// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Threading;
using MS.Internal;
using System.Windows.Automation;
namespace System.Windows.Input
/// <summary>
/// The InputManager class is responsible for coordinating all of the
/// input system in Avalon.
/// </summary>
public sealed class InputManager : DispatcherObject
/// <summary>
/// A routed event indicating that an input report arrived.
/// </summary>
internal static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewInputReportEvent = GlobalEventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("PreviewInputReport", RoutingStrategy.Tunnel, typeof(InputReportEventHandler), typeof(InputManager));
/// <summary>
/// A routed event indicating that an input report arrived.
/// </summary>
internal static readonly RoutedEvent InputReportEvent = GlobalEventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("InputReport", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(InputReportEventHandler), typeof(InputManager));
/// <summary>
/// Return the input manager associated with the current context.
/// </summary>
public static InputManager Current
return GetCurrentInputManagerImpl();
/// Internal implementation of InputManager.Current.
/// Critical but not TAS - for internal's to use.
/// Only exists for perf. The link demand check was causing perf in some XAF scenarios.
internal static InputManager UnsecureCurrent
return GetCurrentInputManagerImpl();
/// When true indicates input processing is synchronized.
internal static bool IsSynchronizedInput
return _isSynchronizedInput;
/// Synchronized input event type.
internal static RoutedEvent[] SynchronizedInputEvents
return _synchronizedInputEvents;
/// Complementary pair of Synchronized input events.
internal static RoutedEvent[] PairedSynchronizedInputEvents
return _pairedSynchronizedInputEvents;
/// Synchronized input type, set by the client.
internal static SynchronizedInputType SynchronizeInputType
return _synchronizedInputType;
/// Element on which StartListening was called.
internal static DependencyObject ListeningElement
return _listeningElement;
/// Indicates state of the event during synchronized processing.
internal static SynchronizedInputStates SynchronizedInputState
get { return _synchronizedInputState; }
set { _synchronizedInputState = value; }
/// Implementation of InputManager.Current
private static InputManager GetCurrentInputManagerImpl()
InputManager inputManager = null;
Dispatcher dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
inputManager = dispatcher.InputManager as InputManager;
if (inputManager == null)
inputManager = new InputManager();
dispatcher.InputManager = inputManager;
return inputManager;
private InputManager()
// STA Requirement
// Avalon doesn't necessarily require STA, but many components do. Examples
// include Cicero, OLE, COM, etc. So we throw an exception here if the
// thread is not STA.
if(Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() != ApartmentState.STA)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.RequiresSTA);
_stagingArea = new Stack();
_primaryKeyboardDevice = new Win32KeyboardDevice(this);
_primaryMouseDevice = new Win32MouseDevice(this);
_primaryCommandDevice = new CommandDevice(this);
_continueProcessingStagingAreaCallback = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ContinueProcessingStagingArea);
_hitTestInvalidatedAsyncOperation = null;
_hitTestInvalidatedAsyncCallback = new DispatcherOperationCallback(HitTestInvalidatedAsyncCallback);
_layoutUpdatedCallback = new EventHandler(OnLayoutUpdated); //need to cache it, LM only keeps weak ref
// Timer used to synchronize the input devices periodically
_inputTimer = new DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.Background);
_inputTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(ValidateInputDevices);
_inputTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(125);
public event PreProcessInputEventHandler PreProcessInput
add => EventHelper.AddHandler(ref _preProcessInput, value);
remove => EventHelper.RemoveHandler(ref _preProcessInput, value);
public event NotifyInputEventHandler PreNotifyInput
add => EventHelper.AddHandler(ref _preNotifyInput, value);
remove => EventHelper.RemoveHandler(ref _preNotifyInput, value);
public event NotifyInputEventHandler PostNotifyInput
add => EventHelper.AddHandler(ref _postNotifyInput, value);
remove => EventHelper.RemoveHandler(ref _postNotifyInput, value);
public event ProcessInputEventHandler PostProcessInput
add => EventHelper.AddHandler(ref _postProcessInput, value);
remove => EventHelper.RemoveHandler(ref _postProcessInput, value);
/// <summary>
/// This event is raised by the HwndSource.CriticalTranslateAccelerator
/// on descendent HwndSource instances. The only subscriber to this event
/// is KeyboardNavigation.
/// </summary>
internal event KeyEventHandler TranslateAccelerator
_translateAccelerator += value;
_translateAccelerator -= value;
/// <summary>
/// Raises the TranslateAccelerator event
/// </summary>
internal void RaiseTranslateAccelerator(KeyEventArgs e)
if (_translateAccelerator != null)
_translateAccelerator(this, e);
/// <summary>
/// Registers an input provider with the input manager.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inputProvider">
/// The input provider to register.
/// </param>
internal InputProviderSite RegisterInputProvider(IInputProvider inputProvider)
// VerifyAccess();
// Create a site for this provider, and keep track of it.
InputProviderSite site = new InputProviderSite(this, inputProvider);
_inputProviders[inputProvider] = site;
return site;
internal void UnregisterInputProvider(IInputProvider inputProvider)
/// <summary>
/// Returns a collection of input providers registered with the input manager.
/// </summary>
public ICollection InputProviders
return UnsecureInputProviders;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a collection of input providers registered with the input manager.
/// </summary>
internal ICollection UnsecureInputProviders
return _inputProviders.Keys;
/// <summary>
/// Read-only access to the primary keyboard device.
/// </summary>
public KeyboardDevice PrimaryKeyboardDevice
get {return _primaryKeyboardDevice;}
/// <summary>
/// Read-only access to the primary mouse device.
/// </summary>
public MouseDevice PrimaryMouseDevice
get {return _primaryMouseDevice;}
/// <summary>
/// This property exists only due to the use of the private reflection hack as
/// shown in the MSDN article located
/// <see href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/dd901337(v=vs.90).aspx">here</see>.
/// Once this is no longer officially supported, this can be removed.
/// </summary>
internal StylusLogic StylusLogic
get { return StylusLogic.CurrentStylusLogic; }
/// <summary>
/// Read-only access to the primary keyboard device.
/// </summary>
internal CommandDevice PrimaryCommandDevice
get {return _primaryCommandDevice;}
/// <summary>
/// The InDragDrop property represents whether we are currently inside
/// a OLE DragDrop operation.
/// </summary>
internal bool InDragDrop
get { return _inDragDrop; }
set { _inDragDrop = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The MostRecentInputDevice represents the last input device to
/// report an "interesting" user action. What exactly constitutes
/// such an action is up to each device to implement.
/// </summary>
public InputDevice MostRecentInputDevice
get { return _mostRecentInputDevice; }
internal set { _mostRecentInputDevice = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Controls call this to enter menu mode.
public void PushMenuMode(PresentationSource menuSite)
_menuModeCount += 1;
if (1 == _menuModeCount)
EventHandler enterMenuMode = EnterMenuMode;
if (null != enterMenuMode)
enterMenuMode(null, EventArgs.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// Controls call this to leave menu mode.
public void PopMenuMode(PresentationSource menuSite)
if (_menuModeCount <= 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
_menuModeCount -= 1;
if (0 == _menuModeCount)
EventHandler leaveMenuMode = LeaveMenuMode;
if (null != leaveMenuMode)
leaveMenuMode(null, EventArgs.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether or not the input manager is in menu mode.
public bool IsInMenuMode
return (_menuModeCount > 0);
/// <summary>
/// This event notifies when the input manager enters menu mode.
public event EventHandler EnterMenuMode;
/// <summary>
/// This event notifies when the input manager leaves menu mode.
public event EventHandler LeaveMenuMode;
private int _menuModeCount;
/// <summary>
/// An event that is raised whenever the result of a hit-test may
/// have changed.
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler HitTestInvalidatedAsync;
internal void NotifyHitTestInvalidated()
// The HitTest result may have changed for someone somewhere.
// Raise the HitTestInvalidatedAsync event after the next layout.
if(_hitTestInvalidatedAsyncOperation == null)
// It would be best to re-evaluate anything dependent on the hit-test results
// immediately after layout & rendering are complete. Unfortunately this can
// lead to an infinite loop. Consider the following scenario:
// If the mouse is over an element, hide it.
// This never resolves to a "correct" state. When the mouse moves over the
// element, the element is hidden, so the mouse is no longer over it, so the
// element is shown, but that means the mouse is over it again. Repeat.
// We push our re-evaluation to a priority lower than input processing so that
// the user can change the input device to avoid the infinite loops, or close
// the app if nothing else works.
_hitTestInvalidatedAsyncOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input,
else if (_hitTestInvalidatedAsyncOperation.Priority == DispatcherPriority.Inactive)
// This means that we are currently waiting for the timer to expire so
// that we can promote the current queue item to Input prority. Since
// we are now being told that we need to re-hittest, we simply stop the
// timer and promote the queue item right now instead of waiting for expiry.
ValidateInputDevices(this, EventArgs.Empty);
internal static void SafeCurrentNotifyHitTestInvalidated()
private object HitTestInvalidatedAsyncCallback(object arg)
_hitTestInvalidatedAsyncOperation = null;
if (HitTestInvalidatedAsync != null)
HitTestInvalidatedAsync(this, EventArgs.Empty);
return null;
private void OnLayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e)
/// <summary>
/// Start the timer that will kick off synchronize
/// operation on all the input devices upon expiry
/// </summary>
internal void InvalidateInputDevices()
// If there is no pending ansyc hittest operation
if (_hitTestInvalidatedAsyncOperation == null)
// Post an inactive item to the queue. When the timer expires
// we will promote this queue item to Input priority.
_hitTestInvalidatedAsyncOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Inactive,
// Start the input timer
_inputTimer.IsEnabled = true;
/// <summary>
/// Synchronize the input devices
/// </summary>
private void ValidateInputDevices(object sender, EventArgs e)
// It turns out that somehow we get here after the DispatcherOperation has been dispatched and we
// need to no-op on that.
if (_hitTestInvalidatedAsyncOperation != null)
// Promote the pending DispatcherOperation to Input Priority
_hitTestInvalidatedAsyncOperation.Priority = DispatcherPriority.Input;
// Stop the input timer
_inputTimer.IsEnabled = false;
/// <summary>
/// Synchronously processes the specified input.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The specified input is processed by all of the filters and
/// monitors, and is finally dispatched to the appropriate
/// element as an input event.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>
/// Whether or not any event generated as a consequence of this
/// event was handled.
/// </returns>
public bool ProcessInput(InputEventArgs input)
// VerifyAccess();
// Push a marker indicating the portion of the staging area
// that needs to be processed.
// Push the input to be processed onto the staging area.
PushInput(input, null);
// Post a work item to continue processing the staging area
// in case someone pushes a dispatcher frame in the middle
// of input processing.
// Now drain the staging area up to the marker we pushed.
bool handled = ProcessStagingArea();
return handled;
internal StagingAreaInputItem PushInput(StagingAreaInputItem inputItem)
return inputItem;
internal StagingAreaInputItem PushInput(InputEventArgs input, StagingAreaInputItem promote)
StagingAreaInputItem item = new StagingAreaInputItem(false);
item.Reset(input, promote);
return PushInput(item);
internal StagingAreaInputItem PushMarker()
StagingAreaInputItem item = new StagingAreaInputItem(true);
return PushInput(item);
internal StagingAreaInputItem PopInput()
object input = null;
if(_stagingArea.Count > 0)
input = _stagingArea.Pop();
return input as StagingAreaInputItem;
internal StagingAreaInputItem PeekInput()
object input = null;
if(_stagingArea.Count > 0)
input = _stagingArea.Peek();
return input as StagingAreaInputItem;
internal object ContinueProcessingStagingArea(object unused)
_continueProcessingStagingArea = false;
// It is possible that we can be re-entered by a nested
// dispatcher frame. Continue processing the staging
// area if we need to.
if(_stagingArea.Count > 0)
// Before we actually start to drain the staging area, we need
// to post a work item to process more input. This enables us
// to process more input if we enter a nested pump.
// Now synchronously drain the staging area.
return null;
// When called, InputManager will get into synchronized input processing mode.
internal static bool StartListeningSynchronizedInput(DependencyObject d, SynchronizedInputType inputType)
lock (_synchronizedInputLock)
if (_isSynchronizedInput)
return false;
_isSynchronizedInput = true;
_synchronizedInputState = SynchronizedInputStates.NoOpportunity;
_listeningElement = d;
_synchronizedInputType = inputType;
_synchronizedInputEvents = SynchronizedInputHelper.MapInputTypeToRoutedEvents(inputType);
_pairedSynchronizedInputEvents = SynchronizedInputHelper.MapInputTypeToRoutedEvents(SynchronizedInputHelper.GetPairedInputType(inputType));
return true;
// This method is used to cancel synchronized input processing.
internal static void CancelSynchronizedInput()
lock (_synchronizedInputLock)
_isSynchronizedInput = false;
_synchronizedInputState = SynchronizedInputStates.NoOpportunity;
_listeningElement = null;
_synchronizedInputEvents = null;
_pairedSynchronizedInputEvents = null;
if (_synchronizedInputAsyncClearOperation != null)
_synchronizedInputAsyncClearOperation = null;
private bool ProcessStagingArea()
bool handled = false;
// For performance reasons, try to reuse the input event args.
// If we are reentrered, we have to start over with fresh event
// args, so we clear the member variables before continuing.
// Also, we cannot simply make an single instance of the
// PreProcessedInputEventArgs and cast it to NotifyInputEventArgs
// or ProcessInputEventArgs because a malicious user could upcast
// the object and call inappropriate methods.
NotifyInputEventArgs notifyInputEventArgs = _notifyInputEventArgs ?? new NotifyInputEventArgs();
ProcessInputEventArgs processInputEventArgs = _processInputEventArgs ?? new ProcessInputEventArgs();
PreProcessInputEventArgs preProcessInputEventArgs = _preProcessInputEventArgs ?? new PreProcessInputEventArgs();
_notifyInputEventArgs = null;
_processInputEventArgs = null;
_preProcessInputEventArgs = null;
// Because we can be reentered, we can't just enumerate over the
// staging area - that could throw an exception if the queue
// changes underneath us. Instead, just loop until we find a
// frame marker or until the staging area is empty.
StagingAreaInputItem item = null;
while((item = PopInput()) != null)
// If we found a marker, we have reached the end of a
// "section" of the staging area. We just return from
// the synchronous processing of the staging area.
// If a dispatcher frame has been pushed by someone, this
// will not return to the original ProcessInput. Instead
// it will unwind to the dispatcher and since we have
// already pushed a work item to continue processing the
// input, it will simply call back into us to do more
// processing. At which point we will continue to drain
// the staging area. This could cause strage behavior,
// but it is deemed more acceptable than stalling input
// processing.
// In the future, in ordre to
// make sure we all agree on this. We could also
// just delay the rest of the staging area until
// the dispatcher frame finishes. Unfortunately,
// this means one could receive an input event for
// something that happened a long time ago.
if (item.IsMarker)
// Pre-Process the input. This could modify the staging
// area, and it could cancel the processing of this
// input event.
// Because we use multi-cast delegates, we always have to
// create a new multi-cast delegate when we add or remove
// a handler. This means we can just call the current
// multi-cast delegate instance, and it is safe to iterate
// over, even if we get reentered.
if (_preProcessInput != null)
preProcessInputEventArgs.Reset(item, this);
// Invoke the handlers in reverse order so that handlers that
// users add are invoked before handlers in the system.
Delegate[] handlers = _preProcessInput.Item2;
for(int i = (handlers.Length - 1); i >= 0; i--)
PreProcessInputEventHandler handler = (PreProcessInputEventHandler) handlers[i];
handler(this, preProcessInputEventArgs);
// Pre-Notify the input.
// Because we use multi-cast delegates, we always have to
// create a new multi-cast delegate when we add or remove
// a handler. This means we can just call the current
// multi-cast delegate instance, and it is safe to iterate
// over, even if we get reentered.
if(_preNotifyInput != null)
notifyInputEventArgs.Reset(item, this);
// Invoke the handlers in reverse order so that handlers that
// users add are invoked before handlers in the system.
Delegate[] handlers = _preNotifyInput.Item2;
for(int i = (handlers.Length - 1); i >= 0; i--)
NotifyInputEventHandler handler = (NotifyInputEventHandler) handlers[i];
handler(this, notifyInputEventArgs);
// Raise the input event being processed.
InputEventArgs input = item.Input;
// Some input events are explicitly associated with
// an element. Those that are not are associated with
// the target of the input device for this event.
DependencyObject eventSource = input.Source as DependencyObject;
if(eventSource == null || !InputElement.IsValid(eventSource as IInputElement))
if (input.Device != null)
eventSource = input.Device.Target as DependencyObject;
// During synchronized input processing, event should be discarded if not listening for this input type.
if (_isSynchronizedInput &&
SynchronizedInputHelper.IsMappedEvent(input) &&
Array.IndexOf(SynchronizedInputEvents, input.RoutedEvent) < 0 &&
Array.IndexOf(PairedSynchronizedInputEvents, input.RoutedEvent) < 0)
if (!SynchronizedInputHelper.ShouldContinueListening(input))
// Discard the event
_synchronizedInputState = SynchronizedInputStates.Discarded;
_synchronizedInputAsyncClearOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate
// Discard the event
_synchronizedInputState = SynchronizedInputStates.Discarded;
if (eventSource != null)
if (eventSource is UIElement e)
e.RaiseEvent(input, true); // Call the "trusted" flavor of RaiseEvent.
else if (eventSource is ContentElement ce)
ce.RaiseEvent(input, true);// Call the "trusted" flavor of RaiseEvent.
else if (eventSource is UIElement3D e3D)
e3D.RaiseEvent(input, true); // Call the "trusted" flavor of RaiseEvent
// If synchronized input raise appropriate automation event.
if (_isSynchronizedInput && SynchronizedInputHelper.IsListening(_listeningElement, input))
if (!SynchronizedInputHelper.ShouldContinueListening(input))
_synchronizedInputAsyncClearOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate
// Post-Notify the input.
// Because we use multi-cast delegates, we always have to
// create a new multi-cast delegate when we add or remove
// a handler. This means we can just call the current
// multi-cast delegate instance, and it is safe to iterate
// over, even if we get reentered.
if(_postNotifyInput != null)
notifyInputEventArgs.Reset(item, this);
// Invoke the handlers in reverse order so that handlers that
// users add are invoked before handlers in the system.
Delegate[] handlers = _postNotifyInput.Item2;
for(int i = (handlers.Length - 1); i >= 0; i--)
NotifyInputEventHandler handler = (NotifyInputEventHandler) handlers[i];
handler(this, notifyInputEventArgs);
// Post-Process the input. This could modify the staging
// area.
// Because we use multi-cast delegates, we always have to
// create a new multi-cast delegate when we add or remove
// a handler. This means we can just call the current
// multi-cast delegate instance, and it is safe to iterate
// over, even if we get reentered.
if(_postProcessInput != null)
processInputEventArgs.Reset(item, this);
RaiseProcessInputEventHandlers(_postProcessInput, processInputEventArgs);
// PreviewInputReport --> InputReport
if(item.Input.RoutedEvent == InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent)
InputReportEventArgs previewInputReport = (InputReportEventArgs) item.Input;
InputReportEventArgs inputReport = new InputReportEventArgs(previewInputReport.Device, previewInputReport.Report)
RoutedEvent = InputManager.InputReportEvent
PushInput(inputReport, item);
handled = true;
// Store our input event args so that we can use them again, and
// avoid having to allocate more.
_notifyInputEventArgs = notifyInputEventArgs;
_processInputEventArgs = processInputEventArgs;
_preProcessInputEventArgs = preProcessInputEventArgs;
// Make sure to throw away the contents of the event args so
// we don't keep refs around to things we don't mean to.
_notifyInputEventArgs.Reset(null, null);
_processInputEventArgs.Reset(null, null);
_preProcessInputEventArgs.Reset(null, null);
return handled;
private void RaiseProcessInputEventHandlers(Tuple<ProcessInputEventHandler, Delegate[]> postProcessInput, ProcessInputEventArgs processInputEventArgs)
// Invoke the handlers in reverse order so that handlers that
// users add are invoked before handlers in the system.
Delegate[] handlers = postProcessInput.Item2;
for(int i = (handlers.Length - 1); i >= 0; i--)
ProcessInputEventHandler handler = (ProcessInputEventHandler) handlers[i];
handler(this, processInputEventArgs);
finally // we do this in a finally block in case of exceptions
private void RequestContinueProcessingStagingArea()
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, _continueProcessingStagingAreaCallback, null);
_continueProcessingStagingArea = true;
private DispatcherOperationCallback _continueProcessingStagingAreaCallback;
private bool _continueProcessingStagingArea;
private NotifyInputEventArgs _notifyInputEventArgs;
private ProcessInputEventArgs _processInputEventArgs;
private PreProcessInputEventArgs _preProcessInputEventArgs;
// These four events introduced for security purposes. Rather than just store the multicast delegate
// and have to do GetInvocationList on each invocation (in order to invoke delegates in reverse-registered
// order), we get the invocation list when the events are updated, and then use that cached list
// on every invocation.
private Tuple<PreProcessInputEventHandler, Delegate[]> _preProcessInput;
private Tuple<NotifyInputEventHandler, Delegate[]> _preNotifyInput;
private Tuple<NotifyInputEventHandler, Delegate[]> _postNotifyInput;
private Tuple<ProcessInputEventHandler, Delegate[]> _postProcessInput;
private event KeyEventHandler _translateAccelerator;
private Hashtable _inputProviders = new Hashtable();
private KeyboardDevice _primaryKeyboardDevice;
private MouseDevice _primaryMouseDevice;
private CommandDevice _primaryCommandDevice;
private bool _inDragDrop;
private DispatcherOperationCallback _hitTestInvalidatedAsyncCallback;
private DispatcherOperation _hitTestInvalidatedAsyncOperation;
private EventHandler _layoutUpdatedCallback;
private Stack _stagingArea;
private InputDevice _mostRecentInputDevice;
// Timer used to synchronize the input devices periodically
private DispatcherTimer _inputTimer;
// Synchronized input automation related fields
// Used to indicate whether any element is currently listening for synchronized input.
private static bool _isSynchronizedInput;
// Element listening for synchronized input.
private static DependencyObject _listeningElement;
// Input event the element is listening on.
private static RoutedEvent[] _synchronizedInputEvents;
// Complementary pair of input event the element is listening on.
private static RoutedEvent[] _pairedSynchronizedInputEvents;
// Input type the element is listening on.
private static SynchronizedInputType _synchronizedInputType;
// Used to track state of synchronized input.
private static SynchronizedInputStates _synchronizedInputState = SynchronizedInputStates.NoOpportunity;
// Used to store the DispatcherOperation that waits until KeyDowns are translated to fire the corresponding AutomationEvent.
private static DispatcherOperation _synchronizedInputAsyncClearOperation;
// Lock used to serialize access to synchronized input related static fields.
private static readonly object _synchronizedInputLock = new object();