// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Xaml.MS.Impl;
using System.Xaml.Schema;
using MS.Internal.Xaml.Parser;
namespace System.Xaml
public class XamlType : IEquatable<XamlType>
// Initialized in constructor
readonly string _name;
XamlSchemaContext _schemaContext;
readonly IList<XamlType> _typeArguments;
// Thread safety: if setting outside ctor, do an interlocked compare against null
TypeReflector _reflector;
/// <summary>
/// Lazy init: NullableReference.IsSet is null when not initialized
/// </summary>
private NullableReference<Type> _underlyingType;
// Lazy init: null until initialized
// Thread safety: idempotent, assignment races are okay; do not assign incomplete values
ReadOnlyCollection<string> _namespaces;
ThreeValuedBool _isNameValid;
protected XamlType(string typeName, IList<XamlType> typeArguments, XamlSchemaContext schemaContext)
_name = typeName ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(typeName));
_schemaContext = schemaContext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(schemaContext));
_typeArguments = GetTypeArguments(typeArguments);
public XamlType(string unknownTypeNamespace, string unknownTypeName, IList<XamlType> typeArguments, XamlSchemaContext schemaContext)
_name = unknownTypeName ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(unknownTypeName));
_namespaces = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(new string[] { unknownTypeNamespace });
_schemaContext = schemaContext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(schemaContext));
_typeArguments = GetTypeArguments(typeArguments);
_reflector = TypeReflector.UnknownReflector;
public XamlType(Type underlyingType, XamlSchemaContext schemaContext)
:this(underlyingType, schemaContext, null)
public XamlType(Type underlyingType, XamlSchemaContext schemaContext, XamlTypeInvoker invoker)
: this(null, underlyingType, schemaContext, invoker, null)
internal XamlType(string alias, Type underlyingType, XamlSchemaContext schemaContext, XamlTypeInvoker invoker, TypeReflector reflector)
_reflector = reflector ?? new TypeReflector(underlyingType);
_name = alias ?? GetTypeName(underlyingType);
_schemaContext = schemaContext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(schemaContext));
_typeArguments = GetTypeArguments(underlyingType, schemaContext);
_underlyingType.Value = underlyingType;
_reflector.Invoker = invoker;
public XamlType BaseType
if (!_reflector.BaseTypeIsSet)
_reflector.BaseType = LookupBaseType();
return _reflector.BaseType;
public XamlTypeInvoker Invoker
if (_reflector.Invoker is null)
_reflector.Invoker = LookupInvoker() ?? XamlTypeInvoker.UnknownInvoker;
return _reflector.Invoker;
public bool IsNameValid
if (_isNameValid == ThreeValuedBool.NotSet)
_isNameValid = XamlName.IsValidXamlName(_name) ? ThreeValuedBool.True : ThreeValuedBool.False;
return _isNameValid == ThreeValuedBool.True;
public bool IsUnknown
return _reflector.IsUnknown;
public string Name { get { return _name; } }
public string PreferredXamlNamespace
IList<string> namespaces = GetXamlNamespaces();
if (namespaces.Count > 0)
return namespaces[0];
return null;
public IList<XamlType> TypeArguments
// If this is an open generic, some of these will be placeholders (e.g. T)
// The only way to get an open generic is to explicitly ask for it via
// XamlSchameContext.Get(Type), so the caller is responsible for handling it
return _typeArguments;
public Type UnderlyingType
if (!_underlyingType.IsSet)
return _underlyingType.Value;
/// <summary>
/// Accesses UnderlyingType without initializing it
/// </summary>
internal NullableReference<Type> UnderlyingTypeInternal
get { return _underlyingType; }
public bool ConstructionRequiresArguments { get { return GetFlag(BoolTypeBits.ConstructionRequiresArguments); } }
public bool IsArray { get { return GetCollectionKind() == XamlCollectionKind.Array; } }
public bool IsCollection { get { return GetCollectionKind() == XamlCollectionKind.Collection; } }
public bool IsConstructible { get { return GetFlag(BoolTypeBits.Constructible); } }
public bool IsDictionary { get { return GetCollectionKind() == XamlCollectionKind.Dictionary; } }
public bool IsGeneric { get { return TypeArguments is not null; } }
public bool IsMarkupExtension { get { return GetFlag(BoolTypeBits.MarkupExtension); } }
public bool IsNameScope { get { return GetFlag(BoolTypeBits.NameScope); } }
public bool IsNullable { get { return GetFlag(BoolTypeBits.Nullable); } }
public bool IsPublic { get { return GetFlag(BoolTypeBits.Public); } }
public bool IsUsableDuringInitialization { get { return GetFlag(BoolTypeBits.UsableDuringInitialization); } }
public bool IsWhitespaceSignificantCollection { get { return GetFlag(BoolTypeBits.WhitespaceSignificantCollection); } }
public bool IsXData { get { return GetFlag(BoolTypeBits.XmlData); } }
public bool TrimSurroundingWhitespace { get { return GetFlag(BoolTypeBits.TrimSurroundingWhitespace); } }
public bool IsAmbient { get { return GetFlag(BoolTypeBits.Ambient); } }
public XamlType KeyType
if (!IsDictionary)
return null;
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by IsDictionary");
if (_reflector.KeyType is null)
_reflector.KeyType = LookupKeyType() ?? XamlLanguage.Object;
return _reflector.KeyType;
public XamlType ItemType
if (GetCollectionKind() == XamlCollectionKind.None)
return null;
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by GetCollectionKind");
if (_reflector.ItemType is null)
_reflector.ItemType = LookupItemType() ?? XamlLanguage.Object;
return _reflector.ItemType;
public IList<XamlType> AllowedContentTypes
XamlCollectionKind collectionKind = GetCollectionKind();
if (collectionKind != XamlCollectionKind.Collection &&
collectionKind != XamlCollectionKind.Dictionary)
return null;
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by GetCollectionKind");
if (_reflector.AllowedContentTypes is null)
_reflector.AllowedContentTypes = LookupAllowedContentTypes() ??
return _reflector.AllowedContentTypes;
public IList<XamlType> ContentWrappers
if (!IsCollection)
return null;
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by IsCollection");
if (_reflector.ContentWrappers is null)
_reflector.ContentWrappers = LookupContentWrappers() ??
return _reflector.ContentWrappers;
public XamlValueConverter<TypeConverter> TypeConverter
if (!_reflector.TypeConverterIsSet)
_reflector.TypeConverter = LookupTypeConverter();
return _reflector.TypeConverter;
public XamlValueConverter<ValueSerializer> ValueSerializer
if (!_reflector.ValueSerializerIsSet)
_reflector.ValueSerializer = LookupValueSerializer();
return _reflector.ValueSerializer;
public XamlMember ContentProperty
if (!_reflector.ContentPropertyIsSet)
_reflector.ContentProperty = LookupContentProperty();
return _reflector.ContentProperty;
public XamlValueConverter<XamlDeferringLoader> DeferringLoader
if (!_reflector.DeferringLoaderIsSet)
_reflector.DeferringLoader = LookupDeferringLoader();
return _reflector.DeferringLoader;
public XamlType MarkupExtensionReturnType
if (!IsMarkupExtension)
return null;
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by IsMarkupExtension");
if (_reflector.MarkupExtensionReturnType is null)
_reflector.MarkupExtensionReturnType = LookupMarkupExtensionReturnType() ?? XamlLanguage.Object;
return _reflector.MarkupExtensionReturnType;
public XamlSchemaContext SchemaContext { get { return _schemaContext; } }
public XamlMember GetMember(string name)
XamlMember result;
if (!_reflector.Members.TryGetValue(name, out result) && !_reflector.Members.IsComplete)
result = LookupMember(name, skipReadOnlyCheck: false);
result = _reflector.Members.TryAdd(name, result);
return result;
public ICollection<XamlMember> GetAllMembers()
if (!_reflector.Members.IsComplete)
IEnumerable<XamlMember> members = LookupAllMembers();
if (members is not null)
foreach (XamlMember member in members)
_reflector.Members.TryAdd(member.Name, member);
_reflector.Members.IsComplete = true;
return _reflector.Members.Values;
public XamlMember GetAliasedProperty(XamlDirective directive)
// Perf note: would be nice to optimize this. We currently have to do the same mapping of
// the directive to one of the four known directives 3 times for each type in the hierarchy
XamlMember result;
if (!_reflector.TryGetAliasedProperty(directive, out result))
result = LookupAliasedProperty(directive);
_reflector.TryAddAliasedProperty(directive, result);
return result;
public XamlMember GetAttachableMember(string name)
XamlMember result;
if (!_reflector.AttachableMembers.TryGetValue(name, out result) &&
result = LookupAttachableMember(name);
result = _reflector.AttachableMembers.TryAdd(name, result);
return result;
public ICollection<XamlMember> GetAllAttachableMembers()
if (!_reflector.AttachableMembers.IsComplete)
IEnumerable<XamlMember> members = LookupAllAttachableMembers();
if (members is not null)
foreach (XamlMember member in members)
_reflector.AttachableMembers.TryAdd(member.Name, member);
_reflector.AttachableMembers.IsComplete = true;
return _reflector.AttachableMembers.Values;
public virtual bool CanAssignTo(XamlType xamlType)
if (xamlType is null)
return false;
Type baseUnderlyingType = xamlType.UnderlyingType;
XamlType curType = this;
Type curUnderlyingType = curType.UnderlyingType;
if (baseUnderlyingType is not null && curUnderlyingType is not null)
if (curUnderlyingType.Assembly.ReflectionOnly &&
baseUnderlyingType.Assembly == typeof(XamlType).Assembly)
// Need to be version-tolerant of reference to built-in XAML language types,
// so it is possible to statically analyze assemblies built against older versions
return LooseTypeExtensions.IsAssemblyQualifiedNameAssignableFrom(
baseUnderlyingType, curUnderlyingType);
return baseUnderlyingType.IsAssignableFrom(curUnderlyingType);
if (curType == xamlType)
return true;
curType = curType.BaseType;
while (curType is not null);
return false;
public IList<XamlType> GetPositionalParameters(int parameterCount)
IList<XamlType> result;
if (!_reflector.TryGetPositionalParameters(parameterCount, out result))
result = LookupPositionalParameters(parameterCount);
result = _reflector.TryAddPositionalParameters(parameterCount, result);
return result;
public virtual IList<string> GetXamlNamespaces()
if (_namespaces is null)
_namespaces = _schemaContext.GetXamlNamespaces(this);
if (_namespaces is null)
_namespaces = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(new string[] { string.Empty });
return _namespaces;
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
AppendTypeName(sb, false);
return sb.ToString();
internal bool IsUsableAsReadOnly
XamlCollectionKind collectionKind = GetCollectionKind();
(collectionKind == XamlCollectionKind.Collection) ||
(collectionKind == XamlCollectionKind.Dictionary) ||
internal MethodInfo IsReadOnlyMethod
if (ItemType is null || UnderlyingType is null)
return null;
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by ItemType");
if (!_reflector.IsReadOnlyMethodIsSet)
if (UnderlyingType is not null && ItemType.UnderlyingType is not null)
_reflector.IsReadOnlyMethod = CollectionReflector.
GetIsReadOnlyMethod(UnderlyingType, ItemType.UnderlyingType);
_reflector.IsReadOnlyMethod = null;
return _reflector.IsReadOnlyMethod;
internal EventHandler<XamlSetMarkupExtensionEventArgs> SetMarkupExtensionHandler
if (!_reflector.XamlSetMarkupExtensionHandlerIsSet)
_reflector.XamlSetMarkupExtensionHandler = LookupSetMarkupExtensionHandler();
return _reflector.XamlSetMarkupExtensionHandler;
internal EventHandler<XamlSetTypeConverterEventArgs> SetTypeConverterHandler
if (!_reflector.XamlSetTypeConverterHandlerIsSet)
_reflector.XamlSetTypeConverterHandler = LookupSetTypeConverterHandler();
return _reflector.XamlSetTypeConverterHandler;
internal MethodInfo AddMethod
if (UnderlyingType is null)
return null;
if (!_reflector.AddMethodIsSet)
XamlCollectionKind collectionKind = GetCollectionKind();
_reflector.AddMethod = CollectionReflector.LookupAddMethod(UnderlyingType, collectionKind);
return _reflector.AddMethod;
internal MethodInfo GetEnumeratorMethod
if (GetCollectionKind() == XamlCollectionKind.None || UnderlyingType is null)
return null;
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by GetCollectionKind");
if (!_reflector.GetEnumeratorMethodIsSet)
_reflector.GetEnumeratorMethod = CollectionReflector.GetEnumeratorMethod(UnderlyingType);
return _reflector.GetEnumeratorMethod;
internal string GetQualifiedName()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
AppendTypeName(sb, true);
return sb.ToString();
// Security note:
// Keep this internal so that people don't use it for real security decisions.
// This is only for convenience filtering, we still depend on the CLR for our real security.
// Extensibility note:
// This is not overridable since it does not make sense in a non-CLR context.
internal bool IsVisibleTo(Assembly accessingAssembly)
if (IsPublic)
return true;
Type underlyingType = UnderlyingType;
return accessingAssembly is not null && underlyingType is not null &&
TypeReflector.IsVisibleTo(underlyingType, accessingAssembly, SchemaContext);
internal ICollection<XamlMember> GetAllExcludedReadOnlyMembers()
if (_reflector.ExcludedReadOnlyMembers is null)
_reflector.ExcludedReadOnlyMembers = LookupAllExcludedReadOnlyMembers() ?? ReadOnlyCollection<XamlMember>.Empty;
return _reflector.ExcludedReadOnlyMembers;
// If a type is public, returns only its public constructors. Otherwise, returns its
// public and internal constructors.
internal IEnumerable<ConstructorInfo> GetConstructors()
if (UnderlyingType is null)
return ReadOnlyCollection<ConstructorInfo>.Empty;
if (IsPublic)
return UnderlyingType.GetConstructors();
return GetPublicAndInternalConstructors();
// Looks up a ctor overload from the set provided by GetConstructors.
internal ConstructorInfo GetConstructor(Type[] paramTypes)
if (UnderlyingType is null)
return null;
IEnumerable<ConstructorInfo> ctors = GetConstructors();
if (ctors is not ConstructorInfo[] ctorArray)
ctorArray = new List<ConstructorInfo>(ctors).ToArray();
MethodBase result = Type.DefaultBinder.SelectMethod(ConstructorBindingFlags, ctorArray, paramTypes, null);
return (ConstructorInfo)result;
protected virtual XamlMember LookupAliasedProperty(XamlDirective directive)
if (AreAttributesAvailable)
Type attributeType = null;
bool skipReadOnlyCheck = false;
if (directive == XamlLanguage.Key)
attributeType = typeof(DictionaryKeyPropertyAttribute);
skipReadOnlyCheck = true;
else if (directive == XamlLanguage.Name)
attributeType = typeof(RuntimeNamePropertyAttribute);
else if (directive == XamlLanguage.Uid)
attributeType = typeof(UidPropertyAttribute);
else if (directive == XamlLanguage.Lang)
attributeType = typeof(XmlLangPropertyAttribute);
if (attributeType is not null)
string propertyName;
if (TryGetAttributeString(attributeType, out propertyName))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
return null;
return GetPropertyOrUnknown(propertyName, skipReadOnlyCheck);
if (BaseType is not null)
return BaseType.GetAliasedProperty(directive);
return null;
protected virtual IList<XamlType> LookupAllowedContentTypes()
IList<XamlType> contentWrappers = ContentWrappers ?? ReadOnlyCollection<XamlType>.Empty;
List<XamlType> result = new List<XamlType>(contentWrappers.Count + 1);
foreach (XamlType contentWrapper in contentWrappers)
if (contentWrapper.ContentProperty is not null &&
XamlType contentType = contentWrapper.ContentProperty.Type;
if (!result.Contains(contentType))
return result.AsReadOnly();
protected virtual XamlType LookupBaseType()
Type underlyingType = UnderlyingType;
if (underlyingType is null)
return XamlLanguage.Object;
if (underlyingType.BaseType is not null)
return SchemaContext.GetXamlType(underlyingType.BaseType);
return null;
protected virtual XamlCollectionKind LookupCollectionKind()
if (UnderlyingType is null)
return (BaseType is not null) ? BaseType.GetCollectionKind() : XamlCollectionKind.None;
MethodInfo addMethod = null;
XamlCollectionKind result = CollectionReflector.LookupCollectionKind(UnderlyingType, out addMethod);
if (addMethod is not null)
_reflector.AddMethod = addMethod;
return result;
protected virtual bool LookupConstructionRequiresArguments()
Type underlyingType = UnderlyingType;
if (underlyingType is null)
return GetDefaultFlag(BoolTypeBits.ConstructionRequiresArguments);
if (underlyingType.IsValueType)
// Value types have built-in default constructor
return false;
ConstructorInfo defaultCtor = underlyingType.GetConstructor(ConstructorBindingFlags, null, Type.EmptyTypes, null);
return (defaultCtor is null) || !TypeReflector.IsPublicOrInternal(defaultCtor);
protected virtual XamlMember LookupContentProperty()
string contentPropertyName;
if (TryGetAttributeString(typeof(ContentPropertyAttribute), out contentPropertyName))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentPropertyName))
return null;
return GetPropertyOrUnknown(contentPropertyName, skipReadOnlyCheck: false);
if (BaseType is not null)
return BaseType.ContentProperty;
return null;
protected virtual IList<XamlType> LookupContentWrappers()
List<XamlType> contentWrappers = null;
if (AreAttributesAvailable)
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by AreAttributesAvailable");
List<Type> wrapperTypes = _reflector.GetAllAttributeContents<Type>(typeof(ContentWrapperAttribute));
if (wrapperTypes is not null)
contentWrappers = new List<XamlType>(wrapperTypes.Count);
foreach (Type wrapperType in wrapperTypes)
if (BaseType is not null)
IList<XamlType> baseWrappers = BaseType.ContentWrappers;
if (contentWrappers is null)
return baseWrappers;
else if (baseWrappers is not null)
return GetReadOnly(contentWrappers);
protected virtual ICustomAttributeProvider LookupCustomAttributeProvider()
return null;
protected virtual XamlValueConverter<XamlDeferringLoader> LookupDeferringLoader()
if (AreAttributesAvailable)
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by AreAttributesAvailable");
Type[] loaderTypes = _reflector.GetAttributeTypes(typeof(XamlDeferLoadAttribute), 2);
if (loaderTypes is not null)
return SchemaContext.GetValueConverter<XamlDeferringLoader>(loaderTypes[0], null);
if (BaseType is not null)
return BaseType.DeferringLoader;
return null;
protected virtual bool LookupIsConstructible()
Type underlyingType = UnderlyingType;
if (underlyingType is null)
return GetDefaultFlag(BoolTypeBits.Constructible);
// Type must be concrete, non-nested, and closed
if (underlyingType.IsAbstract ||
underlyingType.IsInterface ||
underlyingType.IsNested ||
underlyingType.IsGenericParameter ||
return false;
// Value types have built-in default constructor
if (underlyingType.IsValueType)
return true;
if (!ConstructionRequiresArguments)
return true;
// Look for constructors
foreach (ConstructorInfo ctor in GetConstructors())
// found one, that's all we need
return true;
return false;
protected virtual XamlTypeInvoker LookupInvoker()
return (UnderlyingType is not null) ? new XamlTypeInvoker(this) : null;
protected virtual bool LookupIsMarkupExtension()
return CanAssignTo(XamlLanguage.MarkupExtension);
protected virtual bool LookupIsNameScope()
return CanAssignTo(XamlLanguage.INameScope);
protected virtual bool LookupIsNullable()
if (UnderlyingType is not null)
return !UnderlyingType.IsValueType || IsNullableGeneric();
return GetDefaultFlag(BoolTypeBits.Nullable);
protected virtual bool LookupIsUnknown()
if (_reflector is not null)
return _reflector.IsUnknown;
return UnderlyingType is null;
protected virtual bool LookupIsWhitespaceSignificantCollection()
if (AreAttributesAvailable)
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by AreAttributesAvailable");
if (_reflector.IsAttributePresent(typeof(WhitespaceSignificantCollectionAttribute)))
return true;
if (BaseType is not null)
return BaseType.IsWhitespaceSignificantCollection;
if (IsUnknown)
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by AreAttributesAvailable");
return _reflector.GetFlag(BoolTypeBits.WhitespaceSignificantCollection).Value;
return GetDefaultFlag(BoolTypeBits.WhitespaceSignificantCollection);
protected virtual XamlType LookupKeyType()
MethodInfo addMethod = AddMethod;
if (addMethod is not null)
ParameterInfo[] addParams = addMethod.GetParameters();
if (addParams.Length == 2)
return SchemaContext.GetXamlType(addParams[0].ParameterType);
else if (UnderlyingType is null && BaseType is not null)
return BaseType.KeyType;
return null;
protected virtual XamlType LookupItemType()
Type result = null;
MethodInfo addMethod = AddMethod;
if (addMethod is not null)
ParameterInfo[] addParams = addMethod.GetParameters();
if (addParams.Length == 2)
result = addParams[1].ParameterType;
else if (addParams.Length == 1)
result = addParams[0].ParameterType;
else if (UnderlyingType is not null)
if (UnderlyingType.IsArray)
result = UnderlyingType.GetElementType();
else if (BaseType is not null)
return BaseType.ItemType;
return (result is not null) ? SchemaContext.GetXamlType(result) : null;
protected virtual XamlType LookupMarkupExtensionReturnType()
if (AreAttributesAvailable)
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by AreAttributesAvailable");
Type returnType = _reflector.GetAttributeType(typeof(MarkupExtensionReturnTypeAttribute));
if (returnType is not null)
XamlType xamlReturnType = SchemaContext.GetXamlType(returnType);
return xamlReturnType;
if (BaseType is not null)
return BaseType.MarkupExtensionReturnType;
return null;
protected virtual IEnumerable<XamlMember> LookupAllAttachableMembers()
if (UnderlyingType is null)
return BaseType?.GetAllAttachableMembers();
return _reflector.LookupAllAttachableMembers(SchemaContext);
protected virtual IEnumerable<XamlMember> LookupAllMembers()
if (UnderlyingType is null)
return BaseType?.GetAllMembers();
ICollection<PropertyInfo> properties;
ICollection<EventInfo> events;
List<XamlMember> result;
_reflector.LookupAllMembers(out properties, out events, out result);
if (properties is not null)
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in properties)
XamlMember member = SchemaContext.GetProperty(pi);
if (!member.IsReadOnly || member.Type.IsUsableAsReadOnly)
if (events is not null)
foreach (EventInfo ei in events)
XamlMember member = SchemaContext.GetEvent(ei);
return result;
protected virtual XamlMember LookupMember(string name, bool skipReadOnlyCheck)
if (UnderlyingType is null)
if (BaseType is not null)
return skipReadOnlyCheck ? BaseType.LookupMember(name, true) : BaseType.GetMember(name);
return null;
// Note: if an event on a derived class shadows a property on a base class, this algorithm
// will still return the property, not the event. That is by design, for backcompat.
PropertyInfo pi = _reflector.LookupProperty(name);
if (pi is not null)
XamlMember result = SchemaContext.GetProperty(pi);
// Filter out read-only properties except for dictionaries and collections
if (!skipReadOnlyCheck && result.IsReadOnly && !result.Type.IsUsableAsReadOnly)
return null;
return result;
EventInfo ei = _reflector.LookupEvent(name);
if (ei is not null)
return SchemaContext.GetEvent(ei);
return null;
protected virtual XamlMember LookupAttachableMember(string name)
if (UnderlyingType is null)
return BaseType?.GetAttachableMember(name);
MethodInfo getter, setter;
if (_reflector.LookupAttachableProperty(name, out getter, out setter))
XamlMember result = SchemaContext.GetAttachableProperty(name, getter, setter);
if (result.IsReadOnly && !result.Type.IsUsableAsReadOnly)
return null;
return result;
setter = _reflector.LookupAttachableEvent(name);
if (setter is not null)
return SchemaContext.GetAttachableEvent(name, setter);
return null;
protected virtual IList<XamlType> LookupPositionalParameters(int parameterCount)
if (UnderlyingType is null)
return null;
// When we reflect, we have to lookup all the constructors. However, it's possible
// that a derived class may override lookup for some param counts, but no others. So we
// save the results of our reflection in a separate dictionary, and only surface each item
// as requested.
if (_reflector.ReflectedPositionalParameters is null)
_reflector.ReflectedPositionalParameters = LookupAllPositionalParameters();
IList<XamlType> result;
_reflector.ReflectedPositionalParameters.TryGetValue(parameterCount, out result);
return result;
protected virtual Type LookupUnderlyingType()
return UnderlyingTypeInternal.Value;
protected virtual bool LookupIsPublic()
Type underlyingType = UnderlyingType;
if (underlyingType is null)
return GetDefaultFlag(BoolTypeBits.Public);
return underlyingType.IsVisible;
protected virtual bool LookupIsXData()
return CanAssignTo(XamlLanguage.IXmlSerializable);
protected virtual bool LookupIsAmbient()
if (AreAttributesAvailable)
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by AreAttributesAvailable");
if (_reflector.IsAttributePresent(typeof(AmbientAttribute)))
return true;
if (BaseType is not null)
return BaseType.IsAmbient;
if (IsUnknown)
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by AreAttributesAvailable");
return _reflector.GetFlag(BoolTypeBits.Ambient).Value;
return GetDefaultFlag(BoolTypeBits.Ambient);
protected virtual XamlValueConverter<TypeConverter> LookupTypeConverter()
if (AreAttributesAvailable)
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by AreAttributesAvailable");
Type converterType = _reflector.GetAttributeType(typeof(TypeConverterAttribute));
if (converterType is not null)
return SchemaContext.GetValueConverter<TypeConverter>(converterType, null);
if (BaseType is not null)
XamlValueConverter<TypeConverter> result = BaseType.TypeConverter;
if (result is not null && result.TargetType != XamlLanguage.Object)
return result;
Type underlyingType = UnderlyingType;
if (underlyingType is not null)
if (underlyingType.IsEnum)
return SchemaContext.GetValueConverter<TypeConverter>(typeof(EnumConverter), this);
XamlValueConverter<TypeConverter> result = BuiltInValueConverter.GetTypeConverter(underlyingType);
if (result is not null)
return result;
if (IsNullableGeneric())
Type[] typeArgs = underlyingType.GetGenericArguments();
Debug.Assert(typeArgs.Length == 1);
XamlType innerXamlType = SchemaContext.GetXamlType(typeArgs[0]);
return innerXamlType.TypeConverter;
return null;
protected virtual XamlValueConverter<ValueSerializer> LookupValueSerializer()
if (AreAttributesAvailable)
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by AreAttributesAvailable");
Type converterType = _reflector.GetAttributeType(typeof(ValueSerializerAttribute));
if (converterType is not null)
return SchemaContext.GetValueConverter<ValueSerializer>(converterType, null);
if (BaseType is not null)
XamlValueConverter<ValueSerializer> result = BaseType.ValueSerializer;
if (result is not null)
return result;
Type underlyingType = UnderlyingType;
if (underlyingType is not null)
XamlValueConverter<ValueSerializer> result = BuiltInValueConverter.GetValueSerializer(underlyingType);
if (result is not null)
return result;
if (IsNullableGeneric())
Type[] typeArgs = underlyingType.GetGenericArguments();
Debug.Assert(typeArgs.Length == 1);
XamlType innerXamlType = SchemaContext.GetXamlType(typeArgs[0]);
return innerXamlType.ValueSerializer;
return null;
#region TODO, 673231, make these publicly accessible (e.g. via APs)
protected virtual bool LookupTrimSurroundingWhitespace()
if (AreAttributesAvailable)
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by AreAttributesAvailable");
if (_reflector.IsAttributePresent(typeof(TrimSurroundingWhitespaceAttribute)))
return true;
if (BaseType is not null)
return BaseType.TrimSurroundingWhitespace;
return GetDefaultFlag(BoolTypeBits.TrimSurroundingWhitespace);
protected virtual bool LookupUsableDuringInitialization()
if (AreAttributesAvailable)
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by AreAttributesAvailable");
bool? usable = _reflector.GetAttributeValue<bool>(typeof(UsableDuringInitializationAttribute));
if (usable.HasValue)
return usable.Value;
if (BaseType is not null)
return BaseType.IsUsableDuringInitialization;
return GetDefaultFlag(BoolTypeBits.UsableDuringInitialization);
protected virtual EventHandler<XamlSetMarkupExtensionEventArgs> LookupSetMarkupExtensionHandler()
if (UnderlyingType is not null)
string methodName;
if (TryGetAttributeString(typeof(XamlSetMarkupExtensionAttribute), out methodName))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName))
return null;
return (EventHandler<XamlSetMarkupExtensionEventArgs>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(
typeof(EventHandler<XamlSetMarkupExtensionEventArgs>), UnderlyingType, methodName);
if (BaseType is not null)
return BaseType.SetMarkupExtensionHandler;
return null;
protected virtual EventHandler<XamlSetTypeConverterEventArgs> LookupSetTypeConverterHandler()
if (UnderlyingType is not null)
string methodName;
if (TryGetAttributeString(typeof(XamlSetTypeConverterAttribute), out methodName))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName))
return null;
return (EventHandler<XamlSetTypeConverterEventArgs>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(
typeof(EventHandler<XamlSetTypeConverterEventArgs>), UnderlyingType, methodName);
if (BaseType is not null)
return BaseType.SetTypeConverterHandler;
return null;
private bool AreAttributesAvailable
// Make sure that AttributeProvider is initialized
// Note: Don't short-circuit the AttributeProvider lookup, even if UnderlyingType
// is non-null; a derived class can use AttributeProvider to override attribute lookup
if (!_reflector.CustomAttributeProviderIsSet)
_reflector.CustomAttributeProvider = LookupCustomAttributeProvider();
Debug.Assert(UnderlyingTypeInternal.IsSet, "EnsureReflector should have caused UnderlyingType to be initialized");
return _reflector.CustomAttributeProvider is not null || UnderlyingTypeInternal.Value is not null;
private BindingFlags ConstructorBindingFlags
BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public;
if (!IsPublic)
flags |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
return flags;
private void AppendTypeName(StringBuilder sb, bool forceNsInitialization)
string ns = null;
if (forceNsInitialization)
ns = PreferredXamlNamespace;
else if (_namespaces is not null && _namespaces.Count > 0)
ns = _namespaces[0];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ns))
else if (UnderlyingTypeInternal.Value is not null)
if (IsGeneric)
for (int i = 0; i < TypeArguments.Count; i++)
TypeArguments[i].AppendTypeName(sb, forceNsInitialization);
if (i < TypeArguments.Count - 1)
sb.Append(", ");
private void CreateReflector()
bool isUnknown = LookupIsUnknown();
TypeReflector reflector;
if (isUnknown)
reflector = TypeReflector.UnknownReflector;
reflector = new TypeReflector(UnderlyingType);
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _reflector, reflector, null);
// We call this method a lot. Keep it really small, to make sure it inlines.
private void EnsureReflector()
if (_reflector is null)
private XamlCollectionKind GetCollectionKind()
if (!_reflector.CollectionKindIsSet)
_reflector.CollectionKind = LookupCollectionKind();
return _reflector.CollectionKind;
private bool GetFlag(BoolTypeBits flagBit)
bool? result = _reflector.GetFlag(flagBit);
if (!result.HasValue)
result = LookupBooleanValue(flagBit);
_reflector.SetFlag(flagBit, result.Value);
return result.Value;
private XamlMember GetPropertyOrUnknown(string propertyName, bool skipReadOnlyCheck)
XamlMember result = skipReadOnlyCheck ? LookupMember(propertyName, true) : GetMember(propertyName);
if (result is null)
result = new XamlMember(propertyName, declaringType: this, isAttachable: false);
return result;
private static bool GetDefaultFlag(BoolTypeBits flagBit)
return (BoolTypeBits.Default & flagBit) == flagBit;
private IEnumerable<ConstructorInfo> GetPublicAndInternalConstructors()
foreach (ConstructorInfo ctor in UnderlyingType.GetConstructors(ConstructorBindingFlags))
if (TypeReflector.IsPublicOrInternal(ctor))
yield return ctor;
internal static ReadOnlyCollection<T> GetReadOnly<T>(IList<T> list)
if (list is null)
return null;
if (list.Count > 0)
return new ReadOnlyCollection<T>(list);
return ReadOnlyCollection<T>.Empty;
private static ReadOnlyCollection<XamlType> GetTypeArguments(IList<XamlType> typeArguments)
if (typeArguments is null || typeArguments.Count == 0)
return null;
foreach (XamlType typeArg in typeArguments)
if (typeArg is null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.CollectionCannotContainNulls, "typeArguments"));
return new List<XamlType>(typeArguments).AsReadOnly();
private static ReadOnlyCollection<XamlType> GetTypeArguments(Type type, XamlSchemaContext schemaContext)
Type genericType = type;
while (genericType.IsArray)
genericType = genericType.GetElementType();
if (!genericType.IsGenericType)
return null;
Type[] types = genericType.GetGenericArguments();
XamlType[] result = new XamlType[types.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
result[i] = schemaContext.GetXamlType(types[i]);
return GetReadOnly(result);
private static string GetTypeName(Type type)
string typeName = type.Name;
// if generic, extract the part without the grave quote and arity
int index = typeName.IndexOf(KnownStrings.GraveQuote);
if (index >= 0)
// save the subscript
string subscript;
typeName = GenericTypeNameScanner.StripSubscript(typeName, out subscript);
typeName = string.Concat(typeName.AsSpan(0, index), subscript);
// if nested, add the containing name
if (type.IsNested)
typeName = GetTypeName(type.DeclaringType) + KnownStrings.NestedTypeDelimiter + typeName;
return typeName;
private bool IsNullableGeneric()
return UnderlyingType is not null
&& (KS.Eq(UnderlyingType.Name, KnownStrings.NullableOfT)
&& UnderlyingType.Assembly == typeof(Nullable<>).Assembly
&& UnderlyingType.Namespace == typeof(Nullable<>).Namespace);
private ICollection<XamlMember> LookupAllExcludedReadOnlyMembers()
if (UnderlyingType is null)
return null;
// Force the list of all members to populate
ICollection<XamlMember> allMembers = GetAllMembers();
// By default, any properties remaining will be excluded read-only members
IList<PropertyInfo> excludedMembers = _reflector.LookupRemainingProperties();
if (excludedMembers is null)
return null;
List<XamlMember> result = new List<XamlMember>(excludedMembers.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < excludedMembers.Count; i++)
XamlMember excludedMember = new XamlMember(excludedMembers[i], SchemaContext);
if (excludedMember.IsReadOnly && !excludedMember.Type.IsUsableAsReadOnly)
Debug.Assert(GetType() != typeof(XamlType), "Default GetAllMembers logic should have already captured all writeable properties");
return new ReadOnlyCollection<XamlMember>(result);
private Dictionary<int, IList<XamlType>> LookupAllPositionalParameters()
// We need to have a consistent ordering for duplicate arity, and remove workaround for TypeExtension
// Total workaround to work around TypeExtension having two, single argument
// Constructors. If the type is TypeExtension then we hard code the right answer.
if (UnderlyingType == XamlLanguage.Type.UnderlyingType)
Dictionary<int, IList<XamlType>> result = new Dictionary<int, IList<XamlType>>();
XamlType typeOfType = SchemaContext.GetXamlType(typeof(Type));
XamlType[] typeVector = new XamlType[] { typeOfType };
result.Add(1, GetReadOnly(typeVector));
return result;
Dictionary<int, IList<XamlType>> ctorDict = new Dictionary<int, IList<XamlType>>();
foreach (ConstructorInfo info in GetConstructors())
ParameterInfo[] parameterInfos = info.GetParameters();
XamlType[] typeVector = new XamlType[parameterInfos.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < parameterInfos.Length; i++)
ParameterInfo param = parameterInfos[i];
Type type = param.ParameterType;
XamlType xamlType = SchemaContext.GetXamlType(type);
typeVector[i] = xamlType;
if (ctorDict.ContainsKey(typeVector.Length))
if (!SchemaContext.SupportMarkupExtensionsWithDuplicateArity)
throw new XamlSchemaException(SR.Format(SR.MarkupExtensionWithDuplicateArity, UnderlyingType, typeVector.Length));
// Otherwise we just ignore the dupe
ctorDict.Add(typeVector.Length, GetReadOnly(typeVector));
return ctorDict;
private bool LookupBooleanValue(BoolTypeBits typeBit)
bool bit;
switch (typeBit)
case BoolTypeBits.Constructible:
bit = LookupIsConstructible();
case BoolTypeBits.ConstructionRequiresArguments:
bit = LookupConstructionRequiresArguments();
case BoolTypeBits.MarkupExtension:
bit = LookupIsMarkupExtension();
case BoolTypeBits.Nullable:
bit = LookupIsNullable();
case BoolTypeBits.NameScope:
bit = LookupIsNameScope();
case BoolTypeBits.Public:
bit = LookupIsPublic();
case BoolTypeBits.TrimSurroundingWhitespace:
bit = LookupTrimSurroundingWhitespace();
case BoolTypeBits.UsableDuringInitialization:
bit = LookupUsableDuringInitialization();
if (bit && IsMarkupExtension)
// MarkupExtension cannot be used during initialization.
string err = SR.Format(SR.UsableDuringInitializationOnME, this);
throw new XamlSchemaException(err);
case BoolTypeBits.WhitespaceSignificantCollection:
bit = LookupIsWhitespaceSignificantCollection();
case BoolTypeBits.XmlData:
bit = LookupIsXData();
case BoolTypeBits.Ambient:
bit = LookupIsAmbient();
Debug.Fail("Enum out of range");
bit = GetDefaultFlag(typeBit);
return bit;
// Walks up the inheritance hierarchy to find the string contents of an attribute.
// Returns true if the entire type hierarchy was walked successfully, false if not
// (e.g. because one of the base types doesn't have an underlying CLR type).
// Result is null if attribute wasn't found, string.Empty if attribute string was null or empty.
// The result from this function is typically used to look up a member on the decorated type.
// This poses a challenge: if the attribute is defined on a base type, and a derived type
// shadows the named member, which do we return?
// v3 returned that derived member. Also, some attribute lookup methods (e.g. TypeDescriptor)
// always coalesce inheritance hierarchy, which would make it difficult to determine
// whether the attribute was defined on a base or derived class.
// So, for consistency and compat, we coalesce the hierarchy here, so the caller will always
// return the derived member.
private bool TryGetAttributeString(Type attributeType, out string result)
if (!AreAttributesAvailable)
result = null;
return false;
Debug.Assert(_reflector is not null, "_reflector should have been initialized by AreAttributesAvailable");
// Look up the attribute on this type
bool checkedInherited;
result = _reflector.GetAttributeString(attributeType, out checkedInherited);
if (checkedInherited || result is not null)
return true;
// Look up the attribute on our base type
XamlType baseType = BaseType;
if (baseType is not null)
return baseType.TryGetAttributeString(attributeType, out result);
// We've reached the root of the inheritance tree
return true;
#region IEquatable<XamlType> Members
public override bool Equals(object obj)
XamlType objXamlType = obj as XamlType;
return this == objXamlType;
public override int GetHashCode()
if (IsUnknown)
int result = _name.GetHashCode();
if (_namespaces is not null && _namespaces.Count > 0)
result ^= _namespaces[0].GetHashCode();
if (_typeArguments is not null && _typeArguments.Count > 0)
foreach (XamlType typeArgument in _typeArguments)
result ^= typeArgument.GetHashCode();
return result;
else if (UnderlyingType is not null)
// flip one bit on the hash to avoid collisions with the underlying type
return UnderlyingType.GetHashCode() ^ 8;
return base.GetHashCode();
public bool Equals(XamlType other)
return this == other;
// We need to either provide overridability here, or else provide a
// name/namespace fallback for known non-CLR types
public static bool operator ==(XamlType xamlType1, XamlType xamlType2)
if (ReferenceEquals(xamlType1, xamlType2))
return true;
if (xamlType1 is null || xamlType2 is null)
return false;
if (xamlType1.IsUnknown)
if (xamlType2.IsUnknown)
if (xamlType1._namespaces is not null)
if (xamlType2._namespaces is null || xamlType1._namespaces[0] != xamlType2._namespaces[0])
return false;
else if (xamlType2._namespaces is not null)
return false;
return (xamlType1._name == xamlType2._name) &&
TypeArgumentsAreEqual(xamlType1, xamlType2);
return false;
else if (xamlType2.IsUnknown)
return false;
// If the types are known but don't have underlying types, this will return false.
// We don't want to get into the business of comparing custom user types, especially
// since the one way we could possibly do that (namespaces) can have side effects
return xamlType1.UnderlyingType == xamlType2.UnderlyingType;
public static bool operator !=(XamlType xamlType1, XamlType xamlType2)
return !(xamlType1 == xamlType2);
private static bool TypeArgumentsAreEqual(XamlType xamlType1, XamlType xamlType2)
if (!xamlType1.IsGeneric)
return !xamlType2.IsGeneric;
else if (!xamlType2.IsGeneric)
return false;
if (xamlType1._typeArguments.Count != xamlType2._typeArguments.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < xamlType1._typeArguments.Count; i++)
if (xamlType1._typeArguments[i] != xamlType2._typeArguments[i])
return false;
return true;