File: System\Xaml\Schema\TypeBits.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\System.Xaml\System.Xaml.csproj (System.Xaml)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Xaml
    // list of the different kinds of "built-in" type functionality
    // recognized by the XAML language system.
    internal enum BoolTypeBits
        Constructible                       = 0x0001,
        XmlData                             = 0x0002,
        MarkupExtension                     = 0x0004,
        Nullable                            = 0x0008,
        NameScope                           = 0x0010,
        ConstructionRequiresArguments       = 0x0020,
        Public                              = 0x0040,
        Unknown                             = 0x0100,
        TrimSurroundingWhitespace           = 0x1000,
        WhitespaceSignificantCollection     = 0x2000,
        UsableDuringInitialization          = 0x4000,
        Ambient                             = 0x8000,
        Default                             = Constructible | Nullable | Public,
        AllValid                            = 0xFFFF << 16
    internal enum BoolMemberBits
        ReadOnly     = 0x0001,
        WriteOnly    = 0x0002,
        Event        = 0x0004,
        Unknown      = 0x0008,
        Ambient      = 0x0010,
        ReadPublic   = 0x0020,
        WritePublic  = 0x0040,
        Default      = ReadPublic | WritePublic,
        Directive    = Default,
        AllValid     = 0xFFFF << 16
    // Use this instead of a Nullable<bool> when a single-word read is needed for thread safety
    internal enum ThreeValuedBool : byte
    // Thread safety: it's important that this structure remain word-sized, so that reads and
    // writes to it are atomic
    internal struct NullableReference<T> where T : class
        private static object s_NullSentinel = new object();
        private static object s_NotPresentSentinel = new object();
        private object _value;
        public bool IsNotPresent
            get { return ReferenceEquals(_value, s_NotPresentSentinel); }
            set { _value = value ? s_NotPresentSentinel : null; }
        public bool IsSet
            get { return !(_value is null); }
        public bool IsSetVolatile
                object value = Volatile.Read(ref _value);
                return !(value is null);
        public T Value
                object value = _value;
                return ReferenceEquals(value, s_NullSentinel) ? null : (T)value;
            set { _value = value is null ? s_NullSentinel : value; }
        public void SetIfNull(T value)
            object newValue = value is null ? s_NullSentinel : value;
            Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _value, newValue, null);
        public void SetVolatile(T value)
            object newValue = value is null ? s_NullSentinel : value;
            Volatile.Write(ref _value, newValue);