,
bool parentPolymorphicTypeIsNonNullable = false,
KeyValuePair<string, JsonSchema>? typeDiscriminator = null,
bool cacheResult = true)
Debug.Assert(typeInfo.IsReadOnly, "The specified contract must have been made read-only.");
JsonSchemaExporterContext exporterContext = state.CreateContext(typeInfo, parentPolymorphicTypeInfo, parentType, propertyInfo, parameterInfo, propertyAttributeProvider);
if (cacheResult && typeInfo.Kind is not JsonTypeInfoKind.None &&
state.TryGetExistingJsonPointer(exporterContext, out string? existingJsonPointer))
// The schema context has already been generated in the schema document, return a reference to it.
return CompleteSchema(ref state, new JsonSchema { Ref = existingJsonPointer });
JsonSchema schema;
JsonConverter effectiveConverter = customConverter ?? typeInfo.Converter;
JsonNumberHandling effectiveNumberHandling = customNumberHandling ?? typeInfo.NumberHandling ?? typeInfo.Options.NumberHandling;
if (!ReflectionHelpers.IsBuiltInConverter(effectiveConverter))
// Return a `true` schema for types with user-defined converters.
return CompleteSchema(ref state, JsonSchema.True);
if (parentPolymorphicTypeInfo is null && typeInfo.PolymorphismOptions is { DerivedTypes.Count: > 0 } polyOptions)
// This is the base type of a polymorphic type hierarchy. The schema for this type
// will include an "anyOf" property with the schemas for all derived types.
string typeDiscriminatorKey = polyOptions.TypeDiscriminatorPropertyName;
List<JsonDerivedType> derivedTypes = polyOptions.DerivedTypes.ToList();
if (!typeInfo.Type.IsAbstract && !derivedTypes.Any(derived => derived.DerivedType == typeInfo.Type))
// For non-abstract base types that haven't been explicitly configured,
// add a trivial schema to the derived types since we should support it.
derivedTypes.Add(new JsonDerivedType(typeInfo.Type));
bool containsTypesWithoutDiscriminator = derivedTypes.Exists(static derivedTypes => derivedTypes.TypeDiscriminator is null);
JsonSchemaType schemaType = JsonSchemaType.Any;
List<JsonSchema>? anyOf = new(derivedTypes.Count);
foreach (JsonDerivedType derivedType in derivedTypes)
Debug.Assert(derivedType.TypeDiscriminator is null or int or string, "Type discriminator does not have the expected type.");
KeyValuePair<string, JsonSchema>? derivedTypeDiscriminator = null;
if (derivedType.TypeDiscriminator is { } discriminatorValue)
JsonNode discriminatorNode = discriminatorValue switch
string stringId => (JsonNode)stringId,
_ => (JsonNode)(int)discriminatorValue,
JsonSchema discriminatorSchema = new() { Constant = discriminatorNode };
derivedTypeDiscriminator = new(typeDiscriminatorKey, discriminatorSchema);
JsonTypeInfo derivedTypeInfo = typeInfo.Options.GetTypeInfo(derivedType.DerivedType);
JsonSchema derivedSchema = MapJsonSchemaCore(
ref state,
parentPolymorphicTypeInfo: typeInfo,
typeDiscriminator: derivedTypeDiscriminator,
parentPolymorphicTypeContainsTypesWithoutDiscriminator: containsTypesWithoutDiscriminator,
parentPolymorphicTypeIsNonNullable: isNonNullableType,
cacheResult: false);
// Determine if all derived schemas have the same type.
if (anyOf.Count == 0)
schemaType = derivedSchema.Type;
else if (schemaType != derivedSchema.Type)
schemaType = JsonSchemaType.Any;
if (schemaType is not JsonSchemaType.Any)
// If all derived types have the same schema type, we can simplify the schema
// by moving the type keyword to the base schema and removing it from the derived schemas.
foreach (JsonSchema derivedSchema in anyOf)
derivedSchema.Type = JsonSchemaType.Any;
if (derivedSchema.KeywordCount == 0)
// if removing the type results in an empty schema,
// remove the anyOf array entirely since it's always true.
anyOf = null;
schema = new()
Type = schemaType,
AnyOf = anyOf,
// If all derived types have a discriminator, we can require it in the base schema.
Required = containsTypesWithoutDiscriminator ? null : new() { typeDiscriminatorKey },
return CompleteSchema(ref state, schema);
if (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeInfo.Type) is Type nullableElementType)
JsonTypeInfo elementTypeInfo = typeInfo.Options.GetTypeInfo(nullableElementType);
customConverter = ExtractCustomNullableConverter(customConverter);
schema = MapJsonSchemaCore(ref state, elementTypeInfo, customConverter: customConverter, cacheResult: false);
if (schema.Enum != null)
Debug.Assert(elementTypeInfo.Type.IsEnum, "The enum keyword should only be populated by schemas for enum types.");
schema.Enum.Add(null); // Append null to the enum array.
return CompleteSchema(ref state, schema);
switch (typeInfo.Kind)
case JsonTypeInfoKind.Object:
List<KeyValuePair<string, JsonSchema>>? properties = null;
List<string>? required = null;
JsonSchema? additionalProperties = null;
JsonUnmappedMemberHandling effectiveUnmappedMemberHandling = typeInfo.UnmappedMemberHandling ?? typeInfo.Options.UnmappedMemberHandling;
if (effectiveUnmappedMemberHandling is JsonUnmappedMemberHandling.Disallow)
// Disallow unspecified properties.
additionalProperties = JsonSchema.False;
if (typeDiscriminator is { } typeDiscriminatorPair)
(properties = new()).Add(typeDiscriminatorPair);
if (parentPolymorphicTypeContainsTypesWithoutDiscriminator)
// Require the discriminator here since it's not common to all derived types.
(required = new()).Add(typeDiscriminatorPair.Key);
Func<JsonPropertyInfo, ParameterInfo?>? parameterInfoMapper =
ReflectionHelpers.ResolveJsonConstructorParameterMapper(typeInfo.Type, typeInfo);
foreach (JsonPropertyInfo property in typeInfo.Properties)
if (property is { Get: null, Set: null } or { IsExtensionData: true })
continue; // Skip JsonIgnored properties and extension data
JsonNumberHandling? propertyNumberHandling = property.NumberHandling ?? effectiveNumberHandling;
JsonTypeInfo propertyTypeInfo = typeInfo.Options.GetTypeInfo(property.PropertyType);
// Resolve the attribute provider for the property.
ICustomAttributeProvider? attributeProvider = ReflectionHelpers.ResolveAttributeProvider(typeInfo.Type, property);
// Declare the property as nullable if either getter or setter are nullable.
bool isNonNullableProperty = false;
if (attributeProvider is MemberInfo memberInfo)
NullabilityInfo nullabilityInfo = ReflectionHelpers.GetMemberNullability(state.NullabilityInfoContext, memberInfo);
isNonNullableProperty =
(property.Get is null || nullabilityInfo.ReadState is NullabilityState.NotNull) &&
(property.Set is null || nullabilityInfo.WriteState is NullabilityState.NotNull);
bool isRequired = property.IsRequired;
bool hasDefaultValue = false;
JsonNode? defaultValue = null;
ParameterInfo? associatedParameter = parameterInfoMapper?.Invoke(property);
if (associatedParameter != null)
out hasDefaultValue,
out defaultValue,
out bool isNonNullableParameter,
ref isRequired);
isNonNullableProperty &= isNonNullableParameter;
JsonSchema propertySchema = MapJsonSchemaCore(
ref state,
parentType: typeInfo.Type,
propertyInfo: property,
parameterInfo: associatedParameter,
propertyAttributeProvider: attributeProvider,
isNonNullableType: isNonNullableProperty,
customConverter: property.CustomConverter,
customNumberHandling: propertyNumberHandling);
if (hasDefaultValue)
JsonSchema.EnsureMutable(ref propertySchema);
propertySchema.DefaultValue = defaultValue;
propertySchema.HasDefaultValue = true;
(properties ??= new()).Add(new(property.Name, propertySchema));
if (isRequired)
(required ??= new()).Add(property.Name);
return CompleteSchema(ref state, new()
Type = JsonSchemaType.Object,
Properties = properties,
Required = required,
AdditionalProperties = additionalProperties,
case JsonTypeInfoKind.Enumerable:
Type elementType = ReflectionHelpers.GetElementType(typeInfo);
JsonTypeInfo elementTypeInfo = typeInfo.Options.GetTypeInfo(elementType);
if (typeDiscriminator is null)
JsonSchema items = MapJsonSchemaCore(ref state, elementTypeInfo, customNumberHandling: effectiveNumberHandling);
return CompleteSchema(ref state, new()
Type = JsonSchemaType.Array,
Items = items.IsTrue ? null : items,
// Polymorphic enumerable types are represented using a wrapping object:
// { "$type" : "discriminator", "$values" : [element1, element2, ...] }
// Which corresponds to the schema
// { "properties" : { "$type" : { "const" : "discriminator" }, "$values" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { ... } } } }
const string ValuesKeyword = "$values";
JsonSchema items = MapJsonSchemaCore(ref state, elementTypeInfo, customNumberHandling: effectiveNumberHandling);
return CompleteSchema(ref state, new()
Type = JsonSchemaType.Object,
Properties = new()
new JsonSchema
Type = JsonSchemaType.Array,
Items = items.IsTrue ? null : items,
Required = parentPolymorphicTypeContainsTypesWithoutDiscriminator ? new() { typeDiscriminator.Value.Key } : null,
case JsonTypeInfoKind.Dictionary:
Type valueType = ReflectionHelpers.GetElementType(typeInfo);
JsonTypeInfo valueTypeInfo = typeInfo.Options.GetTypeInfo(valueType);
List<KeyValuePair<string, JsonSchema>>? dictProps = null;
List<string>? dictRequired = null;
if (typeDiscriminator is { } dictDiscriminator)
dictProps = new() { dictDiscriminator };
if (parentPolymorphicTypeContainsTypesWithoutDiscriminator)
// Require the discriminator here since it's not common to all derived types.
dictRequired = new() { dictDiscriminator.Key };
JsonSchema valueSchema = MapJsonSchemaCore(ref state, valueTypeInfo, customNumberHandling: effectiveNumberHandling);
return CompleteSchema(ref state, new()
Type = JsonSchemaType.Object,
Properties = dictProps,
Required = dictRequired,
AdditionalProperties = valueSchema.IsTrue ? null : valueSchema,
Debug.Assert(typeInfo.Kind is JsonTypeInfoKind.None, "The default case should handle unrecognize type kinds.");
if (_simpleTypeSchemaFactories.TryGetValue(typeInfo.Type, out Func<JsonNumberHandling, JsonSchema>? simpleTypeSchemaFactory))
schema = simpleTypeSchemaFactory(effectiveNumberHandling);
else if (typeInfo.Type.IsEnum)
schema = GetEnumConverterSchema(typeInfo, effectiveConverter);
schema = JsonSchema.True;
return CompleteSchema(ref state, schema);
JsonSchema CompleteSchema(ref GenerationState state, JsonSchema schema)
if (schema.Ref is null)
if (IsNullableSchema(ref state))
bool IsNullableSchema(ref GenerationState state)
// A schema is marked as nullable if either
// 1. We have a schema for a property where either the getter or setter are marked as nullable.
// 2. We have a schema for a reference type, unless we're explicitly treating null-oblivious types as non-nullable
if (propertyInfo != null || parameterInfo != null)
return !isNonNullableType;
return ReflectionHelpers.CanBeNull(typeInfo.Type) &&
!parentPolymorphicTypeIsNonNullable &&
if (state.ExporterOptions.TransformSchemaNode != null)
// Prime the schema for invocation by the JsonNode transformer.
schema.GenerationContext = exporterContext;
return schema;
private readonly ref struct GenerationState
private const int DefaultMaxDepth = 64;
private readonly List<string> _currentPath = new();
private readonly Dictionary<(JsonTypeInfo, JsonPropertyInfo?), string[]> _generated = new();
private readonly int _maxDepth;
public GenerationState(JsonSchemaExporterOptions exporterOptions, JsonSerializerOptions options, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext = null)
ExporterOptions = exporterOptions;
NullabilityInfoContext = nullabilityInfoContext ?? new();
_maxDepth = options.MaxDepth is 0 ? DefaultMaxDepth : options.MaxDepth;
public JsonSchemaExporterOptions ExporterOptions { get; }
public NullabilityInfoContext NullabilityInfoContext { get; }
public int CurrentDepth => _currentPath.Count;
public void PushSchemaNode(string nodeId)
if (CurrentDepth == _maxDepth)
public void PopSchemaNode()
_currentPath.RemoveAt(_currentPath.Count - 1);
/// <summary>
/// Registers the current schema node generation context; if it has already been generated return a JSON pointer to its location.
/// </summary>
public bool TryGetExistingJsonPointer(in JsonSchemaExporterContext context, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? existingJsonPointer)
(JsonTypeInfo, JsonPropertyInfo?) key = (context.TypeInfo, context.PropertyInfo);
#if NET
ref string[]? pathToSchema = ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrAddDefault(_generated, key, out bool exists);
bool exists = _generated.TryGetValue(key, out string[]? pathToSchema);
if (exists)
existingJsonPointer = FormatJsonPointer(pathToSchema);
return true;
#if NET
pathToSchema = context._path;
_generated[key] = context._path;
existingJsonPointer = null;
return false;
public JsonSchemaExporterContext CreateContext(
JsonTypeInfo typeInfo,
JsonTypeInfo? baseTypeInfo,
Type? declaringType,
JsonPropertyInfo? propertyInfo,
ParameterInfo? parameterInfo,
ICustomAttributeProvider? propertyAttributeProvider)
return new JsonSchemaExporterContext(typeInfo, baseTypeInfo, declaringType, propertyInfo, parameterInfo, propertyAttributeProvider, _currentPath.ToArray());
private static string FormatJsonPointer(ReadOnlySpan<string> path)
if (path.IsEmpty)
return "#";
StringBuilder sb = new();
_ = sb.Append('#');
for (int i = 0; i < path.Length; i++)
string segment = path[i];
if (segment.AsSpan().IndexOfAny('~', '/') != -1)
#pragma warning disable CA1307 // Specify StringComparison for clarity
segment = segment.Replace("~", "~0").Replace("/", "~1");
#pragma warning restore CA1307
_ = sb.Append('/');
_ = sb.Append(segment);
return sb.ToString();
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, Func<JsonNumberHandling, JsonSchema>> _simpleTypeSchemaFactories = new()
[typeof(object)] = _ => JsonSchema.True,
[typeof(bool)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.Boolean },
[typeof(byte)] = numberHandling => GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType.Integer, numberHandling),
[typeof(ushort)] = numberHandling => GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType.Integer, numberHandling),
[typeof(uint)] = numberHandling => GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType.Integer, numberHandling),
[typeof(ulong)] = numberHandling => GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType.Integer, numberHandling),
[typeof(sbyte)] = numberHandling => GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType.Integer, numberHandling),
[typeof(short)] = numberHandling => GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType.Integer, numberHandling),
[typeof(int)] = numberHandling => GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType.Integer, numberHandling),
[typeof(long)] = numberHandling => GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType.Integer, numberHandling),
[typeof(float)] = numberHandling => GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType.Number, numberHandling, isIeeeFloatingPoint: true),
[typeof(double)] = numberHandling => GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType.Number, numberHandling, isIeeeFloatingPoint: true),
[typeof(decimal)] = numberHandling => GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType.Number, numberHandling),
[typeof(Half)] = numberHandling => GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType.Number, numberHandling, isIeeeFloatingPoint: true),
[typeof(UInt128)] = numberHandling => GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType.Integer, numberHandling),
[typeof(Int128)] = numberHandling => GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType.Integer, numberHandling),
[typeof(char)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String, MinLength = 1, MaxLength = 1 },
[typeof(string)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String },
[typeof(byte[])] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String },
[typeof(Memory<byte>)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String },
[typeof(ReadOnlyMemory<byte>)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String },
[typeof(DateTime)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String, Format = "date-time" },
[typeof(DateTimeOffset)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String, Format = "date-time" },
[typeof(TimeSpan)] = _ => new JsonSchema
Comment = "Represents a System.TimeSpan value.",
Type = JsonSchemaType.String,
Pattern = @"^-?(\d+\.)?\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d{1,7})?$",
[typeof(DateOnly)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String, Format = "date" },
[typeof(TimeOnly)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String, Format = "time" },
[typeof(Guid)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String, Format = "uuid" },
[typeof(Uri)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String, Format = "uri" },
[typeof(Version)] = _ => new JsonSchema
Comment = "Represents a version string.",
Type = JsonSchemaType.String,
Pattern = @"^\d+(\.\d+){1,3}$",
[typeof(JsonDocument)] = _ => JsonSchema.True,
[typeof(JsonElement)] = _ => JsonSchema.True,
[typeof(JsonNode)] = _ => JsonSchema.True,
[typeof(JsonValue)] = _ => JsonSchema.True,
[typeof(JsonObject)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.Object },
[typeof(JsonArray)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.Array },
// Adapted from https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/release/9.0/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/src/System/Text/Json/Serialization/Converters/Value/JsonPrimitiveConverter.cs#L36-L69
private static JsonSchema GetSchemaForNumericType(JsonSchemaType schemaType, JsonNumberHandling numberHandling, bool isIeeeFloatingPoint = false)
Debug.Assert(schemaType is JsonSchemaType.Integer or JsonSchemaType.Number, "schema type must be number or integer");
Debug.Assert(!isIeeeFloatingPoint || schemaType is JsonSchemaType.Number, "If specifying IEEE the schema type must be number");
string? pattern = null;
if ((numberHandling & (JsonNumberHandling.AllowReadingFromString | JsonNumberHandling.WriteAsString)) != 0)
if (schemaType is JsonSchemaType.Integer)
pattern = @"^-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$";
else if (isIeeeFloatingPoint)
pattern = @"^-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?$";
pattern = @"^-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?$";
schemaType |= JsonSchemaType.String;
if (isIeeeFloatingPoint && (numberHandling & JsonNumberHandling.AllowNamedFloatingPointLiterals) != 0)
return new JsonSchema
AnyOf = new()
new JsonSchema { Type = schemaType, Pattern = pattern },
new JsonSchema { Enum = new() { (JsonNode)"NaN", (JsonNode)"Infinity", (JsonNode)"-Infinity" } },
return new JsonSchema { Type = schemaType, Pattern = pattern };
private static JsonConverter? ExtractCustomNullableConverter(JsonConverter? converter)
Debug.Assert(converter is null || ReflectionHelpers.IsBuiltInConverter(converter), "If specified the converter must be built-in.");
if (converter is null)
return null;
return ReflectionHelpers.GetElementConverter(converter);
private static void ValidateOptions(JsonSerializerOptions options)
if (options.ReferenceHandler == ReferenceHandler.Preserve)
private static void ResolveParameterInfo(
ParameterInfo parameter,
JsonTypeInfo parameterTypeInfo,
NullabilityInfoContext nullabilityInfoContext,
out bool hasDefaultValue,
out JsonNode? defaultValue,
out bool isNonNullable,
ref bool isRequired)
Debug.Assert(parameterTypeInfo.Type == parameter.ParameterType, "The typeInfo type must match the ParameterInfo type.");
// Incorporate the nullability information from the parameter.
isNonNullable = ReflectionHelpers.GetParameterNullability(nullabilityInfoContext, parameter) is NullabilityState.NotNull;
if (parameter.HasDefaultValue)
// Append the default value to the description.
object? defaultVal = ReflectionHelpers.GetNormalizedDefaultValue(parameter);
defaultValue = JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode(defaultVal, parameterTypeInfo);
hasDefaultValue = true;
// Parameter is not optional, mark as required.
isRequired = true;
defaultValue = null;
hasDefaultValue = false;
// Adapted from https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/release/9.0/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/src/System/Text/Json/Serialization/Converters/Value/EnumConverter.cs#L498-L521
private static JsonSchema GetEnumConverterSchema(JsonTypeInfo typeInfo, JsonConverter converter)
Debug.Assert(typeInfo.Type.IsEnum && ReflectionHelpers.IsBuiltInConverter(converter), "must be using a built-in enum converter.");
if (converter is JsonConverterFactory factory)
converter = factory.CreateConverter(typeInfo.Type, typeInfo.Options)!;
ReflectionHelpers.GetEnumConverterConfig(converter, out JsonNamingPolicy? namingPolicy, out bool allowString);
if (allowString)
// This explicitly ignores the integer component in converters configured as AllowNumbers | AllowStrings
// which is the default for JsonStringEnumConverter. This sacrifices some precision in the schema for simplicity.
if (typeInfo.Type.GetCustomAttribute<FlagsAttribute>() is not null)
// Do not report enum values in case of flags.
return new() { Type = JsonSchemaType.String };
JsonArray enumValues = new();
foreach (string name in Enum.GetNames(typeInfo.Type))
// This does not account for custom names specified via the new
// JsonStringEnumMemberNameAttribute introduced in .NET 9.
string effectiveName = namingPolicy?.ConvertName(name) ?? name;
return new() { Enum = enumValues };
return new() { Type = JsonSchemaType.Integer };
private static class JsonSchemaConstants
public const string SchemaPropertyName = "$schema";
public const string RefPropertyName = "$ref";
public const string CommentPropertyName = "$comment";
public const string TitlePropertyName = "title";
public const string DescriptionPropertyName = "description";
public const string TypePropertyName = "type";
public const string FormatPropertyName = "format";
public const string PatternPropertyName = "pattern";
public const string PropertiesPropertyName = "properties";
public const string RequiredPropertyName = "required";
public const string ItemsPropertyName = "items";
public const string AdditionalPropertiesPropertyName = "additionalProperties";
public const string EnumPropertyName = "enum";
public const string NotPropertyName = "not";
public const string AnyOfPropertyName = "anyOf";
public const string ConstPropertyName = "const";
public const string DefaultPropertyName = "default";
public const string MinLengthPropertyName = "minLength";
public const string MaxLengthPropertyName = "maxLength";
private static class ThrowHelpers
public static void ThrowInvalidOperationException_MaxDepthReached() =>
throw new InvalidOperationException("The depth of the generated JSON schema exceeds the JsonSerializerOptions.MaxDepth setting.");
public static void ThrowNotSupportedException_ReferenceHandlerPreserveNotSupported() =>
throw new NotSupportedException("Schema generation not supported with ReferenceHandler.Preserve enabled.");