File: src\libraries\System.Private.CoreLib\src\System\Runtime\CompilerServices\MethodImplOptions.cs
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Project: src\src\coreclr\System.Private.CoreLib\System.Private.CoreLib.csproj (System.Private.CoreLib)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
    // This Enum matches the miImpl flags defined in corhdr.h. It is used to specify
    // certain method properties.
    public enum MethodImplOptions
        Unmanaged = 0x0004,
        NoInlining = 0x0008,
        ForwardRef = 0x0010,
        Synchronized = 0x0020,
        NoOptimization = 0x0040,
        PreserveSig = 0x0080,
        AggressiveInlining = 0x0100,
        AggressiveOptimization = 0x0200,
        InternalCall = 0x1000