// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using MS.Internal;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xaml.MS.Impl;
using System.Xaml.Schema;
using MS.Internal.Xaml.Parser;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
namespace System.Xaml
/// <remarks>
/// This class, and the closure of its references (i.e. XamlType, XamlMember, etc) are all
/// thread-safe in their base implementations. Derived implementations can choose whether or not
/// to be thread-safe.
/// </remarks>
public class XamlSchemaContext
#region Common Fields
// We don't expect a lot of contention on our dictionaries, so avoid the overhead of
// extra lock partitioning
const int ConcurrencyLevel = 1;
const int DictionaryCapacity = 17;
// Immutable, initialized in constructor
private readonly ReadOnlyCollection<Assembly> _referenceAssemblies;
// take this lock when iterating new assemblies in the AppDomain/RefAssm
object _syncExaminingAssemblies;
#region Constructors
public XamlSchemaContext()
: this(null, null) { }
public XamlSchemaContext(XamlSchemaContextSettings settings)
: this(null, settings) { }
public XamlSchemaContext(IEnumerable<Assembly> referenceAssemblies)
: this(referenceAssemblies, null) { }
public XamlSchemaContext(IEnumerable<Assembly> referenceAssemblies, XamlSchemaContextSettings settings)
if (referenceAssemblies is not null)
// ReadOnlyCollection wants an IList but we have an IEnumerable.
List<Assembly> listOfAssemblies = new List<Assembly>(referenceAssemblies);
_referenceAssemblies = new ReadOnlyCollection<Assembly>(listOfAssemblies);
_settings = (settings is not null)
? new XamlSchemaContextSettings(settings)
: new XamlSchemaContextSettings();
_syncExaminingAssemblies = new object();
// Deliberate implementation of Finalize without Dispose:
// We don't actually hold any unmanaged resources, the purpose of this finalizer is to unhook
// the AppDomain.AssemblyLoad event, and thus allow the AssemblyLoadHandler to be GCed.
// We don't implement IDisposable, because if we did, users would probably try to dispose us
// right after the XAML load completes, which is wrong if there were any XamlDeferLoad properties.
if (_assemblyLoadHandler is not null && !Environment.HasShutdownStarted)
// Finalizers shouldn't throw
#region Enumeration methods
// This list is valid when it is non-null. If it gets invalidated (e.g. by the addition of
// new namespaces), it is reset to null.
private IList<string> _nonClrNamespaces;
public virtual ICollection<XamlType> GetAllXamlTypes(string xamlNamespace)
XamlNamespace ns = GetXamlNamespace(xamlNamespace);
return ns.GetAllXamlTypes();
public virtual IEnumerable<string> GetAllXamlNamespaces()
IList<string> result = _nonClrNamespaces;
if (result is null)
// To avoid a race condition when assigning this list, don't allow any additional
// namespaces to be added while we're iterating the current list
lock (_syncExaminingAssemblies)
result = new List<string>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, XamlNamespace> ns in NamespaceByUriList)
if (ns.Value.IsResolved && !ns.Value.IsClrNamespace)
result = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(result);
_nonClrNamespaces = result;
return result;
#region Prefix lookup
// This dictionary defaults to null. The first time it is used, it needs to be initialized
// in full. After that, it will be updated as needed by UpdateXmlNsInfo.
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> _preferredPrefixes;
public virtual string GetPreferredPrefix(string xmlns)
if (_preferredPrefixes is null)
string result;
if (!_preferredPrefixes.TryGetValue(xmlns, out result))
if (XamlLanguage.XamlNamespaces.Contains(xmlns))
result = XamlLanguage.PreferredPrefix;
string clrNs, assemblyName;
if (ClrNamespaceUriParser.TryParseUri(xmlns, out clrNs, out assemblyName))
result = GetPrefixForClrNs(clrNs, assemblyName);
result = KnownStrings.DefaultPrefix;
result = TryAdd(_preferredPrefixes, xmlns, result);
return result;
private string GetPrefixForClrNs(string clrNs, string assemblyName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyName))
return KnownStrings.LocalPrefix;
StringBuilder sb = new();
ReadOnlySpan<char> values = clrNs.AsSpan();
foreach (Range segment in values.Split('.'))
if (!values[segment].IsEmpty)
sb.Append(char.ToLower(values[segment][0], TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS));
if (sb.Length > 0)
string result = sb.ToString();
if (KS.Eq(result, XamlLanguage.PreferredPrefix))
// Prevent this algorithm from stealing 'x'
return KnownStrings.DefaultPrefix;
else if (KS.Eq(result, KnownStrings.XmlPrefix))
// Prevent this algorithm from stealing 'xml'
return KnownStrings.DefaultPrefix;
return result;
return KnownStrings.LocalPrefix;
void InitializePreferredPrefixes()
// To avoid an assignment race condition, prevent new assemblies from being processed while we're
// iterating the existing list
lock (_syncExaminingAssemblies)
ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> preferredPrefixes = CreateDictionary<string, string>();
foreach (XmlNsInfo nsInfo in EnumerateXmlnsInfos())
UpdatePreferredPrefixes(nsInfo, preferredPrefixes);
_preferredPrefixes = preferredPrefixes;
void UpdatePreferredPrefixes(XmlNsInfo newNamespaces, ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> prefixDict)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> nsToPrefix in newNamespaces.Prefixes)
string existingPrefix;
string preferredPrefix = nsToPrefix.Value;
if (!prefixDict.TryGetValue(nsToPrefix.Key, out existingPrefix))
existingPrefix = TryAdd(prefixDict, nsToPrefix.Key, preferredPrefix);
while (existingPrefix != preferredPrefix)
preferredPrefix = XmlNsInfo.GetPreferredPrefix(existingPrefix, preferredPrefix);
if (!KS.Eq(preferredPrefix, existingPrefix))
existingPrefix = TryUpdate(prefixDict, nsToPrefix.Key, preferredPrefix, existingPrefix);
#region Name -> Type/Directive mapping
public virtual XamlDirective GetXamlDirective(string xamlNamespace, string name)
if (XamlLanguage.XamlNamespaces.Contains(xamlNamespace))
return XamlLanguage.LookupXamlDirective(name);
else if (XamlLanguage.XmlNamespaces.Contains(xamlNamespace))
return XamlLanguage.LookupXmlDirective(name);
return null;
public XamlType GetXamlType(XamlTypeName xamlTypeName)
if (xamlTypeName.Name is null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.ReferenceIsNull, "xamlTypeName.Name"), nameof(xamlTypeName));
if (xamlTypeName.Namespace is null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.ReferenceIsNull, "xamlTypeName.Namespace"), nameof(xamlTypeName));
XamlType[] typeArgs = null;
if (xamlTypeName.HasTypeArgs)
typeArgs = new XamlType[xamlTypeName.TypeArguments.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < xamlTypeName.TypeArguments.Count; i++)
if (xamlTypeName.TypeArguments[i] is null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.CollectionCannotContainNulls, "xamlTypeName.TypeArguments"));
typeArgs[i] = GetXamlType(xamlTypeName.TypeArguments[i]);
if (typeArgs[i] is null)
return null;
return GetXamlType(xamlTypeName.Namespace, xamlTypeName.Name, typeArgs);
protected internal virtual XamlType GetXamlType(string xamlNamespace, string name, params XamlType[] typeArguments)
if (typeArguments is not null)
foreach (XamlType typeArg in typeArguments)
if (typeArg is null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.CollectionCannotContainNulls, "typeArguments"));
if (typeArg.UnderlyingType is null)
return null;
XamlType result = null;
if (typeArguments is null || typeArguments.Length == 0)
result = XamlLanguage.LookupXamlType(xamlNamespace, name);
if (result is not null)
if (FullyQualifyAssemblyNamesInClrNamespaces)
// We can't return types from XamlLanguage directly because their SchemaContext
// has FullyQualifyAssemblyNamesInClrNamespaces set to false
result = GetXamlType(result.UnderlyingType);
return result;
XamlNamespace ns = GetXamlNamespace(xamlNamespace);
int revision = ns.RevisionNumber;
result = ns.GetXamlType(name, typeArguments);
if (result is null && !ns.IsClrNamespace)
if (ns.RevisionNumber > revision)
result = ns.GetXamlType(name, typeArguments);
return result;
#region Namespace Compatibility Lookup
// Laziy init, always access through property
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> _xmlNsCompatDict;
// Thread-safe cache - always use TryAdd or TryUpdate to write
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> XmlNsCompatDict
if (_xmlNsCompatDict is null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _xmlNsCompatDict, CreateDictionary<string, string>(), null);
return _xmlNsCompatDict;
// Note: this method doesn't apply transitive subsuming, the caller is responsible for doing that.
public virtual bool TryGetCompatibleXamlNamespace(string xamlNamespace, out string compatibleNamespace)
// Note: this method has order-dependent behavior for backcompat.
// When we look up a namespace, we throw if it has conflicting XmlnsCompatAttributes.
// However, once we've looked up a namespace, we cache the result, and if an assembly with
// conflicting attributes is loaded later, we just ignore it.
// First try to load from our cache
if (XmlNsCompatDict.TryGetValue(xamlNamespace, out compatibleNamespace))
return true;
// Then look for XmlnsCompatAttributes
compatibleNamespace = GetCompatibleNamespace(xamlNamespace);
// Fall back to just using the requested namespace;
if (compatibleNamespace is null)
compatibleNamespace = xamlNamespace;
// Make sure that the namespace actually exists
XamlNamespace ns = GetXamlNamespace(compatibleNamespace);
if (ns.IsResolved)
compatibleNamespace = TryAdd(XmlNsCompatDict, xamlNamespace, compatibleNamespace);
return true;
// We don't cache negative results, since a lookup might succeed later after a new assembly
// is loaded. XmlCompatibilityReader already caches all results (positive and negative) within
// the scope of a given document.
compatibleNamespace = null;
return false;
// Find a subsuming namespace within the current processed assemblies
private string GetCompatibleNamespace(string oldNs)
string result = null;
Assembly resultAssembly = null;
// locking to prevent new loaded assemblies being processed while we iterate list
lock (_syncExaminingAssemblies)
foreach (XmlNsInfo nsInfo in EnumerateXmlnsInfos())
Assembly curAssembly = nsInfo.Assembly;
if (curAssembly is null)
IDictionary<string, string> oldToNewNs = null;
// When trawling the entire AppDomain, suppress exceptions from assemblies with bad attributes
if (ReferenceAssemblies is null)
oldToNewNs = nsInfo.OldToNewNs;
catch (Exception ex)
if (CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(ex))
// just skip to the next assembly
oldToNewNs = nsInfo.OldToNewNs;
string newNs;
if (oldToNewNs.TryGetValue(oldNs, out newNs))
if (result is not null && result != newNs)
throw new XamlSchemaException(SR.Format(SR.DuplicateXmlnsCompatAcrossAssemblies,
resultAssembly.FullName, curAssembly.FullName, oldNs));
result = newNs;
resultAssembly = curAssembly;
return result;
#region Type and member cache
// Lazy init, access these fields through the properties
private ConcurrentDictionary<Type, XamlType> _masterTypeList;
private ConcurrentDictionary<ReferenceEqualityTuple<Type, XamlType, Type>, object> _masterValueConverterList;
private ConcurrentDictionary<ReferenceEqualityTuple<MemberInfo, MemberInfo>, XamlMember> _masterMemberList;
private ConcurrentDictionary<XamlType, Dictionary<string, SpecialBracketCharacters> > _masterBracketCharacterCache;
// Security note: all of these ConcurrentDictionaries use Reference Equality to prevent spoofing of
// RuntimeTypes/Members by other custom derived descendants of System.Type/MemberInfo.
// E.g. if a user called GetXamlType(Type) and passed in a custom descendant of System.Type
// that reported itself as Equal to some real type, then when we went to look up the real
// type, we would get the spoofed one instead. Using reference equality avoids that.
// Thread-safe cache - always use TryAdd or TryUpdate to write
private ConcurrentDictionary<XamlType, Dictionary<string, SpecialBracketCharacters> > MasterBracketCharacterCache
if (_masterBracketCharacterCache is null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _masterBracketCharacterCache, CreateDictionary<XamlType, Dictionary<string, SpecialBracketCharacters>>(), null);
return _masterBracketCharacterCache;
// Thread-safe cache - always use TryAdd or TryUpdate to write
private ConcurrentDictionary<Type, XamlType> MasterTypeList
if (_masterTypeList is null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _masterTypeList, CreateDictionary<Type, XamlType>(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance), null);
return _masterTypeList;
// Thread-safe cache - always use TryAdd or TryUpdate to write
private ConcurrentDictionary<ReferenceEqualityTuple<Type, XamlType, Type>, object> MasterValueConverterList
if (_masterValueConverterList is null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _masterValueConverterList, CreateDictionary<ReferenceEqualityTuple<Type, XamlType, Type>, object>(), null);
return _masterValueConverterList;
// Thread-safe cache - always use TryAdd or TryUpdate to write
private ConcurrentDictionary<ReferenceEqualityTuple<MemberInfo, MemberInfo>, XamlMember> MasterMemberList
if (_masterMemberList is null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _masterMemberList, CreateDictionary<ReferenceEqualityTuple<MemberInfo, MemberInfo>, XamlMember>(), null);
return _masterMemberList;
public virtual XamlType GetXamlType(Type type)
return GetXamlType(type, XamlLanguage.TypeAlias(type));
internal XamlType GetXamlType(Type type, string alias)
XamlType xamlType = null;
if (!MasterTypeList.TryGetValue(type, out xamlType))
xamlType = new XamlType(alias, type, this, null, null);
xamlType = TryAdd(MasterTypeList, type, xamlType);
return xamlType;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a cache of all the members in this particular type that have
/// MarkupExtensionBracketCharactersAttribute set on them. This cache is added to a master
/// cache which stores the BracketCharacter cache for each type.
/// </summary>
internal Dictionary<string, SpecialBracketCharacters> InitBracketCharacterCacheForType(XamlType type)
Dictionary<string, SpecialBracketCharacters> bracketCharacterCache = null;
if (type.IsMarkupExtension)
if (!MasterBracketCharacterCache.TryGetValue(type, out bracketCharacterCache))
bracketCharacterCache = BuildBracketCharacterCacheForType(type);
bracketCharacterCache = TryAdd(MasterBracketCharacterCache, type, bracketCharacterCache);
return bracketCharacterCache;
/// <summary>
/// Looks up all properties via reflection on the given type, and scans through the attributes on all of them
/// to build a cache of properties which have MarkupExtensionBracketCharactersAttribute set on them.
/// </summary>
private Dictionary<string, SpecialBracketCharacters> BuildBracketCharacterCacheForType(XamlType type)
Dictionary<string, SpecialBracketCharacters> map = new Dictionary<string, SpecialBracketCharacters>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
ICollection<XamlMember> members = type.GetAllMembers();
foreach (XamlMember member in members)
string constructorArgumentName = member.ConstructorArgument;
string propertyName = member.Name;
IReadOnlyDictionary<char, char> markupExtensionBracketCharactersList = member.MarkupExtensionBracketCharacters;
SpecialBracketCharacters splBracketCharacters = markupExtensionBracketCharactersList is not null && markupExtensionBracketCharactersList.Count > 0
? new SpecialBracketCharacters(markupExtensionBracketCharactersList)
: null;
if (splBracketCharacters is not null)
map.Add(propertyName, splBracketCharacters);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(constructorArgumentName))
map.Add(constructorArgumentName, splBracketCharacters);
return map.Count > 0 ? map : null;
protected internal XamlValueConverter<TConverterBase> GetValueConverter<TConverterBase>(
Type converterType, XamlType targetType)
where TConverterBase : class
var key = new ReferenceEqualityTuple<Type, XamlType, Type>(converterType, targetType, typeof(TConverterBase));
object result;
if (!MasterValueConverterList.TryGetValue(key, out result))
result = new XamlValueConverter<TConverterBase>(converterType, targetType);
result = TryAdd(MasterValueConverterList, key, result);
return (XamlValueConverter<TConverterBase>)result;
internal virtual XamlMember GetProperty(PropertyInfo pi)
var xpik = new ReferenceEqualityTuple<MemberInfo, MemberInfo>(pi, null);
XamlMember member;
if (!MasterMemberList.TryGetValue(xpik, out member))
member = new XamlMember(pi, this);
member = TryAdd(MasterMemberList, xpik, member);
return member;
internal virtual XamlMember GetEvent(EventInfo ei)
var xpik = new ReferenceEqualityTuple<MemberInfo, MemberInfo>(ei, null);
XamlMember member;
if (!MasterMemberList.TryGetValue(xpik, out member))
member = new XamlMember(ei, this);
member = TryAdd(MasterMemberList, xpik, member);
return member;
// Caller responsible for ensuring getter and setter not null
internal virtual XamlMember GetAttachableProperty(string name, MethodInfo getter, MethodInfo setter)
XamlMember property;
var xpik = new ReferenceEqualityTuple<MemberInfo, MemberInfo>(getter, setter);
if (!MasterMemberList.TryGetValue(xpik, out property))
property = new XamlMember(name, getter, setter, this);
property = TryAdd(MasterMemberList, xpik, property);
return property;
internal virtual XamlMember GetAttachableEvent(string name, MethodInfo adder)
XamlMember property;
var xpik = new ReferenceEqualityTuple<MemberInfo, MemberInfo>(adder, null);
if (!MasterMemberList.TryGetValue(xpik, out property))
property = new XamlMember(name, adder, this);
property = TryAdd(MasterMemberList, xpik, property);
return property;
#region Settings
// Unchanging, initialized in ctor
private readonly XamlSchemaContextSettings _settings;
public bool SupportMarkupExtensionsWithDuplicateArity
get { return _settings.SupportMarkupExtensionsWithDuplicateArity; }
public bool FullyQualifyAssemblyNamesInClrNamespaces
get { return _settings.FullyQualifyAssemblyNamesInClrNamespaces; }
public IList<Assembly> ReferenceAssemblies
get { return _referenceAssemblies; }
#region Namespace Mapping and Assembly Attribute (XmlNsInfo) caches
// Lazy init, access these fields through the properties.
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, XamlNamespace> _namespaceByUriList;
private ConcurrentDictionary<Assembly, XmlNsInfo> _xmlnsInfo;
private ConcurrentDictionary<WeakRefKey, XmlNsInfo> _xmlnsInfoForDynamicAssemblies;
private ConcurrentDictionary<Assembly, XmlNsInfo> _xmlnsInfoForUnreferencedAssemblies;
// immutable, initialized in ctor
AssemblyLoadHandler _assemblyLoadHandler;
// tracks new assemblies seen by the AssemblyLoad handler, but not yet reflected
private IList<Assembly> _unexaminedAssemblies;
bool _isGCCallbackPending;
// take this lock when modifying _unexaminedAssemblies or _isGCCallbackPending
// Acquisition order: If also taking _syncExaminingAssemblies, take it first
object _syncAccessingUnexaminedAssemblies;
// This dictionary is also thread-safe for single reads and writes, but if you're
// iterating them, lock on _syncExaminingAssemblies to ensure consistent results
private ConcurrentDictionary<Assembly, XmlNsInfo> XmlnsInfo
if (_xmlnsInfo is null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _xmlnsInfo, CreateDictionary<Assembly, XmlNsInfo>(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance), null);
return _xmlnsInfo;
// Same thread-safety as XmlnsInfo
private ConcurrentDictionary<WeakRefKey, XmlNsInfo> XmlnsInfoForDynamicAssemblies
if (_xmlnsInfoForDynamicAssemblies is null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _xmlnsInfoForDynamicAssemblies, CreateDictionary<WeakRefKey, XmlNsInfo>(), null);
return _xmlnsInfoForDynamicAssemblies;
// This dictionary is also thread-safe for single reads and writes, but if you're
// iterating them, lock on _syncExaminingAssemblies to ensure consistent results
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, XamlNamespace> NamespaceByUriList
if (_namespaceByUriList is null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _namespaceByUriList, CreateDictionary<string, XamlNamespace>(), null);
return _namespaceByUriList;
// The dictionary is used for storing xmlnsInfo for assemblies that are not 'referenced',
// by that, we mean unreferenced assemblies when the schema context is passed in a set of referenced assemblies,
// or assemblies not loaded in the app-domain when the schema context is not passed in a set of assemblies.
// The dictionary is thread-safe for single reads and writes, and has no requirement for iteration.
private ConcurrentDictionary<Assembly, XmlNsInfo> XmlnsInfoForUnreferencedAssemblies
if (_xmlnsInfoForUnreferencedAssemblies is null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _xmlnsInfoForUnreferencedAssemblies, CreateDictionary<Assembly, XmlNsInfo>(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance), null);
return _xmlnsInfoForUnreferencedAssemblies;
internal bool AreInternalsVisibleTo(Assembly fromAssembly, Assembly toAssembly)
if (fromAssembly.Equals(toAssembly))
return true;
XmlNsInfo nsInfo = GetXmlNsInfo(fromAssembly);
ICollection<AssemblyName> friends = nsInfo.InternalsVisibleTo;
if (friends.Count == 0)
return false;
AssemblyName toAssemblyName = new AssemblyName(toAssembly.FullName);
foreach (AssemblyName friend in friends)
if (friend.Name == toAssemblyName.Name)
byte[] expectedToken = friend.GetPublicKeyToken();
if (expectedToken is null)
// InternalsVisibleToAttribute doesn't specify a public key, so don't check it
return true;
byte[] actualToken = toAssemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken();
return SafeSecurityHelper.IsSameKeyToken(expectedToken, actualToken);
return false;
// Entry point for GC callback. We indirect this through a static method that takes a weakref,
// so that the callback doesn't keep the SchemaContext alive
private static void CleanupCollectedAssemblies(object schemaContextWeakRef)
WeakReference weakRef = (WeakReference)schemaContextWeakRef;
if (weakRef.Target is XamlSchemaContext schemaContext)
// Iterate through any weak references we hold to dynamic assemblies, cleaning up references
// that have been collected. This prevents our caches from growing unboundedly in the case
// where dynamic assemblies are continually getting created and disposed.
private void CleanupCollectedAssemblies()
bool foundLiveDynamicAssemblies = false;
lock (_syncAccessingUnexaminedAssemblies)
// setting _isGCCallbackPending inside the lock; see comment in RegisterAssemblyCleanup
_isGCCallbackPending = false;
if (_unexaminedAssemblies is WeakReferenceList<Assembly>)
for (int i = _unexaminedAssemblies.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Assembly assembly = _unexaminedAssemblies[i];
if (assembly is null)
else if (assembly.IsDynamic)
foundLiveDynamicAssemblies = true;
lock (_syncExaminingAssemblies)
if (_xmlnsInfoForDynamicAssemblies is not null)
foreach (WeakRefKey weakRefKey in _xmlnsInfoForDynamicAssemblies.Keys)
if (weakRefKey.IsAlive)
foundLiveDynamicAssemblies = true;
// ConcurrentDictionary returns a copy of its keys, so it's safe to delete while enumerating
_xmlnsInfoForDynamicAssemblies.TryRemove(weakRefKey, out _);
if (foundLiveDynamicAssemblies)
private void RegisterAssemblyCleanup()
// Locking around this check prevents multiple threads from redundantly registering
// callbacks at the same time.
// We could use either the examining or unexamined lock, since clenaup touches both;
// we use the unexamined because it has a shorter blocking time.
lock (_syncAccessingUnexaminedAssemblies)
if (!_isGCCallbackPending)
GCNotificationToken.RegisterCallback(CleanupCollectedAssemblies, new WeakReference(this));
_isGCCallbackPending = true;
private IEnumerable<XmlNsInfo> EnumerateXmlnsInfos()
if (_xmlnsInfoForDynamicAssemblies is null)
return XmlnsInfo.Values;
return EnumerateStaticAndDynamicXmlnsInfos();
private IEnumerable<XmlNsInfo> EnumerateStaticAndDynamicXmlnsInfos()
foreach (XmlNsInfo result in XmlnsInfo.Values)
yield return result;
foreach (XmlNsInfo result in XmlnsInfoForDynamicAssemblies.Values)
yield return result;
internal string GetRootNamespace(Assembly asm)
XmlNsInfo nsInfo = GetXmlNsInfo(asm);
return nsInfo.RootNamespace;
internal ReadOnlyCollection<string> GetXamlNamespaces(XamlType type)
Type clrType = type.UnderlyingType;
if (clrType is null || clrType.Assembly is null)
return null;
if (XamlLanguage.AllTypes.Contains(type))
// We need a read-only list which combines the directive namespace(s) with the
// the namespaces(s) that this type supports through standard CLR binding rules
IList<string> clrBoundNamespaces = GetXmlNsMappings(clrType.Assembly, clrType.Namespace);
List<string> combinedList = new List<string>();
return combinedList.AsReadOnly();
return GetXmlNsMappings(clrType.Assembly, clrType.Namespace);
private XamlNamespace GetXamlNamespace(string xmlns)
XamlNamespace xamlNamespace = null;
if (NamespaceByUriList.TryGetValue(xmlns, out xamlNamespace))
return xamlNamespace;
string clrNs, assemblyName;
if (ClrNamespaceUriParser.TryParseUri(xmlns, out clrNs, out assemblyName))
xamlNamespace = new XamlNamespace(this, clrNs, assemblyName);
// unresolved namespace
xamlNamespace = new XamlNamespace(this);
xamlNamespace = TryAdd(NamespaceByUriList, xmlns, xamlNamespace);
return xamlNamespace;
private XmlNsInfo GetXmlNsInfo(Assembly assembly)
XmlNsInfo result;
if (XmlnsInfo.TryGetValue(assembly, out result) ||
(_xmlnsInfoForDynamicAssemblies is not null && assembly.IsDynamic &&
_xmlnsInfoForDynamicAssemblies.TryGetValue(new WeakRefKey(assembly), out result)) ||
(_xmlnsInfoForUnreferencedAssemblies is not null && _xmlnsInfoForUnreferencedAssemblies.TryGetValue(assembly, out result)))
return result;
// We store XmlnsInfo in three separate caches.
// If there is a hard-coded list of reference assemblies, then:
// 1. Referenced assemblies are in XmlnsInfo
// 2. Everything else is in XmlnsInfoForUnreferencedAssemblies, so that it doesn't
// pollute the 'real' cache.
// If we are using all AppDomain-loaded assemblies, then:
// 1. Static RuntimeAssemblies are in XmlnsInfo
// 2. Dynamic RuntimeAssemblies are in XmlnsInfoForDynamicAssemblies, so that
// collectible assemblies are weakrefed.
// 3. ReflectionOnly assemblies and custom derivations of System.Assembly are in
// XmlnsInfoForUnreferencedAssemblies, so that they don't pollute the 'real' cache.
bool isReferenced = false;
if (_referenceAssemblies is not null)
foreach (var asm in _referenceAssemblies)
if (ReferenceEquals(asm, assembly))
isReferenced = true;
isReferenced = !assembly.ReflectionOnly &&
// Add the assembly to the cache
result = new XmlNsInfo(assembly, FullyQualifyAssemblyNamesInClrNamespaces);
if (isReferenced)
if (assembly.IsDynamic && _referenceAssemblies is null)
result = TryAdd(XmlnsInfoForDynamicAssemblies, new WeakRefKey(assembly), result);
// Ensure we clean up the cache if dynamic assemblies are collected
result = TryAdd(XmlnsInfo, assembly, result);
result = TryAdd(XmlnsInfoForUnreferencedAssemblies, assembly, result);
return result;
private ReadOnlyCollection<string> GetXmlNsMappings(Assembly assembly, string clrNs)
XmlNsInfo nsInfo = GetXmlNsInfo(assembly);
ConcurrentDictionary<string, IList<string>> assemblyMappings = nsInfo.ClrToXmlNs;
IList<string> result;
clrNs = clrNs ?? string.Empty;
if (!assemblyMappings.TryGetValue(clrNs, out result))
string assemblyName = FullyQualifyAssemblyNamesInClrNamespaces ? assembly.FullName : ReflectionUtils.GetAssemblyPartialName(assembly).ToString();
string xmlns = ClrNamespaceUriParser.GetUri(clrNs, assemblyName);
List<string> list = new List<string>();
result = list.AsReadOnly();
TryAdd(assemblyMappings, clrNs, result);
return (ReadOnlyCollection<string>)result;
private void InitializeAssemblyLoadHook()
_syncAccessingUnexaminedAssemblies = new object();
if (ReferenceAssemblies is null)
_assemblyLoadHandler = new AssemblyLoadHandler(this);
lock (_syncAccessingUnexaminedAssemblies)
Assembly[] currentAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
_unexaminedAssemblies = new WeakReferenceList<Assembly>(currentAssemblies.Length);
bool foundDynamic = false;
foreach (Assembly assembly in currentAssemblies)
if (assembly.IsDynamic)
foundDynamic = true;
if (foundDynamic)
// Ensure we clean up the cache if dynamic assemblies are collected
_unexaminedAssemblies = new List<Assembly>(ReferenceAssemblies);
void SchemaContextAssemblyLoadEventHandler(object sender, AssemblyLoadEventArgs args)
lock (_syncAccessingUnexaminedAssemblies)
if (!args.LoadedAssembly.ReflectionOnly && !_unexaminedAssemblies.Contains(args.LoadedAssembly))
if (args.LoadedAssembly.IsDynamic)
// Ensure we clean up the cache if a dynamic assemblies is collected
// When this method returns:
// - _xmlnsInfo contains all assemblies in the AppDomain or reference assemblies
// - NamespaceByUriList contains all xmlnsdefs in _xmlnsInfo
private void UpdateXmlNsInfo()
bool foundNew = false;
lock (_syncExaminingAssemblies)
IList<Assembly> unexaminedAssembliesCopy;
lock (_syncAccessingUnexaminedAssemblies)
unexaminedAssembliesCopy = _unexaminedAssemblies;
_unexaminedAssemblies = new WeakReferenceList<Assembly>(0);
// If we're trawling thorugh all assemblies in the AppDomain, then we'll ignore
// any exceptions from invalid attributes
bool throwOnError = (ReferenceAssemblies is not null);
for (int i = 0; i < unexaminedAssembliesCopy.Count; i++)
var assembly = unexaminedAssembliesCopy[i];
if (assembly is null)
// The assembly is a collectible dynamic assembly, and has been GC'ed. Ignore it.
XmlNsInfo nsInfo = GetXmlNsInfo(assembly);
bool foundNewInThisAssembly = false;
foundNewInThisAssembly = UpdateXmlNsInfo(nsInfo);
if (foundNewInThisAssembly)
foundNew = true;
catch (Exception ex)
if (throwOnError || CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(ex))
// The assemblies after the i'th one in unexaminedAssembliesCopy have not been examined (including the i'th assembly).
// So we need to add them back to _unexaminedAssemblies while also keeping the assemblies that might have been added
// to _unexaminedAssemblies in parallel.
lock (_syncAccessingUnexaminedAssemblies)
for (int j = i; j < unexaminedAssembliesCopy.Count; j++)
if (foundNew && _nonClrNamespaces is not null)
// invalidate this and force it to be re-evaluated
_nonClrNamespaces = null;
// This method should be called inside _syncExaminingAssemblies lock
private bool UpdateXmlNsInfo(XmlNsInfo nsInfo)
bool foundNew = UpdateNamespaceByUriList(nsInfo);
if (_preferredPrefixes is not null)
UpdatePreferredPrefixes(nsInfo, _preferredPrefixes);
return foundNew;
bool UpdateNamespaceByUriList(XmlNsInfo nsInfo)
bool foundNew = false;
IList<XmlNsInfo.XmlNsDefinition> xmlnsDefs = nsInfo.NsDefs;
int xmlnsDefsCount = xmlnsDefs.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < xmlnsDefsCount; i++)
XmlNsInfo.XmlNsDefinition xmlnsDef = xmlnsDefs[i];
AssemblyNamespacePair pair = new AssemblyNamespacePair(nsInfo.Assembly, xmlnsDef.ClrNamespace);
XamlNamespace ns = GetXamlNamespace(xmlnsDef.XmlNamespace);
foundNew = true;
return foundNew;
#region Helper Methods
internal static ConcurrentDictionary<K, V> CreateDictionary<K, V>()
return new ConcurrentDictionary<K, V>(ConcurrencyLevel, DictionaryCapacity);
internal static ConcurrentDictionary<K, V> CreateDictionary<K, V>(IEqualityComparer<K> comparer)
return new ConcurrentDictionary<K, V>(ConcurrencyLevel, DictionaryCapacity, comparer);
internal static V TryAdd<K, V>(ConcurrentDictionary<K, V> dictionary, K key, V value)
if (dictionary.TryAdd(key, value))
return value;
return dictionary[key];
internal static V TryUpdate<K, V>(ConcurrentDictionary<K, V> dictionary, K key, V value, V comparand)
if (dictionary.TryUpdate(key, value, comparand))
return value;
return dictionary[key];
#region Assembly resolution
// Both the array itself and each item in it are lazily initialized.
// The indexes should match _referenceAssemblies
private AssemblyName[] _referenceAssemblyNames;
protected internal virtual Assembly OnAssemblyResolve(string assemblyName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyName))
return null;
if (_referenceAssemblies is not null)
return ResolveReferenceAssembly(assemblyName);
return ResolveAssembly(assemblyName);
private Assembly ResolveReferenceAssembly(string assemblyName)
AssemblyName parsedAsmName = new AssemblyName(assemblyName);
if (_referenceAssemblyNames is null)
AssemblyName[] asmNames = new AssemblyName[_referenceAssemblies.Count];
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _referenceAssemblyNames, asmNames, null);
for (int i = 0; i < _referenceAssemblies.Count; i++)
AssemblyName refAsmName = _referenceAssemblyNames[i];
if (_referenceAssemblyNames[i] is null)
// Multiple threads may be simultaneously populating this array.
// That's okay; we're inserting identical data, so duplicate writes are harmless.
_referenceAssemblyNames[i] = new AssemblyName(_referenceAssemblies[i].FullName);
if (AssemblySatisfiesReference(_referenceAssemblyNames[i], parsedAsmName))
return _referenceAssemblies[i];
return null;
private static bool AssemblySatisfiesReference(AssemblyName assemblyName, AssemblyName reference)
if (reference.Name != assemblyName.Name)
return false;
if (reference.Version is not null && !reference.Version.Equals(assemblyName.Version))
return false;
if (reference.CultureInfo is not null && !reference.CultureInfo.Equals(assemblyName.CultureInfo))
return false;
byte[] requiredToken = reference.GetPublicKeyToken();
if (requiredToken is not null)
byte[] actualToken = assemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken();
if (!SafeSecurityHelper.IsSameKeyToken(requiredToken, actualToken))
return false;
return true;
private Assembly ResolveAssembly(string assemblyName)
// First see if the assembly is already loaded. This is necessary because Assembly.Load
// won't match to assemblies in the LoadFile or LoadFrom contexts.
// We only allow exact matches at this point. Version-tolerant matching happens
// below, using Assembly.Load.
AssemblyName parsedAsmName = new AssemblyName(assemblyName);
Assembly result = SafeSecurityHelper.GetLoadedAssembly(parsedAsmName);
if (result is not null)
return result;
byte[] publicKeyToken = parsedAsmName.GetPublicKeyToken();
if (parsedAsmName.Version is not null || parsedAsmName.CultureInfo is not null || publicKeyToken is not null)
// First try to load the exact requested version.
// This will throw if fusion can't find the assembly.
return Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
catch (Exception ex)
if (CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(ex))
// Version tolerance: fall back to the short name (+ public key, if specified)
AssemblyName shortName = new AssemblyName(parsedAsmName.Name);
if (publicKeyToken is not null)
return Assembly.Load(shortName);
// Use LWPN because Load won't look in the GAC if it's given a short name.
return Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(assemblyName);
catch (Exception ex)
if (CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(ex))
// We don't want to throw if the assembly can't be found, we just treat it as unresolved
return null;
// WeakRef wrapper around XSC so that it can hook AppDomain event without getting rooted
private class AssemblyLoadHandler
WeakReference schemaContextRef;
public AssemblyLoadHandler(XamlSchemaContext schemaContext)
schemaContextRef = new WeakReference(schemaContext);
private void OnAssemblyLoad(object sender, AssemblyLoadEventArgs args)
XamlSchemaContext schemaContext = (XamlSchemaContext)schemaContextRef.Target;
schemaContext?.SchemaContextAssemblyLoadEventHandler(sender, args);
public void Hook()
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad += OnAssemblyLoad;
public void Unhook()
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad -= OnAssemblyLoad;
private class WeakReferenceList<T> : List<WeakReference>, IList<T> where T : class
public WeakReferenceList(int capacity)
: base(capacity)
int IList<T>.IndexOf(T item)
throw new NotSupportedException();
void IList<T>.Insert(int index, T item)
Insert(index, new WeakReference(item));
T IList<T>.this[int index]
return (T)this[index].Target;
this[index] = new WeakReference(value);
void ICollection<T>.Add(T item)
Add(new WeakReference(item));
bool ICollection<T>.Contains(T item)
foreach (WeakReference weakRef in (IEnumerable<WeakReference>)this)
if ((object)item == weakRef.Target)
return true;
return false;
void ICollection<T>.CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex)
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
array[i + arrayIndex] = (T)this[i].Target;
bool ICollection<T>.Remove(T item)
throw new NotSupportedException();
bool ICollection<T>.IsReadOnly
get { return false; }
IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator()
return Enumerate().GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return ((IEnumerable<T>)this).GetEnumerator();
private IEnumerable<T> Enumerate()
foreach (WeakReference weakRef in (IEnumerable<WeakReference>)this)
yield return (T)weakRef.Target;