File: System\Windows\Input\Stylus\Wisp\WispStylusDevice.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationCore\PresentationCore.csproj (PresentationCore)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Win32;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows.Input.StylusPlugIns;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Threading;
namespace System.Windows.Input.StylusWisp
    /// <summary>
    ///     The StylusDevice class represents the stylus device
    /// </summary>
    internal class WispStylusDevice : StylusDeviceBase
        internal WispStylusDevice(WispTabletDevice tabletDevice, string sName, int id, bool fInverted, StylusButtonCollection stylusButtonCollection)
            : base()
            _tabletDevice = tabletDevice;
            _sName = sName;
            _id = id;
            _fInverted = fInverted;
            // For tablet devices that can go out of range default them to
            // being out of range until we see some events from it.
            _fInRange = false; // All tablets out of range by default.
            _stylusButtonCollection = stylusButtonCollection;
            _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsEnabledChanged);
            _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsVisibleChanged);
            _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsHitTestVisibleChanged);
            _reevaluateStylusOverDelegate = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ReevaluateStylusOverAsync);
            _reevaluateStylusOverOperation = null;
            _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsEnabledChanged);
            _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsVisibleChanged);
            _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsHitTestVisibleChanged);
            _reevaluateCaptureDelegate = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ReevaluateCaptureAsync);
            _reevaluateCaptureOperation = null;
            if (_stylusButtonCollection != null)
                foreach (StylusButton button in _stylusButtonCollection)
            // Because the stylus device gets a steady stream of input events when it is in range,
            // we don't have to be so careful about responding to layout changes as we have to be
            // with the mouse.
            // InputManager.Current.HitTestInvalidatedAsync += new EventHandler(OnHitTestInvalidatedAsync);
            _stylusLogic = StylusLogic.GetCurrentStylusLogicAs<WispLogic>();
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!_disposed)
                if (disposing)
                    // DevDiv:1078091
                    // In case the corresponding touch device hasn't been deactivated
                    // we need to deactivate it here.  If we don't and there are missed
                    // up messages, we can end up in a state where we will never promote
                    // mouse messages as the activated count is thread static and the
                    // CurrentMousePromotionStylusDevice is only set on initial activation.
                    // In the case of missed ups, we will have an old StylusTouchDevice for
                    // the promotion device and nothing will be promoted in the future.
                    if (_touchDevice?.IsActive ?? false)
                    // Make sure we clean up any references that could keep our object alive.
                    _inputSource = null;
                    _stylusCapture = null;
                    _stylusOver = null;
                    _nonVerifiedTarget = null;
                    _verifiedTarget = null;
                    _rtiCaptureChanged = null;
                    _stylusCapturePlugInCollection = null;
                    _fBlockMouseMoveChanges = false;
                    _tabletDevice = null;
                    _stylusLogic = null;
                    _fInRange = false;
                    _touchDevice = null;
                _disposed = true;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the element that input from this device is sent to.
        /// </summary>
        internal override IInputElement Target
                return _stylusOver;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns whether the StylusDevice object has been internally disposed.
        /// </summary>
        internal override bool IsValid
                return (_tabletDevice != null);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the PresentationSource that is reporting input for this device.
        /// </summary>
        internal override PresentationSource ActiveSource => _inputSource;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the PresentationSource that is reporting input for this device.
        /// </summary>
        internal override PresentationSource CriticalActiveSource => _inputSource;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the currently active PenContext (if seen) for this device.
        ///     Gets set on InRange and cleared on the out of range event (that matches PenContext).
        /// </summary>
        internal PenContext ActivePenContext => _activePenContext;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the element that the stylus is over.
        /// </summary>
        internal StylusPlugInCollection CurrentNonVerifiedTarget
                return _nonVerifiedTarget;
                _nonVerifiedTarget = value;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the element that the stylus is over.
        /// </summary>
        internal override StylusPlugInCollection CurrentVerifiedTarget
                return _verifiedTarget;
                _verifiedTarget = value;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the element that the stylus is over.
        /// </summary>
        internal override IInputElement DirectlyOver
                return _stylusOver;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the element that has captured the stylus.
        /// </summary>
        internal override IInputElement Captured
                return _stylusCapture;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the element that has captured the stylus.
        /// </summary>
        internal override CaptureMode CapturedMode
                return _captureMode;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Captures the stylus to a particular element.
        /// </summary>
        internal override bool Capture(IInputElement element, CaptureMode captureMode)
            int timeStamp = Environment.TickCount;
            if (!(captureMode == CaptureMode.None || captureMode == CaptureMode.Element || captureMode == CaptureMode.SubTree))
                throw new System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException("captureMode", (int)captureMode, typeof(CaptureMode));
            if (element == null)
                captureMode = CaptureMode.None;
            if (captureMode == CaptureMode.None)
                element = null;
            // Validate that element is either a UIElement, a ContentElement or a UIElement3D.
            DependencyObject doStylusCapture = element as DependencyObject;
            if (doStylusCapture != null && !InputElement.IsValid(element))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Invalid_IInputElement, doStylusCapture.GetType()));
            bool success = false;
            // The element we are capturing to must be both enabled and visible.
            UIElement e = element as UIElement;
            if (e != null)
                if (e.IsVisible || e.IsEnabled)
                    success = true;
                ContentElement ce = element as ContentElement;
                if (ce != null)
                    if (ce.IsEnabled) // There is no IsVisible property for ContentElement
                        success = true;
                    // Setting capture to null.
                    success = true;
            if (success)
                ChangeStylusCapture(element, captureMode, timeStamp);
            return success;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Captures the stylus to a particular element.
        /// </summary>
        internal override bool Capture(IInputElement element)
            // No need for calling ApplyTemplate since we forward the call.
            return Capture(element, CaptureMode.Element);
        // called from the penthread to find out if a plugincollection has capture.
        internal override StylusPlugInCollection GetCapturedPlugInCollection(ref bool elementHasCapture)
            // Take lock so both are returned with proper state since called from a pen thread.
            lock (_rtiCaptureChanged)
                elementHasCapture = (_stylusCapture != null);
                return _stylusCapturePlugInCollection;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Forces the stylusdevice to resynchronize at it's current location and state.
        ///     It can conditionally generate a Stylus Move/InAirMove (at the current location) if a change
        ///     in hittesting is detected that requires an event be generated to update elements 
        ///     to the current state (typically due to layout changes without Stylus changes).  
        ///     Has the same behavior as MouseDevice.Synchronize().
        /// </summary>
        internal override void Synchronize()
            // Simulate a stylus move (if we are current stylus, inrange, visuals still valid to update
            // and has moved).
            if (InRange && _inputSource?.CompositionTarget is { } target && !target.IsDisposed)
                Point ptDevice = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(_lastScreenLocation, _inputSource);
                // GlobalHitTest always returns an IInputElement, so we are sure to have one.
                IInputElement stylusOver = Input.StylusDevice.GlobalHitTest(_inputSource, ptDevice);
                bool fOffsetChanged = false;
                if (_stylusOver == stylusOver)
                    Point ptOffset = GetPosition(stylusOver);
                    fOffsetChanged = MS.Internal.DoubleUtil.AreClose(ptOffset.X, _rawElementRelativePosition.X) == false || MS.Internal.DoubleUtil.AreClose(ptOffset.Y, _rawElementRelativePosition.Y) == false;
                if (fOffsetChanged || _stylusOver != stylusOver)
                    int timeStamp = Environment.TickCount;
                    PenContext penContext = _stylusLogic.GetStylusPenContextForHwnd(_inputSource, TabletDevice.Id);
                    if (_eventStylusPoints != null &&
                        _eventStylusPoints.Count > 0 &&
                        StylusPointDescription.AreCompatible(penContext.StylusPointDescription, _eventStylusPoints.Description))
                        StylusPoint stylusPoint = _eventStylusPoints[_eventStylusPoints.Count - 1];
                        int[] data = stylusPoint.GetPacketData();
                        // get back to the correct coordinate system
                        Matrix m = _tabletDevice.TabletToScreen;
                        Point ptTablet = ptDevice * m;
                        data[0] = (int)ptTablet.X;
                        data[1] = (int)ptTablet.Y;
                        RawStylusInputReport report = new RawStylusInputReport(InputMode.Foreground,
                                                                             InAir ? RawStylusActions.InAirMove : RawStylusActions.Move,
                            Synchronized = true
                        InputReportEventArgs inputReportEventArgs = new InputReportEventArgs(StylusDevice, report)
                            RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent
        private void UpdateOverProperty(IInputElement oldOver, IInputElement newOver)
            DependencyObject o = null;
            // Adjust the handlers we use to track everything.
            if (oldOver != null)
                o = oldOver as DependencyObject;
                if (o is UIElement uie)
                    uie.IsEnabledChanged -= _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                    uie.IsVisibleChanged -= _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    uie.IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                else if (o is ContentElement ce)
                    ce.IsEnabledChanged -= _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                    // NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements.
                    // ce.IsVisibleChanged -= _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    // ce.IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                else if (o is UIElement3D uie3D)
                    uie3D.IsEnabledChanged -= _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                    uie3D.IsVisibleChanged -= _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    uie3D.IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Invalid_IInputElement, oldOver.GetType())); 
            if (_stylusOver != null)
                o = _stylusOver as DependencyObject;
                if (o is UIElement uie)
                    uie.IsEnabledChanged += _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                    uie.IsVisibleChanged += _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    uie.IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                else if (o is ContentElement ce)
                    ce.IsEnabledChanged += _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                    // NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements.
                    // ce.IsVisibleChanged += _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    // ce.IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                else if (o is UIElement3D uie3D)
                    uie3D.IsEnabledChanged += _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                    uie3D.IsVisibleChanged += _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    uie3D.IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Invalid_IInputElement, _stylusOver.GetType())); 
            // Oddly enough, update the IsStylusOver property first.  This is
            // so any callbacks will see the more-common IsStylusOver property
            // set correctly.
            UIElement.StylusOverProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(oldOver as DependencyObject, _stylusOver as DependencyObject, ref _stylusOverTreeState);
            // Invalidate the IsStylusDirectlyOver property.
            if (oldOver != null)
                o = oldOver as DependencyObject;
                o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverPropertyKey, false); // Same property for ContentElements
            if (_stylusOver != null)
                o = _stylusOver as DependencyObject;
                o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverPropertyKey, true); // Same property for ContentElements
        private void OnOverIsEnabledChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element that the stylus is over just became disabled.
            // We need to resynchronize the stylus so that we can figure out who
            // the stylus is over now.
            ReevaluateStylusOver(null, null, true);
        private void OnOverIsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element that the stylus is over just became non-visible (collapsed or hidden).
            // We need to resynchronize the stylus so that we can figure out who
            // the stylus is over now.
            ReevaluateStylusOver(null, null, true);
        private void OnOverIsHitTestVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element that the stylus is over was affected by a change in hit-test visibility.
            // We need to resynchronize the stylus so that we can figure out who
            // the stylus is over now.
            ReevaluateStylusOver(null, null, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        internal void ReevaluateStylusOver(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
            if (element != null)
                if (isCoreParent)
                    StylusOverTreeState.SetCoreParent(element, oldParent);
                    StylusOverTreeState.SetLogicalParent(element, oldParent);
            // It would be best to re-evaluate anything dependent on the hit-test results
            // immediately after layout & rendering are complete.  Unfortunately this can
            // lead to an infinite loop.  Consider the following scenario:
            // If the stylus is over an element, hide it.
            // This never resolves to a "correct" state.  When the stylus moves over the
            // element, the element is hidden, so the stylus is no longer over it, so the
            // element is shown, but that means the stylus is over it again.  Repeat.
            // We push our re-evaluation to a priority lower than input processing so that
            // the user can change the input device to avoid the infinite loops, or close
            // the app if nothing else works.
            if (_reevaluateStylusOverOperation == null)
                _reevaluateStylusOverOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, _reevaluateStylusOverDelegate, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arg"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private object ReevaluateStylusOverAsync(object arg)
            _reevaluateStylusOverOperation = null;
            // Synchronize causes state issues with the stylus events so we don't do this.
            //if (_currentStylusDevice != null)
            //    _currentStylusDevice.Synchronize();
            // Refresh StylusOverProperty so that ReverseInherited Flags are updated.
            // We only need to do this is there is any information about the old
            // tree state.  This is because it is possible (even likely) that
            // Synchronize() would have already done this if we hit-tested to a
            // different element.
            if (_stylusOverTreeState != null && !_stylusOverTreeState.IsEmpty)
                UIElement.StylusOverProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(_stylusOver as DependencyObject, _stylusOver as DependencyObject, ref _stylusOverTreeState);
            return null;
        // NOTE: This will typically get called for each stylus device on the
        //       system since Stylus.Capture will enumerate them all and call
        //       capture.
        private void ChangeStylusCapture(IInputElement stylusCapture, CaptureMode captureMode, int timestamp)
        internal void ChangeStylusCapture(IInputElement stylusCapture, CaptureMode captureMode, int timestamp)
            // if the capture changed...
            if (stylusCapture != _stylusCapture)
                // Actually change the capture first.  Invalidate the properties,
                // and then send the events.
                IInputElement oldStylusCapture = _stylusCapture;
                using (Dispatcher.DisableProcessing()) // Disable reentrancy due to locks taken
                    lock (_rtiCaptureChanged)
                        _stylusCapture = stylusCapture;
                        _captureMode = captureMode;
                        // We also need to figure out ahead of time if any plugincollections on this captured element (or a parent)
                        // for the penthread hittesting code.
                        _stylusCapturePlugInCollection = null;
                        if (stylusCapture != null)
                            UIElement uiElement = InputElement.GetContainingUIElement(stylusCapture as DependencyObject) as UIElement;
                            if (uiElement != null)
                                PresentationSource source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(uiElement as Visual);
                                if (source != null)
                                    PenContexts penContexts = _stylusLogic.GetPenContextsFromHwnd(source);
                                    _stylusCapturePlugInCollection = penContexts.FindPlugInCollection(uiElement);
                // Oddly enough, update the IsStylusCaptureWithin property first.  This is
                // so any callbacks will see the more-common IsStylusCaptureWithin property
                // set correctly.
                UIElement.StylusCaptureWithinProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(oldStylusCapture as DependencyObject, _stylusCapture as DependencyObject, ref _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState);
                // Invalidate the IsStylusCaptured properties.
                if (oldStylusCapture != null)
                    var o = oldStylusCapture as DependencyObject;
                    o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusCapturedPropertyKey, false); // Same property for ContentElements
                if (_stylusCapture != null)
                    var o = _stylusCapture as DependencyObject;
                    o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusCapturedPropertyKey, true); // Same property for ContentElements
                _stylusLogic.UpdateStylusCapture(this, oldStylusCapture, _stylusCapture, timestamp);
                // Send the LostStylusCapture and GotStylusCapture events.
                if (oldStylusCapture != null)
                    StylusEventArgs lostCapture = new StylusEventArgs(StylusDevice, timestamp)
                        RoutedEvent = Stylus.LostStylusCaptureEvent,
                        Source = oldStylusCapture
                if (_stylusCapture != null)
                    StylusEventArgs gotCapture = new StylusEventArgs(StylusDevice, timestamp)
                        RoutedEvent = Stylus.GotStylusCaptureEvent,
                        Source = _stylusCapture
                // Now update the stylus over state (only if this is the current stylus and 
                // it is inrange).
                if (_stylusLogic.CurrentStylusDevice == this || InRange)
                    if (_stylusCapture != null)
                        IInputElement inputElementHit = _stylusCapture;
                        // See if we need to update over for subtree mode.
                        if (CapturedMode == CaptureMode.SubTree && _inputSource != null)
                            Point pt = _stylusLogic.DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(_inputSource, GetPosition(null));
                            inputElementHit = FindTarget(_inputSource, pt);
                        // Only try to update over if we have a valid input source.
                        if (_inputSource is not null)
                            Point pt = GetPosition(null); // relative to window (root element)
                            pt = _stylusLogic.DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(_inputSource, pt); // change back to device coords.
                            IInputElement currentOver = Input.StylusDevice.GlobalHitTest(_inputSource, pt);
                // For Mouse StylusDevice we want to make sure Mouse capture is set up the same.
                if ((Mouse.PrimaryDevice.StylusDevice == this) && (Mouse.Captured != _stylusCapture || Mouse.CapturedMode != _captureMode))
                if (Mouse.Captured != _stylusCapture || Mouse.CapturedMode != _captureMode)
                    Mouse.Capture(_stylusCapture, _captureMode);
        internal void AttachToPropertiesAffectingCapture(IInputElement element)
            // Adjust the handlers we use to track everything.
            if (element != null)
                var o = element as DependencyObject;
                if (InputElement.IsUIElement(o))
                    ((UIElement)o).IsEnabledChanged += _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                    ((UIElement)o).IsVisibleChanged += _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    ((UIElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(o))
                    ((ContentElement)o).IsEnabledChanged += _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                    // NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements.
                    // ((ContentElement)o).IsVisibleChanged += _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    // ((ContentElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    ((UIElement3D)o).IsEnabledChanged += _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                    ((UIElement3D)o).IsVisibleChanged += _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    ((UIElement3D)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
        internal void DetachFromPropertiesAffectingCapture(IInputElement element)
            if (element != null)
                var o = element as DependencyObject;
                if (InputElement.IsUIElement(o))
                    ((UIElement)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                    ((UIElement)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    ((UIElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(o))
                    ((ContentElement)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                    // NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements.
                    // ((ContentElement)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    // ((ContentElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    ((UIElement3D)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                    ((UIElement3D)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    ((UIElement3D)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
        private void OnCaptureIsEnabledChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element that the stylus is captured to just became disabled.
            // We need to re-evaluate the element that has stylus capture since
            // we can't allow the stylus to remain captured by a disabled element.
            ReevaluateCapture(null, null, true);
        private void OnCaptureIsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element that the stylus is captured to just became non-visible (collapsed or hidden).
            // We need to re-evaluate the element that has stylus capture since
            // we can't allow the stylus to remain captured by a non-visible element.
            ReevaluateCapture(null, null, true);
        private void OnCaptureIsHitTestVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element that the stylus is captured to was affected by a change in hit-test visibility.
            // We need to re-evaluate the element that has stylus capture since
            // we can't allow the stylus to remain captured by a non-hittest-visible element.
            ReevaluateCapture(null, null, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        internal void ReevaluateCapture(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
            if (element != null)
                if (isCoreParent)
                    StylusCaptureWithinTreeState.SetCoreParent(element, oldParent);
                    StylusCaptureWithinTreeState.SetLogicalParent(element, oldParent);
            // We re-evaluate the captured element to be consistent with how
            // we re-evaluate the element the stylus is over.
            // See ReevaluateStylusOver for details.
            if (_reevaluateCaptureOperation == null)
                _reevaluateCaptureOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, _reevaluateCaptureDelegate, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arg"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private object ReevaluateCaptureAsync(object arg)
            _reevaluateCaptureOperation = null;
            if (_stylusCapture == null)
                return null;
            bool killCapture = false;
            DependencyObject dependencyObject = _stylusCapture as DependencyObject;
            // First, check things like IsEnabled, IsVisible, etc. on a
            // UIElement vs. ContentElement basis.
            if (InputElement.IsUIElement(dependencyObject))
                killCapture = !ValidateUIElementForCapture((UIElement)_stylusCapture);
            else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(dependencyObject))
                killCapture = !ValidateContentElementForCapture((ContentElement)_stylusCapture);
                killCapture = !ValidateUIElement3DForCapture((UIElement3D)_stylusCapture);
            // Second, if we still haven't thought of a reason to kill capture, validate
            // it on a Visual basis for things like still being in the right tree.
            if (killCapture == false)
                DependencyObject containingVisual = InputElement.GetContainingVisual(dependencyObject);
                killCapture = !ValidateVisualForCapture(containingVisual);
            // Lastly, if we found any reason above, kill capture.
            if (killCapture)
            // Refresh StylusCaptureWithinProperty so that ReverseInherited flags are updated.
            // We only need to do this is there is any information about the old
            // tree state.  This is because it is possible (even likely) that
            // we would have already killed capture if the capture criteria was
            // no longer met.
            if (_stylusCaptureWithinTreeState != null && !_stylusCaptureWithinTreeState.IsEmpty)
                UIElement.StylusCaptureWithinProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(_stylusCapture as DependencyObject, _stylusCapture as DependencyObject, ref _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState);
            return null;
        private static bool ValidateUIElementForCapture(UIElement element)
            if (element.IsEnabled == false)
                return false;
            if (element.IsVisible == false)
                return false;
            if (element.IsHitTestVisible == false)
                return false;
            return true;
        private static bool ValidateContentElementForCapture(ContentElement element)
            if (element.IsEnabled == false)
                return false;
            // NOTE: there is no IsVisible property for ContentElements.
            return true;
        private static bool ValidateUIElement3DForCapture(UIElement3D element)
            if (element.IsEnabled == false)
                return false;
            if (element.IsVisible == false)
                return false;
            if (element.IsHitTestVisible == false)
                return false;
            return true;
        private bool ValidateVisualForCapture(DependencyObject visual)
            if (visual == null)
                return false;
            PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(visual);
            if (presentationSource == null)
                return false;
            if (CriticalActiveSource != presentationSource &&
                Captured == null)
                return false;
            return true;
        internal void ChangeStylusOver(IInputElement stylusOver)
            // We are not syncing the OverSourceChanged event
            // the reasons for doing so are listed in the MouseDevice.cs OnOverSourceChanged implementation
            if (_stylusOver != stylusOver)
                var oldStylusOver = _stylusOver;
                _stylusOver = stylusOver;
                _rawElementRelativePosition = GetPosition(_stylusOver);
                UpdateOverProperty(oldStylusOver, _stylusOver);
                // Always update the relative position if InRange since ChangeStylusOver is only
                // called when something changed (like capture or stylus moved) and in
                // that case we want this updated properly.  This value is used in Synchronize().
                if (InRange)
                    _rawElementRelativePosition = GetPosition(_stylusOver);
            // The stylus over property is a singleton (only one stylus device at a time can
            // be over an element) so we let StylusLogic manager the element over state. 
            // NOTE: StylusLogic only allows the CurrentStylusDevice to change the over state.
            // Also note that Capture is also managed by StylusLogic in a similar fashion.
            _stylusLogic.UpdateOverProperty(this, _stylusOver);
        internal IInputElement FindTarget(PresentationSource inputSource, Point position)
            IInputElement stylusOver = null;
            switch (_captureMode)
                case CaptureMode.None:
                        stylusOver = StylusDevice.GlobalHitTest(inputSource, position);
                        // We understand UIElements and ContentElements.
                        // If we are over something else (like a raw visual)
                        // find the containing element.
                        if (!InputElement.IsValid(stylusOver))
                            stylusOver = InputElement.GetContainingInputElement(stylusOver as DependencyObject);
                case CaptureMode.Element:
                    // CONSIDER: Support isPhysicallyOver like MouseDevice?
                    stylusOver = _stylusCapture;
                case CaptureMode.SubTree:
                        IInputElement stylusCapture = InputElement.GetContainingInputElement(_stylusCapture as DependencyObject);
                        if (stylusCapture != null && inputSource != null)
                            // We need to re-hit-test to get the "real" UIElement we are over.
                            // This allows us to have our capture-to-subtree span multiple windows.
                            // GlobalHitTest always returns an IInputElement, so we are sure to have one.
                            stylusOver = StylusDevice.GlobalHitTest(inputSource, position);
                        if (stylusOver != null && !InputElement.IsValid(stylusOver))
                            stylusOver = InputElement.GetContainingInputElement(stylusOver as DependencyObject);
                        // Make sure that the element we hit is acutally underneath
                        // our captured element.  Because we did a global hit test, we
                        // could have hit an element in a completely different window.
                        // Note that we support the child being in a completely different window.
                        // So we use the GetUIParent method instead of just looking at
                        // visual/content parents.
                        if (stylusOver != null)
                            IInputElement ieTest = stylusOver;
                            UIElement eTest = null;
                            ContentElement ceTest = null;
                            while (ieTest != null && ieTest != stylusCapture)
                                eTest = ieTest as UIElement;
                                if (eTest != null)
                                    ieTest = InputElement.GetContainingInputElement(eTest.GetUIParent(true));
                                    ceTest = ieTest as ContentElement; // Should never fail.
                                    ieTest = InputElement.GetContainingInputElement(ceTest.GetUIParent(true));
                            // If we missed the capture point, we didn't hit anything.
                            if (ieTest != stylusCapture)
                                stylusOver = _stylusCapture;
                            // We didn't hit anything.  Consider the stylus over the capture point.
                            stylusOver = _stylusCapture;
            return stylusOver;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the tablet associated with the StylusDevice
        /// </summary>
        internal override TabletDevice TabletDevice
                // Don't do the VerifyAccess call any more since we need to call this prop
                // from the pen thread to get access to internal data.  The TabletDevice 
                // is already a DispatcherObject so it will do VerifyAccess() on any 
                // methods called on the wrong thread.
                // VerifyAccess();
                return _tabletDevice.TabletDevice;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the name of the StylusDevice
        /// </summary>
        internal override string Name
                return _sName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the friendly representation of the StylusDevice
        /// </summary>
        public override string ToString()
            return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}({1})", base.ToString(), this.Name);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the hardware id of the StylusDevice
        /// </summary>
        internal override int Id
                return _id;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns a StylusPointCollection object for processing the data in the packet.
        ///     This method creates a new StylusPointCollection and copies the data.
        /// </summary>
        internal override StylusPointCollection GetStylusPoints(IInputElement relativeTo)
            // Fake up an empty one if we have to.
            if (_eventStylusPoints == null)
                return new StylusPointCollection(_tabletDevice.StylusPointDescription);
            return _eventStylusPoints.Clone(StylusDevice.GetElementTransform(relativeTo), _eventStylusPoints.Description);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns a StylusPointCollection object for processing the data in the packet.
        ///     This method creates a new StylusPointCollection and copies the data.
        /// </summary>
        internal override StylusPointCollection GetStylusPoints(IInputElement relativeTo, StylusPointDescription subsetToReformatTo)
            // Fake up an empty one if we have to.
            if (_eventStylusPoints == null)
                return new StylusPointCollection(subsetToReformatTo);
            return _eventStylusPoints.Reformat(subsetToReformatTo, StylusDevice.GetElementTransform(relativeTo));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the button collection that is associated with the StylusDevice.
        /// </summary>
        internal override StylusButtonCollection StylusButtons
                return _stylusButtonCollection;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Calculates the position of the stylus relative to a particular element.
        /// </summary>
        internal override Point GetPosition(IInputElement relativeTo)
            // Validate that relativeTo is either a UIElement, a ContentElement or a UIElement3D.
            if (relativeTo != null && !InputElement.IsValid(relativeTo))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Invalid_IInputElement, relativeTo.GetType()));
            PresentationSource relativePresentationSource = null;
            if (relativeTo != null)
                DependencyObject dependencyObject = relativeTo as DependencyObject;
                DependencyObject containingVisual = InputElement.GetContainingVisual(dependencyObject);
                if (containingVisual != null)
                    relativePresentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(containingVisual);
                if (_inputSource != null)
                    relativePresentationSource = _inputSource;
            // Verify that we have a valid PresentationSource with a valid RootVisual
            // - if we don't we won't be able to invoke ClientToRoot or TranslatePoint and 
            //   we will just return 0,0
            if (relativePresentationSource == null || relativePresentationSource.RootVisual == null)
                return new Point(0, 0);
            Point ptClient = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(_lastScreenLocation, relativePresentationSource);
            Point ptRoot = PointUtil.ClientToRoot(ptClient, relativePresentationSource);
            Point ptRelative = InputElement.TranslatePoint(ptRoot, relativePresentationSource.RootVisual, (DependencyObject)relativeTo);
            return ptRelative;
        /// <summary>
        /// This will return the same result as GetPosition if the packet data points
        /// are not modified in the StylusPlugIns, otherwise it will return the unmodified
        /// data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativeTo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal Point GetRawPosition(IInputElement relativeTo)
            GeneralTransform transform = StylusDevice.GetElementTransform(relativeTo);
            Point pt;
            transform.TryTransform((Point)_rawPosition, out pt);
            return pt;
        internal override StylusPoint RawStylusPoint
            get { return _rawPosition; }
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets the current state of the specified button
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mouseButton">
        ///     The mouse button to get the state of
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="mouseDevice">
        ///     The MouseDevice that is making the request
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     The state of the specified mouse button
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     This is the hook where the Input system (via the MouseDevice) can call back into
        ///     the Stylus system when we are processing Stylus events instead of Mouse events
        /// </remarks>
        internal override MouseButtonState GetMouseButtonState(MouseButton mouseButton, MouseDevice mouseDevice)
            if (mouseButton == MouseButton.Left)
                return _stylusLogic.GetMouseLeftOrRightButtonState(true);
            if (mouseButton == MouseButton.Right)
                return _stylusLogic.GetMouseLeftOrRightButtonState(false);
            //       can defer back to the mouse device that called you and it will call Win32
            return mouseDevice.GetButtonStateFromSystem(mouseButton);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets the current position of the mouse in screen co-ords
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mouseDevice">
        ///     The MouseDevice that is making the request
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     The current mouse location in screen co-ords
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     This is the hook where the Input system (via the MouseDevice) can call back into
        ///     the Stylus system when we are processing Stylus events instead of Mouse events
        /// </remarks>
        internal override Point GetMouseScreenPosition(MouseDevice mouseDevice)
            if (mouseDevice == null)
                // return the last location this stylus device promoted a mouse for.
                return _lastMouseScreenLocation;
                // The mouse device now caches the last location seen from the last input
                // report so we can just call back to them to get the location.  We don't
                // need to return our cached location currrently.
                return mouseDevice.GetScreenPositionFromSystem();
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the transform for converting from tablet to element
        ///     relative coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        private GeneralTransform GetTabletToElementTransform(PresentationSource source, IInputElement relativeTo)
            GeneralTransformGroup group = new GeneralTransformGroup();
            group.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(_stylusLogic.GetTabletToViewTransform(source, _tabletDevice.TabletDevice)));
            return group;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Indicates the stylus is not touching the surface.
        ///     InAir events are general sent at a lower frequency.
        /// </summary>
        internal override bool InAir
                return _fInAir;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Indicates stylusDevice is in the inverted state.
        /// </summary>
        internal override bool Inverted
                return _fInverted;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Indicates stylusDevice is in the inverted state.
        /// </summary>
        internal override bool InRange
                return _fInRange;
        internal override void UpdateEventStylusPoints(RawStylusInputReport report, bool resetIfNoOverride)
            if (report.RawStylusInput != null && report.RawStylusInput.StylusPointsModified)
                GeneralTransform transformToElement = report.RawStylusInput.Target.ViewToElement.Inverse;
                //note that RawStylusInput.Target (of type StylusPluginCollection)
                //guarantees that ViewToElement is invertible
                Debug.Assert(transformToElement != null);
                _eventStylusPoints = report.RawStylusInput.GetStylusPoints(transformToElement);
            else if (resetIfNoOverride)
                _eventStylusPoints =
                    new StylusPointCollection(report.StylusPointDescription,
                                              GetTabletToElementTransform(report.InputSource, null),
        internal override int TapCount
            get { return _tapCount; }
            set { _tapCount = value; }
        internal int LastTapTime
            get { return _lastTapTime; }
            set { _lastTapTime = value; }
        internal Point LastTapPoint
            get { return _lastTapXY; }
            set { _lastTapXY = value; }
        internal bool LastTapBarrelDown
            get { return _lastTapBarrelDown; }
            set { _lastTapBarrelDown = value; }
        internal override int DoubleTapDeltaX
            get { return (int)_tabletDevice.DoubleTapSize.Width; }
        internal override int DoubleTapDeltaY
            get { return (int)_tabletDevice.DoubleTapSize.Height; }
        internal override int DoubleTapDeltaTime
            get { return _stylusLogic.DoubleTapDeltaTime; }
        internal void UpdateState(RawStylusInputReport report)
            Debug.Assert(report.TabletDeviceId == _tabletDevice.Id);
            Debug.Assert((report.Actions & RawStylusActions.None) == 0);
            _eventStylusPoints =
                new StylusPointCollection(report.StylusPointDescription,
                                            GetTabletToElementTransform(report.InputSource, null),
            PresentationSource inputSource = DetermineValidSource(report.InputSource, _eventStylusPoints, report.PenContext.Contexts);
            // See if we need to remap the stylus data X and Y values to different presentation source.
            if (inputSource != null && inputSource != report.InputSource)
                Point newWindowLocation = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(new Point(0, 0), inputSource);
                newWindowLocation = _stylusLogic.MeasureUnitsFromDeviceUnits(inputSource, newWindowLocation);
                Point oldWindowLocation = _stylusLogic.MeasureUnitsFromDeviceUnits(report.InputSource, report.PenContext.Contexts.DestroyedLocation);
                // Create translate matrix transform to shift coords to map points to new window location.
                MatrixTransform additionalTransform = new MatrixTransform(new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1,
                                                            oldWindowLocation.X - newWindowLocation.X,
                                                            oldWindowLocation.Y - newWindowLocation.Y));
                _eventStylusPoints = _eventStylusPoints.Reformat(report.StylusPointDescription, additionalTransform);
            _rawPosition = _eventStylusPoints[_eventStylusPoints.Count - 1];
            _inputSource = inputSource;
            if (inputSource is not null)
                // Update our screen position from this move.
                Point pt = _stylusLogic.DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(inputSource, (Point)_rawPosition);
                _lastScreenLocation = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(pt, inputSource);
            // If we are not blocked from updating the location we want to use for the 
            // promoted mouse location then update it.  We set this flag in the post process phase
            // of Stylus events (after they have fired).
            if (!_fBlockMouseMoveChanges)
                _lastMouseScreenLocation = _lastScreenLocation;
            if ((report.Actions & RawStylusActions.Down) != 0 ||
                 (report.Actions & RawStylusActions.Move) != 0)
                _fInAir = false;
                // Keep the stylus down location for turning system gestures into mouse event
                if ((report.Actions & RawStylusActions.Down) != 0)
                    _needToSendMouseDown = true;
                    // reset the gesture flag.  This is used to determine if we will need to fabricate a systemgesture tap on the 
                    // corresponding up event.
                    _fGestureWasFired = false;
                    _fDetectedDrag = false;
                    _seenHoldEnterGesture = false;
                    // Make sure our drag and move deltas are up to date.
                    _tabletDevice.UpdateSizeDeltas(report.StylusPointDescription, _stylusLogic);
                // See if we need to do our own Drag detection (on Stylus Move event)
                else if (inputSource != null && _fBlockMouseMoveChanges && _seenDoubleTapGesture && !_fGestureWasFired && !_fDetectedDrag)
                    Size delta = _tabletDevice.CancelSize;
                    // We use the first point of the packet data for Drag detection to try and
                    // filter out cases where the stylus skips when going down.
                    Point dragPosition = (Point)_eventStylusPoints[0];
                    dragPosition = _stylusLogic.DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(inputSource, dragPosition);
                    dragPosition = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(dragPosition, inputSource);
                    // See if we need to detect a Drag gesture.  If so do the calculation.
                    if ((Math.Abs(_lastMouseScreenLocation.X - dragPosition.X) > delta.Width) ||
                        (Math.Abs(_lastMouseScreenLocation.Y - dragPosition.Y) > delta.Height))
                        _fDetectedDrag = true;
            UpdateEventStylusPoints(report, false);
            if ((report.Actions & RawStylusActions.Up) != 0 ||
                (report.Actions & RawStylusActions.InAirMove) != 0)
                _fInAir = true;
                if ((report.Actions & RawStylusActions.Up) != 0)
                    _sawMouseButton1Down = false; // reset this on Stylus Up.
        private PresentationSource DetermineValidSource(PresentationSource inputSource, StylusPointCollection stylusPoints, PenContexts penContextsOfPoints)
            HwndSource hwndSource = (HwndSource)inputSource;
            // See if window has been closed or is invalid
            if (inputSource.CompositionTarget == null || inputSource.CompositionTarget.IsDisposed ||
                hwndSource == null || hwndSource.IsHandleNull)
                PresentationSource newSource = null;
                // use capture as fallback first
                if (_stylusCapture != null)
                    DependencyObject containingVisual = InputElement.GetContainingVisual(_stylusCapture as DependencyObject);
                    PresentationSource capturedSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(containingVisual);
                    if (capturedSource != null &&
                        capturedSource.CompositionTarget != null &&
                        newSource = capturedSource; // Good new source to use!
                // Now try last screen point hittesting to find a new window/PresetationSource.
                if (newSource == null && stylusPoints != null)
                    Point ptScreen;
                    // If we have the last penContext and a valid CompositionTarget, then we can remap the coordinates properly.
                    // Otherwise we just use the last stylus mouse location to figure out a PresenationSource.
                    if (penContextsOfPoints?.InputSource?.CompositionTarget != null)
                        ptScreen = _stylusLogic.DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(penContextsOfPoints.InputSource, (Point)stylusPoints[0]);
                        // map from window to screen (ie - add the window location).
                        ptScreen.Offset(penContextsOfPoints.DestroyedLocation.X, penContextsOfPoints.DestroyedLocation.Y);
                        ptScreen = _lastMouseScreenLocation;
                    IntPtr hwndHit = UnsafeNativeMethods.WindowFromPoint((int)ptScreen.X, (int)ptScreen.Y);
                    if (hwndHit != IntPtr.Zero)
                        HwndSource newHwndSource = HwndSource.CriticalFromHwnd(hwndHit);
                        if (newHwndSource != null && newHwndSource.Dispatcher == Dispatcher)
                            newSource = newHwndSource;
                return newSource;
                return inputSource;
        internal void UpdateInRange(bool inRange, PenContext penContext)
            _fInRange = inRange;
            // Make sure we clean the last _inputSource for down at this time.
            //_inputSourceForDown = null;
            if (inRange)
                _activePenContext = penContext;
                _activePenContext = null;
        internal void UpdateStateForSystemGesture(RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport report)
            UpdateStateForSystemGesture(report.SystemGesture, report);
        private void UpdateStateForSystemGesture(SystemGesture gesture, RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport report)
            switch (gesture)
                case SystemGesture.Tap:
                case SystemGesture.Drag:
                    // request the next mouse move to become LeftButtonDown
                    _fLeftButtonDownTrigger = true;
                    _fGestureWasFired = true;
                case SystemGesture.RightTap:
                case SystemGesture.RightDrag:
                    // request the next mouse move to become RightButtonDown
                    _fLeftButtonDownTrigger = false;
                    _fGestureWasFired = true;
                case SystemGesture.HoldEnter:
                    // press & hold animation started..
                    _seenHoldEnterGesture = true;
                case SystemGesture.Flick:
                    // We don't do any mouse promotion for a flick!
                    _fGestureWasFired = true;
                    // Update the stylus location info just for flick gestures.  This is because
                    // we want to fire the flick event not from the last stylus location
                    // (end of flick gesture) but from the beginning of the flick gesture
                    // (stylus down point) since this is the element that we query whether they
                    // allow flicks and since scrolling is targetted we need to scroll the
                    // element you really flicked on.
                    // Only route the flick if we have data we can send.
                    if (report != null && report.InputSource != null && _eventStylusPoints != null && _eventStylusPoints.Count > 0)
                        StylusPoint stylusPoint = _eventStylusPoints[_eventStylusPoints.Count - 1];
                        stylusPoint.X = report.GestureX;
                        stylusPoint.Y = report.GestureY;
                        // Update the current point with this data.
                        _eventStylusPoints = new StylusPointCollection(stylusPoint.Description,
                                                                       GetTabletToElementTransform(report.InputSource, null),
                        PresentationSource inputSource = DetermineValidSource(report.InputSource, _eventStylusPoints, report.PenContext.Contexts);
                        if (inputSource != null)
                            // See if we need to remap the stylus data X and Y values to different presentation source.
                            if (inputSource != report.InputSource)
                                Point newWindowLocation = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(new Point(0, 0), inputSource);
                                newWindowLocation = _stylusLogic.MeasureUnitsFromDeviceUnits(inputSource, newWindowLocation);
                                Point oldWindowLocation = _stylusLogic.MeasureUnitsFromDeviceUnits(report.InputSource, report.PenContext.Contexts.DestroyedLocation);
                                // Create translate matrix transform to shift coords to map points to new window location.
                                MatrixTransform additionalTransform = new MatrixTransform(new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1,
                                                                            oldWindowLocation.X - newWindowLocation.X,
                                                                            oldWindowLocation.Y - newWindowLocation.Y));
                                _eventStylusPoints = _eventStylusPoints.Reformat(report.StylusPointDescription, additionalTransform);
                            _rawPosition = _eventStylusPoints[_eventStylusPoints.Count - 1];
                            _inputSource = inputSource;
                            Point pt = _stylusLogic.DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(inputSource, (Point)_rawPosition);
                            _lastScreenLocation = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(pt, inputSource);
        internal void PlayBackCachedDownInputReport(int timestamp)
            if (_needToSendMouseDown)
                // if we have marked this as handled we need to play the down otherwise we can ignore the down
                // as it will be process anyway and either way we need to clean up the cached down
                PresentationSource mouseInputSource = GetMousePresentationSource();
                if (mouseInputSource != null)
                    Point pt = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(_lastMouseScreenLocation, mouseInputSource);
                    _needToSendMouseDown = false; // We've sent down, don't send again.
                    // Update the state we report to the mouse (GetButtonState).
                    _promotedMouseState = MouseButtonState.Pressed;
                    RawMouseActions actions = _fLeftButtonDownTrigger ? RawMouseActions.Button1Press : RawMouseActions.Button2Press;
                    // StylusLogic manages the mouse state reported to the MouseDevice to deal with multiple stylusdevice input.
                    if (_stylusLogic.UpdateMouseButtonState(actions))
                        // See if we need to set the Mouse Activate flag.
                        InputManager inputManager = (InputManager)Dispatcher.InputManager;
                        if (inputManager != null)
                            if (inputManager.PrimaryMouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource != mouseInputSource)
                                actions |= RawMouseActions.Activate;
                        RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport = new RawMouseInputReport(
                                                     InputMode.Foreground, timestamp, mouseInputSource,
                                                     (int)pt.X, (int)pt.Y, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
                        InputReportEventArgs inputReportArgs = new InputReportEventArgs(StylusDevice, mouseInputReport)
                            RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent
                _needToSendMouseDown = false; // so we don't try and resend it later.
        internal PresentationSource GetMousePresentationSource()
            // See if we need to adjust the mouse point to a different
            // presentation source.  We have to do this if the mouse has capture.
            InputManager inputManager = (InputManager)Dispatcher.InputManager;
            PresentationSource mouseInputSource = null;
            if (inputManager != null)
                IInputElement mouseCaptured = inputManager.PrimaryMouseDevice.Captured;
                if (mouseCaptured != null)
                    // See if mouse is captured to a different window (HwndSource will be different)
                    // NOTE: Today we can only translate points between HwndSources (PresentationSource doesn't support this)
                    DependencyObject mouseCapturedVisual = InputElement.GetContainingVisual((DependencyObject)mouseCaptured);
                    if (mouseCapturedVisual != null)
                        mouseInputSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(mouseCapturedVisual);
                else if (_stylusOver != null)
                    // Use our current input source (or one we're may be over) if no capture.
                    mouseInputSource = (_inputSource is not null) ?
                                            DetermineValidSource(_inputSource, _eventStylusPoints, null) : null;
            return mouseInputSource;
        internal RawMouseActions GetMouseActionsFromStylusEventAndPlaybackCachedDown(RoutedEvent stylusEvent, StylusEventArgs stylusArgs)
            if (stylusEvent == Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent)
                // See if this is an OK gesture to trigger a mouse event on.
                StylusSystemGestureEventArgs systemGestureArgs = (StylusSystemGestureEventArgs)stylusArgs;
                if (systemGestureArgs.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.Tap ||
                    systemGestureArgs.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.RightTap ||
                    systemGestureArgs.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.Drag ||
                    systemGestureArgs.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.RightDrag ||
                    systemGestureArgs.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.Flick)
                    // Usually UpdateStateForSystemGesture happens in the PreNotify.
                    // And UpdateState for other stylus events happens during mouse promotion.
                    // But with manipulations when events are stored for future promotion,
                    // this difference in order could cause problems. Hence reexecute
                    // UpdateStateForSystemGesture to fix the order.
                    UpdateStateForSystemGesture(systemGestureArgs.SystemGesture, null);
                    if (systemGestureArgs.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.Drag ||
                        systemGestureArgs.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.RightDrag ||
                        systemGestureArgs.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.Flick)
                        _fBlockMouseMoveChanges = false;
                        TapCount = 1; // reset on a drag or flick.
                        if (systemGestureArgs.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.Flick)
                            // Don't want to play down or cached moves.
                            _needToSendMouseDown = false;
                    else //we have a Tap
            else if (stylusEvent == Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent)
                return RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove;
            else if (stylusEvent == Stylus.StylusDownEvent)
                _fLeftButtonDownTrigger = true; // Default to left click until system gesture says otherwise.
                _fBlockMouseMoveChanges = true;
                // See if we can promote the mouse button down right now.
                if (_seenDoubleTapGesture || _sawMouseButton1Down)
            else if (stylusEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent)
                if (!_fBlockMouseMoveChanges)
                    return RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove;
            else if (stylusEvent == Stylus.StylusUpEvent)
                var tempPromotedMouseState = _promotedMouseState;
                if (tempPromotedMouseState == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
                    RawMouseActions actions = _fLeftButtonDownTrigger ?
                                                    RawMouseActions.Button1Release :
                    // Make sure we only promote a mouse up if the mouse is in the down 
                    // state (UpdateMousebuttonState returns true in that case)!
                    if (_stylusLogic.UpdateMouseButtonState(actions))
                        return actions;
                    // else - just return default of RawMouseActions.None since we don't want this 
                    //        duplicate mouse up to be processed.
            // Default return
            return RawMouseActions.None;
        // Reset all StylusDevice state in response to a StylusUp
        internal void ResetStateForStylusUp()
            _fBlockMouseMoveChanges = false;
            _seenDoubleTapGesture = false; // reset this on Stylus Up.
            _sawMouseButton1Down = false; // reset to make sure we don't promote a mouse down on the next stylus down.
            if (_promotedMouseState == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
                _promotedMouseState = MouseButtonState.Released;
        internal Point LastMouseScreenPoint
            get { return _lastMouseScreenLocation; }
            set { _lastMouseScreenLocation = value; }
        internal bool SeenDoubleTapGesture
            get { return _seenDoubleTapGesture; }
            set { _seenDoubleTapGesture = value; }
        internal bool SeenHoldEnterGesture
            get { return _seenHoldEnterGesture; }
        internal bool GestureWasFired
            get { return _fGestureWasFired; }
        internal bool SentMouseDown
            get { return _promotedMouseState == MouseButtonState.Pressed; }
        internal bool DetectedDrag
            get { return _fDetectedDrag; }
        internal bool LeftIsActiveMouseButton
            get { return _fLeftButtonDownTrigger; }
        internal void SetSawMouseButton1Down(bool sawMouseButton1Down)
            _sawMouseButton1Down = sawMouseButton1Down;
        internal bool IgnoreStroke
            get { return _ignoreStroke; }
            set { _ignoreStroke = value; }
        #region Touch
        internal WispStylusTouchDevice TouchDevice
                if (_touchDevice == null)
                    _touchDevice = new WispStylusTouchDevice(this);
                return _touchDevice;
        internal void UpdateTouchActiveSource()
            if (_touchDevice != null)
                PresentationSource activeSource = CriticalActiveSource;
                if (activeSource != null)
        private DeferredElementTreeState StylusOverTreeState
                if (_stylusOverTreeState == null)
                    _stylusOverTreeState = new DeferredElementTreeState();
                return _stylusOverTreeState;
        private DeferredElementTreeState StylusCaptureWithinTreeState
                if (_stylusCaptureWithinTreeState == null)
                    _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState = new DeferredElementTreeState();
                return _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState;
        WispTabletDevice _tabletDevice;
        string _sName;
        int _id;
        bool _fInverted;
        bool _fInRange;
        StylusButtonCollection _stylusButtonCollection;
        IInputElement _stylusOver;
        private DeferredElementTreeState _stylusOverTreeState;
        IInputElement _stylusCapture;
        CaptureMode _captureMode;
        private DeferredElementTreeState _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState;
        StylusPoint _rawPosition = new StylusPoint(0, 0);
        Point _rawElementRelativePosition = new Point(0, 0);
        StylusPointCollection _eventStylusPoints;
        private PresentationSource _inputSource;
        private PenContext _activePenContext;
        bool _needToSendMouseDown;
        private Point _lastMouseScreenLocation = new Point(0, 0);
        private Point _lastScreenLocation = new Point(0, 0);
        bool _fInAir = true;
        bool _fLeftButtonDownTrigger = true; // default to left button down
        bool _fGestureWasFired = true; // StylusDown resets this.
        bool _fBlockMouseMoveChanges; // StylusDown sets to true, SystemGesture & StylusUp sets to false.
        bool _fDetectedDrag; // StylusDown resets this.  Used for generating DoubleTap gestures.
        // Used to track the promoted mouse state.
        MouseButtonState _promotedMouseState;
        // real time pen input info that is tracked per stylus device
        StylusPlugInCollection _nonVerifiedTarget;
        StylusPlugInCollection _verifiedTarget;
        object _rtiCaptureChanged = new object();
        StylusPlugInCollection _stylusCapturePlugInCollection;
        // Information used to distinguish double-clicks (actually, multi clicks) from
        // multiple independent clicks.
        private Point _lastTapXY = new Point(0, 0);
        private int _tapCount;
        private int _lastTapTime;
        private bool _lastTapBarrelDown;
        private bool _seenDoubleTapGesture;
        private bool _seenHoldEnterGesture;
        private bool _sawMouseButton1Down; // Did we see the mouse down before the stylus down?
        private bool _ignoreStroke; // Should we ignore promoting the stylus/mouse events for the current stroke?
        private WispLogic _stylusLogic;
        private WispStylusTouchDevice _touchDevice;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
        private DispatcherOperationCallback _reevaluateStylusOverDelegate;
        private DispatcherOperation _reevaluateStylusOverOperation;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
        private DispatcherOperationCallback _reevaluateCaptureDelegate;
        private DispatcherOperation _reevaluateCaptureOperation;