// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xaml.MS.Impl;
using MS.Internal.Xaml.Parser;
namespace System.Xaml.Schema
internal class XamlNamespace
public readonly XamlSchemaContext SchemaContext;
private List<AssemblyNamespacePair> _assemblyNamespaces;
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, XamlType> _typeCache;
private ICollection<XamlType> _allPublicTypes;
public bool IsClrNamespace { get; private set; }
public XamlNamespace(XamlSchemaContext schemaContext)
SchemaContext = schemaContext;
// This ctor is used for "clr-namespace" uri's where there is only one pair
public XamlNamespace(XamlSchemaContext schemaContext, string clrNs, string assemblyName)
SchemaContext = schemaContext;
_assemblyNamespaces = GetClrNamespacePair(clrNs, assemblyName);
// For now we just ignore failures, including swalloing assembly load exceptions.
// Any types in this namespace will be treated as unknown. But it would be useful to
// surface errors here through tracing or an event.
if (_assemblyNamespaces is not null)
IsClrNamespace = true;
private void Initialize()
_typeCache = XamlSchemaContext.CreateDictionary<string, XamlType>();
public bool IsResolved => _assemblyNamespaces is not null;
public ICollection<XamlType> GetAllXamlTypes() => _allPublicTypes ??= LookupAllTypes();
public XamlType GetXamlType(string typeName, params XamlType[] typeArgs)
if (!IsResolved)
return null;
if (typeArgs is null || typeArgs.Length == 0)
return TryGetXamlType(typeName) ?? TryGetXamlType(GetTypeExtensionName(typeName));
Type[] clrTypeArgs = ConvertArrayOfXamlTypesToTypes(typeArgs);
return TryGetXamlType(typeName, clrTypeArgs) ?? TryGetXamlType(GetTypeExtensionName(typeName), clrTypeArgs);
private XamlType TryGetXamlType(string typeName)
// Look up the type in our cache. If it's there, we're done.
XamlType xamlType;
if (_typeCache.TryGetValue(typeName, out xamlType))
return xamlType;
// Otherwise, look up the type via reflection
Type type = TryGetType(typeName);
if (type is null)
return null;
// And save it in our cache
xamlType = SchemaContext.GetXamlType(type);
if (xamlType is null)
return null;
return XamlSchemaContext.TryAdd(_typeCache, typeName, xamlType);
private XamlType TryGetXamlType(string typeName, Type[] typeArgs)
Debug.Assert(typeArgs.Length > 0, "This method should only be called for generic types.");
// It is not possible to get an array of open generic and then call
// MakeGenericType on it so we need to process array subscripts.
string subscript;
typeName = GenericTypeNameScanner.StripSubscript(typeName, out subscript);
typeName = MangleGenericTypeName(typeName, typeArgs.Length);
// Get the open generic type.
XamlType openXamlType = TryGetXamlType(typeName);
Type openType = openXamlType?.UnderlyingType;
if (openType is null)
return null;
// Close the open generic type.
Type closedType = openType.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subscript))
closedType = MakeArrayType(closedType, subscript);
if (closedType is null)
// Invalid array subscript.
return null;
return SchemaContext.GetXamlType(closedType);
private static Type MakeArrayType(Type elementType, string subscript)
Type type = elementType;
int pos = 0;
int rank = GenericTypeNameScanner.ParseSubscriptSegment(subscript, ref pos);
if (rank == 0)
// Invalid array subscript.
return null;
type = (rank == 1) ? type.MakeArrayType() : type.MakeArrayType(rank);
while (pos < subscript.Length);
return type;
private static string MangleGenericTypeName(string typeName, int paramNum)
return typeName + KnownStrings.GraveQuote + paramNum;
private Type[] ConvertArrayOfXamlTypesToTypes(XamlType[] typeArgs)
var clrTypeArgs = new Type[typeArgs.Length];
for (int n = 0; n < typeArgs.Length; n++)
// Checking for nulls and unknowns is done in public API layer before we ever get here
Debug.Assert(typeArgs[n] is not null);
Debug.Assert(typeArgs[n].UnderlyingType is not null);
clrTypeArgs[n] = typeArgs[n].UnderlyingType;
return clrTypeArgs;
internal int RevisionNumber
// The only external mutation we allow is adding new namespaces. So the count of
// namespaces also serves as a revision number.
get => (_assemblyNamespaces is not null) ? _assemblyNamespaces.Count : 0;
private Type TryGetType(string typeName)
Type type = SearchAssembliesForShortName(typeName);
if (type is null && IsClrNamespace)
Debug.Assert(_assemblyNamespaces.Count == 1);
type = XamlLanguage.LookupClrNamespaceType(_assemblyNamespaces[0], typeName);
if (type is null)
return null;
// Discard private nested types
Type currentType = type;
while (currentType.IsNested)
if (currentType.IsNestedPrivate)
return null;
currentType = currentType.DeclaringType;
return type;
private ICollection<XamlType> LookupAllTypes()
List<XamlType> xamlTypeList = new List<XamlType>();
if (IsResolved)
foreach (AssemblyNamespacePair assemblyNamespacePair in _assemblyNamespaces)
Assembly asm = assemblyNamespacePair.Assembly;
if (asm is null)
// This is a dynamic assembly that got unloaded; ignore it
string clrPrefix = assemblyNamespacePair.ClrNamespace;
Type[] types = asm.GetTypes();
foreach (Type t in types)
if (!KS.Eq(t.Namespace, clrPrefix))
XamlType xamlType = SchemaContext.GetXamlType(t);
return xamlTypeList.AsReadOnly();
private List<AssemblyNamespacePair> GetClrNamespacePair(string clrNs, string assemblyName)
Assembly asm = SchemaContext.OnAssemblyResolve(assemblyName);
if (asm is null)
return null;
List<AssemblyNamespacePair> onePair = new List<AssemblyNamespacePair>();
onePair.Add(new AssemblyNamespacePair(asm, clrNs));
return onePair;
private Type SearchAssembliesForShortName(string shortName)
foreach(AssemblyNamespacePair assemblyNamespacePair in _assemblyNamespaces)
Assembly asm = assemblyNamespacePair.Assembly;
if (asm is null)
// This is a dynamic assembly that got unloaded; ignore it
string longName = $"{assemblyNamespacePair.ClrNamespace}.{shortName}";
Type type = asm.GetType(longName);
if (type is not null)
return type;
return null;
// This method should only be called inside SchemaContext._syncExaminingAssemblies lock
internal void AddAssemblyNamespacePair(AssemblyNamespacePair pair)
// To allow the list to be read by multiple threads, we create a new list, add the pair,
// then assign it back to the original variable. Assignments are assured to be atomic.
List<AssemblyNamespacePair> assemblyNamespacesCopy;
if (_assemblyNamespaces is null)
assemblyNamespacesCopy = new List<AssemblyNamespacePair>();
assemblyNamespacesCopy = new List<AssemblyNamespacePair>(_assemblyNamespaces);
_assemblyNamespaces = assemblyNamespacesCopy;
private string GetTypeExtensionName(string typeName) => typeName + KnownStrings.Extension;