// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Interop;
using MS.Utility;
using MS.Win32;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Input.StylusPlugIns;
using System.Windows.Input.Tracing;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Threading;
namespace System.Windows.Input.StylusWisp
/// <summary>
/// Implements the logic for stylus/touch operations via the WISP stack.
/// </summary>
internal class WispLogic : StylusLogic
internal WispLogic(InputManager inputManager)
Statistics.FeaturesUsed |= StylusTraceLogger.FeatureFlags.WispStackEnabled;
_inputManager = inputManager;
_inputManager.PreProcessInput += new PreProcessInputEventHandler(PreProcessInput);
_inputManager.PreNotifyInput += new NotifyInputEventHandler(PreNotifyInput);
_inputManager.PostProcessInput += new ProcessInputEventHandler(PostProcessInput);
_overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsEnabledChanged);
_overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsVisibleChanged);
_overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsHitTestVisibleChanged);
_reevaluateStylusOverDelegate = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ReevaluateStylusOverAsync);
_reevaluateStylusOverOperation = null;
_captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsEnabledChanged);
_captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsVisibleChanged);
_captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsHitTestVisibleChanged);
_reevaluateCaptureDelegate = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ReevaluateCaptureAsync);
_reevaluateCaptureOperation = null;
_shutdownHandler = new EventHandler(this.OnDispatcherShutdown);
_processDisplayChanged = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ProcessDisplayChanged);
_processDeferredMouseMove = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ProcessDeferredMouseMove);
_dlgInputManagerProcessInput = new DispatcherOperationCallback(InputManagerProcessInput);
void OnDispatcherShutdown(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_shutdownHandler != null)
_inputManager.Dispatcher.ShutdownFinished -= _shutdownHandler;
if (_tabletDeviceCollection != null)
// Clean up our state when the dispatcher exits. If a new dispatcher
// happens to be created on this thread again we'll create everything fresh.
_tabletDeviceCollection = null;
_tabletDeviceCollectionDisposed = true;
_currentStylusDevice = null; // no active stylus device any more.
// NOTE: __penContextsMap will be cleaned up by HwndSource Dispose() so we don't worry about that.
internal void ProcessSystemEvent(PenContext penContext,
int tabletDeviceId,
int stylusDeviceId,
int timestamp,
SystemGesture systemGesture,
int gestureX,
int gestureY,
int buttonState,
PresentationSource inputSource)
// We only want to process the system events we expose in the public enum
// for SystemSystemGesture. There are a bunch of other system gestures that
// can come through.
if (systemGesture == SystemGesture.Tap ||
systemGesture == SystemGesture.RightTap ||
systemGesture == SystemGesture.Drag ||
systemGesture == SystemGesture.RightDrag ||
systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoldEnter ||
systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoldLeave ||
systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoverEnter ||
systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoverLeave ||
systemGesture == SystemGesture.Flick ||
systemGesture == RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport.InternalSystemGestureDoubleTap ||
systemGesture == SystemGesture.None)
Debug.Assert(systemGesture != SystemGesture.None); // We should ever see this as input.
RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport inputReport =
new RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport(
gestureX, // location of system gesture in tablet device coordinates
buttonState); // flicks passes the flickinfo in this param
// actions: RawStylusActions.StylusSystemEvent
// on pen/RTI thread
internal void ProcessInput(
RawStylusActions actions,
PenContext penContext,
int tabletDeviceId,
int stylusDeviceId,
int[] data,
int timestamp,
PresentationSource inputSource)
RawStylusInputReport inputReport =
new RawStylusInputReport(InputMode.Foreground,
// NOTE: this is invoked on the pen thread, outside of Dispatcher
/// <summary>
/// This function will appropriately coalesce any move messages if needed
/// and will all appropriately coalesced moves and also any non-move messages.
/// This ensures both the responsiveness and consistency of the stack.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inputReport">The report to queue</param>
void CoalesceAndQueueStylusEvent(RawStylusInputReport inputReport)
StylusDeviceBase stylusDevice = inputReport?.StylusDevice?.StylusDeviceImpl;
// Due to changes both in WISP and in the underlying PenIMC code, it is possible that
// the stylus device here could be null. If this is the case, the lookups will fail
// with an exception.
if (stylusDevice == null)
// DevDiv:652804
// Previously the pen thread would blindly shove any move from Wisp onto the stylus
// queue. This is a problem if the main thread stalls but the pen thread does not.
// Wisp will coalesce data, but only if the pen thread fails to pick up the event.
// Otherwise, we need to re-implement coalescing of move events here so that we
// make move data available via GetIntermediateTouchPoints but do not flood the
// stylus queue with old moves, creating lag in user interaction. To do that we
// detect stalls in the main thread by checking if the last move has processed.
// If not, we coalesce moves together until we can queue up the coalesced events.
RawStylusInputReport lastMoveReport = null;
RawStylusInputReport coalescedMove = null;
// Multiple threads may access the coalescing information at the same time.
// We lock here to prevent that. This is a rare scenario, so the coarse
// grained lock is fine here.
lock (_coalesceLock)
_lastMovesQueued.TryGetValue(stylusDevice, out lastMoveReport);
_coalescedMoves.TryGetValue(stylusDevice, out coalescedMove);
// All moves now go through a coalesce to simplify logic
if (inputReport.Actions == RawStylusActions.Move)
// Start a new coalescing report if none exists
if (coalescedMove == null)
_coalescedMoves[stylusDevice] = inputReport;
coalescedMove = inputReport;
// Add new move to coalesced
// GetRawPacketData creates copies, so only call them once
int[] oldData = coalescedMove.GetRawPacketData();
int[] newData = inputReport.GetRawPacketData();
int[] mergedData = new int[oldData.Length + newData.Length];
oldData.CopyTo(mergedData, 0);
newData.CopyTo(mergedData, oldData.Length);
coalescedMove = new RawStylusInputReport(
StylusDevice = stylusDevice.StylusDevice
_coalescedMoves[stylusDevice] = coalescedMove;
// We can't queue any move if one is still waiting for processing
if (lastMoveReport != null
&& lastMoveReport.IsQueued)
// If we get this far, we are queuing a coalesced move if it exists
if (coalescedMove != null)
// Set last move and cleanup coalescing tracking
_lastMovesQueued[stylusDevice] = coalescedMove;
// Move always queues via coalescing, so only queue here if not a move
// This has to be done post-coalesced move to maintain order of touch
// operations
if (inputReport.Actions != RawStylusActions.Move)
// Once we see a non-move, we should get no more input for this particular chain
// so we can remove the stored prior moves (if they exist).
void ProcessInputReport(RawStylusInputReport inputReport)
// First, assign the StylusDevice (note it may still be null for new StylusDevice)
inputReport.StylusDevice = FindStylusDeviceWithLock(inputReport.StylusDeviceId)?.StylusDevice;
// Only call plugins if we are not in a drag drop operation and the HWND is enabled!
if (!_inDragDrop || !inputReport.PenContext.Contexts.IsWindowDisabled)
// Handle real time input (call StylusPlugIns)
/// <summary>
/// Queues a RawStylusInputReport for later processing on the dispatcher thread
/// </summary>
/// <param name="report"></param>
private void QueueStylusEvent(RawStylusInputReport report)
// ETW event indicating that a stylus input report was queued.
EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordInput | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf,
EventTrace.Level.Info, EventTrace.Event.StylusEventQueued, report.StylusDeviceId);
report.IsQueued = true;
// Queue up new event.
lock (_stylusEventQueueLock)
if (report.StylusDevice != null)
var tablet = report.StylusDevice.TabletDevice.As<WispTabletDevice>();
if (tablet != null)
// post the args into dispatcher queue
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, _dlgInputManagerProcessInput, null);
// this is invoked from within the Dispatcher the _inputManager is affiliated to
internal object InputManagerProcessInput(object oInput)
RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport = null;
WispTabletDevice tabletDevice = null;
// Now grab the queued up Stylus input reports and process them.
lock (_stylusEventQueueLock)
if (_queueStylusEvents.Count > 0)
rawStylusInputReport = _queueStylusEvents.Dequeue();
tabletDevice = rawStylusInputReport?.StylusDevice?.TabletDevice?.As<WispTabletDevice>();
if (tabletDevice != null)
// StylusDevice could have been disposed internally here.
// We should check StylusDevice.IsValid property.
if (rawStylusInputReport != null
&& rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice != null
&& rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.IsValid)
rawStylusInputReport.IsQueued = false;
PenContext penContext = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext;
if (tabletDevice != null
&& penContext.UpdateScreenMeasurementsPending)
bool areSizeDeltasValid = tabletDevice.AreSizeDeltasValid();
// Update screen measurements
penContext.UpdateScreenMeasurementsPending = false;
if (areSizeDeltasValid)
// Update TabletDevice.DoubleTapDelta and TabletDevice.CancelDelta if needed.
tabletDevice.UpdateSizeDeltas(penContext.StylusPointDescription, this);
// build InputReportEventArgs
InputReportEventArgs input = new InputReportEventArgs(null, rawStylusInputReport)
RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent
// Set flag to prevent reentrancy due to wisptis mouse event getting triggered
// while processing this stylus event.
_processingQueuedEvent = true;
_processingQueuedEvent = false;
return null;
internal void InputManagerProcessInputEventArgs(InputEventArgs input)
private bool DeferMouseMove(RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport)
if (!_triedDeferringMouseMove)
if (_deferredMouseMove != null)
return false; // only allow one at a time.
_deferredMouseMove = mouseInputReport;
// Now make the deferred call to the process the mouse move.
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, _processDeferredMouseMove, null);
return true;
return false;
internal object ProcessDeferredMouseMove(object oInput)
// Make sure we haven't flushed the deferred event before dispatcher version processes.
if (_deferredMouseMove != null)
// See if a stylus is now in range.
if ((CurrentStylusDevice == null || !CurrentStylusDevice.InRange))
// We are now inRange so eat this.
// See if a stylus is now in range and eat messages
// when a stylus is in range.
return null;
private void SendDeferredMouseEvent(bool sendInput)
if (sendInput)
_triedDeferringMouseMove = true; // Only reset to not try again if we don't find we are in range.
// Only send if we have valid PresentationSource and CompositionTarget.
if (_deferredMouseMove != null && _deferredMouseMove.InputSource != null &&
_deferredMouseMove.InputSource.CompositionTarget != null &&
// Process mouse move now since nothing else from stylus came through...
InputReportEventArgs mouseArgs = new InputReportEventArgs(_inputManager.PrimaryMouseDevice, _deferredMouseMove)
RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent
_deferredMouseMove = null; // Clear this out before sending.
// This will cause _lastMoveFromStylus to be set to false.
// We no longer need the ref on the cached input report.
_deferredMouseMove = null;
private void PreProcessInput(object sender, PreProcessInputEventArgs e)
if (_inputEnabled)
if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent)
InputReportEventArgs input = e.StagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs;
if (input != null && !input.Handled)
// See if we are in a DragDrop operation. If so set our internal flag
// which stops us from promoting Stylus or Mouse events!
if (_inDragDrop != _inputManager.InDragDrop)
_inDragDrop = _inputManager.InDragDrop;
// If we are going out of DragDrop then we need to re sync the mouse state
// if we have a stylus device in range (otherwise we sync on the next
// stylus coming in range).
if (!_inDragDrop && _stylusDeviceInRange)
_leavingDragDrop = true;
if (input.Report.Type == InputType.Mouse)
// If we see a non stylus mouse event (not triggered from stylus event)
if ((input.Device as StylusDevice) == null)
// And we only do work if we are enabled for stylus input (ie - have tablet devices)
// and the tablet device collection hasnt been disposed yet.
if (!_tabletDeviceCollectionDisposed && TabletDevices.Count != 0)
RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport = (RawMouseInputReport)input.Report;
RawMouseActions actions = mouseInputReport.Actions;
int mouseExtraInfo = NativeMethods.IntPtrToInt32(mouseInputReport.ExtraInformation);
bool fromWisptis = IsPromotedMouseEvent(mouseInputReport);
// Grab the stylus info if from wisptis
if (fromWisptis)
_lastMouseMoveFromStylus = true;
// Grab the current stylus Id out of the extra info.
_lastStylusDeviceId = (mouseExtraInfo & 0x000000FF);
// If mouse is getting deactivated and StylusOver is non null then force stylusover to null.
if ((actions & RawMouseActions.Deactivate) == RawMouseActions.Deactivate)
_seenRealMouseActivate = false;
if (CurrentStylusDevice != null)
PenContexts penContexts = GetPenContextsFromHwnd(mouseInputReport.InputSource);
// If we are inRange still then defer the Deactivate call till we are OutOfRange.
if (_stylusDeviceInRange && !_inDragDrop && (penContexts == null || !penContexts.IsWindowDisabled))
_mouseDeactivateInputReport = mouseInputReport;
input.Handled = true;
else if (CurrentStylusDevice.DirectlyOver != null)
MouseDevice mouseDevice = _inputManager.PrimaryMouseDevice;
if (mouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource == mouseInputReport.InputSource)
// Update over to be null when deactivating.
lock (__stylusDeviceLock)
foreach (var pair in __stylusDeviceMap)
var currentDevice = pair.Value;
if (currentDevice.DirectlyOver != null)
// Update over to be null when deactivating.
// See if we got some mouse input we need to check for consistency (not tagged from wisptis)
else if ((actions & RawMouseActions.CancelCapture) != 0)
// We need to resend this back through as coming from a stylusdevice if in range
if (CurrentStylusDevice != null && CurrentStylusDevice.InRange)
RawMouseInputReport cancelCaptureInputReport =
new RawMouseInputReport(mouseInputReport.Mode,
0, // Rest of the parameters are not used...
InputReportEventArgs args = new InputReportEventArgs(CurrentStylusDevice.StylusDevice, cancelCaptureInputReport)
RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent
// Handle the Mouse activation
else if ((actions & RawMouseActions.Activate) != 0)
// If mouse is getting Activated and we ate a Deactivate then clear the cached Deactivate.
_mouseDeactivateInputReport = null;
// We process Activate events and make sure to clear any other actions if we are resending
// this from a StylusDevice. This is so we don't get a move generated before we see the
// StylusDevice InRange event and the following StylusMove which will generate a MouseMove.
WispStylusDevice activateStylusDevice = null;
_seenRealMouseActivate = true;
// See if we need to process this event from us.
if (CurrentStylusDevice != null && CurrentStylusDevice.InRange)
activateStylusDevice = _currentStylusDevice;
else if (fromWisptis || ShouldConsiderStylusInRange(mouseInputReport))
activateStylusDevice = FindStylusDevice(_lastStylusDeviceId);
// We need to resend this as coming from a stylusdevice if in range possibly.
if (activateStylusDevice != null)
// Check to se if we have already Activated the mouse from a stylus event.
// If not then we need to let this one go through marked from us if we are in range!
if (mouseInputReport.InputSource != _inputManager.PrimaryMouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource)
Point pt;
pt = activateStylusDevice.LastMouseScreenPoint; // Use last promoted mouse location.
pt = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(pt, mouseInputReport.InputSource);
RawMouseInputReport activateInputReport =
new RawMouseInputReport(mouseInputReport.Mode,
RawMouseActions.Activate, // Only let activate happen.
InputReportEventArgs args = new InputReportEventArgs(activateStylusDevice.StylusDevice, activateInputReport)
RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent
// If stylus is active then eat this since we'll send the activate. We just cancel
// to ensure the mouse event from HwndMouseInputProvider returns that it was not handled.
// The mouse device code will not do anything with the event during PreProcessInput and
// it will not see a PreNotifyInput event for this.
// Handle moves and button presses that might be from wisptis or in conflict with our current state
else if ((actions & (RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove | RawMouseActions.QueryCursor |
RawMouseActions.Button1Press | RawMouseActions.Button1Release |
RawMouseActions.Button2Press | RawMouseActions.Button2Release)) != 0)
// If we see a mouse left down and stylus is inRange and we haven't sent a mouse down
// then send it through.
if ((actions & RawMouseActions.Button1Press) != 0 && CurrentStylusDevice != null &&
// We can only Activate the window without flashing the tray icon for it when
// we are processing an Input message. So we defer it till we see the mouse down.
HwndSource hwndSource = mouseInputReport.InputSource as HwndSource;
IntPtr hwnd = hwndSource != null ? hwndSource.Handle : IntPtr.Zero;
// If we see a stylusdown and we are not the foreground window
// and there's no capture then make sure we get activated.
// We only do this for top most windows.
if (hwnd != IntPtr.Zero &&
_inputManager.PrimaryMouseDevice.Captured != null &&
UnsafeNativeMethods.GetParent(new HandleRef(this, hwnd)) == IntPtr.Zero &&
hwnd != UnsafeNativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow())
// Check to see if this window has the WS_EX_NOACTIVATE style set, if so don't do the activation work.
int style = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowLong(new HandleRef(this, hwnd), NativeMethods.GWL_EXSTYLE);
if ((style & NativeMethods.WS_EX_NOACTIVATE) == 0)
UnsafeNativeMethods.SetForegroundWindow(new HandleRef(this, hwndSource.Handle));
// There are times we need to make sure we promote the left mouse down before we see a system gesture.
// This is when the press and hold gesture is disabled and thus we can guarentee that sending the
// left mouse down is the correct thing to do. This is critical for some controls such as repeat
// buttons since in order get them in the pressed state (and start them repeating) we have to send the
// left mouse down. Note if you go down with the stylus and don't move it past the drag tolerance no
// system gesture will be generated and the normal code to promote the mouse down will not happen otherwise.
// This code will kick in on Vista with the new support to disable the press and hold gesture per element
// (via WM_TABLE_QUERYSYSTEMGESTURESTATUS message) and also on XP and Vista if the press and hold gesture is
// disabled in the tablet control panel.
if (!_currentStylusDevice.SentMouseDown && fromWisptis && ShouldPromoteToMouse(_currentStylusDevice))
// left button down...lets replay the down at this time...
// Note: We may wait till later if stylus is not down yet!
// We will do it only when we are not manipulating and we will
// delay it if we know that manipulations are possible.
WispStylusTouchDevice touchDevice = _currentStylusDevice.TouchDevice;
if (touchDevice.PromotingToManipulation)
else if (touchDevice.PromotingToOther)
// We want to eat mouse messages with the wisptis injected signature except
// if the MouseDevice is getting activated or deactivated by it (filtered out
// above). We also want to eat any spurious mouse events recieved between the
// stylus down and the stylus system gesture getting fired.
if (fromWisptis)
// eat mouse messages generated by stylus;
// these will be handled off the stylus event stream and promoted to a mouse input event
bool handled = true;
// If the mouse is captured we need to validate that the mouse location
// is actually inside the client area (we will only see those wisptis
// events and can thus eat this one).
Point ptMouse = new Point(mouseInputReport.X, mouseInputReport.Y);
bool stylusIsDown = (CurrentStylusDevice != null) ? !CurrentStylusDevice.InAir : false;
if (!stylusIsDown && Mouse.Captured != null && !InWindowClientRect(ptMouse, mouseInputReport.InputSource))
handled = false;
// If the input has been marked as Handled, we want it to be cancelled at PreProcess stage.
if (handled)
// We can't mark left and right mouse buttons as handled since it will stop the
// DefWindowProc from being processed but we Cancel it which stops mouse from processing
// it. Move's though we need to eat.
if ((actions & (RawMouseActions.Button1Press | RawMouseActions.Button2Press)) == 0)
input.Handled = true;
// If the stylus is in the up state when we see a mouse down then just note that we've
// seen the mouse left down and wanted to send it but the stylus down
// has not been seen yet so we can't. When we see the stylus down later we'll promote
// the left mouse down after processing the stylus down.
if ((actions & RawMouseActions.Button1Press) != 0 && CurrentStylusDevice != null &&
// Only try to process stylus events on wisptis generated mouse events and
// make sure we don't re-enter ourselves.
if (!_processingQueuedEvent)
// Make sure we process any pending Stylus Input before this mouse event.
bool cancelMouseEvent = false;
bool markHandled = true;
// If Stylus is in range then it will be driving the mouse. Ignore any mouse input.
if (_stylusDeviceInRange)
cancelMouseEvent = true;
// We can't mark left and right mouse buttons as handled since it will stop the
// DefWindowProc from being processed but we Cancel it which stops mouse from processing
// it. Move's though we need to eat.
if ((actions & (RawMouseActions.Button1Press | RawMouseActions.Button2Press)) == 0)
markHandled = false;
// If we see only a mouse move related action while the stylus is in range then
// eat it or try to defer it if not currently in range to see if we come into range.
else if ((actions & ~(RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove | RawMouseActions.QueryCursor)) == 0)
if (DeferMouseMove(mouseInputReport))
cancelMouseEvent = true;
// If we now think we're going in range then eat this mouse event
if (_lastMouseMoveFromStylus && ShouldConsiderStylusInRange(mouseInputReport))
SendDeferredMouseEvent(false); // Make sure we clear any deferred mouse events now.
cancelMouseEvent = true;
// We're now allowing this mouse event (and deferred one) to be processed...
// It's a Synchronize that we are letting through so set stylus was not last move anymore.
_lastMouseMoveFromStylus = false;
// See if we are dealing with a second mouse event,
// if so force the original one it to be processed first.
if (!_triedDeferringMouseMove)
// CurrentStylusDevice is not in range and we're seeeing mouse messages
// that are not from wisptis, time to set IsStylusOver to null
if (CurrentStylusDevice != null)
// No current stylus device anymore either.
SelectStylusDevice(null, null, true);
// If we see a down and have a cached move then let them both go through
// We see a mouse button 1 or 2 down/up. If we have a cache then dump it and mark that we've
// seen mouse input.
_lastMouseMoveFromStylus = false;
// CurrentStylusDevice is not in range and we're seeeing mouse messages
// that are not from wisptis, time to set IsStylusOver to null
if (CurrentStylusDevice != null)
// No current stylus device anymore either.
SelectStylusDevice(null, null, true);
// See if we wanted to eat this mouse event...
if (cancelMouseEvent)
e.Cancel(); // abort this input
if (markHandled)
input.Handled = true; // We also don't want MouseDevice processing this.
// Some other real mouse only generated event came through...
// Make sure it's only the ones we know should come through.
Debug.Assert((actions & ~(RawMouseActions.Button3Press | RawMouseActions.Button3Release |
RawMouseActions.Button4Press | RawMouseActions.Button4Release |
RawMouseActions.Button5Press | RawMouseActions.Button5Release |
RawMouseActions.VerticalWheelRotate |
RawMouseActions.HorizontalWheelRotate)) == 0);
// If we are not in range then make sure we update our state.
// Otherwise we just let this event go through to the MouseDevice.
if (!_stylusDeviceInRange)
// We are letting this move through so set stylus was not last move anymore.
_lastMouseMoveFromStylus = false;
// Dump cache!
// CurrentStylusDevice is not in range and we're seeeing mouse messages
// that are not from wisptis, time to set IsStylusOver to null
if (CurrentStylusDevice != null)
// We now don't have a current stylus device.
SelectStylusDevice(null, null, true);
// Make sure to dump the cached mouse event if we are in
// range to make sure this mouse event is at the right spot!
_lastMouseMoveFromStylus = false;
// This event is marked as coming from a StylusDevice so make sure we update flag that we saw mouse event from stylus.
_lastMouseMoveFromStylus = true;
RawMouseInputReport rawMouseInputReport = (RawMouseInputReport)input.Report;
StylusDevice stylusDevice = ((StylusDevice)input.Device);
if (!stylusDevice.InRange && rawMouseInputReport._isSynchronize)
// eat this one because it is from an activate.
input.Handled = true;
else if (input.Report.Type == InputType.Stylus)
RawStylusInputReport stylusInputReport = (RawStylusInputReport)input.Report;
WispStylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusInputReport?.StylusDevice?.As<WispStylusDevice>(); // RTI sets this if it finds StylusDevice based on Id.
bool cancelInput = true; // Only process if we see we have valid input data.
if (stylusInputReport.InputSource != null && stylusInputReport.PenContext != null)
if (stylusDevice == null)
// look up stylus device, select it in the Stylus, and claim input for it
stylusDevice = FindStylusDevice(stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId);
// Try refreshing tablets if we failed to find this stylus device.
if (stylusDevice == null)
stylusDevice = WispTabletDevices.UpdateStylusDevices(
stylusInputReport.StylusDevice = stylusDevice.StylusDevice; // update stylusdevice.
_triedDeferringMouseMove = false; // reset anytime we see stylus input.
// See if this is the special InRange input report that we use to track queued inrange
// events so that we can better filter out bogus mouse input.
if (stylusInputReport.Actions == RawStylusActions.InRange && stylusInputReport.Data == null)
input.Handled = true;
_lastInRangeTime = Environment.TickCount;
// See if this is the special DoubleTap Gesture input report. We use this
// event to know when we won't get the tap or drag gesture while the stylus
// is down. This allows us to detect and generate the Drag gesture on our own.
if (stylusInputReport.Actions == RawStylusActions.SystemGesture && stylusDevice != null)
RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport systemGestureReport = (RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport)stylusInputReport;
if (systemGestureReport.SystemGesture == RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport.InternalSystemGestureDoubleTap)
stylusDevice.SeenDoubleTapGesture = true;
input.Handled = true;
if (stylusDevice != null && IsValidStylusAction(stylusInputReport))
cancelInput = false; // We can process this event - don't cancel!
// See if a static gesture can be generated
WispTabletDevice tabletDevice = stylusDevice.TabletDevice?.As<WispTabletDevice>();
if (tabletDevice != null)
SystemGesture? systemGesture = tabletDevice.GenerateStaticGesture(stylusInputReport);
if (systemGesture != null)
GenerateGesture(stylusInputReport, systemGesture.Value);
// See if we need to generate a tap gesture.
if (stylusInputReport.Actions == RawStylusActions.Up)
if (!stylusDevice.GestureWasFired)
GenerateGesture(stylusInputReport, stylusDevice.LastTapBarrelDown ? SystemGesture.RightTap : SystemGesture.Tap);
if (!_inDragDrop && !stylusInputReport.PenContext.Contexts.IsWindowDisabled)
// We need to process a MouseMove before promoting a MouseUp (in PromoteMainToMouse)
// since the stylus updates the button states for mouse to up then.
// Note: The Stylus Up is at the same location as the last stylus move so this is OK to do here.
ProcessMouseMove(stylusDevice, stylusInputReport.Timestamp, false);
input.Device = stylusDevice.StylusDevice;
if (cancelInput)
e.Cancel(); // Don't process this bogus event any further.
private void PreNotifyInput(object sender, NotifyInputEventArgs e)
if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent)
InputReportEventArgs inputReportEventArgs = e.StagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs;
if (!inputReportEventArgs.Handled && inputReportEventArgs.Report.Type == InputType.Stylus)
RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport = (RawStylusInputReport)inputReportEventArgs.Report;
WispStylusDevice stylusDevice = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice?.As<WispStylusDevice>();
// StylusDevice could have been disposed internally here.
if (stylusDevice?.IsValid ?? false)
// update stylus device state (unless this is exclusively system gesture or
// in-range/out-of-range event - which don't carry much info)
switch (rawStylusInputReport.Actions)
case RawStylusActions.SystemGesture:
case RawStylusActions.OutOfRange:
_lastInRangeTime = Environment.TickCount;
stylusDevice.UpdateInRange(false, rawStylusInputReport.PenContext);
case RawStylusActions.InRange:
_lastInRangeTime = Environment.TickCount;
stylusDevice.UpdateInRange(true, rawStylusInputReport.PenContext);
default: // InAirMove, Down, Move, Up go through here.
// Can only update Over state if not in a DragDrop operation!!
if (!_inDragDrop && !rawStylusInputReport.PenContext.Contexts.IsWindowDisabled && !stylusDevice.IgnoreStroke)
Point position = stylusDevice.GetRawPosition(null);
position = DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(stylusDevice.CriticalActiveSource, position); // change back to device coords.
IInputElement target = stylusDevice.FindTarget(stylusDevice.CriticalActiveSource, position);
SelectStylusDevice(stylusDevice, target, true);
SelectStylusDevice(stylusDevice, null, false); // don't update over.
// If this is a stylus down and we don't have a valid target then the stylus went down
// on the wrong window (a transparent window handling bug in wisptis). In this case
// we want to ignore all stylus input until after the next stylus up.
if (rawStylusInputReport.Actions == RawStylusActions.Down && stylusDevice.Target == null)
stylusDevice.IgnoreStroke = true;
// Tell the InputManager that the MostRecentDevice is us.
_inputManager.MostRecentInputDevice = stylusDevice.StylusDevice;
// Verify that we sent the real time stylus events to the proper plugincollection.
// During the PreviewStylusDown event, we update the tap count, if there are
// multiple "quick" taps in approximately the "same" location (as defined
// by the hosting environment, aka the registry).
if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent)
StylusEventArgs stylusDownEventArgs = e.StagingItem.Input as StylusDownEventArgs;
WispStylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusDownEventArgs.StylusDeviceImpl.As<WispStylusDevice>();
if (stylusDevice != null && stylusDevice.IsValid)
Point ptClient = stylusDevice.GetRawPosition(null);
WispTabletDevice tabletDevice = stylusDevice.TabletDevice.As<WispTabletDevice>();
// determine barrel state...
bool bBarrelPressed = false;
int barrelPos =
if (barrelPos != -1
&& stylusDevice.StylusButtons[barrelPos].StylusButtonState == StylusButtonState.Down)
bBarrelPressed = true;
Point pPixelPoint = DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(stylusDevice.CriticalActiveSource, ptClient);
Point pLastPixelPoint = DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(stylusDevice.CriticalActiveSource, stylusDevice.LastTapPoint);
// How long since the last click? (deals with tickcount wrapping too)
// Here's some info on how this works...
// int.MaxValue - int.MinValue = -1 (subtracting any negative # from MaxValue keeps this negative)
// int.MinValue - int.MaxValue = 1 (subtracting any positive # from MinValue keeps this positive)
// So as the values get farther apart from MaxInt and MinInt the difference grows which is what we want.
// We use Abs to ensure if we get older time coming through here (not expected) we'll do better
// at filtering it out if delta is greater than the double tap time. We should always see
// MinInt - MaxInt which will produce a positive number when wrapping happens.
int timeSpan = Math.Abs(unchecked(stylusDownEventArgs.Timestamp - stylusDevice.LastTapTime));
// Is the delta coordinates of this tap close enough to the last tap?
Size doubleTapSize = tabletDevice.DoubleTapSize;
bool isSameSpot = (Math.Abs(pPixelPoint.X - pLastPixelPoint.X) < doubleTapSize.Width) &&
(Math.Abs(pPixelPoint.Y - pLastPixelPoint.Y) < doubleTapSize.Height);
// Now check everything to see if this is a multi-click.
if (timeSpan < DoubleTapDeltaTime
&& isSameSpot
&& (bBarrelPressed == stylusDevice.LastTapBarrelDown))
// Yes, increment the count
// No, not a multi-click, reset everything.
stylusDevice.TapCount = 1;
stylusDevice.LastTapPoint = new Point(ptClient.X, ptClient.Y);
stylusDevice.LastTapTime = stylusDownEventArgs.Timestamp;
stylusDevice.LastTapBarrelDown = bBarrelPressed;
// DevDiv:1135009
// When the touch stack is enabled, it eats all promoted Win32/Wisp mouse input
// in favor of its own input (and generated mouse events). This does not stop
// Windows messages from arriving into the mouse stack. In the case where Windows
// promotes a touch down into a mouse move/click, the mouse stack will record a
// last location for the mouse. The touch down will also record the same location
// and use that to replay a mouse move into the mouse input stack. If the mouse
// was previously outside of the WPF window and the window was not activated, the
// mouse will have a null mouseover object. When WPF replays this move, there will
// be no hit test as the mouse stack will compare the previous hardware point with
// the point sent in by the simulated move and see no change has occured. Therefore,
// the generated click message from the touch stack will not forward to any object
// and no capture will be enabled for the mouse. This means that if the mouse/stylus
// has been used to touch outside of a WPF window (and deactivate the window), there
// will be no click raised if the next touch down occurs on a button in the deactivated
// WPF window. To fix this issue, we force a synchronization (and therefore a global
// hit test) on the preview touch down in order to make sure the mouseover has been
// properly updated by the time a move/click message has been generated by the touch stack.
// Make sure to update the mouse location on stylus down.
ProcessMouseMove(stylusDevice, stylusDownEventArgs.Timestamp, true);
private void PostProcessInput(object sender, ProcessInputEventArgs e)
//only sync with mouse capture if we're enabled, or else there are no tablet devices
//hence no input. We have to work around this because getting the
//Tablet.TabletDevices will load Penimc.dll.
if (_inputEnabled)
// Watch the LostMouseCapture and GotMouseCapture events to keep stylus capture in sync.
if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent ||
e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.GotMouseCaptureEvent)
var mouseStylusDevice = Mouse.PrimaryDevice.StylusDevice;
// Make sure mouse and stylus capture is the same.
foreach (TabletDevice tabletDevice in TabletDevices)
foreach (StylusDevice stylusDevice in tabletDevice.StylusDevices)
if (stylusDevice == mouseStylusDevice)
// We use the Mouse device state for each call just in case we
// get reentered in the middle of changing so when we continue
// we'll use the current mouse capture state (which should NOP).
stylusDevice.Capture(Mouse.Captured, Mouse.CapturedMode);
if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == InputManager.InputReportEvent)
InputReportEventArgs input = e.StagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs;
if (!input.Handled && input.Report.Type == InputType.Stylus)
RawStylusInputReport report = (RawStylusInputReport)input.Report;
WispStylusDevice stylusDevice = report.StylusDevice.As<WispStylusDevice>();
if (!_inDragDrop)
// Only promote if the window is enabled!
if (!report.PenContext.Contexts.IsWindowDisabled)
PromoteRawToPreview(report, e);
// Need to reset this flag at the end of StylusUp processing.
if (report.Actions == RawStylusActions.Up)
stylusDevice.IgnoreStroke = false;
// We don't want to send input messages to a disabled window, but if this
// is a StylusUp action then we need to make sure that the device knows it
// is no longer active. If we don't do this, we will incorrectly think this
// device is still active, and so therefore no other touch input will be
// considered "primary" input, causing it to be ignored for most actions
// (like button clicks). (DevDiv2 520639)
if ((report.Actions & RawStylusActions.Up) != 0 && stylusDevice != null)
// A StylusUp to a deactivated window for a pure stylus device (pen, etc)
// could leave the StylusDevice in a bad state since we will never promote
// from raw and run the code to reset (Preview to Main promotion). As such
// we should reset state here similarly to what we do for TouchDevice. This
// allows for proper mouse state tracking in the StylusDevice in the future.
WispStylusTouchDevice touchDevice = stylusDevice.TouchDevice;
// Don't try to deactivate if the device isn't active. This can happen if
// the window was disabled for the touch-down as well, in which case we
// never activated the device and therefore don't need to deactivate it.
if (touchDevice.IsActive)
// Previously, lifting a StylusDevice that was not the CurrentMousePromotionStylusDevice
// during a multi-touch down drag/drop would ignore the Up for that device. This was
// resulting in an invalid active devices count in StylusTouchDevice, causing subsequent
// touch interactions to never mouse promote and leaving the stack in an invalid state.
// To fix this, deactivate for stylus device up received during a drag/drop as long as they
// do not originate with the CurrentMousePromotionStylusDevice (which is the device for the
// drag/drop operation).
if (stylusDevice != null
&& stylusDevice != CurrentMousePromotionStylusDevice
&& ((report.Actions & RawStylusActions.Up) != 0))
WispStylusTouchDevice touchDevice = stylusDevice.TouchDevice;
// Don't try to deactivate if the device isn't active. This can happen if
// the window was disabled for the touch-down as well, in which case we
// never activated the device and therefore don't need to deactivate it.
if (touchDevice.IsActive)
// If we are processing an OutOfRange event then see if we need to update the over state.
// We need to update it if mouse is already outside the window (MouseDevice.DirectlyOver
// is null) since if it has already seen the WM_MOUSELEAVE we'll never update out over
// state properly. If the WM_MOUSELEAVE comes in after we see the OutOfRange then the
// code at the end of PreProcessInput will deal that case properly.
if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent)
RawMouseInputReport mouseDeactivateInputReport = _mouseDeactivateInputReport;
_mouseDeactivateInputReport = null;
StylusEventArgs eventArgsOutOfRange = (StylusEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input;
// See if we need to set the Mouse Activate flag.
PresentationSource mouseSource = _inputManager.PrimaryMouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource;
// See if we need to change the stylus over state state and send a mouse deactivate.
// We send the cached Deactivate through if we saw mouse deactivate before out of range event
// *or* for a quick move with the stylus over a window we may not even see any win32 mouse events
// so in that case we also need to deactivate the mouse since we were the ones that activated it.
if (mouseDeactivateInputReport != null || (!_seenRealMouseActivate && mouseSource != null))
WispStylusDevice stylusDevice = eventArgsOutOfRange.StylusDeviceImpl.As<WispStylusDevice>();
// First update the StylusDevice DirectlyOver to null if the mouse device saw a Deactivate (means
// the mouse left the window) or if it never saw a real activate (stylus mouse promotion
// caused it to be active).
// Now send the mouse deactivate
RawMouseInputReport newMouseInputReport = mouseDeactivateInputReport != null ?
new RawMouseInputReport(
eventArgsOutOfRange.Timestamp, // updated time
mouseDeactivateInputReport.ExtraInformation) :
new RawMouseInputReport(
eventArgsOutOfRange.Timestamp, // updated time
InputReportEventArgs actionsArgs = new InputReportEventArgs(stylusDevice.StylusDevice, newMouseInputReport)
RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent
// Deal with sending mouse events to the plugins.
// NOTE: We want to do this after the mousedevice has sent it's click through
// events (PreviewMouseDownOutsideCapturedElementEvent/PreviewMouseUpOutsideCapturedElementEvent)
// and PreviewMouse events so that we can route more accurately to where the Mouse events will
// actually get routed.
// See if we need to generate a drag gesture.
if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent)
StylusEventArgs stylusMove = (StylusEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input;
WispStylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusMove.StylusDeviceImpl.As<WispStylusDevice>();
if (stylusDevice.SeenDoubleTapGesture && !stylusDevice.GestureWasFired &&
GenerateGesture(stylusMove.InputReport, SystemGesture.Drag);
// Process the flick scroll up/down system gesture now.
if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent)
StylusSystemGestureEventArgs stylusSystemGesture = (StylusSystemGestureEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input;
if (stylusSystemGesture.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.Flick)
HandleFlick(stylusSystemGesture.ButtonState, stylusSystemGesture.StylusDevice.DirectlyOver);
// DevDiv:1078901
// As per discussions with the Wisp dev team on 1/14/15 (aliases mikkid, xiaotu, kmenon) we confirmed
// that an out of range should be the last event for any given set of stylus device input and therefore
// the last event for any given tablet device (if this is the last stylus point for the device). When
// we see the last out of range for the stylus device (and there is no more pending input), we can be
// sure the input stack no longer needs a tablet and can dispose it immediately if previously deferred.
// Due to stylus events being fed from a different pen thread, it is possible that another stylus event
// will enter the queue between the disposal check and the actual dispose. This is not an issue as the
// input loop is guarded against disposed tablets and the guard and this dispose are synchronous. The
// act of missing a set of messages is also acceptable as we will discard whole in-range to out of range
// sets and it will be as if that entire input set had not occured. This is fine in our disconnect
// scenario as the user experience will be consistent.
if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent)
var stylusArgs = e.StagingItem.Input as StylusEventArgs;
WispTabletDevice tabletDevice = stylusArgs?.StylusDeviceImpl?.TabletDevice.As<WispTabletDevice>();
if (tabletDevice.IsDisposalPending && tabletDevice.CanDispose)
// Update all tablets to sweep for tablets that can now be disposed
void PromoteRawToPreview(RawStylusInputReport report, ProcessInputEventArgs e)
RoutedEvent routedEvent = StylusLogic.GetPreviewEventFromRawStylusActions(report.Actions);
if (routedEvent != null && report.StylusDevice != null && !report.StylusDevice.As<WispStylusDevice>().IgnoreStroke)
StylusEventArgs args;
if (routedEvent != Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent)
if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent)
args = new StylusDownEventArgs(report.StylusDevice, report.Timestamp);
args = new StylusEventArgs(report.StylusDevice, report.Timestamp);
RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport reportSg = (RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport)report;
args = new StylusSystemGestureEventArgs(report.StylusDevice,
args.InputReport = report;
args.RoutedEvent = routedEvent;
e.PushInput(args, e.StagingItem);
void PromotePreviewToMain(ProcessInputEventArgs e)
if (!e.StagingItem.Input.Handled)
RoutedEvent eventMain = StylusLogic.GetMainEventFromPreviewEvent(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent);
if (eventMain != null)
StylusEventArgs eventArgsPreview = (StylusEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input;
StylusDevice stylusDevice = eventArgsPreview.InputReport.StylusDevice;
StylusEventArgs eventArgsMain;
if (eventMain == Stylus.StylusDownEvent ||
eventMain == Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent)
StylusDownEventArgs downEventArgsPreview = (StylusDownEventArgs)eventArgsPreview;
eventArgsMain = new StylusDownEventArgs(stylusDevice, eventArgsPreview.Timestamp);
else if (eventMain == Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent ||
eventMain == Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent)
StylusButtonEventArgs buttonEventArgsPreview = (StylusButtonEventArgs)eventArgsPreview;
eventArgsMain = new StylusButtonEventArgs(stylusDevice, eventArgsPreview.Timestamp, buttonEventArgsPreview.StylusButton);
else if (eventMain != Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent)
eventArgsMain = new StylusEventArgs(stylusDevice, eventArgsPreview.Timestamp);
StylusSystemGestureEventArgs previewSystemGesture = (StylusSystemGestureEventArgs)eventArgsPreview;
eventArgsMain = new StylusSystemGestureEventArgs(stylusDevice,
eventArgsMain.InputReport = eventArgsPreview.InputReport;
eventArgsMain.RoutedEvent = eventMain;
e.PushInput(eventArgsMain, e.StagingItem);
// A TouchDevice is activated before TouchDown and deactivated after TouchUp
// But if PreviewStylusUp event is handled by the user, it will
// never be promoted to TouchUp event leaving the TouchDevice in inconsistent
// active state. Hence deactivating touch device if it is active.
StylusEventArgs stylusEventArgs = e.StagingItem.Input as StylusEventArgs;
if (stylusEventArgs?.RoutedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent &&
private void PromoteMainToOther(ProcessInputEventArgs e)
StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem = e.StagingItem;
StylusEventArgs stylusEventArgs = stagingItem.Input as StylusEventArgs;
if (stylusEventArgs == null)
WispStylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusEventArgs.StylusDeviceImpl.As<WispStylusDevice>();
WispStylusTouchDevice touchDevice = stylusDevice.TouchDevice;
bool shouldPromoteToMouse = ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice);
if (IsTouchPromotionEvent(stylusEventArgs))
if (e.StagingItem.Input.Handled)
// A TouchDevice is activated before TouchDown and deactivated after TouchUp
// But if StylusUp event is handled by the user, it will
// never be promoted to TouchUp event leaving the TouchDevice in inconsistent
// active state. Hence deactivating touch device if it is active.
if (stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusUpEvent &&
// This event is to also route as a Touch event.
// PromoteMainToMouse will eventually see the resulting
// touch event when it finishes and promote to mouse.
PromoteMainToTouch(e, stylusEventArgs);
else if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent)
// Promote stylus system gesture to mouse if needed or
// store them if it cannot be determined that we are manipulating
// at this stage.
if (shouldPromoteToMouse)
if (touchDevice.PromotingToManipulation)
else if (touchDevice.PromotingToOther)
else if (shouldPromoteToMouse && touchDevice.PromotingToOther)
// This is not a touch event, go to mouse
private static bool IsTouchPromotionEvent(StylusEventArgs stylusEventArgs)
if (stylusEventArgs != null)
RoutedEvent routedEvent = stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent;
return (IsTouchStylusDevice(stylusEventArgs.StylusDeviceImpl.As<WispStylusDevice>()) &&
(routedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent ||
routedEvent == Stylus.StylusDownEvent ||
routedEvent == Stylus.StylusUpEvent));
return false;
private static bool IsTouchStylusDevice(WispStylusDevice stylusDevice)
return (stylusDevice != null && stylusDevice.TabletDevice != null &&
stylusDevice.TabletDevice.Type == TabletDeviceType.Touch);
private void PromoteMainToTouch(ProcessInputEventArgs e, StylusEventArgs stylusEventArgs)
WispStylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusEventArgs.StylusDeviceImpl.As<WispStylusDevice>();
if (stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent)
PromoteMainMoveToTouch(stylusDevice, e.StagingItem);
else if (stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusDownEvent)
PromoteMainDownToTouch(stylusDevice, e.StagingItem);
else if (stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusUpEvent)
PromoteMainUpToTouch(stylusDevice, e.StagingItem);
private void PromoteMainDownToTouch(WispStylusDevice stylusDevice, StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem)
WispStylusTouchDevice touchDevice = stylusDevice.TouchDevice;
if (touchDevice.IsActive)
// Deactivate and end the previous cycle if already active
bool shouldPromoteToMouse = ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice);
if (!touchDevice.OnDown() && shouldPromoteToMouse)
if (touchDevice.PromotingToManipulation)
else if (touchDevice.PromotingToOther)
private void PromoteMainMoveToTouch(WispStylusDevice stylusDevice, StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem)
WispStylusTouchDevice touchDevice = stylusDevice.TouchDevice;
bool shouldPromoteToMouse = ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice);
if (touchDevice.IsActive)
if (!touchDevice.OnMove() && shouldPromoteToMouse)
if (touchDevice.PromotingToManipulation)
StagingAreaInputItemList storedStagingItems = touchDevice.StoredStagingAreaItems;
int stagingItemCount = storedStagingItems.Count;
if (stagingItemCount > 0 &&
storedStagingItems[stagingItemCount - 1].Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent)
storedStagingItems[stagingItemCount - 1] = stagingItem;
else if (touchDevice.PromotingToOther)
else if (shouldPromoteToMouse)
private void PromoteMainUpToTouch(WispStylusDevice stylusDevice, StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem)
WispStylusTouchDevice touchDevice = stylusDevice.TouchDevice;
bool shouldPromoteToMouse = ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice);
if (touchDevice.IsActive)
bool promotingToOther = touchDevice.PromotingToOther;
// PromoteMainToMouse is an outbound call that may have a nested message pump.
// Hence deactivate the touch device before calling it incase it
// turns out to be a blocking call.
if (touchDevice.IsActive) // OnUp may also pump messages and deactivate the touch device
// Promote Up to Mouse if mouse left/right button is
// pressed, even if TouchUp event is handled. This is such
// that we dont leave mouse in an inconsistent pressed state.
// Also promote if this is the first Up after leaving drag/drop,
// to reset the state of tracking Moves
if (shouldPromoteToMouse && promotingToOther &&
(_mouseLeftButtonState == MouseButtonState.Pressed ||
_mouseRightButtonState == MouseButtonState.Pressed ||
else if (shouldPromoteToMouse)
_leavingDragDrop = false;
internal void PromoteStoredItemsToMouse(WispStylusTouchDevice touchDevice)
if (!ShouldPromoteToMouse(touchDevice.StylusDevice.As<WispStylusDevice>()))
int count = touchDevice.StoredStagingAreaItems.Count;
if (count > 0)
// copy the staging items, to avoid re-entrancy problems
StagingAreaInputItemList list = touchDevice.StoredStagingAreaItems;
StagingAreaInputItem[] storedItems = new StagingAreaInputItem[count];
list.CopyTo(storedItems, 0);
// if the list's version changes during the loop, abandon the remaining
// items. This means input arrived re-entrantly.
long version = list.IncrementVersion();
for (int i = 0; i < count && version == list.Version; i++)
// A stored item could be a Stylus input staging item queued to be promoted to mouse
// OR a raw mouse input report staging item for Button1Press delayed from
// StylusLogic.PreProcessInput. If this staging item is of such a raw mouse
// input report call StylusDevice's PlaybackCachedDownInputReport OR else
// call PromoteMainToMouse method.
StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem = storedItems[i];
InputReportEventArgs inputReportArgs = stagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs;
if (inputReportArgs != null &&
inputReportArgs.Report.Type == InputType.Mouse &&
!(inputReportArgs.Device is StylusDevice))
private bool ShouldPromoteToMouse(WispStylusDevice stylusDevice)
if (CurrentMousePromotionStylusDevice == null ||
CurrentMousePromotionStylusDevice == stylusDevice)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// The stylusdevice object which should promote to mouse.
/// Should promote to mouse if this is null.
/// This could also a dummy object to avoid promotion at all.
/// </summary>
internal object CurrentMousePromotionStylusDevice
private void PromoteMainToMouse(StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem)
if (!stagingItem.Input.Handled)
StylusEventArgs stylusArgs = stagingItem.Input as StylusEventArgs;
if (stylusArgs != null)
WispStylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusArgs.StylusDevice.As<WispStylusDevice>();
// We only want to promote to mouse when we actually have real stylus input.
if (stylusDevice != null)
Debug.Assert(ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice) && stylusDevice.TouchDevice.PromotingToOther);
if (IgnoreGestureToMousePromotion(stylusArgs as StylusSystemGestureEventArgs, stylusDevice.TouchDevice))
RawMouseActions actions = stylusDevice.GetMouseActionsFromStylusEventAndPlaybackCachedDown(stagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent, stylusArgs);
if (actions != RawMouseActions.None)
PresentationSource mouseInputSource = stylusDevice.GetMousePresentationSource();
if (mouseInputSource != null)
Point pt = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(stylusDevice.LastMouseScreenPoint, mouseInputSource);
// DevDivVSO:153798
// Mouse move coalescing code has been removed from this function. This used to be needed
// since all touch moves were added to the stylus queue. Now that touch moves are themselves
// coalesced, this was wrongly cutting down all touch move to mouse move promotions by a third
// or so. This results in a poor experience for anyone relying on mouse move promotions instead
// of straight touch events.
// See if we need to set the Mouse Activate flag.
if (_inputManager.PrimaryMouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource != mouseInputSource)
actions |= RawMouseActions.Activate;
RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport = new RawMouseInputReport(
InputMode.Foreground, stylusArgs.Timestamp, mouseInputSource,
actions, (int)pt.X, (int)pt.Y, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
InputReportEventArgs inputReportArgs = new InputReportEventArgs(stylusDevice.StylusDevice, mouseInputReport)
RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent
private bool IgnoreGestureToMousePromotion(StylusSystemGestureEventArgs gestureArgs, WispStylusTouchDevice touchDevice)
if (gestureArgs != null && touchDevice.DownHandled)
// If touchDevice's down event is already handled
// and if this gesture is a candidate for mouse
// left button down promotion, then such a
// promotion should be ignored.
SystemGesture gesture = gestureArgs.SystemGesture;
if (gesture == SystemGesture.Tap ||
gesture == SystemGesture.Drag)
return true;
return false;
void CallPlugInsForMouse(ProcessInputEventArgs e)
if (!e.StagingItem.Input.Handled)
// if we see a preview mouse event that is not generated by a stylus
// then send on to plugin
if ((e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent) &&
(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent) &&
(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent) &&
(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != InputManager.InputReportEvent))
// record the mouse capture for later reference..
MouseDevice mouseDevice;
PresentationSource source;
bool leftButtonDown;
bool rightButtonDown;
RawStylusActions stylusActions = RawStylusActions.None;
int timestamp;
// See if we need to deal sending a leave due to this PresentationSource being Deactivated
// If not then we just return and do nothing.
if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == InputManager.InputReportEvent)
if (_activeMousePlugInCollection == null || _activeMousePlugInCollection.Element == null)
InputReportEventArgs input = e.StagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs;
if (input.Report.Type != InputType.Mouse)
RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport = (RawMouseInputReport)input.Report;
if ((mouseInputReport.Actions & RawMouseActions.Deactivate) != RawMouseActions.Deactivate)
mouseDevice = _inputManager.PrimaryMouseDevice;
// Mouse set directly over to null when truly deactivating.
if (mouseDevice == null || mouseDevice.DirectlyOver != null)
leftButtonDown = mouseDevice.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed;
rightButtonDown = mouseDevice.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed;
timestamp = mouseInputReport.Timestamp;
// Get presentationsource from element.
source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(_activeMousePlugInCollection.Element as Visual);
MouseEventArgs mouseEventArgs = e.StagingItem.Input as MouseEventArgs;
mouseDevice = mouseEventArgs.MouseDevice;
leftButtonDown = mouseDevice.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed;
rightButtonDown = mouseDevice.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed;
// Only look at mouse input reports that truly come from a mouse (and is not an up or deactivate) and it
// must be pressed state if a move (we don't fire stylus inair moves currently)
if (mouseEventArgs.StylusDevice != null &&
e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent)
if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent)
if (!leftButtonDown)
stylusActions = RawStylusActions.Move;
if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent)
MouseButtonEventArgs mouseButtonEventArgs = mouseEventArgs as MouseButtonEventArgs;
if (mouseButtonEventArgs.ChangedButton != MouseButton.Left)
stylusActions = RawStylusActions.Down;
if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent)
MouseButtonEventArgs mouseButtonEventArgs = mouseEventArgs as MouseButtonEventArgs;
if (mouseButtonEventArgs.ChangedButton != MouseButton.Left)
stylusActions = RawStylusActions.Up;
timestamp = mouseEventArgs.Timestamp;
Visual directlyOverVisual = mouseDevice.DirectlyOver as Visual;
if (directlyOverVisual == null)
// Take the presentation source which is associated to the directly over element.
source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(directlyOverVisual);
PenContexts penContexts = GetPenContextsFromHwnd(source);
if ((penContexts != null) &&
(source != null) &&
(source.CompositionTarget != null) &&
IInputElement directlyOver = mouseDevice.DirectlyOver;
int packetStatus = (leftButtonDown ? 1 : 0) | (rightButtonDown ? 9 : 0); // pen tip down == 1, barrel = 8
Point ptClient = mouseDevice.GetPosition(source.RootVisual as IInputElement);
ptClient = source.CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice.Transform(ptClient);
int buttons = (leftButtonDown ? 1 : 0) | (rightButtonDown ? 3 : 0);
int[] data = { (int)ptClient.X, (int)ptClient.Y, packetStatus, buttons };
RawStylusInputReport inputReport = new RawStylusInputReport(
() => { return GetMousePointDescription; },
0, 0,
// Avoid re-entrancy due to lock() being used.
using (Dispatcher.DisableProcessing())
// Call plugins (does enter/leave and FireCustomData as well)
_activeMousePlugInCollection = penContexts.InvokeStylusPluginCollectionForMouse(inputReport, directlyOver, _activeMousePlugInCollection);
internal StylusPointDescription GetMousePointDescription
if (_mousePointDescription == null)
_mousePointDescription = new StylusPointDescription(
new StylusPointPropertyInfo[] {
-1); // No real pressure in data
return _mousePointDescription;
internal MouseButtonState GetMouseLeftOrRightButtonState(bool leftButton)
if (leftButton)
return _mouseLeftButtonState;
return _mouseRightButtonState;
internal bool UpdateMouseButtonState(RawMouseActions actions)
bool updated = false;
switch (actions)
case RawMouseActions.Button1Press:
if (_mouseLeftButtonState != MouseButtonState.Pressed)
updated = true;
_mouseLeftButtonState = MouseButtonState.Pressed;
case RawMouseActions.Button1Release:
if (_mouseLeftButtonState != MouseButtonState.Released)
updated = true;
_mouseLeftButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released;
case RawMouseActions.Button2Press:
if (_mouseRightButtonState != MouseButtonState.Pressed)
updated = true;
_mouseRightButtonState = MouseButtonState.Pressed;
case RawMouseActions.Button2Release:
if (_mouseRightButtonState != MouseButtonState.Released)
updated = true;
_mouseRightButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released;
return updated;
void UpdateMouseState()
MouseDevice mouseDevice = _inputManager.PrimaryMouseDevice;
_mouseLeftButtonState = mouseDevice.GetButtonStateFromSystem(MouseButton.Left);
_mouseRightButtonState = mouseDevice.GetButtonStateFromSystem(MouseButton.Right);
// We walk the list of stylus devices looking to see if any of them are in range so we
// can udpate the flag that tracks whether any stylus devices are currently in range.
private void UpdateIsStylusInRange(bool forceInRange)
bool foundInRangeStylusDevice = false;
if (forceInRange)
foundInRangeStylusDevice = true;
foreach (TabletDevice tabletDevice in Tablet.TabletDevices)
foreach (StylusDevice stylusDevice in tabletDevice.StylusDevices)
if (stylusDevice.InRange)
foundInRangeStylusDevice = true;
// Exit if we found a stylusdevice.
if (foundInRangeStylusDevice) break;
// Update in range flag.
_stylusDeviceInRange = foundInRangeStylusDevice;
internal override void UpdateStylusCapture(StylusDeviceBase stylusDevice, IInputElement oldStylusDeviceCapture, IInputElement newStylusDeviceCapture, int timestamp)
if (newStylusDeviceCapture != _stylusCapture)
DependencyObject o = null;
IInputElement oldCapture = _stylusCapture;
_stylusCapture = newStylusDeviceCapture;
// Adjust the handlers we use to track everything.
if (oldCapture != null)
o = oldCapture as DependencyObject;
if (o is UIElement uie)
uie.IsEnabledChanged -= _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
uie.IsVisibleChanged -= _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
uie.IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
else if (o is ContentElement ce)
ce.IsEnabledChanged -= _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
// NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements.
// ce.IsVisibleChanged -= _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
// ce.IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
else if (o is UIElement3D uie3D)
uie3D.IsEnabledChanged -= _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
uie3D.IsVisibleChanged -= _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
uie3D.IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Invalid_IInputElement, oldCapture.GetType()));
if (_stylusCapture != null)
o = _stylusCapture as DependencyObject;
if (o is UIElement uie)
uie.IsEnabledChanged += _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
uie.IsVisibleChanged += _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
uie.IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
else if (o is ContentElement ce)
ce.IsEnabledChanged += _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
// NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements.
// ce.IsVisibleChanged += _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
// ce.IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
else if (o is UIElement3D uie3D)
uie3D.IsEnabledChanged += _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
uie3D.IsVisibleChanged += _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
uie3D.IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Invalid_IInputElement, _stylusCapture.GetType()));
// Oddly enough, update the IsStylusCaptureWithin property first. This is
// so any callbacks will see the more-common IsStylusCaptureWithin property
// set correctly.
UIElement.StylusCaptureWithinProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(oldCapture as DependencyObject, _stylusCapture as DependencyObject, ref _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState);
// Invalidate the IsStylusCaptured properties.
if (oldCapture != null)
o = oldCapture as DependencyObject;
o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusCapturedPropertyKey, false); // Same property for ContentElements
if (_stylusCapture != null)
o = _stylusCapture as DependencyObject;
o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusCapturedPropertyKey, true); // Same property for ContentElements
internal override void UpdateOverProperty(StylusDeviceBase stylusDevice, IInputElement newOver)
// Only update the OverProperty for the current stylus device and only if we see a change.
if (stylusDevice == _currentStylusDevice && newOver != _stylusOver)
DependencyObject o = null;
IInputElement oldOver = _stylusOver;
_stylusOver = newOver;
// Adjust the handlers we use to track everything.
if (oldOver != null)
o = oldOver as DependencyObject;
if (o is UIElement uie)
uie.IsEnabledChanged -= _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
uie.IsVisibleChanged -= _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
uie.IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
else if (o is ContentElement ce)
ce.IsEnabledChanged -= _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
// NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements.
// ce.IsVisibleChanged -= _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
// ce.IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
else if (o is UIElement3D uie3D)
uie3D.IsEnabledChanged -= _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
uie3D.IsVisibleChanged -= _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
uie3D.IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Invalid_IInputElement, oldOver.GetType()));
if (_stylusOver != null)
o = _stylusOver as DependencyObject;
if (o is UIElement uie)
uie.IsEnabledChanged += _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
uie.IsVisibleChanged += _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
uie.IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
else if (o is ContentElement ce)
ce.IsEnabledChanged += _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
// NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements.
// ce.IsVisibleChanged += _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
// ce.IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
else if (o is UIElement3D uie3D)
uie3D.IsEnabledChanged += _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
uie3D.IsVisibleChanged += _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
uie3D.IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Invalid_IInputElement, _stylusOver.GetType()));
// Oddly enough, update the IsStylusOver property first. This is
// so any callbacks will see the more-common IsStylusOver property
// set correctly.
UIElement.StylusOverProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(oldOver as DependencyObject, _stylusOver as DependencyObject, ref _stylusOverTreeState);
// Invalidate the IsStylusDirectlyOver property.
if (oldOver != null)
o = oldOver as DependencyObject;
o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverPropertyKey, false); // Same property for ContentElements
if (_stylusOver != null)
o = _stylusOver as DependencyObject;
o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverPropertyKey, true); // Same property for ContentElements
private void OnOverIsEnabledChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// The element that the stylus is over just became disabled.
// We need to resynchronize the stylus so that we can figure out who
// the stylus is over now.
ReevaluateStylusOver(null, null, true);
private void OnOverIsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// The element that the stylus is over just became non-visible (collapsed or hidden).
// We need to resynchronize the stylus so that we can figure out who
// the stylus is over now.
ReevaluateStylusOver(null, null, true);
private void OnOverIsHitTestVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// The element that the stylus is over was affected by a change in hit-test visibility.
// We need to resynchronize the stylus so that we can figure out who
// the stylus is over now.
ReevaluateStylusOver(null, null, true);
private void OnCaptureIsEnabledChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// The element that the stylus is captured to just became disabled.
// We need to re-evaluate the element that has stylus capture since
// we can't allow the stylus to remain captured by a disabled element.
ReevaluateCapture(null, null, true);
private void OnCaptureIsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// The element that the stylus is captured to just became non-visible (collapsed or hidden).
// We need to re-evaluate the element that has stylus capture since
// we can't allow the stylus to remain captured by a non-visible element.
ReevaluateCapture(null, null, true);
private void OnCaptureIsHitTestVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// The element that the stylus is captured to was affected by a change in hit-test visibility.
// We need to re-evaluate the element that has stylus capture since
// we can't allow the stylus to remain captured by a non-hittest-visible element.
ReevaluateCapture(null, null, true);
internal override void ReevaluateStylusOver(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
private void ReevaluateStylusOver(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
if (element != null)
if (isCoreParent)
StylusOverTreeState.SetCoreParent(element, oldParent);
StylusOverTreeState.SetLogicalParent(element, oldParent);
// It would be best to re-evaluate anything dependent on the hit-test results
// immediately after layout & rendering are complete. Unfortunately this can
// lead to an infinite loop. Consider the following scenario:
// If the stylus is over an element, hide it.
// This never resolves to a "correct" state. When the stylus moves over the
// element, the element is hidden, so the stylus is no longer over it, so the
// element is shown, but that means the stylus is over it again. Repeat.
// We push our re-evaluation to a priority lower than input processing so that
// the user can change the input device to avoid the infinite loops, or close
// the app if nothing else works.
if (_reevaluateStylusOverOperation == null)
_reevaluateStylusOverOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, _reevaluateStylusOverDelegate, null);
lock (__stylusDeviceLock)
foreach (var pair in __stylusDeviceMap)
pair.Value.ReevaluateStylusOver(element, oldParent, isCoreParent);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="arg"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private object ReevaluateStylusOverAsync(object arg)
_reevaluateStylusOverOperation = null;
// Synchronize causes state issues with the stylus events so we don't do this.
//if (_currentStylusDevice != null)
// _currentStylusDevice.Synchronize();
// Refresh StylusOverProperty so that ReverseInherited Flags are updated.
// We only need to do this is there is any information about the old
// tree state. This is because it is possible (even likely) that
// Synchronize() would have already done this if we hit-tested to a
// different element.
if (_stylusOverTreeState != null && !_stylusOverTreeState.IsEmpty)
UIElement.StylusOverProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(_stylusOver as DependencyObject, _stylusOver as DependencyObject, ref _stylusOverTreeState);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
internal override void ReevaluateCapture(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
private void ReevaluateCapture(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
if (element != null)
if (isCoreParent)
StylusCaptureWithinTreeState.SetCoreParent(element, oldParent);
StylusCaptureWithinTreeState.SetLogicalParent(element, oldParent);
// We re-evaluate the captured element to be consistent with how
// we re-evaluate the element the stylus is over.
// See ReevaluateStylusOver for details.
if (_reevaluateCaptureOperation == null)
_reevaluateCaptureOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, _reevaluateCaptureDelegate, null);
lock (__stylusDeviceLock)
foreach (var pair in __stylusDeviceMap)
pair.Value.ReevaluateCapture(element, oldParent, isCoreParent);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="arg"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private object ReevaluateCaptureAsync(object arg)
_reevaluateCaptureOperation = null;
if (_stylusCapture == null)
return null;
bool killCapture = false;
DependencyObject dependencyObject = _stylusCapture as DependencyObject;
// First, check things like IsEnabled, IsVisible, etc. on a
// UIElement vs. ContentElement basis.
if (dependencyObject is UIElement uie)
killCapture = !ValidateUIElementForCapture(uie);
else if (dependencyObject is ContentElement ce)
killCapture = !ValidateContentElementForCapture(ce);
else if (dependencyObject is UIElement3D uie3D)
killCapture = !ValidateUIElement3DForCapture(uie3D);
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Invalid_IInputElement, _stylusCapture.GetType()));
// Second, if we still haven't thought of a reason to kill capture, validate
// it on a Visual basis for things like still being in the right tree.
if (killCapture == false)
DependencyObject containingVisual = InputElement.GetContainingVisual(dependencyObject);
killCapture = !ValidateVisualForCapture(containingVisual, CurrentStylusDevice);
// Lastly, if we found any reason above, kill capture.
if (killCapture)
// Refresh StylusCaptureWithinProperty so that ReverseInherited flags are updated.
// We only need to do this is there is any information about the old
// tree state. This is because it is possible (even likely) that
// we would have already killed capture if the capture criteria was
// no longer met.
if (_stylusCaptureWithinTreeState != null && !_stylusCaptureWithinTreeState.IsEmpty)
UIElement.StylusCaptureWithinProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(_stylusCapture as DependencyObject, _stylusCapture as DependencyObject, ref _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState);
return null;
// Make sure that the state of the stylus is correct for the the event we are
// seeing. This validation is mainly for V1 and Lonestar wisptis events since
// it can send us InAirMove while in the middle of a down state.
// The other issue this routine handles is overlapping InRange and OutOfRange
// notifications we can get when moving between two windows (penContexts). Wisptis
// can send these in an overlapped manner which can mess up our InRange state if
// we don't special case it.
bool IsValidStylusAction(RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport)
bool allowEvent = true;
WispStylusDevice stylusDevice = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.As<WispStylusDevice>();
// See if we have the correct PenContext we are receiving input from. We can get two
// different PenContext objects actually sending us input simultaneously. We lock onto the
// the first one we see come in range and keep locked on that till we see it go out of range.
// If we go out of range and have overlapping inrange from another PenContext we will
// force that PenContext to be the current one by forcing a InRange stylus event.
// Now check for proper state of the device for the given Stylus event.
switch (rawStylusInputReport.Actions)
case RawStylusActions.InRange:
// only process inrange if currently out of range and the inputsource is not disposed.
allowEvent = !stylusDevice.InRange && !rawStylusInputReport.InputSource.IsDisposed;
case RawStylusActions.InAirMove:
if (!stylusDevice.InRange && !rawStylusInputReport.InputSource.IsDisposed)
// Force InRange if stylus is out of range.
// If InAir and either inputSource matches current devices input source or
// the last down input source then it is OK to process and we can allow this.
allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext;
case RawStylusActions.Down:
if (!stylusDevice.InRange)
allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext;
case RawStylusActions.Move:
allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext;
case RawStylusActions.Up:
allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext;
case RawStylusActions.SystemGesture:
allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext;
if (allowEvent)
RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport systemGestureReport = (RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport)rawStylusInputReport;
// If we see a Tap gesture that is sent when we are not in the down state then
// ignore this (it's a double tap issue) since we will have generated one when
// we see the up.
if (systemGestureReport.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.Tap && stylusDevice.InAir)
allowEvent = false;
case RawStylusActions.OutOfRange:
allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext;
return allowEvent;
private void GenerateInRange(RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport)
StylusDevice stylusDevice = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice;
RawStylusInputReport inputReport =
new RawStylusInputReport(rawStylusInputReport.Mode,
InputReportEventArgs input = new InputReportEventArgs(stylusDevice, inputReport)
RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent
/// <summary>
/// This method handles the various windows messages related to the system setting changes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="msg"></param>
/// <param name="wParam"></param>
/// <param name="lParam"></param>
internal override void HandleMessage(WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
switch (msg)
case WindowMessage.WM_DEVICECHANGE:
if (!_inputEnabled && (uint)NativeMethods.IntPtrToInt32(wParam) == 0x0007 /* DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED */)
case WindowMessage.WM_DISPLAYCHANGE:
case WindowMessage.WM_SETTINGCHANGE:
ReadSystemConfig(); // Update our registry settings.
// Invalidate the values so they get re-built as needed.
if (_tabletDeviceCollection != null)
foreach (TabletDevice tablet in _tabletDeviceCollection)
tablet.As<WispTabletDevice>().InvalidateSizeDeltas(); // Will be recalc'd on next stylus down.
case WindowMessage.WM_TABLET_ADDED:
case WindowMessage.WM_TABLET_DELETED:
OnTabletRemovedImpl((uint)NativeMethods.IntPtrToInt32(wParam), isInternalCall: true);
internal void InvokeStylusPluginCollection(RawStylusInputReport inputReport)
if (inputReport.StylusDevice != null)
private void VerifyStylusPlugInCollectionTarget(RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport)
switch (rawStylusInputReport.Actions)
case RawStylusActions.Down:
case RawStylusActions.Move:
case RawStylusActions.Up:
return; // do nothing if not Down, Move or Up.
RawStylusInput originalRSI = rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput;
// See if we have a plugin for the target of this input.
StylusPlugInCollection targetPIC = null;
StylusPlugInCollection targetRtiPIC = originalRSI?.Target;
bool updateEventPoints = false;
// Make sure we use UIElement for target if non NULL and hit ContentElement.
UIElement newTarget = InputElement.GetContainingUIElement(rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.DirectlyOver as DependencyObject) as UIElement;
if (newTarget != null)
targetPIC = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext.Contexts.FindPlugInCollection(newTarget);
// Make sure any lock() calls do not reenter on us.
using (Dispatcher.DisableProcessing())
// See if we hit the wrong PlugInCollection on the pen thread and clean things up if we did.
if (targetRtiPIC != null && targetRtiPIC != targetPIC && originalRSI != null)
// Fire custom data not confirmed events for both pre and post since bad target...
foreach (RawStylusInputCustomData customData in originalRSI.CustomDataList)
customData.Owner.FireCustomData(customData.Data, rawStylusInputReport.Actions, false);
updateEventPoints = originalRSI.StylusPointsModified;
// Clear RawStylusInput data.
rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput = null;
WispStylusDevice stylusDevice = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.As<WispStylusDevice>();
// See if we need to build up an RSI to send to the plugincollection (due to a mistarget).
bool sendRawStylusInput = false;
if (targetPIC != null && rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput == null)
// NOTE: PenContext info will not change (it gets rebuilt instead so keeping ref is fine)
// The transformTabletToView matrix and plugincollection rects though can change based
// off of layout events which is why we need to lock this.
GeneralTransformGroup transformTabletToView = new GeneralTransformGroup();
transformTabletToView.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(GetTabletToViewTransform(rawStylusInputReport.InputSource, stylusDevice.TabletDevice))); // this gives matrix in measured units (not device)
transformTabletToView.Children.Add(targetPIC.ViewToElement); // Make it relative to the element.
transformTabletToView.Freeze(); // Must be frozen for multi-threaded access.
RawStylusInput rawStylusInput = new RawStylusInput(rawStylusInputReport, transformTabletToView, targetPIC);
rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput = rawStylusInput;
sendRawStylusInput = true;
// Now fire the confirmed enter/leave events as necessary.
StylusPlugInCollection currentTarget = stylusDevice.CurrentVerifiedTarget;
if (targetPIC != currentTarget)
if (currentTarget != null)
// Fire leave event. If we never had a plugin for this event then create a temp one.
if (originalRSI == null)
GeneralTransformGroup transformTabletToView = new GeneralTransformGroup();
transformTabletToView.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(GetTabletToViewTransform(rawStylusInputReport.InputSource, stylusDevice.TabletDevice))); // this gives matrix in measured units (not device)
transformTabletToView.Children.Add(currentTarget.ViewToElement); // Make it relative to the element.
transformTabletToView.Freeze(); // Must be frozen for multi-threaded access.
originalRSI = new RawStylusInput(rawStylusInputReport, transformTabletToView, currentTarget);
currentTarget.FireEnterLeave(false, originalRSI, true);
if (targetPIC != null)
// Fire Enter event
targetPIC.FireEnterLeave(true, rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput, true);
// Indicate we've used a stylus plugin
Statistics.FeaturesUsed |= StylusTraceLogger.FeatureFlags.StylusPluginsUsed;
// Update the verified target.
stylusDevice.CurrentVerifiedTarget = targetPIC;
// Now fire RawStylusInput if needed to the right plugincollection.
if (sendRawStylusInput)
// We are on the pen thread, just call directly.
updateEventPoints = (updateEventPoints || rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput.StylusPointsModified);
// Indicate we've used a stylus plugin
Statistics.FeaturesUsed |= StylusTraceLogger.FeatureFlags.StylusPluginsUsed;
// Now fire PrePreviewCustomData events.
if (targetPIC != null)
// Send custom data pre event
foreach (RawStylusInputCustomData customData in rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput.CustomDataList)
customData.Owner.FireCustomData(customData.Data, rawStylusInputReport.Actions, true);
// VerifyRawTarget might resend to correct plugins or may have hit the wrong plugincollection. The StylusPackets
// may be overriden in those plugins so we need to call UpdateEventStylusPoints to update things.
if (updateEventPoints)
rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.As<WispStylusDevice>().UpdateEventStylusPoints(rawStylusInputReport, true);
internal int DoubleTapDelta
bool isFingerTouch = IsTouchStylusDevice(_currentStylusDevice);
return isFingerTouch ? _touchDoubleTapDelta : _stylusDoubleTapDelta;
internal int DoubleTapDeltaTime
bool isFingerTouch = IsTouchStylusDevice(_currentStylusDevice);
return isFingerTouch ? _touchDoubleTapDeltaTime : _stylusDoubleTapDeltaTime;
internal int CancelDelta
return _cancelDelta;
private void GenerateGesture(RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport, SystemGesture gesture)
StylusDevice stylusDevice = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(stylusDevice != null);
RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport inputReport = new RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport(
0, // Gesture X location (only used for flicks)
0, // Gesture Y location (only used for flicks)
StylusDevice = stylusDevice
}; // ButtonState (only used for flicks)
InputReportEventArgs input = new InputReportEventArgs(stylusDevice, inputReport)
RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent
// Process this directly instead of doing a push. We want this event to get
// to the user before the StylusUp and MouseUp event.
/// Before we promote a MouseUp, we need to send a MouseMove to move the mouse device
/// over to the correct location, since MouseUp does not use location information.
private void ProcessMouseMove(WispStylusDevice stylusDevice, int timestamp, bool isSynchronize)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(stylusDevice != null);
if (!ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice) || !stylusDevice.TouchDevice.PromotingToOther)
PresentationSource mouseInputSource = stylusDevice.GetMousePresentationSource();
if (mouseInputSource != null)
RawMouseActions actions = RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove;
// Don't set Activate flag if a synchronize is requested!
if (!isSynchronize)
if (_inputManager.PrimaryMouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource != mouseInputSource)
actions |= RawMouseActions.Activate;
Point pt = stylusDevice.LastMouseScreenPoint; // Use last promoted mouse location.
pt = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(pt, mouseInputSource);
RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport =
new RawMouseInputReport(InputMode.Foreground,
if (isSynchronize)
mouseInputReport._isSynchronize = true;
InputReportEventArgs inputReportArgs = new InputReportEventArgs(stylusDevice.StylusDevice, mouseInputReport)
RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent
// Process this directly instead of doing a push. We want this event to get
// to the user before the StylusUp and MouseUp event.
private void UpdateButtonStates(ProcessInputEventArgs e)
if (!e.StagingItem.Input.Handled)
RoutedEvent routedEvent = e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent;
if (routedEvent != null && (routedEvent == Stylus.StylusDownEvent
|| routedEvent == Stylus.StylusUpEvent
|| routedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent
|| routedEvent == Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent))
StylusEventArgs eventArgs = (StylusEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input;
RawStylusInputReport report = eventArgs.InputReport;
StylusDevice stylusDevice = report.StylusDevice;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(stylusDevice != null);
StylusPointCollection stylusPoints = stylusDevice.GetStylusPoints(null);
StylusPoint stylusPoint = stylusPoints[stylusPoints.Count - 1];
foreach (StylusButton button in stylusDevice.StylusButtons)
// what if more than one button state in a single packet?
// Split the packets or only use the last one as we did below?
StylusButtonState currentButtonState =
(StylusButtonState)stylusPoint.GetPropertyValue(new StylusPointProperty(button.Guid, true));
if (currentButtonState != button.CachedButtonState)
button.CachedButtonState = currentButtonState;
// do work to push Button event
StylusButtonEventArgs args = new StylusButtonEventArgs(stylusDevice, report.Timestamp, button)
InputReport = report
if (currentButtonState == StylusButtonState.Down)
args.RoutedEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent;
args.RoutedEvent = Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent;
// Process this directly instead of doing a push. We want this event to get
// to the user before the promoted mouse event.
private static bool InWindowClientRect(Point ptClient, PresentationSource inputSource)
bool inClientRect = false;
// Note: this only works for HWNDs for now.
HwndSource source = inputSource as HwndSource;
if (source != null && source.CompositionTarget != null && !source.IsHandleNull)
Point ptScreen = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(ptClient, source);
IntPtr hwndHit = IntPtr.Zero;
HwndSource sourceHit = null;
Point ptClientHit = new Point(0, 0);
// Hit-test for a window.
// See if this is one of our windows.
hwndHit = UnsafeNativeMethods.WindowFromPoint((int)ptScreen.X, (int)ptScreen.Y);
if (hwndHit != IntPtr.Zero)
// See if this is one of our windows.
sourceHit = HwndSource.CriticalFromHwnd(hwndHit);
// We need to check if the point is over the client or
// non-client area. We only care about being over the
// client area.
if (sourceHit != null)
ptClientHit = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(ptScreen, sourceHit);
NativeMethods.RECT rcClient = new NativeMethods.RECT();
SafeNativeMethods.GetClientRect(new HandleRef(sourceHit, hwndHit), ref rcClient);
// Don't consider we hit anything if we are over the non-client area.
inClientRect = !((int)ptClientHit.X < rcClient.left ||
(int)ptClientHit.X >= rcClient.right ||
(int)ptClientHit.Y < rcClient.top ||
(int)ptClientHit.Y >= rcClient.bottom);
return inClientRect;
internal override TabletDeviceCollection TabletDevices
return WispTabletDevices;
internal WispTabletDeviceCollection WispTabletDevices
if (_tabletDeviceCollection == null)
_tabletDeviceCollection = new WispTabletDeviceCollection();
// We need to know when the dispatcher shuts down in order to clean
// up references to PenThreads held in the TabletDeviceCollection.
_inputManager.Dispatcher.ShutdownFinished += _shutdownHandler;
return _tabletDeviceCollection;
/// <summary>
/// [TBS]
/// </summary>
internal override StylusDeviceBase CurrentStylusDevice
return _currentStylusDevice;
internal void RegisterStylusDeviceCore(StylusDevice stylusDevice)
lock (__stylusDeviceLock)
int stylusDeviceId = stylusDevice.Id;
// The map must contain unique entries for each stylus device.
if (__stylusDeviceMap.ContainsKey(stylusDeviceId))
InvalidOperationException ioe = new InvalidOperationException();
// We add a tag here so we can check for this specific exception
// in TabletCollection when adding new tablet devices.
ioe.Data.Add("System.Windows.Input.StylusLogic", "");
throw (ioe);
__stylusDeviceMap[stylusDeviceId] = stylusDevice;
internal void UnregisterStylusDeviceCore(StylusDevice stylusDevice)
lock (__stylusDeviceLock)
internal WispStylusDevice FindStylusDevice(int stylusDeviceId)
// If not on stylusLogic thread then you must take __stylusDeviceLock!!
StylusDevice stylusDevice;
__stylusDeviceMap.TryGetValue(stylusDeviceId, out stylusDevice);
return stylusDevice?.As<WispStylusDevice>();
internal WispStylusDevice FindStylusDeviceWithLock(int stylusDeviceId)
StylusDevice stylusDevice;
lock (__stylusDeviceLock)
__stylusDeviceMap.TryGetValue(stylusDeviceId, out stylusDevice);
return stylusDevice?.As<WispStylusDevice>();
// Updates the currently active stylus device and makes sure the StylusOver
// property is updated as needed.
internal void SelectStylusDevice(WispStylusDevice wispStylusDevice, IInputElement newOver, bool updateOver)
bool stylusDeviceChange = (_currentStylusDevice != wispStylusDevice);
WispStylusDevice oldStylusDevice = _currentStylusDevice;
// If current StylusDevice is becoming null, make sure we update the over state
// before we update _currentStylusDevice or else the over property will not update
// correctly!
if (updateOver && wispStylusDevice == null && stylusDeviceChange)
if (updateOver && wispStylusDevice == null && stylusDeviceChange && newOver == null)
// This will cause UpdateOverProperty() to be called.
_currentStylusDevice.ChangeStylusOver(newOver); // This should be null.
_currentStylusDevice = wispStylusDevice;
if (updateOver && wispStylusDevice != null)
// This will cause StylusLogic.UpdateStylusOverProperty to unconditionally be called.
// If changing the current stylusdevice make sure that the old one's
// over state is set to null if it is not InRange anymore.
// NOTE: We only want to do this if we have multiple stylusdevices InRange!
if (stylusDeviceChange && oldStylusDevice != null)
if (!oldStylusDevice.InRange)
internal void EnableCore()
lock (__penContextsLock)
foreach (PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values)
_inputEnabled = true;
// Once we've logged a startup we should log shutdown when the dispatcher shuts down
// as that indicates this particular StylusLogic is going away.
ShutdownListener = new StylusLogicShutDownListener(this, ShutDownEvents.DispatcherShutdown);
internal bool Enabled
return _inputEnabled;
internal void RegisterHwndForInput(InputManager inputManager, PresentationSource inputSource)
HwndSource hwndSource = (HwndSource)inputSource;
// Keep track so we don't bother looking for changes if someone happened to query this before
// an Avalon window was created where we get TabletAdd/Removed notification.
bool initializedTablets = (_tabletDeviceCollection == null);
// This causes EnableCore to be called on TabletPC systems which enabled stylus input!
WispTabletDeviceCollection tablets = WispTabletDevices;
lock (__penContextsLock)
if (__penContextsMap.ContainsKey(inputSource))
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.PenService_WindowAlreadyRegistered);
PenContexts penContexts = new PenContexts(StylusLogic.GetCurrentStylusLogicAs<WispLogic>(), inputSource);
__penContextsMap[inputSource] = penContexts;
// If FIRST one set this as the one to manage TabletAdded/Removed notifications.
if (__penContextsMap.Count == 1)
// Make sure our view of TabletDevices is up to date we didn't just cause it
// to be initialized and we had some real tablet devices.
if (!initializedTablets && tablets.Count > 0)
// Update the last known device count.
_lastKnownDeviceCount = GetDeviceCount();
// Detect if this window is disabled. If so then let the pencontexts know.
int style = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowLong(new HandleRef(this, hwndSource.Handle), NativeMethods.GWL_STYLE);
if ((style & NativeMethods.WS_DISABLED) != 0)
penContexts.IsWindowDisabled = true;
if (_inputEnabled)
internal void UnRegisterHwndForInput(HwndSource hwndSource)
bool shutdownWorkThread = Dispatcher.HasShutdownStarted;
// WispTabletDevice needs to schedule work on the PenThread during disposal.
// If the dispatcher is shutting down, we have to ensure that we dispose tablets
// prior to any context shutting down the needed PenThread.
if (shutdownWorkThread)
OnDispatcherShutdown(null, null);
lock (__penContextsLock)
PenContexts penContexts;
if (__penContextsMap.TryGetValue(hwndSource, out penContexts))
// If the application dispatcher is being shut down, we should destroy our pen thread as well.
// Make sure we remember the last location of this window for mapping stylus input later.
if (UnsafeNativeMethods.IsWindow(new HandleRef(hwndSource, hwndSource.Handle)))
penContexts.DestroyedLocation = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(new Point(0, 0), hwndSource);
// If we failed to find penContexts for this window above then throw an error now.
if (penContexts == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.PenService_WindowNotRegistered);
internal PenContexts GetPenContextsFromHwnd(PresentationSource presentationSource)
// Only safe to call from UI thread since only it will change Map.
PenContexts penContexts = null;
if (presentationSource != null)
__penContextsMap.TryGetValue(presentationSource, out penContexts);
return penContexts;
internal bool ShouldConsiderStylusInRange(RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport)
int timestamp = mouseInputReport.Timestamp;
// First check to see if we are close to the last time we've had a Stylus InRange
// We consider it inrange if _lastInRangeTime+500 >= timestamp (whether we've seen
// one within last 500ms).
// Here's some info on how this works...
// int.MaxValue - int.MinValue = -1 (subtracting any negative # from MaxValue keeps this negative)
// int.MinValue - int.MaxValue = 1 (subtracting any positive # from MinValue keeps this positive)
// So as values close to MaxValue and MinValue get farther apart the result increases from a
// of delta 1 and we can thus take the Abs value to use for this check.
// Note: we don't really care if times wrap since the worst thing that would happen
// is we'd let a mouse event slip through as you brought the stylus in range which
// can happen today anyway.
if (Math.Abs(unchecked(timestamp - _lastInRangeTime)) <= 500)
return true;
HwndSource hwndSource = mouseInputReport.InputSource as HwndSource;
if (hwndSource != null)
PenContexts penContexts = GetPenContextsFromHwnd(hwndSource);
if (penContexts != null)
return penContexts.ConsiderInRange(timestamp);
return false;
internal PenContext GetStylusPenContextForHwnd(PresentationSource presentationSource, int tabletDeviceId)
// Only safe to call from UI thread since only it will change Map.
if (presentationSource != null)
PenContexts penContexts;
__penContextsMap.TryGetValue(presentationSource, out penContexts);
if (penContexts != null)
return penContexts.GetTabletDeviceIDPenContext(tabletDeviceId);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// A method handles WM_DEVICECHANGE message.
/// </summary>
private void OnDeviceChange()
Debug.Assert(!_inputEnabled, "StylusLogic has been enabled unexpectly.");
if (!_inputEnabled && WispTabletDeviceCollection.ShouldEnableTablets())
// Create the tablet device collection!
// Enable stylus input on all hwnds if we have not yet done so.
// Update the last known device count.
_lastKnownDeviceCount = GetDeviceCount();
private void OnTabletAdded(uint wisptisIndex)
lock (__penContextsLock)
WispTabletDeviceCollection tabletDeviceCollection = WispTabletDevices;
// When we receive the first WM_TABLET_ADDED message without being enabled,
// we have to update our TabletDevices at once and enable StylusLogic
if (!_inputEnabled)
tabletDeviceCollection.UpdateTablets(); // Create the tablet device collection!
EnableCore(); // Go and enable input now.
// Update the last known device count.
_lastKnownDeviceCount = GetDeviceCount();
return; // We are done here.
// Update the last known device count.
_lastKnownDeviceCount = GetDeviceCount();
uint tabletIndex = UInt32.MaxValue;
// HandleTabletAdded returns true if we need to update contexts due to a change in tablet devices.
if (tabletDeviceCollection.HandleTabletAdded(wisptisIndex, ref tabletIndex))
if (tabletIndex != UInt32.MaxValue)
// Update all contexts with this new tablet device.
foreach (PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values)
// DevDiv:1078091
// Changed to use refactored code
// Published documentation
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/dd901337(v=vs.90).aspx
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/ee230087(v=vs.100).aspx
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/ee230087.aspx
// suggests calling this method via reflection in order to disable the real-time
// stylus. A previous bug-fix broke this scenario by rebuilding
// the tablet collection if this method detects an inconsistent call -
// which is just what the MSDN suggestion does. To fix 659672 and still support
// the MSDN suggestion, we see if the caller is internal. If so (the
// normal case), we rebuild the tablet collection if necessary. If not
// (the MSDN reflection case), we simply remove the tablet without checking.
// Also, mark this method "no-inline", so that it remains visible to apps
// via reflection.
protected override void OnTabletRemoved(uint wisptisIndex)
OnTabletRemovedImpl(wisptisIndex, isInternalCall: false);
private void OnTabletRemovedImpl(uint wisptisIndex, bool isInternalCall)
// Nothing to do if the Stylus hasn't been enabled yet.
if (_inputEnabled)
lock (__penContextsLock)
if (_tabletDeviceCollection != null)
// Tablet notifications can arrive in the wrong
// order. If so, using wisptisIndex can remove the wrong
// tablet device and disable touch input. To avoid this,
// we rebuild TabletDevices from scratch if the notification
// appears suspicious. "Suspicious" means (a) this is a
// real notification (not a call via reflection, as decribed
// in the previous method), and (b) the device count hasn't
// decreased by 1 (or we can't tell).
// Sometimes the index sent from windows is incorrect even if
// the device count properly checks out. In these scenarios,
// we fail to remove the device as the index will be out of
// bounds of the current tablets. This can lead to problems
// when we try to reactive tablets/contexts in the future as
// we may attempt to use the leftover device. To fix this, make
// sure that we detect the scenario and call RefreshTablets to
// do a full sync.
int currentDeviceCount = GetDeviceCount();
if (isInternalCall &&
(_lastKnownDeviceCount < 0 ||
currentDeviceCount != _lastKnownDeviceCount - 1 ||
wisptisIndex >= TabletDevices.Count))
// DevDiv:1078091
// Changed to use refactored code
if (!_inputEnabled)
// This call can never be executed (_inputEnabed never
// changes from true to false). Its purpose is
// to keep OnTabletRemoved from being marked as
// unreachable and optimized out of existence.
// That would break the MSDN reflection scenario.
// Just to be safe, pass in a parameter that results
// in a no-op; even if it is called, nothing happens.
int numDeferredTablets = _tabletDeviceCollection.DeferredTablets.Count;
// remove the affected device
uint tabletIndex = _tabletDeviceCollection.HandleTabletRemoved(wisptisIndex);
// DevDiv:1078091
// Only shut the context down if this tablet has not been placed on
// the deferred list. Otherwise, we still need to receive new messages.
if (tabletIndex != UInt32.MaxValue
&& _tabletDeviceCollection.DeferredTablets.Count == numDeferredTablets)
foreach (PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values)
_lastKnownDeviceCount = currentDeviceCount;
/// <summary>
/// Refreshes all tablets and syncs them to what is being track in Wisp.
/// This shuts down all contexts and will bring them back up for any
/// tablet that is not immediately disposed of.
/// DevDiv:1078091
/// Refactoring this out of the previous function (OnTabletRemovedImpl)
/// so this can be called independently of a wisp index.
/// </summary>
private void RefreshTablets()
// rebuild all contexts and tablet collection
foreach (PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values)
contexts.Disable(shutdownWorkerThread: false);
foreach (PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values)
private int GetDeviceCount()
PenThread penThread = null;
// Get a PenThread by mimicking a subset of the code in TabletDeviceCollection.UpdateTablets().
TabletDeviceCollection tabletDeviceCollection = TabletDevices;
if (tabletDeviceCollection != null && tabletDeviceCollection.Count > 0)
penThread = tabletDeviceCollection[0].As<WispTabletDevice>().PenThread;
if (penThread != null)
// Use the PenThread to get the full, unfiltered tablets info to see how many there are.
TabletDeviceInfo[] tabletdevices = penThread.WorkerGetTabletsInfo();
return tabletdevices.Length;
// if there's no PenThread yet, return "unknown"
return -1;
private void OnScreenMeasurementsChanged()
// We only need to have one of these queued up on our dispatcher.
if (!_updatingScreenMeasurements)
_updatingScreenMeasurements = true;
// Queue up this code to execute after the WM_DISPLAYCHANGED message
// has been processed
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, _processDisplayChanged, null);
/// <summary>
/// We get this notification when the WM_ENABLE message is sent to a window.
/// When we get this we need to disable Stylus Input from being raised similar
/// to how we deal with OLE DragDrop. Win32 stops all other input from going to
/// disabled windows so we need to do the same for stylus.
/// </summary>
internal void OnWindowEnableChanged(IntPtr hwnd, bool disabled)
// See if this is one of our windows.
HwndSource sourceHit = HwndSource.CriticalFromHwnd(hwnd);
// We need to check if the point is over the client or
// non-client area. We only care about being over the
// client area.
if (sourceHit != null)
// Find the pencontexts for this window and update it's disabled window state
PenContexts penContexts = GetPenContextsFromHwnd(sourceHit);
if (penContexts != null)
penContexts.IsWindowDisabled = disabled;
// See if we need to update the mouse state when going enabled.
if (!disabled && _currentStylusDevice != null)
// If we are in air or have not fired down the set mouse in up state.
if (_currentStylusDevice.InAir || !_currentStylusDevice.GestureWasFired)
_mouseLeftButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released;
_mouseRightButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released;
_mouseLeftButtonState = _currentStylusDevice.LeftIsActiveMouseButton ? MouseButtonState.Pressed : MouseButtonState.Released;
_mouseRightButtonState = !_currentStylusDevice.LeftIsActiveMouseButton ? MouseButtonState.Pressed : MouseButtonState.Released;
internal object ProcessDisplayChanged(object oInput)
_updatingScreenMeasurements = false;
// We don't want to rebuild the contexts and update the tabletdevice
// measurements if the Stylus hasn't been enabled yet.
if (_tabletDeviceCollection != null)
// Invalidate the screen measurements of the tablet device.
foreach (TabletDevice tablet in _tabletDeviceCollection)
return null;
internal Matrix GetTabletToViewTransform(PresentationSource source, TabletDevice tabletDevice)
// Inking is offset under 120 DPI
// Changet the TabletToViewTransform matrix to take DPI into account. The default
// value is 96 DPI in Avalon. The device DPI value is cached after the first call
// to this function.
Matrix matrix = GetAndCacheTransformToDeviceMatrix(source);
return matrix * tabletDevice.As<TabletDeviceBase>().TabletToScreen;
/// <summary>
/// Transforms a point in measure units to a point in device coordinates
/// </summary>
/// <param name="measurePoint">The point to transform, in measure units</param>
/// <returns>The point in device coordinates</returns>
internal override Point DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(PresentationSource source, Point measurePoint)
Point pt = measurePoint * GetAndCacheTransformToDeviceMatrix(source);
pt.X = (int)Math.Round(pt.X); // Make sure we return whole numbers (pixels are whole numbers)
pt.Y = (int)Math.Round(pt.Y);
return pt;
/// <summary>
/// Transforms a point in measure units to a point in device coordinates
/// </summary>
/// <param name="measurePoint">The point to transform, in measure units</param>
/// <returns>The point in device coordinates</returns>
internal override Point MeasureUnitsFromDeviceUnits(PresentationSource source, Point measurePoint)
Matrix matrix = GetAndCacheTransformToDeviceMatrix(source);
return measurePoint * matrix;
private DeferredElementTreeState StylusOverTreeState
if (_stylusOverTreeState == null)
_stylusOverTreeState = new DeferredElementTreeState();
return _stylusOverTreeState;
private DeferredElementTreeState StylusCaptureWithinTreeState
if (_stylusCaptureWithinTreeState == null)
_stylusCaptureWithinTreeState = new DeferredElementTreeState();
return _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState;
internal class StagingAreaInputItemList : List<StagingAreaInputItem>
internal void AddItem(StagingAreaInputItem item)
internal long Version { get { return _version; } }
internal long IncrementVersion()
return unchecked(++_version);
long _version;
private readonly InputManager _inputManager;
DispatcherOperationCallback _dlgInputManagerProcessInput;
object _stylusEventQueueLock = new object();
Queue<RawStylusInputReport> _queueStylusEvents = new Queue<RawStylusInputReport>();
int _lastStylusDeviceId;
bool _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = true; // Default to true to help first time use issues.
private MouseButtonState _mouseLeftButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released;
private MouseButtonState _mouseRightButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released;
private StylusPlugInCollection _activeMousePlugInCollection;
private StylusPointDescription _mousePointDescription;
// From old instanced Stylus class
private EventHandler _shutdownHandler;
bool _tabletDeviceCollectionDisposed;
WispTabletDeviceCollection _tabletDeviceCollection;
WispStylusDevice _currentStylusDevice;
int _lastInRangeTime;
bool _triedDeferringMouseMove;
RawMouseInputReport _deferredMouseMove;
DispatcherOperationCallback _processDeferredMouseMove;
RawMouseInputReport _mouseDeactivateInputReport;
bool _inputEnabled = false;
bool _updatingScreenMeasurements = false;
DispatcherOperationCallback _processDisplayChanged;
readonly object __penContextsLock = new object();
Dictionary<object, PenContexts> __penContextsMap = new Dictionary<object, PenContexts>(2);
readonly object __stylusDeviceLock = new object();
Dictionary<int, StylusDevice> __stylusDeviceMap = new Dictionary<int, StylusDevice>(2);
bool _inDragDrop;
bool _leavingDragDrop;
bool _processingQueuedEvent;
bool _stylusDeviceInRange;
bool _seenRealMouseActivate;
// The wParam index to WM_TABLET_ADDED/DELETED may be invalid, since Windows
// sometimes sends these messages out of order. As a result, we can't trust that these values
// are correct. To help determine when they are invalid, we keep track of the number of tablets
// and simply do a full reset any time we get a DELETED notification without a proper change in count.
// We only need to check for this issue in DELETED because ADDED already has a check for duplicate
// or invalid index values.
// The value -1 means "unknown". We only compute this number when we actually
// have tablet devices in play, so as to avoid starting a pen thread unecessarily.
// Doing so causes problems and has been reported by varoius customers.
private int _lastKnownDeviceCount = -1;
// DevDiv: 652804
// Stores the last move report that was added to the stylus event queue per device
Dictionary<StylusDeviceBase, RawStylusInputReport> _lastMovesQueued = new Dictionary<StylusDeviceBase, RawStylusInputReport>();
// DevDiv: 652804
// Stores the move report that is currently being used to coalesce subsequent moves
Dictionary<StylusDeviceBase, RawStylusInputReport> _coalescedMoves = new Dictionary<StylusDeviceBase, RawStylusInputReport>();
/// <summary>
/// Lock the access to coalesced moves as it's possible it can be accessed simultaneously from two
/// PenThreads if the initial PenThread fills up with PenContexts.
/// </summary>
private readonly object _coalesceLock = new object();
IInputElement _stylusCapture;
IInputElement _stylusOver;
DeferredElementTreeState _stylusOverTreeState;
DeferredElementTreeState _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState;
private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
private DispatcherOperationCallback _reevaluateStylusOverDelegate;
private DispatcherOperation _reevaluateStylusOverOperation;
private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
private DispatcherOperationCallback _reevaluateCaptureDelegate;
private DispatcherOperation _reevaluateCaptureOperation;