// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Text;
using System.Xaml.MS.Impl;
using System.Xaml.Schema;
using MS.Internal.Xaml.Context;
using MS.Internal.Xaml.Parser;
using MS.Internal.Xaml.Runtime;
using XAML3 = System.Windows.Markup;
namespace System.Xaml
public class XamlObjectWriter : XamlWriter, IXamlLineInfoConsumer, IAddLineInfo, ICheckIfInitialized
object _lastInstance;
bool _inDispose;
ObjectWriterContext _context;
DeferringWriter _deferringWriter;
private EventHandler<XamlObjectEventArgs> _afterBeginInitHandler;
private EventHandler<XamlObjectEventArgs> _beforePropertiesHandler;
private EventHandler<XamlObjectEventArgs> _afterPropertiesHandler;
private EventHandler<XamlObjectEventArgs> _afterEndInitHandler;
private EventHandler<XAML3.XamlSetValueEventArgs> _xamlSetValueHandler;
private object _rootObjectInstance;
private bool _skipDuplicatePropertyCheck;
NameFixupGraph _nameFixupGraph;
private Dictionary<object, List<PendingCollectionAdd>> _pendingCollectionAdds;
XAML3.INameScope _rootNamescope;
bool _skipProvideValueOnRoot;
bool _nextNodeMustBeEndMember;
bool _preferUnconvertedDictionaryKeys;
private Dictionary<object, ObjectWriterContext> _pendingKeyConversionContexts;
private bool _inNameResolution;
public XamlObjectWriter(XamlSchemaContext schemaContext)
Initialize(schemaContext, (XamlSavedContext)null, (XamlObjectWriterSettings)null);
public XamlObjectWriter(XamlSchemaContext schemaContext, XamlObjectWriterSettings settings)
Initialize(schemaContext, (XamlSavedContext)null, settings);
internal XamlObjectWriter(XamlSavedContext savedContext, XamlObjectWriterSettings settings)
if (savedContext.SchemaContext is null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.SavedContextSchemaContextNull, nameof(savedContext));
Initialize(savedContext.SchemaContext, savedContext, settings);
void Initialize(XamlSchemaContext schemaContext, XamlSavedContext savedContext, XamlObjectWriterSettings settings)
_inDispose = false;
// ObjectWriter must be passed in a non-null SchemaContext. We check that here, since the CreateContext method
// will create one if a null SchemaContext was passed in.
if (savedContext is not null && schemaContext != savedContext.SchemaContext)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.SavedContextSchemaContextMismatch, nameof(schemaContext));
if (settings is not null)
_afterBeginInitHandler = settings.AfterBeginInitHandler;
_beforePropertiesHandler = settings.BeforePropertiesHandler;
_afterPropertiesHandler = settings.AfterPropertiesHandler;
_afterEndInitHandler = settings.AfterEndInitHandler;
_xamlSetValueHandler = settings.XamlSetValueHandler;
_rootObjectInstance = settings.RootObjectInstance;
_skipDuplicatePropertyCheck = settings.SkipDuplicatePropertyCheck;
_skipProvideValueOnRoot = settings.SkipProvideValueOnRoot;
_preferUnconvertedDictionaryKeys = settings.PreferUnconvertedDictionaryKeys;
XAML3.INameScope rootNameScope = settings?.ExternalNameScope;
XamlRuntime runtime = CreateRuntime(settings, schemaContext);
if (savedContext is not null)
_context = new ObjectWriterContext(savedContext, settings, rootNameScope, runtime);
else if (schemaContext is not null)
_context = new ObjectWriterContext(schemaContext, settings, rootNameScope, runtime);
_context.AddNamespacePrefix(KnownStrings.XmlPrefix, XamlLanguage.Xml1998Namespace);
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlInternalException());
_context.IsInitializedCallback = this;
_deferringWriter = new DeferringWriter(_context);
_rootNamescope = null;
private XamlRuntime CreateRuntime(XamlObjectWriterSettings settings, XamlSchemaContext schemaContext)
XamlRuntime result = null;
XamlRuntimeSettings runtimeSettings = null;
if (settings is not null)
runtimeSettings = new XamlRuntimeSettings { IgnoreCanConvert = settings.IgnoreCanConvert };
if (settings.AccessLevel is not null)
result = new PartialTrustTolerantRuntime(runtimeSettings, settings.AccessLevel, schemaContext);
if (result is null)
result = new ClrObjectRuntime(runtimeSettings, isWriter: true);
result.LineInfo = this;
return result;
protected virtual void OnAfterBeginInit(object value)
if (_afterBeginInitHandler is not null)
// Currently SourceBamlUri exists only to address pre .NET 4.6 compat issue. It is not
// null only when we load system resources like themes\generic.xaml. And only for
// resources located in RD itself (as opposite to nested RDs). Thus we should never see
// different non-null base and source URIs. In any case base URI is preferred.
Debug.Assert(_context.SourceBamlUri is null || _context.BaseUri is null || _context.SourceBamlUri == _context.BaseUri,
"Source BAML URI and base URI do not agree");
_afterBeginInitHandler(this, new XamlObjectEventArgs(value, _context.BaseUri ?? _context.SourceBamlUri, _context.LineNumber_StartObject, _context.LinePosition_StartObject));
protected virtual void OnBeforeProperties(object value)
if (_beforePropertiesHandler is not null)
_beforePropertiesHandler(this, new XamlObjectEventArgs(value));
protected virtual void OnAfterProperties(object value)
if (_afterPropertiesHandler is not null)
_afterPropertiesHandler(this, new XamlObjectEventArgs(value));
protected virtual void OnAfterEndInit(object value)
if (_afterEndInitHandler is not null)
_afterEndInitHandler(this, new XamlObjectEventArgs(value));
protected virtual bool OnSetValue(object eventSender, XamlMember member, object value)
if (_xamlSetValueHandler is not null)
var e = new XAML3.XamlSetValueEventArgs(member, value);
_xamlSetValueHandler(eventSender, e);
return e.Handled;
return false;
private NameFixupGraph NameFixupGraph
if (_nameFixupGraph is null)
_nameFixupGraph = new NameFixupGraph();
return _nameFixupGraph;
private bool HasUnresolvedChildren(object parent)
if (_nameFixupGraph is null)
return false;
return _nameFixupGraph.HasUnresolvedChildren(parent);
private Dictionary<object, List<PendingCollectionAdd>> PendingCollectionAdds
if (_pendingCollectionAdds is null)
_pendingCollectionAdds = new Dictionary<object, List<PendingCollectionAdd>>();
return _pendingCollectionAdds;
private Dictionary<object, ObjectWriterContext> PendingKeyConversionContexts
if (_pendingKeyConversionContexts is null)
_pendingKeyConversionContexts = new Dictionary<object, ObjectWriterContext>();
return _pendingKeyConversionContexts;
private XamlRuntime Runtime
get { return _context.Runtime; }
private void TryCreateParentInstance(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
if (ctx.ParentInstance is null && ctx.ParentProperty != XamlLanguage.Arguments)
public override void WriteGetObject()
// Deferring Checking
if (_deferringWriter.Handled)
// Error Checking
if (_nextNodeMustBeEndMember)
string err = SR.ValueMustBeFollowedByEndMember;
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err));
XamlMember parentProperty = (_context.CurrentType is null && _context.Depth > 1)
? _context.ParentProperty
: _context.CurrentProperty; // there is a push frame below making this the parent property.
if (parentProperty is null)
XamlType xamlType = (_context.CurrentType is null && _context.Depth > 1)
? _context.ParentType
: _context.CurrentType;
string err = (xamlType is not null)
? SR.Format(SR.NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_GO, xamlType.ToString())
: SR.NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_GO_noType;
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err));
// Real processing begins here.
// The first node (T, SO, or EP) after an EndObject should null out _lastInstance.
_lastInstance = null;
// A Frame is pushed by either a AddNamespace or a WriteGet/StartObject
if (_context.CurrentType is not null)
_context.CurrentIsObjectFromMember = true;
object parentInstance = _context.ParentInstance;
_context.CurrentType = parentProperty.Type;
object inst = Runtime.GetValue(parentInstance, parentProperty);
_context.CurrentInstance = inst ?? throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(SR.Format(SR.GetObjectNull, parentInstance.GetType(), parentProperty.Name)));
if (parentProperty.Type.IsCollection || parentProperty.Type.IsDictionary)
_context.CurrentCollection = inst;
public override void WriteStartObject(XamlType xamlType)
// Deferring Checking
if (_deferringWriter.Handled)
// This is to store the correct start line number and position
// of start object as _context.LineNumber & Position might get updated
// to the next start object if the current object is created through StartMember function
_context.LineNumber_StartObject = _context.LineNumber;
_context.LinePosition_StartObject = _context.LinePosition;
// Error Checking
if (_nextNodeMustBeEndMember)
string err = SR.ValueMustBeFollowedByEndMember;
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err));
if (xamlType.IsUnknown)
string err = SR.Format(SR.CantCreateUnknownType, xamlType.GetQualifiedName());
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err));
if (_context.CurrentType is not null && _context.CurrentProperty is null)
string err = SR.Format(SR.NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_SO, xamlType.ToString(),
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err));
// Real processing begins here.
// The first node (T, SO, or EP) after an EndObject should null out _lastInstance.
_lastInstance = null;
// A Frame is pushed by either a AddNamespace or a WriteGet/StartObject
if (_context.CurrentType is not null)
_context.CurrentType = xamlType;
// Don't create the Root Instance if we were given one in the settings.
// This is an important senario when a XamlObject loads a XamlDefinition of itself
// in it's constructor. The instance is already created (that is how we got into
// the constructor), now don't create the first StartObject use the existing instance.
if ((_context.LiveDepth == 1) && (_rootObjectInstance is not null))
XamlType rootType = GetXamlType(_rootObjectInstance.GetType());
if (!rootType.CanAssignTo(_context.CurrentType))
throw new XamlParseException(SR.Format(SR.CantAssignRootInstance,
rootType.GetQualifiedName(), xamlType.GetQualifiedName()));
_context.CurrentInstance = _rootObjectInstance;
if (_context.CurrentType.IsCollection || _context.CurrentType.IsDictionary)
_context.CurrentCollection = _rootObjectInstance;
public override void WriteEndObject()
// Deferring Checking
if (_deferringWriter.Handled)
if (_deferringWriter.Mode == DeferringMode.TemplateReady)
Debug.Assert(_context.CurrentProperty.DeferringLoader is not null);
XamlNodeList templateList = _deferringWriter.CollectTemplateList();
_context.CurrentInstance = (XamlReader)templateList.GetReader();
// Error Checking
if (_nextNodeMustBeEndMember)
string err = SR.ValueMustBeFollowedByEndMember;
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err));
if (_context.CurrentType is null)
string err = SR.NoTypeInCurrentFrame_EO;
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err));
if (_context.CurrentProperty is not null)
string err = SR.Format(SR.OpenPropertyInCurrentFrame_EO, _context.CurrentType.ToString(),
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err));
// Real processing begins here.
Debug.Assert(_context.LiveDepth > 0);
bool hasUnresolvedChildren = HasUnresolvedChildren(_context.CurrentInstance);
bool isFixupToken = _context.CurrentInstance is NameFixupToken;
if (!_context.CurrentIsObjectFromMember)
// We defer creation in WriteObject because we might have args for
// Create From InitText, or Create with parameters.
// But, If we got to End Object and still haven't Created it,
// then create it now.
if (_context.CurrentInstance is null)
XamlType xamlType = _context.CurrentType;
object instance = _context.CurrentInstance;
if (_context.CurrentType.IsMarkupExtension)
// Can't call EndInit() or ProvideValue() if all the properties are not in.
if (hasUnresolvedChildren)
ExecutePendingAdds(_context.CurrentType, _context.CurrentInstance);
instance = _context.CurrentInstance;
if (_context.CurrentInstanceRegisteredName is not null)
// Names on MEs apply to the ME, not to the provided value
if (_nameFixupGraph is not null)
TriggerNameResolution(instance, _context.CurrentInstanceRegisteredName);
_context.CurrentInstanceRegisteredName = null;
instance = _context.CurrentInstance;
isFixupToken = instance is NameFixupToken;
hasUnresolvedChildren = !isFixupToken && HasUnresolvedChildren(instance);
if (_context.LiveDepth > 1)
if (!_context.CurrentWasAssignedAtCreation)
// Can't call EndInit() on an object if any of its properties are not resolved.
if (hasUnresolvedChildren)
if (_context.LiveDepth > 1)
Logic_AddDependencyForUnresolvedChildren(_context, null);
else if (!isFixupToken)
ExecutePendingAdds(_context.CurrentType, _context.CurrentInstance);
else // object is retrieved
if (hasUnresolvedChildren)
Debug.Assert(_context.LiveDepth > 1);
Logic_AddDependencyForUnresolvedChildren(_context, null);
ExecutePendingAdds(_context.CurrentType, _context.CurrentInstance);
if (_context.ParentIsPropertyValueSet)
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlDuplicateMemberException(
_lastInstance = _context.CurrentInstance;
string name = _context.CurrentInstanceRegisteredName;
if (_context.LiveDepth == 1)
_rootNamescope = _context.RootNameScope;
// We must PopScope() before Forward Reference Resolution. Because
// References are only returned to "completed" object. Completed
// is determined in part by the object's absence from the builder stack.
if (hasUnresolvedChildren)
_nameFixupGraph.IsOffTheStack(_lastInstance, name, _context.LineNumber, _context.LinePosition);
else if (isFixupToken)
if (name is not null)
NameFixupToken token = (NameFixupToken)_lastInstance;
if (token.FixupType == FixupType.ObjectInitializationValue && !token.CanAssignDirectly)
// This is a TypeConverted object, but the converter returned a FixupToken.
// We need to put the name on the token's saved context, so that we can register
// the name to the actual object when we finally create it.
var objectFrame = (ObjectWriterFrame)token.SavedContext.Stack.PreviousFrame;
objectFrame.InstanceRegisteredName = name;
else if (_nameFixupGraph is not null)
TriggerNameResolution(_lastInstance, name);
if (_context.LiveDepth == 0 && !_inDispose)
public override void WriteStartMember(XamlMember property)
// Deferring Checking
if (_deferringWriter.Handled)
// Error Checking
string err = null;
if (_nextNodeMustBeEndMember)
err = SR.ValueMustBeFollowedByEndMember;
else if (property == XamlLanguage.UnknownContent)
err = SR.Format(SR.TypeHasNoContentProperty, _context.CurrentType);
else if (property.IsUnknown)
err = SR.Format(SR.CantSetUnknownProperty, property.ToString());
else if (_context.CurrentProperty is not null)
err = SR.Format(SR.OpenPropertyInCurrentFrame_SM, _context.CurrentType.ToString(),
else if (_context.CurrentType is null)
err = SR.Format(SR.NoTypeInCurrentFrame_SM, property.ToString());
if (err is not null)
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err));
// Real processing starts here.
Debug.Assert(_context.LiveDepth > 0);
_context.CurrentProperty = property;
// Duplicate Property Setting Check.
Logic_DuplicatePropertyCheck(_context, property, onParent: false);
// If we haven't created the object yet then consider creating it now.
// We need an object instance to set property values on.
if (_context.CurrentInstance is null)
if (!IsConstructionDirective(_context.CurrentProperty)
&& !IsDirectiveAllowedOnNullInstance(_context.CurrentProperty, _context.CurrentType))
// Creates the backing collection for x:PositionParameters
// Note: this sets the "current collection" but the object instance is still NULL!!
if (property == XamlLanguage.PositionalParameters)
_context.CurrentCollection = new List<PositionalParameterDescriptor>();
else // instance != null
// If we see any construction directives (like x:Arguments, x:Type) when we already have an instance, we throw
if (IsTextConstructionDirective(property))
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(SR.Format(SR.LateConstructionDirective, property.Name)));
if (_context.CurrentIsTypeConvertedObject)
// This is an error path where properties are set on a Type converter instance
// We allow directives or attachable properties but not "normal" properties.
if (!property.IsDirective && !property.IsAttachable)
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(SR.Format(SR.SettingPropertiesIsNotAllowed, property.Name)));
// We don't allow attachable properties either, if the the Type Converter returned
// a NameFixupToken. We could consider allowing this in the future by storing the
// APs on the token.
if (property.IsAttachable && _context.CurrentInstance is NameFixupToken)
NameFixupToken token = (NameFixupToken)_context.CurrentInstance;
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(SR.Format(SR.AttachedPropOnFwdRefTC,
property, _context.CurrentType, string.Join(", ", token.NeededNames.ToArray()))));
if (property.IsDirective && property != XamlLanguage.Items && property != XamlLanguage.PositionalParameters)
// Creates the container for x:Arguments (possible other future directives) If this was
// just for x:Arguments it could be moved into the (inst == null) case above.
// Note: this sets the "current collection" but does not touch the "current instance".
// Note: there is a special case for x:PosParam above because the collection type is not public.
// Note: The dictionary check is there because Collection and Dictionary checks go together.
XamlType propertyXamlType = property.Type;
if (propertyXamlType.IsCollection || propertyXamlType.IsDictionary)
_context.CurrentCollection = Runtime.CreateInstance(property.Type, null);
public override void WriteEndMember()
// Deferring Checking
if (_deferringWriter.Handled)
// Error Checking
XamlMember property;
// In the Text value case we will be on the text frame
// and the property is in the parent.
if (_context.CurrentType is null)
property = _context.ParentProperty;
// In the Object value case we pop'ed and assigned the value already.
property = _context.CurrentProperty;
if (property is null)
string err = (_context.CurrentType is not null)
? SR.Format(SR.NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_EM, _context.CurrentType.ToString())
: SR.NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_EM_noType;
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err));
// Real processing starts here.
_nextNodeMustBeEndMember = false;
// The first node (T, SO, or EP) after an EndObject should null out _lastInstance.
_lastInstance = null;
if (property == XamlLanguage.Arguments)
_context.CurrentCtorArgs = ((List<object>)_context.CurrentCollection).ToArray();
else if (property == XamlLanguage.Initialization)
else if (property == XamlLanguage.Items)
_context.CurrentCollection = null;
else if (property == XamlLanguage.PositionalParameters)
else if (property == XamlLanguage.Class)
object value = null;
if (_context.CurrentType is null)
value = _context.CurrentInstance;
Logic_ValidateXClass(_context, value);
else if (_context.CurrentType is null)
// CurrentType == null means we are in a Value Frame (under a property)
// [rather than the result of some S0 sub-tree].
// For example <Foo.Color>Red</Foo.Color> or <Foo Color="Red"> results in:
// SM Color; V "Red"; EM; // and the type converter for Color will be invoked
// But: <Foo.Color><x:String>Red</x:String></Foo.Color> results in:
// SM Color; SO String; SM _init; V "Red"; EM; EO; EM
// Currently the String object is assigned into the Color Property in EndObject.
// Converting XML TEXT like "Red" is completly different than <x:String>Red<x:String>
// Conversion today will take more than TEXT as input.
// Template Conversion is also done here
object value = _context.CurrentInstance;
bool shouldSetValue = true;
if (value is not null)
if (value is XAML3.MarkupExtension me)
_context.CurrentInstance = me;
XamlType valueXamlType = GetXamlType(value.GetType());
if (!property.Type.IsMarkupExtension || !valueXamlType.CanAssignTo(property.Type))
shouldSetValue = false;
// If the MarkupExtension's provided value is not assigned to the property, the MarkupExtension will be assigned directly.
else // normal TC case.
// If the value is a string or is not directly assignable, convert it.
XamlType valueXamlType = GetXamlType(value.GetType());
if (valueXamlType == XamlLanguage.String || !valueXamlType.CanAssignTo(property.Type))
if (property.IsDirective && property == XamlLanguage.Key && !Logic_ShouldConvertKey(_context))
shouldSetValue = true;
_context.ParentKeyIsUnconverted = true;
shouldSetValue = Logic_CreatePropertyValueFromValue(_context);
_lastInstance = _context.CurrentInstance;
if (shouldSetValue)
_context.PopScope(); // Value Node Scope
// Clear Current Property because the value for this property
// has been set and the frame popped off.
_context.CurrentProperty = null;
_context.CurrentIsPropertyValueSet = false;
public override void WriteValue(object value)
// Deferring Checking
if (_deferringWriter.Handled)
// Handles the case of SM Template; V NodeList; EM
if (_deferringWriter.Mode == DeferringMode.TemplateReady)
Debug.Assert(_context.CurrentProperty.DeferringLoader is not null);
XamlNodeList templateList = _deferringWriter.CollectTemplateList();
_context.CurrentInstance = (XamlReader)templateList.GetReader();
// Error Checking
XamlMember currentProperty = _context.CurrentProperty;
if (currentProperty is null)
string err = (_context.CurrentType is not null)
? SR.Format(SR.NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_V, value, _context.CurrentType.ToString())
: SR.Format(SR.NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_V_noType, value);
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err));
// The first node (T, SO, or EP) after an EndObject should null out _lastInstance.
_lastInstance = null;
_context.CurrentInstance = value;
// current property is now parentproperty. (pushScope above)
// Name change to reduce confusion.
XamlMember parentProperty = currentProperty;
currentProperty = null;
// There are two cases.
// 1) Text on a regular property.
// Processed on EndMember. (not here)
// 2) Text on a directive with a list type.
// Processed Item by item right here.
_nextNodeMustBeEndMember = true;
if (parentProperty.IsDirective)
XamlType parentXamlType = parentProperty.Type;
if (parentXamlType.IsCollection || parentXamlType.IsDictionary)
_nextNodeMustBeEndMember = false;
if (parentProperty == XamlLanguage.PositionalParameters)
_context.CurrentType = XamlLanguage.PositionalParameterDescriptor;
_context.CurrentInstance = new PositionalParameterDescriptor(value, true);
_context.CurrentInstance = value;
public override void WriteNamespace(NamespaceDeclaration namespaceDeclaration)
if(namespaceDeclaration.Prefix is null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.NamespaceDeclarationPrefixCannotBeNull);
if(namespaceDeclaration.Namespace is null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.NamespaceDeclarationNamespaceCannotBeNull);
// Deferring Checking
if (_deferringWriter.Handled)
// Error Checking
if (_nextNodeMustBeEndMember)
string err = SR.ValueMustBeFollowedByEndMember;
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err));
if (_context.CurrentType is not null && _context.CurrentProperty is null)
string err = SR.Format(SR.NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_NS, namespaceDeclaration.Prefix,
throw _context.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err));
// A Frame is pushed by either a AddNamespace or a WriteObject
if (_context.CurrentType is not null)
_context.AddNamespacePrefix(namespaceDeclaration.Prefix, namespaceDeclaration.Namespace);
public void Clear()
while (_context.LiveDepth > 0)
_rootNamescope = null;
_nextNodeMustBeEndMember = false;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
_inDispose = true;
if (disposing && !IsDisposed)
bool seenStartObject = _context.LiveDepth > 1 || _context.CurrentType is not null;
if (seenStartObject)
while (_context.LiveDepth > 0)
if (_context.CurrentProperty is not null)
_deferringWriter = null;
// null references to external objects that might be
// held alive if this object is not released by its
// caller after the Dispose call.
_context = null;
_afterBeginInitHandler = null;
_beforePropertiesHandler = null;
_afterPropertiesHandler = null;
_afterEndInitHandler = null;
_inDispose = false;
private void ThrowIfDisposed()
ObjectDisposedException.ThrowIf(IsDisposed, typeof(XamlObjectWriter));
public XAML3.INameScope RootNameScope
if (_rootNamescope is not null)
return _rootNamescope;
return _context.RootNameScope;
// Result should return the _lastInstance when called after an EO. Otherwise, it should return null.
// Currently we null out _lastInstance in the nodes that can come after EO (T, SO, EP). Can an NS come,
// what should we do?
public virtual object Result
return _lastInstance;
public override XamlSchemaContext SchemaContext
return _context.SchemaContext;
#region IXamlLineInfoConsumer Members
public void SetLineInfo(int lineNumber, int linePosition)
_context.LineNumber = lineNumber;
_context.LinePosition = linePosition;
// Deferring Checking
_deferringWriter.SetLineInfo(lineNumber, linePosition);
public bool ShouldProvideLineInfo
return true;
// ---------------- Private Exception / Line Number ------
XamlException IAddLineInfo.WithLineInfo(XamlException ex)
return _context.WithLineInfo(ex);
// ----------------- Private methods -------------------
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Key alias property when x:Key is not present.
/// </summary>
private object GetKeyFromInstance(object instance, XamlType instanceType, IAddLineInfo lineInfo)
XamlMember keyProperty = instanceType.GetAliasedProperty(XamlLanguage.Key);
if (keyProperty is null || instance is null)
throw lineInfo.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(SR.Format(SR.MissingKey, instanceType.Name)));
object key = Runtime.GetValue(instance, keyProperty);
return key;
private XamlType GetXamlType(Type clrType)
XamlType result = SchemaContext.GetXamlType(clrType);
if (result is null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.ObjectWriterTypeNotAllowed,
SchemaContext.GetType(), clrType));
return result;
// These are the all the directives that affect Construction of object.
bool IsConstructionDirective(XamlMember xamlMember)
return xamlMember == XamlLanguage.Arguments
|| xamlMember == XamlLanguage.Base
|| xamlMember == XamlLanguage.FactoryMethod
|| xamlMember == XamlLanguage.Initialization
|| xamlMember == XamlLanguage.PositionalParameters
|| xamlMember == XamlLanguage.TypeArguments;
// BAML sometimes sends the x:base directive later than it should
// so these are the Ctor Directives we worry about 'Users' messing up.
bool IsTextConstructionDirective(XamlMember xamlMember)
return xamlMember == XamlLanguage.Arguments
|| xamlMember == XamlLanguage.FactoryMethod
|| xamlMember == XamlLanguage.PositionalParameters
|| xamlMember == XamlLanguage.TypeArguments;
// Non Ctor directives that are also allowed before object creation.
// These are compat issues with BAML recording x:Key x:Uid earlier than
// it current XAML standards.
bool IsDirectiveAllowedOnNullInstance(XamlMember xamlMember, XamlType xamlType)
if (xamlMember == XamlLanguage.Key)
return true;
if (xamlMember == XamlLanguage.Uid)
if (xamlType.GetAliasedProperty(XamlLanguage.Uid) is null)
return true;
return false;
private void Logic_CreateAndAssignToParentStart(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
object inst;
object factoryMethodName;
XamlType currentType = ctx.CurrentType;
if (ctx.CurrentIsObjectFromMember)
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlInternalException(SR.ConstructImplicitType));
// If the Constructor Arguments came from ME {} syntax and there are
// any MEs on the parameter list, they will be un-evaluated because
// of the rule in AssignProvideValue that skips PV() if the
// parent instance is null (which is always is for Ctor params).
// So Unpack and call Provide Value on items in the arguement vector here.
if (currentType.IsMarkupExtension && ctx.CurrentCtorArgs is not null)
object[] args = ctx.CurrentCtorArgs;
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
if (args[i] is XAML3.MarkupExtension me)
args[i] = Logic_PushAndPopAProvideValueStackFrame(ctx, XamlLanguage.PositionalParameters, me, false);
// If No Factory Method
if (!ctx.CurrentHasPreconstructionPropertyValuesDictionary ||
!ctx.CurrentPreconstructionPropertyValues.TryGetValue(XamlLanguage.FactoryMethod, out factoryMethodName))
inst = Runtime.CreateInstance(currentType, ctx.CurrentCtorArgs);
else // with Factory Method
XamlPropertyName propertyName = XamlPropertyName.Parse((string)factoryMethodName);
if (propertyName is null)
string errMsg = string.Format(TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS, SR.InvalidExpression, factoryMethodName);
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlInternalException(errMsg));
XamlType ownerType;
if (propertyName.Owner is null)
ownerType = currentType;
ownerType = ctx.GetXamlType(propertyName.Owner);
if (ownerType is null)
XamlTypeName ownerTypeName = ctx.GetXamlTypeName(propertyName.Owner);
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(SR.Format(SR.CannotResolveTypeForFactoryMethod, ownerTypeName, propertyName.Name)));
inst = Runtime.CreateWithFactoryMethod(ownerType, propertyName.Name, ctx.CurrentCtorArgs);
Debug.Assert(inst is not null); // runtime throws before it returns null.
XamlType instType = GetXamlType(inst.GetType());
if (!instType.CanAssignTo(currentType))
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(SR.Format(SR.NotAssignableFrom, currentType.GetQualifiedName(), instType.GetQualifiedName())));
ctx.CurrentCtorArgs = null;
ctx.CurrentInstance = inst;
if (currentType.IsCollection || currentType.IsDictionary)
ctx.CurrentCollection = inst;
// If UsableDuringInit, Assign to parent
// We don't want to assign MEs to the parent since we need to call ProvideValue on them
// which is handled in WriteEndObject
if (ctx.LiveDepth > 1 && !(inst is XAML3.MarkupExtension))
if (ctx.LiveDepth > 1)
private void Logic_ConvertPositionalParamsToArgs(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
XamlType meType = ctx.CurrentType;
if (!meType.IsMarkupExtension)
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlInternalException(SR.NonMEWithPositionalParameters));
var rawArgs = (List<PositionalParameterDescriptor>)ctx.CurrentCollection;
object[] argInstances = new object[rawArgs.Count];
IList<XamlType> paramTypes = meType.GetPositionalParameters(rawArgs.Count);
if (paramTypes is null)
// A constructor with the specified number of arguments doesn't exist
string msg = string.Format(TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS, SR.NoSuchConstructor, rawArgs.Count, meType.Name);
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(msg));
int paramTypesCount = paramTypes.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < paramTypesCount; i++)
if (i >= rawArgs.Count)
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlInternalException(SR.PositionalParamsWrongLength));
XamlType pparamType = paramTypes[i];
PositionalParameterDescriptor pparam = rawArgs[i];
argInstances[i] = pparam.WasText ?
Logic_CreateFromValue(ctx, pparamType.TypeConverter, pparam.Value, null, pparamType.Name) :
ctx.CurrentCtorArgs = argInstances;
private void Logic_CreateFromInitializationValue(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
XamlType xamlType = ctx.ParentType;
XamlValueConverter<TypeConverter> ts = xamlType.TypeConverter;
object value = ctx.CurrentInstance;
object inst = null;
if (xamlType.IsUnknown)
string err = SR.Format(SR.CantCreateUnknownType, xamlType.GetQualifiedName());
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err));
if (ts is null)
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(SR.Format(SR.InitializationSyntaxWithoutTypeConverter, xamlType.GetQualifiedName())));
inst = Logic_CreateFromValue(ctx, ts, value, null, xamlType.Name);
// Pop off the Text Frame.
ctx.CurrentInstance = inst;
ctx.CurrentIsTypeConvertedObject = true;
if (!(inst is NameFixupToken))
if (xamlType.IsCollection || xamlType.IsDictionary)
ctx.CurrentCollection = inst;
Logic_ApplyCurrentPreconstructionPropertyValues(ctx, true);
private object Logic_CreateFromValue(ObjectWriterContext ctx, XamlValueConverter<TypeConverter> typeConverter,
object value, XamlMember property, string targetName)
return Logic_CreateFromValue(ctx, typeConverter, value, property, targetName, this);
private object Logic_CreateFromValue(ObjectWriterContext ctx, XamlValueConverter<TypeConverter> typeConverter,
object value, XamlMember property, string targetName, IAddLineInfo lineInfo)
object result = Runtime.CreateFromValue(ctx.ServiceProviderContext, typeConverter,
value, property);
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
if (CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(ex))
string err = SR.Format(SR.TypeConverterFailed, targetName, value);
throw lineInfo.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(err, ex));
private bool Logic_CreatePropertyValueFromValue(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
XamlMember property = ctx.ParentProperty;
XamlType propertyType = property.Type;
object value = ctx.CurrentInstance;
if (value is XamlReader deferredContent)
// property.DeferringLoader looks at the property AND the type of the property.
XamlValueConverter<XamlDeferringLoader> deferringLoader = property.DeferringLoader;
if (deferringLoader is not null)
ctx.CurrentInstance = Runtime.DeferredLoad(
ctx.ServiceProviderContext, deferringLoader, deferredContent);
return true;
// property.TypeConverter looks at the property AND the type of the property.
XamlValueConverter<TypeConverter> converter = property.TypeConverter;
object inst = null;
XamlType declaringType = null;
if (property.IsAttachable)
declaringType = property.DeclaringType;
declaringType = ctx.ParentType;
if (property is not null && !property.IsUnknown && declaringType is not null)
XamlType grandParentXamlType = ctx.GrandParentType;
if (property.IsDirective &&
property == XamlLanguage.Key &&
grandParentXamlType is not null &&
converter = grandParentXamlType.KeyType.TypeConverter;
if (converter is not null && converter.ConverterType is not null && converter != BuiltInValueConverter.String)
TypeConverter typeConverter = Runtime.GetConverterInstance(converter);
if (typeConverter is not null)
if (declaringType.SetTypeConverterHandler is not null)
var eventArgs = new XAML3.XamlSetTypeConverterEventArgs(property, typeConverter, value, ctx.ServiceProviderContext,
CurrentType = declaringType
declaringType.SetTypeConverterHandler(ctx.ParentInstance, eventArgs);
if (eventArgs.Handled)
return false;
if (converter is not null)
inst = Logic_CreateFromValue(ctx, converter, value, property, property.Name);
// the value may be assignable as the property value directly,
// so pass it through to be set to the property value later.
inst = value;
ctx.CurrentInstance = inst;
return true;
// For backcompat with 3.x parser, if the compat flag PreferUnconvertedKeys is set,
// we don't convert keys if the dictionary implements non-generic IDictionary, unless:
// - we've already failed calling IDictionary.Add on this same instance, or
// - it's a built-in BCL dictionary that we know requires conversion.
// We track this state via the following flags:
// - KeyIsUnconverted on a dictionary item frame indicates that the key was not converted.
// - ShouldConvertChildKeys on a dictionary frame indicates that the dictionary requires
// key conversion.
// - ShouldNotConvertChildKeys on a dictionary frame indicates that the add of the first
// key succeeded without conversion, so we shouldn't convert any of the remaining keys.
// If neither of the Should flags is set, that means this is the first dictionary item,
// so we'll try without converting the key, and fall back to conversion if it fails.
private bool Logic_ShouldConvertKey(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
Debug.Assert(ctx.ParentProperty == XamlLanguage.Key);
if (!_preferUnconvertedDictionaryKeys || ctx.GrandParentShouldConvertChildKeys)
return true;
if (ctx.GrandParentShouldNotConvertChildKeys)
return false;
XamlType dictionaryType = ctx.GrandParentType;
if (dictionaryType is not null && dictionaryType.IsDictionary &&
typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(dictionaryType.UnderlyingType) &&
return false;
ctx.GrandParentShouldConvertChildKeys = true;
return true;
private static bool IsBuiltInGenericDictionary(Type type)
if (type is null || !type.IsGenericType)
return false;
Type openGeneric = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
return openGeneric == typeof(Dictionary<,>) ||
openGeneric == typeof(SortedDictionary<,>) ||
openGeneric == typeof(SortedList<,>) ||
openGeneric == typeof(ConcurrentDictionary<,>);
private void Logic_BeginInit(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
object inst = ctx.CurrentInstance;
XamlType xamlType = ctx.CurrentType;
Runtime.InitializationGuard(xamlType, inst, true);
if (ctx.BaseUri is not null)
Runtime.SetUriBase(xamlType, inst, ctx.BaseUri);
// This is back compat with WPF 3.5.
// This activates a second path to setting the object's
// _contentLoaded in the generated code.
if (inst == ctx.RootInstance)
Logic_SetConnectionId(ctx, 0, inst);
private void Logic_EndInit(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
XamlType xamlType = ctx.CurrentType;
object inst = ctx.CurrentInstance;
Runtime.InitializationGuard(xamlType, inst, false);
// Called when a MarkupExtension has unresolved children and so we can't call ProvideValue on it
private void Logic_DeferProvideValue(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
var deferredMarkupExtensionContext = ctx.GetSavedContext(SavedContextType.ReparseMarkupExtension);
if (ctx.LiveDepth > 2 && ctx.ParentProperty == XamlLanguage.Key &&
NameFixupToken token = GetTokenForUnresolvedChildren(ctx.CurrentInstance,
XamlLanguage.Key, deferredMarkupExtensionContext);
Logic_PendKeyFixupToken(ctx, token);
Logic_AddDependencyForUnresolvedChildren(ctx, deferredMarkupExtensionContext);
private void Logic_DuplicatePropertyCheck(ObjectWriterContext ctx, XamlMember property, bool onParent)
if (!_skipDuplicatePropertyCheck)
HashSet<XamlMember> setProperties = onParent ? ctx.ParentAssignedProperties : ctx.CurrentAssignedProperties;
if (setProperties.Contains(property))
// In some cases, the XamlXmlWriter emits duplicate xml:space. We can ignore these
// since ObjectWriter doesn't actually process xml:space.
if (property != XamlLanguage.Space)
XamlType xamlType = onParent ? ctx.ParentType : ctx.CurrentType;
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlDuplicateMemberException(property, xamlType));
private void Logic_ApplyCurrentPreconstructionPropertyValues(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
Logic_ApplyCurrentPreconstructionPropertyValues(ctx, false);
private void Logic_ApplyCurrentPreconstructionPropertyValues(ObjectWriterContext ctx, bool skipDirectives)
if (ctx.CurrentHasPreconstructionPropertyValuesDictionary)
Dictionary<XamlMember, object> propertyValues = ctx.CurrentPreconstructionPropertyValues;
object value = null;
foreach (XamlMember prop in propertyValues.Keys)
if (skipDirectives && prop.IsDirective)
value = propertyValues[prop];
// If the saved pre-construction property value is an ME
// then we need to evaluate it now. This in somewhat involved.
// We need to create a stack state that IProvideValueTarget and IRecieveMarkupExtension
// will understand.
// We did evaluate MEs on directives when the prop/value was saved,
// so don't call ProvideValue() now on directives here.
// (x:Key and x:Name need their own "saved spot" outside of PreconstructionPropertyValues)
if (value is XAML3.MarkupExtension me && !prop.IsDirective)
Logic_PushAndPopAProvideValueStackFrame(ctx, prop, me, true);
Logic_ApplyPropertyValue(ctx, prop, value, onParent: false);
private object Logic_PushAndPopAProvideValueStackFrame(ObjectWriterContext ctx, XamlMember prop, XAML3.MarkupExtension me, bool useIRME)
XamlMember savedProp = ctx.CurrentProperty;
ctx.CurrentProperty = prop;
ctx.CurrentInstance = me;
object retVal = null;
if (useIRME)
// retVal = null;
retVal = Runtime.CallProvideValue(me, ctx.ServiceProviderContext);
ctx.CurrentProperty = savedProp;
return retVal;
private void Logic_ApplyPropertyValue(ObjectWriterContext ctx, XamlMember prop,
object value, bool onParent)
object inst = onParent ? ctx.ParentInstance : ctx.CurrentInstance;
if (value is XAML3.XData)
XAML3.XData xData = value as XAML3.XData;
if (prop.Type.IsXData)
Runtime.SetXmlInstance(inst, prop, xData);
value = xData.Text;
SetValue(inst, prop, value);
if (prop.IsDirective)
XamlType xamlType = onParent ? ctx.ParentType : ctx.CurrentType;
XamlMember propertyForDirective = xamlType.GetAliasedProperty(prop as XamlDirective);
if (prop != XamlLanguage.Key && propertyForDirective is not null)
// handle aliases for x:Uid x:Lang etc.
Logic_DuplicatePropertyCheck(ctx, propertyForDirective, onParent);
object convertedValue = Logic_CreateFromValue(ctx, propertyForDirective.TypeConverter, value, propertyForDirective, propertyForDirective.Name);
SetValue(inst, propertyForDirective, convertedValue);
if (prop == XamlLanguage.Name)
// register a named object
if (inst == ctx.CurrentInstance)
Logic_RegisterName_OnCurrent(ctx, (string)value);
Debug.Assert(inst == ctx.ParentInstance);
Logic_RegisterName_OnParent(ctx, (string)value);
else if (prop == XamlLanguage.ConnectionId)
Logic_SetConnectionId(ctx, (int)value, inst);
else if (prop == XamlLanguage.Base)
Logic_CheckBaseUri(ctx, (string)value);
ctx.BaseUri = new Uri((string)value);
if (ctx.ParentInstance is not null)
Runtime.SetUriBase(ctx.ParentType, ctx.ParentInstance, ctx.BaseUri);
private void Logic_CheckBaseUri(ObjectWriterContext ctx, string value)
// Make sure BaseUri is not already set and that we can only set BaseUri on the root element
// Depth > 2 because on the root element, SO/SM takes 1 slot, V is slot 2
if ((ctx.BaseUri is not null) || (ctx.Depth > 2))
throw new XamlObjectWriterException(SR.CannotSetBaseUri);
/// <summary>
/// Process the call to a MarkupExtension.ProvideValue() and assign the result
/// </summary>
private void Logic_AssignProvidedValue(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
bool handled = Logic_ProvideValue(ctx);
if (!handled && ctx.ParentProperty is not null)
// Returns true if the assignment was handled by a SetMarkupExtensionHandler
private bool Logic_ProvideValue(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
object inst = ctx.CurrentInstance;
XAML3.MarkupExtension me = (XAML3.MarkupExtension)inst;
object parentInstance = ctx.ParentInstance;
XamlMember parentProperty = ctx.ParentProperty;
if (parentProperty is not null && parentProperty.IsUnknown == false)
XamlType declaringType = null;
if (parentProperty.IsAttachable)
declaringType = parentProperty.DeclaringType;
declaringType = ctx.ParentType;
if (declaringType is not null)
if (declaringType.SetMarkupExtensionHandler is not null)
var eventArgs = new XAML3.XamlSetMarkupExtensionEventArgs(parentProperty, me, ctx.ServiceProviderContext, parentInstance)
CurrentType = declaringType
declaringType.SetMarkupExtensionHandler(parentInstance, eventArgs);
if (eventArgs.Handled)
return true;
// The Service Provider Interface IProvideValueTarget requires that we can supply ProvideValue with the
// instance of the left-hand side of the property assignment. Markup extensions that are assigned to
// directives are allowed to have a null left-hand instance.
// For a MarkupExtension (ME), either the parent instance is not null, the parent property is a directive,
// or it is the live root instance. ME.ProvideValue must be invoked in each case, except where a ME is the
// live root instance and _skipProvideValueOnRoot is true. This allows live root instances of templates to
// remain as MEs where necessary.
Debug.Assert(parentInstance is not null || (parentProperty is not null && parentProperty.IsDirective) || ctx.LiveDepth == 1);
object value = me;
if (ctx.LiveDepth != 1 || !_skipProvideValueOnRoot)
value = Runtime.CallProvideValue(me, ctx.ServiceProviderContext);
// Checking that the ME isn't the Root of the XAML Document.
if (ctx.ParentProperty is not null)
if (value is not null)
if (!(value is NameFixupToken))
ctx.CurrentType = GetXamlType(value.GetType());
else if (ctx.ParentProperty == XamlLanguage.Items)
ctx.CurrentType = ctx.ParentType.ItemType;
ctx.CurrentType = ctx.ParentProperty.Type;
ctx.CurrentInstance = value;
ctx.CurrentInstance = value;
return false;
private void Logic_PendCurrentFixupToken_SetValue(ObjectWriterContext ctx, NameFixupToken token)
token.LineNumber = ctx.LineNumber;
token.LinePosition = ctx.LinePosition;
token.Runtime = Runtime;
private void Logic_CheckAssignmentToParentStart(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
Debug.Assert(ctx.LiveDepth > 1);
// First defeat the TopDown'ness if we are in a dictionary
// because the key property can come later, we must wait
// until End Object to compute the key for the Dictionary.Add(Key, val)
bool inDictionary = ((ctx.ParentProperty == XamlLanguage.Items) && ctx.ParentType.IsDictionary);
XamlType type = ctx.CurrentType;
if (type.IsUsableDuringInitialization && !inDictionary)
ctx.CurrentWasAssignedAtCreation = true;
ctx.CurrentWasAssignedAtCreation = false;
private void Logic_DoAssignmentToParentCollection(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
object parentCollection = ctx.ParentCollection;
XamlType collectionType = ctx.ParentType;
XamlType currentType = ctx.CurrentType;
object value = ctx.CurrentInstance;
if (!collectionType.IsDictionary)
if (!Logic_PendAssignmentToParentCollection(ctx, null, false))
// If Value is a Markup Extention then check the collection item type
// if it can hold the ME then don't call ProvideValue().
if (value is XAML3.MarkupExtension me && !Logic_WillParentCollectionAdd(ctx, value.GetType(), true))
// We don't need to call Logic_ProvideValue() with the extra handler
// interfaces, because this is collection not a scalar property.
value = Runtime.CallProvideValue(me, ctx.ServiceProviderContext);
Runtime.Add(parentCollection, collectionType, value, currentType);
if (currentType is null)
currentType = value is null ? collectionType.ItemType : GetXamlType(value.GetType());
object key = ctx.CurrentKey;
bool keyIsSet = ctx.CurrentIsKeySet;
if (!Logic_PendAssignmentToParentCollection(ctx, key, keyIsSet))
if (!keyIsSet)
key = GetKeyFromInstance(value, currentType, this);
Logic_AddToParentDictionary(ctx, key, value);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true when the item type of the collection is assignable from
/// the given type. Normally we wouldn't call this (Let the CLR check and
/// throw if the item doesn't fit) but for Markup Extensions we check this
/// Before calling ProvideValue();
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctx">The context</param>
/// <param name="type">The type of the new item</param>
/// <param name="excludeObjectType">return false if collection Item Type is Object</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool Logic_WillParentCollectionAdd(ObjectWriterContext ctx, Type type, bool excludeObjectType)
Debug.Assert(ctx.ParentType.IsCollection, "Logic_WillParentCollectionAdd called on a non-collection");
// The Parent Property is x:Items which is always List<Object>
// To get the real item type we need to go to the Type.
XamlType itemType = ctx.ParentType.ItemType;
if (excludeObjectType && itemType == XamlLanguage.Object)
return false;
if (itemType.UnderlyingType.IsAssignableFrom(type))
return true;
return false;
private void Logic_AddToParentDictionary(ObjectWriterContext ctx, object key, object value)
if (ctx.CurrentKeyIsUnconverted && !ctx.ParentShouldNotConvertChildKeys)
if (!ctx.ParentShouldConvertChildKeys)
// If we didn't convert the key earlier (see Logic_ShouldConvertKey for details),
// we try to add unconverted key, and if it fails, we convert it, and try again.
Runtime.AddToDictionary(ctx.ParentCollection, ctx.ParentType, value, ctx.CurrentType, key);
// We've succesfully added the key without converting it; we should apply the same
// policy to the other keys for this dictionary instance.
ctx.ParentShouldNotConvertChildKeys = true;
catch (XamlObjectWriterException ex)
// A dictionary that is passed in the wrong key type should throw ArgumentException.
// However a naive implementer might throw InvalidCastException instead, so
// catch that too.
if (!(ex.InnerException is ArgumentException) &&
!(ex.InnerException is InvalidCastException))
if (Debugger.IsLogging())
Debug.WriteLine(SR.Format(SR.DictionaryFirstChanceException, ctx.ParentType, key, ctx.ParentType.KeyType));
// Adding an unconverted key failed, we should make sure that we convert all future
// keys on this dictionary instance.
ctx.ParentShouldConvertChildKeys = true;
// Else, this is a deferred add, where the uncoverted key was saved earlier,
// before the parent's ShouldConvertChildKeys flag was set. So we skip the
// Add up above, and go directly to the conversion below.
// Reproduce the stack as it would have been at the point when the key was originally
// read, and run the type converter now.
Debug.Assert(ctx.CurrentProperty is null);
ctx.CurrentProperty = XamlLanguage.Key;
ctx.CurrentInstance = key;
key = ctx.CurrentInstance;
ctx.CurrentProperty = null;
Runtime.AddToDictionary(ctx.ParentCollection, ctx.ParentType, value, ctx.CurrentType, key);
// If any adds to the current collection are pending forward-reference resolution,
// we need to queue up all the subsequent adds, so that the reference is added in order.
// Returns TRUE if the item was pended; FALSE if it should be added directly.
// Consider perf optimization to avoid a global lookup on every item
private bool Logic_PendAssignmentToParentCollection(ObjectWriterContext ctx, object key, bool keyIsSet)
object parentCollection = ctx.ParentCollection;
object value = ctx.CurrentInstance;
NameFixupToken keyToken = key as NameFixupToken;
NameFixupToken valueToken = value as NameFixupToken;
List<PendingCollectionAdd> pendingCollection = null;
if (_pendingCollectionAdds is not null)
PendingCollectionAdds.TryGetValue(parentCollection, out pendingCollection);
if (pendingCollection is null &&
(keyToken is not null || valueToken is not null ||
HasUnresolvedChildren(key) || HasUnresolvedChildren(value)))
// We pend the add not only if the key or value are unresolved, but also if they
// have any unresolved children. This avoids problems with unresolved implicit keys,
// the key's hashcode changing as its properties resolve, or incomplete data being
// passed into an Add method that does validation.
pendingCollection = new List<PendingCollectionAdd>();
PendingCollectionAdds.Add(parentCollection, pendingCollection);
if (keyToken is not null)
// Set KeyHolder to null since the item is no longer on the stack,
// so we won't be getting its key from the saved KeyHolder anymore
keyToken.Target.KeyHolder = null;
keyToken.Target.TemporaryCollectionIndex = pendingCollection.Count;
if (valueToken is not null)
Logic_PendCurrentFixupToken_SetValue(ctx, valueToken);
valueToken.Target.TemporaryCollectionIndex = pendingCollection.Count;
if (pendingCollection is not null)
PendingCollectionAdd pendingAdd = new PendingCollectionAdd
Key = key,
KeyIsSet = keyIsSet,
KeyIsUnconverted = ctx.CurrentKeyIsUnconverted,
Item = value,
ItemType = ctx.CurrentType,
LineNumber = ctx.LineNumber,
LinePosition = ctx.LinePosition
if (pendingAdd.KeyIsUnconverted)
if (!PendingKeyConversionContexts.ContainsKey(parentCollection))
// Snap a SavedContext so we can convert the key later, if needed
XamlSavedContext savedContext = ctx.GetSavedContext(SavedContextType.ReparseMarkupExtension);
PendingKeyConversionContexts.Add(parentCollection, new ObjectWriterContext(savedContext, null, null, Runtime));
return true;
return false;
private void Logic_DoAssignmentToParentProperty(ObjectWriterContext ctx)
XamlMember parentProperty = ctx.ParentProperty;
object value = ctx.CurrentInstance;
// First look to handle adds to collections.
// Collections are always in a directive of collection or dictionary type.
// oh btw PositionalParameters are the "other" collection property. :-)
XamlType ppXamlType = parentProperty.Type;
if (parentProperty.IsDirective && (ppXamlType.IsCollection || ppXamlType.IsDictionary))
if (value is NameFixupToken && parentProperty != XamlLanguage.Items)
NameFixupToken token = value as NameFixupToken;
string names = string.Join(',', token.NeededNames.ToArray());
string msg = SR.Format(SR.ForwardRefDirectives, names);
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(msg));
if (parentProperty == XamlLanguage.PositionalParameters)
ctx.CurrentType = XamlLanguage.PositionalParameterDescriptor;
ctx.CurrentInstance = new PositionalParameterDescriptor(value, false);
object parentInstance = ctx.ParentInstance;
if (parentInstance is not null)
// This checks for multi-values to single valued properties.
// <Button.Background>
// <Brush>Red</Brush>
// <Brush>Blue</Brush>
// <Brush>Green</Brush>
// </Button.Background>
if (ctx.ParentIsPropertyValueSet)
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlDuplicateMemberException(
ctx.ParentIsPropertyValueSet = true;
if (value is NameFixupToken token)
if (parentProperty.IsDirective)
// Only the key directive may be assigned a reference.
if (parentProperty != XamlLanguage.Key)
string names = string.Join(',', token.NeededNames.ToArray());
string msg = SR.Format(SR.ForwardRefDirectives, names);
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(msg));
Logic_PendKeyFixupToken(ctx, token);
Logic_PendCurrentFixupToken_SetValue(ctx, token);
XamlType parentType = ctx.ParentType;
if (!ctx.CurrentIsObjectFromMember)
Logic_ApplyPropertyValue(ctx, parentProperty, value, onParent: true);
// registered a named object
if (parentProperty == parentType.GetAliasedProperty(XamlLanguage.Name))
Logic_RegisterName_OnParent(ctx, (string)value);
if (parentProperty == XamlLanguage.Key)
ctx.ParentKey = value;
// The other aliases of Uid, Lang, don't have special processing.
else // when parentInstance == null
if (parentProperty.IsDirective)
// Base Uri must be set on the Context ASAP. It needs to be set before the
// object is constructed.
if (parentProperty == XamlLanguage.Base)
Logic_CheckBaseUri(ctx, (string)value);
ctx.BaseUri = new Uri((string)value);
if (value is NameFixupToken)
// Only the key directive may be assigned a reference.
if (parentProperty != XamlLanguage.Key)
NameFixupToken token = (NameFixupToken)value;
string names = string.Join(',', token.NeededNames.ToArray());
string msg = SR.Format(SR.ForwardRefDirectives, names);
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(msg));
Logic_PendKeyFixupToken(ctx, (NameFixupToken)value);
else if (parentProperty == XamlLanguage.Key)
ctx.ParentKey = value;
ctx.ParentPreconstructionPropertyValues.Add(parentProperty, value);
throw new XamlInternalException(SR.BadStateObjectWriter);
private void Logic_PendKeyFixupToken(ObjectWriterContext ctx, NameFixupToken token)
Debug.Assert(token.Target.Property == XamlLanguage.Key);
// Keys aren't fixups on the item itself, they're fixups on the KeyHolder that contains it
// Any changes to the Target must also update the actual ObjectWriterFrame itself as well.
token.Target.Instance = ctx.GrandParentInstance;
token.Target.InstanceType = ctx.GrandParentType;
token.Target.InstanceWasGotten = ctx.GrandParentIsObjectFromMember;
FixupTargetKeyHolder ftkh = new FixupTargetKeyHolder(token);
token.Target.KeyHolder = ftkh;
ctx.ParentKey = ftkh;
// if the grandparent instance is null, we're not in a dictionary, so the key will never be used
// so just throw it away
if (token.Target.Instance is not null)
Logic_PendCurrentFixupToken_SetValue(ctx, token);
private void Logic_RegisterName_OnCurrent(ObjectWriterContext ctx, string name)
bool isRoot = ctx.LiveDepth == 1;
RegisterName(ctx, name, ctx.CurrentInstance, ctx.CurrentType,
ctx.CurrentNameScope, ctx.ParentNameScope, isRoot);
ctx.CurrentInstanceRegisteredName = name;
private void Logic_RegisterName_OnParent(ObjectWriterContext ctx, string name)
RegisterName(ctx, name, ctx.ParentInstance, ctx.ParentType,
ctx.ParentNameScope, ctx.GrandParentNameScope, false);
ctx.ParentInstanceRegisteredName = name;
private void RegisterName(ObjectWriterContext ctx, string name,
object inst, XamlType xamlType,
XAML3.INameScope nameScope, XAML3.INameScope parentNameScope, bool isRoot)
XAML3.INameScope underlyingNameScope = nameScope;
if (nameScope is NameScopeDictionary nameScopeDict)
underlyingNameScope = nameScopeDict.UnderlyingNameScope;
// Don't register a named object on itself. Unless this is the root.
if (ReferenceEquals(underlyingNameScope, inst) && !isRoot)
// If nameScope was the instance AND it wasn't the root...
// Then use the parent name scope
nameScope = parentNameScope;
// Don't register a name for a FixupToken, that will be done when the converter is rerun
if (!(inst is NameFixupToken))
nameScope.RegisterName(name, inst);
catch (Exception ex)
if (CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(ex))
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(SR.Format(SR.NameScopeException, ex.Message), ex));
private void Logic_SetConnectionId(ObjectWriterContext ctx, int connectionId, object instance)
object rootInstance = ctx.RootInstance;
Runtime.SetConnectionId(rootInstance, connectionId, instance);
private void SetValue(object inst, XamlMember property, object value)
if (!property.IsDirective)
if (OnSetValue(inst, property, value))
Runtime.SetValue(inst, property, value);
private void Logic_ValidateXClass(ObjectWriterContext ctx, object value)
if (ctx.Depth > 1)
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(SR.Format(SR.DirectiveNotAtRoot, XamlLanguage.Class)));
if (value is not string className)
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(SR.Format(SR.DirectiveMustBeString, XamlLanguage.Class)));
object curInstance = ctx.CurrentInstance;
Type rootInstanceType = (curInstance is not null) ? curInstance.GetType() : ctx.CurrentType.UnderlyingType;
if (rootInstanceType.FullName != className)
string rootNamespace = SchemaContext.GetRootNamespace(rootInstanceType.Assembly);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootNamespace))
className = $"{rootNamespace}.{className}";
if (rootInstanceType.FullName != className)
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(SR.Format(SR.XClassMustMatchRootInstance, className, rootInstanceType.FullName)));
// =========== NameFixupToken Processing ======================
private void Logic_AddDependencyForUnresolvedChildren(ObjectWriterContext ctx,
XamlSavedContext deferredMarkupExtensionContext)
object childThatHasUnresolvedChildren = ctx.CurrentInstance;
XamlMember property = ctx.ParentProperty;
if (property is not null && property.IsDirective && ctx.ParentInstance is null && property != XamlLanguage.Key)
// The parent instance is null, so we're in a creation directives. Forward refs
// aren't allowed here.
List<string> names = new List<string>();
_nameFixupGraph.GetDependentNames(childThatHasUnresolvedChildren, names);
string namesString = string.Join(", ", names.ToArray());
throw ctx.WithLineInfo(new XamlObjectWriterException(SR.Format(SR.TransitiveForwardRefDirectives,
childThatHasUnresolvedChildren.GetType(), property, namesString)));
NameFixupToken token = GetTokenForUnresolvedChildren(
childThatHasUnresolvedChildren, property, deferredMarkupExtensionContext);
token.Target.Instance = ctx.ParentInstance;
token.Target.InstanceType = ctx.ParentType;
token.Target.InstanceWasGotten = ctx.ParentIsObjectFromMember;
Logic_PendCurrentFixupToken_SetValue(ctx, token);
private NameFixupToken GetTokenForUnresolvedChildren(object childThatHasUnresolvedChildren,
XamlMember property, XamlSavedContext deferredMarkupExtensionContext)
NameFixupToken token = new NameFixupToken();
if (deferredMarkupExtensionContext is not null)
token.FixupType = FixupType.MarkupExtensionFirstRun;
token.SavedContext = deferredMarkupExtensionContext;
token.FixupType = FixupType.UnresolvedChildren;
token.ReferencedObject = childThatHasUnresolvedChildren;
token.Target.Property = property;
return token;
private void CompleteNameReferences()
if (_nameFixupGraph is null)
// Step 1. Resolve any pending simple fixups
List<NameFixupToken> unresolvedRefs = null;
IEnumerable<NameFixupToken> simpleFixups = _nameFixupGraph.GetRemainingSimpleFixups();
foreach (NameFixupToken token in simpleFixups)
object namedObject = token.ResolveName(token.NeededNames[0]);
if (namedObject is null)
if (unresolvedRefs is null)
unresolvedRefs = new List<NameFixupToken>();
// Only process if we haven't found any unresolved references. If we have,
// we're going to throw, so no point in processing.
else if (unresolvedRefs is null)
token.ReferencedObject = namedObject;
ProcessNameFixup(token, true);
// We've resolved the reference, but the resolved object must have unresolved
// children, or else the reference wouldn't have remained unresolved until now.
// So we add an UnresolvedChildren dependency, so that we will run EndInit/ProvideValue
// as appropriate in Step 3.
_nameFixupGraph.AddEndOfParseDependency(token.ReferencedObject, token.Target);
if (unresolvedRefs is not null)
// Step 2. Run any remaining reparses
IEnumerable<NameFixupToken> reparses = _nameFixupGraph.GetRemainingReparses();
foreach (NameFixupToken token in reparses)
ProcessNameFixup(token, true);
// Add an UnresolvedChildren dependency, for the same reason as in Step 1 above
_nameFixupGraph.AddEndOfParseDependency(token.TargetContext.CurrentInstance, token.Target);
// Step 3. Run all pending ProvideValues and EndInits
IEnumerable<NameFixupToken> objectDependencies = _nameFixupGraph.GetRemainingObjectDependencies();
foreach (NameFixupToken token in objectDependencies)
ProcessNameFixup(token, true);
if (token.Target.Instance is not null &&
// Throw an exception with all the unresolved simple fixups
private void ThrowUnresolvedRefs(IEnumerable<NameFixupToken> unresolvedRefs)
StringBuilder exceptionMessage = new StringBuilder();
bool first = true;
foreach (NameFixupToken token in unresolvedRefs)
if (!first)
exceptionMessage.Append(SR.Format(SR.UnresolvedForwardReferences, token.NeededNames[0]));
if (token.LineNumber != 0)
if (token.LinePosition != 0)
exceptionMessage.Append(SR.Format(SR.LineNumberAndPosition, string.Empty, token.LineNumber, token.LinePosition));
exceptionMessage.Append(SR.Format(SR.LineNumberOnly, string.Empty, token.LineNumber));
first = false;
throw new XamlObjectWriterException(exceptionMessage.ToString());
private void TriggerNameResolution(object instance, string name)
_inNameResolution = true;
Debug.Assert(_nameFixupGraph is not null);
_nameFixupGraph.ResolveDependenciesTo(instance, name);
while (_nameFixupGraph.HasResolvedTokensPendingProcessing)
NameFixupToken token = _nameFixupGraph.GetNextResolvedTokenPendingProcessing();
ProcessNameFixup(token, false);
// If this was a named type-converted object, and it's already off the stack, then
// it lost its chance to trigger name resolution in WriteEndObject. So resolve any
// dependencies to its name now.
if (token.FixupType == FixupType.ObjectInitializationValue &&
!token.CanAssignDirectly &&
token.TargetContext.CurrentInstanceRegisteredName is not null &&
string convertedName = token.TargetContext.CurrentInstanceRegisteredName;
object convertedInstance = token.TargetContext.CurrentInstance;
_nameFixupGraph.ResolveDependenciesTo(convertedInstance, convertedName);
// If this was the last pending fixup for the parent object, then resolve any
// transitive dependencies
bool isComplete = !token.Target.InstanceIsOnTheStack &&
if (isComplete)
object completedInstance = token.Target.Instance;
string completedName = token.Target.InstanceName;
_nameFixupGraph.ResolveDependenciesTo(completedInstance, completedName);
_inNameResolution = false;
bool ICheckIfInitialized.IsFullyInitialized(object instance)
if (instance is null)
return true;
if (_context.LiveDepth > 0)
// An object is fully initialized if it's off the stack, and has no uninitialized children
if (_context.IsOnTheLiveStack(instance))
return false;
return _nameFixupGraph is null || !_nameFixupGraph.HasUnresolvedOrPendingChildren(instance);
// At the end of the parse, we start running reparses on partially initialized objects,
// and remove those dependencies. But we still want to be able to inform MEs/TCs that
// the named objects they're getting aren't actually fully initialized. So we save a list
// of incompletely initialized objects at the point we started completing references.
return _nameFixupGraph is null || !_nameFixupGraph.WasUninitializedAtEndOfParse(instance);
private void CompleteDeferredInitialization(FixupTarget target)
ExecutePendingAdds(target.InstanceType, target.Instance);
if (!target.InstanceWasGotten)
IAddLineInfo oldLineInfo = Runtime.LineInfo;
Runtime.LineInfo = target;
Runtime.InitializationGuard(target.InstanceType, target.Instance, false);
Runtime.LineInfo = oldLineInfo;
// Processes a fixup token by assigning the resolved name or rerunning converters,
// and calling EndInit if the token's target object is finally fully initialized.
private void ProcessNameFixup(NameFixupToken token, bool nameResolutionIsComplete)
Debug.Assert(token.NeededNames.Count == 0 || nameResolutionIsComplete);
IAddLineInfo oldLineInfo = Runtime.LineInfo;
Runtime.LineInfo = token;
if (token.CanAssignDirectly)
else if (token.FixupType != FixupType.UnresolvedChildren)
ProcessNameFixup_Reparse(token, nameResolutionIsComplete);
Runtime.LineInfo = oldLineInfo;
private void ProcessNameFixup_Simple(NameFixupToken token)
object value = token.ReferencedObject;
if (token.Target.Property == XamlLanguage.Key)
ProcessNameFixup_UpdatePendingAddKey(token, value);
else if (token.Target.Property == XamlLanguage.Items)
ProcessNameFixup_UpdatePendingAddItem(token, value);
SetValue(token.Target.Instance, token.Target.Property, value);
private void ProcessNameFixup_Reparse(NameFixupToken token, bool nameResolutionIsComplete)
object value = null;
var owc = token.TargetContext;
owc.NameResolutionComplete = nameResolutionIsComplete;
owc.IsInitializedCallback = this;
switch (token.FixupType)
case FixupType.MarkupExtensionFirstRun:
bool handled = Logic_ProvideValue(owc);
if (handled)
case FixupType.MarkupExtensionRerun:
// Logic_ProvideValue already ran the first time, no need to rerun it
value = Runtime.CallProvideValue((XAML3.MarkupExtension)owc.CurrentInstance, owc.ServiceProviderContext);
owc.CurrentInstance = value;
case FixupType.PropertyValue:
value = Logic_CreateFromValue(owc, owc.ParentProperty.TypeConverter, owc.CurrentInstance,
owc.ParentProperty, owc.ParentProperty.Name, token);
token.TargetContext.CurrentInstance = value;
case FixupType.ObjectInitializationValue:
if (token.TargetContext.CurrentInstanceRegisteredName is not null)
// We couldn't actually register before, because the instance hadn't been
// created by the TypeConverter. So register it now.
Logic_RegisterName_OnCurrent(token.TargetContext, token.TargetContext.CurrentInstanceRegisteredName);
if(token.Target.Property != token.TargetContext.ParentProperty)
throw new XamlInternalException("Token's Target Property '{0}' != '{1}' the Token's Context parent Property");
if (token.Target.Property == XamlLanguage.Key)
ProcessNameFixup_UpdatePendingAddKey(token, owc.CurrentInstance);
else if (token.Target.Property == XamlLanguage.Items)
ProcessNameFixup_UpdatePendingAddItem(token, owc.CurrentInstance);
else if (token.Target.Property is not null)
// This is a deferred ProvideValue at the root
Debug.Assert(token.FixupType == FixupType.MarkupExtensionFirstRun && _lastInstance == token.ReferencedObject);
_lastInstance = owc.CurrentInstance;
if (owc.CurrentInstance is NameFixupToken newToken)
// Line Info should be the same as the original token, not wherever we happen to be currently.
// Also several properties on Target (IsOnTheStack, EndInstanceLineInfo, and potentially others)
// may have been updated on the old token, copy those same updates to the new token.
newToken.Target = token.Target;
newToken.LineNumber = token.LineNumber;
newToken.LinePosition = token.LinePosition;
// Logic_DoAssignmentToParentProperty will add the dependency for the new token, but
// ProcessNameFixup_UpdatePendingAddKey/Item doesn't. So do that here.
if (token.Target.Property == XamlLanguage.Key || token.Target.Property == XamlLanguage.Items)
private void ProcessNameFixup_UpdatePendingAddKey(NameFixupToken token, object key)
if (token.Target.KeyHolder is not null)
// The KeyHolder item is still on the stack, so update the KeyHolder
Debug.Assert(token.Target.KeyHolder.Key == token);
token.Target.KeyHolder.Key = key;
// if the index is less than 0, the target's not a dictionary, so throw away the key
else if (token.Target.TemporaryCollectionIndex >= 0)
// The dictionary item is no longer on the stack, so update _pendingCollectionAdds
List<PendingCollectionAdd> pendingCollection = PendingCollectionAdds[token.Target.Instance];
PendingCollectionAdd pendingAdd = pendingCollection[token.Target.TemporaryCollectionIndex];
Debug.Assert(pendingAdd.Key == token);
pendingAdd.Key = key;
pendingAdd.KeyIsSet = true;
private void ProcessNameFixup_UpdatePendingAddItem(NameFixupToken token, object item)
List<PendingCollectionAdd> pendingCollection = PendingCollectionAdds[token.Target.Instance];
PendingCollectionAdd pendingAdd = pendingCollection[token.Target.TemporaryCollectionIndex];
Debug.Assert(pendingAdd.Item == token);
pendingAdd.Item = item;
if (!(item is NameFixupToken))
pendingAdd.ItemType = (item is not null) ? GetXamlType(item.GetType()) : null;
private void ExecutePendingAdds(XamlType instanceType, object instance)
List<PendingCollectionAdd> pendingCollection;
if (_pendingCollectionAdds is not null && PendingCollectionAdds.TryGetValue(instance, out pendingCollection))
foreach (PendingCollectionAdd pendingAdd in pendingCollection)
XamlType itemType = pendingAdd.ItemType ?? instanceType.ItemType;
IAddLineInfo oldLineInfo = Runtime.LineInfo;
Runtime.LineInfo = pendingAdd;
if (instanceType.IsDictionary)
if (!pendingAdd.KeyIsSet)
pendingAdd.Key = GetKeyFromInstance(pendingAdd.Item, itemType, pendingAdd);
pendingAdd.KeyIsSet = true;
if (pendingAdd.KeyIsUnconverted)
// If the Add of the unconverted key fails, we will need to convert the key.
ObjectWriterContext ctx = PendingKeyConversionContexts[instance];
ctx.PopScope(); // The saved context will have some dictionary item on top.
ctx.PushScope(); // Pop it and replace it with the current item.
ctx.CurrentType = itemType;
ctx.CurrentInstance = pendingAdd.Item;
ctx.CurrentKeyIsUnconverted = pendingAdd.KeyIsUnconverted;
Logic_AddToParentDictionary(ctx, pendingAdd.Key, pendingAdd.Item);
Runtime.AddToDictionary(instance, instanceType, pendingAdd.Item, itemType, pendingAdd.Key);
Runtime.Add(instance, instanceType, pendingAdd.Item, pendingAdd.ItemType);
Runtime.LineInfo = oldLineInfo;
if (_pendingKeyConversionContexts is not null && _pendingKeyConversionContexts.ContainsKey(instance))
private class PendingCollectionAdd : IAddLineInfo
public object Key { get; set; }
public bool KeyIsSet { get; set; } // Need this because key could validly be null
public bool KeyIsUnconverted { get; set; }
public object Item { get; set; }
public XamlType ItemType { get; set; } // Need this because Add() overload resolution
// is based on the SO type, which could be different
// from the actual type in case of TCs and FactoryMethods
public int LineNumber { get; set; }
public int LinePosition { get; set; }
XamlException IAddLineInfo.WithLineInfo(XamlException ex)
if (LineNumber > 0)
ex.SetLineInfo(LineNumber, LinePosition);
return ex;