File: MS\Internal\TextFormatting\FullTextLine.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationCore\PresentationCore.csproj (PresentationCore)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
//  Contents:  Complex implementation of TextLine
using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
namespace MS.Internal.TextFormatting
    /// <remarks>
    /// Make FullTextLine nested type of TextMetrics to allow full access to TextMetrics private members
    /// </remarks>
    internal partial struct TextMetrics : ITextMetrics
        /// <summary>
        /// Complex implementation of TextLine
        /// TextLine implementation around
        ///     o   Line Services
        ///     o   OpenType Services Library
        ///     o   Implementation of Unicode Bidirectional algorithm
        ///     o   Complex script itemizer
        ///     o   Composite font with generic glyph hunting algorithm
        /// </summary>
        internal class FullTextLine : TextLine
            private TextMetrics                         _metrics;                       // Text metrics
            private int                                 _cpFirst;                       // character index to the first charcter of the line
            private int                                 _depthQueryMax;                 // maximum depth of reversals used in querying
            private int                                 _paragraphWidth;                // paragraph width
            private int                                 _textMinWidthAtTrailing;        // smallest text width excluding trailing whitespaces
            private IntPtr                              _ploline;                       // actual LS line
            private IntPtr                              _ploc;                          // actual LS context
            private Overhang                            _overhang;                      // overhang metrics
            private StatusFlags                         _statusFlags;                   // status flags of the line
            private SpanVector                          _plsrunVector;                  // plsrun span vector indexed by lscp
            private ArrayList                           _lsrunsMainText;                // list of lsrun of main text
            private ArrayList                           _lsrunsMarkerText;              // list of lsrun of marker text
            private FullTextState                       _fullText;                      // full text state kept for collapsing purpose (only have it when StatusFlags.HasOverflowed is set)
            private FormattedTextSymbols                _collapsingSymbol;              // line-end collapsing symbol
            private TextCollapsedRange                  _collapsedRange;                // line-end collapsed range
            private TextSource                          _textSource;                    // Text Source of the main text for the line
            private TextDecorationCollection            _paragraphTextDecorations;      // Paragraph-level text decorations (or null if none)
            private Brush                               _defaultTextDecorationsBrush;   // Default brush for paragraph text decorations
            private TextFormattingMode                  _textFormattingMode;            // The TextFormattingMode of the line (Ideal or Display).
            private enum StatusFlags
                None                = 0,
                IsDisposed          = 0x00000001,
                HasOverflowed       = 0x00000002,
                BoundingBoxComputed = 0x00000004,
                RightToLeft         = 0x00000008,
                HasCollapsed        = 0x00000010,
                KeepState           = 0x00000020,
                IsTruncated         = 0x00000040,
                IsJustified         = 0x00000080, // Indicates whether the text alignment is set to justified
                                                  // This flag is needed later to decide how the metrics
                                                  // will be rounded in display mode when converted
                                                  // from ideal to real values.
            private enum CaretDirection
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructing a FullTextLine
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="settings">text formatting settings</param>
            /// <param name="cpFirst">Line's first cp</param>
            /// <param name="lineLength">character length of the line</param>
            /// <param name="paragraphWidth">paragraph width</param>
            /// <param name="lineFlags">line formatting control flags</param>
            internal FullTextLine(
                FormatSettings          settings,
                int                     cpFirst,
                int                     lineLength,
                int                     paragraphWidth,
                LineFlags               lineFlags
                : this(settings.TextFormattingMode, settings.Pap.Justify, settings.TextSource.PixelsPerDip)
                if (    (lineFlags & LineFlags.KeepState) != 0
                    ||  settings.Pap.AlwaysCollapsible)
                    _statusFlags |= StatusFlags.KeepState;
                int finiteFormatWidth = settings.GetFiniteFormatWidth(paragraphWidth);
                FullTextState fullText = FullTextState.Create(settings, cpFirst, finiteFormatWidth);
                // formatting the line
                    null    // collapsingSymbol
            /// <summary>
            /// Finalizing full text line
            /// </summary>
            /// <summary>
            /// Releasing the line's unmanaged resource
            /// </summary>
            public override void Dispose()
            /// <summary>
            /// Disposing LS unmanaged memory for text line
            /// </summary>
            private void DisposeInternal(bool finalizing)
                if (_ploline != System.IntPtr.Zero)
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.LoDisposeLine(_ploline, finalizing);
                    _ploline = System.IntPtr.Zero;
            /// <summary>
            /// Empty private constructor
            /// </summary>
            private FullTextLine(TextFormattingMode textFormattingMode, bool justify, double pixelsPerDip) : base(pixelsPerDip)
                _textFormattingMode = textFormattingMode;
                if (justify)
                    _statusFlags |= StatusFlags.IsJustified;
                _metrics = new TextMetrics
                    _pixelsPerDip = pixelsPerDip
                _ploline = IntPtr.Zero;
            /// <summary>
            /// format text line using LS
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="fullText">state of the full text backing store</param>
            /// <param name="cpFirst">first cp to format</param>
            /// <param name="lineLength">character length of the line</param>
            /// <param name="formatWidth">width used to format</param>
            /// <param name="finiteFormatWidth">width used to detect overflowing of format result</param>
            /// <param name="paragraphWidth">paragraph width</param>
            /// <param name="lineFlags">line formatting control flags</param>
            /// <param name="collapsingSymbol">line end collapsing symbol</param>
            private void FormatLine(
                FullTextState           fullText,
                int                     cpFirst,
                int                     lineLength,
                int                     formatWidth,
                int                     finiteFormatWidth,
                int                     paragraphWidth,
                LineFlags               lineFlags,
                FormattedTextSymbols    collapsingSymbol
                _metrics._formatter = fullText.Formatter;
                Debug.Assert(_metrics._formatter != null);
                TextStore store = fullText.TextStore;
                TextStore markerStore = fullText.TextMarkerStore;
                FormatSettings settings = store.Settings;
                ParaProp pap = settings.Pap;
                _paragraphTextDecorations = pap.TextDecorations;
                if (_paragraphTextDecorations != null)
                    if (_paragraphTextDecorations.Count != 0)
                        _defaultTextDecorationsBrush = pap.DefaultTextDecorationsBrush;
                        _paragraphTextDecorations = null;
                // acquiring LS context
                TextFormatterContext context = _metrics._formatter.AcquireContext(fullText, IntPtr.Zero);
                LsLInfo plslineInfo = new LsLInfo();
                LsLineWidths lineWidths = new LsLineWidths();
                int lscpLineLength = 0; // line length in LSCP
                if (lineLength > 0)
                    // line length is previously known (e.g. during optimal paragraph formatting),
                    // prefetch lsruns up to the specified line length.
                    lscpLineLength = PrefetchLSRuns(store, cpFirst, lineLength);
                IntPtr ploline;
                LsErr lserr = context.CreateLine(
                    IntPtr.Zero,    // single-line formatting does not require break record
                    out ploline,
                    out plslineInfo,
                    out _depthQueryMax,
                    out lineWidths
                // Did we exceed the LineServices maximum line width?
                if (lserr == LsErr.TooLongParagraph)
                    // Determine where to insert a fake line break. FullTextState.CpMeasured
                    // is a reasonable estimate since we know the nominal widths up to that
                    // point fit within the margin.
                    int cpLimit = fullText.CpMeasured;
                    int subtract = 1;
                    for (;;)
                        // The line must contain at least one character position.
                        if (cpLimit < 1)
                            cpLimit = 1;
                        lserr = context.CreateLine(
                            IntPtr.Zero,    // single-line formatting does not require break record
                            out ploline,
                            out plslineInfo,
                            out _depthQueryMax,
                            out lineWidths
                        if (lserr != LsErr.TooLongParagraph || cpLimit == 1)
                            // We're done or can't chop off any more text.
                            // Chop off more text and try again. Double the amount of
                            // text we chop off each time so we retry too many times.
                            cpLimit = fullText.CpMeasured - subtract;
                            subtract *= 2;
                _ploline = ploline;
                // get the exception in context before it is released
                Exception callbackException = context.CallbackException;
                // release the context
                if(lserr != LsErr.None)
                    if(callbackException != null)
                        // rethrow exception thrown in callbacks
                        throw WrapException(callbackException);
                        // throw with LS error codes
                        TextFormatterContext.ThrowExceptionFromLsError(SR.Format(SR.CreateLineFailure, lserr), lserr);
                // keep context alive at least till here
                    // construct text metrics for the line
                        ref lineWidths,
                // keep record for min width as we may be formatting min/max
                _textMinWidthAtTrailing = lineWidths.upMinStartTrailing - _metrics._textStart;
                if (collapsingSymbol != null)
                    _collapsingSymbol = collapsingSymbol;
                    _textMinWidthAtTrailing += TextFormatterImp.RealToIdeal(collapsingSymbol.Width);
                    // overflow detection for potential collapsible line
                    if (_metrics._textStart + _metrics._textWidthAtTrailing > finiteFormatWidth)
                        bool hasOverflowed = true;
                        if (_textFormattingMode == TextFormattingMode.Display)
                            // apply display-mode rounding before checking for overflow
                            double realWidth = Width;
                            double realFormatWidth = _metrics._formatter.IdealToReal(finiteFormatWidth, PixelsPerDip);
                            hasOverflowed = (TextFormatterImp.CompareReal(realWidth, realFormatWidth, PixelsPerDip, _textFormattingMode) > 0);
                        if (hasOverflowed)
                            // line has overflowed
                            _statusFlags |= StatusFlags.HasOverflowed;
                            // let's keep the full text state around. We'll need it later for collapsing
                            _fullText = fullText;
                if (    fullText != null
                    &&  (   fullText.KeepState
                        ||  (_statusFlags & StatusFlags.KeepState) != 0
                    // the state of full text is to be kept after formatting is done
                    _fullText = fullText;
                // retain all line properties for interactive operations
                _ploc = context.Ploc;
                _cpFirst = cpFirst;
                _paragraphWidth = paragraphWidth;
                if (pap.RightToLeft)
                    _statusFlags |= StatusFlags.RightToLeft;
                if (plslineInfo.fForcedBreak != 0)
                    _statusFlags |= StatusFlags.IsTruncated;
                // retain the state of plsruns
                _plsrunVector = store.PlsrunVector;
                _lsrunsMainText = store.LsrunList;
                if (markerStore != null)
                    _lsrunsMarkerText = markerStore.LsrunList;
                // we store the text source in the line in case drawing code calls
                // the TextSource to find out the text effect index.
                // Note: Remove this when we remove text effect index callback.
                _textSource = settings.TextSource;
            /// <summary>
            /// Wraps a caught exception in a new exception object of the same type, if possible.
            /// Otherwise just return the original exception.
            /// </summary>
            private static Exception WrapException(Exception caughtException)
                // We're going to try to create a new exception of the same type as caughtException.
                Type t = caughtException.GetType();
                // Make sure the type is public to avoid MethodAccessException in partial trust.
                if (t.IsPublic)
                    // Look for a public instance constructor with signature ctor(Exception)
                    ConstructorInfo constructor = t.GetConstructor(
                        new Type[] { typeof(Exception) }
                    if (constructor != null)
                        return (Exception)constructor.Invoke(
                            new object[] { caughtException }
                    // Look for a public instance constructor with signature ctor(string,Exception)
                    constructor = t.GetConstructor(
                        new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(Exception) }
                    if (constructor != null)
                        return (Exception)constructor.Invoke(
                            new object[] { caughtException.Message, caughtException }
                // We couldn't find an appropriate constructor so fall back to returning the original
                // exception object. We don't want to wrap the exception in some arbitrary exception type
                // because the client may have thrown the exception and may want to catch it higher up
                // the stack.
                // The disadvantage of throwing the same object again is the original stack is lost. This
                // makes debugging harder (partially mitigated by the stack trace string available via
                // the Data property -- but only in full dumps), and means Watson errors will be bucketized
                // only based on the current stack, i.e., FormatLine. Hopefully this case will be rare.
                return caughtException;
            /// <summary>
            /// Append line end collapsing symbol
            /// </summary>
            private void AppendCollapsingSymbol(
                FormattedTextSymbols    symbol
                Debug.Assert(_collapsingSymbol == null && symbol != null);
                _collapsingSymbol = symbol;
                int symbolIdealWidth = TextFormatterImp.RealToIdeal(symbol.Width);
                _textMinWidthAtTrailing += symbolIdealWidth;
            /// <summary>
            /// Prefetch the lsruns up to the point of the specified line length and map
            /// the specified length to the corresponding LSCP length.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// See comment in the remark section of FullTextState.GetBreakpointInternalCp.
            /// </remarks>
            private int PrefetchLSRuns(
                TextStore   store,
                int         cpFirst,
                int         lineLength
                Debug.Assert(lineLength > 0);
                LSRun lsrun;
                int prefetchLength = 0;
                int lscpLineLength = 0;
                int lastSpanLength = 0;
                int lastRunLength = 0;
                    Plsrun plsrun;
                    int lsrunOffset;
                    int lsrunLength;
                    lsrun = store.FetchLSRun(
                        cpFirst + lscpLineLength,
                        out plsrun,
                        out lsrunOffset,
                        out lsrunLength
                    if (lineLength == prefetchLength && lsrun.Type == Plsrun.Reverse)
                    lastSpanLength = lsrunLength;
                    lastRunLength = lsrun.Length;
                    lscpLineLength += lastSpanLength;
                    prefetchLength += lastRunLength;
} while (   !TextStore.IsNewline(lsrun.Type)
                        &&  lineLength >= prefetchLength
                // calibrate the LSCP length to the LSCP equivalence of the last CP of the line
                if (prefetchLength == lineLength || lastSpanLength == lastRunLength)
                    return lscpLineLength - prefetchLength + lineLength;
                Invariant.Assert(prefetchLength - lineLength == lastRunLength);
                return lscpLineLength - lastSpanLength;
            /// <summary>
            /// Draw line
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="drawingContext">drawing context</param>
            /// <param name="origin">drawing origin</param>
            /// <param name="inversion">indicate the inversion of the drawing surface</param>
            public override void Draw(
                DrawingContext      drawingContext,
                Point               origin,
                InvertAxes          inversion
                if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.IsDisposed) != 0)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(SR.TextLineHasBeenDisposed);
                MatrixTransform antiInversion = TextFormatterImp.CreateAntiInversionTransform(
                    _metrics._formatter.IdealToReal(_paragraphWidth, PixelsPerDip),
                    _metrics._formatter.IdealToReal(_metrics._height, PixelsPerDip)
                if (antiInversion == null)
                    DrawTextLine(drawingContext, origin, null);
                    // Apply anti-inversion transform to correct the visual
                        DrawTextLine(drawingContext, origin, antiInversion);
            /// <summary>
            /// Draw complex text line
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="drawingContext">drawing surface</param>
            /// <param name="origin">offset to the line origin</param>
            /// <param name="antiInversion">anti-inversion transform applied on the surface</param>
            private void DrawTextLine(
                DrawingContext      drawingContext,
                Point               origin,
                MatrixTransform     antiInversion
                Rect boundingBox = Rect.Empty;
                if (_ploline != System.IntPtr.Zero)
                    TextFormatterContext context;
                    LsErr lserr = LsErr.None;
                    LSRECT rect = new LSRECT(0, 0, _metrics._textWidthAtTrailing, _metrics._height);
                    // DrawingState needs to be properly disposed after performing actual drawing operations.
                    using (DrawingState drawingState = new DrawingState(drawingContext, origin, antiInversion, this))
                        context = _metrics._formatter.AcquireContext(
                        // set the collector and send the line to LS to draw
                        // LS line reference origin
                        LSPOINT lsRefOrigin = new LSPOINT(0, _metrics._baselineOffset);
                        lserr = UnsafeNativeMethods.LoDisplayLine(
                            ref lsRefOrigin,
                            1,      // 0 - opaque, 1 - transparent
                            ref rect
                    boundingBox = context.BoundingBox;
                    // get the exception in context before it is released
                    Exception callbackException = context.CallbackException;
                    if(lserr != LsErr.None)
                        if(callbackException != null)
                            // rethrow exception thrown in callbacks
                            throw callbackException;
                            // throw with LS error codes
                            TextFormatterContext.ThrowExceptionFromLsError(SR.Format(SR.CreateLineFailure, lserr), lserr);
                    // keep context alive at least til here
                if (_collapsingSymbol != null)
                    // draw collapsing symbol if any
                    Point vectorToOrigin = new Point();
                    if (antiInversion != null)
                        vectorToOrigin = origin;
                        origin.X = origin.Y = 0;
                    boundingBox.Union(DrawCollapsingSymbol(drawingContext, origin, vectorToOrigin));
                BuildOverhang(origin, boundingBox);
                _statusFlags |= StatusFlags.BoundingBoxComputed;
            /// <summary>
            /// Draw line end collapsing symbol
            /// </summary>
            private Rect DrawCollapsingSymbol(
                DrawingContext drawingContext,
                Point          lineOrigin,
                Point          vectorToLineOrigin
                int symbolIdealWidth = TextFormatterImp.RealToIdeal(_collapsingSymbol.Width);
                Point symbolOrigin = LSRun.UVToXY(
                    LSLineUToParagraphU(_metrics._textStart + _metrics._textWidthAtTrailing - symbolIdealWidth),
                return _collapsingSymbol.Draw(drawingContext, symbolOrigin);
            /// <summary>
            /// Make sure the bounding box is calculated
            /// </summary>
            private void CheckBoundingBox()
                if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.BoundingBoxComputed) == 0)
                    DrawTextLine(null, new Point(0, 0), null);
                Debug.Assert((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.BoundingBoxComputed) != 0);
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to collapse the line to fit for display
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="collapsingPropertiesList">a list of collapsing properties</param>
            public override TextLine Collapse(
                params TextCollapsingProperties[]   collapsingPropertiesList
                if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.IsDisposed) != 0)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(SR.TextLineHasBeenDisposed);
                if (    !HasOverflowed
                    &&  (_statusFlags & StatusFlags.KeepState) == 0)
                    // Attempt to collapse a non-overflowed line results in the original line returned
                    return this;
                if (collapsingPropertiesList == null || collapsingPropertiesList.Length == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collapsingPropertiesList));
                TextCollapsingProperties collapsingProp = collapsingPropertiesList[0];
                double constraintWidth = collapsingProp.Width;
                if (TextFormatterImp.CompareReal(constraintWidth, Width, PixelsPerDip, _textFormattingMode) > 0)
                    // constraining width is greater than original line width, no collapsing neeeded.
                    return this;
                FormattedTextSymbols symbol = null;
                if (collapsingProp.Symbol != null)
                    // create formatted collapsing symbol
                    symbol = new FormattedTextSymbols(
                    constraintWidth -= symbol.Width;
                Debug.Assert(_fullText != null);
                FullTextLine line = new TextMetrics.FullTextLine(_textFormattingMode, IsJustified, PixelsPerDip);
                // collapsing preserves original line metrics
                Debug.Assert(_metrics._height > 0);
                line._metrics._formatter = _metrics._formatter;
                line._metrics._height = _metrics._height;
                line._metrics._baselineOffset = _metrics._baselineOffset;
                if (constraintWidth > 0)
                    // format main text line with constraint width
                    int finiteFormatWidth = _fullText.TextStore.Settings.GetFiniteFormatWidth(
                    bool forceWrap = _fullText.ForceWrap;
                    _fullText.ForceWrap = true;
                    if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.KeepState) != 0)
                        // inherit this flag so the collapsed line retains full text state too.
                        line._statusFlags |= StatusFlags.KeepState;
                        0,  // no line length limit
                        _paragraphWidth,    // collapsed line is still bound to the original paragraph width
                        (collapsingProp.Style == TextCollapsingStyle.TrailingCharacter ? LineFlags.BreakAlways : LineFlags.None),
                    _fullText.ForceWrap = forceWrap;
                    line._metrics._cchDepend = 0; // no dependency
                else if (symbol != null)
                if (line._metrics._cchLength < Length)
                    line._collapsedRange = new TextCollapsedRange(
                        _cpFirst + line._metrics._cchLength,
                        Length - line._metrics._cchLength,
                        Width - line.Width
                    // collapsed line has the original length
                    line._metrics._cchLength = Length;
                // mark the indication flags signify collapsing
                line._statusFlags |= StatusFlags.HasCollapsed;
                line._statusFlags &= ~StatusFlags.HasOverflowed;
                return line;
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get a collection of collapsed character ranges after a line has been collapsed
            /// </summary>
            public override IList<TextCollapsedRange> GetTextCollapsedRanges()
                if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.IsDisposed) != 0)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(SR.TextLineHasBeenDisposed);
                if (_collapsedRange == null)
                    return null;
                return new TextCollapsedRange[] { _collapsedRange };
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the character hit corresponding to the specified
            /// distance from the beginning of the line.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="distance">distance in text flow direction from the beginning of the line</param>
            /// <returns>character hit</returns>
            public override CharacterHit GetCharacterHitFromDistance(
                double      distance
                if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.IsDisposed) != 0)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(SR.TextLineHasBeenDisposed);
                return CharacterHitFromDistance(ParagraphUToLSLineU(TextFormatterImp.RealToIdeal(distance)));
            /// <summary>
            /// Get character hit from specified hittest distance relative to line start
            /// </summary>
            private CharacterHit CharacterHitFromDistance(int hitTestDistance)
                // assuming the first cp of the line
                CharacterHit characterHit = new CharacterHit(_cpFirst, 0);
                if(_ploline == IntPtr.Zero)
                    // Returning the first cp for the empty line
                    return characterHit;
                if (    HasCollapsed
                    &&  _collapsedRange != null
                    &&  _collapsingSymbol != null
                    int lineEndDistance = _metrics._textStart + _metrics._textWidthAtTrailing;
                    int rangeWidth = TextFormatterImp.RealToIdeal(_collapsingSymbol.Width);
                    if (hitTestDistance >= lineEndDistance - rangeWidth)
                        if (lineEndDistance - hitTestDistance < rangeWidth / 2)
                            // The hit-test distance is within the trailing edge of the collapsed range,
                            // return the character hit at the beginning of the range.
                            return new CharacterHit(_collapsedRange.TextSourceCharacterIndex, _collapsedRange.Length);
                        // The hit-test distance is within the leading edge of the collapsed range,
                        // return the character hit at the beginning of the range.
                        return new CharacterHit(_collapsedRange.TextSourceCharacterIndex, 0);
                LsTextCell lsTextCell;
                LsQSubInfo[] sublineInfo = new LsQSubInfo[_depthQueryMax];
                int actualSublineCount;
                    new Point(hitTestDistance, 0),
                    out actualSublineCount,
                    out lsTextCell
                if (actualSublineCount > 0 && lsTextCell.dupCell > 0)
                    // the last subline contains the run that owns the querying lscp
                    LSRun lsrun = GetRun((Plsrun)sublineInfo[actualSublineCount - 1].plsrun);
                    // Assuming caret stops at every codepoint.
                    // LsTextCell.lscpEndCell is the index to the last lscp still in the cell.
                    // The number of LSCP within the text cell is equal to the number of CP.
                    int caretStopCount = lsTextCell.lscpEndCell + 1 - lsTextCell.lscpStartCell;
                    int codepointsToNextCaretStop = lsrun.IsHitTestable ? 1 : lsrun.Length;
                    if (    lsrun.IsHitTestable
                        &&  (   lsrun.HasExtendedCharacter
                            ||  lsrun.NeedsCaretInfo)
                        // A hit-testable run with caret stops at every cluster boundaries,
                        // e.g. run with combining mark, with extended characters or complex scripts such as Thai
                        codepointsToNextCaretStop = caretStopCount;
                        caretStopCount = 1;
                    // All the UV coordinate in subline are in main direction. If the last subline where
                    // we hittest runs in the opposite direction, the logical advance from text cell start cp
                    // will be negative value.
                    int direction = (sublineInfo[actualSublineCount - 1].lstflowSubLine == sublineInfo[0].lstflowSubLine) ? 1 : -1;
                    hitTestDistance = (hitTestDistance - lsTextCell.pointUvStartCell.x) * direction;
                    Invariant.Assert(caretStopCount > 0);
                    int wholeAdvance = lsTextCell.dupCell / caretStopCount;
                    int remainingAdvance = lsTextCell.dupCell % caretStopCount;
                    for (int i = 0; i < caretStopCount; i++)
                        int caretAdvance = wholeAdvance;
                        if (remainingAdvance > 0)
                        if (hitTestDistance <= caretAdvance)
                            if (hitTestDistance > caretAdvance / 2)
                                // hittest at the trailing edge of the current caret stop
                                return new CharacterHit(GetExternalCp(lsTextCell.lscpStartCell) + i, codepointsToNextCaretStop);
                            // hittest at the leading edge of the current caret stop
                            return new CharacterHit(GetExternalCp(lsTextCell.lscpStartCell) + i, 0);
                        hitTestDistance -= caretAdvance;
                    // hittest beyond the last caret stop, return the trailing edge of the last caret stop
                    return new CharacterHit(GetExternalCp(lsTextCell.lscpStartCell) + caretStopCount - 1, codepointsToNextCaretStop);
                return characterHit;
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the distance from the beginning of the line from the specified character hit.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="characterHit">index to text source's character store</param>
            /// <returns>distance in text flow direction from the beginning of the line.</returns>
            public override double GetDistanceFromCharacterHit(
                CharacterHit    characterHit
                if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.IsDisposed) != 0)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(SR.TextLineHasBeenDisposed);
                TextFormatterImp.VerifyCaretCharacterHit(characterHit, _cpFirst, _metrics._cchLength);
                return _metrics._formatter.IdealToReal(LSLineUToParagraphU(DistanceFromCharacterHit(characterHit)), PixelsPerDip);
            /// <summary>
            /// Get hittest distance relative to line start from specified character hit
            /// </summary>
            private int DistanceFromCharacterHit(CharacterHit characterHit)
                int hitTestDistance = 0;
                if (_ploline == IntPtr.Zero)
                    // Returning start of the line for empty line
                    return hitTestDistance;
                if (characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex >= _cpFirst + _metrics._cchLength)
                    // Returning line width for character hit beyond the last caret stop
                    return _metrics._textStart + _metrics._textWidthAtTrailing;
                if (    HasCollapsed
                    &&  _collapsedRange != null
                    &&  characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex >= _collapsedRange.TextSourceCharacterIndex
                    // The current character hit is beyond the beginning of the collapsed range
                    int lineEndDistance = _metrics._textStart + _metrics._textWidthAtTrailing;
                    if (    characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex >= _collapsedRange.TextSourceCharacterIndex + _collapsedRange.Length
                        ||  characterHit.TrailingLength != 0
                        || _collapsingSymbol == null
                        // The current character hit either hits outside,
                        // or it's at the trailing edge of the collapsed range
                        return lineEndDistance;
                    return lineEndDistance - TextFormatterImp.RealToIdeal(_collapsingSymbol.Width);
                int actualSublineCount;
                LsTextCell lsTextCell;
                LsQSubInfo[] sublineInfo = new LsQSubInfo[_depthQueryMax];
                int lscpCurrent = GetInternalCp(characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex);
                    out actualSublineCount,
                    out lsTextCell
                if (actualSublineCount > 0)
                    return lsTextCell.pointUvStartCell.x + GetDistanceInsideTextCell(
                        characterHit.TrailingLength != 0,
                        ref lsTextCell
                return hitTestDistance;
            /// <summary>
            /// Get distance from the start of text cell to the specified lscp
            /// </summary>
            private int GetDistanceInsideTextCell(
                int                 lscpCurrent,
                bool                isTrailing,
                LsQSubInfo[]        sublineInfo,
                int                 actualSublineCount,
                ref LsTextCell      lsTextCell
                int distanceInCell = 0;
                // All the UV coordinate in subline are in main direction. If the last subline where
                // we hittest runs in the opposite direction, the logical advance from text cell start cp
                // will be negative value.
                int direction = (sublineInfo[actualSublineCount - 1].lstflowSubLine == sublineInfo[0].lstflowSubLine) ? 1 : -1;
                // LsTextCell.lscpEndCell is the index to the last lscp still in the cell.
                // The number of LSCP within the text cell is equal to the number of CP.
                // Assuming caret stops at every codepoint in the run.
                int caretStopCount = lsTextCell.lscpEndCell + 1 - lsTextCell.lscpStartCell;
                int codepointsFromStartCell = lscpCurrent - lsTextCell.lscpStartCell;
                // the last subline contains the run that owns the querying lscp
                LSRun lsrun = GetRun((Plsrun)sublineInfo[actualSublineCount - 1].plsrun);
                if (    lsrun.IsHitTestable
                    &&  (   lsrun.HasExtendedCharacter
                        ||  lsrun.NeedsCaretInfo)
                    // A hit-testable run with caret stops at every cluster boundaries,
                    // e.g. run with combining mark, with extended characters or complex scripts such as Thai
                    caretStopCount = 1;
                Invariant.Assert(caretStopCount > 0);
                int wholeAdvance = lsTextCell.dupCell / caretStopCount;
                int remainingAdvance = lsTextCell.dupCell % caretStopCount;
                for (int i = 1; i <= caretStopCount; i++)
                    int caretAdvance = wholeAdvance;
                    if (remainingAdvance > 0)
                    if (codepointsFromStartCell < i)
                        if (isTrailing)
                            // hit-test at the trailing edge of the current caret stop, include the current caret advance
                            return (distanceInCell + caretAdvance) * direction;
                        // hit-test at the leading edge of the current caret stop, return the accumulated distance
                        return distanceInCell * direction;
                    distanceInCell += caretAdvance;
                // hit-test beyond the last caret stop, return the total accumated distance up to the trailing edge of the last caret stop.
                return distanceInCell * direction;
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the next character hit for caret navigation
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="characterHit">the current character hit</param>
            /// <returns>the next character hit</returns>
            public override CharacterHit GetNextCaretCharacterHit(
                CharacterHit    characterHit
                if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.IsDisposed) != 0)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(SR.TextLineHasBeenDisposed);
                TextFormatterImp.VerifyCaretCharacterHit(characterHit, _cpFirst, _metrics._cchLength);
                if (_ploline == System.IntPtr.Zero)
                    return characterHit;
                int caretStopIndex;
                int offsetToNextCaretStopIndex;
                bool found = GetNextOrPreviousCaretStop(
                    out caretStopIndex,
                    out offsetToNextCaretStopIndex
                if (!found)
                    // The current index is beyond the last caret stop.
                    return characterHit;
                if (caretStopIndex <= characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex && characterHit.TrailingLength != 0)
                    // We treat trailing length of the current character hit as a flag on the way in.
                    // A non-zero value indicates that it is on the trailing edge of the current
                    // caret stop. At this point, the current caret stop fully encloses the input index,
                    // and the input is at the trailing edge. In this case, we move it to the trailing
                    // edge of the next caret stop.
                    found = GetNextOrPreviousCaretStop(
                        caretStopIndex + offsetToNextCaretStopIndex,
                        out caretStopIndex,
                        out offsetToNextCaretStopIndex
                    if (!found)
                        // This current index is beyond the last caret stop
                        return characterHit;
                    return new CharacterHit(caretStopIndex, offsetToNextCaretStopIndex);
                // If the current character hit is at the leading edge,
                // move it to trailing edge of the current caret stop.
                return new CharacterHit(caretStopIndex, offsetToNextCaretStopIndex);
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the previous character hit for caret navigation
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="characterHit">the current character hit</param>
            /// <returns>the previous character hit</returns>
            public override CharacterHit GetPreviousCaretCharacterHit(
                CharacterHit characterHit
                return GetPreviousCaretCharacterHitByBehavior(characterHit, CaretDirection.Backward);
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the previous character hit after backspacing
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="characterHit">the current character hit</param>
            /// <returns>the character hit after backspacing</returns>
            public override CharacterHit GetBackspaceCaretCharacterHit(
                CharacterHit characterHit
                return GetPreviousCaretCharacterHitByBehavior(characterHit, CaretDirection.Backspace);
            /// <summary>
            /// Calculate previous caret character hit based on the caret action
            /// </summary>
            private CharacterHit GetPreviousCaretCharacterHitByBehavior(
                CharacterHit    characterHit,
                CaretDirection  direction
                Debug.Assert(direction == CaretDirection.Backward || direction == CaretDirection.Backspace);
                if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.IsDisposed) != 0)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(SR.TextLineHasBeenDisposed);
                TextFormatterImp.VerifyCaretCharacterHit(characterHit, _cpFirst, _metrics._cchLength);
                if (_ploline == IntPtr.Zero)
                    return characterHit;
                if (    characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex == _cpFirst
                    &&  characterHit.TrailingLength == 0)
                    // We are already at the beginning of the line
                    return characterHit;
                int caretStopIndex;
                int offsetToNextCaretStopIndex;
                bool found = GetNextOrPreviousCaretStop(
                    out caretStopIndex,
                    out offsetToNextCaretStopIndex
                if (!found)
                    // The current index is before the 1st caret stop.
                    return characterHit;
                if (    offsetToNextCaretStopIndex != 0
                    &&  characterHit.TrailingLength == 0
                    &&  caretStopIndex != _cpFirst
                    &&  caretStopIndex >= characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex
                    // If the current character hit is at the leading edge and it is not at the first caret stop,
                    // move it to leading edge of the previous caret stop. At this point, the current character stop
                    // fully encloses the input index and the input is at the leading edge.
                    found = GetNextOrPreviousCaretStop(
                        caretStopIndex - 1, // position at the character immediately preceding the current caret stop
                        out caretStopIndex,
                        out offsetToNextCaretStopIndex
                    if (!found)
                        // The current index is before the 1st caret stop.
                        return characterHit;
                // The current chracter hit is either beyond the last caret stop,
                // or it's at the trailing edge of the current caret stop,
                // or the current index is at the leading edge of the first caret stop.
                // In such cases, move to the leading edge of the closest caret stop.
                return new CharacterHit(caretStopIndex, 0);
            /// <summary>
            /// Given a specified current character index, calculate the character index
            /// to the closest caret stop before or at the current index; and the number
            /// of codepoints from the closest caret stop to the next caret stop.
            /// </summary>
            private bool GetNextOrPreviousCaretStop(
                int                      currentIndex,
                CaretDirection           direction,
                out int                  caretStopIndex,
                out int                  offsetToNextCaretStopIndex
                caretStopIndex = currentIndex;
                offsetToNextCaretStopIndex = 0;
                if (    HasCollapsed
                    &&  _collapsedRange != null
                    &&  currentIndex >= _collapsedRange.TextSourceCharacterIndex
                    // current index is within collapsed range,
                    caretStopIndex = _collapsedRange.TextSourceCharacterIndex;
                    if (currentIndex < _collapsedRange.TextSourceCharacterIndex + _collapsedRange.Length)
                        offsetToNextCaretStopIndex = _collapsedRange.Length;
                    return true;
                LsQSubInfo[] sublineInfo = new LsQSubInfo[_depthQueryMax];
                LsTextCell lsTextCell = new LsTextCell();
                int lscpVisisble = GetInternalCp(currentIndex);
                bool found = FindNextOrPreviousVisibleCp(lscpVisisble, direction, out lscpVisisble);
                if (!found)
                    return false; // there is no caret stop anymore in the given direction.
                int actualSublineCount;
                    out actualSublineCount,
                    out lsTextCell
                // Locate the current caret stop
                caretStopIndex = GetExternalCp(lsTextCell.lscpStartCell);
                if (    actualSublineCount > 0
                    &&  lscpVisisble >= lsTextCell.lscpStartCell
                    &&  lscpVisisble <= lsTextCell.lscpEndCell
                    // the last subline contains the run that owns the querying lscp
                    LSRun lsrun = GetRun((Plsrun)sublineInfo[actualSublineCount - 1].plsrun);
                    if (lsrun.IsHitTestable)
                        if (    lsrun.HasExtendedCharacter
                            ||  (direction != CaretDirection.Backspace && lsrun.NeedsCaretInfo)
                            // LsTextCell.lscpEndCell is the index to the last lscp still in the cell.
                            // The number of LSCP within the text cell is equal to the number of CP.
                            offsetToNextCaretStopIndex = lsTextCell.lscpEndCell + 1 - lsTextCell.lscpStartCell;
                            // caret stops before every codepoint
                            caretStopIndex = GetExternalCp(lscpVisisble);
                            offsetToNextCaretStopIndex = 1;
                        // run is not hit-testable, caret navigation is not allowed in the run,
                        // the next caret stop is therefore either at the end of the run or the end of the line whichever reached first.
                        offsetToNextCaretStopIndex = Math.Min(Length, lsrun.Length - caretStopIndex + lsrun.OffsetToFirstCp + _cpFirst);
                return true;
            /// <summary>
            /// Search from the given lscp (inclusive) towards the specified direction for the
            /// closest navigable cp. Return true is one such cp is found, false otherwise.
            /// </summary>
            private bool FindNextOrPreviousVisibleCp(
                int             lscp,
                CaretDirection  direction,
                out int         lscpVisisble
                lscpVisisble = lscp;
                SpanRider plsrunSpanRider = new SpanRider(_plsrunVector);
                if (direction == CaretDirection.Forward)
                    while (lscpVisisble < _metrics._lscpLim)
                        plsrunSpanRider.At(lscpVisisble - _cpFirst);
                        LSRun run = GetRun((Plsrun) plsrunSpanRider.CurrentElement);
                        // When scanning forward, only trailine edges of visiable content are navigable.
                        if (run.IsVisible)
                            return true;
                        lscpVisisble += plsrunSpanRider.Length; // move to start of next span
                    Debug.Assert(direction == CaretDirection.Backward || direction == CaretDirection.Backspace);
                    // lscpCurrent can be right after the end of the line, we snap it back to be at the end of the line.
                    lscpVisisble = Math.Min(lscpVisisble, _metrics._lscpLim - 1);
                    while (lscpVisisble >= _cpFirst)
                        plsrunSpanRider.At(lscpVisisble - _cpFirst);
                        LSRun run = GetRun((Plsrun) plsrunSpanRider.CurrentElement);
                        // When scanning backward, visiable content has caret stop at its leading edge.
                        if (run.IsVisible)
                            return true;
                        // When scanning backward, the newline sequence has caret stop at its leading edge.
                        if (run.IsNewline)
                            // set navigable cp at the start of newline sequence.
                            lscpVisisble = _cpFirst + plsrunSpanRider.CurrentSpanStart;
                            return true;
                        lscpVisisble = _cpFirst + plsrunSpanRider.CurrentSpanStart - 1; // move to the end of previous span
                lscpVisisble = lscp;
                return false;
            /// <summary>
            /// Create zerowidth bounds with line height
            /// </summary>
            private TextBounds[] CreateDegenerateBounds()
                return new TextBounds[]
                    new TextBounds(
                        new Rect(0, 0, 0, Height),
                        (RightToLeft ? FlowDirection.RightToLeft : FlowDirection.LeftToRight),
                        null    // runBounds
            /// <summary>
            /// Create bounds of collapsing symbol
            /// </summary>
            private TextBounds CreateCollapsingSymbolBounds()
                Debug.Assert(_collapsingSymbol != null);
                return new TextBounds(
                    new Rect(Start + Width - _collapsingSymbol.Width, 0, _collapsingSymbol.Width, Height),
                    (RightToLeft ? FlowDirection.RightToLeft : FlowDirection.LeftToRight),
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get an array of bounding rectangles of a range of characters within a text line.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="firstTextSourceCharacterIndex">index of first character of specified range</param>
            /// <param name="textLength">number of characters of the specified range</param>
            /// <returns>an array of bounding rectangles.</returns>
            public override IList<TextBounds> GetTextBounds(
                int     firstTextSourceCharacterIndex,
                int     textLength
                if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.IsDisposed) != 0)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(SR.TextLineHasBeenDisposed);
                if (textLength < 0)
                    firstTextSourceCharacterIndex += textLength;
                    textLength = -textLength;
                if(firstTextSourceCharacterIndex < _cpFirst)
                    textLength += (firstTextSourceCharacterIndex - _cpFirst);
                    firstTextSourceCharacterIndex = _cpFirst;
                if(firstTextSourceCharacterIndex > _cpFirst + _metrics._cchLength - textLength)
                    textLength = (_cpFirst + _metrics._cchLength - firstTextSourceCharacterIndex);
                if (_ploline == IntPtr.Zero)
                    return CreateDegenerateBounds();
                Point position = new Point(0,0);
                // get first cp sublines & text cell
                int firstDepth;
                LsTextCell firstTextCell;
                LsQSubInfo[] firstSublines = new LsQSubInfo[_depthQueryMax];
                int lscpFirst = GetInternalCp(firstTextSourceCharacterIndex);
                    out firstDepth,
                    out firstTextCell
                if(firstDepth <= 0)
                    // this happens for empty line (line containing only EOP)
                    return CreateDegenerateBounds();
                // get last cp sublines & text cell
                int lastDepth;
                LsTextCell lastTextCell;
                LsQSubInfo[] lastSublines = new LsQSubInfo[_depthQueryMax];
                int lscpEnd = GetInternalCp(firstTextSourceCharacterIndex + textLength - 1);
                    out lastDepth,
                    out lastTextCell
                if(lastDepth <= 0)
                    // This should never happen but if it does, we still cant throw here.
                    // We must return something even though it's a degenerate bounds or
                    // client hittesting code will just crash.
                    return CreateDegenerateBounds();
                // check if collapsing symbol is wholely selected
                bool collapsingSymbolSelected =
                    (   _collapsingSymbol != null
                    &&  _collapsedRange != null
                    &&  firstTextSourceCharacterIndex < _collapsedRange.TextSourceCharacterIndex
                    &&  firstTextSourceCharacterIndex + textLength - _collapsedRange.TextSourceCharacterIndex > _collapsedRange.Length / 2
                TextBounds[] bounds = null;
                ArrayList boundsList = null;
                // By default, if the hittested CP is visible, then we want cpFirst to hit
                // on the leading edge of the first visible cp, and cpEnd to hit on the trailing edge of the
                // last visible cp.
                bool isCpFirstTrailing = false;
                bool isCpEndTrailing = true;
                if (lscpFirst > firstTextCell.lscpEndCell)
                   // when cpFirst is after the last visible cp, then it hits the trailing edge of that cp
                   isCpFirstTrailing = true;
                if (lscpEnd < lastTextCell.lscpStartCell)
                   // when cpEnd is before the first visible cp, then it hits the leading edge of that cp
                   isCpEndTrailing = false;
                if (firstDepth == lastDepth && firstSublines[firstDepth - 1].lscpFirstSubLine == lastSublines[lastDepth - 1].lscpFirstSubLine)
                    // first and last cp are within the same subline
                    int count = collapsingSymbolSelected ? 2 : 1;
                    bounds = new TextBounds[count];
                    bounds[0] =
                        new TextBounds(
                                new LSPOINT(
                                            ref firstTextCell
                                            ) + firstTextCell.pointUvStartCell.x
                                new LSPOINT(
                                            ref lastTextCell
                                            ) + lastTextCell.pointUvStartCell.x
                            Convert.LsTFlowToFlowDirection(firstSublines[firstDepth - 1].lstflowSubLine),
                            CalculateTextRunBounds(lscpFirst, lscpEnd + 1)
                    if (count > 1)
                        bounds[1] = CreateCollapsingSymbolBounds();
                    // first and last cp are not in the same subline.
                    boundsList = new ArrayList(2);
                    int lscpCurrent = lscpFirst;
                    // The hittested cp can be outside of the returned sublines when it is a hidden cp.
                    // We should not pass beyond the end of the returned sublines.
                    int lscpEndInSubline = Math.Min(
                        lastSublines[lastDepth - 1].lscpFirstSubLine + lastSublines[lastDepth - 1].lsdcpSubLine - 1
                    int currentDistance = GetDistanceInsideTextCell(
                        ref firstTextCell
                    ) + firstTextCell.pointUvStartCell.x;
                    int baseLevelDepth;
                        ref lscpCurrent,
                        ref currentDistance,
                        out baseLevelDepth
                    if (baseLevelDepth < lastDepth)
                            ref lscpCurrent,
                            ref currentDistance,
                    // Collect the bounds from the start of the immediate enclosing subline of the last LSCP
                    // to the hittested text cell.
                        new TextBounds(
                                new LSPOINT(
                                new LSPOINT(
                                            ref lastTextCell
                                            ) + lastTextCell.pointUvStartCell.x
                            Convert.LsTFlowToFlowDirection(lastSublines[lastDepth - 1].lstflowSubLine),
                            CalculateTextRunBounds(lscpCurrent, lscpEnd + 1)
                if (bounds == null)
                    Debug.Assert(boundsList != null);
                    if (boundsList.Count > 0)
                        if (collapsingSymbolSelected)
                            // add one more for collapsed symbol
                            AddValidTextBounds(boundsList, CreateCollapsingSymbolBounds());
                        bounds = new TextBounds[boundsList.Count];
                        for (int i = 0; i < boundsList.Count; i++)
                            bounds[i] = (TextBounds)boundsList[i];
                        // No non-zerowidth bounds detected, fallback to the position of first cp
                        // This can happen if hidden run is hittest'd.
                        int u =  LSLineUToParagraphU(
                                ref firstTextCell
                                ) + firstTextCell.pointUvStartCell.x
                        bounds = new TextBounds[]
                            new TextBounds(
                                    new LSPOINT(u, 0),
                                    new LSPOINT(u, _metrics._height),
                                Convert.LsTFlowToFlowDirection(firstSublines[firstDepth - 1].lstflowSubLine),
                return bounds;
            /// <summary>
            /// Base level is the highest subline's level that both sets of sublines have in common.
            /// This method starts collecting text bounds at the specified LSCP. The first bounds being
            /// collected is the one from the LSCP to the end of its immediate enclosing subline. The
            /// subsequent bounds are from the end of run to the end of subline of the lower level until
            /// it reaches the base level.
            /// </summary>
            private void CollectTextBoundsToBaseLevel(
                ArrayList    boundsList,
                ref int      lscpCurrent,
                ref int      currentDistance,
                LsQSubInfo[] sublines,
                int          sublineDepth,
                int          lscpEnd,
                out int      baseLevelDepth
                baseLevelDepth = sublineDepth;
                if (lscpEnd < sublines[sublineDepth - 1].lscpFirstSubLine + sublines[sublineDepth - 1].lsdcpSubLine)
                    // The immedidate enclosing subline already contains the lscp end. It means we are already
                    // at base level.
                // Collect text bounds from the current lscp to the end of the immediate enclosing subline.
                    new TextBounds(
                            new Point(0, 0),
                            new LSPOINT(LSLineUToParagraphU(currentDistance), 0),
                            new LSPOINT(
                                LSLineUToParagraphU(GetEndOfSublineDistance(sublines, sublineDepth - 1)),
                        Convert.LsTFlowToFlowDirection(sublines[sublineDepth - 1].lstflowSubLine),
                        CalculateTextRunBounds(lscpCurrent, sublines[sublineDepth - 1].lscpFirstSubLine + sublines[sublineDepth - 1].lsdcpSubLine)
                // Collect text bounds from end of run to the end of subline at lower levels until we reach the
                // common level. We reach common level when the subline at that level contains the lscpEnd.
                for (   baseLevelDepth = sublineDepth - 1;
                        baseLevelDepth > 0 && (lscpEnd >= sublines[baseLevelDepth - 1].lscpFirstSubLine + sublines[baseLevelDepth - 1].lsdcpSubLine);
                    int sublineIndex = baseLevelDepth - 1;
                        new TextBounds(
                                new Point(0, 0),
                                new LSPOINT(
                                    LSLineUToParagraphU(GetEndOfRunDistance(sublines, sublineIndex)),
                                new LSPOINT(
                                    LSLineUToParagraphU(GetEndOfSublineDistance(sublines, sublineIndex)),
                                sublines[sublineIndex].lscpFirstRun + sublines[sublineIndex].lsdcpRun,
                                sublines[sublineIndex].lscpFirstSubLine + sublines[sublineIndex].lsdcpSubLine
                // base level depth must be at least 1 because both cp at least share the main line.
                Invariant.Assert(baseLevelDepth >= 1);
                // Move the current LSCP and distance to the end of run on the base level subline.
                lscpCurrent = sublines[baseLevelDepth - 1].lscpFirstRun + sublines[baseLevelDepth - 1].lsdcpRun;
                currentDistance = GetEndOfRunDistance(sublines, baseLevelDepth - 1);
            /// <summary>
            /// Base level is the highest subline's level that both sets of sublines have in common.
            /// This method starts collecting text bounds at the specified LSCP. The first bounds being collected
            /// is the one from the LSCP to the start of run at the base level subline. The subsequent bounds are
            /// from the start of the higher level subline to the start of the run within the same subline, until
            /// it reaches the immediate enclosing subline of the last LSCP.
            /// </summary>
            private void CollectTextBoundsFromBaseLevel(
                ArrayList    boundsList,
                ref int      lscpCurrent,
                ref int      currentDistance,
                LsQSubInfo[] sublines,
                int          sublineDepth,
                int          baseLevelDepth
                // lscpCurrent is after the run end of the 1st cp. It must not be in the run of the last cp
                // because the two runs don't overlap at above base level.
                Invariant.Assert(lscpCurrent <= sublines[baseLevelDepth - 1].lscpFirstRun);
                // Collect the text bounds from the LSCP to the start of run at the base level subline.
                    new TextBounds(
                            new Point(0, 0),
                            new LSPOINT(LSLineUToParagraphU(currentDistance), 0),
                            new LSPOINT(
                                LSLineUToParagraphU(sublines[baseLevelDepth - 1].pointUvStartRun.x),
                        Convert.LsTFlowToFlowDirection(sublines[baseLevelDepth - 1].lstflowSubLine),
                        CalculateTextRunBounds(lscpCurrent, sublines[baseLevelDepth - 1].lscpFirstRun)
                // Collect text bounds from start of subline to start of run at higher level sublines until it
                // reaches the immediate enclosing subline of the last LSCP.
                for (int i = baseLevelDepth; i < sublineDepth - 1; i++)
                        new TextBounds(
                                new Point(0, 0),
                                new LSPOINT(LSLineUToParagraphU(sublines[i].pointUvStartSubLine.x), 0),
                                new LSPOINT(
                // Move the current LSCP and distance to the start of the immediate enclosing subline.
                lscpCurrent = sublines[sublineDepth - 1].lscpFirstSubLine;
                currentDistance = sublines[sublineDepth - 1].pointUvStartSubLine.x;
            /// <summary>
            /// Return the ending edge of the subline relative to its own flow direction
            /// </summary>
            private int GetEndOfSublineDistance(
                LsQSubInfo[] sublines,
                int          index
                return sublines[index].pointUvStartSubLine.x +
                    ( sublines[index].lstflowSubLine == sublines[0].lstflowSubLine ?
                        : -sublines[index].dupSubLine
            /// <summary>
            /// Return the ending edge of the run relative to its own flow direction.
            /// </summary>
            private int GetEndOfRunDistance(
                LsQSubInfo[] sublines,
                int          index
                return sublines[index].pointUvStartRun.x +
                    ( sublines[index].lstflowSubLine == sublines[0].lstflowSubLine ?
                        : -sublines[index].dupRun
            /// <summary>
            /// Add non-zero geometry bounds to the bounds list
            /// </summary>
            private void AddValidTextBounds(
                ArrayList      boundsList,
                TextBounds     bounds
                if (bounds.Rectangle.Width != 0 && bounds.Rectangle.Height != 0)
            /// <summary>
            /// Compute bounds of runs within the specified range of lscp
            /// </summary>
            private IList<TextRunBounds> CalculateTextRunBounds(int lscpFirst, int lscpEnd)
                if (lscpEnd <= lscpFirst)
                    // It is possible that we'll get a legitimate case when lscpFirst is
                    // actually greater. That's what happen when the client hittest a hidden
                    // run that follows a reverse block. Since it is a hidden run, LS has
                    // to yield the closest non-hidden place which may be the run preceding
                    // the hidden text. 
                    return null;
                int lscp = lscpFirst;
                int cchLeft = lscpEnd - lscpFirst;
                SpanRider plsrunSpanRider = new SpanRider(_plsrunVector);
                Point position = new Point(0, 0);
                IList<TextRunBounds> boundsList = new List<TextRunBounds>(2);
                while(cchLeft > 0)
                    plsrunSpanRider.At(lscp - _cpFirst);
                    Plsrun plsrun = (Plsrun)plsrunSpanRider.CurrentElement;
                    int cch = Math.Min(plsrunSpanRider.Length, cchLeft);
                        LSRun lsrun = GetRun(plsrun);
                        if(     lsrun.Type == Plsrun.Text
                            ||  lsrun.Type == Plsrun.InlineObject)
                            int cp = GetExternalCp(lscp);
                            int cchBounds = cch;
                            if (    HasCollapsed
                                &&  _collapsedRange != null
                                &&  cp <= _collapsedRange.TextSourceCharacterIndex
                                &&  cp + cchBounds >= _collapsedRange.TextSourceCharacterIndex
                                &&  cp + cchBounds < _collapsedRange.TextSourceCharacterIndex + _collapsedRange.Length)
                                // Limit the run bounds to only non-collapsed text,
                                // we deal with collapsed text separately as it might have different flow direction.
                                cchBounds = _collapsedRange.TextSourceCharacterIndex - cp;
                            if (cchBounds > 0)
                                TextRunBounds bounds = new TextRunBounds(
                                        new LSPOINT(
                                                DistanceFromCharacterHit(new CharacterHit(cp, 0))
                                            _metrics._baselineOffset - lsrun.BaselineOffset + lsrun.BaselineMoveOffset
                                        new LSPOINT(
                                                DistanceFromCharacterHit(new CharacterHit(cp + cchBounds - 1, 1))
                                            _metrics._baselineOffset - lsrun.BaselineOffset + lsrun.BaselineMoveOffset + lsrun.Height
                                    cp + cchBounds,
                    cchLeft -= cch;
                    lscp += cch;
                return boundsList.Count > 0 ? boundsList : null;
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get a collection of TextRun objects within a line
            /// </summary>
            public override IList<TextSpan<TextRun>> GetTextRunSpans()
                if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.IsDisposed) != 0)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(SR.TextLineHasBeenDisposed);
                if (_plsrunVector == null)
                    // return empty textspan when the line doesn't contain text runs.
                    return Array.Empty<TextSpan<TextRun>>();
                List<TextSpan<TextRun>> lsrunList = new List<TextSpan<TextRun>>(2);
                TextRun lastTextRun = null;
                int cchAcc = 0;
                int cchLeft = _metrics._cchLength;
                for (int i = 0; i < _plsrunVector.Count && cchLeft > 0; i++)
                    Span plsrunSpan = _plsrunVector[i];
                    int cch = CpCount(plsrunSpan);
                    cch = Math.Min(cch, cchLeft);
                    if (cch > 0)
                        TextRun textRun = ((LSRun)GetRun((Plsrun)plsrunSpan.element)).TextRun;
                        Debug.Assert(textRun != null);
                        if (lastTextRun != null && textRun != lastTextRun)
                            Debug.Assert(cchAcc > 0);
                            lsrunList.Add(new TextSpan<TextRun>(cchAcc, lastTextRun));
                            cchAcc = 0;
                        lastTextRun = textRun;
                        cchAcc += cch;
                        cchLeft -= cch;
                if (lastTextRun != null)
                    Debug.Assert(cchAcc > 0);
                    lsrunList.Add(new TextSpan<TextRun>(cchAcc, lastTextRun));
                Debug.Assert(cchLeft == 0);
                return lsrunList;
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get IndexedGlyphRuns enumerable to enumerate each IndexedGlyphRun object
            /// in the line. Through IndexedGlyphRun client can obtain glyph information of
            /// a text source character.
            /// </summary>
            public override IEnumerable<IndexedGlyphRun> GetIndexedGlyphRuns()
                if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.IsDisposed) != 0)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(SR.TextLineHasBeenDisposed);
                IEnumerable<IndexedGlyphRun> result = null;
                if (_ploline != System.IntPtr.Zero)
                    TextFormatterContext context = _metrics._formatter.AcquireContext(
                        new DrawingState(null, new Point(0, 0), null, this),
                    // Kick off line enumeration
                    LsErr lserr = LsErr.None;
                    LSPOINT point = new LSPOINT(0, 0);
                    lserr = UnsafeNativeMethods.LoEnumLine(
                        _ploline,   // line
                        false,      // reverse enumeration
                        false,      // geometry needed
                        ref point   // starting point
                    // result
                    result = context.IndexedGlyphRuns;
                    // get the exception in context before it is released
                    Exception callbackException = context.CallbackException;
                    // clear the context
                    if (lserr != LsErr.None)
                        if (callbackException != null)
                            // rethrow exception thrown in callbacks
                            throw callbackException;
                            // throw with LS error codes
                            TextFormatterContext.ThrowExceptionFromLsError(SR.Format(SR.EnumLineFailure, lserr), lserr);
                return result;
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to acquire a state at the point where line is broken by line breaking process;
            /// can be null when the line ends by the ending of the paragraph. Client may pass this
            /// value back to TextFormatter as an input argument to TextFormatter.FormatLine when
            /// formatting the next line within the same paragraph.
            /// </summary>
            public override TextLineBreak GetTextLineBreak()
                if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.IsDisposed) != 0)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(SR.TextLineHasBeenDisposed);
                if ((_statusFlags & StatusFlags.HasCollapsed) != 0)
                    // collapsed line has no line break state to transfer
                    return null;
                return _metrics.GetTextLineBreak(IntPtr.Zero);
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the number of whitespace characters at the end of the line.
            /// </summary>
            public override int TrailingWhitespaceLength
                    // figure out number of trailing whitespaces
                    if(_metrics._textWidth == _metrics._textWidthAtTrailing)
                        // LS doesnt see any trailing space (last character in a line or character before
                        // EOP is not space). We count only the length of EOP run that we count as our
                        // trailing whitespace.
                        return _metrics._cchNewline;
                        // LS sees some trailing spaces (last character in a line or character before EOP
                        // is space). We calculate number of trailing spaces based on the cp following
                        // the last non-trailing space recognized by LS.
                        CharacterHit characterHit = CharacterHitFromDistance(_metrics._textWidthAtTrailing + _metrics._textStart);
                        return _cpFirst + _metrics._cchLength - characterHit.FirstCharacterIndex - characterHit.TrailingLength;
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the number of text source positions of this line
            /// </summary>
            public override int Length
                get { return _metrics.Length; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the number of characters following the last character
            /// of the line that may trigger reformatting of the current line.
            /// </summary>
            public override int DependentLength
                get { return _metrics.DependentLength; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the number of newline characters at line end
            /// </summary>
            public override int NewlineLength
                get { return _metrics.NewlineLength; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get distance from paragraph start to line start
            /// </summary>
            public override double Start
                get { return _metrics.Start; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the total width of this line
            /// </summary>
            public override double Width
                get { return _metrics.Width; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the total width of this line including width of whitespace characters at the end of the line.
            /// </summary>
            public override double WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace
                get { return _metrics.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the height of the line
            /// </summary>
            public override double Height
                get { return _metrics.Height; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the height of the text (or other content) in the line; this property may differ from the Height
            /// property if the client specified the line height
            /// </summary>
            public override double TextHeight
                get { return _metrics.TextHeight; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the distance from top to baseline of this text line
            /// </summary>
            public override double Baseline
                get { return _metrics.Baseline; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the distance from the top of the text (or other content) to the baseline of this text line;
            /// this property may differ from the Baseline property if the client specified the line height
            /// </summary>
            public override double TextBaseline
                get { return _metrics.TextBaseline; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the distance from the before edge of line height
            /// to the baseline of marker of the line if any.
            /// </summary>
            public override double MarkerBaseline
                get { return _metrics.MarkerBaseline; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the overall height of the list items marker of the line if any.
            /// </summary>
            public override double MarkerHeight
                get { return _metrics.MarkerHeight; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the height of the actual black of the line
            /// </summary>
            public override double Extent
                    return _overhang.Extent;
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the distance covering all black preceding the leading edge of the line.
            /// </summary>
            public override double OverhangLeading
                    return _overhang.Leading;
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the distance covering all black following the trailing edge of the line.
            /// </summary>
            public override double OverhangTrailing
                    return _overhang.Trailing;
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the distance from the after edge of line height to the after edge of the extent of the line.
            /// </summary>
            public override double OverhangAfter
                    return _overhang.Extent - Height - _overhang.Before;
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get a boolean value indicates whether content of the line overflows
            /// the specified paragraph width.
            /// </summary>
            public override bool HasOverflowed
                get { return (_statusFlags & StatusFlags.HasOverflowed) != 0; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get a boolean value indicates whether a line has been collapsed
            /// </summary>
            public override bool HasCollapsed
                get { return (_statusFlags & StatusFlags.HasCollapsed) != 0; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get a Boolean flag indicating whether the line is truncated in the
            /// middle of a word. This flag is set only when TextParagraphProperties.TextWrapping
            /// is set to TextWrapping.Wrap and a single word is longer than the formatting
            /// paragraph width. In such situation, TextFormatter truncates the line in the middle
            /// of the word to honor the desired behavior specified by TextWrapping.Wrap setting.
            /// </summary>
            public override bool IsTruncated
                get { return (_statusFlags & StatusFlags.IsTruncated) != 0; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Client to get the index of the first cp of the line.
            /// </summary>
            public int CpFirst
                get { return _cpFirst; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Text source of the main text for the line
            /// </summary>
            public TextSource TextSource
                get { return _textSource; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Wrapper to LoQueryLinePointPcp
            /// </summary>
            private void QueryLinePointPcp(
                Point               ptQuery,
                LsQSubInfo[]        subLineInfo,
                out int             actualDepthQuery,
                out LsTextCell      lsTextCell
                Debug.Assert(_ploline != IntPtr.Zero);
                LsErr lserr = LsErr.None;
                lsTextCell = new LsTextCell();
                    fixed(LsQSubInfo* plsqsubl = subLineInfo)
                        LSPOINT pt = new LSPOINT((int)ptQuery.X, (int)ptQuery.Y);
                        lserr = UnsafeNativeMethods.LoQueryLinePointPcp(
                            ref pt,
                            out actualDepthQuery,
                            out lsTextCell
                if(lserr != LsErr.None)
                    TextFormatterContext.ThrowExceptionFromLsError(SR.Format(SR.QueryLineFailure, lserr), lserr);
                if (lsTextCell.lscpEndCell < lsTextCell.lscpStartCell)
                    // When hit-testing is done on a generated hyphen of a hyphenated word, LS can only tell
                    // the start LSCP and not the end LSCP. Argurably this is LS 
                    lsTextCell.lscpEndCell = lsTextCell.lscpStartCell;
            /// <summary>
            /// Wrapper to LoQueryLineCpPpoint
            /// </summary>
            private void QueryLineCpPpoint(
                int                 lscpQuery,
                LsQSubInfo[]        subLineInfo,
                out int             actualDepthQuery,
                out LsTextCell      lsTextCell
                Debug.Assert(_ploline != IntPtr.Zero);
                LsErr lserr = LsErr.None;
                lsTextCell = new LsTextCell();
                // Never hit LS with any LSCP beyond its last, the result is unreliable and varies between drops.
                int lscpValidQuery = (lscpQuery < _metrics._lscpLim ? lscpQuery : _metrics._lscpLim - 1);
                    fixed(LsQSubInfo* plsqsubl = subLineInfo)
                        lserr = UnsafeNativeMethods.LoQueryLineCpPpoint(
                            out actualDepthQuery,
                            out lsTextCell
                if(lserr != LsErr.None)
                    TextFormatterContext.ThrowExceptionFromLsError(SR.Format(SR.QueryLineFailure, lserr), lserr);
                if (lsTextCell.lscpEndCell < lsTextCell.lscpStartCell)
                    // When hit-testing is done on a generated hyphen of a hyphenated word, LS can only tell
                    // the start LSCP and not the end LSCP. Argurably this is LS bug. In such situation they
                    // should assume the end LSCP being the last LSCP of the line.
                    // However our code assumes that LS must tell both and the text cell must have size greater
                    // than one codepoint. We count on that to reliably advance the caret position.
                    // We assume that the next caret stop in this case is always
                    // the next codepoint.
                    lsTextCell.lscpEndCell = lsTextCell.lscpStartCell;
            /// <summary>
            /// Convert a U distance relative to start of LS line to U distance relative
            /// to the leading edge of paragraph.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="u">a U distance relative to start of ploline</param>
            /// <returns>another U distance relative to paragraph start</returns>
            internal int LSLineUToParagraphU(int u)
                return u + _metrics._paragraphToText - _metrics._textStart;
            /// <summary>
            /// Convert a U distance relative to the leading edge of paragraph
            /// to U distance relative to start of LS line.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="u">a U distance relative to paragraph start</param>
            /// <returns>another U distance relative to start of ploline</returns>
            internal int ParagraphUToLSLineU(int u)
                return u - _metrics._paragraphToText + _metrics._textStart;
            internal int BaselineOffset
                get { return _metrics._baselineOffset; }
            internal int ParagraphWidth
                get { return _paragraphWidth; }
            internal double MinWidth
                get { return _metrics._formatter.IdealToReal(_textMinWidthAtTrailing + _metrics._textStart, PixelsPerDip); }
            internal bool RightToLeft
                get { return (_statusFlags & StatusFlags.RightToLeft) != 0; }
            internal TextFormatterImp Formatter
                get { return _metrics._formatter; }
            internal bool IsJustified
                get { return (_statusFlags & StatusFlags.IsJustified) != 0; }
            internal TextDecorationCollection TextDecorations
                get { return _paragraphTextDecorations; }
            internal Brush DefaultTextDecorationsBrush
                get { return _defaultTextDecorationsBrush; }
            internal FullTextState FullTextState
                get { return _fullText; }
            private void BuildOverhang(Point origin, Rect boundingBox)
                    _overhang.Leading = _overhang.Trailing = 0;
                    _overhang.Before = 0;
                    _overhang.Extent = 0;
                    // Move the bounding box to the coordinate relative to the line drawing origin.
                    // The following computation of overhang values need to be done independent to
                    // drawing origin.
                    boundingBox.X -= origin.X;
                    boundingBox.Y -= origin.Y;
                    if (RightToLeft)
                        double paragraphWidth = _metrics._formatter.IdealToReal(_paragraphWidth, PixelsPerDip);
                        _overhang.Leading = paragraphWidth - Start - boundingBox.Right;
                        _overhang.Trailing = boundingBox.Left - (paragraphWidth - Start - Width);
                        _overhang.Leading = boundingBox.Left - Start;
                        _overhang.Trailing = Start + Width - boundingBox.Right;
                    _overhang.Extent = boundingBox.Bottom - boundingBox.Top;
                    _overhang.Before = -boundingBox.Top;
            /// <summary>
            /// Overhang metrics
            /// </summary>
            private struct Overhang
                internal double  Leading;
                internal double  Trailing;
                internal double  Extent;
                internal double  Before;
            #region lsrun/cp mapping
            /// <summary>
            /// Map text source CP to internal LSCP
            /// </summary>
            internal int GetInternalCp(int cp)
                int lscp = _cpFirst;
                int cpTarget = cp;
                cp = lscp;
                foreach(Span span in _plsrunVector)
                    int ccp = CpCount(span);
                    if(ccp > 0)
                        if(cp + ccp > cpTarget)
                            lscp += (ccp == span.length ? cpTarget - cp : 0);
                        cp += ccp;
                    lscp += span.length;
                return lscp;
            /// <summary>
            /// Map internal LSCP to text source cp
            /// </summary>
            internal int GetExternalCp(int lscp)
                if (lscp >= _metrics._lscpLim)
                    if (_collapsedRange != null)
                        return _collapsedRange.TextSourceCharacterIndex;
                    return _cpFirst + _metrics._cchLength;
                int offsetToFirstCp;
                SpanRider plsrunSpanRider = new SpanRider(_plsrunVector);
                // skip lscp until we find one with valid map
                    plsrunSpanRider.At(lscp - _cpFirst);
                    offsetToFirstCp = GetRun(((Plsrun)plsrunSpanRider.CurrentElement)).OffsetToFirstCp;
} while(offsetToFirstCp < 0 && ++lscp < _metrics._lscpLim);
                return offsetToFirstCp + lscp - plsrunSpanRider.CurrentSpanStart;
            /// <summary>
            /// Count actual cp of an lsrun
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="plsrunSpan">span of plsrun</param>
            /// <returns>lsrun actual cp</returns>
            internal int CpCount(Span plsrunSpan)
                Plsrun plsrun = (Plsrun)plsrunSpan.element;
                plsrun = TextStore.ToIndex(plsrun);
                // Inline object, text or linebreak yields as many cp as what client specifies.
                // lsrun known only to LS e.g. reverse, yields no actual cp,
                if(plsrun >= Plsrun.FormatAnchor)
                    LSRun lsrun = GetRun(plsrun);
                    return lsrun.Length;
                return 0;
            /// <summary>
            /// Get LSRun from plsrun
            /// </summary>
            internal LSRun GetRun(Plsrun plsrun)
                ArrayList lsruns = _lsrunsMainText;
                if (TextStore.IsMarker(plsrun))
                    lsruns = _lsrunsMarkerText;
                plsrun = TextStore.ToIndex(plsrun);
                return (LSRun)(
                    TextStore.IsContent(plsrun) ?
                    lsruns[(int)(plsrun - Plsrun.FormatAnchor)] :