File: System\Xaml\Context\ObjectWriterFrame.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\System.Xaml\System.Xaml.csproj (System.Xaml)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Xaml;
using System.Xaml.MS.Impl;
using XAML3 = System.Windows.Markup;
namespace MS.Internal.Xaml.Context
    internal class ObjectWriterFrame : XamlCommonFrame
        private ObjectWriterFrameFlags _flags;
        private Dictionary<XamlMember, object> _preconstructionPropertyValues;
        private HashSet<XamlMember> _assignedProperties;
        private object _key;
        public ObjectWriterFrame()
            : base()
        { }
        public ObjectWriterFrame(ObjectWriterFrame source)
            : base(source)
            // Calling the getter will instantiate new Dictionaries.
            // So we just check the field instead to verify that it isn't
            // being used.
            if (source._preconstructionPropertyValues != null)
                _preconstructionPropertyValues = new Dictionary<XamlMember, object>(source.PreconstructionPropertyValues);
            if (source._assignedProperties != null)
                _assignedProperties = new HashSet<XamlMember>(source.AssignedProperties);
            _key = source._key;
            _flags = source._flags;
            Instance = source.Instance;
            Collection = source.Collection;
            NameScopeDictionary = source.NameScopeDictionary;
            PositionalCtorArgs = source.PositionalCtorArgs;
            InstanceRegisteredName = source.InstanceRegisteredName;
        public override void Reset()
            _preconstructionPropertyValues = null;
            _assignedProperties = null;
            Instance = null;
            Collection = null;
            NameScopeDictionary = null;
            PositionalCtorArgs = null;
            InstanceRegisteredName = null;
            _flags = ObjectWriterFrameFlags.None;
            _key = null;
        // Must be able to clone the ObjectWriterFrame as
        // context for Templates
        public override XamlFrame Clone()
            return new ObjectWriterFrame(this);
        public override string ToString()
            string type = (XamlType == null) ? string.Empty : XamlType.Name;
            string prop = (Member == null) ? "-" : Member.Name;
            string inst = (Instance == null) ? "-" : ((Instance is string) ? Instance.ToString() : "*");
            string coll = (Collection == null) ? "-" : "*";
            string res = KS.Fmt("{0}.{1} inst={2} coll={3}",
                                 type, prop, inst, coll);
            return res;
        public object Instance { get; set; }
        public object Collection { get; set; }
        public bool WasAssignedAtCreation
            get { return GetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.WasAssignedAtCreation); }
            set { SetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.WasAssignedAtCreation, value); }
        public bool IsObjectFromMember
            get { return GetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.IsObjectFromMember); }
            set { SetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.IsObjectFromMember, value); }
        public bool IsPropertyValueSet
            get { return GetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.IsPropertyValueSet); }
            set { SetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.IsPropertyValueSet, value); }
        public bool IsKeySet
            get { return GetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.IsKeySet); }
            private set { SetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.IsKeySet, value); }
        public bool IsTypeConvertedObject
            get { return GetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.IsTypeConvertedObject); }
            set { SetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.IsTypeConvertedObject, value); }
        // The following three flags are interrelated. See XamlObjectWritr.Logic_ShouldConvertKey
        // for more details.
        public bool KeyIsUnconverted
            get { return GetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.KeyIsUnconverted); }
            set { SetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.KeyIsUnconverted, value); }
        public bool ShouldConvertChildKeys
            get { return GetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.ShouldConvertChildKeys); }
            set { SetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.ShouldConvertChildKeys, value); }
        public bool ShouldNotConvertChildKeys
            get { return GetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.ShouldNotConvertChildKeys); }
            set { SetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags.ShouldNotConvertChildKeys, value); }
        public XAML3.INameScopeDictionary NameScopeDictionary { get; set; }
        public object[] PositionalCtorArgs { get; set; }
        public object Key
                // We use a special KeyHolder in some x:Reference scenarios.
                // We need to unwrap this when returning.
                FixupTargetKeyHolder ftkh = _key as FixupTargetKeyHolder;
                if (ftkh != null)
                    return ftkh.Key;
                return _key;
                _key = value;
                IsKeySet = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// The x:Name of this.Instance.
        /// Used to trigger forward ref resolution.
        /// </summary>
        public string InstanceRegisteredName { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Collection of directives set on this object, because
        /// directives can't be stored on the object.
        /// </summary>
        public Dictionary<XamlMember, object> PreconstructionPropertyValues
                if (_preconstructionPropertyValues == null)
                    _preconstructionPropertyValues = new Dictionary<XamlMember, object>();
                return _preconstructionPropertyValues;
        public bool HasPreconstructionPropertyValuesDictionary
            get { return _preconstructionPropertyValues != null; }
        /// <summary>
        /// All Properties that are set so far.
        /// </summary>
        public HashSet<XamlMember> AssignedProperties
                if (_assignedProperties == null)
                    _assignedProperties = new HashSet<XamlMember>();
                return _assignedProperties;
        private bool GetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags flag)
            return (_flags & flag) != ObjectWriterFrameFlags.None;
        private void SetFlag(ObjectWriterFrameFlags flag, bool value)
            if (value)
                _flags = _flags | flag;
                _flags = _flags & ~flag;
        private enum ObjectWriterFrameFlags : byte
            None = 0,
            WasAssignedAtCreation = 0x01,
            IsObjectFromMember    = 0x02,
            IsPropertyValueSet    = 0x04,
            IsKeySet              = 0x08,
            IsTypeConvertedObject = 0x10,
            KeyIsUnconverted      = 0x20,
            ShouldConvertChildKeys     = 0x40,
            ShouldNotConvertChildKeys  = 0x80