// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Xaml.Schema
public class XamlValueConverter<TConverterBase> : IEquatable<XamlValueConverter<TConverterBase>>
where TConverterBase : class
// Assignment should be idempotent
private TConverterBase _instance;
private ThreeValuedBool _isPublic;
private volatile bool _instanceIsSet; // volatile for the same reason as valid flags in TypeReflector/MemberReflector
public string Name { get; }
public Type ConverterType { get; }
public XamlType TargetType { get; }
public XamlValueConverter(Type converterType, XamlType targetType)
:this(converterType, targetType, null)
public XamlValueConverter(Type converterType, XamlType targetType, string name)
if (converterType is null && targetType is null && name is null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.ArgumentRequired, $"{nameof(converterType)}, {nameof(targetType)}, {nameof(name)}"));
ConverterType = converterType;
TargetType = targetType;
Name = name ?? GetDefaultName();
public TConverterBase ConverterInstance
if (!_instanceIsSet)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _instance, CreateInstance(), null);
_instanceIsSet = true;
return _instance;
public override string ToString() => Name;
internal virtual bool IsPublic
if (_isPublic == ThreeValuedBool.NotSet)
_isPublic = (ConverterType is null || ConverterType.IsVisible) ? ThreeValuedBool.True : ThreeValuedBool.False;
return _isPublic == ThreeValuedBool.True;
protected virtual TConverterBase CreateInstance()
if (ConverterType == typeof(EnumConverter) &&
TargetType.UnderlyingType is not null && TargetType.UnderlyingType.IsEnum)
return (TConverterBase)(object)new EnumConverter(TargetType.UnderlyingType);
else if (ConverterType is not null)
if (!typeof(TConverterBase).IsAssignableFrom(ConverterType))
throw new XamlSchemaException(SR.Format(SR.ConverterMustDeriveFromBase,
ConverterType, typeof(TConverterBase)));
return (TConverterBase)Activator.CreateInstance(ConverterType, null);
return null;
private string GetDefaultName()
if (ConverterType is not null)
if (TargetType is not null)
return $"{ConverterType.Name}({TargetType.Name})";
return ConverterType.Name;
return TargetType.Name;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is not XamlValueConverter<TConverterBase> other)
return false;
return this == other;
public override int GetHashCode()
int result = Name.GetHashCode();
if (ConverterType is not null)
result ^= ConverterType.GetHashCode();
if (TargetType is not null)
result ^= TargetType.GetHashCode();
return result;
public bool Equals(XamlValueConverter<TConverterBase> other) => this == other;
public static bool operator ==(XamlValueConverter<TConverterBase> converter1, XamlValueConverter<TConverterBase> converter2)
if (converter1 is null)
return converter2 is null;
if (converter2 is null)
return false;
return converter1.ConverterType == converter2.ConverterType &&
converter1.TargetType == converter2.TargetType &&
converter1.Name == converter2.Name;
public static bool operator !=(XamlValueConverter<TConverterBase> converter1, XamlValueConverter<TConverterBase> converter2)
=> !(converter1 == converter2);