// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using MS.Internal;
namespace System.Windows.Media
/// <summary>
/// Color
/// The Color structure, composed of a private, synchronized ScRgb (IEC 61966-2-2) value
/// a color context, composed of an ICC profile and the native color values.
/// </summary>
[Localizability(LocalizationCategory.None, Readability = Readability.Unreadable)]
public struct Color : IFormattable, IEquatable<Color>
// Constructors
#region Constructors
/// Color constructor based on ICC or Ashland profile context name. The returned value
/// is opaque black.
private static Color FromProfile(Uri profileUri)
Color c1 = new Color
context = new ColorContext(profileUri)
c1.scRgbColor.a = 1.0f;
c1.scRgbColor.r = 0.0f;
c1.scRgbColor.g = 0.0f;
c1.scRgbColor.b = 0.0f;
c1.sRgbColor.a = 255;
c1.sRgbColor.r = 0;
c1.sRgbColor.g = 0;
c1.sRgbColor.b = 0;
if (c1.context != null)
c1.nativeColorValue = new float[c1.context.NumChannels];
for (int i = 0; i < c1.nativeColorValue.Length; i++)
c1.nativeColorValue[i] = 0.0f;
c1.isFromScRgb = false;
return c1;
/// FromAValues - general constructor for multichannel color values with explicit alpha channel and color context, i.e. spectral colors
public static Color FromAValues(float a, float[] values, Uri profileUri)
Color c1 = Color.FromProfile(profileUri);
if (values == null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Color_DimensionMismatch, null));
if (values.Length != c1.nativeColorValue.Length)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Color_DimensionMismatch, null));
for (int numChannels = 0; numChannels < values.Length; numChannels++)
c1.nativeColorValue[numChannels] = values[numChannels];
c1.scRgbColor.a = a;
if (a < 0.0f)
a = 0.0f;
else if (a > 1.0f)
a = 1.0f;
c1.sRgbColor.a = (byte)((a * 255.0f) + 0.5f);
c1.sRgbColor.r = ScRgbTosRgb(c1.scRgbColor.r);
c1.sRgbColor.g = ScRgbTosRgb(c1.scRgbColor.g);
c1.sRgbColor.b = ScRgbTosRgb(c1.scRgbColor.b);
return c1;
/// FromValues - general color constructor for multichannel color values with opaque alpha channel and explicit color context, i.e. spectral colors
public static Color FromValues(float[] values, Uri profileUri)
Color c1 = Color.FromAValues(1.0f, values, profileUri);
return c1;
/// Color - sRgb legacy interface, assumes Rgb values are sRgb
internal static Color FromUInt32(uint argb)// internal legacy sRGB interface
Color c1 = new Color();
c1.sRgbColor.a = (byte)((argb & 0xff000000) >> 24);
c1.sRgbColor.r = (byte)((argb & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
c1.sRgbColor.g = (byte)((argb & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
c1.sRgbColor.b = (byte)(argb & 0x000000ff);
c1.scRgbColor.a = (float)c1.sRgbColor.a / 255.0f;
c1.scRgbColor.r = sRgbToScRgb(c1.sRgbColor.r); // note that context is undefined and thus unloaded
c1.scRgbColor.g = sRgbToScRgb(c1.sRgbColor.g);
c1.scRgbColor.b = sRgbToScRgb(c1.sRgbColor.b);
c1.context = null;
c1.isFromScRgb = false;
return c1;
/// FromScRgb
public static Color FromScRgb(float a, float r, float g, float b)
Color c1 = new Color();
c1.scRgbColor.r = r;
c1.scRgbColor.g = g;
c1.scRgbColor.b = b;
c1.scRgbColor.a = a;
if (a < 0.0f)
a = 0.0f;
else if (a > 1.0f)
a = 1.0f;
c1.sRgbColor.a = (byte)((a * 255.0f) + 0.5f);
c1.sRgbColor.r = ScRgbTosRgb(c1.scRgbColor.r);
c1.sRgbColor.g = ScRgbTosRgb(c1.scRgbColor.g);
c1.sRgbColor.b = ScRgbTosRgb(c1.scRgbColor.b);
c1.context = null;
c1.isFromScRgb = true;
return c1;
/// Color - sRgb legacy interface, assumes Rgb values are sRgb, alpha channel is linear 1.0 gamma
public static Color FromArgb(byte a, byte r, byte g, byte b)// legacy sRGB interface, bytes are required to properly round trip
Color c1 = new Color();
c1.scRgbColor.a = (float)a / 255.0f;
c1.scRgbColor.r = sRgbToScRgb(r); // note that context is undefined and thus unloaded
c1.scRgbColor.g = sRgbToScRgb(g);
c1.scRgbColor.b = sRgbToScRgb(b);
c1.context = null;
c1.sRgbColor.a = a;
c1.sRgbColor.r = ScRgbTosRgb(c1.scRgbColor.r);
c1.sRgbColor.g = ScRgbTosRgb(c1.scRgbColor.g);
c1.sRgbColor.b = ScRgbTosRgb(c1.scRgbColor.b);
c1.isFromScRgb = false;
return c1;
/// Color - sRgb legacy interface, assumes Rgb values are sRgb
public static Color FromRgb(byte r, byte g, byte b)// legacy sRGB interface, bytes are required to properly round trip
Color c1 = Color.FromArgb(0xff, r, g, b);
return c1;
#endregion Constructors
// Public Methods
#region Public Methods
/// GetHashCode
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.scRgbColor.GetHashCode(); //^this.context.GetHashCode();
/// <summary>
/// Creates a string representation of this object based on the current culture.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// A string representation of this object.
/// </returns>
public override string ToString()
// Delegate to the internal method which implements all ToString calls.
string format = isFromScRgb ? c_scRgbFormat : null;
return ConvertToString(format, null);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a string representation of this object based on the IFormatProvider
/// passed in. If the provider is null, the CurrentCulture is used.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// A string representation of this object.
/// </returns>
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider)
// Delegate to the internal method which implements all ToString calls.
string format = isFromScRgb ? c_scRgbFormat : null;
return ConvertToString(format, provider);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a string representation of this object based on the format string
/// and IFormatProvider passed in.
/// If the provider is null, the CurrentCulture is used.
/// See the documentation for IFormattable for more information.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// A string representation of this object.
/// </returns>
string IFormattable.ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider)
// Delegate to the internal method which implements all ToString calls.
return ConvertToString(format, provider);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a string representation of this object based on the format string
/// and IFormatProvider passed in.
/// If the provider is null, the CurrentCulture is used.
/// See the documentation for IFormattable for more information.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// A string representation of this object.
/// </returns>
internal string ConvertToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider)
if (context == null)
if (format == null)
return string.Create(provider, stackalloc char[128], $"#{this.sRgbColor.a:X2}{this.sRgbColor.r:X2}{this.sRgbColor.g:X2}{this.sRgbColor.b:X2}");
// Helper to get the numeric list separator for a given culture.
char separator = MS.Internal.TokenizerHelper.GetNumericListSeparator(provider);
return string.Format(provider,
$"sc#{{1:{format}}}{{0}} {{2:{format}}}{{0}} {{3:{format}}}{{0}} {{4:{format}}}",
separator, scRgbColor.a, scRgbColor.r, scRgbColor.g, scRgbColor.b);
char separator = MS.Internal.TokenizerHelper.GetNumericListSeparator(provider);
format = c_scRgbFormat;
//First Stepmake sure that nothing that should not be escaped is escaped
Uri safeUnescapedUri = new Uri(context.ProfileUri.GetComponents(UriComponents.SerializationInfoString, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped),
context.ProfileUri.IsAbsoluteUri ? UriKind.Absolute : UriKind.Relative);
//Second Step make sure that everything that should escaped is escaped
String uriString = safeUnescapedUri.GetComponents(UriComponents.SerializationInfoString, UriFormat.UriEscaped);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat(provider, "{0}{1} ", Parsers.s_ContextColor, uriString);
sb.AppendFormat(provider,"{1:" + format + "}{0}",separator,scRgbColor.a);
for (int i = 0; i < nativeColorValue.Length; ++i )
sb.AppendFormat(provider,"{0:" + format + "}",nativeColorValue[i]);
if (i < nativeColorValue.Length - 1)
return sb.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Compares two colors for fuzzy equality. This function
/// helps compensate for the fact that float values can
/// acquire error when operated upon
/// </summary>
/// <param name='color1'>The first color to compare</param>
/// <param name='color2'>The second color to compare</param>
/// <returns>Whether or not the two colors are equal</returns>
public static bool AreClose(Color color1, Color color2)
return color1.IsClose(color2);
/// <summary>
/// Compares two colors for fuzzy equality. This function
/// helps compensate for the fact that float values can
/// acquire error when operated upon
/// </summary>
/// <param name='color'>The color to compare to this</param>
/// <returns>Whether or not the two colors are equal</returns>
private bool IsClose(Color color)
// Alpha is the least likely channel to differ
bool result = true;
if (context == null || color.nativeColorValue == null)
result = result && FloatUtil.AreClose(scRgbColor.r, color.scRgbColor.r);
result = result && FloatUtil.AreClose(scRgbColor.g, color.scRgbColor.g);
result = result && FloatUtil.AreClose(scRgbColor.b, color.scRgbColor.b);
for (int i = 0; i < color.nativeColorValue.Length; i++)
result = result && FloatUtil.AreClose(nativeColorValue[i], color.nativeColorValue[i]);
return result && FloatUtil.AreClose(scRgbColor.a, color.scRgbColor.a);
/// Clamp - the color channels to the gamut [0..1]. If a channel is out
/// of gamut, it will be set to 1, which represents full saturation.
/// We need to sync up context values if they exist
public void Clamp()
scRgbColor.r = (scRgbColor.r < 0) ? 0 : (scRgbColor.r > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : scRgbColor.r;
scRgbColor.g = (scRgbColor.g < 0) ? 0 : (scRgbColor.g > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : scRgbColor.g;
scRgbColor.b = (scRgbColor.b < 0) ? 0 : (scRgbColor.b > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : scRgbColor.b;
scRgbColor.a = (scRgbColor.a < 0) ? 0 : (scRgbColor.a > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : scRgbColor.a;
sRgbColor.a = (byte)(scRgbColor.a * 255f);
sRgbColor.r = ScRgbTosRgb(scRgbColor.r);
sRgbColor.g = ScRgbTosRgb(scRgbColor.g);
sRgbColor.b = ScRgbTosRgb(scRgbColor.b);
//add code to check if context is null and if not null then clamp native values
/// GetNativeColorValues - return color values from color context
public float[] GetNativeColorValues()
if (context != null)
return (float[])nativeColorValue.Clone();
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Color_NullColorContext, null));
#endregion Public Methods
// Public Operators
#region Public Operators
/// Addition operator - Adds each channel of the second color to each channel of the
/// first and returns the result
public static Color operator +(Color color1, Color color2)
if (color1.context == null && color2.context == null)
Color c1 = FromScRgb(
color1.scRgbColor.a + color2.scRgbColor.a,
color1.scRgbColor.r + color2.scRgbColor.r,
color1.scRgbColor.g + color2.scRgbColor.g,
color1.scRgbColor.b + color2.scRgbColor.b);
return c1;
else if (color1.context == color2.context)
Color c1 = new Color { context = color1.context };
c1.nativeColorValue = new float[c1.context.NumChannels];
for (int i = 0; i < c1.nativeColorValue.Length; i++)
c1.nativeColorValue[i] = color1.nativeColorValue[i] + color2.nativeColorValue[i];
Color c2 = Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 0);
c2.context = new ColorContext(PixelFormats.Bgra32);
ColorTransform colorTransform = new ColorTransform(c1.context, c2.context);
Span<float> sRGBValue = stackalloc float[3];
colorTransform.Translate(c1.nativeColorValue, sRGBValue);
if (sRGBValue[0] < 0.0f)
c1.sRgbColor.r = 0;
else if (sRGBValue[0] > 1.0f)
c1.sRgbColor.r = 255;
c1.sRgbColor.r = (byte)((sRGBValue[0] * 255.0f) + 0.5f);
if (sRGBValue[1] < 0.0f)
c1.sRgbColor.g = 0;
else if (sRGBValue[1] > 1.0f)
c1.sRgbColor.g = 255;
c1.sRgbColor.g = (byte)((sRGBValue[1] * 255.0f) + 0.5f);
if (sRGBValue[2] < 0.0f)
c1.sRgbColor.b = 0;
else if (sRGBValue[2] > 1.0f)
c1.sRgbColor.b = 255;
c1.sRgbColor.b = (byte)((sRGBValue[2] * 255.0f) + 0.5f);
c1.scRgbColor.r = sRgbToScRgb(c1.sRgbColor.r);
c1.scRgbColor.g = sRgbToScRgb(c1.sRgbColor.g);
c1.scRgbColor.b = sRgbToScRgb(c1.sRgbColor.b);
c1.scRgbColor.a = color1.scRgbColor.a + color2.scRgbColor.a;
if (c1.scRgbColor.a < 0.0f)
c1.scRgbColor.a = 0.0f;
c1.sRgbColor.a = 0;
else if (c1.scRgbColor.a > 1.0f)
c1.scRgbColor.a = 1.0f;
c1.sRgbColor.a = 255;
c1.sRgbColor.a = (byte)((c1.scRgbColor.a * 255.0f) + 0.5f);
return c1;
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Color_ColorContextTypeMismatch, null));
/// Addition method - Adds each channel of the second color to each channel of the
/// first and returns the result
public static Color Add(Color color1, Color color2)
return (color1 + color2);
/// <summary>
/// Subtract operator - substracts each channel of the second color from each channel of the
/// first and returns the result
/// </summary>
/// <param name='color1'>The minuend</param>
/// <param name='color2'>The subtrahend</param>
/// <returns>Returns the unclamped differnce</returns>
public static Color operator -(Color color1, Color color2)
if (color1.context == null && color2.context == null)
Color c1 = FromScRgb(
color1.scRgbColor.a - color2.scRgbColor.a,
color1.scRgbColor.r - color2.scRgbColor.r,
color1.scRgbColor.g - color2.scRgbColor.g,
color1.scRgbColor.b - color2.scRgbColor.b
return c1;
else if (color1.context == null || color2.context == null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Color_ColorContextTypeMismatch, null));
else if (color1.context == color2.context)
Color c1 = new Color { context = color1.context };
c1.nativeColorValue = new float[c1.context.NumChannels];
for (int i = 0; i < c1.nativeColorValue.Length; i++)
c1.nativeColorValue[i] = color1.nativeColorValue[i] - color2.nativeColorValue[i];
Color c2 = Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 0);
c2.context = new ColorContext(PixelFormats.Bgra32);
ColorTransform colorTransform = new ColorTransform(c1.context, c2.context);
Span<float> sRGBValue = stackalloc float[3];
colorTransform.Translate(c1.nativeColorValue, sRGBValue);
if (sRGBValue[0] < 0.0f)
c1.sRgbColor.r = 0;
else if (sRGBValue[0] > 1.0f)
c1.sRgbColor.r = 255;
c1.sRgbColor.r = (byte)((sRGBValue[0] * 255.0f) + 0.5f);
if (sRGBValue[1] < 0.0f)
c1.sRgbColor.g = 0;
else if (sRGBValue[1] > 1.0f)
c1.sRgbColor.g = 255;
c1.sRgbColor.g = (byte)((sRGBValue[1] * 255.0f) + 0.5f);
if (sRGBValue[2] < 0.0f)
c1.sRgbColor.b = 0;
else if (sRGBValue[2] > 1.0f)
c1.sRgbColor.b = 255;
c1.sRgbColor.b = (byte)((sRGBValue[2] * 255.0f) + 0.5f);
c1.scRgbColor.r = sRgbToScRgb(c1.sRgbColor.r);
c1.scRgbColor.g = sRgbToScRgb(c1.sRgbColor.g);
c1.scRgbColor.b = sRgbToScRgb(c1.sRgbColor.b);
c1.scRgbColor.a = color1.scRgbColor.a - color2.scRgbColor.a;
if (c1.scRgbColor.a < 0.0f)
c1.scRgbColor.a = 0.0f;
c1.sRgbColor.a = 0;
else if (c1.scRgbColor.a > 1.0f)
c1.scRgbColor.a = 1.0f;
c1.sRgbColor.a = 255;
c1.sRgbColor.a = (byte)((c1.scRgbColor.a * 255.0f) + 0.5f);
return c1;
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Color_ColorContextTypeMismatch, null));
/// Subtract method - subtracts each channel of the second color from each channel of the
/// first and returns the result
public static Color Subtract(Color color1, Color color2)
return (color1 - color2);
/// <summary>
/// Multiplication operator - Multiplies each channel of the color by a coefficient and returns the result
/// </summary>
/// <param name='color'>The color</param>
/// <param name='coefficient'>The coefficient</param>
/// <returns>Returns the unclamped product</returns>
public static Color operator *(Color color, float coefficient)
Color c1 = FromScRgb(color.scRgbColor.a * coefficient, color.scRgbColor.r * coefficient, color.scRgbColor.g * coefficient, color.scRgbColor.b * coefficient);
if (color.context == null)
return c1;
c1.context = color.context;
return c1;
/// Multiplication method - Multiplies each channel of the color by a coefficient and returns the result
public static Color Multiply(Color color, float coefficient)
return (color * coefficient);
/// Equality method for two colors - return true of colors are equal, otherwise returns false
public static bool Equals(Color color1, Color color2)
return (color1 == color2);
/// <summary>
/// Compares two colors for exact equality. Note that float values can acquire error
/// when operated upon, such that an exact comparison between two values which are logically
/// equal may fail. see cref="AreClose" for a "fuzzy" version of this comparison.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='color'>The color to compare to "this"</param>
/// <returns>Whether or not the two colors are equal</returns>
public bool Equals(Color color)
return this == color;
/// <summary>
/// Compares two colors for exact equality. Note that float values can acquire error
/// when operated upon, such that an exact comparison between two vEquals(color);alues which are logically
/// equal may fail. see cref="AreClose" for a "fuzzy" version of this comparison.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='o'>The object to compare to "this"</param>
/// <returns>Whether or not the two colors are equal</returns>
public override bool Equals(object o)
if (o is Color color)
return (this == color);
return false;
/// IsEqual operator - Compares two colors for exact equality. Note that float values can acquire error
/// when operated upon, such that an exact comparison between two values which are logically
/// equal may fail. see cref="AreClose".
public static bool operator ==(Color color1, Color color2)
if (color1.context == null && color2.context == null)
if (color1.scRgbColor.r != color2.scRgbColor.r)
return false;
if (color1.scRgbColor.g != color2.scRgbColor.g)
return false;
if (color1.scRgbColor.b != color2.scRgbColor.b)
return false;
if (color1.scRgbColor.a != color2.scRgbColor.a)
return false;
return true;
else if (color1.context == null || color2.context == null)
return false;
else if (color1.context.ColorSpaceFamily == color2.context.ColorSpaceFamily)
if (color1.nativeColorValue == null && color2.nativeColorValue == null)
return true;
if (color1.nativeColorValue == null || color2.nativeColorValue == null)
return false;
if (color1.nativeColorValue.Length != color2.nativeColorValue.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < color1.nativeColorValue.Length; i++)
if (color1.nativeColorValue[i] != color2.nativeColorValue[i])
return false;
if (color1.scRgbColor.a != color2.scRgbColor.a)
return false;
return true;
return false;
/// !=
public static bool operator !=(Color color1, Color color2)
return (!(color1 == color2));
#endregion Public Operators
// Public Properties
#region Public Properties
/// ColorContext
public ColorContext ColorContext
return context;
/// A
public byte A
return sRgbColor.a;
scRgbColor.a = (float)value / 255.0f;
sRgbColor.a = value;
/// <value>The Red channel as a byte whose range is [0..255].
/// the value is not allowed to be out of range</value>
/// <summary>
/// R
/// </summary>
public byte R
return sRgbColor.r;
if (context == null || (context.ColorSpaceFamily == ColorContext.StandardColorSpace.Srgb) || (context.ColorSpaceFamily == ColorContext.StandardColorSpace.ScRgb))
scRgbColor.r = sRgbToScRgb(value);
sRgbColor.r = value;
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Color_ColorContextNotsRGB_or_scRGB, null));
///<value>The Green channel as a byte whose range is [0..255].
/// the value is not allowed to be out of range</value><summary>
/// G
public byte G
return sRgbColor.g;
if (context == null || (context.ColorSpaceFamily == ColorContext.StandardColorSpace.Srgb) || (context.ColorSpaceFamily == ColorContext.StandardColorSpace.ScRgb))
scRgbColor.g = sRgbToScRgb(value);
sRgbColor.g = value;
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Color_ColorContextNotsRGB_or_scRGB, null));
///<value>The Blue channel as a byte whose range is [0..255].
/// the value is not allowed to be out of range</value><summary>
/// B
public byte B
return sRgbColor.b;
if (context == null || (context.ColorSpaceFamily == ColorContext.StandardColorSpace.Srgb) || (context.ColorSpaceFamily == ColorContext.StandardColorSpace.ScRgb))
scRgbColor.b = sRgbToScRgb(value);
sRgbColor.b = value;
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Color_ColorContextNotsRGB_or_scRGB, null));
///<value>The Alpha channel as a float whose range is [0..1].
/// the value is allowed to be out of range</value><summary>
/// ScA
public float ScA
return scRgbColor.a;
scRgbColor.a = value;
if (value < 0.0f)
sRgbColor.a = 0;
else if (value > 1.0f)
sRgbColor.a = (byte)255;
sRgbColor.a = (byte)(value * 255f);
///<value>The Red channel as a float whose range is [0..1].
/// the value is allowed to be out of range</value>
/// ScR
public float ScR
return scRgbColor.r;
// throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Color_ColorContextNotsRgb_or_ScRgb, null));
if (context == null || (context.ColorSpaceFamily == ColorContext.StandardColorSpace.Srgb) || (context.ColorSpaceFamily == ColorContext.StandardColorSpace.ScRgb))
scRgbColor.r = value;
sRgbColor.r = ScRgbTosRgb(value);
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Color_ColorContextNotsRGB_or_scRGB, null));
///<value>The Green channel as a float whose range is [0..1].
/// the value is allowed to be out of range</value><summary>
/// ScG
public float ScG
return scRgbColor.g;
// throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Color_ColorContextNotsRgb_or_ScRgb, null));
if (context == null || (context.ColorSpaceFamily == ColorContext.StandardColorSpace.Srgb) || (context.ColorSpaceFamily == ColorContext.StandardColorSpace.ScRgb))
scRgbColor.g = value;
sRgbColor.g = ScRgbTosRgb(value);
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Color_ColorContextNotsRGB_or_scRGB, null));
///<value>The Blue channel as a float whose range is [0..1].
/// the value is allowed to be out of range</value><summary>
/// ScB
public float ScB
return scRgbColor.b;
// throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Color_ColorContextNotsRgb_or_ScRgb, null));
if (context == null || (context.ColorSpaceFamily == ColorContext.StandardColorSpace.Srgb) || (context.ColorSpaceFamily == ColorContext.StandardColorSpace.ScRgb))
scRgbColor.b = value;
sRgbColor.b = ScRgbTosRgb(value);
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Color_ColorContextNotsRGB_or_scRGB, null));
#endregion Public Properties
// Public Events
// Public Events
// Protected Methods
// Internal Properties
// Internal Events
// Internal Methods
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
/// private helper function to set context values from a color value with a set context and ScRgb values
private static float sRgbToScRgb(byte bval)
float val = ((float)bval / 255.0f);
if (!(val > 0.0)) // Handles NaN case too. (Though, NaN isn't actually
// possible in this case.)
return (0.0f);
else if (val <= 0.04045)
return (val / 12.92f);
else if (val < 1.0f)
return (float)Math.Pow(((double)val + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
return (1.0f);
/// private helper function to set context values from a color value with a set context and ScRgb values
private static byte ScRgbTosRgb(float val)
if (!(val > 0.0)) // Handles NaN case too
return (0);
else if (val <= 0.0031308)
return ((byte)((255.0f * val * 12.92f) + 0.5f));
else if (val < 1.0)
return ((byte)((255.0f * ((1.055f * (float)Math.Pow((double)val, (1.0 / 2.4))) - 0.055f)) + 0.5f));
return (255);
/// private helper function to set context values from a color value with a set context and ScRgb values
private void ComputeScRgbValues()
if (this.context != null)
Color c2 = Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 0);
c2.context = new ColorContext(PixelFormats.Bgra32);
ColorTransform colorTransform = new ColorTransform(this.context, c2.context);
Span<float> scRGBValue = stackalloc float[3];
colorTransform.Translate(this.nativeColorValue, scRGBValue);
this.scRgbColor.r = sRgbToScRgb((byte)((255.0f * scRGBValue[0]) + 0.5f));
this.scRgbColor.g = sRgbToScRgb((byte)((255.0f * scRGBValue[1]) + 0.5f));
this.scRgbColor.b = sRgbToScRgb((byte)((255.0f * scRGBValue[2]) + 0.5f));
private void ComputeNativeValues(int numChannels)
this.nativeColorValue = new float[numChannels];
if (this.nativeColorValue.Length > 0)
Span<float> sRGBValue = [this.sRgbColor.r / 255.0f, this.sRgbColor.g / 255.0f, this.sRgbColor.b / 255.0f];
ColorTransform colorTransform = new ColorTransform(this.context, new ColorContext(PixelFormats.Bgra32));
colorTransform.Translate(sRGBValue, this.nativeColorValue);
#endregion Private Methods
// Private Properties
// Private Events
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
ColorContext context;
private struct MILColorF // this structure is the "milrendertypes.h" structure and should be identical for performance
public float a, r, g, b;
public override int GetHashCode()
return a.GetHashCode() ^ r.GetHashCode() ^ g.GetHashCode() ^ b.GetHashCode();
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return base.Equals(obj);
private MILColorF scRgbColor;
private struct MILColor
public byte a, r, g, b;
private MILColor sRgbColor;
private float[] nativeColorValue;
private bool isFromScRgb;
private const string c_scRgbFormat = "R";
#endregion Private Fields