// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Markup;
namespace System.Xaml.Schema
// Currently we CustomAttributeFormatException and set _attributeProvider to Member, so that
// all future lookups happens via live reflection, which is unified. This logic can be removed
// once the CLR fixes the Attribute Unification Bug.
internal abstract class Reflector
// If _attributeProvider is set, we will use it for all attribute lookups.
// Otherwise, we will populate _attributeData with Member.GetCustomAttributesData.
protected NullableReference<ICustomAttributeProvider> _attributeProvider;
protected IList<CustomAttributeData> _attributeData;
internal ICustomAttributeProvider CustomAttributeProvider
get { return _attributeProvider.Value; }
set { _attributeProvider.Value = value; }
internal void SetCustomAttributeProviderVolatile(ICustomAttributeProvider value)
internal bool CustomAttributeProviderIsSet { get { return _attributeProvider.IsSet; } }
internal bool CustomAttributeProviderIsSetVolatile { get { return _attributeProvider.IsSetVolatile; } }
protected abstract MemberInfo Member { get; }
public bool IsAttributePresent(Type attributeType)
if (CustomAttributeProvider is not null)
return CustomAttributeProvider.IsDefined(attributeType, false);
CustomAttributeData cad = GetAttribute(attributeType);
return (cad is not null);
catch (CustomAttributeFormatException)
CustomAttributeProvider = Member;
return IsAttributePresent(attributeType);
// Returns null if attribute wasn't found, string.Empty if attribute string was null or empty
public string GetAttributeString(Type attributeType, out bool checkedInherited)
if (CustomAttributeProvider is not null)
// Passes inherit=true for reasons explained in comment on XamlType.TryGetAttributeString
checkedInherited = true;
object[] attributes = CustomAttributeProvider.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit: true);
if (attributes.Length == 0)
return null;
if (attributeType == typeof(ContentPropertyAttribute))
return ((ContentPropertyAttribute)attributes[0]).Name;
if (attributeType == typeof(RuntimeNamePropertyAttribute))
return ((RuntimeNamePropertyAttribute)attributes[0]).Name;
if (attributeType == typeof(DictionaryKeyPropertyAttribute))
return ((DictionaryKeyPropertyAttribute)attributes[0]).Name;
if (attributeType == typeof(XamlSetMarkupExtensionAttribute))
return ((XamlSetMarkupExtensionAttribute)attributes[0]).XamlSetMarkupExtensionHandler;
if (attributeType == typeof(XamlSetTypeConverterAttribute))
return ((XamlSetTypeConverterAttribute)attributes[0]).XamlSetTypeConverterHandler;
if (attributeType == typeof(UidPropertyAttribute))
return ((UidPropertyAttribute)attributes[0]).Name;
if (attributeType == typeof(XmlLangPropertyAttribute))
return ((XmlLangPropertyAttribute)attributes[0]).Name;
if (attributeType == typeof(ConstructorArgumentAttribute))
return ((ConstructorArgumentAttribute)attributes[0]).ArgumentName;
Debug.Fail($"Unexpected attribute type requested: {attributeType.Name}");
return null;
// CustomAttributeData doesn't have an inherit=true option
checkedInherited = false;
CustomAttributeData cad = GetAttribute(attributeType);
if (cad is null)
return null;
return Extract<string>(cad) ?? string.Empty;
catch (CustomAttributeFormatException)
CustomAttributeProvider = Member;
return GetAttributeString(attributeType, out checkedInherited);
public IReadOnlyDictionary<char, char> GetBracketCharacterAttributes(Type attributeType)
if (CustomAttributeProvider is not null)
object[] attributes = CustomAttributeProvider.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, false);
if (attributes.Length == 0)
return null;
if (attributeType == typeof(MarkupExtensionBracketCharactersAttribute))
Dictionary<char, char> bracketCharacterAttributeList = new Dictionary<char, char>();
foreach (object attribute in attributes)
MarkupExtensionBracketCharactersAttribute bracketCharactersAttribute = (MarkupExtensionBracketCharactersAttribute)attribute;
bracketCharacterAttributeList.Add(bracketCharactersAttribute.OpeningBracket, bracketCharactersAttribute.ClosingBracket);
return new ReadOnlyDictionary<char, char>(bracketCharacterAttributeList);
Debug.Fail($"Unexpected attribute type requested: {attributeType.Name}");
return null;
if (attributeType == typeof(MarkupExtensionBracketCharactersAttribute))
return TokenizeBracketCharacters(attributeType);
return null;
public T? GetAttributeValue<T>(Type attributeType) where T : struct
if (CustomAttributeProvider is not null)
object[] attributes = CustomAttributeProvider.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, false);
if (attributes.Length == 0)
return null;
if (attributeType == typeof(DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute))
DesignerSerializationVisibility result = ((DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute)attributes[0]).Visibility;
return (T)(object)result;
if (attributeType == typeof(UsableDuringInitializationAttribute))
bool result = ((UsableDuringInitializationAttribute)attributes[0]).Usable;
return (T)(object)result;
Debug.Fail($"Unexpected attribute type requested: {attributeType.Name}");
return null;
CustomAttributeData cad = GetAttribute(attributeType);
if (cad is null)
return null;
return Extract<T>(cad);
catch (CustomAttributeFormatException)
CustomAttributeProvider = Member;
return GetAttributeValue<T>(attributeType);
public Type GetAttributeType(Type attributeType)
if (CustomAttributeProvider is not null)
object[] attributes = CustomAttributeProvider.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, false);
if (attributes.Length == 0)
return null;
if (attributeType == typeof(TypeConverterAttribute))
string typeName = ((TypeConverterAttribute)attributes[0]).ConverterTypeName;
return Type.GetType(typeName);
if (attributeType == typeof(MarkupExtensionReturnTypeAttribute))
return ((MarkupExtensionReturnTypeAttribute)attributes[0]).ReturnType;
if (attributeType == typeof(ValueSerializerAttribute))
return ((ValueSerializerAttribute)attributes[0]).ValueSerializerType;
Debug.Fail($"Unexpected attribute type requested: {attributeType.Name}");
return null;
CustomAttributeData cad = GetAttribute(attributeType);
if (cad is null)
return null;
return ExtractType(cad);
catch (CustomAttributeFormatException)
CustomAttributeProvider = Member;
return GetAttributeType(attributeType);
public Type[] GetAttributeTypes(Type attributeType, int count)
if (CustomAttributeProvider is not null)
object[] attributes = CustomAttributeProvider.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, false);
if (attributes.Length == 0)
return null;
Debug.Assert(attributeType == typeof(XamlDeferLoadAttribute));
Debug.Assert(count == 2);
XamlDeferLoadAttribute tca = (XamlDeferLoadAttribute)attributes[0];
Type converterType = Type.GetType(tca.LoaderTypeName);
Type contentType = Type.GetType(tca.ContentTypeName);
return new Type[] { converterType, contentType };
CustomAttributeData cad = GetAttribute(attributeType);
if (cad is null)
return null;
return ExtractTypes(cad, count);
catch (CustomAttributeFormatException)
CustomAttributeProvider = Member;
return GetAttributeTypes(attributeType, count);
public List<T> GetAllAttributeContents<T>(Type attributeType)
if (CustomAttributeProvider is not null)
object[] attributes = CustomAttributeProvider.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, false);
if (attributes.Length == 0)
return null;
List<T> result = new List<T>();
if (attributeType == typeof(ContentWrapperAttribute))
foreach (ContentWrapperAttribute attribute in attributes)
return result;
if (attributeType == typeof(DependsOnAttribute))
foreach (DependsOnAttribute attribute in attributes)
return result;
Debug.Fail($"Unexpected attribute type requested: {attributeType.Name}");
return null;
List<CustomAttributeData> cads = new List<CustomAttributeData>();
GetAttributes(attributeType, cads);
if (cads.Count == 0)
return null;
List<T> types = new List<T>();
foreach (CustomAttributeData cad in cads)
T content = Extract<T>(cad);
return types;
catch (CustomAttributeFormatException)
CustomAttributeProvider = Member;
return GetAllAttributeContents<T>(attributeType);
// This operates on a bitmask where:
// - The lower 16 bits represent boolean values
// - The upper 16 bits are valid bits
// If the valid (high) bit is set, this returns the value of the low bit. If the valid bit
// is not set, this returns null.
protected static bool? GetFlag(int bitMask, int bitToCheck)
int validBit = GetValidMask(bitToCheck);
if ((bitMask & validBit) != 0)
return (bitMask & bitToCheck) != 0;
return null;
protected static int GetValidMask(int flagMask)
// Make sure we're only using the low 16 bits for flags)
Debug.Assert((flagMask & 0xFFFF) == flagMask, "flagMask should only use lower 16 bits of int");
return flagMask << 16;
// Same expected bitmask layout as GetFlag.
// This sets a low bit to the specified value, and sets the corresponding valid (high) bit to true.
protected static void SetFlag(ref int bitMask, int bitToSet, bool value)
// This method cannot be used to clear a flag that has already been set
Debug.Assert(value || (bitMask & bitToSet) == 0);
int validMask = GetValidMask(bitToSet);
int bitsToSet = validMask + (value ? bitToSet : 0);
SetBit(ref bitMask, bitsToSet);
protected static void SetBit(ref int flags, int mask)
int oldValue;
int newValue;
bool updated;
oldValue = flags;
newValue = oldValue | mask;
updated = oldValue == Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref flags, newValue, oldValue);
while (!updated);
private static bool TypesAreEqual(Type userType, Type builtInType)
if (userType.Assembly.ReflectionOnly)
return LooseTypeExtensions.AssemblyQualifiedNameEquals(userType, builtInType);
return userType == builtInType;
private ReadOnlyDictionary<char, char> TokenizeBracketCharacters(Type attributeType)
if (attributeType == typeof(MarkupExtensionBracketCharactersAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeData> attrDataList = new List<CustomAttributeData>();
GetAttributes(attributeType, attrDataList);
Dictionary<char, char> bracketCharacterList = new Dictionary<char, char>();
foreach (CustomAttributeData attributeData in attrDataList)
char openingBracket = (char) (attributeData.ConstructorArguments[0].Value);
char closingBracket = (char) (attributeData.ConstructorArguments[1].Value);
bracketCharacterList.Add(openingBracket, closingBracket);
return new ReadOnlyDictionary<char, char>(bracketCharacterList);
return null;
private Type ExtractType(CustomAttributeData cad)
Type result = null;
if (cad.ConstructorArguments.Count == 1)
result = ExtractType(cad.ConstructorArguments[0]);
if (result is null)
ThrowInvalidMetadata(cad, 1, typeof(Type));
return result;
private Type[] ExtractTypes(CustomAttributeData cad, int count)
if (cad.ConstructorArguments.Count != count)
ThrowInvalidMetadata(cad, count, typeof(Type));
Type[] result = new Type[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
result[i] = ExtractType(cad.ConstructorArguments[i]);
if (result[i] is null)
ThrowInvalidMetadata(cad, count, typeof(Type));
return result;
private Type ExtractType(CustomAttributeTypedArgument arg)
if (arg.ArgumentType == typeof(Type))
return (Type)arg.Value;
else if (arg.ArgumentType == typeof(string))
string typeName = (string)arg.Value;
return Type.GetType(typeName);
return null;
private T Extract<T>(CustomAttributeData cad)
if (cad.ConstructorArguments.Count == 0)
return default(T);
if (cad.ConstructorArguments.Count > 1 ||
!TypesAreEqual(cad.ConstructorArguments[0].ArgumentType, typeof(T)))
ThrowInvalidMetadata(cad, 1, typeof(T));
return (T)cad.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
protected void EnsureAttributeData()
if (_attributeData is null)
_attributeData = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(Member);
private CustomAttributeData GetAttribute(Type attributeType)
for (int i = 0; i < _attributeData.Count; i++)
if (TypesAreEqual(_attributeData[i].Constructor.DeclaringType, attributeType))
return _attributeData[i];
return null;
private void GetAttributes(Type attributeType, IList<CustomAttributeData> cads)
for (int i = 0; i < _attributeData.Count; i++)
if (TypesAreEqual(_attributeData[i].Constructor.DeclaringType, attributeType))
protected void ThrowInvalidMetadata(CustomAttributeData cad, int expectedCount, Type expectedType)
throw new XamlSchemaException(SR.Format(SR.UnexpectedConstructorArg,
cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, Member, expectedCount, expectedType));