// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Contents: Text line API
// Spec: Text Formatting API.doc
using MS.Internal.TextFormatting;
namespace System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting
/// <summary>
/// Once a line is complete, FormatLine returns a TextLine object to the client.
/// The text layout client may then use the TextLines measurement and drawing methods.
/// </summary>
public abstract class TextLine : ITextMetrics, IDisposable
/// <summary>
/// Constructing a TextLine. This constructor must be called for every class that is inherited from TextLine
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pixelsPerDip">pixelsPerDip should be set to the TextSource's PixelsPerDip</param>
protected TextLine(double pixelsPerDip)
_pixelsPerDip = pixelsPerDip;
protected TextLine()
/// <summary>
/// Clean up text line internal resource
/// </summary>
public abstract void Dispose();
/// <summary>
/// Client to draw the line
/// </summary>
/// <param name="drawingContext">drawing context</param>
/// <param name="origin">drawing origin</param>
/// <param name="inversion">indicate the inversion of the drawing surface</param>
public abstract void Draw(
DrawingContext drawingContext,
Point origin,
InvertAxes inversion
/// <summary>
/// Client to collapse the line and get a collapsed line that fits for display
/// </summary>
/// <param name="collapsingPropertiesList">a list of collapsing properties</param>
public abstract TextLine Collapse(
params TextCollapsingProperties[] collapsingPropertiesList
/// <summary>
/// Client to get a collection of collapsed character ranges after a line has been collapsed
/// </summary>
public abstract IList<TextCollapsedRange> GetTextCollapsedRanges();
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the character hit corresponding to the specified
/// distance from the beginning of the line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="distance">distance in text flow direction from the beginning of the line</param>
/// <returns>character hit</returns>
public abstract CharacterHit GetCharacterHitFromDistance(
double distance
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the distance from the beginning of the line from the specified
/// character hit.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="characterHit">character hit of the character to query the distance.</param>
/// <returns>distance in text flow direction from the beginning of the line.</returns>
public abstract double GetDistanceFromCharacterHit(
CharacterHit characterHit
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the next character hit for caret navigation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="characterHit">the current character hit</param>
/// <returns>the next character hit</returns>
public abstract CharacterHit GetNextCaretCharacterHit(
CharacterHit characterHit
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the previous character hit for caret navigation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="characterHit">the current character hit</param>
/// <returns>the previous character hit</returns>
public abstract CharacterHit GetPreviousCaretCharacterHit(
CharacterHit characterHit
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the previous character hit after backspacing
/// </summary>
/// <param name="characterHit">the current character hit</param>
/// <returns>the character hit after backspacing</returns>
public abstract CharacterHit GetBackspaceCaretCharacterHit(
CharacterHit characterHit
public double PixelsPerDip
get { return _pixelsPerDip; }
set { _pixelsPerDip = value; }
private double _pixelsPerDip = MS.Internal.FontCache.Util.PixelsPerDip;
/// <summary>
/// Determine whether the input character hit is a valid caret stop.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="characterHit">the current character hit</param>
/// <param name="cpFirst">the starting cp index of the line</param>
/// <remarks>
/// It is used by Framework to iterate through each codepoint in the line to
/// see if the code point is a caret stop. In general, the leading edge of
/// codepoint is a valid caret stop if moving forward and then backward will
/// return back to it, vice versa for the trailing edge of a codepoint.
/// </remarks>
internal bool IsAtCaretCharacterHit(CharacterHit characterHit, int cpFirst)
// TrailingLength is used as a flag to indicate whether the character
// hit is on the leading or trailing edge of the character.
if (characterHit.TrailingLength == 0)
CharacterHit nextHit = GetNextCaretCharacterHit(characterHit);
if (nextHit == characterHit)
// At this point we only know that no caret stop is available
// after the input, we caliberate the input to the end of the line.
nextHit = new CharacterHit(cpFirst + Length - 1, 1);
CharacterHit previousHit = GetPreviousCaretCharacterHit(nextHit);
return previousHit == characterHit;
CharacterHit previousHit = GetPreviousCaretCharacterHit(characterHit);
CharacterHit nextHit = GetNextCaretCharacterHit(previousHit);
return nextHit == characterHit;
/// <summary>
/// Client to get an array of bounding rectangles of a range of characters within a text line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="firstTextSourceCharacterIndex">index of first character of specified range</param>
/// <param name="textLength">number of characters of the specified range</param>
/// <returns>an array of bounding rectangles.</returns>
public abstract IList<TextBounds> GetTextBounds(
int firstTextSourceCharacterIndex,
int textLength
/// <summary>
/// Client to get a collection of TextRun span objects within a line
/// </summary>
public abstract IList<TextSpan<TextRun>> GetTextRunSpans();
/// <summary>
/// Client to get IndexedGlyphRuns enumerable to enumerate each IndexedGlyphRun object
/// in the line. Through IndexedGlyphRun client can obtain glyph information of
/// a text source character.
/// </summary>
public abstract IEnumerable<IndexedGlyphRun> GetIndexedGlyphRuns();
/// <summary>
/// Client to get a boolean value indicates whether content of the line overflows
/// the specified paragraph width.
/// </summary>
public abstract bool HasOverflowed
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get a boolean value indicates whether a line has been collapsed
/// </summary>
public abstract bool HasCollapsed
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get a Boolean flag indicating whether the line is truncated in the
/// middle of a word. This flag is set only when TextParagraphProperties.TextWrapping
/// is set to TextWrapping.Wrap and a single word is longer than the formatting
/// paragraph width. In such situation, TextFormatter truncates the line in the middle
/// of the word to honor the desired behavior specified by TextWrapping.Wrap setting.
/// </summary>
public virtual bool IsTruncated
get { return false; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to acquire a state at the point where line is broken by line breaking process;
/// can be null when the line ends by the ending of the paragraph. Client may pass this
/// value back to TextFormatter as an input argument to TextFormatter.FormatLine when
/// formatting the next line within the same paragraph.
/// </summary>
public abstract TextLineBreak GetTextLineBreak();
#region ITextMetrics
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the number of text source positions of this line
/// </summary>
public abstract int Length
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the number of whitespace characters at the end of the line.
/// </summary>
public abstract int TrailingWhitespaceLength
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the number of characters following the last character
/// of the line that may trigger reformatting of the current line.
/// </summary>
public abstract int DependentLength
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the number of newline characters at line end
/// </summary>
public abstract int NewlineLength
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get distance from paragraph start to line start
/// </summary>
public abstract double Start
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the total width of this line
/// </summary>
public abstract double Width
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the total width of this line including width of whitespace characters at the end of the line.
/// </summary>
public abstract double WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the height of the line
/// </summary>
public abstract double Height
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the height of the text (or other content) in the line; this property may differ from the Height
/// property if the client specified the line height
/// </summary>
public abstract double TextHeight
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the height of the actual black of the line
/// </summary>
public abstract double Extent
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the distance from top to baseline of this text line
/// </summary>
public abstract double Baseline
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the distance from the top of the text (or other content) to the baseline of this text line;
/// this property may differ from the Baseline property if the client specified the line height
/// </summary>
public abstract double TextBaseline
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the distance from the before edge of line height
/// to the baseline of marker of the line if any.
/// </summary>
public abstract double MarkerBaseline
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the overall height of the list items marker of the line if any.
/// </summary>
public abstract double MarkerHeight
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the distance covering all black preceding the leading edge of the line.
/// </summary>
public abstract double OverhangLeading
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the distance covering all black following the trailing edge of the line.
/// </summary>
public abstract double OverhangTrailing
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Client to get the distance from the after edge of line height to the after edge of the extent of the line.
/// </summary>
public abstract double OverhangAfter
{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// Indicate the inversion of axes of the drawing surface
/// </summary>
public enum InvertAxes
/// <summary>
/// Drawing surface is not inverted in either axis
/// </summary>
None = 0,
/// <summary>
/// Drawing surface is inverted in horizontal axis
/// </summary>
Horizontal = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Drawing surface is inverted in vertical axis
/// </summary>
Vertical = 2,
/// <summary>
/// Drawing surface is inverted in both axes
/// </summary>
Both = (Horizontal | Vertical),