File: System\Xaml\Schema\XamlDirective.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\System.Xaml\System.Xaml.csproj (System.Xaml)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xaml.Schema;
namespace System.Xaml
    public class XamlDirective : XamlMember
        private AllowedMemberLocations _allowedLocation;
        private readonly ReadOnlyCollection<string> _xamlNamespaces;
        internal XamlDirective(ReadOnlyCollection<string> immutableXamlNamespaces, string name, AllowedMemberLocations allowedLocation, MemberReflector reflector)
            : base(name, reflector)
            Debug.Assert(immutableXamlNamespaces is not null);
            foreach (string ns in immutableXamlNamespaces)
                Debug.Assert(ns is not null);
            _xamlNamespaces = immutableXamlNamespaces;
            _allowedLocation = allowedLocation;
        public XamlDirective(IEnumerable<string> xamlNamespaces, string name, XamlType xamlType,
            XamlValueConverter<TypeConverter> typeConverter, AllowedMemberLocations allowedLocation)
            : base(name, new MemberReflector(xamlType, typeConverter))
            List<string> nsList = new List<string>(xamlNamespaces);
            foreach (string ns in nsList)
                if (ns is null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.CollectionCannotContainNulls, nameof(xamlNamespaces));
            _xamlNamespaces = nsList.AsReadOnly();
            _allowedLocation = allowedLocation;
        public XamlDirective(string xamlNamespace, string name)
            :base(name, null)
            _xamlNamespaces = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(new string[] { xamlNamespace });
            _allowedLocation = AllowedMemberLocations.Any;
        public AllowedMemberLocations AllowedLocation { get { return _allowedLocation; } }
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int result = (Name is null) ? 0 : Name.GetHashCode();
            ReadOnlyCollection<string> ns = _xamlNamespaces;
            for (int i = 0; i < ns.Count; i++)
                result ^= ns[i].GetHashCode();
            return result;
        public override string ToString()
            if (_xamlNamespaces.Count > 0)
                return $"{{{_xamlNamespaces[0]}}}{Name}";
                return Name;
        public override IList<string> GetXamlNamespaces()
            return _xamlNamespaces;
        // We use the private field _xamlNamespaces to avoid expensive lookups or mutable
        // return values from overriden implementations of GetXamlNamespaces. But this will produce
        // hard-to-understand behavior if the namespaces returned from GetXamlNamespaces are different
        // from the ones passed in the ctor. Ideally we would provide overridable equality here.
        internal static bool NamespacesAreEqual(XamlDirective directive1, XamlDirective directive2)
            ReadOnlyCollection<string> ns1 = directive1._xamlNamespaces;
            ReadOnlyCollection<string> ns2 = directive2._xamlNamespaces;
            if (ns1.Count != ns2.Count)
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < ns1.Count; i++)
                if (ns1[i] != ns2[i])
                    return false;
            return true;
        protected sealed override XamlMemberInvoker LookupInvoker()
            return XamlMemberInvoker.DirectiveInvoker;
        protected sealed override ICustomAttributeProvider LookupCustomAttributeProvider()
            return null;
        protected sealed override IList<XamlMember> LookupDependsOn()
            return null;
        protected sealed override XamlValueConverter<XamlDeferringLoader> LookupDeferringLoader()
            return null;
        protected sealed override bool LookupIsAmbient()
            return false;
        protected sealed override bool LookupIsEvent()
            return false;
        protected sealed override bool LookupIsReadOnly()
            return false;
        protected sealed override bool LookupIsReadPublic()
            return true;
        protected sealed override bool LookupIsUnknown()
            return base.IsUnknown;
        protected sealed override bool LookupIsWriteOnly()
            return false;
        protected sealed override bool LookupIsWritePublic()
            return true;
        protected sealed override XamlType LookupTargetType()
            return null;
        protected sealed override XamlValueConverter<TypeConverter> LookupTypeConverter()
            // We set this value in ctor, so this call won't produce infinite loop
            return base.TypeConverter;
        protected sealed override XamlType LookupType()
            // We set this value in ctor, so this call won't produce infinite loop
            return base.Type;
        protected sealed override MethodInfo LookupUnderlyingGetter()
            return null;
        protected sealed override MemberInfo LookupUnderlyingMember()
            return null;
        protected sealed override MethodInfo LookupUnderlyingSetter()
            return null;