// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Contents: Light-weight implementation of TextLine
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
using System.Collections;
namespace MS.Internal.TextFormatting
/// <summary>
/// Light-weight implementation of TextLine
/// Support following functionalities
/// o Non-complex script text metrics through font CMAP/HMTX
/// o Multiple character formats, each limited to single font face
/// o Simple text underlining for individual run (no averaging)
/// In the event that either the incoming text or formatting is more
/// complicated than what this implementation can handle. The .ctor
/// simply stops and leaves this.Valid flag unset. The caller examines
/// this flag and lets the full path takes over if needed.
/// </summary>
internal class SimpleTextLine : TextLine
private SimpleRun[] _runs; // contained runs
private int _cpFirst; // line first cp
private int _cpLength; // all characters
private int _cpLengthEOT; // newline characters
private double _widthAtTrailing; // width excluding trailing space
private double _width; // whole width
private double _paragraphWidth; // paragraph width
private double _height; // line height
private double _offset; // offset to the first character
private int _idealOffsetUnRounded; // unrounded offset to the first character in ideal units.
// This offset is not snapped to pixels in Display mode.
// The reason we use this variable is to achieve similar
// results to those obtained from full shaping.
// In computing the baseline origin, the full shaping
// path rounds the sum of the offsets.
// Thus we need to keep track of the unrounded offset using
// this variable.
private double _baselineOffset; // offset to baseline
private int _trailing; // trailing spaces
private Rect _boundingBox; // line bounding rectangle
private StatusFlags _statusFlags; // status flags
private FormatSettings _settings; // formatting settings (only kept in an overflowed line for collapsing purpose only)
private enum StatusFlags
None = 0,
BoundingBoxComputed = 0x00000001, // bounding box has been computed
HasOverflowed = 0x00000002, // line width overflows paragraph width
/// <summary>
/// Creating a lightweight text line
/// </summary>
/// <param name="settings">text formatting settings</param>
/// <param name="cpFirst">First cp of the line</param>
/// <param name="paragraphWidth">paragraph width</param>
/// <returns>TextLine instance</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// This method breaks line using Ideal width such that it will be
/// consistent with FullTextLine
/// </remarks>
static public TextLine Create(
FormatSettings settings,
int cpFirst,
int paragraphWidth,
double pixelsPerDip
ParaProp pap = settings.Pap;
if( pap.RightToLeft
|| pap.Justify
|| ( pap.FirstLineInParagraph
&& pap.TextMarkerProperties != null)
|| settings.TextIndent != 0
|| pap.ParagraphIndent != 0
|| pap.LineHeight > 0
|| pap.AlwaysCollapsible
|| (pap.TextDecorations != null && pap.TextDecorations.Count != 0)
// unsupported paragraph properties
return null;
int cp = cpFirst;
int nonHiddenLength = 0; // length of non-hidden runs seen so far
// paragraphWidth == 0 means the format width is unlimited.
int widthLeft = (pap.Wrap && paragraphWidth > 0) ? paragraphWidth : int.MaxValue;
int idealRunOffsetUnRounded = 0;
SimpleRun prev = null;
SimpleRun run = SimpleRun.Create(
if(run == null)
// fail to create run e.g. complex content encountered
return null;
else if(!run.EOT && run.IdealWidth <= widthLeft)
// create next run
cp += run.Length;
widthLeft -= run.IdealWidth;
idealRunOffsetUnRounded += run.IdealWidth;
prev = run;
run = SimpleRun.Create(
if(run == null)
return null;
int trailing = 0;
ArrayList runs = new ArrayList(2);
if(prev != null)
AddRun(runs, prev, ref nonHiddenLength);
if(!run.EOT && run.IdealWidth > widthLeft)
// linebreaking required, even simple text requires classification-based linebreaking,
// we'll now let LS handle this line.
return null;
AddRun(runs, run, ref nonHiddenLength);
// As a security mitigation, we impose a limit on the length of a single line
// (see comments for TextStore.MaxCharactersPerLine) - only non-hidden
// runs count against this limit. If the line exceeds the limit,
// use FullTextLine instead of SimpleTextLine - this assures consistency
// in cases such as collapsing a line.
if (nonHiddenLength >= TextStore.MaxCharactersPerLine)
return null;
prev = run;
cp += run.Length;
widthLeft -= run.IdealWidth;
idealRunOffsetUnRounded += run.IdealWidth;
// we're done
run = SimpleRun.Create(
if( run == null
|| ( run.Underline != null
&& prev != null
&& prev.Underline != null
&& !prev.IsUnderlineCompatible(run))
// fail to create run or
// runs cannot support averaging underline
return null;
} while(true);
int trailingSpaceWidth = 0;
ref trailing,
ref trailingSpaceWidth
// create a simple line
return new SimpleTextLine(
ref trailing,
ref trailingSpaceWidth,
) as TextLine;
/// <summary>
/// Constructing a lightweight text line
/// </summary>
/// <param name="settings">text formatting settings</param>
/// <param name="cpFirst">line first cp</param>
/// <param name="paragraphWidth">paragraph width</param>
/// <param name="runs">collection of simple runs</param>
/// <param name="trailing">line trailing spaces</param>
/// <param name="trailingSpaceWidth">line trailing spaces width</param>
/// <Remarks>
/// SimpleTextLine is constructed with Ideal width such that the line breaking
/// behavior is consistent with the FullTextLine
/// </Remarks>
public SimpleTextLine(
FormatSettings settings,
int cpFirst,
int paragraphWidth,
ArrayList runs,
ref int trailing,
ref int trailingSpaceWidth,
double pixelsPerDip
) : base(pixelsPerDip)
// Compute line metrics
int count = 0;
_settings = settings;
double realAscent = 0;
double realDescent = 0;
double realHeight = 0;
ParaProp pap = settings.Pap;
TextFormatterImp formatter = settings.Formatter;
int idealWidth = 0;
while(count < runs.Count)
SimpleRun run = (SimpleRun)runs[count];
if(run.Length > 0)
// EOT run has no effect on height, it is part of trailing spaces
trailing += run.Length;
_cpLengthEOT += run.Length;
realHeight = Math.Max(realHeight, run.Height);
realAscent = Math.Max(realAscent, run.Baseline);
realDescent = Math.Max(realDescent, run.Height - run.Baseline);
_cpLength += run.Length;
idealWidth += run.IdealWidth;
// Roundtrip run baseline and height to take its precision back to the specified formatting resolution.
// We have to do this to guarantee sameness of line alignment metrics produced by fast and full path.
// This is critical for TextBlock/TextFlow. They rely on the fact that line created during Measure must
// yield the same metrics as one created during Render, while there is no guarantee that the paragraph
// properties of that same line remains the same in both timings e.g. Measure may not specify
// justification (which results in us formatting the line in fast path), while Render might
// (which results in us formatting that same line in full path).
_baselineOffset = formatter.IdealToReal(TextFormatterImp.RealToIdeal(realAscent), PixelsPerDip);
if (realAscent + realDescent == realHeight)
_height = formatter.IdealToReal(TextFormatterImp.RealToIdeal(realHeight), PixelsPerDip);
_height = formatter.IdealToReal(TextFormatterImp.RealToIdeal(realAscent) + TextFormatterImp.RealToIdeal(realDescent), PixelsPerDip);
if(_height <= 0)
// line is empty (containing only EOP)
// we need to work out the line height
// It needs to be exactly the same as in full path.
_height = formatter.IdealToReal((int)Math.Round(pap.DefaultTypeface.LineSpacing(pap.EmSize, Constants.DefaultIdealToReal, PixelsPerDip, _settings.TextFormattingMode)), PixelsPerDip);
_baselineOffset = formatter.IdealToReal((int)Math.Round(pap.DefaultTypeface.Baseline(pap.EmSize, Constants.DefaultIdealToReal, PixelsPerDip, _settings.TextFormattingMode)), PixelsPerDip);
// Initialize the array of runs and set the TrimTrailingUnderline flag
// for runs that contain trailing spaces at the end of the line.
_runs = new SimpleRun[count];
for(int i = count - 1, t = trailing; i >= 0; --i)
SimpleRun run = (SimpleRun)runs[i];
if (t > 0)
run.TrimTrailingUnderline = true;
t -= run.Length;
_runs[i] = run;
_cpFirst = cpFirst;
_trailing = trailing;
int idealWidthAtTrailing = idealWidth - trailingSpaceWidth;
if(pap.Align != TextAlignment.Left)
case TextAlignment.Right:
_idealOffsetUnRounded = paragraphWidth - idealWidthAtTrailing;
_offset = formatter.IdealToReal(_idealOffsetUnRounded, PixelsPerDip);
case TextAlignment.Center:
// exactly consistent with FullTextLine
_idealOffsetUnRounded = (int)Math.Round((paragraphWidth - idealWidthAtTrailing) * 0.5);
_offset = formatter.IdealToReal(_idealOffsetUnRounded, PixelsPerDip);
// converting all the ideal values to real values
_width = formatter.IdealToReal(idealWidth, PixelsPerDip);
_widthAtTrailing = formatter.IdealToReal(idealWidthAtTrailing, PixelsPerDip);
_paragraphWidth = formatter.IdealToReal(paragraphWidth, PixelsPerDip);
// paragraphWidth == 0 means format width is unlimited and hence not overflowable.
// we keep paragraphWidth for alignment calculation
if (paragraphWidth > 0 && _widthAtTrailing > _paragraphWidth)
_statusFlags |= StatusFlags.HasOverflowed;
/// <summary>
/// Nothing to release
/// </summary>
public override void Dispose() {}
/// <summary>
/// Scanning the run list backward to collect run's trailing spaces.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="runs">current runs in the line</param>
/// <param name="formatter">formatter</param>
/// <param name="trailing">trailing spaces</param>
/// <param name="trailingSpaceWidth">trailing spaces width in ideal values</param>
static private void CollectTrailingSpaces(
ArrayList runs,
TextFormatterImp formatter,
ref int trailing,
ref int trailingSpaceWidth
int left = runs != null ? runs.Count : 0;
SimpleRun run = null;
bool continueCollecting = true;
while(left > 0 && continueCollecting)
run = (SimpleRun)runs[--left];
continueCollecting = run.CollectTrailingSpaces(
ref trailing,
ref trailingSpaceWidth
/// <summary>
/// Collecting glyph runs
/// </summary>
static private void AddRun(
ArrayList runs,
SimpleRun run,
ref int nonHiddenLength
if(run.Length > 0)
// dont add 0-length run
if (!run.Ghost)
nonHiddenLength += run.Length;
/// <summary>
/// Get distance from line start to the specified cp
/// </summary>
private double DistanceFromCp(int currentIndex)
Invariant.Assert(currentIndex >= _cpFirst);
int idealAdvance = 0;
int dcp = currentIndex - _cpFirst;
foreach(SimpleRun run in _runs)
idealAdvance += run.DistanceFromDcp(dcp);
if(dcp <= run.Length)
dcp -= run.Length;
return _settings.Formatter.IdealToReal(idealAdvance + _idealOffsetUnRounded, PixelsPerDip);
/// <summary>
/// Draw line
/// </summary>
/// <param name="drawingContext">drawing context</param>
/// <param name="origin">drawing origin</param>
/// <param name="inversion">indicate the inversion of the drawing surface</param>
public override void Draw(
DrawingContext drawingContext,
Point origin,
InvertAxes inversion
MatrixTransform antiInversion = TextFormatterImp.CreateAntiInversionTransform(
if (antiInversion == null)
DrawTextLine(drawingContext, origin);
// Apply anti-inversion transform to correct the visual
DrawTextLine(drawingContext, origin);
/// <summary>
/// Client to collapse the line to fit for display
/// </summary>
/// <param name="collapsingPropertiesList">a list of collapsing properties</param>
public override TextLine Collapse(
params TextCollapsingProperties[] collapsingPropertiesList
if (!HasOverflowed)
return this;
Invariant.Assert(_settings != null);
// instantiate a collapsible full text line, collapse it and return the collapsed line
TextMetrics.FullTextLine textLine = new TextMetrics.FullTextLine(
0, // lineLength
// When in TextFormattingMode.Display the math processing performed by SimpleTextLine
// involves some rounding operations because of which the decision to collapse the text may
// not be unanimous amongst SimpleTextLine and FullTextLine. There are several watson
// crash reports that are testament to this theory. Hence we
// now allow the case where FullTextLine concludes that it doesnt need to collapse the
// text even though SimpleTextLine thought it should.
if (textLine.HasOverflowed)
TextLine collapsedTextLine = textLine.Collapse(collapsingPropertiesList);
if (collapsedTextLine != textLine)
// if collapsed line is genuinely new,
// Dispose its maker as we no longer need it around, dispose it explicitly
// to reduce unnecessary finalization of this intermediate line.
return collapsedTextLine;
return textLine;
/// <summary>
/// Make sure the bounding box is calculated
/// </summary>
private void CheckBoundingBox()
if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.BoundingBoxComputed) == 0)
DrawTextLine(null, new Point(0, 0));
Debug.Assert((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.BoundingBoxComputed) != 0);
/// <summary>
/// Draw a simple text line
/// </summary>
/// <returns>a drawing bounding box</returns>
private void DrawTextLine(
DrawingContext drawingContext,
Point origin
if (_runs.Length <= 0)
_boundingBox = Rect.Empty;
_statusFlags |= StatusFlags.BoundingBoxComputed;
int idealXRelativeToOrigin = _idealOffsetUnRounded;
double y = origin.Y + Baseline;
Rect boundingBox = Rect.Empty;
foreach (SimpleRun run in _runs)
_settings.Formatter.IdealToReal(idealXRelativeToOrigin, PixelsPerDip) + origin.X,
idealXRelativeToOrigin += run.IdealWidth;
boundingBox = new Rect(Start, 0, 0, 0);
boundingBox.X -= origin.X;
boundingBox.Y -= origin.Y;
_boundingBox = boundingBox;
_statusFlags |= StatusFlags.BoundingBoxComputed;
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the character hit corresponding to the specified
/// distance from the beginning of the line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="distance">distance in text flow direction from the beginning of the line</param>
/// <returns>character hit</returns>
public override CharacterHit GetCharacterHitFromDistance(
double distance
int idealAdvance = TextFormatterImp.RealToIdeal(distance) - _idealOffsetUnRounded;
int first = _cpFirst;
if (idealAdvance < 0)
// hit happens before the line, return the first position
return new CharacterHit(_cpFirst, 0);
// process hit that happens within the line
SimpleRun run = null;
CharacterHit runIndex = new CharacterHit();
for(int i = 0; i < _runs.Length; i++)
run = (SimpleRun)_runs[i];
if (!run.EOT)
// move forward to start of next non-EOT run
first += runIndex.TrailingLength;
runIndex = run.DcpFromDistance(idealAdvance);
first += runIndex.FirstCharacterIndex;
if (idealAdvance <= run.IdealWidth)
idealAdvance -= run.IdealWidth;
return new CharacterHit(first, runIndex.TrailingLength);
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the distance from the beginning of the line from the specified
/// character hit.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="characterHit">character hit of the character to query the distance.</param>
/// <returns>distance in text flow direction from the beginning of the line.</returns>
public override double GetDistanceFromCharacterHit(
CharacterHit characterHit
TextFormatterImp.VerifyCaretCharacterHit(characterHit, _cpFirst, _cpLength);
return DistanceFromCp(characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + (characterHit.TrailingLength != 0 ? 1 : 0));
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the next character hit for caret navigation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="characterHit">the current character hit</param>
/// <returns>the next character hit</returns>
public override CharacterHit GetNextCaretCharacterHit(
CharacterHit characterHit
TextFormatterImp.VerifyCaretCharacterHit(characterHit, _cpFirst, _cpLength);
int nextVisisbleCp;
bool navigableCpFound;
if (characterHit.TrailingLength == 0)
navigableCpFound = FindNextVisibleCp(characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex, out nextVisisbleCp);
if (navigableCpFound)
// Move from leading to trailing edge
return new CharacterHit(nextVisisbleCp, 1);
navigableCpFound = FindNextVisibleCp(characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + 1, out nextVisisbleCp);
if (navigableCpFound)
// Move from trailing edge of current character to trailing edge of next
return new CharacterHit(nextVisisbleCp, 1);
// Can't move, we're after the last character
return characterHit;
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the previous character hit for caret navigation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="characterHit">the current character hit</param>
/// <returns>the previous character hit</returns>
public override CharacterHit GetPreviousCaretCharacterHit(
CharacterHit characterHit
TextFormatterImp.VerifyCaretCharacterHit(characterHit, _cpFirst, _cpLength);
int previousVisisbleCp;
bool navigableCpFound;
int cpHit = characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex;
bool trailingHit = (characterHit.TrailingLength != 0);
// Input can be right after the end of the current line. Snap it to be at the end of the line.
if (cpHit >= _cpFirst + _cpLength)
cpHit = _cpFirst + _cpLength - 1;
trailingHit = true;
if (trailingHit)
navigableCpFound = FindPreviousVisibleCp(cpHit, out previousVisisbleCp);
if (navigableCpFound)
// Move from trailing to leading edge
return new CharacterHit(previousVisisbleCp, 0);
navigableCpFound = FindPreviousVisibleCp(cpHit - 1, out previousVisisbleCp);
if (navigableCpFound)
// Move from leading edge of current character to leading edge of previous
return new CharacterHit(previousVisisbleCp, 0);
// Can't move, we're before the first character
return characterHit;
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the previous character hit after backspacing
/// </summary>
/// <param name="characterHit">the current character hit</param>
/// <returns>the character hit after backspacing</returns>
public override CharacterHit GetBackspaceCaretCharacterHit(
CharacterHit characterHit
// same operation as move-to-previous
return GetPreviousCaretCharacterHit(characterHit);
/// <summary>
/// Client to get an array of bounding rectangles of a range of characters within a text line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="firstTextSourceCharacterIndex">index of first character of specified range</param>
/// <param name="textLength">number of characters of the specified range</param>
/// <returns>an array of bounding rectangles.</returns>
public override IList<TextBounds> GetTextBounds(
int firstTextSourceCharacterIndex,
int textLength
if (textLength < 0)
firstTextSourceCharacterIndex += textLength;
textLength = -textLength;
if (firstTextSourceCharacterIndex < _cpFirst)
textLength += (firstTextSourceCharacterIndex - _cpFirst);
firstTextSourceCharacterIndex = _cpFirst;
if (firstTextSourceCharacterIndex + textLength > _cpFirst + _cpLength)
textLength = _cpFirst + _cpLength - firstTextSourceCharacterIndex;
double x1 = GetDistanceFromCharacterHit(
new CharacterHit(firstTextSourceCharacterIndex, 0)
double x2 = GetDistanceFromCharacterHit(
new CharacterHit(firstTextSourceCharacterIndex + textLength, 0)
IList<TextRunBounds> boundsList = null;
int dcp = firstTextSourceCharacterIndex - _cpFirst;
int ich = 0;
boundsList = new List<TextRunBounds>(2);
foreach(SimpleRun run in _runs)
if( !run.EOT
&& !run.Ghost
&& ich + run.Length > dcp)
if(ich >= dcp + textLength)
int first = Math.Max(ich, dcp) + _cpFirst;
int afterLast = Math.Min(ich + run.Length, dcp + textLength) + _cpFirst;
new TextRunBounds(
new Rect(
new Point(
_baselineOffset - run.Baseline
new Point(
_baselineOffset - run.Baseline + run.Height
ich += run.Length;
return new TextBounds[]
new TextBounds(
new Rect(
x2 - x1,
(boundsList == null || boundsList.Count == 0 ? null : boundsList)
/// <summary>
/// Client to get a collection of TextRun objects within a line
/// </summary>
public override IList<TextSpan<TextRun>> GetTextRunSpans()
TextSpan<TextRun>[] textRunSpans = new TextSpan<TextRun>[_runs.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < _runs.Length; i++)
textRunSpans[i] = new TextSpan<TextRun>(_runs[i].Length, _runs[i].TextRun);
return textRunSpans;
/// <summary>
/// Client to get a IEnumerable<IndexedGlyphRun> to enumerate GlyphRuns
/// within in a line
/// </summary>
public override IEnumerable<IndexedGlyphRun> GetIndexedGlyphRuns()
List<IndexedGlyphRun> indexedGlyphRuns = new List<IndexedGlyphRun>(_runs.Length);
// create each GlyphRun at Point(0, 0)
Point start = new Point(0, 0);
int currentCp = _cpFirst;
foreach(SimpleRun run in _runs)
if (run.Length > 0 && !run.Ghost)
IList<double> displayGlyphAdvances;
if (_settings.TextFormattingMode == TextFormattingMode.Ideal)
displayGlyphAdvances = new ThousandthOfEmRealDoubles(run.EmSize, run.NominalAdvances.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < displayGlyphAdvances.Count; i++)
// convert ideal glyph advance width to real width for displaying
displayGlyphAdvances[i] = _settings.Formatter.IdealToReal(run.NominalAdvances[i], PixelsPerDip);
displayGlyphAdvances = new List<double>(run.NominalAdvances.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < run.NominalAdvances.Length; i++)
// convert ideal glyph advance width to real width for displaying
displayGlyphAdvances.Add(_settings.Formatter.IdealToReal(run.NominalAdvances[i], PixelsPerDip));
GlyphTypeface glyphTypeface = run.Typeface.TryGetGlyphTypeface();
Invariant.Assert(glyphTypeface != null);
// this simple run has GlyphRun
GlyphRun glyphRun = glyphTypeface.ComputeUnshapedGlyphRun(
new CharacterBufferRange(run.CharBufferReference, run.Length),
null, // device font name
if (glyphRun != null)
new IndexedGlyphRun(
currentCp += run.Length;
return indexedGlyphRuns;
/// <summary>
/// Client to acquire a settings at the point where line is broken by line breaking process;
/// can be null when the line ends by the ending of the paragraph. Client may pass this
/// value back to TextFormatter as an input argument to TextFormatter.FormatLine when
/// formatting the next line within the same paragraph.
/// </summary>
public override TextLineBreak GetTextLineBreak()
// No line break implemented in simple text
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Client to get a collection of collapsed character ranges after a line has been collapsed
/// </summary>
public override IList<TextCollapsedRange> GetTextCollapsedRanges()
// A collapsed line is never implemented as simple text line
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the number of text source positions of this line
/// </summary>
public override int Length
get { return _cpLength; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the number of whitespace characters at the end of the line.
/// </summary>
public override int TrailingWhitespaceLength
get { return _trailing; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the number of characters following the last character
/// of the line that may trigger reformatting of the current line.
/// </summary>
public override int DependentLength
get { return 0; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the number of newline characters at line end
/// </summary>
public override int NewlineLength
get { return _cpLengthEOT; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get distance from paragraph start to line start
/// </summary>
public override double Start
get { return _offset; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the total width of this line
/// </summary>
public override double Width
get { return _widthAtTrailing; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the total width of this line including width of whitespace characters at the end of the line.
/// </summary>
public override double WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace
get { return _width; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the height of the line
/// </summary>
public override double Height
get { return _height; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the height of the text (or other content) in the line; this property may differ from the Height
/// property if the client specified the line height
/// </summary>
public override double TextHeight
// simple path assumes no client-specified line height, i.e., TextParagraphProperties.LineHeight <= 0
get { return _height; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the height of the actual black of the line
/// </summary>
public override double Extent
return _boundingBox.Bottom - _boundingBox.Top;
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the distance from top to baseline of this text line
/// </summary>
public override double Baseline
get { return _baselineOffset; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the distance from the top of the text (or other content) to the baseline of this text line;
/// this property may differ from the Baseline property if the client specified the line height
/// </summary>
public override double TextBaseline
// simple path assumes no client-specified line height, i.e., TextParagraphProperties.LineHeight <= 0
get { return _baselineOffset; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the distance from the before edge of line height
/// to the baseline of marker of the line if any.
/// </summary>
public override double MarkerBaseline
get { return Baseline; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the overall height of the list items marker of the line if any.
/// </summary>
public override double MarkerHeight
get { return Height; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the distance covering all black preceding the leading edge of the line.
/// </summary>
public override double OverhangLeading
return _boundingBox.Left - Start;
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the distance covering all black following the trailing edge of the line.
/// </summary>
public override double OverhangTrailing
return Start + Width - _boundingBox.Right;
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the distance from the after edge of line height to the after edge of the extent of the line.
/// </summary>
public override double OverhangAfter
return _boundingBox.Bottom - Height;
/// <summary>
/// Client to get a boolean value indicates whether content of the line overflows
/// the specified paragraph width.
/// </summary>
public override bool HasOverflowed
get { return (_statusFlags & StatusFlags.HasOverflowed) != 0; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get a boolean value indicates whether a line has been collapsed
/// </summary>
public override bool HasCollapsed
// A collapsed line is never implemented as simple text line
get { return false; }
/// <summary>
/// Search forward from the given cp index (inclusive) to find the next navigable cp index.
/// Return true if one such cp is found, false otherwise.
/// </summary>
private bool FindNextVisibleCp(int cp, out int cpVisible)
cpVisible = cp;
if (cp >= _cpFirst + _cpLength)
return false; // Cannot go forward anymore
int cpRunStart, runIndex;
GetRunIndexAtCp(cp, out runIndex, out cpRunStart);
while (runIndex < _runs.Length)
// When navigating forward, only the trailing edge of visible content is
// navigable.
if (_runs[runIndex].IsVisible && !_runs[runIndex].EOT)
cpVisible = Math.Max(cpRunStart, cp);
return true;
cpRunStart += _runs[runIndex++].Length;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Search backward from the given cp index (inclusive) to find the previous navigable cp index.
/// Return true if one such cp is found, false otherwise.
/// </summary>
private bool FindPreviousVisibleCp(int cp, out int cpVisible)
cpVisible = cp;
if (cp < _cpFirst)
return false; // Cannot go backward anymore.
int cpRunEnd, runIndex;
// Position the cpRunEnd at the end of the span that contains the given cp
GetRunIndexAtCp(cp, out runIndex, out cpRunEnd);
cpRunEnd += _runs[runIndex].Length - 1;
while (runIndex >= 0)
// Visible content has caret stops at its leading edge.
if (_runs[runIndex].IsVisible && !_runs[runIndex].EOT)
cpVisible = Math.Min(cpRunEnd, cp);
return true;
// Newline sequence has caret stops at its leading edge.
if (_runs[runIndex].EOT)
// Get the cp index at the beginning of the newline sequence.
cpVisible = cpRunEnd - _runs[runIndex].Length + 1;
return true;
cpRunEnd -= _runs[runIndex--].Length;
return false;
private void GetRunIndexAtCp(
int cp,
out int runIndex,
out int cpRunStart
Invariant.Assert(cp >= _cpFirst && cp < _cpFirst + _cpLength);
cpRunStart= _cpFirst;
runIndex = 0;
// Find the span that contains the given cp
while (runIndex < _runs.Length && cpRunStart + _runs[runIndex].Length <= cp)
cpRunStart += _runs[runIndex++].Length;
/// <summary>
/// Simple text run
/// </summary>
internal sealed class SimpleRun
public CharacterBufferReference CharBufferReference; // character buffer reference
public int Length; // CP length
public int[] NominalAdvances; // nominal glyph advance widths in ideal units
public int IdealWidth; // Ideal width of the line. Use ideal width to be consistent with FullTextLine in linebreaking
public TextRun TextRun; // text run
public TextDecoration Underline; // only support single underline
public Flags RunFlags; // run flags
private TextFormatterImp _textFormatterImp;
private double _pixelsPerDip;
internal enum Flags : ushort
None = 0,
EOT = 0x0001, // end-of-text mark
Ghost = 0x0002, // non-existence run - only consume cp
TrimTrailingUnderline = 0x0004, // trailing whitespace should not be underlined
Tab = 0x0008, // run representing Tab character
internal bool EOT
get { return (RunFlags & Flags.EOT) != 0; }
internal bool Ghost
get { return (RunFlags & Flags.Ghost) != 0; }
internal bool Tab
get { return (RunFlags & Flags.Tab) != 0; }
internal bool TrimTrailingUnderline
get { return (RunFlags & Flags.TrimTrailingUnderline) != 0; }
if (value)
RunFlags |= Flags.TrimTrailingUnderline;
RunFlags &= ~Flags.TrimTrailingUnderline;
internal double Baseline
if (Ghost || EOT)
return 0;
return TextRun.Properties.Typeface.Baseline(TextRun.Properties.FontRenderingEmSize, 1, _pixelsPerDip, _textFormatterImp.TextFormattingMode);
internal double Height
if (Ghost || EOT)
return 0;
return TextRun.Properties.Typeface.LineSpacing(TextRun.Properties.FontRenderingEmSize, 1, _pixelsPerDip, _textFormatterImp.TextFormattingMode);
internal Typeface Typeface
get { return TextRun.Properties.Typeface; }
internal double EmSize
get { return TextRun.Properties.FontRenderingEmSize; }
internal bool IsVisible
get { return this.TextRun is TextCharacters; }
internal SimpleRun(TextFormatterImp textFormatterImp, double pixelsPerDip)
_textFormatterImp = textFormatterImp;
_pixelsPerDip = pixelsPerDip;
/// <summary>
/// Creating a simple text run
/// </summary>
/// <param name="settings">text formatting settings</param>
/// <param name="cp">first cp of the run</param>
/// <param name="cpFirst">first cp of the line</param>
/// <param name="widthLeft">maxium run width</param>
/// <param name="widthMax">maximum column width</param>
/// <param name="idealRunOffsetUnRounded">run's offset from the beginning of the line</param>
/// <returns>a SimpleRun object</returns>
static public SimpleRun Create(
FormatSettings settings,
int cp,
int cpFirst,
int widthLeft,
int widthMax,
int idealRunOffsetUnRounded,
double pixelsPerDip
TextRun textRun;
int runLength;
CharacterBufferRange charBufferRange = settings.FetchTextRun(
out textRun,
out runLength
return Create(
/// <summary>
/// Creating a simple text run
/// </summary>
/// <param name="settings">text formatting settings</param>
/// <param name="charString">character string associated to textrun</param>
/// <param name="textRun">text run</param>
/// <param name="cp">first cp of the run</param>
/// <param name="cpFirst">first cp of the line</param>
/// <param name="runLength">run length</param>
/// <param name="widthLeft">maximum run width</param>
/// <param name="idealRunOffsetUnRounded">run's offset from the beginning of the line</param>
/// <returns>a SimpleRun object</returns>
static public SimpleRun Create(
FormatSettings settings,
CharacterBufferRange charString,
TextRun textRun,
int cp,
int cpFirst,
int runLength,
int widthLeft,
int idealRunOffsetUnRounded,
double pixelsPerDip
SimpleRun run = null;
if (textRun is TextCharacters)
if ( textRun.Properties.BaselineAlignment != BaselineAlignment.Baseline
|| (textRun.Properties.TextEffects != null && textRun.Properties.TextEffects.Count != 0)
// fast path does not handle the following conditions
// o non-default baseline alignment
// o text drawing effect
return null;
TextDecorationCollection textDecorations = textRun.Properties.TextDecorations;
if ( textDecorations != null
&& textDecorations.Count != 0
&& !textDecorations.ValueEquals(TextDecorations.Underline))
// we only support a single underline
return null;
if (settings.DigitState.RequiresNumberSubstitution)
// don't support number substitution in fast path
return null;
bool canProcessTabsInSimpleShapingPath = CanProcessTabsInSimpleShapingPath(
if (charString[0] == TextStore.CharCarriageReturn)
// CR in the middle of text stream treated as explicit paragraph break
// simple hard line break
runLength = 1;
if (charString.Length > 1 && charString[1] == TextStore.CharLineFeed)
runLength = 2;
// This path handles the case where the backing store breaks the text run in between
// a Carriage Return and a Line Feed. So we fetch the next run to check whether the next
// character is a line feed.
else if (charString.Length == 1)
// Prefetch to check for line feed.
TextRun newRun;
int newRunLength;
CharacterBufferRange newBufferRange = settings.FetchTextRun(
cp + 1,
out newRun,
out newRunLength
if (newBufferRange.Length > 0 && newBufferRange[0] == TextStore.CharLineFeed)
// Merge the 2 runs.
int lengthOfRun = 2;
char[] characterArray = new char[lengthOfRun];
characterArray[0] = TextStore.CharCarriageReturn;
characterArray[1] = TextStore.CharLineFeed;
TextRun mergedTextRun = new TextCharacters(characterArray, 0, lengthOfRun, textRun.Properties);
return new SimpleRun(lengthOfRun, mergedTextRun, (Flags.EOT | Flags.Ghost), settings.Formatter, pixelsPerDip);
return new SimpleRun(runLength, textRun, (Flags.EOT | Flags.Ghost), settings.Formatter, pixelsPerDip);
else if (charString[0] == TextStore.CharLineFeed)
// LF in the middle of text stream treated as explicit paragraph break
// simple hard line break
runLength = 1;
return new SimpleRun(runLength, textRun, (Flags.EOT | Flags.Ghost), settings.Formatter, pixelsPerDip);
else if (canProcessTabsInSimpleShapingPath && charString[0] == TextStore.CharTab)
return CreateSimpleRunForTab(settings,
// attempt to create a simple run for text
run = CreateSimpleTextRun(
if (run == null)
// fail to create simple text run, the run content is too complex
return null;
// Check for underline condition
if (textDecorations != null && textDecorations.Count == 1 )
run.Underline = textDecorations[0];
else if (textRun is TextEndOfLine)
run = new SimpleRun(runLength, textRun, (Flags.EOT | Flags.Ghost), settings.Formatter, pixelsPerDip);
else if (textRun is TextHidden)
// hidden run
run = new SimpleRun(runLength, textRun, Flags.Ghost, settings.Formatter, pixelsPerDip);
return run;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a simple text run that represents a Tab.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="settings">text formatting settings</param>
/// <param name="textRun">text run</param>
/// <param name="idealRunOffsetUnRounded">run's offset from the beginning of the line</param>
static private SimpleRun CreateSimpleRunForTab(
FormatSettings settings,
TextRun textRun,
int idealRunOffsetUnRounded,
double pixelsPerDip
if (settings == null || textRun == null || textRun.Properties == null || textRun.Properties.Typeface == null)
return null;
GlyphTypeface glyphTypeface = textRun.Properties.Typeface.TryGetGlyphTypeface();
// Check whether the font has the space character. If not then we have to go through
// font fallback.
// We are not calling CreateSimpleTextRun() because CheckFastPathNominalGlyphs()
// can fail if a font has TypographicAvailabilities. We are simply rendering a space
// so we don't realy care about TypographicFeatures. This is a perf optimization.
if (glyphTypeface == null || !glyphTypeface.HasCharacter(' '))
return null;
// The full shaping path converts tabs to spaces.
// Note: In order to get exactly the same metrics as we did in FullTextLine (specifically ink bounding box)
// we need to "Draw" a space in place of a Tab (previously we were just ignoring the Tab and rendering nothing)
// which turned out to give different overhang and extent values than those returned using the full shaping path.
// So in order to avoid vertical jiggling when a line is changed from SimpleTextLine to FullTextLine by adding/removing
// a complex character, we need to do the same thing as the full shaping path and draw a space for each tab.
TextRun modifedTextRun = new TextCharacters(" ", textRun.Properties);
CharacterBufferRange characterBufferRange = new CharacterBufferRange(modifedTextRun);
SimpleRun run = new SimpleRun(1, modifedTextRun, Flags.Tab, settings.Formatter, pixelsPerDip)
CharBufferReference = characterBufferRange.CharacterBufferReference
out run.NominalAdvances
int idealIncrementalTab = TextFormatterImp.RealToIdeal(settings.Pap.DefaultIncrementalTab);
// Here we get the next tab stop without snapping the metrics to pixels.
// We do the pixel snapping on the final position of the tab stop (and not on the IncrementalTab)
// to achieve the same results as those in full shaping.
int idealNextTabStopUnRounded = ((idealRunOffsetUnRounded / idealIncrementalTab) + 1) * idealIncrementalTab;
run.IdealWidth = run.NominalAdvances[0] = idealNextTabStopUnRounded - idealRunOffsetUnRounded;
return run;
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether the conditions are met to make it possible to process tabs
/// in the simple shaping path.
/// </summary>
static private bool CanProcessTabsInSimpleShapingPath(
ParaProp textParagraphProperties,
TextFormattingMode textFormattingMode
return (textParagraphProperties.Tabs == null && textParagraphProperties.DefaultIncrementalTab > 0);
/// <summary>
/// Create simple run of text,
/// returning null if the specified text run cannot be correctly formatted as simple run
/// </summary>
static internal SimpleRun CreateSimpleTextRun(
CharacterBufferRange charBufferRange,
TextRun textRun,
TextFormatterImp formatter,
int widthLeft,
bool emergencyWrap,
bool breakOnTabs,
double pixelsPerDip
Invariant.Assert(textRun is TextCharacters);
SimpleRun run = new SimpleRun(formatter, pixelsPerDip)
CharBufferReference = charBufferRange.CharacterBufferReference,
TextRun = textRun
if (!run.TextRun.Properties.Typeface.CheckFastPathNominalGlyphs(
formatter.IdealToReal(widthLeft, pixelsPerDip),
false, //No support for isSideways
out run.Length
// Getting nominal glyphs is not supported by the font,
// or it is but it results in low typographic quality text
// e.g. OpenType support is not utilized.
return null;
new CharacterBufferRange(run.CharBufferReference, run.Length),
out run.NominalAdvances,
out run.IdealWidth
return run;
/// <summary>
/// Construct simple text run
/// </summary>
/// <param name="length">run length</param>
/// <param name="textRun">text run</param>
/// <param name="flags">run flags</param>
private SimpleRun(
int length,
TextRun textRun,
Flags flags,
TextFormatterImp textFormatterImp,
double pixelsPerDip
Length = length;
TextRun = textRun;
RunFlags = flags;
_textFormatterImp = textFormatterImp;
_pixelsPerDip = pixelsPerDip;
/// <summary>
/// Draw a simple run
/// </summary>
/// <returns>drawing bounding box</returns>
internal Rect Draw(
DrawingContext drawingContext,
double x,
double y,
bool visiCodePath
if (Length <= 0 || this.Ghost)
return Rect.Empty; // nothing to draw
Brush foregroundBrush = TextRun.Properties.ForegroundBrush;
if(visiCodePath && foregroundBrush is SolidColorBrush)
Color color = ((SolidColorBrush)foregroundBrush).Color;
foregroundBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(
(byte)(color.A>>2), // * 0.25
Rect inkBoundingBox;
IList<double> displayGlyphAdvances;
if (_textFormatterImp.TextFormattingMode == TextFormattingMode.Ideal)
displayGlyphAdvances = new ThousandthOfEmRealDoubles(EmSize, NominalAdvances.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < displayGlyphAdvances.Count; i++)
// convert ideal glyph advance width to real width for displaying.
displayGlyphAdvances[i] = _textFormatterImp.IdealToReal(NominalAdvances[i], _pixelsPerDip);
displayGlyphAdvances = new List<double>(NominalAdvances.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < NominalAdvances.Length; i++)
// convert ideal glyph advance width to real width for displaying.
displayGlyphAdvances.Add(_textFormatterImp.IdealToReal(NominalAdvances[i], _pixelsPerDip));
CharacterBufferRange charBufferRange = new CharacterBufferRange(CharBufferReference, Length);
GlyphTypeface glyphTypeface = Typeface.TryGetGlyphTypeface();
Invariant.Assert(glyphTypeface != null);
GlyphRun glyphRun = glyphTypeface.ComputeUnshapedGlyphRun(
new Point(x, y),
null, // device font name
if (glyphRun != null)
inkBoundingBox = glyphRun.ComputeInkBoundingBox();
inkBoundingBox = Rect.Empty;
if (!inkBoundingBox.IsEmpty)
// glyph run's ink bounding box is relative to its origin
inkBoundingBox.X += glyphRun.BaselineOrigin.X;
inkBoundingBox.Y += glyphRun.BaselineOrigin.Y;
if (drawingContext != null)
if (glyphRun != null)
glyphRun.EmitBackground(drawingContext, TextRun.Properties.BackgroundBrush);
drawingContext.DrawGlyphRun(foregroundBrush, glyphRun);
// draw underline here
if (Underline != null)
// Determine number of characters to underline. We don't underline trailing spaces
// if the TrimTrailingUnderline flag is set.
int underlineLength = Length;
if (TrimTrailingUnderline)
while (underlineLength > 0 && IsSpace(charBufferRange[underlineLength - 1]))
// Determine the width of the underline.
double dxUnderline = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < underlineLength; ++i)
dxUnderline += _textFormatterImp.IdealToReal(NominalAdvances[i], _pixelsPerDip);
// We know only TextDecoration.Underline will be handled in Simple Path.
double offset = -Typeface.UnderlinePosition * EmSize;
double penThickness = Typeface.UnderlineThickness * EmSize;
Point lineOrigin = new Point(x, y + offset);
Rect underlineRect = new Rect(
lineOrigin.Y - penThickness * 0.5,
// Apply the pair of guidelines: one for baseline and another
// for top edge of undelining line. Both will be snapped to pixel grid.
// Guideline pairing algorithm detects the case when these two
// guidelines happen to be close to one another and provides
// synchronous snapping, so that the gap between baseline and
// undelining line does not depend on the position of text line.
drawingContext.PushGuidelineY2(y, lineOrigin.Y - penThickness * 0.5 - y);
null, // pen
// underline pen thickness is always positive in fast path
return inkBoundingBox;
/// <summary>
/// Scan backward to collect trailing spaces of the run
/// </summary>
/// <param name="formatter">formatter</param>
/// <param name="trailing">trailing spaces</param>
/// <param name="trailingSpaceWidth">trailing spaces width</param>
/// <returns>continue collecting the previous run?</returns>
internal bool CollectTrailingSpaces(
TextFormatterImp formatter,
ref int trailing,
ref int trailingSpaceWidth
// As we are collecting trailing space cp, we also collect the trailing space width.
// In Full text line, TrailingSpaceWidth = ToReal(Sumof(ToIdeal(glyphsWidths));
// we do the same thing here so that trailing space width is exactly the same
// as Full Text Line.
trailing += Length;
trailingSpaceWidth += IdealWidth;
return true;
// A Tab does not contribute to trailing space calculations.
else if (Tab)
return false;
int offsetToFirstChar = CharBufferReference.OffsetToFirstChar;
CharacterBuffer charBuffer = CharBufferReference.CharacterBuffer;
int dcp = Length;
if (dcp > 0 && IsSpace(charBuffer[offsetToFirstChar + dcp - 1]))
// scan backward to find the first blank following a non-blank
while (dcp > 0 && IsSpace(charBuffer[offsetToFirstChar + dcp - 1]))
// summing the ideal value of each glyph
trailingSpaceWidth += NominalAdvances[dcp - 1];
return dcp == 0;
return false;
private static bool IsSpace(char ch)
if (TextStore.IsSpace(ch))
return true;
int charClass = (int)Classification.GetUnicodeClassUTF16(ch);
return Classification.CharAttributeOf(charClass).BiDi == DirectionClass.WhiteSpace;
internal bool IsUnderlineCompatible(SimpleRun nextRun)
return Typeface.Equals(nextRun.Typeface)
&& EmSize == nextRun.EmSize
&& Baseline == nextRun.Baseline;
internal int DistanceFromDcp(int dcp)
if (Ghost || Tab)
return dcp <= 0 ? 0 : IdealWidth;
if (dcp > Length)
dcp = Length;
int idealDistance = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < dcp; i++)
idealDistance += NominalAdvances[i];
return idealDistance;
internal CharacterHit DcpFromDistance(int idealDistance)
if (Ghost)
return (EOT || idealDistance <= 0) ? new CharacterHit() : new CharacterHit(Length, 0);
if (Length <= 0)
return new CharacterHit();
int dcp = 0;
int currentIdealAdvance = 0;
// A Tab cannot be treated as a Ghost run since Ghost runs are just skipped in hit testing while a Tab should not.
// In case of a Tab, currentIdealAdvance = IdealWidth / Length. The division by Length
// is for future robustness only. Today a Tab run contains only 1 tab and hence its Length is 1. However, this code
// should not have knowledge of this info and hence we divide by Length in case in the future this implementation
// detail changed.
while (dcp < Length && idealDistance >= (Tab ? (currentIdealAdvance = IdealWidth / Length)
: (currentIdealAdvance = NominalAdvances[dcp])))
idealDistance -= currentIdealAdvance;
if (dcp < Length)
// hit occurs in this run
return new CharacterHit(dcp, (idealDistance > currentIdealAdvance / 2 ? 1 : 0));
// hit doesn't occur in this run
return new CharacterHit(Length - 1, 1);