File: src\libraries\System.Private.CoreLib\src\System\Number.Parsing.cs
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Project: src\src\coreclr\System.Private.CoreLib\System.Private.CoreLib.csproj (System.Private.CoreLib)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Unicode;
namespace System
    // The Parse methods provided by the numeric classes convert a
    // string to a numeric value. The optional style parameter specifies the
    // permitted style of the numeric string. It must be a combination of bit flags
    // from the NumberStyles enumeration. The optional info parameter
    // specifies the NumberFormatInfo instance to use when parsing the
    // string. If the info parameter is null or omitted, the numeric
    // formatting information is obtained from the current culture.
    // Numeric strings produced by the Format methods using the Currency,
    // Decimal, Engineering, Fixed point, General, or Number standard formats
    // (the C, D, E, F, G, and N format specifiers) are guaranteed to be parsable
    // by the Parse methods if the NumberStyles.Any style is
    // specified. Note, however, that the Parse methods do not accept
    // NaNs or Infinities.
    internal interface IBinaryIntegerParseAndFormatInfo<TSelf> : IBinaryInteger<TSelf>, IMinMaxValue<TSelf>
        where TSelf : unmanaged, IBinaryIntegerParseAndFormatInfo<TSelf>
        static abstract bool IsSigned { get; }
        static abstract int MaxDigitCount { get; }
        static abstract int MaxHexDigitCount { get; }
        static abstract TSelf MaxValueDiv10 { get; }
        static abstract string OverflowMessage { get; }
        static abstract bool IsGreaterThanAsUnsigned(TSelf left, TSelf right);
        static abstract TSelf MultiplyBy10(TSelf value);
        static abstract TSelf MultiplyBy16(TSelf value);
    internal interface IBinaryFloatParseAndFormatInfo<TSelf> : IBinaryFloatingPointIeee754<TSelf>, IMinMaxValue<TSelf>
        where TSelf : unmanaged, IBinaryFloatParseAndFormatInfo<TSelf>
        static abstract int NumberBufferLength { get; }
        static abstract ulong ZeroBits { get; }
        static abstract ulong InfinityBits { get; }
        static abstract ulong NormalMantissaMask { get; }
        static abstract ulong DenormalMantissaMask { get; }
        static abstract int MinBinaryExponent { get; }
        static abstract int MaxBinaryExponent { get; }
        static abstract int MinDecimalExponent { get; }
        static abstract int MaxDecimalExponent { get; }
        static abstract int ExponentBias { get; }
        static abstract ushort ExponentBits { get; }
        static abstract int OverflowDecimalExponent { get; }
        static abstract int InfinityExponent { get; }
        static abstract ushort NormalMantissaBits { get; }
        static abstract ushort DenormalMantissaBits { get; }
        static abstract int MinFastFloatDecimalExponent { get; }
        static abstract int MaxFastFloatDecimalExponent { get; }
        static abstract int MinExponentRoundToEven { get; }
        static abstract int MaxExponentRoundToEven { get; }
        static abstract int MaxExponentFastPath { get; }
        static abstract ulong MaxMantissaFastPath { get; }
        static abstract TSelf BitsToFloat(ulong bits);
        static abstract ulong FloatToBits(TSelf value);
    internal static partial class Number
        private const int Int32Precision = 10;
        private const int UInt32Precision = Int32Precision;
        private const int Int64Precision = 19;
        private const int UInt64Precision = 20;
        private const int Int128Precision = 39;
        private const int UInt128Precision = 39;
        private const int FloatingPointMaxExponent = 309;
        private const int FloatingPointMinExponent = -324;
        private const int FloatingPointMaxDenormalMantissaBits = 52;
        private static unsafe bool TryNumberBufferToBinaryInteger<TInteger>(ref NumberBuffer number, ref TInteger value)
            where TInteger : unmanaged, IBinaryIntegerParseAndFormatInfo<TInteger>
            int i = number.Scale;
            if ((i > TInteger.MaxDigitCount) || (i < number.DigitsCount) || (!TInteger.IsSigned && number.IsNegative))
                return false;
            byte* p = number.DigitsPtr;
            Debug.Assert(p != null);
            TInteger n = TInteger.Zero;
            while (--i >= 0)
                if (TInteger.IsGreaterThanAsUnsigned(n, TInteger.MaxValueDiv10))
                    return false;
                n = TInteger.MultiplyBy10(n);
                if (*p != '\0')
                    TInteger newN = n + TInteger.CreateTruncating(*p++ - '0');
                    if (!TInteger.IsSigned && (newN < n))
                        return false;
                    n = newN;
            if (TInteger.IsSigned)
                if (number.IsNegative)
                    n = -n;
                    if (n > TInteger.Zero)
                        return false;
                else if (n < TInteger.Zero)
                    return false;
            value = n;
            return true;
        internal static TInteger ParseBinaryInteger<TChar, TInteger>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> value, NumberStyles styles, NumberFormatInfo info)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            where TInteger : unmanaged, IBinaryIntegerParseAndFormatInfo<TInteger>
            ParsingStatus status = TryParseBinaryInteger(value, styles, info, out TInteger result);
            if (status != ParsingStatus.OK)
                ThrowOverflowOrFormatException<TChar, TInteger>(status, value);
            return result;
        internal static ParsingStatus TryParseBinaryInteger<TChar, TInteger>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> value, NumberStyles styles, NumberFormatInfo info, out TInteger result)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            where TInteger : unmanaged, IBinaryIntegerParseAndFormatInfo<TInteger>
            if ((styles & ~NumberStyles.Integer) == 0)
                // Optimized path for the common case of anything that's allowed for integer style.
                return TryParseBinaryIntegerStyle(value, styles, info, out result);
            if ((styles & NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier) != 0)
                return TryParseBinaryIntegerHexNumberStyle(value, styles, out result);
            if ((styles & NumberStyles.AllowBinarySpecifier) != 0)
                return TryParseBinaryIntegerHexOrBinaryNumberStyle<TChar, TInteger, BinaryParser<TInteger>>(value, styles, out result);
            return TryParseBinaryIntegerNumber(value, styles, info, out result);
        private static ParsingStatus TryParseBinaryIntegerNumber<TChar, TInteger>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> value, NumberStyles styles, NumberFormatInfo info, out TInteger result)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            where TInteger : unmanaged, IBinaryIntegerParseAndFormatInfo<TInteger>
            result = TInteger.Zero;
            NumberBuffer number = new NumberBuffer(NumberBufferKind.Integer, stackalloc byte[TInteger.MaxDigitCount + 1]);
            if (!TryStringToNumber(value, styles, ref number, info))
                return ParsingStatus.Failed;
            if (!TryNumberBufferToBinaryInteger(ref number, ref result))
                return ParsingStatus.Overflow;
            return ParsingStatus.OK;
        /// <summary>Parses int limited to styles that make up NumberStyles.Integer.</summary>
        internal static ParsingStatus TryParseBinaryIntegerStyle<TChar, TInteger>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> value, NumberStyles styles, NumberFormatInfo info, out TInteger result)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            where TInteger : unmanaged, IBinaryIntegerParseAndFormatInfo<TInteger>
            Debug.Assert((styles & ~NumberStyles.Integer) == 0, "Only handles subsets of Integer format");
            if (value.IsEmpty)
                goto FalseExit;
            int index = 0;
            uint num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[0]);
            // Skip past any whitespace at the beginning.
            if ((styles & NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite) != 0 && IsWhite(num))
                    if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                        goto FalseExit;
                    num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                while (IsWhite(num));
            // Parse leading sign.
            bool isNegative = false;
            if ((styles & NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign) != 0)
                if (info.HasInvariantNumberSigns)
                    if (num == '-')
                        isNegative = true;
                        if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                            goto FalseExit;
                        num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                    else if (num == '+')
                        if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                            goto FalseExit;
                        num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                else if (info.AllowHyphenDuringParsing() && num == '-')
                    isNegative = true;
                    if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                        goto FalseExit;
                    num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                    value = value.Slice(index);
                    index = 0;
                    ReadOnlySpan<TChar> positiveSign = info.PositiveSignTChar<TChar>();
                    ReadOnlySpan<TChar> negativeSign = info.NegativeSignTChar<TChar>();
                    if (!positiveSign.IsEmpty && value.StartsWith(positiveSign))
                        index += positiveSign.Length;
                        if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                            goto FalseExit;
                        num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                    else if (!negativeSign.IsEmpty && value.StartsWith(negativeSign))
                        isNegative = true;
                        index += negativeSign.Length;
                        if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                            goto FalseExit;
                        num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
            bool overflow = !TInteger.IsSigned && isNegative;
            TInteger answer = TInteger.Zero;
            if (IsDigit(num))
                // Skip past leading zeros.
                if (num == '0')
                        if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                            goto DoneAtEnd;
                        num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                    } while (num == '0');
                    if (!IsDigit(num))
                        if (!TInteger.IsSigned)
                            overflow = false;
                        goto HasTrailingChars;
                // Parse most digits, up to the potential for overflow, which can't happen until after MaxDigitCount - 1 digits.
                answer = TInteger.CreateTruncating(num - '0'); // first digit
                for (int i = 0; i < TInteger.MaxDigitCount - 2; i++) // next MaxDigitCount - 2 digits can't overflow
                    if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                        if (!TInteger.IsSigned)
                            goto DoneAtEndButPotentialOverflow;
                            goto DoneAtEnd;
                    num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                    if (!IsDigit(num))
                        goto HasTrailingChars;
                    answer = TInteger.MultiplyBy10(answer);
                    answer += TInteger.CreateTruncating(num - '0');
                if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                    if (!TInteger.IsSigned)
                        goto DoneAtEndButPotentialOverflow;
                        goto DoneAtEnd;
                num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                if (!IsDigit(num))
                    goto HasTrailingChars;
                // Potential overflow now processing the MaxDigitCount digit.
                if (!TInteger.IsSigned)
                    overflow |= (answer > TInteger.MaxValueDiv10) || ((answer == TInteger.MaxValueDiv10) && (num > '5'));
                    overflow = answer > TInteger.MaxValueDiv10;
                answer = TInteger.MultiplyBy10(answer);
                answer += TInteger.CreateTruncating(num - '0');
                if (TInteger.IsSigned)
                    overflow |= TInteger.IsGreaterThanAsUnsigned(answer, TInteger.MaxValue + (isNegative ? TInteger.One : TInteger.Zero));
                if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                    goto DoneAtEndButPotentialOverflow;
                // At this point, we're either overflowing or hitting a formatting error.
                // Format errors take precedence for compatibility.
                num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                while (IsDigit(num))
                    overflow = true;
                    if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                        goto OverflowExit;
                    num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                goto HasTrailingChars;
            goto FalseExit;
            if (overflow)
                goto OverflowExit;
            if (!TInteger.IsSigned)
                result = answer;
                result = isNegative ? -answer : answer;
            ParsingStatus status = ParsingStatus.OK;
            return status;
        FalseExit: // parsing failed
            result = TInteger.Zero;
            status = ParsingStatus.Failed;
            goto Exit;
            result = TInteger.Zero;
            status = ParsingStatus.Overflow;
            goto Exit;
        HasTrailingChars: // we've successfully parsed, but there are still remaining characters in the span
            // Skip past trailing whitespace, then past trailing zeros, and if anything else remains, fail.
            if (IsWhite(num))
                if ((styles & NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite) == 0)
                    goto FalseExit;
                for (index++; index < value.Length; index++)
                    uint ch = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                    if (!IsWhite(ch))
                if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                    goto DoneAtEndButPotentialOverflow;
            if (!TrailingZeros(value, index))
                goto FalseExit;
            goto DoneAtEndButPotentialOverflow;
        /// <summary>Parses <typeparamref name="TInteger"/> limited to styles that make up NumberStyles.HexNumber.</summary>
        internal static ParsingStatus TryParseBinaryIntegerHexNumberStyle<TChar, TInteger>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> value, NumberStyles styles, out TInteger result)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            where TInteger : unmanaged, IBinaryIntegerParseAndFormatInfo<TInteger>
            return TryParseBinaryIntegerHexOrBinaryNumberStyle<TChar, TInteger, HexParser<TInteger>>(value, styles, out result);
        private interface IHexOrBinaryParser<TInteger>
            where TInteger : unmanaged, IBinaryIntegerParseAndFormatInfo<TInteger>
            static abstract NumberStyles AllowedStyles { get; }
            static abstract bool IsValidChar(uint ch);
            static abstract uint FromChar(uint ch);
            static abstract uint MaxDigitValue { get; }
            static abstract int MaxDigitCount { get; }
            static abstract TInteger ShiftLeftForNextDigit(TInteger value);
        private readonly struct HexParser<TInteger> : IHexOrBinaryParser<TInteger> where TInteger : unmanaged, IBinaryIntegerParseAndFormatInfo<TInteger>
            public static NumberStyles AllowedStyles => NumberStyles.HexNumber;
            public static bool IsValidChar(uint ch) => HexConverter.IsHexChar((int)ch);
            public static uint FromChar(uint ch) => (uint)HexConverter.FromChar((int)ch);
            public static uint MaxDigitValue => 0xF;
            public static int MaxDigitCount => TInteger.MaxHexDigitCount;
            public static TInteger ShiftLeftForNextDigit(TInteger value) => TInteger.MultiplyBy16(value);
        private readonly struct BinaryParser<TInteger> : IHexOrBinaryParser<TInteger> where TInteger : unmanaged, IBinaryIntegerParseAndFormatInfo<TInteger>
            public static NumberStyles AllowedStyles => NumberStyles.BinaryNumber;
            public static bool IsValidChar(uint ch) => (ch - '0') <= 1;
            public static uint FromChar(uint ch) => ch - '0';
            public static uint MaxDigitValue => 1;
            public static unsafe int MaxDigitCount => sizeof(TInteger) * 8;
            public static TInteger ShiftLeftForNextDigit(TInteger value) => value << 1;
        private static ParsingStatus TryParseBinaryIntegerHexOrBinaryNumberStyle<TChar, TInteger, TParser>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> value, NumberStyles styles, out TInteger result)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            where TInteger : unmanaged, IBinaryIntegerParseAndFormatInfo<TInteger>
            where TParser : struct, IHexOrBinaryParser<TInteger>
            Debug.Assert((styles & ~TParser.AllowedStyles) == 0, $"Only handles subsets of {TParser.AllowedStyles} format");
            if (value.IsEmpty)
                goto FalseExit;
            int index = 0;
            uint num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[0]);
            // Skip past any whitespace at the beginning.
            if ((styles & NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite) != 0 && IsWhite(num))
                    if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                        goto FalseExit;
                    num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                while (IsWhite(num));
            bool overflow = false;
            TInteger answer = TInteger.Zero;
            if (TParser.IsValidChar(num))
                // Skip past leading zeros.
                if (num == '0')
                        if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                            goto DoneAtEnd;
                        num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                    } while (num == '0');
                    if (!TParser.IsValidChar(num))
                        goto HasTrailingChars;
                // Parse up through MaxDigitCount digits, as no overflow is possible
                answer = TInteger.CreateTruncating(TParser.FromChar(num)); // first digit
                for (int i = 0; i < TParser.MaxDigitCount - 1; i++) // next MaxDigitCount - 1 digits can't overflow
                    if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                        goto DoneAtEnd;
                    num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                    uint numValue = TParser.FromChar(num);
                    if (numValue > TParser.MaxDigitValue)
                        goto HasTrailingChars;
                    answer = TParser.ShiftLeftForNextDigit(answer);
                    answer += TInteger.CreateTruncating(numValue);
                // If there's another digit, it's an overflow.
                if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                    goto DoneAtEnd;
                num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                if (!TParser.IsValidChar(num))
                    goto HasTrailingChars;
                // At this point, we're either overflowing or hitting a formatting error.
                // Format errors take precedence for compatibility. Read through any remaining digits.
                    if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                        goto OverflowExit;
                    num = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                } while (TParser.IsValidChar(num));
                overflow = true;
                goto HasTrailingChars;
            goto FalseExit;
            if (overflow)
                goto OverflowExit;
            result = answer;
            ParsingStatus status = ParsingStatus.OK;
            return status;
        FalseExit: // parsing failed
            result = TInteger.Zero;
            status = ParsingStatus.Failed;
            goto Exit;
            result = TInteger.Zero;
            status = ParsingStatus.Overflow;
            goto Exit;
        HasTrailingChars: // we've successfully parsed, but there are still remaining characters in the span
            // Skip past trailing whitespace, then past trailing zeros, and if anything else remains, fail.
            if (IsWhite(num))
                if ((styles & NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite) == 0)
                    goto FalseExit;
                for (index++; index < value.Length; index++)
                    uint ch = TChar.CastToUInt32(value[index]);
                    if (!IsWhite(ch))
                if ((uint)index >= (uint)value.Length)
                    goto DoneAtEndButPotentialOverflow;
            if (!TrailingZeros(value, index))
                goto FalseExit;
            goto DoneAtEndButPotentialOverflow;
        internal static decimal ParseDecimal<TChar>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> value, NumberStyles styles, NumberFormatInfo info)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            ParsingStatus status = TryParseDecimal(value, styles, info, out decimal result);
            if (status != ParsingStatus.OK)
                if (status == ParsingStatus.Failed)
            return result;
        internal static unsafe bool TryNumberToDecimal(ref NumberBuffer number, ref decimal value)
            byte* p = number.DigitsPtr;
            int e = number.Scale;
            bool sign = number.IsNegative;
            uint c = *p;
            if (c == 0)
                // To avoid risking an app-compat issue with pre 4.5 (where some app was illegally using Reflection to examine the internal scale bits), we'll only force
                // the scale to 0 if the scale was previously positive (previously, such cases were unparsable to a bug.)
                value = new decimal(0, 0, 0, sign, (byte)Math.Clamp(-e, 0, 28));
                return true;
            if (e > DecimalPrecision)
                return false;
            ulong low64 = 0;
            while (e > -28)
                low64 *= 10;
                low64 += c - '0';
                c = *++p;
                if (low64 >= ulong.MaxValue / 10)
                if (c == 0)
                    while (e > 0)
                        low64 *= 10;
                        if (low64 >= ulong.MaxValue / 10)
            uint high = 0;
            while ((e > 0 || (c != 0 && e > -28)) &&
              (high < uint.MaxValue / 10 || (high == uint.MaxValue / 10 && (low64 < 0x99999999_99999999 || (low64 == 0x99999999_99999999 && c <= '5')))))
                // multiply by 10
                ulong tmpLow = (uint)low64 * 10UL;
                ulong tmp64 = ((uint)(low64 >> 32) * 10UL) + (tmpLow >> 32);
                low64 = (uint)tmpLow + (tmp64 << 32);
                high = (uint)(tmp64 >> 32) + (high * 10);
                if (c != 0)
                    c -= '0';
                    low64 += c;
                    if (low64 < c)
                    c = *++p;
            if (c >= '5')
                if ((c == '5') && ((low64 & 1) == 0))
                    c = *++p;
                    bool hasZeroTail = !number.HasNonZeroTail;
                    // We might still have some additional digits, in which case they need
                    // to be considered as part of hasZeroTail. Some examples of this are:
                    //  * 3.0500000000000000000001e-27
                    //  * 3.05000000000000000000001e-27
                    // In these cases, we will have processed 3 and 0, and ended on 5. The
                    // buffer, however, will still contain a number of trailing zeros and
                    // a trailing non-zero number.
                    while ((c != 0) && hasZeroTail)
                        hasZeroTail &= c == '0';
                        c = *++p;
                    // We should either be at the end of the stream or have a non-zero tail
                    Debug.Assert((c == 0) || !hasZeroTail);
                    if (hasZeroTail)
                        // When the next digit is 5, the number is even, and all following
                        // digits are zero we don't need to round.
                        goto NoRounding;
                if (++low64 == 0 && ++high == 0)
                    low64 = 0x99999999_9999999A;
                    high = uint.MaxValue / 10;
            if (e > 0)
                return false;
            if (e <= -DecimalPrecision)
                // Parsing a large scale zero can give you more precision than fits in the decimal.
                // This should only happen for actual zeros or very small numbers that round to zero.
                value = new decimal(0, 0, 0, sign, DecimalPrecision - 1);
                value = new decimal((int)low64, (int)(low64 >> 32), (int)high, sign, (byte)-e);
            return true;
        internal static TFloat ParseFloat<TChar, TFloat>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> value, NumberStyles styles, NumberFormatInfo info)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            where TFloat : unmanaged, IBinaryFloatParseAndFormatInfo<TFloat>
            if (!TryParseFloat(value, styles, info, out TFloat result))
            return result;
        internal static ParsingStatus TryParseDecimal<TChar>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> value, NumberStyles styles, NumberFormatInfo info, out decimal result)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            NumberBuffer number = new NumberBuffer(NumberBufferKind.Decimal, stackalloc byte[DecimalNumberBufferLength]);
            result = 0;
            if (!TryStringToNumber(value, styles, ref number, info))
                return ParsingStatus.Failed;
            if (!TryNumberToDecimal(ref number, ref result))
                return ParsingStatus.Overflow;
            return ParsingStatus.OK;
        internal static bool SpanStartsWith<TChar>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> span, TChar c)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            return !span.IsEmpty && (span[0] == c);
        internal static bool SpanStartsWith<TChar>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> span, ReadOnlySpan<TChar> value, StringComparison comparisonType)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            if (typeof(TChar) == typeof(char))
                ReadOnlySpan<char> typedSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast<TChar, char>(span);
                ReadOnlySpan<char> typedValue = MemoryMarshal.Cast<TChar, char>(value);
                return typedSpan.StartsWith(typedValue, comparisonType);
                Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(byte));
                ReadOnlySpan<byte> typedSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast<TChar, byte>(span);
                ReadOnlySpan<byte> typedValue = MemoryMarshal.Cast<TChar, byte>(value);
                return typedSpan.StartsWithUtf8(typedValue, comparisonType);
        internal static ReadOnlySpan<TChar> SpanTrim<TChar>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> span)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            if (typeof(TChar) == typeof(char))
                return MemoryMarshal.Cast<char, TChar>(MemoryMarshal.Cast<TChar, char>(span).Trim());
                Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(byte));
                return MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, TChar>(MemoryMarshal.Cast<TChar, byte>(span).TrimUtf8());
        internal static bool SpanEqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase<TChar>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> span, ReadOnlySpan<TChar> value)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            if (typeof(TChar) == typeof(char))
                ReadOnlySpan<char> typedSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast<TChar, char>(span);
                ReadOnlySpan<char> typedValue = MemoryMarshal.Cast<TChar, char>(value);
                return typedSpan.EqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase(typedValue);
                Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(byte));
                ReadOnlySpan<byte> typedSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast<TChar, byte>(span);
                ReadOnlySpan<byte> typedValue = MemoryMarshal.Cast<TChar, byte>(value);
                return typedSpan.EqualsOrdinalIgnoreCaseUtf8(typedValue);
        internal static bool TryParseFloat<TChar, TFloat>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> value, NumberStyles styles, NumberFormatInfo info, out TFloat result)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            where TFloat : unmanaged, IBinaryFloatParseAndFormatInfo<TFloat>
            NumberBuffer number = new NumberBuffer(NumberBufferKind.FloatingPoint, stackalloc byte[TFloat.NumberBufferLength]);
            if (!TryStringToNumber(value, styles, ref number, info))
                ReadOnlySpan<TChar> valueTrim = SpanTrim(value);
                // This code would be simpler if we only had the concept of `InfinitySymbol`, but
                // we don't so we'll check the existing cases first and then handle `PositiveSign` +
                // `PositiveInfinitySymbol` and `PositiveSign/NegativeSign` + `NaNSymbol` last.
                ReadOnlySpan<TChar> positiveInfinitySymbol = info.PositiveInfinitySymbolTChar<TChar>();
                if (SpanEqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase(valueTrim, positiveInfinitySymbol))
                    result = TFloat.PositiveInfinity;
                    return true;
                if (SpanEqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase(valueTrim, info.NegativeInfinitySymbolTChar<TChar>()))
                    result = TFloat.NegativeInfinity;
                    return true;
                ReadOnlySpan<TChar> nanSymbol = info.NaNSymbolTChar<TChar>();
                if (SpanEqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase(valueTrim, nanSymbol))
                    result = TFloat.NaN;
                    return true;
                var positiveSign = info.PositiveSignTChar<TChar>();
                if (SpanStartsWith(valueTrim, positiveSign, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    valueTrim = valueTrim.Slice(positiveSign.Length);
                    if (SpanEqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase(valueTrim, positiveInfinitySymbol))
                        result = TFloat.PositiveInfinity;
                        return true;
                    else if (SpanEqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase(valueTrim, nanSymbol))
                        result = TFloat.NaN;
                        return true;
                    result = TFloat.Zero;
                    return false;
                ReadOnlySpan<TChar> negativeSign = info.NegativeSignTChar<TChar>();
                if (SpanStartsWith(valueTrim, negativeSign, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    if (SpanEqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase(valueTrim.Slice(negativeSign.Length), nanSymbol))
                        result = TFloat.NaN;
                        return true;
                    if (info.AllowHyphenDuringParsing() && SpanStartsWith(valueTrim, TChar.CastFrom('-')) && SpanEqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase(valueTrim.Slice(1), nanSymbol))
                        result = TFloat.NaN;
                        return true;
                result = TFloat.Zero;
                return false; // We really failed
            result = NumberToFloat<TFloat>(ref number);
            return true;
        internal static void ThrowOverflowOrFormatException<TChar, TInteger>(ParsingStatus status, ReadOnlySpan<TChar> value)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            where TInteger : unmanaged, IBinaryIntegerParseAndFormatInfo<TInteger>
            if (status == ParsingStatus.Failed)
        internal static void ThrowFormatException<TChar>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> value)
            where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
            string errorMessage;
            if (typeof(TChar) == typeof(byte))
                // Decode the UTF8 value into a string we can include in the error message. We're here
                // because we failed to parse, which also means the bytes might not be valid UTF8,
                // so fallback to a message that doesn't include the value if the bytes are invalid.
                // It's possible after we check the bytes for validity that they could be concurrently
                // mutated, but if that's happening, all bets are off, anyway, and it simply impacts
                // which exception is thrown.
                ReadOnlySpan<byte> bytes = MemoryMarshal.Cast<TChar, byte>(value);
                errorMessage = Utf8.IsValid(bytes) ?
                    SR.Format(SR.Format_InvalidStringWithValue, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes)) :
                errorMessage = SR.Format(SR.Format_InvalidStringWithValue, value.ToString());
            throw new FormatException(errorMessage);
        internal static void ThrowOverflowException<TInteger>()
            where TInteger : unmanaged, IBinaryIntegerParseAndFormatInfo<TInteger>
            throw new OverflowException(TInteger.OverflowMessage);
        internal static void ThrowOverflowException(string message)
            throw new OverflowException(message);
        internal static TFloat NumberToFloat<TFloat>(ref NumberBuffer number)
            where TFloat : unmanaged, IBinaryFloatParseAndFormatInfo<TFloat>
            TFloat result;
            if ((number.DigitsCount == 0) || (number.Scale < TFloat.MinDecimalExponent))
                result = TFloat.Zero;
            else if (number.Scale > TFloat.MaxDecimalExponent)
                result = TFloat.PositiveInfinity;
                ulong bits = NumberToFloatingPointBits<TFloat>(ref number);
                result = TFloat.BitsToFloat(bits);
            return number.IsNegative ? -result : result;