File: src\libraries\System.Private.CoreLib\src\System\Numerics\Matrix3x2.Impl.cs
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Project: src\src\coreclr\System.Private.CoreLib\System.Private.CoreLib.csproj (System.Private.CoreLib)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace System.Numerics
    public partial struct Matrix3x2
        // See Matrix3x2.cs for an explanation of why this file/type exists
        // Note that we use some particular patterns below, such as defining a result
        // and assigning the fields directly rather than using the object initializer
        // syntax. We do this because it saves roughly 8-bytes of IL per method which
        // in turn helps improve inlining chances.
        internal const uint RowCount = 3;
        internal const uint ColumnCount = 2;
        internal ref Impl AsImpl() => ref Unsafe.As<Matrix3x2, Impl>(ref this);
        internal readonly ref readonly Impl AsROImpl() => ref Unsafe.As<Matrix3x2, Impl>(ref Unsafe.AsRef(in this));
        internal struct Impl : IEquatable<Impl>
            public ref Matrix3x2 AsM3x2() => ref Unsafe.As<Impl, Matrix3x2>(ref this);
            private const float RotationEpsilon = 0.001f * MathF.PI / 180f;     // 0.1% of a degree
            public Vector2 X;
            public Vector2 Y;
            public Vector2 Z;
            public void Init(float m11, float m12,
                             float m21, float m22,
                             float m31, float m32)
                X = new Vector2(m11, m12);
                Y = new Vector2(m21, m22);
                Z = new Vector2(m31, m32);
            public static Impl Identity
                    Impl result;
                    result.X = Vector2.UnitX;
                    result.Y = Vector2.UnitY;
                    result.Z = Vector2.Zero;
                    return result;
            public float this[int row, int column]
                readonly get
                    if ((uint)row >= RowCount)
                    return Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.AsRef(in this.X), row)[column];
                    if ((uint)row >= RowCount)
                    Unsafe.Add(ref this.X, row)[column] = value;
            public readonly bool IsIdentity
                    return (X == Vector2.UnitX)
                        && (Y == Vector2.UnitY)
                        && (Z == Vector2.Zero);
            public Vector2 Translation
                readonly get
                    return Z;
                    Z = value;
            public static Impl operator +(in Impl left, in Impl right)
                Impl result;
                result.X = left.X + right.X;
                result.Y = left.Y + right.Y;
                result.Z = left.Z + right.Z;
                return result;
            public static bool operator ==(in Impl left, in Impl right)
                return (left.X == right.X)
                    && (left.Y == right.Y)
                    && (left.Z == right.Z);
            public static bool operator !=(in Impl left, in Impl right)
                return (left.X != right.X)
                    || (left.Y != right.Y)
                    || (left.Z != right.Z);
            public static Impl operator *(in Impl left, in Impl right)
                Impl result;
                result.X = new Vector2(
                    left.X.X * right.X.X + left.X.Y * right.Y.X,
                    left.X.X * right.X.Y + left.X.Y * right.Y.Y
                result.Y = new Vector2(
                    left.Y.X * right.X.X + left.Y.Y * right.Y.X,
                    left.Y.X * right.X.Y + left.Y.Y * right.Y.Y
                result.Z = new Vector2(
                    left.Z.X * right.X.X + left.Z.Y * right.Y.X + right.Z.X,
                    left.Z.X * right.X.Y + left.Z.Y * right.Y.Y + right.Z.Y
                return result;
            public static Impl operator *(in Impl left, float right)
                Impl result;
                result.X = left.X * right;
                result.Y = left.Y * right;
                result.Z = left.Z * right;
                return result;
            public static Impl operator -(in Impl left, in Impl right)
                Impl result;
                result.X = left.X - right.X;
                result.Y = left.Y - right.Y;
                result.Z = left.Z - right.Z;
                return result;
            public static Impl operator -(in Impl value)
                Impl result;
                result.X = -value.X;
                result.Y = -value.Y;
                result.Z = -value.Z;
                return result;
            public static Impl CreateRotation(float radians)
                radians = MathF.IEEERemainder(radians, MathF.PI * 2);
                float c;
                float s;
                if (radians > -RotationEpsilon && radians < RotationEpsilon)
                    // Exact case for zero rotation.
                    c = 1;
                    s = 0;
                else if (radians > MathF.PI / 2 - RotationEpsilon && radians < MathF.PI / 2 + RotationEpsilon)
                    // Exact case for 90 degree rotation.
                    c = 0;
                    s = 1;
                else if (radians < -MathF.PI + RotationEpsilon || radians > MathF.PI - RotationEpsilon)
                    // Exact case for 180 degree rotation.
                    c = -1;
                    s = 0;
                else if (radians > -MathF.PI / 2 - RotationEpsilon && radians < -MathF.PI / 2 + RotationEpsilon)
                    // Exact case for 270 degree rotation.
                    c = 0;
                    s = -1;
                    // Arbitrary rotation.
                    c = MathF.Cos(radians);
                    s = MathF.Sin(radians);
                // [  c  s ]
                // [ -s  c ]
                // [  0  0 ]
                Impl result;
                result.X = new Vector2( c, s);
                result.Y = new Vector2(-s, c);
                result.Z = Vector2.Zero;
                return result;
            public static Impl CreateRotation(float radians, Vector2 centerPoint)
                radians = MathF.IEEERemainder(radians, MathF.PI * 2);
                float c, s;
                if (radians > -RotationEpsilon && radians < RotationEpsilon)
                    // Exact case for zero rotation.
                    c = 1;
                    s = 0;
                else if (radians > MathF.PI / 2 - RotationEpsilon && radians < MathF.PI / 2 + RotationEpsilon)
                    // Exact case for 90 degree rotation.
                    c = 0;
                    s = 1;
                else if (radians < -MathF.PI + RotationEpsilon || radians > MathF.PI - RotationEpsilon)
                    // Exact case for 180 degree rotation.
                    c = -1;
                    s = 0;
                else if (radians > -MathF.PI / 2 - RotationEpsilon && radians < -MathF.PI / 2 + RotationEpsilon)
                    // Exact case for 270 degree rotation.
                    c = 0;
                    s = -1;
                    // Arbitrary rotation.
                    c = MathF.Cos(radians);
                    s = MathF.Sin(radians);
                float x = centerPoint.X * (1 - c) + centerPoint.Y * s;
                float y = centerPoint.Y * (1 - c) - centerPoint.X * s;
                // [  c  s ]
                // [ -s  c ]
                // [  x  y ]
                Impl result;
                result.X = new Vector2( c, s);
                result.Y = new Vector2(-s, c);
                result.Z = new Vector2( x, y);
                return result;
            public static Impl CreateScale(Vector2 scales)
                Impl result;
                result.X = new Vector2(scales.X, 0);
                result.Y = new Vector2(0, scales.Y);
                result.Z = Vector2.Zero;
                return result;
            public static Impl CreateScale(float scaleX, float scaleY)
                Impl result;
                result.X = new Vector2(scaleX, 0);
                result.Y = new Vector2(0, scaleY);
                result.Z = Vector2.Zero;
                return result;
            public static Impl CreateScale(float scaleX, float scaleY, Vector2 centerPoint)
                Impl result;
                result.X = new Vector2(scaleX, 0);
                result.Y = new Vector2(0, scaleY);
                result.Z = centerPoint * (Vector2.One - new Vector2(scaleX, scaleY));
                return result;
            public static Impl CreateScale(Vector2 scales, Vector2 centerPoint)
                Impl result;
                result.X = new Vector2(scales.X, 0);
                result.Y = new Vector2(0, scales.Y);
                result.Z = centerPoint * (Vector2.One - scales);
                return result;
            public static Impl CreateScale(float scale)
                Impl result;
                result.X = new Vector2(scale, 0);
                result.Y = new Vector2(0, scale);
                result.Z = Vector2.Zero;
                return result;
            public static Impl CreateScale(float scale, Vector2 centerPoint)
                Impl result;
                result.X = new Vector2(scale, 0);
                result.Y = new Vector2(0, scale);
                result.Z = centerPoint * (Vector2.One - new Vector2(scale));
                return result;
            public static Impl CreateSkew(float radiansX, float radiansY)
                Impl result;
                result.X = new Vector2(1, MathF.Tan(radiansY));
                result.Y = new Vector2(MathF.Tan(radiansX), 1);
                result.Z = Vector2.Zero;
                return result;
            public static Impl CreateSkew(float radiansX, float radiansY, Vector2 centerPoint)
                float xTan = MathF.Tan(radiansX);
                float yTan = MathF.Tan(radiansY);
                float tx = -centerPoint.Y * xTan;
                float ty = -centerPoint.X * yTan;
                Impl result;
                result.X = new Vector2(1, yTan);
                result.Y = new Vector2(xTan, 1);
                result.Z = new Vector2(tx, ty);
                return result;
            public static Impl CreateTranslation(Vector2 position)
                Impl result;
                result.X = Vector2.UnitX;
                result.Y = Vector2.UnitY;
                result.Z = position;
                return result;
            public static Impl CreateTranslation(float positionX, float positionY)
                Impl result;
                result.X = Vector2.UnitX;
                result.Y = Vector2.UnitY;
                result.Z = new Vector2(positionX, positionY);
                return result;
            public static bool Invert(in Impl matrix, out Impl result)
                float det = (matrix.X.X * matrix.Y.Y) - (matrix.Y.X * matrix.X.Y);
                if (MathF.Abs(det) < float.Epsilon)
                    Vector2 vNaN = new Vector2(float.NaN);
                    result.X = vNaN;
                    result.Y = vNaN;
                    result.Z = vNaN;
                    return false;
                float invDet = 1.0f / det;
                result.X = new Vector2(
                    +matrix.Y.Y * invDet,
                    -matrix.X.Y * invDet
                result.Y = new Vector2(
                    -matrix.Y.X * invDet,
                    +matrix.X.X * invDet
                result.Z = new Vector2(
                    (matrix.Y.X * matrix.Z.Y - matrix.Z.X * matrix.Y.Y) * invDet,
                    (matrix.Z.X * matrix.X.Y - matrix.X.X * matrix.Z.Y) * invDet
                return true;
            public static Impl Lerp(in Impl left, in Impl right, float amount)
                Impl result;
                result.X = Vector2.Lerp(left.X, right.X, amount);
                result.Y = Vector2.Lerp(left.Y, right.Y, amount);
                result.Z = Vector2.Lerp(left.Z, right.Z, amount);
                return result;
            public override readonly bool Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object? obj)
                => (obj is Matrix3x2 other) && Equals(in other.AsImpl());
            public readonly bool Equals(in Impl other)
                // This function needs to account for floating-point equality around NaN
                // and so must behave equivalently to the underlying float/double.Equals
                return X.Equals(other.X)
                    && Y.Equals(other.Y)
                    && Z.Equals(other.Z);
            public readonly float GetDeterminant()
                // There isn't actually any such thing as a determinant for a non-square matrix,
                // but this 3x2 type is really just an optimization of a 3x3 where we happen to
                // know the rightmost column is always (0, 0, 1). So we expand to 3x3 format:
                //  [ X.X, X.Y, 0 ]
                //  [ Y.X, Y.Y, 0 ]
                //  [ Z.X, Z.Y, 1 ]
                // Sum the diagonal products:
                //  (X.X * Y.Y * 1) + (X.Y * 0 * Z.X) + (0 * Y.X * Z.Y)
                // Subtract the opposite diagonal products:
                //  (Z.X * Y.Y * 0) + (Z.Y * 0 * X.X) + (1 * Y.X * X.Y)
                // Collapse out the constants and oh look, this is just a 2x2 determinant!
                return (X.X * Y.Y) - (Y.X * X.Y);
            public override readonly int GetHashCode() => HashCode.Combine(X, Y, Z);
            bool IEquatable<Impl>.Equals(Impl other) => Equals(in other);