// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Xaml.Schema;
namespace System.Xaml.MS.Impl
class XmlNsInfo
// Thread-safety: any lazily initalized fields in this class must be assigned idempotently.
// I.e. never assign until the result is complete; and if multiple threads are assigning
// at the same time, the results should be equivalent.
// This property will always be non-null, unless the assembly is a collectible dynamic
// assembly, and gets unloaded.
internal Assembly Assembly { get { return (Assembly)_assembly.Target; } }
private IList<XmlNsDefinition> _nsDefs;
internal IList<XmlNsDefinition> NsDefs
if (_nsDefs == null)
_nsDefs = LoadNsDefs();
return _nsDefs;
// Note this, is the only dictionary that we synchronize, because XamlSchemaContext adds to it
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, IList<string>> _clrToXmlNs;
internal ConcurrentDictionary<string, IList<string>> ClrToXmlNs
if (_clrToXmlNs == null)
_clrToXmlNs = LoadClrToXmlNs();
return _clrToXmlNs;
private ICollection<AssemblyName> _internalsVisibleTo;
internal ICollection<AssemblyName> InternalsVisibleTo
if (_internalsVisibleTo == null)
_internalsVisibleTo = LoadInternalsVisibleTo();
return _internalsVisibleTo;
private Dictionary<string, string> _oldToNewNs;
internal Dictionary<string, string> OldToNewNs
if (_oldToNewNs == null)
_oldToNewNs = LoadOldToNewNs();
return _oldToNewNs;
private Dictionary<string, string> _prefixes;
internal Dictionary<string, string> Prefixes
if (_prefixes == null)
_prefixes = LoadPrefixes();
return _prefixes;
private string _rootNamespace;
internal string RootNamespace
if (_rootNamespace == null)
_rootNamespace = LoadRootNamespace() ?? string.Empty;
return _rootNamespace;
private WeakReference _assembly;
private IList<CustomAttributeData> _attributeData;
private bool _fullyQualifyAssemblyName;
internal XmlNsInfo(Assembly assembly, bool fullyQualifyAssemblyName)
_assembly = new WeakReference(assembly);
_fullyQualifyAssemblyName = fullyQualifyAssemblyName;
void EnsureReflectionOnlyAttributeData()
if (_attributeData == null)
// We don't scoop RefOnly assemblies out of the AppDomain; they'll always be rooted
// in XamlSchemaContext._referenceAssemblies or _xmlnsInfoForUnreferencedAssemblies.
// So they should never be collected.
Debug.Assert(Assembly != null, "RefOnly assemblies shouldn't be GCed");
_attributeData = Assembly.GetCustomAttributesData();
internal static string GetPreferredPrefix(string prefix1, string prefix2)
if (prefix1.Length < prefix2.Length)
return prefix1;
else if (prefix2.Length < prefix1.Length)
return prefix2;
else if (StringComparer.Ordinal.Compare(prefix1, prefix2) < 0)
return prefix1;
return prefix2;
IList<XmlNsDefinition> LoadNsDefs()
IList<XmlNsDefinition> result = new List<XmlNsDefinition>();
Assembly assembly = Assembly;
if (assembly == null)
return result;
if (assembly.ReflectionOnly)
foreach (var cad in _attributeData)
if (LooseTypeExtensions.AssemblyQualifiedNameEquals(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeof(XmlnsDefinitionAttribute)))
// WPF 3.0 ignores XmlnsDefinitionAttribute.AssemblyName, and so do we
string xmlns = cad.ConstructorArguments[0].Value as string;
string clrns = cad.ConstructorArguments[1].Value as string;
LoadNsDefHelper(result, xmlns, clrns, assembly);
Attribute[] attributes;
attributes = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assembly, typeof(XmlnsDefinitionAttribute));
foreach (Attribute attr in attributes)
XmlnsDefinitionAttribute xmlnsDefAttr = (XmlnsDefinitionAttribute)attr;
string xmlns = xmlnsDefAttr.XmlNamespace;
string clrns = xmlnsDefAttr.ClrNamespace;
LoadNsDefHelper(result, xmlns, clrns, assembly);
return result;
void LoadNsDefHelper(IList<XmlNsDefinition> result, string xmlns, string clrns, Assembly assembly)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlns) || clrns == null)
throw new XamlSchemaException(SR.Format(SR.BadXmlnsDefinition, assembly.FullName));
result.Add(new XmlNsDefinition { ClrNamespace = clrns, XmlNamespace = xmlns });
ConcurrentDictionary<string, IList<string>> LoadClrToXmlNs()
ConcurrentDictionary<string, IList<string>> result =
XamlSchemaContext.CreateDictionary<string, IList<string>>();
Assembly assembly = Assembly;
if (assembly == null)
return result;
foreach (XmlNsDefinition nsDef in NsDefs)
IList<string> xmlNamespaceList;
if (!result.TryGetValue(nsDef.ClrNamespace, out xmlNamespaceList))
xmlNamespaceList = new List<string>();
result.TryAdd(nsDef.ClrNamespace, xmlNamespaceList);
string assemblyName = _fullyQualifyAssemblyName ?
assembly.FullName : XamlSchemaContext.GetAssemblyShortName(assembly);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IList<string>> clrToXmlNs in result)
// Sort namespaces in preference order
List<string> nsList = (List<string>)clrToXmlNs.Value;
NamespaceComparer comparer = new NamespaceComparer(this, assembly);
// Add clr-namespace form as last choice
string clrNsUri = ClrNamespaceUriParser.GetUri(clrToXmlNs.Key, assemblyName);
// Convert to read-only lists so we can safely return these from public API
return result;
ICollection<AssemblyName> LoadInternalsVisibleTo()
var result = new List<AssemblyName>();
Assembly assembly = Assembly;
if (assembly == null)
return result;
if (assembly.ReflectionOnly)
foreach (var cad in _attributeData)
if (LooseTypeExtensions.AssemblyQualifiedNameEquals(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeof(InternalsVisibleToAttribute)))
string assemblyName = cad.ConstructorArguments[0].Value as string;
LoadInternalsVisibleToHelper(result, assemblyName, assembly);
Attribute[] attributes = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assembly, typeof(InternalsVisibleToAttribute));
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
InternalsVisibleToAttribute ivAttrib = (InternalsVisibleToAttribute)attributes[i];
LoadInternalsVisibleToHelper(result, ivAttrib.AssemblyName, assembly);
return result;
void LoadInternalsVisibleToHelper(List<AssemblyName> result, string assemblyName, Assembly assembly)
if (assemblyName == null)
throw new XamlSchemaException(SR.Format(SR.BadInternalsVisibleTo1, assembly.FullName));
result.Add(new AssemblyName(assemblyName));
catch (ArgumentException ex)
throw new XamlSchemaException(SR.Format(SR.BadInternalsVisibleTo2, assemblyName, assembly.FullName), ex);
// AssemblyName.ctor throws FLE on malformed assembly name
catch (FileLoadException ex)
throw new XamlSchemaException(SR.Format(SR.BadInternalsVisibleTo2, assemblyName, assembly.FullName), ex);
Dictionary<string, string> LoadOldToNewNs()
Dictionary<string, string> result = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
Assembly assembly = Assembly;
if (assembly == null)
return result;
if (assembly.ReflectionOnly)
foreach (var cad in _attributeData)
if (LooseTypeExtensions.AssemblyQualifiedNameEquals(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeof(XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute)))
string oldns = cad.ConstructorArguments[0].Value as string;
string newns = cad.ConstructorArguments[1].Value as string;
LoadOldToNewNsHelper(result, oldns, newns, assembly);
Attribute[] attributes = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assembly, typeof(XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute));
foreach (Attribute attr in attributes)
// Read in the attribute value
XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute xmlnsCompatAttr = (XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute)attr;
LoadOldToNewNsHelper(result, xmlnsCompatAttr.OldNamespace, xmlnsCompatAttr.NewNamespace, assembly);
return result;
void LoadOldToNewNsHelper(Dictionary<string, string> result, string oldns, string newns, Assembly assembly)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newns) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldns))
throw new XamlSchemaException(SR.Format(SR.BadXmlnsCompat, assembly.FullName));
if (result.ContainsKey(oldns))
throw new XamlSchemaException(SR.Format(SR.DuplicateXmlnsCompat, assembly.FullName, oldns));
result.Add(oldns, newns);
Dictionary<string, string> LoadPrefixes()
Dictionary<string, string> result = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
Assembly assembly = Assembly;
if (assembly == null)
return result;
if (assembly.ReflectionOnly)
foreach (var cad in _attributeData)
if (LooseTypeExtensions.AssemblyQualifiedNameEquals(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeof(XmlnsPrefixAttribute)))
string xmlns = cad.ConstructorArguments[0].Value as string;
string prefix = cad.ConstructorArguments[1].Value as string;
LoadPrefixesHelper(result, xmlns, prefix, assembly);
Attribute[] attributes = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assembly, typeof(XmlnsPrefixAttribute));
foreach (Attribute attr in attributes)
XmlnsPrefixAttribute xmlnsPrefixAttr = (XmlnsPrefixAttribute)attr;
LoadPrefixesHelper(result, xmlnsPrefixAttr.XmlNamespace, xmlnsPrefixAttr.Prefix, assembly);
return result;
void LoadPrefixesHelper(Dictionary<string, string> result, string xmlns, string prefix, Assembly assembly)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlns))
throw new XamlSchemaException(SR.Format(SR.BadXmlnsPrefix, assembly.FullName));
string oldPrefix;
if (!result.TryGetValue(xmlns, out oldPrefix) ||
GetPreferredPrefix(oldPrefix, prefix) == prefix)
result[xmlns] = prefix;
string LoadRootNamespace()
Assembly assembly = Assembly;
if (assembly == null)
return null;
if (assembly.ReflectionOnly)
foreach (var cad in _attributeData)
if (LooseTypeExtensions.AssemblyQualifiedNameEquals(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeof(RootNamespaceAttribute)))
return cad.ConstructorArguments[0].Value as string;
return null;
RootNamespaceAttribute rootNs = (RootNamespaceAttribute)
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(assembly, typeof(RootNamespaceAttribute));
return (rootNs == null) ? null : rootNs.Namespace;
void MakeListsImmutable(IDictionary<string, IList<string>> dict)
// Need to copy the keys because we can't change a dictionary while iterating
string[] keys = new string[dict.Count];
dict.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);
foreach (string key in keys)
dict[key] = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(dict[key]);
private class NamespaceComparer
XmlNsInfo _nsInfo;
IDictionary<string, int> _subsumeCount;
public NamespaceComparer(XmlNsInfo nsInfo, Assembly assembly)
_nsInfo = nsInfo;
// Calculate the subsume count upfront, since this also serves as our cycle detection
_subsumeCount = new Dictionary<string,int>(nsInfo.OldToNewNs.Count);
HashSet<string> visited = new HashSet<string>();
// for every XmlnsCompatAttribute
foreach (string newNs in nsInfo.OldToNewNs.Values)
// Increment the subsume count for all transitive subsumers
string ns = newNs;
if (!visited.Add(ns))
throw new XamlSchemaException(SR.Format(SR.XmlnsCompatCycle, assembly.FullName, ns));
ns = GetNewNs(ns);
while (ns != null);
public int CompareNamespacesByPreference(string ns1, string ns2)
if (KS.Eq(ns1, ns2))
return 0;
const int Prefer_NS1 = -1;
const int Prefer_NS2 = 1;
// If one namespace subsumes the other, favor the subsumer
string newNs = GetNewNs(ns1);
while (newNs != null)
if (newNs == ns2)
return Prefer_NS2;
newNs = GetNewNs(newNs);
newNs = GetNewNs(ns2);
while (newNs != null)
if (newNs == ns1)
return Prefer_NS1;
newNs = GetNewNs(newNs);
// Favor namespaces that aren't subsumed over ones that are
if (GetNewNs(ns1) == null)
if (GetNewNs(ns2) != null)
return Prefer_NS1;
else if (GetNewNs(ns2) == null)
return Prefer_NS2;
// Favor namespaces that subsume a greater number of other namespaces
int ns1count = 0, ns2count = 0;
_subsumeCount.TryGetValue(ns1, out ns1count);
_subsumeCount.TryGetValue(ns2, out ns2count);
if (ns1count > ns2count)
return Prefer_NS1;
else if (ns2count > ns1count)
return Prefer_NS2;
// Favor namespaces with prefixes over namespaces without prefixes
// Favor namespaces with shorter prefixes over namespaces with longer ones
string prefix1, prefix2;
_nsInfo.Prefixes.TryGetValue(ns1, out prefix1);
_nsInfo.Prefixes.TryGetValue(ns2, out prefix2);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix1))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix2))
return Prefer_NS2;
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix2))
return Prefer_NS1;
else if (prefix1.Length < prefix2.Length)
return Prefer_NS1;
else if (prefix2.Length < prefix1.Length)
return Prefer_NS2;
// fall back to ordinal comparison
return StringComparer.Ordinal.Compare(ns1, ns2);
private string GetNewNs(string oldNs)
string newNs;
_nsInfo.OldToNewNs.TryGetValue(oldNs, out newNs);
return newNs;
private void IncrementSubsumeCount(string ns)
int currentCount;
_subsumeCount.TryGetValue(ns, out currentCount);
_subsumeCount[ns] = currentCount;
internal class XmlNsDefinition
public string ClrNamespace { get; set; }
public string XmlNamespace { get; set; }